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66790 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No.

213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations

DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND updates to the home infusion therapy XI. Collection of Information Requirements
HUMAN SERVICES services payment rates for CY 2023. and Waiver of Final Rulemaking
A. Statutory Requirement for Solicitation
DATES: These regulations are effective
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid of Comments
on January 1, 2023. B. Collection of Information Requirements
Services FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: C. Submission of PRA-Related Comments
Brian Slater, (410) 786–5229, for D. Waiver of Final Rulemaking
42 CFR Part 484 home health and home infusion therapy XII. Regulatory Impact Analysis
[CMS–1766–F] payment inquiries. A. Statement of Need
For general information about home B. Overall Impact
RIN 0938–AU77 C. Detailed Economic Analysis
infusion payment, send your inquiry via D. Limitations of Our Analysis
Medicare Program; Calendar Year (CY) email to HomeInfusionPolicy@ E. Regulatory Review Cost Estimation
2023 Home Health Prospective F. Alternatives Considered
For general information about the G. Accounting Statement and Tables
Payment System Rate Update; Home
Home Health Prospective Payment H. Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA)
Health Quality Reporting Program
System (HH PPS), send your inquiry via I. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act (UMRA)
Requirements; Home Health Value- J. Federalism
email to HomeHealthPolicy@
Based Purchasing Expanded Model K. Conclusion
Requirements; and Home Infusion Regulations Text
For information about the Home
Therapy Services Requirements
Health Quality Reporting Program (HH
I. Executive Summary and Advancing
AGENCY: Centers for Medicare & QRP), send your inquiry via email to
Health Information Exchange
Medicaid Services (CMS), Department
of Health and Human Services (HHS). For more information about the A. Executive Summary
ACTION: Final rule. expanded Home Health Value-Based
Purchasing Model, please visit the 1. Purpose and Legal Authority
SUMMARY: This final rule sets forth Expanded HHVBP Model web page at a. Home Health Prospective Payment
routine updates to the Medicare home System (HH PPS)
health payment rates for calendar year models/expanded-home-health-value- As required under section 1895(b) of
(CY) 2023 in accordance with existing based-purchasing-model. the Social Security Act (the Act), this
statutory and regulatory requirements. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: final rule updates the payment rates for
This final rule also finalizes a HHAs for CY 2023. In addition, the rule
methodology for determining the impact Table of Contents
recalibrates the case-mix weights under
of the difference between assumed I. Executive Summary section 1895(b)(4)(A)(i) and (b)(4)(B) of
versus actual behavior change on A. Purpose the Act for 30-day periods of care in CY
estimated aggregate expenditures for B. Summary of the Provisions of This Rule 2023; finalizes a methodology to
home health payments as result of the C. Summary of Costs, Transfers, and
determine the impact of differences
change in the unit of payment to 30 between assumed behavior changes and
II. Home Health Prospective Payment System
days and the implementation of the A. Overview of the Home Health actual behavior changes on estimated
Patient Driven Groupings Model Prospective Payment System aggregate Medicare home health
(PDGM) case-mix adjustment B. Provisions for Payment Under the HH expenditures, in accordance with
methodology and finalizes a PPS section 1895(b)(3)(D)(i) of the Act;
corresponding permanent prospective III. Home Health Quality Reporting Program finalizes a permanent payment
adjustment to the CY 2023 home health (HH QRP) and Other Home Health adjustment to the CY 2023 30-day
payment rate. This rule finalizes the Related Provisions period payment rate; updates the case-
reassignment of certain diagnosis codes A. End of the Suspension of OASIS Data
Collection on Non-Medicare/Non-
mix weights, LUPA thresholds,
under the PDGM case-mix groups, and functional impairment levels, and
Medicaid HHA Patients and
establishes a permanent mitigation Requirement for HHAs To Submit All- comorbidity subgroups for CY 2023; and
policy to smooth the impact of year-to- Payer OASIS Data for Purposes of the HH updates the CY 2023 fixed-dollar loss
year changes in home health payments QRP, Beginning With the CY 2027 ratio (FDL) for outlier payments (so that
related to changes in the home health Program Year outlier payments as a percentage of
wage index. This rule also finalizes B. Technical Changes estimated total payments are not to
recalibration of the PDGM case-mix C. Codification of the HH QRP Measure exceed 2.5 percent, as required by
weights and updates the low utilization Removal Factors section 1895(b)(5)(A) of the Act). This
payment adjustment (LUPA) thresholds, D. Request for Information: Health Equity
in the HH QRP
final rule also discusses the comments
functional impairment levels, received on the collection of data on the
IV. Expanded Home Health Value-Based
comorbidity adjustment subgroups for Purchasing (HHVBP) Model use of telecommunications technology
CY 2023, and the fixed-dollar loss ratio A. Background from home health claims.
(FDL) used for outlier payments. B. Changes to the Baseline Years and New
Additionally, this rule discusses Definitions
b. Home Health (HH) Quality Reporting
comments received on the future C. Request for Comment on a Future Program (QRP)
collection of data regarding the use of Approach to Health Equity in the This final rule finalizes the end of the
telecommunications technology during Expanded HHVBP Model suspension of the collection of Outcome
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

a 30-day home health period of care on V. Home Infusion Therapy Services: Annual and Assessment Information Set
home health claims. Payment Updates for CY 2023 (OASIS) data from non-Medicare/non-
A. Home Infusion Therapy Payment
This rule also finalizes changes to the Categories
Medicaid patients pursuant to section
Home Health Quality Reporting Program B. Payment Adjustments for CY 2023 704 of the Medicare Prescription Drug,
(HH QRP) requirements; changes to the Home Infusion Therapy Services Improvement, and Modernization Act of
expanded Home Health Value-Based C. CY 2023 Payment Amounts for Home 2003 and requires HHAs to report all-
Purchasing (HHVBP) Model; and Infusion Therapy Services payer OASIS data for purposes of the

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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations 66791

HH QRP. In response to concerns raised also finalizing a –3.925 percent that the new OASIS data reporting for
by commenters on the burden permanent payment adjustment for CY the HH QRP will begin January 1, 2025
associated with the proposed new data 2023 (half of the proposed –7.85 percent with a phase-in period for January 1,
collection, we are finalizing that the adjustment), as we recognize the 2025 through June 30, 2025 in which
new OASIS data reporting for the HH potential hardship of implementing the failure to submit the data will not result
QRP will begin with the CY 2027 proposed full permanent adjustment in in a penalty. In section III.E. of this rule,
program year, with two quarters of data a single year. In section II.B.3 of this we are finalizing technical changes to
required for that program year. We are rule, we are finalizing the proposed § 484.245(b)(1). In section III.F. of this
finalizing a phase-in period is in place reassignment of certain ICD–10–CM rule, we are finalizing codification of
for January 1, 2025 through June 30, codes related to the PDGM clinical the factors we adopted in the CY 2019
2025 in which failure to submit the data groups and comorbidity subgroups. HH PPS final rule as the factors we will
will not result in a penalty. We are In section II.B.4. of this rule, we are consider when determining whether to
finalizing as proposed regulatory text finalizing the proposed recalibration of remove measures from the HH QRP
change that consolidates the statutory the PDGM case-mix weights, LUPA measure set. Lastly, in section III.G. of
references to data submission. We are thresholds, functional levels, and this rule, we are summarizing the
also finalizing as proposed the comorbidity adjustment subgroups for comments we received on our Request
codification of the measure removal CY 2023. for Information regarding health equity
factors we adopted in the CY 2019 HH In section II.B.5. of this rule, we are in the HH QRP.
PPS final rule. Finally, this rule finalizing our proposals to update the
summarizes the comments we received home health wage index, the CY 2023 c. Expanded Home Health Value Based
in response to our Request for national, standardized 30-day period Purchasing (HHVBP) Model
Information regarding health equity in payment rates, and the CY 2023 national In section IV. of this final rule, we are
the HH QRP. per-visit payment amounts by the home finalizing as proposed changes the HHA
c. Expanded Home Health Value Based health payment update percentage. The baseline year to CY 2022 for all HHAs
Purchasing (HHVBP) Model final home health payment update that were certified prior to January 1,
percentage for CY 2023 will be 4.0 2022 starting in the CY 2023
In accordance with the statutory percent. This rule also finalizes a performance year. We are also making
authority at section 1115A of the Act, permanent 5-percent cap on wage index conforming regulation text changes at
we are finalizing proposed policy reductions in order to smooth the § 484.350(b) and (c). In addition, we are
updates, new definitions and impact of year-to-year changes in home finalizing proposed amendments to the
modifications of existing definitions, health payments related to changes in Model baseline year from CY 2019 to CY
conforming regulation text changes for the home health wage index. 2022 starting in the CY 2023
the expanded Home Health Value-Based Additionally, this rule finalizes the FDL performance year to enable CMS to
Purchasing (HHVBP) expanded Model. ratio to ensure that aggregate outlier measure competing HHAs performance
We also summarize the comments payments do not exceed 2.5 percent of on benchmarks and achievement
received on our request for comment on the total aggregate payments, as required thresholds that are more current. We are
a potential future approach to health by section 1895(b)(5)(A) of the Act. finalizing conforming amendments to
equity in the expanded HHVBP Model In section II.B.6. of this final rule, we definitions in § 484.345. In section IV.C.
included in the proposed rule. respond to the comment solicitation on of this final rule, we have included a
d. Medicare Coverage of Home Infusion the collection of data on the use of discussion of comments received in
Therapy telecommunications technology from response to the RFI related to a potential
home health claims. future approach to health equity in the
This final rule discusses updates to
the home infusion therapy services b. HH QRP expanded HHVBP Model that was
payment rates for CY 2023 under included in the proposed rule.
In section III.D. of this final rule, we
section 1834(u) of the Act. are finalizing our proposal to end the d. Medicare Coverage of Home Infusion
2. Summary of the Provisions of This temporary suspension on our collection Therapy
Rule of non-Medicare/non-Medicaid data, in
In section V. of this final rule, we
accordance with section 704 of the
a. Home Health Prospective Payment discuss updates to the home infusion
Medicare Prescription Drug,
System (HH PPS) therapy services payment rates for CY
Improvement, and Modernization Act of
2023, under section 1834(u) of the Act.
In section II.B.2. of this rule, we are 2003 and, in accordance with section
finalizing our proposed behavioral 1895(b)(3)(B)(v) of the Act, to require 3. Summary of Costs, Transfers, and
adjustment methodology to reflect the HHAs to submit all-payer OASIS data Benefits
impact of differences between assumed for purposes of the HH QRP. In response
behavior changes and actual behavior to concerns raised by commenters on
changes on estimated aggregate payment the burden associated with the proposed Table 1—Summary of Costs, Transfers,
expenditures under the HH PPS. We are new data collection, we are finalizing and Benefits
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66792 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations

Provision Descriotion Costs and Cost Savines Transfers Benefits

CY 2023 HH PPS Payment Rate Update The overall economic impact related to To ensure that home health
the changes in payments under the HH payments are consistent with
PPS for CY 2023 is estimated to be statutory payment authority for
$125 million (0.7 percent). The $125 CY 2023.
million increase in estimated payments
for CY 2023 reflects the effects of the
CY 2023 home health payment update
percentage of 4.0 percent ($725
million increase), an estimated 3.5
percent decrease that reflects the
effects of the permanent behavioral
adjustment (-$635 million) and an
estimated 0.2 percent increase that
reflects the effects of an updated FOL
($35 million increase).

HHQRP The total costs beginning in CY

2025 is an estimated $267,157,680
based upon the collection of
OASIS data on all patients,
regardless of oaver.
Expanded HHVBP Model The overall economic impact of the
expanded HHVBP Model for CY s
2023 through 2027 is an estimated
$3.376 billion in total savings to FFS
Medicare from a reduction in
unnecessary hospitalizations and SNF
usage as a result of greater quality
improvements in the HH industry. As
for payments to HHAs, there are no
aggregate increases or decreases
expected to be applied to the HHAs
competing in the expanded Model.
Medicare Coverage of Home Infusion Therapy The overall economic impact of the To ensure that payment for
statutorily-required HIT payment rate home infusion therapy services
updates is an estimated increase in are consistent with statutory
payments to HIT suppliers of8.7 authority for CY 2023.
percent ($600,000) for CY 2023 based
on the CPI-U for the 12-month period
ending in June of 2022 of 9.1 percent
and the corresponding productivity
adjustment is 0.4 percent.

BILLING CODE 4120–01–C patient assessment data derived from CMS’ goal of data standardization and
B. Advancing Health Information the Minimum Data Set (MDS), Inpatient interoperability. Standards in the DEL
Exchange Rehabilitation Facility-Patient (
Assessment Instrument (IRF–PAI), can be referenced on the CMS website
The Department of Health and Human
LTCH Continuity Assessment Record and in the ONC Interoperability
Services (HHS) has a number of
and Evaluation (CARE) Data Set (LCDS), Standards Advisory (ISA). The 2022 ISA
initiatives designed to encourage and
Outcome and Assessment Information is available at
support the adoption of interoperable
Set (OASIS), and other sources. The isa.
health information technology and to
promote nationwide health information PACIO Project has focused on HL7 FHIR The 21st Century Cures Act (Cures
exchange to improve health care and implementation guides for functional
Act) (Pub. L. 114–255, enacted
patient access to their digital health status, cognitive status and new use
December 13, 2016) required HHS and
information. cases on advance directives, re-
ONC to take steps to further
To further the goal of data assessment timepoints, and Speech,
interoperability for providers in settings
interoperability in post-acute care Language, Swallowing, Cognitive
across the care continuum. Section
settings, CMS and the Office of the communication and Hearing
4003(b) of the Cures Act required ONC
National Coordinator for Health (SPLASCH) pathology. We encourage
to take steps to advance interoperability
Information Technology (ONC) PAC provider and health IT vendor
through the development of a trusted
participate in the Post-Acute Care participation as the efforts advance.
exchange framework and common
Interoperability Workgroup (PACIO) to The CMS Data Element Library (DEL) agreement aimed at establishing a
facilitate collaboration with industry continues to be updated and serves as
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

universal floor of interoperability across

stakeholders to develop Health Level a resource for PAC assessment data the country. On January 18, 2022, ONC
Seven International® (HL7) Fast elements and their associated mappings announced a significant milestone by
Healthcare Interoperability Resources® to health IT standards, such as Logical releasing the Trusted Exchange
(FHIR) standards.1 These standards Observation Identifiers Names and Framework 2 and Common Agreement
could support the exchange and reuse of Codes (LOINC) and Systematized
Nomenclature of Medicine Clinical 2 The Trusted Exchange Framework (TEF):

1 Terms (SNOMED). The DEL furthers Principles for Trusted Exchange (Jan. 2022), https://

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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations 66793

