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Small-Dose Ketamine Infusion Improves Postoperative

Analgesia and Rehabilitation After Total Knee Arthroplasty

Frédéric Adam, MD, Marcel Chauvin, MD, Bertrand Du Manoir, MD, Mathieu Langlois, MD,
Daniel I. Sessler, MD, and Dominique Fletcher, MD
Departments of Anesthesia and INSERM E 332, Hôpital Ambroise Pare, Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, 92100
Boulogne, France; Hôpital Raymond Poincaré, Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Paris, 92428 Garches, France; and the
Outcomes Research™ Institute and Departments of Anesthesiology and Pharmacology, University of Louisville,
Louisville, Kentucky

We designed this study to evaluate the effect of small- performed 6 wk and 3 mo after surgery. The ketamine
dose IV ketamine in combination with continuous fem- group required significantly less morphine than the
oral nerve block on postoperative pain and rehabilita- control group (45 ⫾ 20 mg versus 69 ⫾ 30 mg; P ⬍
tion after total knee arthroplasty. Continuous femoral 0.02). Patients in the ketamine group reached 90° of
nerve block was started with 0.3 mL/kg of 0.75% ropi- active knee flexion more rapidly than those in the
vacaine before surgery and continued in the surgical control group (at 7 [5–11] versus 12 [8 – 45] days, me-
ward for 48 h with 0.2% ropivacaine at a rate of dian [25%–75% interquartile range]; P ⬍ 0.03). Out-
0.1 mL · kg⫺1 · h⫺1. Patients were randomly assigned to comes at 6 wk and 3 mo were similar in each group.
receive an initial bolus of 0.5 mg/kg ketamine followed These results confirm that ketamine is a useful anal-
by a continuous infusion of 3 ␮g · kg⫺1 · min⫺1 during gesic adjuvant in perioperative multimodal analgesia
surgery and 1.5 ␮g · kg⫺1 · min⫺1 for 48 h (ketamine with a positive impact on early knee mobilization. No
group) or an equal volume of saline (control group). patient in either group reported sedation, hallucina-
Additional postoperative analgesia was provided by tions, nightmares, or diplopia, and no differences
patient-controlled IV morphine. Pain scores and mor- were noted in the incidence of nausea and vomiting
phine consumption were recorded over 48 h. The max- between the two groups.
imal degree of active knee flexion tolerated was re-
corded daily until hospital discharge. Follow-up was (Anesth Analg 2005;100:475–80)

he concept of multimodal analgesia refers to the There is a growing body of evidence that ketamine,
simultaneous use of multiple analgesic methods or a noncompetitive antagonist at NMDA receptors (3),
drugs. Because acute pain is an integrated process can facilitate postoperative pain management (4). Ket-
that is mediated by activation of numerous biochemical amine also alleviates provoked pain by preventing
and anatomical pathways (1), administration of analge- postoperative hyperalgesia (5). Furthermore, a single
sics acting on different targets is a rational postoperative intraoperative injection of 0.15 mg/kg ketamine im-
analgesic strategy. Among the receptors implicated in proves passive knee mobilization 24 hours after ar-
the nociceptive transmission, the N-methyl-d-aspartate throscopic anterior ligament repair (6) and improves
(NMDA) receptor plays a critical role in neuronal plas- postoperative functional outcome after outpatient
ticity leading to central sensitization and, therefore, in knee arthroscopy (7).
the intensity of perceived postoperative pain (2). Total knee arthroplasty generates substantial post-
operative pain. Peripheral nerve blocks produce better
Supported by National Institutes of Health Grant GM 061655 analgesia than patient-controlled IV opioids, thereby
(Bethesda, MD), the Gheens Foundation (Louisville, KY), the Joseph accelerating rehabilitation (8,9). However, continuous
Drown Foundation (Los Angeles, CA), and the Commonwealth of
Kentucky Research Challenge Trust Fund (Louisville, KY). isolated femoral nerve blocks provide insufficient an-
None of the authors has a personal financial interest in this algesia; patients given continuous femoral nerve
research. blocks alone thus usually require rescue treatment
Accepted for publication July 27, 2004.
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Marcel Chauvin,
with opioids (10,11). Combining a continuous femoral
MD, Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, 92100 Boulogne, France. Address nerve block with small-dose ketamine may be an al-
e-mail to ternative to concomitant opioid administration. The
DOI: 10.1213/01.ANE.0000142117.82241.DC benefit of adjunctive small-dose ketamine in patients

