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Digital Technologies
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Digital Technologies
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Create an app-based game to entertain yourselves whilst travelling. Remember to be creative and design an engaging
game that will help pass the time.
Some suggestions:

 20 questions
 Choose your own adventure Everyone should
 Trivia
learn how to code it
 Part of your code must have a repeating loop (iteration)
teaches you how to
 Your code must be able to be modified think.
 You must have a varied input within your coding
 You must also have branching functions within your coding
-Steve Jobs
Initial ideas:


Investigate problems and opportunities considering function, economic, environmental, social, technical and/or usability

D&P constraints.

› designs algorithms for digital solutions and implements them in a general-purpose programming language TE4-4DP

 implement and modify programs involving branching, iteration and functions in a general-purpose programming language, for example: (ACTDIP030) CT
– microcontroller
– robotics
– app development
 implement a functioning user interface, for example: (ACTDIP030)
– indicator LEDs on a microcontroller

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Digital Technologies
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You need to develop a criteria list to evaluate whether your design is a success. Correct
spelling and grammar are also requirements.

Criteria How I will evaluate my design as a success





Cyber Safety


D&P develop criteria to evaluate design ideas, processes and solutions.

 develop criteria to evaluate design ideas, processes and solutions, the functionality, aesthetics and a range of constraints, e.g. accessibility, cultural,
economic, resources, safety, social, sustainability, technical (ACTDEP038, ACTDIP027, ACTDIP031) DT ST

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Digital Technologies
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Submit your favourite game app concept with your initial idea annotations.
You are to evaluate the following apps. You must question the purpose of the app, why does the app exist? What need does it
meet? You are then to review the app out 5 stars, how many stars would you give it in terms of function and usability (5
stars=most). Finally identify what future Risks this app could face.

Evaluate Make a judgement based on
criteria; determine the value of.

Future Risks:
Future Risks:

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Future Risks:

Future Risks:

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Future Risks:

Future Risks:

D&P question and review existing products, processes and systems as they consider the future needs of society.

 develop criteria to evaluate design ideas, processes and solutions, the functionality, aesthetics and a range of constraints, e.g. accessibility, cultural,
economic, resources, safety, social, sustainability, technical (ACTDEP038, ACTDIP027, ACTDIP031) DT ST

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Digital Technologies
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A wireframe is a visual guide
that represents the visual
layout or framework in
order. This is widely used in
website and app
In the mobile phone screens below you are to sketch out and annotate what each screen of your app/game will look like. This includes functional
requirements such as buttons the user will be required to click on as well as the look (aesthetic) of each screen.
Things to consider include a home page for your app (the first screen the user will see), you may require a screen explaining the rules of the game.
Other screens may include a try again and congratulations screen or a point scoring screen. Annotate: Add notes to (a
text or diagram) giving
explanation or comment

1 2 3 4

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95 10
6 117 12

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In the spaces provided below insert screenshots of your different graphic designed wireframes from Canva. A4 posters are an ideal layout size. Things
like your home screen, game screen, try again and you won screen should be included below.

› plans and manages the production of designed solutions TE4-2DP

 design the user experience of a digital solution, generating, evaluating and communicating alternative ideas (ACTDEP036, ACTDIP028, ACTDIP032) CT DT

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Attempt to click the


Did I hit the


Yes No

Success Sound Lose 1 life

Score increases by 1

Have I hit the Have I lost 3

flag 10 times? lives?

Yes No Yes No

You won Try Again

D&P develop, test and communicate design ideas using appropriate technical terms and technologies
› designs algorithms for digital solutions and implements them in a general-purpose programming language TE4-4DP

Technology Mandatory ~ 2017 Syllabus

design algorithms that use a range
All rights reserved of dataTeacher
Copyright: types, Professional
branching Development
and iteration and represent them diagrammatically
11 and in English
Digital Technologies (ACTDIP029) CT DT
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Repetition of a process in computer programming where a repeated cycle builds Boolean is an algebra expression used to create true or false statements within
towards a desired result. computer programming.