(TEFCA) Version 1.3 The Trusted Prospective Payment System (HH PPS) amount (or amounts) for CY 2020 be
Exchange Framework is a set of non- for all costs of home health services made before the application of the
binding principles for health paid under Medicare. Section 1895(b)(2) annual update to the standard
information exchange, and the Common of the Act requires that, in defining a prospective payment amount as
Agreement is a contract that advances prospective payment amount, the required by section 1895(b)(3)(B) of the
those principles. The Common Secretary will consider an appropriate Act.
Agreement and the Qualified Health unit of service and the number, type, Additionally, section 1895(b)(3)(A)(iv)
Information Network Technical and duration of visits provided within of the Act requires that in calculating
Framework Version 1 4 (incorporated by that unit, potential changes in the mix the standard prospective payment
reference into the Common Agreement) of services provided within that unit amount (or amounts), the Secretary
establish the technical infrastructure and their cost, and a general system must make assumptions about behavior
model and governing approach for design that provides for continued changes that could occur as a result of
different health information networks access to quality services. In accordance the implementation of the 30-day unit of
and their users to securely share clinical with the statute, as amended by the service under section 1895(b)(2)(B) of
information with each other—all under Balanced Budget Act of 1997 (BBA) the Act and case-mix adjustment factors
commonly agreed to terms. The (Pub. L. 105–33, enacted August 5, established under section 1895(b)(4)(B)
technical and policy architecture of how 1997), we published a final rule in the of the Act. Section 1895(b)(3)(A)(iv) of
exchange occurs under the Trusted July 3, 2000 Federal Register (65 FR the Act further requires the Secretary to
Exchange Framework and the Common 41128) to implement the HH PPS provide a description of the behavior
Agreement follows a network-of- legislation. assumptions made in notice and
networks structure, which allows for Section 5201(c) of the Deficit comment rulemaking. CMS finalized
connections at different levels and is Reduction Act of 2005 (DRA) (Pub. L. these behavior assumptions in the CY
inclusive of many different types of 109–171, enacted February 8, 2006) 2019 HH PPS final rule with comment
entities at those different levels, such as added new section 1895(b)(3)(B)(v) to period (83 FR 56461).
health information networks, healthcare the Act, requiring home health agencies Section 51001(a)(2)(B) of the BBA of
practices, hospitals, public health (HHAs) to submit data for purposes of 2018 also added a new subparagraph (D)
agencies, and Individual Access measuring health care quality, and to section 1895(b)(3) of the Act. Section
Services (IAS) Providers.5 For more linking the quality data submission to 1895(b)(3)(D)(i) of the Act requires the
information, we refer readers to https:// the annual applicable payment Secretary to annually determine the percentage increase. This data impact of differences between assumed
trusted-exchange-framework-and- submission requirement is applicable behavior changes, as described in
common-agreement. for CY 2007 and each subsequent year. section 1895(b)(3)(A)(iv) of the Act, and
We invite readers to learn more about If an HHA does not submit quality data, actual behavior changes on estimated
these important developments and how the home health market basket aggregate expenditures under the HH
they are likely to affect HHAs. percentage increase is reduced by 2 PPS with respect to years beginning
percentage points. In the November 9, with 2020 and ending with 2026.
II. Home Health Prospective Payment Section 1895(b)(3)(D)(ii) of the Act
2006 Federal Register (71 FR 65935), we
System requires the Secretary, at a time and in
published a final rule to implement the
A. Overview of the Home Health pay-for-reporting requirement of the a manner determined appropriate,
Prospective Payment System DRA, which was codified at through notice and comment
§ 484.225(h) and (i) in accordance with rulemaking, to provide for one or more
1. Statutory Background permanent increases or decreases to the
the statute. The pay-for-reporting
Section 1895(b)(1) of the Act requires requirement was implemented on standard prospective payment amount
the Secretary to establish a Home Health January 1, 2007. (or amounts) for applicable years, on a
Section 51001(a)(1)(B) of the prospective basis, to offset for such Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 (BBA of increases or decreases in estimated
3 Common Agreement for Nationwide Health
2018) (Pub. L. 115–123) amended aggregate expenditures, as determined
Information Interoperability Version 1 (Jan. 2022), section 1895(b) of the Act to require a under section 1895(b)(3)(D)(i) of the Act. change to the home health unit of Additionally, 1895(b)(3)(D)(iii) of the
2022-01/Common_Agreement_for_Nationwide_ payment to 30-day periods beginning Act requires the Secretary, at a time and
Health_Information_Interoperability_Version_1.pdf. January 1, 2020. Section 51001(a)(2)(A) in a manner determined appropriate,
4 Qualified Health Information Network (QHIN)

Technical Framework (QTF) Version 1.0 (Jan. 2022),

of the BBA of 2018 added a new through notice and comment subclause (iv) under section rulemaking, to provide for one or more
2022/01/QTF_0122.pdf. 1895(b)(3)(A) of the Act, requiring the temporary increases or decreases to the
5 The Common Agreement defines Individual
Secretary to calculate a standard payment amount for a unit of home
Access Services (IAS) as ‘‘with respect to the
Exchange Purposes definition, the services
prospective payment amount (or health services for applicable years, on
provided utilizing the Connectivity Services, to the amounts) for 30-day units of service a prospective basis, to offset for such
extent consistent with Applicable Law, to an furnished that end during the 12-month increases or decreases in estimated
Individual with whom the QHIN, Participant, or period beginning January 1, 2020, in a aggregate expenditures, as determined
Subparticipant has a Direct Relationship to satisfy
that Individual’s ability to access, inspect, or obtain budget neutral manner, such that under section 1895(b)(3)(D)(i) of the Act.
a copy of that Individual’s Required Information estimated aggregate expenditures under Such a temporary increase or decrease
that is then maintained by or for any QHIN, the HH PPS during CY 2020 are equal shall apply only with respect to the year
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

Participant, or Subparticipant.’’ The Common to the estimated aggregate expenditures for which such temporary increase or
Agreement defines ‘‘IAS Provider’’ as: ‘‘Each QHIN,
Participant, and Subparticipant that offers that otherwise would have been made decrease is made, and the Secretary
Individual Access Services.’’ See Common under the HH PPS during CY 2020 in shall not take into account such a
Agreement for Nationwide Health Information the absence of the change to a 30-day temporary increase or decrease in
Interoperability Version 1, at 7 (Jan. 2022), https://
unit of service. Section 1895(b)(3)(A)(iv) computing the payment amount for a
Common_Agreement_for_Nationwide_Health_ of the Act requires that the calculation unit of home health services for a
Information_Interoperability_Version_1.pdf. of the standard prospective payment subsequent year. Finally, section

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66794 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations

51001(a)(3) of the BBA of 2018 amends such drug and services must be billed using patient characteristics and other
section 1895(b)(4)(B) of the Act by separately by the HHA and paid under clinical information from Medicare
adding a new clause (ii) to require the Part B, while a patient is under a home claims and the Outcome and
Secretary to eliminate the use of therapy health plan of care, as the law requires Assessment Information Set (OASIS)
thresholds in the case-mix system for consolidated billing of osteoporosis assessment instrument. These 432
CY 2020 and subsequent years. drugs and NPWT using a disposable HHRGs represent the different payment
2. Current System for Payment of Home device. groups based on five main case-mix
Health Services To better align payment with patient categories under the PDGM, as shown in
care needs and to better ensure that Figure 1. Each HHRG has an associated
For home health periods of care case-mix weight that is used in
beginning on or after January 1, 2020, clinically complex and ill beneficiaries
have adequate access to home health calculating the payment for a 30-day
Medicare makes payment under the HH period of care. For periods of care with
PPS on the basis of a national, care, in the CY 2019 HH PPS final rule
with comment period (83 FR 56406), we visits less than the low-utilization
standardized 30-day period payment payment adjustment (LUPA) threshold
rate that is adjusted for case-mix and finalized case-mix methodology
refinements through the Patient-Driven for the HHRG, Medicare pays national
area wage differences in accordance per-visit rates based on the discipline(s)
with section 51001(a)(1)(B) of the BBA Groupings Model (PDGM) for home
health periods of care beginning on or providing the services. Medicare also
of 2018. The national, standardized 30- adjusts the national standardized 30-day
day period payment rate includes after January 1, 2020. The PDGM did not
change eligibility or coverage criteria for period payment rate for certain
payment for the six home health intervening events that are subject to a
disciplines (skilled nursing, home Medicare home health services, and as
partial payment adjustment (PEP). For
health aide, physical therapy, speech- long as the individual meets the criteria
certain cases that exceed a specific cost
language pathology, occupational for home health services as described at
threshold, an outlier adjustment may
therapy, and medical social services). 42 CFR 409.42, the individual can
also be available.
Payment for non-routine supplies (NRS) receive Medicare home health services,
is also part of the national, standardized including therapy services. For more Under this case-mix methodology,
30-day period rate. Durable medical information about the role of therapy case-mix weights are generated for each
equipment (DME) provided as a home services under the PDGM, we refer of the different PDGM payment groups
health service, as defined in section readers to the Medicare Learning by regressing resource use for each of
1861(m) of the Act, is paid the fee Network (MLN) Matters article SE2000 the five categories (admission source,
schedule amount or is paid through the available at timing, clinical grouping, functional
competitive bidding program and such regulations-and- impairment level, and comorbidity
payment is not included in the national, guidanceguidancetransmittals2020- adjustment) using a fixed effects model.
standardized 30-day period payment transmittals/se20005. To adjust for case- A detailed description of each of the
amount. Additionally, the 30-day period mix for 30-day periods of care beginning case-mix variables under the PDGM
payment rate does not include payment on and after January 1, 2020, the HH have been described previously, and we
for certain injectable osteoporosis drugs PPS uses a 432-category case-mix refer readers to the CY 2021 HH PPS
and negative pressure wound therapy classification system to assign patients final rule (85 FR 70303 through 70305).
(NPWT) using a disposable device, but to a home health resource group (HHRG) BILLING CODE 4120–01–P
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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations 66795


Admission Source and Timing (From Claims)

co,nrnu ·1It v ( 0f11 tl1 ,H' I ty In·; titutional I n~.titutional

Earlv Latt:1 Ear,y L.-,te

Clinical Grouping (From Principal Diagnosis Reported on Claim)

~J,"u to MS 8r•hzivIor,-1I MMT/\
VJrJuncb Nwsin<:J
Rf'lnh Pc•t1::ib H,~.1lth Otl1,~t
ln!crvr:n tI0 n ·~


Surqical C.Jrd1c1c cmd lnrectI,_,u-,,
Endocrine GI/GU Respiratory
Attc rc.:m:: Cir<.. ul,1tc r·,-, Di::ol'clS0

Functional Impairment level (From OASIS Items)

Medium High

Cornorbidity Adjustment (From Secondary Diagnoses

Reported on C!airr1s)

None low High

(Home Health Resource Group)

BILLING CODE 4120–01–C comorbidity adjustment, admission episode of care to a 30-day period of
B. Provisions for CY 2023 Payment source, timing, and functional care, starting with payments for services
Under the HH PPS impairment level); the OASIS ‘‘GG’’ made on and after January 1, 2020. In
functional items by response type; and determining the CY 2020 standard
1. Monitoring the Effects of the the proportion of 30-day periods of care prospective 30-day payment amount,
Implementation of PDGM with and without any therapy visits, CMS was also required to make
In the CY 2023 HH PPS proposed rule nursing visits, and/or aide/social worker assumptions about behavior changes
(87 FR 37605), CMS provided data visits. that could occur as a result of the
analysis on Medicare home health We will continue to monitor and implementation of the 30-day unit of
benefit utilization, including overall analyze home health trends and payment and changes in case-mix
total 30-day periods of care and average vulnerabilities within the home health adjustment factors, including the
periods of care per HHA user; payment system. elimination of therapy thresholds as a
distribution of the type of visits in a 30- factor in determining case-mix
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

2. PDGM Behavioral Assumptions and

day period of care for all Medicare fee- Adjustments Under the HH PPS adjustments. In the CY 2019 HH PPS
for-service (FFS) claims; the percentage final rule with comment period (83 FR
of periods that receive the LUPA; a. Background 56455), we finalized the following three
estimated costs for 30-day periods of As discussed in section II.A.1. of this behavior assumptions:
care; the distribution, by percentage, of rule, the Secretary was statutorily • Clinical Group Coding: The clinical
30-day periods of care, using the five required to change the unit of payment group is determined by the principal

clinical variables (clinical group, under the HH PPS from a 60-day diagnosis code for the patient as

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66796 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations

reported by the HHA on the home neutrality factor and the home health beginning to decrease their therapy
health claim. This behavior assumption payment update, the CY 2020 30-day provision in anticipation of the new
assumes that HHAs will change their payment rate was set at $1,864.03. payment system.
documentation and coding practices Our data analysis in section II.B.1. of Each Health Insurance Prospective
and put the highest paying diagnosis the CY 2023 HH PPS proposed rule Payment System (HIPPS) code is
code as the principal diagnosis code in compares the CY 2018 and CY 2019 assigned a case-mix weight which
order to have a 30-day period be placed simulated 30-day periods of care with determines the base payment of non-
into a higher-paying clinical group. behavior assumptions applied and LUPA claims prior to any other
• Comorbidity Coding: The PDGM actual CY 2020 and CY 2021 30-day adjustments (for example, outlier
further adjusts payments based on periods of care. Specifically, Tables B4, payment adjustments). Prior to the
patients’ secondary diagnoses as B6, and B7 (87 FR 37607 through 37609) PDGM, the first position of the HIPPS
reported by the HHA on the home indicate that the three assumed behavior code was a numeric value that
health claim. The OASIS only allows changes did occur as a result of the represented the interaction of episode
HHAs to designate 1 principal diagnosis implementation of the PDGM. timing and number of therapy visits
and 5 secondary diagnoses while the Additionally, this monitoring shows (grouping step). The second, third, and
home health claim allows HHAs to that other behaviors, such as changes in fourth positions of the pre-PDGM HIPPS
designate 1 principal diagnosis and up the provision of therapy, also occurred. code reflected clinical severity,
to 24 secondary diagnoses. This Overall, the CYs 2020 and 2021 actual functional severity, and service
behavior assumption assumes that by 30-day periods are similar to the utilization respectively. Therefore, to
considering additional ICD–10–CM simulated CYs 2018 and 2019 30-day evaluate how the decrease in therapy
diagnosis codes listed on the home periods with the behavior assumptions visits related to payments, we compared
health claim (beyond the 6 allowed on applied, which is supporting evidence the average case-mix weights of CY 2018
the OASIS), more 30-day periods of care that HHAs did make behavior changes. actual 60-day episodes and updated CY
will receive a comorbidity adjustment. We reminded readers that, by law, we 2021 simulated 60-day episodes. Prior
• LUPA Threshold: This behavior are required to ensure that estimated to the PDGM, the average case-mix
assumption assumes that for one-third aggregate expenditures under the HH weight for CY 2018 actual 60-day
of LUPAs that are 1 to 2 visits away PPS are equal to our determination of episodes was 1.0176 and the average
from the LUPA threshold HHAs will estimated aggregate expenditures that case-mix weight for CY 2021 simulated
provide 1 to 2 extra visits to receive a otherwise would have been made under 60-day episodes was 0.9682. Using the
full 30-day payment. the HH PPS in the absence of the change updated CY 2021 simulated 60-day
As described in the CY 2020 HH PPS to a 30-day unit of payment and changes episodes, we set therapy levels at the
final rule with comment period (84 FR in case-mix adjustment factors. pre-PDGM (that is, CY 2018) levels and
60512), in order to calculate the CY Regardless of the magnitude and kept the clinical and functional levels at
2020 30-day base payment rates both frequency of individual behavior change the PDGM levels (that is, CY 2021). This
with and without behavior assumptions, (for example, LUPAs, therapy, etc.), the resulted in an average case-mix weight
we first calculated the total, aggregate occurrence of any behavior change is of 1.0389, slightly higher than the actual
amount of expenditures that would captured by the methodology to CY 2018 60-day episodes. Next, we kept
occur under the pre-PDGM case-mix determine the impact on aggregate therapy levels at the PDGM (that is, CY
adjustment methodology (60-day expenditures. 2021) levels and set the clinical and
episodes under 153 case-mix groups). We also reminded readers that in the functional levels at the pre-PDGM levels
We then calculated what the 30-day CY 2020 HH PPS final rule with (that is, CY 2018) and found the average
payment amount would need to be set comment period (84 FR 60513), we case-mix weight was 0.9383, much
at in order for CMS to pay the estimated stated that we interpret actual behavior lower than the CY 2018 actual 60-day
aggregate expenditures in CY 2020 with changes to encompass both the assumed episodes. By controlling for therapy
the application of a 30-day unit of behavior changes that were previously levels, we were able to determine the
payment under the PDGM. identified by CMS, as well as other change in 60-day episode case-mix
We initially determined a –8.389 behavior changes not identified at the weights was largely driven by therapy
percent behavior change adjustment to time the budget-neutral 30-day payment utilization. The decrease in therapy
the base payment rate would be needed rate for CY 2020 was established. visits led to a decrease in case-mix
in order to ensure that the payment rate Subsequently, as noted previously, our weight, and therefore, a decrease in
in CY 2020 would be budget neutral, as analysis resulted in the identification of aggregate expenditures under the pre-
required by law. However, based on the other behavior changes that occurred PDGM HH PPS.
comments received and reconsideration after the implementation of the PDGM.
as to the frequency of the assumed Although not originally one of the three b. Method To Annually Determine the
behaviors during the first year of the finalized behavior assumptions, a Impact of Differences Between Assumed
transition to a new unit of payment and decline in therapy utilization is Behavior Changes and Actual Behavior
case-mix adjustment methodology, we indicative of an additional behavior Changes on Estimated Aggregate
believed it was reasonable to apply the change. For example, Table B10 and Expenditures
three behavior change assumptions to Figure B3 in section II.B.1. of the CY To evaluate if the national,
only half of the 30-day periods in our 2023 HH PPS proposed rule (87 FR standardized 30-day payment rate and
analytic file (randomly selected). 37612 through 37613) indicates the resulting estimated aggregate
Therefore, we finalized in the CY 2020 number of therapy visits declined in expenditures maintained budget
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