©2005 by the International Anesthesia Research Society

0003-2999/05 Anesth Analg 2005;100:475–80 475

with peripheral nerve blocks has yet to be determined. 10 –15 cm into the nerve sheaf. Patients were given
We therefore tested the hypothesis that small-dose 0.3 mL/kg ropivacaine 0.75% through the catheter.
ketamine reduces postoperative pain and speeds re- Absence of sensory response to cold in the area of the
habilitation after total knee arthroplasty in patients femoral nerve confirmed that the catheter was prop-
with a continuous femoral nerve block. erly positioned.
Anesthesia was subsequently induced with 3–5 mg/kg
thiopental, 0.3 ␮g/kg sufentanil, and 0.5 mg/kg atra-
curium. The trachea was intubated and controlled
Methods ventilation began. Anesthesia was maintained with
With approval of the local ethics committee and in- sufentanil infused at a rate of 0.15 ␮g · kg⫺1 · h⫺1,
formed consent, we studied ASA physical status I–III which was stopped when the surgeon cemented the
patients. All were scheduled to undergo elective total knee prosthesis (i.e., approximately 30 min before skin
knee arthroplasty with general anesthesia. Exclusion closure) and sevoflurane (0.6%–1.5%) in a mixture of
criteria included age younger than 18 yr or older than nitrous oxide (50%) with oxygen.
80 yr, weight exceeding 100 kg, inability to use In patients assigned to the ketamine group,
patient-controlled analgesia (PCA), contraindications 0.05 mL/kg of the blinded test solution (i.e., ketamine
to continuous femoral nerve block (i.e., coagulation 0.5 mg/kg) was given IV over 2 min just after the
defects, infection at puncture site), previous total or orotracheal intubation and before the skin incision.
unilateral knee arthroplasty, diabetes, severe respira- The initial bolus was followed by a maintenance IV
tory insufficiency, renal impairment; psychiatric dis- infusion of 3 ␮g · kg⫺1 · min⫺1 of ketamine that was
orders, chronic opioid use, and history of chronic pain continued until the patient emerged from anesthesia.
syndromes. Subsequently, the infusion rate was reduced to 1.5
Previous studies (8,9) and our own experience indi- ␮g · kg⫺1 · min⫺1 and maintained for 48 h. Patients
cate that PCA morphine use over 48 h to be 67 ⫾ allocated to the control group were given identical
30 mg (mean ⫾ sd) in patients having total knee volumes of saline.
arthroplasty and regional analgesia. Twenty patients After tracheal extubation, patients were transferred
per group thus provided an 80% power for detecting to the postanesthesia care unit (PACU). The continu-
a 40% difference in morphine consumption at an ␣ ous femoral nerve block was maintained by a contin-
level of 0.05. We thus made an a priori decision to uous infusion of 0.1 mL · kg⫺1 · h⫺1 of 0.2% ropiva-
evaluate 20 patients per group. caine. Adequacy of the femoral nerve block was
Patients were assigned randomly, in a double-blind assessed daily by evaluating the sensory response to
fashion, to one of two groups (n ⫽ 20 per group): a cold in the distribution of femoral nerve.
control group and a ketamine group. Before the study Pain was initially controlled in the PACU by titrat-
began, a random-number table was generated, speci- ing boluses of 3 mg morphine every 5 min until the
fying the group to which each patient would be as- visual analog rating scale (VAS) score was ⱕ30 mm.
signed on entry into the trial. For each patient, an Titration was stopped if the sedation score was ⬎2 or
opaque envelope containing the group assignment the respiratory rate was ⬍12 breaths per min. Addi-
was prepared, sealed, and sequentially numbered. On tionally, patients were given access to a PCA device
the morning of surgery, a nurse not involved in the set to deliver 1-mg boluses of IV morphine with a
evaluation of the patient opened the envelope and lockout period of 5 min and no background infusion
prepared two syringes: one 5 mL syringe for the bolus or limits. This PCA regimen was continued for 48 h;
dose and a 50 mL syringe for the continuous infusion no other analgesics were given.
containing either saline or 10 mg/mL of ketamine. Immediately after surgery, all patients started iden-
Moreover, at the end of the study, the nurse confirmed tical physical therapy regimens. During the initial 48 –
that the treatment matched the randomization. None 72 h postoperatively, a continuous passive motion
of the other investigators involved in patient manage- machine was used (Kinetec, Tournes, France), with a
ment and data collection was aware of the group range of motion set at levels tolerated by the patient.
assignment. In case of emergency, the anesthesiologist From the day after surgery until hospital discharge,
in charge of the patient had ready access to the infor- patients also performed assisted and active knee flex-
mation about the drugs given. ion and extension exercises against gravity.
All patients were premedicated with hydroxyzine After 48 h, PCA and continuous infusion of ket-
1–2 mg/kg orally 1–2 h before surgery. The patients amine or saline solution were discontinued and the
were taken to a preoperative block room and vital femoral catheter was removed. At this time, the
signs were monitored. Midazolam (0.025 mg/kg IV) analgesic regimen was standardized to 2 tablets of
was given for sedation. A continuous femoral nerve Di-antalvic (400 mg acetaminophen and 30 mg dex-
block was performed using the landmarks suggested tropropoxyphene; Aventis, Inc., Montrouge, France)
by Winnie et al. (12), and a catheter was advanced every 6 h and naproxen sodium 550 mg twice daily.