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Digital Technologies
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› designs algorithms for digital solutions and implements them in a general-purpose programming
language TE4-4DP

D&P develop, test and communicate design ideas using appropriate technical terms and technologies  design algorithms that use a range of data types, branching and iteration and represent them
diagrammatically and in English (ACTDIP029) CT DT

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Digital Technologies
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Create a branching algorithm for your own coding in your app/game.

D&P develop, test and communicate design ideas using appropriate technical terms and technologies
› designs algorithms for digital solutions and implements them in a general-purpose programming language TE4-4DP

 design algorithms that use a range of data types, branching and iteration and represent them diagrammatically and in English (ACTDIP029) CT
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Annotate: Add notes to (a text or diagram) giving
Follow the directions below: explanation or comment

1. Access the challenge in App Lab via the link:

_IUmgmZqjdGQ 185
2. Click the “View Code” button
3. Click the “Remix” button
4. Complete the 3 tasks given in the code section
5. Then screenshot your code and justify through your annotations below explaining what the code is
doing in its most basic form.

Justify: Support an argument or conclusion.

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Investigate, select and justify the use of a
range of tools, materials, components,
equipment and processes.

Design and represent algorithms and steps

for the development of design solutions.

› designs algorithms for digital solutions and

implements them in a general-purpose
programming language TE4-4DP

 implement and modify programs involving

branching, iteration and functions in a general-
purpose programming language, for example:
– microcontroller
– robotics
– app development

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Complete the safety rules below with your teacher for using and storing your
technological equipment.
safely use a range of tools, materials, components, equipment and processes in the production of design solutions.

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Digital Technologies
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The user experience (UX) of a game app is very important. It can mean the difference between great
success in the market and no one noticing the app at all.
What do you think makes the user experience of a game app enjoyable?

“Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.”
~ Steve Jobs
Questions to consider:
What is the user using my app for?
What can I do to improve how my app functions?
Can I minimise the number of steps or make my app simpler?
What is the main thing users want to achieve using my app?
How can I make the experience smooth, quick and enjoyable?

Check out this blog post about impressive mobile games for some tips:

 design the user experience of a digital solution,
implement and modify user interfaces generating, evaluating and communicating
alternative ideas (ACTDEP036, ACTDIP028,
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UI= User Interface

The means by which the

user and a computer
system interact, in
particular the use of input
Describe: Provide characteristics and features devices and software.
Describe how you have modified user interfaces within the
programming of your app/game. You may use screenshots to help
with your explanations.

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Examine how you have communicated
appropriately online during the development of
your app.

D&P Implement and modify user interfaces.

 implement a functioning user interface, for example: (ACTDIP030)
– indicator LEDs on a microcontroller
– website
– game

Digital Technologies
__________________________________ 21
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 identify social, ethical and cyber
security considerations of digital
solutions, for example:
– copyright and intellectual
– cultural considerations, eg
Indigenous cultural and intellectual
– accessibility
– privacy issues and digital

plan and manage projects that
Examine: Inquire into

involve communicating ideas and

sharing information online.

Criteria Evaluate your design choices here against your initial criteria to evaluate success:

Function _______________________________________________________

Aesthetics _______________________________________________________
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Accessibility _______________________________________________________

Economic/cost _______________________________________________________

Cyber Safety _______________________________________________________


Technical _______________________________________________________

evaluate design solutions against the developed criteria
evaluate the effectiveness and suitability of choices made during the development and production of solution

 evaluate how student solutions address defined functional requirements and constraints (ACTDIP031)

The name of my app is:


My app meets the needs of The Amazing Game contestants due to the
following function/s:

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Digital Technologies
The inspiration for this app was:
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evaluate design solutions against the developed criteria
 evaluate how
evaluate thestudent solutions
effectiveness andaddress defined
suitability functional
of choices maderequirements and constraints
during the development and(ACTDIP031)
production of solution


Please comment on your own work for this course. Please circle the answer:
I contributed constructively during in-class activities.
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

I feel I am achieving the learning outcomes.

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

My design was completed to the best of my ability.

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

My design folio was completed to the best of my ability.

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

My student class activities were completed to the best of my


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Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Comments (Student Self Evaluation)

What changes would you recommend to improve The Amazing Game?
What did you like most about this course?
What did you like least about this course?

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