HH PPS final rule with comment period CYs 2020 and 2021. However, the data, neutrality after the implementation of
(84 FR 60519), a –4.36 percent behavior as depicted in Figure B3, also indicates the PDGM, we used actual 30-day
change assumption adjustment a slight decline in therapy visits began period claims data to simulate 60-day
(‘‘assumed behaviors’’) in order to in CY 2019 after the finalization of the episodes and estimate what aggregate
calculate the 30-day payment rate in a removal of therapy thresholds and the expenditures would have been under
budget-neutral manner for CY 2020. PDGM, but prior to implementation. the 153-group case-mix system and 60-
After applying the wage index budget This suggests HHAs were already day unit of payment. Using the

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estimated aggregate expenditures under episode timing if only a subset of claims payment rate to align with current
the 153-group case-mix system is dropped payments for the analysis year (that is,
(simulated 60-day episodes from 30-day • Beneficiaries and all of their claims wage index budget neutrality factor,
periods) we are able to calculate if three or more claims from the same home health payment update). For
permanent and temporary adjustments provider are linked to the same example, to calculate the CY 2021
as discussed in section II.B.2.c of this occurrence code 50 date. This is done simulated 60-day episode base payment
final rule. We used the following steps: because if three or more claims link to rate, we started with the final CY 2020
The first step in repricing PDGM the same OASIS it would not be clear 60-day base payment rate ($3,220.79)
claims was to calculate estimated which claims should be joined to multiplied by the final CY 2021 wage
aggregate expenditures under the pre- simulate a 60-day episode. index budget neutrality factor (0.9999)
PDGM, 153-group case-mix system and and the CY 2021 home health payment
(2) Assumptions update (1.020) to get an adjusted 60-day
60-day unit of payment, by determining
which PDGM 30-day periods of care • If two 30-day periods of care from base payment rate ($3,284.88) for CY
could be grouped together to form the same provider reference the same 2021. We used the adjusted 60-day base
simulated 60-day episodes of care. To OASIS assessment date (using payment rate ($3,284.88) to price the CY
facilitate grouping, we made some occurrence code 50), then we assume 2021 simulated 60-day claims under the
exclusions and assumptions as those two 30-day periods of care would pre-PDGM HH PPS (60-day episodes
described later in this section prior to have been billed as a 60-day episode of under 153 case-mix groups).
pricing out the simulated 60-day care under the 153-group system. Once each simulated 60-day claim is
episodes of care. We note in the early • If two 30 day-periods of care priced under the pre-PDGM HH PPS, we
months of CY 2020, there were 60-day reference different OASIS assessment calculate the estimated aggregate
episodes which started in 2019 and dates and each of those assessment expenditures for all simulated 60-day
ended in 2020 and therefore, some of dates is referenced by a single 30-day episodes. That is, using actual behavior
these exclusions and assumptions may period of care, and those two 30-day (using the most current year of PDGM
be specific to the first year of the PDGM. periods of care occur together close in claims) we determine what the aggregate
We identify, through footnotes, if an time (that is, the ‘‘from’’ date of the later expenditures would have been under
exclusion or assumption is specific to 30-day period of care is between 0 to 14 the prior 153 group case-mix system.
CY 2020 only. The following describes days after the ‘‘through’’ date of the Next, to control for utilization, we
the steps in determining the annual earlier 30-day period of care), then we calculate the PDGM aggregate
estimated aggregate expenditures assume those two 30-day periods of care expenditures using those specific 30-
including the exclusions and also would have been billed as a 60-day day periods that were used to create the
assumptions made when simulating 60- episode of care under the 153-group simulated 60-day episodes. That is, both
day episodes from actual 30-day system. the actual PDGM aggregate expenditures
periods. • For all other 30-day periods of care, and the simulated pre-PDGM aggregate
we assume that they would not be expenditures are based on the same
(1) Exclusions combined with another 30-day period of number of claims. We received 770
• Claims where the claim occurrence care and would have been billed as a comments on the methodology and
code 50 date (OASIS assessment date) single 30-day period. implementation of a permanent
occurred on or after October 31 of that prospective behavior change adjustment
(3) Calculating Estimated Aggregate on the CY 2023 home health payment
year. This exclusion was applied to Expenditures—Pricing Simulated 60-
ensure the simulated 60-day episodes rate.
Day Episode Claims Comment: A few commenters stated
contained both 30-day periods from the
After applying the exclusions and that CMS’ proposal would violate three
same year and would not overlap into
assumptions described previously, we separate statutory requirements. The
the following year (for example, 2021,
have the simulated 60-day episode commenters stated that: (1) the proposal
2022, 2023). This is done because any
dataset for each year. uses therapy thresholds to determine
30-day periods with an OASIS
Starting with CY 2020 claims, we payment despite the statute’s mandate
assessment date in November or
assign each simulated 60-day episode of to eliminate this practice; (2) ignores the
December might be part of a simulated
care as a normal episode, PEP, LUPA, or statutory provision by failing to correct
60-day episode that would continue into
outlier based on the payment its assumptions about how home health
the following year and where payment
parameters established in the CY 2020 agencies would change behaviors in
would have been made based on the
HH PPS final rule with comment period response to the new payment system;
‘‘through’’ date. For CYs 2021 through and (3) violates the statute’s budget-
2026, we also excluded claims with an (84 FR 60478) for 60-day episodes of
care. Next, using the October 2019 3M neutrality requirement by reducing
OASIS assessment date before January 1 overall aggregate expenditures.
of that year.6 Again, this is to ensure a Home Health Grouper (v8219) 7 we
assign a HIPPS code to each simulated Response: The BBA of 2018 tasked
simulated 60-day episode (simulated CMS with ensuring that Medicare
from two 30-day periods) does not 60-day episode of care using the 153-
group methodology. Finally, we price spending under the new 30-day
overlap years. payment system is the same as the
• Beneficiaries and all of their claims the CY 2020 simulated 60-day episodes
estimated spending under the old 60-
if they have overlapping claims from the of care using the payment parameters
day home health payment system.
same provider (as identified by CMS described in the CY 2020 HH PPS final
Section 1895(b)(3)(A)(iv) of the Act
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

Certification Number (CCN)). All of a rule with comment period (84 FR

directed the Secretary to calculate a
beneficiary’s claims are dropped so as 60537) for 60-day episodes of care. For
standard prospective payment amount
not to create problems with assigning CYs 2021 through 2026, we would
for CY 2020, incorporating assumptions
adjust the simulated 60-day base
6 There are no 30-day PDGM claims which started
about behavior changes, that could
in CY 2019 and ended in CY 2020, and therefore 7 occur as a result of the implementation
this exclusion would not apply to the CY 2020 for-Service-Payment/HomeHealthPPS/CaseMix of a 30-day unit of payment and changes
dataset. GrouperSoftware. in case-mix adjustment factors. In other

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words, using the data available at the differences between what we estimate incentivized to provide the highest
time of rulemaking, we were required to aggregate expenditures would have been volume of therapy visits possible, and a
estimate a national, standardized in the absence of the PDGM using actual low volume of other services. The
payment rate so that estimated aggregate data and what the expenditures actually industry association goes on to note that
expenditures with assumed behavior were under the PDGM. under the PDGM, the elimination of the
changes (clinical group coding, As stated previously, CMS is not therapy volume adjustment as a case
comorbidity coding, and LUPA required to correct each of its original mix measure will likely lead to a
thresholds) for CY 2020 would be the assumptions regarding home health reduction in therapy services to
same under the PDGM as they would agency behavior changes or itemize each patients. In an article published in
have been under the prior payment behavior change for which its February 2020,8 the National
system (153 group). In the CY 2020 HH methodology accounts, as commenters Association for Home Care and Hospice
PPS final rule with comment period (84 asserted. For example, while paragraph (NAHC) was quoted as saying
FR 60513), we estimated that this would (3)(D)(i) clarifies that the ‘‘assumed ‘‘categorically, across the board, we’re
mean a ¥8.389 percent payment behavior changes’’ CMS must use in its going to reduce our therapy services’’ as
adjustment to the base payment rate in calculations are those ‘‘described in a result of the PDGM. More recently in
order to avoid overestimating payments paragraph (3)(A)(iv),’’ it contains no an article in April 2022,9 it was
under the 30-day system. In response to such qualification for the ‘‘actual estimated that nearly half of HHAs had
commenter concerns that the behavior changes’’ to which CMS planned to decrease therapy utilization
pervasiveness of expected behavioral compares the assumed behavior. CMS after the implementation of the PDGM.
changes among HHAs was accordingly ensured that the payment In that article, NAHC was quoted as
overestimated, we stated that given the rate accurately accounts for all ‘‘actual saying ‘‘There was a precipitous drop in
scale of the payment system changes, behavior changes’’, in the aggregate, that therapy visits in January and February
we agree that it might take HHAs more occurred in a given year. of 2020 before the pandemic hit.’’ In
time before they fully changed their Neither this provision, nor section addition, their consulting firm stated,
behaviors in ways expected by CMS. 1895(b)(3)(A)(iv) of the Act, requires ‘‘Importantly, note that the reduction in
Therefore, we finalized a policy that CMS to ensure that it actually spends therapy visits began before COVID–19
applied the three behavioral the amount of the original estimated PHE started in March 2020—indicating
assumptions only to half (randomly aggregate expenditures (that is, $16.2 that HHA providers were already
selected) of the simulated 30-day billion) based on simulated 30-day experiencing significant declines in
periods of care. This reduction in the periods for CY 2020. Rather, section therapy visits as a result of PDGM, even
application of the assumptions resulted 1895(b)(3)(D)(i) of the Act requires that before the onset of the pandemic. Thus,
in a ¥4.36 percent behavior assumption CMS compare the estimated aggregate the PDGM effect on therapy is not a
adjustment. Therefore, we met the expenditures resulting from the 30-day COVID effect, but rather a PDGM
initial requirement of section payment rate with estimated assumed effect.’’ These comments from interested
1895(b)(3)(A)(iv) by setting the CY 2020 behavior changes (resulting in a parties confirm that the decrease in
national, standardized 30-day payment $1,864.03 standardized rate) to the new therapy is a concerted provider behavior
rate ($1,864.03) in a budget-neutral estimated aggregate expenditures change in response to a financial
manner, based on available data derived from actual data—incorporating incentive rather than the COVID–19
(simulated 30-day periods) at the time of actual behavior changes—that would PHE. Anecdotal evidence and the data
rulemaking. have occurred under the prior 60-day presented in the CY 2023 HH PPS
Following the implementation of the system. In other words, we are not proposed rule (87 FR 37612 through
new payment system, the BBA of 2018 required to compare our original 37613) supports the conclusion there
tasks CMS with determining the impact estimated aggregate expenditures has been a significant change (decline)
of the difference between our assumed (estimated at $16.2 billion) to actual in therapy visits due to the
behavior changes and actual behavior expenditures (that is, $15.1 billion), and implementation of the PDGM.
changes on estimated aggregate make up the difference. Rather, under If we were to artificially inflate
expenditures beginning with CY 2020 the statute, we re-estimate aggregate aggregate expenditures in CYs 2020 and
through CY 2026, as set out in section expenditures under the pre-PDGM 2021 by including payments for therapy
1895(b)(3)(D)(i) of the Act. based on actual behavior changes, as visits that may have occurred under the
As the Act requires CMS to look at derived from actual claims. This is old thresholds, but that were in fact not
actual behavior, the methodology uses because, the original estimated aggregate provided under the new system (as
actual claims data for 30-day periods expenditures ($16.2 billion) were based shown by actual data), we would be
under the 432-group case-mix model on predicted utilization, not actual setting payment based on how providers
(PDGM claims) to simulate 60-day utilization. would have presumably behaved under
episodes under the 153-group case-mix With regard to therapy, CMS received the old system rather than actual
model (representing pre-PDGM HH PPS comments in the CY 2022 HH PPS final behaviors under the new system, which
claims) in order to estimate what the rule (86 FR 62247) and in response to we believe is not the best reading of the
aggregate expenditures would have been the CY 2023 HH PPS proposed rule that law. It would be inappropriate to
in the absence of the PDGM. In other the decrease in therapy utilization, manipulate the data so that old
words, CMS used the same claims including termination of therapy staff, is behaviors (in this case, inflated therapy
(actual PDGM 30-day periods and related to the removal of the therapy visits to reach payment thresholds)
simulated 60-day episodes from the 30- payment incentive. In their comment
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

day periods) to compare estimated letter, a leading industry association 8 Why Home Health Care Is Suddenly Harder to

aggregate expenditures under both detailed how HHAs have responded to Come by For Medicare Patients.
systems in order to determine the changes in the benefit structure and news/why-home-health-care-is-suddenly-harder-to-
estimated aggregate impact of behavior have altered their operations, affecting come-by-for-medicare-patients/.
9 Home Health Agencies Should Brace for PDGM
change. This allows us to control for the level of care received by patients. Battle Later This Year. https://homehealthcare
actual utilization, not predicted For instance, prior to the PDGM, the
utilization, to determine the impact of industry notes that HHAs were brace-for-pdgm-battle-later-this-year/.

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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations 66799

would change the resulting payment behaviors) to what the 30-day base supporting its calculations. In addition,
adjustment for assumed versus actual payment rate and aggregate a few commenters stated that the
behavior changes under the PDGM. It expenditures should have been (based methodology was not clear and did not
would be inappropriate for CMS to on actual behaviors). provide the specific claims to use in
continue to pay for therapy as if HHAs Some commenters read the analysis. Some commenters stated that
were still inflating therapy provision requirement in subparagraph (A)(iv) to agency-level impacts should have been
based on the former therapy thresholds, calculate estimated aggregate provided and that they could not fully
when the number of therapy visits after expenditures as if one of Congress’ analyze the methodology without such
the implementation of the PDGM has payment reforms ‘‘had not been agency-level impacts.
actually declined. Despite the enacted’’ to require payments based on Response: We disagree with
commenters’ argument that CMS cannot pre-2020 therapy utilization rates— commenters that we violated notice and
use the reduction in therapy to pointing also to subparagraph (A)(iv)’s comment rulemaking by not providing
determine payment because the BBA of title of ‘‘budget neutrality for 2020.’’ But the public with relevant data and
2018 mandated the elimination of that reading ignores the requirement in technical studies. We also remind
therapy thresholds, the law did not subparagraph (D) to adjust estimated commenters that this methodology, the
mandate a reduction in the provision of aggregate expenditures based on ‘‘actual corresponding data files and step-by-
therapy or even decrease the payment behavior changes,’’ as well as its step instructions also were detailed in
rates for therapy disciplines. It simply instruction in subparagraph (A)(iv) to the CY 2022 HH PPS proposed rule (86
removed a payment incentive structured incorporate into CMS’s estimated FR 35889) and CMS solicited comments
around the quantity of therapy visits, aggregate expenditures ‘‘assumptions on this methodology in that proposed
which had resulted in provider behavior about behavior changes that could occur rule. Interested parties did not state that
to maximize payment, exactly the type as a result of’’ implementing these the data and instructions provided at
of actual behavior change that CMS is payment reforms. These provisions that time were insufficient to provide
tasked to consider when setting the base authorize CMS to account for how comments on the methodology.
payment rate. behavior changes, like therapy Moreover, in the CY 2023 HH PPS
utilization, would have affected proposed rule, we made available
We disagree with commenters who
payments under the old 60-day system sufficient data and methodological
read sections 1895(b)(3)(A)(iv) and
and do not require CMS to pay for descriptions for interested commenters
1895(b)(3)(D) of the Act to require therapy that never actually occurred.
payments based on earlier, higher to replicate our calculations to provide
This ensures that HHAs were still paid comments on this rule. These are further
therapy utilization rates instead of the same amount they would have been
permitting us to re-run the calculations described below.
under the old system for services they First, in the CY 2023 HH PPS
we used to predict aggregated actually did provide—thus achieving proposed rule (87 FR 37616 through
expenditures with actual 2020 data. budget neutrality. 37620), CMS provided a detailed
Subparagraph (A)(iv) required CMS, in We also disagree with the commenter methodology and described the results
determining budget neutrality for 2020, who suggests that subparagraph (D) of applying that methodology, citing the
to estimate a payment amount so that prohibits CMS from recalculating year and the source of the home health
the ‘‘estimated aggregate amount of estimated aggregate expenditures and claims data obtained from the Chronic
expenditures’’ under the new 30-day instead requires CMS to compare the Conditions Warehouse (CCW) and the
case-mix system—after including aggregate expenditures CMS estimated Home Health Claims—OASIS limited
‘‘assumptions about behavior changes in 2019 to actual expenditures CMS data set (LDS) file. The CY 2022 HH PPS
that could occur’’ because of the observed in 2020. Subparagraph (D) proposed rule (86 FR 35889 through
changed methodology—was ‘‘equal to requires CMS to evaluate how using 35892) also included a comment
the estimated aggregate amount of actual behavior changes rather than solicitation on this same detailed
expenditures that otherwise would have assumed behavior changes affects methodology, citing the LDS file, a
been made’’ if the new 30-day case-mix predicted expenditures. publicly-available claims database. The
system ‘‘had not been enacted.’’ And Comment: Multiple commenters OASIS LDS includes the same data as
subparagraph (D) requires CMS, for stated that CMS’ proposed rule violates the CCW, except de-identified for public
years 2020–2026, to adjust payments notice and comment rulemaking release. CMS repeatedly states that at
based on how differences between the because ‘‘an agency must provide the the HH PPS LDS web page 10 such raw
‘‘assumed’’ behavior changes that CMS public with the relevant data and data are available, and agency records
originally predicted and the ‘‘actual’’ technical studies on which it relies to
reflect that multiple commenters in fact
behavior changes CMS now observes form decisions’’. Commenters indicated
received the CY 2021 Home Health
impact original ‘‘estimated aggregate that CMS did not disclose to the public
Claims—OASIS LDS data at issue in this
expenditures.’’ CMS followed both the data model and the post-
rule. That file provides the variables and
subparagraph (A)(iv) by estimating manipulation data and they were
their descriptions for the CY 2023 HH
aggregate expenditures for CY 2020 therefore unable to replicate and test the
PPS proposed rule as well as diagnostics
using simulated 30-day case-mix system CMS’ findings and conclusions.
that provide basic statistics for each
claims (as this was the only data Specifically, commenters requested the
variable CMS considered.
available at the time of CY 2020 baseline payments at the claim level
Second, CMS detailed each
rulemaking) to calculate a 30-day base used by CMS to calculate the CY 2023
methodological step it took in the rules,
payment rate as if the 30-day case-mix impacts, any additional adjustments to
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

including the exclusions and

system ‘‘had not been enacted’’. CMS the CY 2021 data to roll it forward to CY
assumptions that CMS used to calculate
followed subparagraph (D) by 2022, home health agency level impacts,
estimated aggregate expenditures. As
determining the impact of assumed the dataset CMS used to determine
such, commenters had access to both
behavior changes to actual behavior budget neutrality and the adjustment
changes by comparing the 30-day base factors for CYs 2020 and 2021, a 10
payment rate and aggregate spreadsheet analogue to the SNF parity- and-Systems/Files-for-Order/LimitedDataSets/
expenditures (based on assumed adjustment, and the input data Home_Health_PPS_LDS.