If the patient requested additional analgesia, subcutane- Table 1. Patient characteristics and intraoperative data
ous morphine was given at 6-h intervals. Patients stayed Control Ketamine
at least 1 wk in the surgical ward and subsequently were (n ⫽ 20) (n ⫽ 20)
admitted to a rehabilitation center.
Gender (M/F) 7/13 6/14
On the evening before surgery, patients were in- Age (yr) 69 ⫾ 6 68 ⫾ 8
structed about the use of VAS (0 –100 mm; 0 ⫽ no pain, Weight (kg) 74 ⫾ 14 71 ⫾ 10
100 ⫽ worst imaginable pain) and the PCA system Height (cm) 166 ⫾ 6 165 ⫾ 7
(Graseby 3300, Watford, UK). Pain was measured with Duration of surgery (min) 115 ⫾ 26 115 ⫾ 27
VAS before and after mobilization. The maximal de- Intraoperative sufentanil (␮g/kg) 0.64 ⫾ 0.2 0.59 ⫾ 0.2
gree of active knee flexion tolerated by each patient All values except for male/female ratio are mean ⫾ sd.
was recorded every day until hospital discharge.
The time that elapsed between the end of surgery
and the patient’s first request for analgesic medication Results
was recorded. PCA morphine requirements, pain in- Forty-two patients were randomized. One in each group
tensity, heart rate, arterial blood pressure, respiratory was excluded from the study. One excluded patient had
rate, and sedation score were recorded hourly for 4 h a postoperative hematoma that led to reoperation; the
and then every 4 h for 48 h. other had continuous femoral nerve block failure.
Potential side effects of ketamine and opioids were Twenty patients in each group thus completed the study.
recorded, including nausea, vomiting, pruritus, dys- The two groups were comparable with respect to demo-
phoria (including hallucinations and dreams), and graphic data, duration of surgery, and the intraoperative
diplopia. Nausea and vomiting were treated by IV dose of sufentanil (Table 1).
bolus of droperidol 0.5 mg. Sedation was monitored There were no statistically significant differences
using the following 4-point rating scale: 0 ⫽ patient between the two groups in the VAS score at rest and
fully awake, 1 ⫽ patient somnolent and responsive to after mobilization either during the first 48 h or at any
verbal commands, 2 ⫽ patient somnolent and respon- time thereafter until discharge. Pain was most intense
sive to tactile stimulation, 3 ⫽ patient asleep and at the first evaluation in the PACU and after mobili-
responsive to painful stimulation. zation (Fig. 1).
After 48 h, patients rated their global satisfaction on The delay before the first request for analgesics in
a 5-point verbal rating scale (0 ⫽ very dissatisfied, 1 ⫽ the PACU was similar in the groups (control group:
dissatisfied, 2 ⫽ neutral, 3 ⫽ satisfied, 4 ⫽ very satis- 9 ⫾ 7 min; ketamine group: 10 ⫾ 7 min). Morphine
fied). The number of postoperative days required to requirements in the PACU were also similar in each
group: 13 ⫾ 7 mg in the control patients and 10 ⫾
obtain 90° of active knee flexion, and the duration of
7 mg in the ketamine patients (P ⫽ 0.26). However,
hospital stay were recorded. Surgical follow-up oc-
cumulative morphine consumption over 48 postop-
curred at 6 wk and 3 mo after the procedure, at which
erative hours was significantly more in the control
time the maximal amplitude of knee flexion was
patients than in those given ketamine (69 ⫾ 30 mg
versus 45 ⫾ 20 mg; P ⬍ 0.02). Incremental morphine
Morphometric and demographic characteristics of
consumption during the first postoperative 48 h was
the patients, clinical variables, cumulative and hourly also less in the ketamine than in the control patients
doses of morphine over 48 h, and amplitude of knee (Fig. 2) (P ⬍ 0.01) with significant differences at
flexion in the ketamine and controls groups were com- 12–20 h and 28 –36 h (P ⬍ 0.03). From 48 h until
pared with unpaired, two-tailed Student’s t-test. VAS hospital discharge, supplemental morphine con-
pain intensity scores were analyzed by two-way sumption was similar in the two groups (10.0 ⫾
repeated-measures analysis of variance and post hoc 10.3 mg and 10.5 ⫾ 9.6 mg in the control and ket-
comparisons at various points in time by using Bon- amine groups, respectively).
ferroni type I error correction for multiple tests of Preoperative knee flexion was comparable in the
significance. Because maximal amplitude of knee flex- two groups; active knee flexion was also similar
ion and morphine consumption did not follow a nor- after 6 weeks (control group: 102° ⫾ 14°; ketamine
mal distribution, the Mann-Whitney U-test were used group: 104° ⫾ 14°) and 3 mo (control group: 106° ⫾
to compare these two outcomes. The number of days 16°; ketamine group: 112° ⫾ 11°). However, maxi-
required to obtain 90° of active knee flexion in each mal active knee flexion was significantly greater in
group was compared with a log-rank test. ␹2 tests the ketamine than in the control group during the
were used to compare the incidence of side effects and first 7 postoperative days (Fig. 3) (P ⬍ 0.02), with
global satisfaction. Results are expressed as mean ⫾ sd significant differences on days 6 and 7 (P ⬍ 0.02).
or median and 25th–75th percentile ranges; P ⬍ 0.05 The time required to reach 90° of active knee flexion
was considered statistically significant. was significantly shorter in the ketamine than in the

