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5 READING a Read the article once, What isthe writer's opinion of Photoshoppin, 1 Publishers should be able to use it as much asthey want to. 2 Publishers should be able ro use icaliedle. — (Z) 3. Publishers shouldn't be able to use itat all. J b Readthea 1 According tothe article, publishers use Photoshopping to make people look. @as goods possible. b asinteresting as possible. € asthinas possible 2 The article says that Photoshopped images have abad effect on. a. gil ofall ages. by young teenagers. ©allkinds of people 3 The new program gives. ratingof I toan, image with le again and choose the correct answers a. no Photoshopping alittle Photoshopping. © alot of Photoshopping 4 People complained about the Rachel Weise ad because @ iemade her look a lor younger than she's. it showed the actress 3s she really is € itused an image ofa different actress. 5. The people who will benef most fromthe new rool are. a advertisers @ consumers publishers © Lookat he highlighted words and pheases. What do you think they mean? Use your dictionary tolook up their meaning and pronunciation d_ Complete the sentences with one of the highlighted words or phrases. 1 Our neighbors are_relying onus to water their plants while they're away ial rights groups want experiments on animalsto be banned 3 We're_allefog that we arrive on Thursday instead of Sarurday 4 teant_figece ___od__ how to download this program. 5 In general. the older you get, the more tutiokles 6 Inmostcountries. movies are g toshow which age group they are suitable for. ‘our vacation plans so |< how much is too much? * ; Today, itis normal for magazines te show pictures of models and Celebrites that have been “Photoshopped This means that kd #. the original photos have been changed on acomputer using Photoshop? software to make them look better. The beautiful [4 © peoptein the photograpts have perfect skin, no fat on their ‘stomachs, and no wrinkles on their faces. They ook so perfect [] E)and beaut thar what we see cantbe eat Bu some pushers ‘and advertisers insist that Photoshopping is necessary so that celebrities and madels always ook thei best. (nthe other hand, heath organizations have warned that digtally altering photographs may be dangerous. They say Photoshopped Images ae not realistic. and may have anegative effect on people, = Psychologists agree withthe heath organizations. They say some ‘people ry so hard to look like te pictures in magazines that they get ‘Sik In some cases, they want tobe as thin asthe models and so they stop eating eneugh. when they ralze that ts impossible to look so ‘good, they get depressed. This doesnt only happen to young gis ‘bu itcanhappen to people of ll ages. So what can be done to keep ‘everybody happy? Two researchers at Dartmouth Univesity in New Hampshie, think they have found the answer. Professor Hany Farid and Doctor Eric Klee have developed 3 ‘computer program that can detect how much Photoshopping has been [used on animage. Ther software gives a rating from 1 to Sto the image~1 fora few changes. ane 5 for alot of changes. Farid and Klee's ea is that publishers include the ating next to the image. That way, consumes wilbe able to figurecut how realistic the image is. [News of Farid and Klees system has come outat the same time as people have startad criticizing the use of Photoshopping, They say that someadvertsers ae gong to fa witht. Recently, the actress Rache! Weisz appeared in an a for an anti-aging beauty cream. Inthe a, Ms. Weisz looked ike a teenager —in fact, she's in her eatly forties [There were alot of complaints about the image andthe ad was eventually Banned. Farid and Klee's system could solve two problems [J atthesame time Fist itweuldsene asad of hath waring for consumers, and second it may stop advertisers trom relying on Photoshopping so much USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES. Learn these words and phrases, aot Ee =I stage steu goviral gous achieve 91) grow up dye (hair) do judge (vb) ts vieally important m carefree hor setanexample set o P sample igen IN Gap mes

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