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66800 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations

the dataset (including baseline the COVID–19 PHE or other exogenous of the PDGM. However, several
payments at the claim level, and the factors. It may be helpful to review the commenters stated that even if therapy
exact number of claims and the payment comments received from MedPAC on visits were reduced in CYs 2020 and
rates used in calculating the CY 2020 the proposed rule.12 MedPAC stated in 2021, but outcomes (for example,
and CY 2021 proposed permanent and its comments that the methodology hospitalizations, meeting goals of the
temporary adjustments) they requested, presented in the proposed rule was plan of care) did not worsen, then
as well as how CMS used that data to reasonable because applying the case- payment reductions should not be
calculate the adjustments. Interested mix system in effect prior to 2020 made.
parties were thus able to replicate CMS’ reflects how Medicare would have paid Response: We appreciate the
calculations with the information that in the absence of the BBA 2018 changes. commenters’ recommendation.
CMS made available to them. MedPAC explained that any effect of the However, CMS does not have the
Commenters’ requests for additional COVID–19 PHE is included in both authority to tie this payment adjustment
information go beyond the critical estimated aggregate expenditures (that to outcomes or other quality measures,
factual material needed to comment on is, 60-day episodes and 30-day periods). or to modify this adjustment on an
CMS’ proposals. CMS did not adjust the Therefore, they noted that methodology agency level.
data to ‘‘roll’’ the CY 2021 data to CY presented ensures that any differences Comment: A commenter suggested
2022, and so information about CY 2022 between the two calculated spending using Hierarchical Condition Categories
data is irrelevant to CMS’s calculations. amounts would not be attributable to (HCC) scores within the behavioral
Nor did CMS need to generate an analog the COVID–19 PHE. assumptions.
to the SNF parity adjustment In addition, while the initial onset of Response: We appreciate the
spreadsheet, which was not part of the the COVID–19 PHE in the early months commenter’s recommendation;
critical factual materials the agency of CY 2020 may have had an impact on however, we note that the HCC scores
considered when making the home health utilization, the healthcare are dependent on beneficiaries having a
calculations in the rule. Similarly, system has since begun to return to claims history (which may be limited
commenters did not need home health normal and stabilize. For example, for those newly enrolled in Medicare),
agency level impacts data, because studies have shown that elective and therefore, do not think they would
impacts estimate how the national surgeries and other medical treatments be appropriate to use in this
payment rate may affect HHAs overall, have resumed to pre-pandemic methodology as it may limit our ability
which was not a metric CMS used to capacity.13 As shown in the CY 2023 to capture beneficiary characteristics
calculate the adjustments. Finally, CMS HH PPS proposed rule (87 FR 37605 needed for case-mix adjustment.
did not need to release the simulated through 37614), many aspects of home Comment: A few commenters
60-day episodes because CMS provided health utilization (volume, visits, questioned why CMS did not include
the detailed instructions on how clinical groups, comorbidity adjustment, therapy utilization as one of the original
commenters could simulate those admission source, timing, and three behavior change assumptions
claims themselves based on the data functional impairment level) are similar when setting the CY 2020 payment rate.
CMS provided. We are aware that some throughout CYs 2020 and 2021. Response: We have noted in past rules
courts have read a procedural Furthermore, in the CY 2023 HH PPS that we use the functional impairment
requirement into the Administrative proposed rule, we solicited data from level case-mix adjustment, developed as
Procedure Act (Pub. L. 89–554) interested parties showing how COVID– part of the PDGM case-mix, to provide
mandating that agencies provide for 19 affected these aspects of home health the necessary payment adjustments to
public comment the critical factual utilization and we did not receive any ensure that functional care needs
materials on which they rely.11 By empirical information on this issue necessitating therapy, are met based on
releasing sufficient raw data files and specifically. Therefore, we find the CYs actual patient characteristics (84 FR
methodological descriptions that 2020 and 2021 data are sufficient and 60497). The functional impairment case-
allowed commenters to replicate CMS’s complete, for the purpose of this mix factor was not meant to be a direct
process, CMS has more than satisfied methodology, and we believe the data proxy for the therapy thresholds;
any legal requirements to disclose are not significantly impacted as a result however, we expected that functional
factual materials. of the COVID–19 PHE. impairment along with other case-mix
Comment: Multiple commenters Comment: A commenter stated CMS’ factors (for example, admission source),
expressed concerns that the COVID–19 data shows that after implementation of would appropriately compensate HHAs
PHE may have impacted CY 2020 and the PDGM, HHAs continued to provide for therapy.
2021 data. Commenters stated the therapy, but the pattern of therapy Likewise, we expected the functional
COVID–19 PHE required a shift in provision changed. For example, they impairment adjustment, along with
priorities, thereby changing utilization noted the most significant decline was other case-mix factors (for example,
patterns. for episodes with 13 or more therapy admission source), to not only alleviate
Response: The proposed methodology visits. In addition, several commenters concerns that removal of the therapy
controls for changes in utilization as a stated there has been a decline in thresholds would dissuade providers
result of exogenous factors such as the therapy visits since the implementation from delivering needed therapy, but to
COVID–19 PHE by using the same assure providers that patients can and
claims dataset, that is the same basket 12 should still receive the necessary type
of services, under both payment 2022/08/08152022_HomeHealth_MedPAC_ and amount of therapy based on patient
COMMENT_SEC.pdf. characteristics. In this respect, while we
systems. This ensures any difference in
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

13 Aviva S. Mattingly, BA; Liam Rose, Ph.D.;

aggregate expenditures is not related to Hyrum S. Eddington, BS; Amber W. Trickey, Ph.D.;
did note that we were aware of how
Mark R. Cullen, MD; Arden M. Morris, MD, MPH; payment may affect practice patterns
11 See, for example, Am. Radio Relay League, Inc. Sherry M. Wren, MD. Trends in US Surgical and that visits vary in response to
v. F.C.C., 524 F.3d 227, 236 (DC Cir. 2008); but cf. Procedures and Health Care System Response to financial incentives, we also stated that
id. at 246 (Kavanaugh, J., concurring in the Policies Curtailing Elective Surgical Operations
judgment in relevant part) (noting critical factual During the COVID–19. December 8, 2021. JAMA
the therapy thresholds promoted the
material doctrine ‘‘stands on a shaky legal Network Open. 2021;4(12):e2138038. doi:10.1001/ provision of care based on increased
foundation’’). jamanetworkopen.2021.38038. payment associated with each of these

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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations 66801

thresholds as opposed to actual patient is not required by statute, and there is commenter recommended replacing the
needs (83 FR 56485). It was our belief, insufficient time to obtain such input. proposed methodology, which they
when setting the original behavior Comment: Many commenters stated stated focused on a change in average
change assumptions, that the functional the proposed methodology was case-mix weight, to a methodology
impairment adjustment would ‘‘technically flawed’’ because the which focuses on behavior changes.
effectively offset reductions in therapy methodology does not compare Response: We thank the commenters
visits that could result from the behaviors assumed by CMS in for their suggestions. While we
elimination of the therapy thresholds, establishing the CY 2020 rate to actual recognize other factors affect the
especially those patients requiring behaviors observed on aggregate utilization of home health services, we
multiple therapy disciplines or patients expenditures. A commenter stated the believe the statute is best read to
with significant functional impairment. methodology was based on faulty data instruct us to consider only changes
As a result, we did not initially contend and that the methodology uses an related to provider behavior in response
that removal of the therapy thresholds outdated logic, therefore the behavioral to the 30-day unit of payment and case-
would significantly alter provider adjustment is based on ‘‘poor logic’’. mix changes. As stated in the CY 2023
behavior, as we were still compensating Response: As stated previously, CMS HH PPS proposed rule (87 FR 37616),
therapy through the functional is not required to correct or quantify while changes in nominal case-mix may
impairment case-mix adjustment. Our each original assumption regarding be supplemental to our findings, the law
expectation was that therapy utilization home health agency behavior change, requires CMS to determine the impact of
would reflect actual patient acuity. but rather, ensure that the payment rate differences between assumed versus
Comment: Commenters stated they is accurately accounting for all actual behavioral changes on estimated
support the structure of the PDGM, but behaviors that actually occurred in a aggregate expenditures, which are not
the budget neutrality adjustment given year. As required by law, CMS factored into our calculations of case-
methodology is inconsistent with other determined the base payment rate for mix adjustment authority. Section
methodologies applied to other health CY 2020 incorporating assumptions 1895(b)(3)(B)(iv) of the Act states that
care providers and would result in a about behavior changes that could occur CMS has the authority to adjust for case-
loss of access to care. as a result of the PDGM. It is unclear mix changes that are a result of changes
Response: We thank interested parties why the commenter believes the data in the coding or classification of
for their comments. However, the were faulty or how the methodology different units of services that do not
commenters did not clarify what they was outdated. The proposed reflect real changes in case mix.
meant by ‘‘inconsistent with other methodology for adjusting for Therefore, at this time we believe
methodologies applied to other health behavioral changes compares the analyses of nominal case-mix change are
care providers’’. We believe that the payment rate and aggregate provided under a separate authority
proposed methodology satisfies the expenditures based on assumed than the statutory requirement to
budget neutrality requirements at behaviors to the what the payment rate evaluate what aggregate expenditures
section 1895(b)(3)(A)(iv) of the Act, as and estimated aggregate expenditures would have been in absence of the
well as the requirements at section would have been using actual behaviors. PDGM and the elimination of therapy
1895(b)(3)(D)(i) of the Act, to determine Therefore, CMS’ proposed methodology thresholds.
the impact of differences between is comparing assumed behaviors to We disagree the methodology focuses
assumed behavior changes and actual actual behaviors on estimated aggregate on the change in average case-mix
behavior changes on estimated aggregate expenditures, as required by law. weight. Instead, the methodology
expenditures for home health periods of Further, as stated in the CY 2023 HH compares assumed behavior to actual
care. Furthermore, MedPAC stated in PPS proposed rule (87 FR 37616), we behavior and determines the impact of
their March, 2022 report 14 that the continue to assert that the best reading those differences on estimated aggregate
Commission found positive access, of the law requires us to retrospectively expenditures, as required by law. Our
quality, and financial indicators for the determine if the 30-day payment discussion of case-mix in section II.B.2.
sector. As such, we do not believe that amount in CY 2020 resulted in the same of this final rule is only used as
this methodology and its resulting estimated aggregate expenditures that supporting evidence in the decrease of
payment adjustment would result in a would have been made if the change in therapy utilization.
the unit of payment and the PDGM case- Comment: A commenter stated the
loss of access to care.
Comment: Several commenters mix adjustment methodology had not proposed methodology fails to account
recommended CMS hold a Technical been implemented. It does not require for the reduction in average per-episode
that our rates be retrospectively adjusted therapy services under the PDGM,
Expert Panel (TEP) to determine a
to mirror estimated aggregate spending. which would have substantially
methodology for calculating the budget
Comment: Several commenters reduced payments under the prior case-
neutrality adjustment.
Response: We thank commenters for recommended including changes that mix system. The commenter stated that
their suggestion. However, CMS affect other aspects of Medicare home this resulted in a behavioral offset in CY
solicited comments on the CY 2022 HH health spending such as Medicare 2020 that was too high and would carry
PPS proposed rule (86 FR 35892) for enrollment; modification/improvement over into subsequent years.
of enforcement of coverage standards Response: We recognize commenters
alternative methodologies, and
(for example, maintenance therapy, are concerned that the methodology
interested parties were able to submit
home infusion therapy); behavior does not control for therapy. However,
comments on the CY 2023 HH PPS
changes in other PAC services that affect as stated previously, we believe it
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

proposed rule. We received 75

home health utilization; technological would be inappropriate to manipulate
comments on the CY 2022 proposed
advances; and other factors that may the data to assume that behaviors (that
rule and 770 comments on the CY 2023
contribute to Medicare spending is, therapy provision) remain the same
proposed rule. We also note that a TEP
changes not specifically related to the between both payment systems, when
14 implementation of the PDGM. Some calculating the behavior change
2022/03/Mar22_MedPAC_ReportToCongress_v2_ commenters suggesting adjusting for adjustment. The commenter is correct
SEC.pdf. nominal versus real case-mix change. A that the same methodology will be used