Figure 1. Visual analog pain scores (VAS) dur-

ing the initial 48 postoperative hours and be-
fore and after rehabilitative therapy on days 1
and 2. Results are presented as mean ⫾ sd.

Figure 2. Incremental postoperative mor-

phine consumption during the initial 48 post-
operative hours was significantly less in pa-
tients given ketamine than in those given
saline (P ⬍ 0.01). Asterisks indicate statisti-
cally significant differences between the
groups (*P ⬍ 0.03). Results are presented as
mean ⫾ sd.

control group (7 [5–11] versus 12 [8 – 45] days, me- However, isolated femoral block provides incomplete
dian [25%–75% interquartile range]; P ⬍ 0.03) (Fig. postoperative analgesia because sensory innervation of
4). the knee is also derived from the obturator, lateral fem-
Nausea and vomiting requiring treatment occurred oral cutaneous, and sciatic nerves. Our primary result is
at similar rates in each group (3 and 2 patients in the that simply adding an infusion of small-dose ketamine
control and ketamine groups, respectively). No pa- intraoperatively and for 48 postoperative hours reduced
tient in either group reported sedation, hallucinations, morphine requirement by 35% and allowed faster post-
nightmares, or diplopia. Seventy percent of the pa- operative knee rehabilitation.
tients in the control group and 75% in the ketamine There are three possible explanations for this bene-
group were satisfied or very satisfied with their sur- ficial effect of ketamine. The first is that there is an
geries. The duration of hospital stay was similar in interaction between ketamine and the femoral block,
each group, with the average for all patients being 11 peripherally. Peripheral ionotropic glutamate recep-
⫾ 3 days. tors, such as NMDA receptors, have been identified on
peripheral nerve fibers (13), and their number may
increase during inflammation (14). However, al-
Discussion though a peripheral analgesic effect of ketamine has
Continuous femoral nerve blocks are considered the an- been suggested (15), evidence for such an effect re-
algesic technique of choice after open-knee surgery (8,9). mains controversial despite local administration (16).

