Enga11 Unit1 Test 1a

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The environment Test

Name Surname Class: 11th Evaluation %

Date , 20 Muito Bom Bom Suficiente

Signatures / Insuficiente Muito Insuficiente

(Teacher) (Parent/E.E.)

Part A: Listening

Listen to a news report about how otters can fight climate change and write True
(T) or False (F).
a. The number of sea otters has slowly been decreasing since the 19th Century.
b. These mammals can help prevent climate change.
c. This furry animal has got up to 14,000 hairs on each square centimetre of its body.
d. Brent Hughes is an environmentalist who advocates for the protection of coastal habitats.
e. Some useful strategies for bringing back these mammals are being explored.


2 Listen to the interview and complete the table.

a. Critical issues the world is facing:
, rising inequality, hate and
intolerance, peace and security.
b. Solution for these problems:
c. Importance of the youth summit:
to on governments and other
d. Summit being held the day after:

e. Requirements needed to defeat climate change:

to be in 2050 and reduce its
emissions during the next decade.
Part B: Reading

Read the text attentively.

UN Climate Summit ends with a new

pledge1 to combat climate change
5 On November 13, 2021, diplomats from nearly 200 countries
vowed2 to step up their efforts to slow global warming. The
Glasgow Climate Pact, signed at the United Nations Climate
Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow, Scotland, was not as
1 far-reaching as many had hoped. However, there was a clear
consensus about the urgency to take action to prevent a catastrophic rise in global temperatures.

The agreement’s highlights include a pledge to reduce global methane emissions by 30 percent in the
next ten years. More than 100 world leaders – from countries representing over 90 percent of the
5 world’s forests – also agreed to cease3 and reverse deforestation by 2030.

For the first time at a COP conference, 40 countries made an explicit promise to cut down the use of
coal. However, environmentalists were disappointed by India and China’s demand that the agreement
2 call for “phasing down”, rather than “phasing out”. This fossil fuel is responsible for 40 percent of the
world's annual carbon dioxide emissions.

The US and the European Union promised to reach net-zero emissions by 2050, which means
achieving a balance so no greenhouse gases are added to the atmosphere. China and India vowed
5 to do the same by 260 and 2070, respectively. The Glasgow Climate Pact also requires countries to
announce more substantial pledges and outline concrete plans on how to achieve the goals at the
climate change conference in Egypt in 2022.

Experts at the Climate Action Tracker estimate that if all countries

keep their pledges under the new agreement, we could possibly
limit global warming to 1.8 degrees Celsius by 2100. Though
higher than the 1.5 degrees Celsius limit scientists are advocating,
it is better than the 2.7 degrees Celsius of warming the planet is
currently heading towards.

“Countries still don’t seem to understand that we’re in an

emergency situation and we need to cut emissions much faster this
decade, or else any hope of staying at 1.5 degrees will be lost,”
said Niklas Höhne, a German climatologist and founding partner of
NewClimate Institute, which created the Climate Action Tracker.

Adapted from: www.dogonews.com

1 Re-read the text and choose the correct option.

a. The Glasgow Climate Pact, signed at the COP26, … a great impact as many people expected.
1. didn’t have 2. had 3. is having
b. The leaders at the COP agreed to stop and reverse… by 2030.
1. climate change 2. deforestation 3. methane emissions
c. Environmentalists were … by India and China’s request not to reduce the use of coal.
1. disappointed 2. surprised 3. pleased
d. The US and the European Union… to reach net-zero emissions by 2050.
1. hoped 2. estimated 3. promised
e. Experts believe that if all the countries keep their promises, global warming can be limited to….
1. 1.8 degrees Celsius 2. 1.5 degrees Celsius 3. 2.7 degrees Celsius

2 Complete the sentences according to the text.

a. At COP26, diplomats from different countries pledged to .
b. Coal is responsible for .
c. The climatologist Niklas Höhne believes that countries need to .

3 Find the words in the text for the following explanations.

a. widespread. (paragraph 1)
b. a serious or formal promise. (paragraph 2)
c. clear and exact. (paragraph 3)
d. the balance between the amount of greenhouse gas produced and the amount removed from the
atmosphere. (paragraph 4)
e. publicly supporting or suggesting an idea. (paragraph 5)
f. establishing or starting a particular institution or organisation. (paragraph 6)

Part C: Use of English


1 Match the words with their definitions.

a. Capable of being decomposed by
bacteria or other living organisms.
b. The total amount of greenhouse gas 1. biodiversity
emissions caused by an individual or an 2. tornado
3. overpopulation
c. A narrow, violently rotating column of air
that extends from a thunderstorm to the 4. greenhouse effect
ground. 5. carbon footprint
d. The variety of plant and animal life in a 6. biodegradable
particular habitat.
e. The problem caused by an increased
quantity of gases in the air.
f. When the human population exceeds
Earth’s sustainability.

2 Complete the sentences with a word in the box. There is one word that you don’t need.

wildfire * irretrievable damage * toxic waste *

food waste desertification * resource depletion *
global warming

a. To avoid many restaurants contact Refood®.

b. Due to , it seems we don’t have four seasons anymore.
c. A is an unplanned and uncontrolled fire in an area of combustible vegetation.
d. can harm people, animals and plants, whether it ends up on the ground, in
streams or even in the air.
e. is a consequence of excessive fishing, mining and water usage.
f. Höhne believes that, unless we cut down on emissions, there will be from
climate change.

1 /6
Circle the correct answer.
a. Since COP26 politicians had agreed / have agreed to curb global temperatures.
b. Countries also pledged / have pledged to reduce the use of fossil fuels which was / has been
responsible for half of the CO2 emissions for many years.
c. The extreme weather events in 2021 caused / have caused human losses and destruction.
d. Recently, some devastating climate disasters raised / have raised great concern among
scientists as they became / have become increasingly devastating.

2 /12
Fill in the blanks with the suitable verb form.
a. Scientists (list / recently) sea otters as endangered mammals.
b. Höhne (write) an essay about the need of reducing CO2 emissions the whole day.
c. He (collect) data before he started to write.
d. Höhne (just / finish) his paper for the National Geographic Magazine.

3 /16
Complete the following sentences with the modal verbs in the box. Two are not used.

would * mustn’t * will * must * can * might * may * shall

a. Friends of the Sea Otter are going to promote a demonstration. you join them?
b. People hunt these adorable sea creatures because they are in danger of extinction.
c. we volunteer for Friends of the Sea Otter?
d. you help Defenders of the Wildlife if you could?
e. Is that fog? No, it’s smog, so the atmosphere be pretty much polluted.
f. I help you create a custom hashtag #Saveseaotters for Instagram?

4 /18
Rewrite the sentences below without changing the meaning of the original
sentence. Use the words given.
a. Despite escalating pollution, people continue to pollute the planet. (although)

b. This NGO didn’t reach its goal because the media didn’t cover the campaign. (could)

c. Due to illegal hunting, sea otters are becoming extinct. (wish)

d. This is the noisiest protest they’ve ever taken part in. (never)

e. Brent Hughes wishes that people preserved sea otters. (would)

f. These aren’t very good measures for the environment. (if only)

Part D: Writing

Write an argumentative essay (about 150-180 words) on ONE of the following topics.
1. Should all cars be electric? 2. Should everyone use public transport to minimise pollution?

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