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66802 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations

in subsequent years, meaning we will However, the SNF PPS and HH PPS are attempt to rebase the 30-day payment
not control for therapy in subsequent fundamentally different; SNFs are paid amount. As such, many commenters
years either; however, we remind a per-diem payment with different case- also recommended the alternative
commenters that the law requires we mix variables, and HHAs are paid under methodology presented by the
annually determine the impact of the a bundled payment system. In addition, consulting firm. This methodology
assumed versus actual behavior changes unlike the requirements of the SNF PPS recommended comparing the average
on estimated aggregate expenditures for parity adjustment, CMS is required, by CY 2020 30-day episode payments to
CY 2020 through CY 2026 and adjust law, to account for behavior changes the estimated average CY 2020
the payment rate to offset for such related to the implementation of the payments with behavioral assumptions
increases or decreases in a time and PDGM, which CMS did by comparing used by CMS to set CY 2020 payment
manner determined appropriate. actual PDGM claims to what the same rates (based on data from CY 2018 60-
Keeping behaviors constant when they utilization (for example, visits, OASIS day episodes converted to 30-day
changed in between payment systems is responses, etc.) would look like under a episodes).
inconsistent with this instruction. 60-day unit of payment. Response: We appreciate the
It is unclear what the commenter Section 1895(b)(4)(B)(ii) of the Act commenters’ recommendation;
suggested by a ‘‘carry over’’ effect. To statutorily required the removal of however, the law requires us to
clarify, the methodology analyzes each therapy thresholds in establishing determine the difference between
year of data independently and captures payment, but CMS stated multiple times assumed versus actual behaviors on
any behavior changes which occurred in (83 FR 56481, 84 FR 60497, 86 FR estimated aggregate expenditures.
that year, including any changes in 62247, and 87 FR 37615) that therapy Therefore, we continue to believe that
therapy provision. As such, if any must be provided in accordance with the best reading of the law requires us
behaviors continue into subsequent the plan of care and that the PDGM is to retrospectively determine if the 30-
years, these will be captured in the not limiting or prohibiting the provision day payment amount in CY 2020 and
methodology. We also remind readers of therapy services. As the data, as well CY 2021 resulted in the same estimated
the permanent adjustment is based on as commenters, indicate that HHAs are aggregate expenditures if the change in
the percent change between the actual decreasing therapy utilization in the unit of payment and the PDGM case-
30-day base payment rate and the response to the removal of a payment mix adjustment had not been
repriced 30-day base payment rate for incentive, and not the COVID–19 PHE, implemented and the visits and OASIS
the same year of data (for example, CY we disagree with commenters who responses did not change. As stated
2021). suggest adjusting attributing decreased previously, the proposed methodology
Comment: Multiple commenters therapy to the COVID–19 PHE. Given compares the payment rate and
recommended modifying the proposed CMS has not directed HHAs to modify aggregate expenditures based on
methodology to account for changes in the amount of services provided, but assumed behaviors to what the payment
therapy utilization and the onset of the rather continue providing services in rate and estimated aggregate
COVID–19 PHE. Specifically, many accordance with the plan of care, then expenditures would have been using
commenters stated that the therapy any changes (operational or otherwise) actual behaviors, which we believe is
provision under the prior 153-group by HHAs are actual behavior changes what the law requires.
payment system would be higher than due to the implementation of the PDGM. Comment: Several commenters stated
seen under the PDGM and that CMS As stated earlier, this type of response the PDGM claims cannot be reasonably
should control for the change in therapy to a new payment system is what CMS regrouped under an alternative payment
utilization. Many commenters is required by law to evaluate and system.
recommended that CMS adopt the account for with subsequent payment Response: We disagree with this
methodology presented by a consulting rate adjustments. If CMS were to comment, as both payment systems
firm hired by several interested parties. implement the method presented by the (153-group and PDGM) group claims
The consulting firm recommended consulting firm, we would need to into case-mix groups based on
applying the Patient Driven Payment artificially inflate the number of therapy information available on the claim, the
Model (PDPM) parity adjustment visits in CYs 2020 and 2021. As noted OASIS, and other accessible
methodology used in the CY 2023 above, doing so is inconsistent with administrative data. While the PDGM
Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) PPS how we read the statute. Instead, the removed the payment incentive for
proposed 15 and final rule (87 FR methodology presented by the excess therapy, it is not only reasonable,
47502) 16 to CY 2020 PDGM data. The consulting firm would be comparing the but required by law, to compare the
consulting firm stated ‘‘based on this payment rate and aggregate same claims under two different case-
approach, we found that CY 2020 PDGM expenditures based on the previous mix systems. Additionally, the proposed
payments were approximately 2.5 assumed behavior assumptions to a methodology is consistent with the
percent below budget neutrality (with payment rate and aggregate original methodology used in
COVID–19 cases included) and 2.4 expenditures based on new assumed establishing the PDGM. As stated in the
percent below budget neutrality with behavior assumptions. In other words, CY 2020 HH PPS final rule with
COVID–19 cases excluded.’’ any method which controls for therapy comment period (84 FR 60512), we
Response: We appreciate the provision (or other behaviors) would divided actual 60-day episodes from the
commenters’ recommendation to modify result in CMS comparing assumed 153-group payment system into two 30-
the proposed methodology to control for versus assumed behavior, which would day periods in order to calculate the 30-
therapy utilization in alignment with be inconsistent with what the statute day payment amounts. Specifically, we
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

the SNF parity adjustment methodology. requires. simulated 9,336,898 30-day periods
Comment: Several commenters stated from 5,471,454 60-day episodes and
the proposed methodology does not using estimated aggregate expenditures
2022/04/15/2022-07906/medicare-program- compare the behaviors assumed by CMS we calculated what we thought the CY
billing-for-skilled-nursing-facilities. in establishing the initial payment rate, 2020 payment rate would need to be,
16 but rather creates an artificial target based on assumed behavior changes. We
08-03/pdf/2022-16457.pdf. amount to reduce payments as an are replicating this method in reverse to

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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations 66803

evaluate what the CY 2020 base PDGM,17 we disagree that those allow commenters to accurately
payment rate should have been based on unassigned codes would have created replicate the methodology.
actual behavior changes and actual any significant difference in assigning Response: The calculations presented
utilization. the clinical level in the 153-group case- by commenters make several incorrect
Comment: Several commenters mix system. For example, out of all the assumptions and do not accurately
indicated that CMS did not provide diagnosis codes available in the final replicate the detailed methodology
enough information, specifically the grouper for the 153-group case mix described in the CY 2023 HH PPS
OASIS assessments, to replicate the system, only 22 percent (15,936) of the proposed rule. As stated in the CY 2023
methodology. In addition, a commenter diagnosis codes could potentially HH PPS proposed rule (87 FR 37617),
stated certain OASIS items used to contribute to the clinical score. Of those after all exclusions and assumptions
group the 60-day episodes are optional codes which could have contributed to were applied, we designated each 60-
in CYs 2020 and 2021, which may the clinical score, only 6.99 percent day episode of care as a normal episode,
impact the adjustment calculations. (1,114) of the diagnosis codes are not PEP, LUPA, or outlier based on the
Response: CMS provided a detailed accepted as a principal diagnosis under payment parameters established in the
explanation of the methodology in the the PDGM. In addition, there are only CY 2020 HH PPS final rule with
CY 2023 HH PPS proposed rule (87 FR three clinical dimensions (Diabetes, comment period (84 FR 60478) for 60-
37616) and data that can be used to Skin 1, and Neuro 1) under the 153- day episodes of care. Next, using the
carry out the methodology is made group system which produced a October 2019 3M Home Health Grouper
available via the Home Health Claims— different score when the diagnosis was (v8219), we assigned a HIPPS code to
OASIS LDS. The LDS file contains all counted as a principal diagnosis instead each simulated 60-day episode of care
necessary information, including of a secondary diagnosis. The other using the 153-group methodology.
OASIS, and the proposed rule described clinical dimensions awarded the same Finally, we priced the CY 2020
the necessary steps and the points with either a primary or other simulated 60-day episodes of care using
methodology used to allow interested diagnosis listed on the OASIS. the payment parameters described in
parties the ability to replicate the 60-day Therefore, while approximately 7 the CY 2020 HH PPS final rule with
simulated episodes. Those replicated percent of the diagnosis codes that comment period (84 FR 60537) for 60-
60-day simulated episodes and the contributed to the clinical score under day episodes of care.18 The CY 2023 HH
actual 30-day periods would have the 153 case-mix group system are no PPS proposed rule states that each claim
resulted in the ability to calculate longer accepted as principal under the is paid based on the type of claim (that
estimated aggregate expenditures, a PDGM, many of these codes could still is, normal, PEP, LUPA, outlier) and
repriced base payment rate, and the be used as a secondary diagnosis code assigned a HIPPS code, which would
permanent and temporary adjustments. and counted towards the clinical score. result in a specific case-mix weight for
If a particular OASIS item did not have Additionally, there were thresholds for each claim. Next, each claim
a response, then that item would not the clinical level, and even if the (determined by claim type, HIPPS) was
contribute to the functional or clinical diagnosis code was accepted as priced based on the parameters
score under the 153-group payment principal, it would not automatically previously described in the CY 2020
system. If there were certain OASIS increase the clinical score to the point rule for 60-day episodes. CMS did not
items missing on claims, those items where it would have triggered a new simply multiply each claim by the base
may not have affected the overall clinical level. In the CY 2023 HH PPS payment rate, as the commenters
suggested, as this would miscalculate
functional or clinical score and proposed rule (87 FR 37615), we
aggregate expenditures. As stated
corresponding level. Additionally, described an analysis that shows the
earlier, the available Home Health
based on the analysis shown in the CY decline in the average case-mix weight
Claims—OASIS LDS dataset included
2023 HH PPS proposed rule (87 FR for simulated 60-day episodes were
all information for interested parties to
37615), the data showed the difference largely driven by reductions in therapy
determine the claim type and the
in case-mix weights was largely driven utilization instead of the clinical score
associated HIPPS code to accurately
by therapy utilization and not (which may be impacted by diagnoses).
estimate aggregate expenditures.
functional or clinical score. Therefore, if That means, even if all the diagnosis In addition, the commenters
a small subset of claims had missing codes were accepted under the PDGM, referenced two unrelated numbers. As
OASIS items, it would not significantly we find it would be unlikely for the stated in the CY 2023 HH PPS proposed
change the overall aggregate case-mix weight to have increased rule (87 FR 37618), the 7,618,061 claims
expenditures and resulting adjustments. enough to counteract the reduction in were the actual 30-day periods after all
Comment: A commenter noted therapy. exclusions and assumptions were
approximately 40 percent of diagnosis Comment: A few commenters detailed applied to create the 4,463,549
codes, which were previously allowed their interpretation of our proposed simulated 60-day episodes. We then
under the 153 case-mix group system, methodology for CY 2020 describing a determined what the payment rate
are no longer accepted as a principal calculation that uses the number of 30- should have been to equal the aggregate
diagnosis under the PDGM. This day periods (7,618,061) multiplied by expenditures that we calculated from
commenter stated that this systematic the 30-day base payment rate the simulated CY 2020 60-day episodes.
change may have impacted a provider’s ($1.936.38) subtracted from actual We stated to determine the difference in
coding behavior and could have expenditures ($14.2 million) multiplied aggregate expenditures, we calculated
potentially led to the simulated 60-day by the number of 30-day periods. They the ‘‘aggregate expenditures for all CY
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

episodes being inaccurately assigned a stated that this calculation resulted in a 2020 PDGM 30-day claims’’ using both
‘‘clinical domain.’’ different payment adjustment and payment rates (87 FR 37618). In other
Response: We thank this commenter expressed concern that CMS
for their review of the diagnosis codes. inaccurately calculated the adjustment 18 Note, we also performed similar calculations

While we acknowledge 41 percent or did not provide sufficient detail to using CY2021 data. When doing this calculation for
CY2021 data, we updated the C2020 payment rates
(29,948) of all the diagnosis codes are by the payment parameters used to establish the
not assigned a clinical group under the 17 Using V03.2.22 of the home health grouper. CY2021 PDGM payment.

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66804 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations

words, the $14.2 billion referenced by episode. All of these exclusions were changes and actual behavior changes, in
the commenter was determined using thoroughly discussed in previous any given year, we calculate a
the $1,742.52 PDGM payment rate for rulemaking cycles. Without these permanent prospective adjustment by
all 8,423,688 30-day periods, rather than exclusions, we would not be confident determining what the 30-day base
pricing the 7,618,061 claims at their we were appropriately grouping 30-day payment amount should have been in
adjusted (for example, wage index, case- periods into simulated 60-day episodes. order to achieve the same estimated
mix) rate. It is also important to note, for CY 2020 aggregate expenditures as obtained from
Comment: A few commenters stated it we excluded 9.5 percent of 30-day the simulated 60-day episodes. This
was unclear how episode timing and periods and for CY 2021 we excluded would be our recalculated base payment
LUPA thresholds were assigned to the 16.3 percent of 30-day periods. That is, rate. The percent change between the
simulated 60-day episodes. we kept the majority of 30-day periods actual 30-day base payment rate and the
Response: As described in the CY in each year (over 90 percent for CY recalculated 30-day base payment rate
2023 HH PPS proposed rule, we used 2020 and over 83 percent for CY 2021). would be the permanent prospective
the October 2019 3M Home Health The excluded 30-day periods would adjustment.
Grouper (v8219) to group 60-day need to show large differences To calculate a temporary retrospective
episodes (87 FR 37617). Episode timing, compared to the episodes that were not adjustment for each year we would
early and late, were based on the excluded in order to significantly determine the dollar amount difference
number of 60-day episodes that occur change the estimated aggregate between the estimated aggregate
within a sequence of 60-day episodes. expenditures from the 60-day episodes expenditures from all 30-day periods
Additionally, under the 153-group to produce significant revisions to our using the recalculated 30-day base
system, any 60-day episode with 4 or calculations. As we showed in the payment rate, and the aggregate
fewer visits was classified as a LUPA monitoring section of the CY 2023 HH expenditures for all 30-day periods
(84 FR 60519). PPS proposed rule, utilization patterns using the actual 30-day base payment
Comment: A commenter look largely the same in both CYs 2020 rate for the same year. In determining
recommended recalibrating the and 2021 (87 FR 37605). Additionally, the temporary retrospective dollar
regression coefficients for the 153-group the permanent adjustment is based on amount, we use the full dataset of actual
payment model using the simulated 60- the percent change between the 30-day periods using both the actual
day episodes from the CY 2020 and payment rates (which utilizes the same and recalculated base payment rates to
2021 data to create an equivalent claims) and the temporary adjustment is ensure utilization and distribution of
approach to compare PDGM to the based on the aggregate expenditures of claims are the same. In accordance with
hypothetical pre-PDGM. The commenter all claims (that is, no exclusions) using section 1895(b)(3)(D)(iii) of the Act, the
stated that this would be consistent with the two payment rates (that is, the actual temporary adjustment is to be applied
CMS’s policy to annually recalibrate payment rate and the budget neutral on a prospective basis and shall apply
and control for changes in home health payment rate with the permanent only with respect to the year for which
resource use and changes in utilization adjustment applied). Therefore, we do such temporary increase or decrease is
patterns. not expect the small portion of excluded made. Therefore, after we determine the
Response: Any change in the average claims significantly biased our results. dollar amount to be reconciled in any
case-mix weight is counteracted through Comment: A commenter stated that in given year, we calculate a temporary
a corresponding change in the payment their own analysis of CMS data they adjustment factor to be applied to the
rate so that aggregate expenditures are excluded 30-day claims with a primary base payment rate. The temporary
budget neutral regardless of whether diagnosis of COVID–19 because they adjustment factor is based on an
recalibration is applied. Recalibration were unable to assign it a HIPPS code. estimated number of 30-day periods in
ensures that payment incentives for Response: We appreciate the diligence the next year using historical data
future utilization are aligned with the of the commenter, and are grateful that trends, and as applicable, we control for
design of the payment system (for they were able to make full analytical a permanent adjustment factor, case-mix
example, recalibration ensures roughly a use of the publicly available data. weight recalibration neutrality factor,
third of periods and episodes are in a However, simulated 60-day episodes wage index budget neutrality factor, and
particular functional level). While we with a primary diagnosis of COVID–19 the home health payment update. The
currently do not believe there would be would still be assigned a HIPPS under temporary adjustment factor is applied
any benefit in recalibrating the case-mix the V8219 Home Health Grouper from last.
weights for the simulated 60-day 3M and would not have been excluded
episodes, we may consider it in future d. CY 2020 Results
from the repricing analysis unless there
rulemaking. was another unrelated issue with the Using the methodology described
Comment: A few commenters were claim that prevented grouping. previously, we simulated 60-day
concerned the exclusions of certain Final Decision: After consideration of episodes using actual CY 2020 30-day
categories of claim used in the proposed all the comments received and thorough periods to determine what the CY 2020
methodology may have biased the review of section 1895(b) of the Act, we permanent and temporary payment
results. are finalizing the proposed methodology adjustments should be to offset for such
Response: As stated in the CY 2023 to evaluate the impact of the differences increases or decreases in estimated
HH PPS proposed rule, exclusions were of assumed versus actual behavior aggregate expenditures. For CY 2020, we
made to the CY 2020 and 2021 claims changes on estimated aggregate began with 8,423,688 30-day periods
data in order to simulate 60-day and dropped 603,157 30-day periods
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

episodes of care (87 FR 37617). These that had a claim occurrence code 50
exclusions included overlapping claims, c. Calculating Permanent and date after October 31, 2020. We also
three or more claims linked to the same Temporary Payment Adjustments eliminated 79,328 30-day periods that
OASIS, and whether it was unclear if To offset for such increases or didn’t appear to group with another 30-
there would have been a prior or decreases in estimated aggregate day period to form a 60-day episode if
subsequent 30-day period that would expenditures as a result of the impact of the 30-day period had a ‘‘from date’’
have been a part of a simulated 60-day differences between assumed behavior before January 15, 2020 or a ‘‘through