nociceptive system, which is at least in part mediated

by activation of NMDA receptors (2). In rats, NMDA
receptors are recruited by inflammation and NMDA
receptor antagonists are more effective when the in-
flammatory reaction is intense (21). Total knee arthro-
plasty elicits a substantial inflammatory response dur-
ing the first two or three postoperative days (22),
possibly recruiting NMDA receptors. It is therefore
likely that the beneficial effect of ketamine we ob-
served results at least in part because the drug pre-
vents development of neuronal hyperexcitability.
These preventive effects of ketamine on central sensi-
Figure 3. Maximal active knee flexion obtained daily during the first
week, at 6 wk, and at 3 mo in each group. The maximal amplitude
tization may explain the long-lasting postoperative
of knee flexion reached over the first 7 days after surgery was analgesia, extending well beyond the administration
significantly greater in the ketamine group than in the control group period. These current data are consistent with previ-
(P ⬍ 0.02). No significant differences were noted for active knee ous reports (5–7,23). However, complementary inves-
flexion values between the 2 groups at the 6 wk and 3 mo exami-
nations. Asterisks indicate statistically significant differences be- tigations are necessary to clarify the underlying mech-
tween the groups (*P ⬍ 0.02). Data are expressed in degrees as mean anisms of this prolonged analgesic effect of ketamine.
⫾ sd. Nitrous oxide, used in the present anesthetic regi-
men, might have enhanced NMDA receptor inhibition
by ketamine because nitrous oxide was also reported
to exert NMDA antagonist properties (24). However,
it is unlikely that nitrous oxide confounded our re-
sults, as it was also present in the control group.
The most important information obtained from
our study is that continuous IV ketamine allowed an
improvement in active knee flexion during the first
week after surgery and a shorter recovery to 90°
knee flexion. Our results are consistent with previ-
ous studies that indicate a beneficial effect of ket-
amine during mobilization after orthopedic surgery
(6,7). Ketamine did not improve VAS scores; this is
unsurprising and simply indicates that patients in
both groups used PCA correctly to obtain adequate
comparable analgesia. Similarly, the ketamine group
Figure 4. Number of days required to obtain 90° of active knee flexion
plotted on semi-logarithmic scale. The log-rank curves representing the did not have less pain on movement during physical
two groups studied differed significantly with P ⬍ 0.03. therapy sessions. However, the maximal degree of
active knee flexion tolerated by the patient was greater
The importance of peripheral NMDA receptors could in the ketamine group, indicating that the drug was an
be evaluated with peripherally restricted antagonists, effective adjunct.
but none is currently available for human use. Despite the shorter delay to obtain 90° of active knee
A second possibility is an interaction between ket- flexion in the ketamine patients, the duration of hos-
amine and morphine. In animals, the concomitant ad- pital stay was comparable in the two groups The
ministration of ketamine and morphine results in a primary reason is that, in our system, discharge timing
synergistic analgesic effect (17). These two classes of depends largely on rehabilitation center availability
analgesics act at different targets (18). Furthermore, rather than surgical recovery per se. Similarly, no
animal studies indicate that activation of NMDA re- differences were observed between the two groups
ceptors by opiates mediates tolerance to opioids (19) in active knee flexion at 6 weeks and 3 months. This
and that tolerance is thus attenuated by NMDA recep- simply indicates that, as expected, most patients
tor antagonists, including ketamine (20). In our study, had reached functional recuperation at 6 weeks (9).
the reduction of morphine requirements in the ket- Moreover, as previously reported, benefits on early
amine group may thus have resulted from attenuation postoperative functional rehabilitation do not affect
of acute tolerance to opioids. long-term outcome (8).
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