Annotated Bibliographies

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Annotated bibliographies

McCollum, Sean. "Keeping School Sport Rivalries Respectful: In a Sports-Obsessed

World."  The Education Digest, vol. 78, no. 1, 09/01/2012, pp. 58, Link

The article explores the importance of maintaining respectful behavior during school sports rivalries in
today's sports-driven society. The author emphasizes that while rivalries can enhance the competitive
spirit among students, they can also escalate into negative behaviors, such as aggression and
unsportsmanlike conduct. The article argues that maintaining a culture of respect is crucial in preventing
such behaviors and creating a positive environment for all students. The author talks about two ways in
which school officials can address the issues between players; the crackdown model and the ownership
model. I wonder which of these two methodologies has worked better. I am interested on the discussion
of how rivalries in college and professional level impacts the behavior between high school students.
Additionally, I would like to look into any potential correlation between social classes of students and
their involvement in rivalries. Therefore, I would like to investigate the prevalence and nature of
negative behaviors in school sports rivalries. This exploration could involve conducting surveys or
interviews with students, coaches, and administrators to gain insights into the root causes of these
behaviors. Additionally, examining strategies employed by schools or athletic associations to foster
respect during rivalries could provide potential solutions. The outcome may offer recommendations for
schools and communities to address the negative impact of sports rivalries, creating a more inclusive
and positive environment for all.

Heeren, John W., and Marylee Requa. “Winning Ways.” Journal of Sport and Social
Issues, vol. 25, no. 4, 2001, pp. 417–429, Link

The article explores the values and beliefs constructed within a girls' high school field hockey team and
their influence on the team's performance and dynamics. The author examines how the team's
emphasis on winning, competitiveness, and individual achievement shapes their overall culture and
affects the athletes' experiences and interactions. The study highlights the relation between societal
norms, gender expectations, and personal aspirations. I wonder about the specific values and norms
that are encouraged and reinforced within the girls' team. I also want to look into how these values are
communicated and internalized by the students and how they impact team dynamics, individual
motivation, and overall performance. I believe the authors could have gone deeper into the values and
beliefs constructed within girls' high school field hockey teams. This exploration could involve qualitative
research methods such as interviews with players, coaches, and parents. I could also talk to members of
my high school team to gain insight into specific values thar impacted our team involvement and
personal satisfaction. The outcome could contribute to a better understanding of the relation between
personal and societal expectations, and team dynamics in the context of high school sports, and
potentially explore the effectiveness of the strategies for fostering positive values and promoting a
balanced approach to competition and achievement within the teams.

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