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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations 66805

date’’ after November 30, 2020. This was when we simulated 30-day periods of rate should have been to equal aggregate
done to ensure a 30-day period would care for implementation of the PDGM. expenditures that we calculated using
not have been part of a 60-day episode After all exclusions and assumptions the simulated CY 2020 60-day episodes.
that would have overlapped into CY were applied, the final dataset included The percent change between the two
2021. Applying the additional 7,618,061 actual 30-day periods of care payment rates would be the permanent
exclusions and assumptions as and 4,463,549 simulated 60-day adjustment. To calculate the temporary
described previously, an additional episodes of care for CY 2020. adjustment for CY 2020, we calculated
14,062 30-day periods were excluded Using the final dataset for CY 2020 the difference in aggregate expenditures
(7,618,061 actual 30-day periods which for all CY 2020 PDGM 30-day claims
from this analysis. Additionally, we
made up the 4,463,549 simulated 60-day using the actual and recalculated
excluded 66,469 simulated 60-day
episodes) we determined the estimated payment rates. This difference between
episodes of care where no OASIS aggregate expenditures using the pre-
information was available in the CCW these two aggregate expenditures, based
PDGM HH PPS data were lower than the on actual and recalculated payment
VRDC or could not be grouped to a estimated aggregate expenditures using
HIPPS due to a missing primary rates, is the retrospective dollar amount
the PDGM HH PPS data (see Table 2). needed to offset any increase or
diagnosis or other reason. Our simulated This indicates that actual aggregate decrease in the estimated aggregate
60-day episodes of care produced a expenditures under the PDGM were expenditures. Our results are shown in
distribution of two 30-day periods of higher than if the 153-group payment Table 2.
care (70.6 percent) and single 30-day system was still in place in CY 2020. As
periods of care (29.4 percent). This described previously, we recalculated Table 2—CY 2020 Proposed Permanent
distribution is similar to what we found what the CY 2020 30-day base payment and Temporary Adjustments

Budget-neutral 30-day Budget-neutral 30-

Payment Rate with day Payment Rate
Assumed Behavior with Actual
Chane;es Behavior Chane;es
Base Payment Rate $1,864.03 $1,742.52 - 6.52%
Ae:e:ree;ate Expenditures $15,170,223,126 $14,297,150,005 - $873,073,121
Source: CY 2020 Home Health Claims Data, Periods that begin and end in CY 2020 accessed on the CCW July 12,

As shown in Table 2, a permanent increases or decreases in estimated exclusions and assumptions were
prospective adjustment of ¥6.52 aggregate expenditures as a result of the applied, the final dataset included
percent to the CY 2023 30-day payment impact of differences between assumed 7,703,261 actual 30-day periods of care
rate would be required to offset for such behavior changes and actual behavior and 4,529,498 simulated 60-day
increases in estimated aggregate changes. For CY 2021, we began with episodes of care for CY 2021.
expenditures in future years. 9,269,971 30-day periods of care and Using the final dataset for CY 2021
Additionally, we determined that our dropped 570,882 30-day periods of care (7,703,261 actual 30-day periods which
initial estimate of base payment rates that had claim occurrence code 50 date made up the 4,529,498 simulated 60-day
required to achieve budget neutrality after October 31, 2021. We also episodes) we determined the estimated
resulted in excess payments to HHAs of excluded 968,434 30-day periods of care aggregate expenditures under the pre-
approximately $873 million in CY 2020. that had claim occurrence code 50 date PDGM HH PPS was lower than the
This would require a temporary before January 1, 2021 to ensure the 30- actual estimated aggregate expenditures
adjustment to offset for such increase in day period would not be part of a under the PDGM HH PPS. This
estimated aggregate expenditures for CY simulated 60-day episode that began in indicates that aggregate expenditures
2020. CY 2020. Applying the additional under the PDGM were higher than if the
exclusions and assumptions as 153-group payment system was still in
e. CY 2021 Results place in CY 2021. As described
described previously, an additional
We will continue the practice of using 5,868 30-day periods were excluded. previously, we recalculated what the CY
the most recent complete home health Additionally, we excluded 14,302 2021 30-day base payment rate should
claims data at the time of rulemaking. simulated 60-day episodes of care where have been to equal aggregate
The CY 2021 analysis presented in the no OASIS information was available in expenditures that we calculated using
CY 2023 HH PPS proposed rule was the CCW VRDC or could not be grouped the simulated CY 2021 60-day episodes.
considered ‘‘preliminary’’ and as more to a HIPPS due to a missing primary We note, the actual CY 2021 base
data became available from the latter diagnosis or other reason. Our simulated payment rate of $1,901.12 does not
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

half of CY 2021, we updated our results. 60-day episodes of care produced a account for any adjustments previously
Using the methodology described distribution of two 30-day periods of made for CY 2020 and therefore, to
previously, we simulated 60-day care (70.0 percent) and single 30-day evaluate changes for only CY 2021 we
episodes using actual CY 2021 30-day periods of care (30.0 percent) that was need to control for the ¥6.52 percent
periods to determine what the similar to what we found when we prospective adjustment that we
permanent and temporary payment simulated two 30-day periods of care for determined for CY 2020. Therefore,

adjustments should be to offset for such implementation of the PDGM. After all using the recalculated CY 2020 base

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payment rate of $1,742.52, multiplied the two payment rates would be the ($1,751.90) payment rates. This
by the CY 2021 wage index budget permanent adjustment (assuming the difference is the retrospective dollar
neutrality factor (0.9999) and the CY –6.52 percent adjustment was already amount needed to offset payment. Our
2021 home health payment update taken). Next, we calculated the results are shown in Table 3.
(1.020), the CY 2021 base payment rate difference in aggregate expenditures for
for assumed behavior would have been all CY 2021 PDGM 30-day claims using Table 3—CY 2021 Proposed Permanent
$1,777.19. The percent change between the actual ($1,901.12) and recalculated and Temporary Adjustments

Budget-neutral Budget-neutral
30-day Payment 30-day Payment
Rate with Assumed Rate with Actual
Behavior Chane;es Behavior Chane;es Ad_justment
Base Payment Rate $1,777.19 $1,751.90 -1.42%
A!!!!ree;ate Expenditures $17,068,503,155* 15,857,500,202 $1,211,002,953
Source: CY 2021 Home Health Claims Data, Periods that end in CY 2021 accessed on the CCW July 15, 2022
*Note: The estimated aggregate expenditures for assumed behavior ($17 .1 billion), uses the CY 2021 payment rate
of$1,901.12 as this is what CMS actually paid in CY 2021.

As shown in Table 3, an additional billion in CY 2021. This would require 2020 and 2021, because no previous
permanent prospective adjustment of a temporary adjustment factor to offset adjustments were applied to the CY
¥1.42 percent (assuming the ¥6.52 for such increases in estimated aggregate 2020 rate to reset the CY 2021 rate. The
percent adjustment was already taken) expenditures for CY 2021. summation of the dollar amount for CYs
would be required to offset for such 2020 and 2021 is the amount that
f. CY 2023 Permanent and Temporary represents the temporary payment
increases in estimated aggregate
Adjustments adjustment to offset for increased
expenditures in future years.
Additionally, we determined that our The percent change between the aggregate expenditures in both CYs 2020
initial estimate of the base payment actual CY 2021 base payment rate of and 2021. Our results are shown in
rates required to achieve budget Table 4 and 5.
$1,901.12 and the CY 2021 recalculated
neutrality resulted in excess base payment rate of $1,751.90 is the Table 4—Total Permanent Adjustment
expenditures of approximately $1.2 total permanent adjustment for CYs for CYs 2020 and 2021

Actual CY 2021 Base Recalculated CY 2021 Base Total Permanent

Payment Rate Payment Rate Prospective Adjustment
(Assumed Behavior) (Actual Behavior)
$1,901.12 $1,751.90 -7.85%
Source: CY 2021 Home Health Claims Data, Periods that end in CY 2021 accessed on the CCW March 21, 2022.

Table 5—Total Temporary Adjustment

for CYs 2020 and 2021

CY 2020 Temporary CY 2021 Temporary Total Temporary

Adjustment Adjustment Adjustment Dollar Amount
for CYs 2020 and 2021
- $873,073,121 - $1,211,002,953 - $2,084,076,074
Source: CY 2020 Home Health Claims Data, Periods that begin and end in CY 2020 accessed on the CCW July 12,
ER04NO22.004</GPH> ER04NO22.005</GPH>

2021. CY 2021 Home Health Claims Data, Periods that end in CY 2021 accessed on the CCW July 15, 2022.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

To offset the increase in estimated payment rate as well as implement a significant negative adjustment in a
aggregate expenditures for CYs 2020 and temporary adjustment of approximately single year. However, if the PDGM base
2021 based on the impact of the $2.1 billion to reconcile retrospective 30-day payment rate remains higher
differences between assumed and actual overpayments in CYs 2020 and 2021. than it should be, then there would
behavior changes, CMS would need to We recognize that applying the full likely be a compounding effect,
apply a ¥7.85 percent permanent permanent and temporary adjustment potentially creating the need for an even
adjustment to the CY 2023 base immediately would result in a larger reduction to adjust for behavioral

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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations 66807

changes in future years. Therefore, we other payment-driven behaviors to the required to make temporary and
proposed to apply only the permanent detriment of patients. Another permanent payment adjustments to the
adjustment to the CY 2023 base commenter stated that CMS should look national, standardized 30-day period
payment rate. We believed this could for ways to reward ‘‘good provider payment rate based on the impact of
mitigate the need for a larger permanent behavior.’’ differences between assumed versus
adjustment and could reduce the Response: We recognize concerns actual behavior change, in accordance
amount of any additional temporary around staffing and appreciate the with sections 1895(b)(3)(D)(ii) and (iii)
adjustments in future years. We commenters’ recommendation. to offset for such increases or decreases
solicited comments on the application However, the statutorily required in estimated aggregate expenditures.
of only the permanent payment permanent and temporary adjustments These adjustments are not intended to
adjustment to the CY 2023 30-day due to behavior changes is neither to account for coding abuses, but rather
payment rate. Additionally, we solicited ‘‘reward’’ nor ‘‘penalize’’ providers. The behavior changes CMS observes across
comments on how best to collect the proposed methodology controls for the system. As such, we do not believe
temporary payment adjustment of overall utilization by using a single year that reducing the 30-day payment rate
approximately $2.0 billion for CYs 2020 of utilization data priced under two only for agencies with high margins is
and 2021. payment systems to estimate aggregate the best way to implement the by
Comment: MedPAC supported the expenditures. As such, any effects of statute.
proposed payment reduction and stated staffing issues would be present in the Comment: A few commenters also
it is consistent with their data under both systems. The payment stated that reduced payment from the
recommendation of a five percent adjustment is solely to offset for any permanent behavior assumption
reduction to the base payment rate in increase or decrease in estimated adjustment would exacerbate the
the March 2022 report to Congress.19 aggregate expenditures between the two already reduced payment that home
MedPAC commented CMS should payment systems. health agencies receive from Medicare
decrease home health payments to We also recognize the impact inflation Advantage and Medicaid. A commenter
better align payments with actual and the COVID–19 PHE has had on stated that CMS fails to consider that the
incurred costs, as they found that healthcare providers, however, we note margins associated with a traditional
Medicare margins for freestanding that in its March 2022 Report to the Medicare beneficiary subsidize the care
agencies averaged more than 20 percent Congress,20 MedPAC states that of managed Medicare Advantage and
from 2001 to 2020. Medicare margins increased under the Medicaid patients.
Response: We appreciate the PDGM, from 15.4 percent in 2019 to Response: While industry
supportive comment by MedPAC. 20.2 percent in 2020. Additionally, they representatives contend that Medicare
Comment: Several commenters projected margins for home health payments should subsidize payments
expressed concern that the proposed agencies in 2022 will be roughly 17.0 from other payers (Medicare Advantage
permanent behavior assumption percent. Furthermore, MedPAC stated in and Medicaid), we disagree. Medicare
adjustment would negatively impact their report that the Commission found has never set payments in order to
home health providers’ business positive access, quality, and financial cross-subsidize other payers. Section
operations. These commenters stated indicators for the sector, with average 1861(v)(1)(A) of the Act states ‘‘under
that the negative adjustment does not margins of 20.2 percent for freestanding the methods of determining costs, the
consider operational and financial HHAs in 2020, even though the cost per necessary costs of efficiently delivering
challenges providers are currently 30-day period increased by 3.1 percent covered services to individuals covered
experiencing related to inflation, in this year. We believe that these by the insurance programs established
staffing shortages, rising costs of margins, despite economic challenges, by this title will not be borne by
gasoline, and medical supplies, demonstrate that the payment rate, individuals not so covered, and the
including personal protective along with the market basket update, are costs with respect to individuals not so
equipment (PPE). Commenters also more than adequate to support business covered will not be borne by such
stated that staffing shortages could be operations. Finally, while we appreciate insurance programs.’’ There is no
the reason for the decline in visits. They the commenters’ suggestion regarding statutory authority to take the payment
stated that a negative 7.69 percent targeted claim review for specific home rates of other payers into account when
behavior assumption adjustment will health agencies, we do not believe setting Medicare fee-for-service payment
cause many agencies to operate with targeted program integrity efforts would rates.
negative margins. Commenters also mitigate behavioral changes resulting Comment: Many commenters
expressed concerns that the proposed from a case-mix system. We previously recommended a phased-in approach
behavior assumption adjustment addressed this suggestion in the CY over several years for the permanent and
penalizes HHAs and would put access 2016 HH PPS and CY 2019 HH PPS final temporary adjustments. Specifically, a
to home health in jeopardy and impact rules (80 FR 68421 and 83 FR 56455, commenter indicated that a phase-in
the quality of care given to home health respectively). As we previously noted, should reduce payments by no more
beneficiaries. Other commenters stated this strategy is not viable, given the than 2 percent annually until the
that CMS should utilize the existing widespread nature of coding changes adjustment is achieved. Another
program integrity measures to identify and improvements, small sample sizes commenter recommended the
and target specific agencies that have of agencies with significant nominal temporary adjustment starting no earlier
excess profit margins rather than impose case-mix across different classes of than 2026. A few commenters
recommended postponing any
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

an across the board reduction for all agencies, and difficulty in precisely
agencies, and that CMS should use its distinguishing the agencies that engage adjustments until more data are made
enforcement authority to target HHAs in abusive coding from all others. available.
Response: We thank the commenters
that are cutting utilization or engaged in Additionally, we reiterate that we are
for their recommendations. We
19 20 recognize the desire to reduce the
2022/03/Mar22_MedPAC_ReportToCongress_v2_ 2022/03/Mar22_MedPAC_ReportToCongress_v2_ payment adjustment; however, note that
SEC.pdf. SEC.pdf. any delay in the permanent adjustment

