Fee Schedule 2023-24 - 0

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Guildhall School of Music & Drama

Fee schedule 2023/24

The tuition fees are for the listed academic year, subsequent years of study whether full or part-time will be charged at the rate for that year except where
indicated. For regulated Home undergraduate fees, the School will charge the maximum fee permitted by the government for that year. All other tuition fee
levels are set by the School’s Board of Governors at least a year in advance and may reflect the inflation rate at the time of approval and any significant changes
in the cost of delivery (e.g. utility costs) where relevant. You should budget for a minimum annual increase of 2% to 3%. Where a significant increase above the
inflation rate is determined for new entrants, transitional tuition fees may apply for continuing students.
For new entrants, a non-refundable 15% deposit of tuition fees due is required by 15th July 2023 (if applicable).


Programme Pathway Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
Bachelor of Music £9,250 £9,250 £9,250 £9,250
Production Arts £9,250 £9,250 £9,250
Video Design for Live Performance £9,250 £9,250 £9,250
Bachelor of Arts
Digital Design & Production £9,250 £9,250 £9,250
Acting £9,250 £9,250 £9,250
Collaborative Theatre & Design £11,005 £10,495
Music Therapy (year 1 - long, year 2 - standard) £11,005 £7,000
Master of Arts
Opera Making & Writing £11,005 £10,495
Acting £9,250
One year only - 60 credits £3,770
Postgraduate Certificate in
Two years, year one - 40 credits £3,025
Performance Teaching
Two years, year two - 20 credits £1,435
Opera £12,595 £12,010
Artist Diploma
All other pathways £7,340 £7,000
Guildhall Artist Masters Advanced Instrumental Studies, Vocal Studies, Chamber Music, Piano
Programme, Graduate Accompaniment, Jazz and Historical Performance Practice,
Certificate Composition £7,340
Opera Studies £12,595 £12,010
Guildhall Artist Masters
Vocal Studies (inc Historical Performance Vocal) £11,640 £11,105 £8,150 £7,770
Programme Part 1 & 2 (Part 2
Repetiteur, Piano Accompanist, Harpsichordist £7,340 £7,000
full time only)
All other pathways £11,005 £10,495 £7,340 £7,000
PT Year 4 fee also applies to PT Year 5 and PT Year 6 £6,810 £6,494 £6,494 £6,494 £4,080 £3,893 £3,893 £3,893
Research Degrees
Writing up (year 4 only, per term, max three terms) £1,045 £1,045
Opera £12,595 £12,010
Advanced Certificate Repetiteur, Piano Accompanist or Harpsichordist £7,340 £7,000
All other pathways £15,595 £14,873 £10,345 £9,867
Programme Pathway Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
Bachelor of Music £24,970 £23,814 £23,814 £23,814
Production Arts £24,970 £23,814 £23,814
Video Design for Live Performance £24,970 £23,814 £23,814
Bachelor of Arts
Digital Design & Production £24,970 £23,814 £23,814
Acting £23,545 £22,455 £22,455
Collaborative Theatre & Design £24,970 £23,815
Music Therapy (year 1 - long, year 2 - standard) £24,970 £15,875
Master of Arts
Opera Making & Writing £24,970 £23,814
Acting £22,455
One year only - 60 credits £3,770
Postgraduate Certificate in
Two years, year one - 40 credits £3,025
Performance Teaching
Two years, year two - 20 credits £1,435
Opera £28,690 £27,360
Artist Diploma
All other pathways £16,650 £15,875
Guildhall Artist Masters Advanced Instrumental Studies, Vocal Studies, Chamber Music, Piano
Programme, Graduate Accompaniment, Jazz and Historical Performance Practice,
Certificate Composition £16,650
Opera Studies £28,690 £27,360
Guildhall Artist Masters
Vocal Studies (inc Historical Performance vocal) £26,175 £24,962 £18,600 £17,735
Programme Part 1 & 2 (Part 2
Repetiteur, Piano Accompanist, Harpsichordist £16,650 £15,875
full time only)
All other pathways £24,970 £23,814 £16,650 £15,875
PT Year 4 fee also applies to PT Year 5 and PT Year 6 £15,465 £14,750 £14,750 £14,750 £9,300 £8,868 £8,868 £8,868
Research Degrees
Writing up (year 4 only, per term, max three terms) £1,045 £1,045
Opera £28,690 £27,360
Advanced Certificate Repetiteur, Piano Accompanist or Harpsichordist £16,650 £15,875
All other pathways £24,970 £23,814 £16,650 £15,875


AGSM (Not OfS funded) Not applicable £24,970
Short-term study programme
(Music) Not applicable £6,945
Module fee per 10 credits
(excludes Principal Study and
Second Study modules) Not applicable £595
Extra-mural per hour Not applicable £115

Returnable Library deposit Applicable to extra mural students and Guildhall Artist Junior Fellows £220

Sundial Court Halls of Residence Fee per week for residents of Sundial Court £240
Production Arts & Drama resit
fee £57
Written submission without supervision* £60
Music resit fee
Written submission with supervision £220
*denotes that this fee also Practical assessment (incl. end-of-year, keyboard musicianship, ear-
applies to deferred training, professional development projects)* £140
assessments Resit of non-PS / non second study module with attendance £600
Final recital without tuition* £210
Where an accompanist is Final recital with tuition (incorporates 10 hours of extra-mural
required the charge will be lessons) £1,400
borne by the student. Specialist instrument for final recital £85

Application fees
Music £114
Music - short term study £68
Direct entry into BMus 2
portfolio assessment fee Excluding direct entrants from Junior Guildhall £316
Drama & Production Arts £35
PG Cert £35
Doctoral Programme £35

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