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66808 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations

through a phase-in approach may years for the temporary adjustment and health. In addition, diagnosis and
require larger temporary and permanent another year delay before recovering any procedure coding guidelines may
adjustments in the future. While we overpayments. Another commenter specify the sequence of ICD–10–CM
didn’t propose a temporary adjustment stated the recoupment should not be coding conventions. For example, the
in CY 2023, we will consider the best applied equally to all HHAs, but rather underlying condition must be listed first
approach, including a phase-in, when CMS should target recoupment based on (for example, Parkinson’s disease must
we do propose the temporary agency level analyses to determine those be listed prior to Dementia if both codes
adjustment in future rule-making. HHAs who had high margins, egregious were listed on a claim). Therefore, not
Final Decision: We stand by the behavior changes, and ‘‘cherry pick’’ all the ICD–10–CM diagnosis codes are
methodology as described previously patients. appropriate as principal diagnosis codes
and maintain our authority to finalize Response: We appreciate the for grouping home health periods into
the adjustment as proposed. But we commenters recommendation. We note clinical groups or to be placed into a
recognize the potential hardship of that this is not a recoupment in the legal comorbidity subgroup when listed as a
implementing the full ¥7.85 percent sense, but, as the statute specifies at secondary diagnosis. As such, each
permanent adjustment in a single year. section 1895(b)(3)(D)(iii) of the Act, a ICD–10–CM diagnosis code is assigned,
As we have the discretion to implement temporary adjustment to account for including those diagnosis codes
any adjustment in a time and manner retrospective behavior. While there may designated as ‘‘not assigned’’ (NA), to a
determined appropriate, we are be different business models between clinical group and comorbidity
finalizing only a ¥3.925 percent (half of HHAs, those practices are outside the subgroup within the HH PPS grouper
the ¥7.85 percent) permanent scope of this policy. Specifically, we software (HHGS). We reminded
adjustment for CY 2023. However, we believe the best way to interpret the commenters the ICD–10–CM diagnosis
note the permanent adjustment to statute is to apply any adjustments code list is updated each fiscal year
account for actual behavior changes in (permanent and temporary) to the with an effective date of October 1st and
CYs 2020 and 2021 should be ¥7.85 national, standardized 30-day period therefore, the HH PPS is generally
percent. Therefore, applying a ¥3.925 payment rate on a prospective basis. subject to a minimum of two HHGS
percent permanent adjustment to the CY Final Decision: We thank commenters releases, one in October and one in
2023 30-day payment rate would not for their suggestions about how to January of each year, to ensure that
adjust the rate fully to account for implement the temporary payment claims are submitted with the most
differences in behavior changes on adjustments and will consider them in current code set available. Likewise,
estimated aggregate expenditures during future rulemaking. there may be new ICD–10–CM diagnosis
those years, as well as in CYs 2022 and codes created (for example, codes for
3. Reassignment of Specific ICD–10–CM
2023. We would have to account for that emergency use) or a new or revised edit
Codes Under the PDGM
difference, and any other potential in the Medicare Code Editor (MCE) so
adjustments needed to the base payment a. Background an update to the HHGS may occur on
rate, to account for behavior change The 2009 final rule, ‘‘HIPAA the first of each quarter (January, April,
based on data analysis in future Administrative Simplification: July, October).
rulemaking. Modifications to Medical Data Code Set
While we did not propose to adjust b. Methodology for ICD–10–CM
Standards To Adopt ICD–10–CM and Diagnosis Code Assignments
the CY 2023 payment rate using our ICD–10–PCS’’ 21 (74 FR 3328, January
temporary adjustment authority for CYs 16, 2009), set October 1, 2013, as the Although it is not our intent to review
2020 and 2021, we did solicit comments compliance date for all covered entities all ICD–10–CM diagnosis codes each
on how best to implement the under the Health Insurance Portability year, we recognize that occasionally
temporary adjustment. and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) some ICD–10–CM diagnosis codes may
Comment: MedPAC recommended require changes to their assigned
to use the International Classification of
CMS adjust temporary payment rates clinical group and/or comorbidity
Diseases, 10th Revision, Clinical
over several years, such as adjusting the subgroup. For example, there may be an
Modification (ICD–10–CM) and the
aggregate rate by $502.5 million per year update to the MCE unacceptable
International Classification of Diseases,
for CYs 2023 through 2026. MedPAC principal diagnosis list, or we receive
10th Revision, Procedure Coding
strongly recommended beginning these public comments from interested parties
System (ICD–10–PCS) medical data
reductions immediately to avoid requesting specific changes. Any
code sets. The ICD–10–CM diagnosis
potential larger reductions in future addition or removal of a specific
codes are granular and specific, and
years. diagnosis code to the ICD–10–CM code
Response: We thank MedPAC for their provide HHAs a better opportunity to
set (for example, three new diagnosis
recommendation. However, while CMS report codes that best reflect the codes, Z28.310, Z28.311 and Z28.39, for
proposed the methodology for patient’s conditions that support the reporting COVID–19 vaccination status
calculating both the permanent and need for home health services. However, were effective April 1, 2022) or minor
temporary adjustments, in the CY 2023 as stated in the CY 2019 HH PPS final tweaks to a descriptor of an existing
HH PPS proposed rule we did not rule with comment period (83 FR ICD–10–CM diagnosis code generally
propose collecting the $2.0 billion 56473), because the ICD–10–CM is would not require rulemaking and may
temporary adjustment for CYs 2020 and comprehensive, it also contains many occur at any time. However, if an ICD–
2021 beginning in CY 2023. We did codes that may not support the need for 10–CM diagnosis code is to be
solicit comments on how best to collect home health services. For example, reassigned from one clinical group and/
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

the temporary payment adjustment and diagnosis codes that indicate death as or a comorbidity subgroup to another,
will take these comments into the outcome are Medicare covered which may affect payment, then we
consideration when we propose any codes, but are not relevant to home believe it is appropriate to propose these
temporary adjustments in future 21
changes through notice and comment
rulemaking. 2009/01/16/E9-743/hipaa-administrative- rulemaking.
Comment: Many commenters simplification-modifications-to-medical-data-code- We rely on the expert opinion of our
recommended a phase-in over several set-standards-to-adopt. clinical reviewers (for example, nurse

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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations 66809

consultants and medical officers) and associated with visits performed during individualized plan of care must specify
current ICD–10–CM coding guidelines a home health period, and was the care and services necessary to meet
to determine if the ICD–10–CM previously described in the CY 2019 HH the patient-specific needs as identified
diagnosis codes under review for PPS final rule with comment period (83 in the comprehensive assessment,
reassignment are significantly similar or FR 56450). including identification of the
different to the existing clinical group responsible discipline(s), and the
c. ICD–10–CM Diagnosis Code
and/or comorbidity subgroup measurable outcomes that the HHA
Reassignments to a PDGM Clinical
assignment. As we stated in the CY 2018 anticipates will occur as a result of
Group or Comorbidity Subgroup
HH PPS proposed rule (82 FR 35313), implementing and coordinating the plan
the intent of the clinical groups is to The following section proposed of care. Services must be furnished in
reflect the reported principal diagnosis, reassignment of 320 diagnosis codes to accordance with accepted standards of
clinical relevance, and coding a different clinical group when listed as practice. The purpose of any
guidelines and conventions. Therefore, a principal diagnosis, reassignment of reassignment is to ensure that diagnoses
for the purposes of assignment of ICD– 37 diagnosis codes to a different are assigned to the appropriate clinical
10–CM diagnosis codes into the PDGM comorbidity subgroup when listed as a group or comorbidity subgroup and to
clinical groups we would not conduct secondary diagnosis, and the align as closely as possible to ICD–10–
additional statistical analysis as such establishment of a new comorbidity CM coding conventions and MCE edits.
decisions are clinically based and the subgroup for certain neurological These edits may have payment effects
clinical groups are part of the overall conditions and disorders. Due to the but should not result in any change in
case-mix weights. amount of diagnosis codes proposed for clinical practice or availability of
reassignment this year, we posted the services, unless the agency is failing to
As we noted in the CY 2019 HH PPS ‘‘CY 2023 Proposed Reassignment of
final rule with comment period (83 FR act in accordance with the plan of care.
ICD–10–CM Diagnosis Codes for HH Comment: A few commenters
56486), the home health-specific PDGM Clinical Groups and Comorbidity requested that CMS modify the clinical
comorbidity list is based on the Subgroups’’ supplemental file on the groups to accept and include diagnosis
principles of patient assessment by body Home Health Prospective Payment codes which may drive a home health
systems and their associated diseases, System Regulations and Notices web need. Specifically, commenters
conditions, and injuries to develop page.22 requested allowing R29.6 (repeated
larger categories of conditions that Comment: Several commenters falls), R54 (age-related physical
identified clinically relevant supported the general refinement of debility), R26.89 (other abnormalities of
relationships associated with increased coding assignments, including all the gait and mobility), R42.82 (altered
resource use meaning the diagnoses proposed coding changes. A commenter mental status, unspecified), and
have at least as high as the median stated that the changes will help to more M62.81(muscle weakness (generalized))
resource use and are reported in more accurately reflect patients’ needs and to be accepted as a principal diagnosis
than 0.1 percent of 30-day periods of why they need home health services, and placed into a clinical group for
care. If specific ICD–10–CM diagnosis rather than using ‘‘pain’’ as a diagnosis. payment.
codes are to be reassigned to a different Response: We thank these Response: We thank the commenters
comorbidity subgroup (including NA), commenters for their support and agree for their coding recommendations.
we will first evaluate the clinical that the changes will provide more However, we did not propose to assign
characteristics (as discussed previously specific information related to the needs any of the R-codes to a clinical group
for clinical groups) and if the ICD–10– of the patient under a home health plan and therefore, such suggestions are out
CM diagnosis code does not meet the of care. of scope for this rule. We remind
clinical criteria, then no reassignment Comment: Several commenters commenters that R-codes are codes
will occur. However, if an ICD–10–CM expressed concern that reassignment of describing symptoms, signs, and
diagnosis code does meet the clinical clinical groups for principal diagnosis abnormal clinical and laboratory
criteria for a comorbidity subgroup codes would result in an access to care findings, not elsewhere classified) and
reassignment, then we will evaluate the issue. For example, commenters were are generally not allowed as a principal
resource consumption associated with concerned that a reassignment of diagnosis (except for a few) in
the ICD–10–CM diagnosis codes, the principal diagnosis codes from a clinical accordance with ICD–10–CM coding
current assigned comorbidity subgroup, group to no clinical group, would guidelines. Any changes to the
and the proposed (reassigned) change the case-mix weight and acceptable principal diagnosis list for
comorbidity subgroup. This analysis is reimbursement, and that the HHA may home health, including the addition of
to ensure that any reassignment of an refuse the patient, thus restricting access new ICD–10 codes, would have to go
ICD–10–CM diagnosis code (if reported to care. There was also concern that if through notice and comment
as secondary) in any given year would the clinical group changed (for example, rulemaking.
not significantly alter the overall MS-Rehab to Wounds), the HHA would
resource use of a specific comorbidity (1) Clinical Group Reassignment of
restrict the type of services provided,
subgroup. For resource consumption, Certain Unspecified Diagnosis Codes
such as physical therapy, also restricting
we use non-LUPA 30-day periods to access to care. We reminded readers that in the CY
evaluate the total number of 30-day Response: It is unclear why 2019 HH PPS final rule with comment
periods for the comorbidity subgroup(s) commenters believe any reassignments period (83 FR 56473) we stated that
and the ICD–10–CM diagnosis code, the would restrict access to care, and note whenever possible, the most specific
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

average number of visits per 30-day that the CoPs at § 484.60 state that the code that describes a medical disease,
periods for the comorbidity subgroup(s) condition, or injury should be used.
and the ICD–10–CM diagnosis code, and 22 Home Health Prospective Payment System Generally, ‘‘unspecified’’ codes are used
the average resource use for the Regulations and Notices web page. https:// when there is lack of information about
comorbidity subgroup(s) and the ICD– Payment/HomeHealthPPS/Home-Health-
location or severity of medical
10–CM diagnosis code. The average Prospective-Payment-System-Regulations-and- conditions in the medical record.
resource use measures the costs Notices. However, we would expect a provider to

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66810 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations

use a precise code whenever more are other diagnosis codes available in reassign them to ‘‘no clinical group’’
specific codes are available. that diagnosis code subcategory that (NA). We refer readers to Table 1.A of
Furthermore, if additional information further specify the anatomic site. As the CY 2023 Proposed Reassignment of
regarding the diagnosis is needed, we such, we reviewed all the ICD–10–CM ICD–10–CM Diagnosis Codes
would expect the HHA to follow-up diagnosis codes where ‘‘unspecified’’ is supplemental file 23 for the list of the
with the referring provider in order to used and not just the ones listed on the 159 unspecified diagnosis codes.
ensure the care plan is sufficient in new MCE edit. We identified 159 ICD– We also determined that B78.9
meeting the needs of the patient. For 10–CM diagnosis codes that are strongyloidiasis, unspecified was
example, T14.90 ‘‘Injury, unspecified’’ currently accepted as a principal assigned to clinical group C (Wounds),
does not provide sufficient information diagnosis that have more specific codes and should be reassigned to clinical
(for example, the type and extent of the available for such medical conditions group K (MMTA—Infectious Disease,
injury) that would be necessary in care that would more accurately identify the Neoplasms, and Blood-Forming
planning for home health services. The primary reason for home health Diseases) because it would be consistent
ICD–10–CM code set also includes services. For example, S59.109A
with the assignment of the other
laterality. We believe a home health (Unspecified physeal fracture of upper
strongyloidiasis codes. We also
clinician should not report an end of radius, unspecified arm, initial
identified that N83.201 unspecified
‘‘unspecified’’ code if that clinician can encounter for closed fracture) does not
ovarian cyst, right side was assigned to
identify the side or site of a condition. specify which arm has the fracture;
clinical group A (MMTA—Other) and
For example, a home health clinician whereas, S59.101A (Unspecified
should be reassigned to clinical group J
should be able to state whether a physeal fracture of upper end of radius,
(MMTA—Gastrointestinal Tract and
fracture of the arm is on the right or left right arm, initial encounter for closed
Genitourinary System) because it would
arm. In the FY 2022 Inpatient fracture) does indicate the fracture is on
be consistent with the assignment of
Prospective Payment System/Long-Term the right arm and therefore more
other ovarian cyst codes. We proposed
Care Hospital Prospective Payment accurately identifies the primary reason
to reassign these two ICD–10–CM
System (IPPS/LTCH PPS) final rule (86 for home health services. Therefore, in
diagnosis codes’ clinical groups as
FR 44940 through 44943), CMS accordance with our expectation that
shown in Table 6.
finalized the implementation of a new the most precise code be used, we stated
MCE to expand the list of unacceptable that we believe these 159 ICD–10 CM Table 6—Reassignment of Clinical
principal diagnoses for ‘‘unspecified’’ diagnosis codes are not acceptable as Group for ‘‘Unspecified’’ ICD–10–CM
ICD–10–CM diagnosis codes when there principal diagnoses and we proposed to Diagnosis Codes

ICD-10---CM Reassigned
Code Code Description Clinical Group Reassie:ned Clinical Group Description
B78.9 Strongyloidiasis, unspecified K MMTA - Infectious Disease, Neoplasms,
and Blood-Forming Diseases
N83.201 Unspecified ovarian cyst, right side J MMTA - Gastrointestinal Tract and
Genitourinarv System

Comment: Several commenters were Response: We thank interested parties are different from the inpatient and
concerned about the proposal to for their comments. As we noted in the outpatient grouper software.
reassign the 159 ICD–10–CM codes to CY 2023 HH PPS proposed rule and We acknowledge the ICD–10–CM
no clinical group (NA) when listed as a previously in this final rule, we did not Official Guidelines for Coding and
principal diagnosis. Commenters stated limit our review of unspecified codes Reporting Section I.B.18 states ‘‘If a
that only 45 of the 159 ICD–10–CM only to those on the MCE edit list. definitive diagnosis has not been
codes were listed on the MCE 20 list of Instead, the release of the MCE 20 edit established by the end of the encounter,
unacceptable principal diagnoses and prompted our review of all unspecified it is appropriate to report codes for
that the home health Grouper would be codes currently assigned to a clinical sign(s) and/or symptom(s) in lieu of a
inconsistent with the other MCE edits. group when listed as a principal definitive diagnosis. When sufficient
While commenters agreed the most diagnosis. clinical information is not known or
specific documentation should be available about a particular health
We also recognize the desire for a condition to assign a more specific code,
reflected in medical records to assign consistent unspecified edit for all health it is acceptable to report the appropriate
the most specific code available, they care entities; however, this is not ‘‘unspecified’’ code (for example, a
noted that there are certain feasible given the vast differences across diagnosis of pneumonia has been
circumstances in which an unspecified Medicare benefits and their associated determined, but not the specific type).
code should be accepted as a principal payment systems. As such, CMS has Unspecified codes should be reported
diagnosis according to the MCE manual created different groupers to institute when they are the codes that most
and ICD–10–CM Official Guidelines for edits to a specific program. For example, accurately reflect what is known about
Coding and Reporting.24 In addition,
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

home health uses the Home Health the patient’s condition at the time of
commenters stated that obtaining Resource Group (HHRG), while that particular encounter.’’ However, as
additional information may be inpatient rehabilitation facilities use previously stated in the CY 2019 HH
burdensome to certain HHAs. Case Mix Group (CMG), both of which PPS final rule with comment period (83
23 Home Health Prospective Payment System Payment/HomeHealthPPS/Home-Health- 24

Regulations and Notices web page. https:// Prospective-Payment-System-Regulations-and- icd-10-cm-coding-guidelines-updated-

ER04NO22.006</GPH> Notices. 02012022.pdf.

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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations 66811

FR 56473) and the CY 2023 HH PPS In addition, per the FY 2022 IPPS/ certain additional edits as bypassable in
proposed rule, ‘‘unspecified’’ codes are LTCH final rule (86 FR 44943), if, upon future rulemaking.
used when the record lacks information review, additional information to In response to the 15 codes where
about location or severity of medical identify the laterality from the available more specific codes identify severity,
conditions if additional information medical record documentation by any rather than laterality, we further
regarding the diagnosis is needed, we other clinical provider is unable to be evaluated if a more specific code would
would expect the HHA to follow-up obtained, or there is documentation in be appropriate in determining the plan
with the referring provider in order to the record indicating that the physician of care and home health services
ensure the care plan is sufficient in is clinically unable to determine the required. We determined that 11 of the
meeting the needs of the patient. Of the laterality because of the nature of the codes not only had more specific codes,
proposed 159 ICD–10–CM diagnosis disease/condition, then the provider but there are similar unspecified codes
codes, 85 percent (136 codes) lacked must enter that information into the in the same subchapter which we do not
accept as a principal diagnosis. For
information about location (that is, remarks section. If there is no language
example, for pregnancy-related codes,
laterality) while the remaining 15 entered into the remarks section as to
we expect the trimester to be specified.
percent (23 codes) lacked information the availability of additional However, based on comments and
about severity. We understand information to specify laterality and the further review we determined the four
commenters concerns that many home provider submits the claim for codes listed in Table 7 below should
health visits may be subsequent to the processing, the claim would then be remain with their current assigned
initial injury or disease and the medical returned to the provider. While clinical group when listed as a principal
record may lack information. However, Medicare systems may allow an edit to diagnosis as we believe the information
we still believe this supports the need be bypassable (for example, the NOA in these codes is sufficient to establish
for more specific codes in order for the timelines extension), it does not a home health plan of care to address
provider to appropriately provide currently allow an unacceptable home such conditions.
services in alignment with the plan of health principal diagnosis to be
Table 7—Unspecified Diagnosis Codes
care. bypassable. We may consider adding
Remaining in Clinical Groups

Clinical Group
ICD-10-CM Code Code Description Clinical Group Description
H20.9 Unspecified A MMTA-Other
M50.00 Cervical disc disorder E Musculoskeletal
with myelopathy, Rehabilitation
unsp cervical region
N70.91 unspecified A MMTA - Other
N70.92 unspecified A MMTA-Other

Final Decision: After consideration of group A (MMTA-Other) to clinical However, other groups of gout related
the public comments received, we are group J (MMTA—Gastrointestinal Tract ICD–10–CM diagnosis codes, such as
modifying our proposal of the 159 ICD– and Genitourinary System) when listed gout due to renal impairment, were
10 CM ‘‘unspecified’’ diagnosis codes to as the principal diagnoses. We urge assigned to ‘‘no clinical group’’ (NA).
be reassigned to N/A by excluding the interested parties to review the final HH Therefore, we reviewed all gout-related
four codes listed in Table 7. Instead we Clinical Group and Comorbidity codes and determined there are 144 gout
are finalizing the reassignment of the Adjustment Diagnosis list released with related codes with an anatomical site
remaining 155 ICD–10 CM diagnosis this final rule, as well as the 3M specified, not currently assigned to a
codes from their current assigned Grouper January 2023 HH PPS Grouper clinical group that should be moved to
clinical group to NA when the codes are Software HH PDGM v04.0.23, when clinical group E (musculoskeletal
listed as a principal diagnosis. We determining if an ICD–10 CM diagnosis rehabilitation) for consistency with the
remind readers that if a claim cannot be code is accepted as a principal diagnosis aforementioned gout codes. In the ICD–
assigned a clinical group, the claim will and assigned a clinical group. 10–CM code set, gout codes and
be returned to the provider for further (2) Clinical Group Reassignment of osteoarthritis codes are found in chapter
information. We are also finalizing the 13 Diseases of the Musculoskeletal
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

Gout-Related Codes
reassignment of B78.9 (strongyloidiasis, System and Connective Tissue (M00–
unspecified) from clinical group C We identified that certain groups of M99). Gout and osteoarthritis affect
(Wounds) to clinical group K (MMTA— gout-related ICD–10–CM diagnosis similar joints such as the fingers, toes,
Infectious Disease, Neoplasms, and codes, such as idiopathic gout and drug- and knees and they can initially be
Blood-Forming Diseases) and the induced gout, were assigned to clinical treated with medications. However,
reassignment of N83.201 (unspecified group E (musculoskeletal rehabilitation) generally, as a part of a treatment

ovarian cyst, right side) from clinical when listed as a principal diagnosis. program, once the initial inflammation

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66812 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations

is reduced, physical therapy can be the list of the 144 gout related codes. We (3) Clinical Group Reassignment of
started to stretch and strengthen the did not receive comments on this Crushing Injury-Related Codes
affected joint to restore flexibility and proposal and therefore are finalizing the We identified 12 ICD–10–CM
joint function. Because those cases may reassignment of these 144 gout-related diagnosis codes related to crushing
require therapy, we believe gout codes ICD–10–CM diagnosis codes to clinical injury of the face, skull, and head that
are more appropriately placed into MS group E (musculoskeletal rehabilitation) warrant reassignment. These codes are
rehab along with other codes affecting without modification. listed in Table 8.
the musculoskeletal system. We refer
readers to Table 1.B of the CY 2023 Table 8—ICD–10–CM Diagnosis Codes
Proposed Reassignment of ICD–10–CM Related to Crushing Injury of Face,
Diagnosis Codes supplemental file for Skull, and Head

ICD-10-CM Clinical Current Clinical
Code Code Description Group Group Description
S07.0XXA Crushing injury of face, initial encounter A MMTA-Other
S07.0:XXD Crushing injury of face, subsequent encounter A MMTA-Other
S07.0:XXS Crushing injury of face, sequela A MMTA-Other
S07.lXXA Crushing injury of skull, initial encounter A MMTA-Other
S07.1:XXD Crushing injury of skull, subsequent encounter A MMTA-Other
S07.1:XXS Crushing injury of skull, sequela A MMTA-Other
S07.8XXA Crushing injury of other parts of head, initial encounter A MMTA-Other
S07.8:XXD Crushing injury of other parts of head, subsequent encounter A MMTA-Other
S07.8:XXS Crushing injury of other parts of head, sequela A MMTA-Other
S07.9XXA Crushing injury of head, part unspecified, initial encounter A MMTA-Other
S07.9:XXD Crushing iniurv of head, part unspecified, subsequent encounter A MMTA-Other
S07.9:XXS Crushing injury of head, part unspecified, sequela A MMTA-Other

Our clinical advisors reviewed the 12 proposal and therefore are finalizing the codes with conflicting clinical group
ICD–10–CM diagnosis codes related to reassignment of the ICD–10–CM assignments when listed as a principal
crushing injury of the face, skull, and diagnosis codes listed in Table 8 from diagnosis. These codes are listed in
head and determined that reassignment clinical group A (MMTA-Other) to Table 9.
of these codes to clinical group B clinical group B (Neurological
(Neurological Rehabilitation) is Rehabilitation) without modification. Table 9—ICD–10–CM Diagnosis Code
clinically appropriate because they are Related to Lymphedema
consistent with other diagnosis codes in (4) Clinical Group Reassignment of
clinical group B that describe injuries Lymphedema-Related Codes
requiring neurological rehabilitation. We received questions from interested
We did not receive comments on this parties regarding three lymphedema

Diagnosis Current Current Clinical Group
Code Code Description Clinical Group Description
189.0 Lymphedema, not elsewhere classified E Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation
197.2 Postmastectomv lvmphedema svndrome E Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation
O82.0 Hereditarv lymphedema A MMTA-Other

Our clinical advisors reviewed the to clinical group C (Wounds) is resources such as complete
three ICD–10–CM diagnosis codes clinically appropriate. Therefore, we decongestive therapy including manual
related to lymphedema and determined proposed to reassign the ICD–10–CM lymph drain
that assessing and treating lymphedema diagnosis codes listed in Table 9 from Response: We thank the commenters
is similar to the assessment and staging clinical group E (Musculoskeletal for their concern. The reassignment of
of wounds. It requires the assessment of Rehabilitation) and clinical group A lymphedema, or any other code, would
pulses, evaluation of the color and (MMTA-Other) to clinical group C
not impact the type of practitioner
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

amount of drainage, and measurement. (Wounds).

providing services, as long as the
In addition, some lymphedema can Comment: Several commenters allowed practitioner can perform the

require compression bandaging, similar questioned whether the reassignment of care under their scope of practice. In
to wound care. Because of these lymphedema to clinical group C addition, per the CoPs, HHAs should
similarities, we determined the (wounds) would impact the type of continue to provide services in
reassignment of the three ICD–10–CM practitioner who would be able to treat accordance with the plan of care.

diagnosis codes related to lymphedema the wound or limit patient access to

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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations 66813

Comment: A commenter questioned if (obsessive-compulsive personality advisors determined that Q82.0 should
CMS considers lymphedema a wound disorder) which is currently assigned to be assigned to the comorbidity subgroup
type and if we believe lymphedema is the comorbidity subgroup behavioral 6 circulatory 10 similar to other
correlated to venous disease/wounds. (Schizotypal, Persistent Mood, and lymphedema diagnosis codes. In
Response: Although CMS does not Adult Personality Disorders). However, addition, we evaluated resource
consider lymphedema to be a wound they noted that behavioral 5 (Phobias, consumption related to the comorbidity
type, we believe clinically that the home Other Anxiety and Obsessive- subgroup circulatory 10 and Q82.0 and
health services needed to treat and Compulsive Disorders) contains other found no significant variations negating
manage lymphedema are equivalent to obsessive-compulsive disorders (for a reassignment. Therefore, we proposed
the time and services needed for example, F42.8 and F42.9) and to assign diagnosis code Q82.0 to
managing an open wound regardless of clinically F60.5 should be reassigned to circulatory 10 (varicose veins and
the precipitating condition that resulted the comorbidity subgroup behavioral 5. lymphedema) when listed as a
in lymphedema. Treatment for In addition, we evaluated resource secondary diagnosis.
lymphedema focuses on reducing consumption related to the comorbidity Final Decision: We received a
swelling and minimizing complications. subgroup behavioral 5, the comorbidity comment in support of this assignment;
As such, treatment could involve subgroup behavioral 6, and F60.5 and therefore, we are finalizing the
exercises, manual lymphatic drainage, found no significant variations negating assignment of Q82.0 (hereditary
compression bandages or garments, a reassignment, meaning the lymphedema) from ‘‘NA’’ to circulatory
sequential pneumatic compression, and reassignment is still in alignment with 10 (varicose veins and lymphedema)
even wound care for any skin the actual costs of providing care. We when listed as a secondary diagnosis.
breakdown. Because the home health did not receive comments on this
treatments can be similar in terms of proposal, and therefore are finalizing (7) Neoplasm Comorbidity Subgroups
care and intensity of care, we believe the reassignment of diagnosis code (i) Malignant Neoplasm of Upper
lymphedema and wounds are F60.5 to behavioral 5 when listed as a Respiratory
appropriate to be grouped together for secondary diagnosis.
clinical groupings. In response to interested parties’
Final Decision: After consideration of (6) Circulatory Comorbidity Subgroups questions regarding upper respiratory
the public comments we received, we malignant neoplasms, we reviewed 14
are finalizing the reassignment of the We reviewed Q82.0 (hereditary
ICD–10–CM diagnosis codes related to
ICD–10–CM diagnosis codes listed in lymphedema) for clinical group
malignant neoplasms of the upper
Table B19 from clinical group E reassignment, as described in section
respiratory tract currently assigned to
(Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation) and II.B.3.4. of this rule. During this review,
the comorbidity subgroup neoplasm 6
clinical group A (MMTA-Other) to we discovered Q82.0 is not currently
(malignant neoplasms of trachea,
clinical group C (Wounds). assigned to a comorbidity subgroup
bronchus, lung, and mediastinum).
when listed as a secondary diagnosis.
(5) Behavioral Health Comorbidity These 14 codes are listed in Table 10.
The comorbidity subgroup circulatory
Subgroups 10 includes ICD–10–CM diagnosis codes Table 10—ICD–10–CM Diagnosis Code
Our clinical advisors reviewed the related to varicose veins and Related to Malignant Neoplasms of
ICD–10–CM diagnosis code F60.5 lymphedema. Therefore, our clinical Upper Respiratory Tract

ICD-10-CM Dia nosis Code tion

C30.0 lasm of nasal cavi
C30.l lasm of middle ear
C31.0 smus
C31.1 lasm of ethmoidal sinus
C31.8 smuses
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

Our clinical advisors reviewed the appropriate neoplasm comorbidity However, upon review of all the
codes listed in Table 10 and determined subgroup (neoplasm 6), and therefore no neoplasm comorbidity subgroups, they
that C32.3, C32.8, and C32.9 are further analysis was conducted for these determined that the remaining 11 codes
currently assigned to the most clinically three ICD–10 CM diagnosis codes. listed in Table 10 should be reassigned

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66814 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations

to neoplasm 1 (malignant neoplasms of time. However, upon further clinical in Table 1.C of the CY 2023 Proposed
lip, oral cavity, and pharynx, including review we believe a new neurological Reassignment of ICD–10 CM Diagnosis
head and neck cancers) in alignment comorbidity subgroup to include ICD– Codes supplemental file to the
with clinically similar diagnosis codes 10–CM diagnosis codes related to neurological 12 (nondiabetic
already assigned (for example, C11.0 nondiabetic neuropathy is warranted. neuropathy). We did not receive
malignant neoplasm of superior wall of We identified 18 ICD–10–CM diagnosis comments on the proposal to change the
nasopharynx). In addition, we evaluated codes for potential reassignment to a description of the comorbidity
resource consumption related to the proposed new comorbidity subgroup, subgroup, neurological 11, and are
comorbidity subgroup, neoplasm 1, as neurological 12. We refer readers to therefore finalizing neurological 11,
well as diagnosis codes, C30.0, C30.1, Table 1.C of the CY 2023 Proposed from ‘‘Diabetic Retinopathy and
C31.0, C31.1, C31.2, C31.3, C31.8, Reassignment of ICD–10–CM Diagnosis Macular Edema’’ to ‘‘Disease of the
C31.9, C32.0, C32.1, or C32.2 and found Codes supplemental file for a list of the Macula and Blindness/Low Vision’’.
no significant variations negating a G-codes related to specified neuropathy
reassignment. or unspecified polyneuropathy. Of the (9) Respiratory Comorbidity Subgroups
We did not receive comments on this 18 codes, 11 diagnosis codes were not (i) J18.2 Hypostatic Pneumonia,
proposal and therefore are finalizing the currently assigned a comorbidity group Unspecified Organism
reassignment of diagnosis codes C30.0, and seven diagnosis codes were
Our clinical advisors reviewed the
C30.1, C31.0, C31.1, C31.2, C31.3, assigned to neurological 11 comorbidity
ICD–10–CM diagnosis code J18.2
C31.8, C31.9, C32.0, C32.1, or C32.2 subgroup.
from neoplasm 6 to neoplasm 1 when Using claims data from the CY 2021 (hypostatic pneumonia, unspecified
listed as a secondary diagnosis. HH PPS analytical file, we identified organism) which is currently assigned to
that the 18 diagnosis G-codes related to the comorbidity subgroup respiratory 4
(ii) Malignant Neoplasm of Unspecified (bronchitis, emphysema, and interstitial
specified neuropathy or unspecified
Adrenal Gland lung disease). However, respiratory 2
polyneuropathy would have sufficient
While reviewing unspecified codes claims (>400,000) for a new comorbidity (whooping cough and pneumonia)
for a change in clinical group, we subgroup. The removal of the seven contains other pneumonia with
noticed that ICD–10–CM diagnosis codes from the neurological 11 unspecified organism (for example,
codes C74.00 (malignant neoplasm of comorbidity subgroup, would still allow J18.1 and J18.8). Clinically, J18.2 is
cortex of unspecified adrenal gland) and for sufficient claims (>250,000) and similar to the other pneumonias in
C74.90 (malignant neoplasm of include the remaining 146 diagnosis respiratory 2 and therefore, should be
unspecified part of unspecified adrenal codes currently listed in the reassigned from comorbidity subgroup
gland) were coded as ‘‘N/A’’ instead of neurological 11 comorbidity subgroup. respiratory 4 to comorbidity subgroup
placed in a comorbidity subgroup. The We evaluated resource consumption respiratory 2. In addition, we evaluated
comorbidity subgroup neoplasm 15 related to the comorbidity subgroup resource consumption related to the
currently includes ICD–10–CM neurological 11, the 18 diagnosis G- comorbidity subgroups respiratory 2
diagnosis codes related to malignant codes, and the proposed comorbidity and respiratory 4, and J18.2 and found
neoplasm of adrenal gland, endocrine subgroup neurological 12 and found no no significant variations negating a
glands and related structures; significant variations negating a reassignment.
specifically, C74.10 (malignant reassignment. A new neurological We did not receive comments on this
neoplasm of medulla of unspecified comorbidity subgroup allows more proposal and therefore are finalizing the
adrenal gland). At this time, we believe clinically similar codes, nondiabetic reassignment of diagnosis code J18.2
that C74.00 and C74.90 should be neuropathy, to be grouped together. (hypostatic pneumonia, unspecified
reassigned to neoplasm 15 based on Therefore, we proposed to reassign the organism) to respiratory 2 when listed
clinical similarities of other codes 18 diagnosis codes listed in Table 1.C of as a secondary diagnosis.
currently assigned. In addition, we the CY 2023 Proposed Reassignment of (ii) J98.2 Interstitial Emphysema and
evaluated resource consumption related ICD–10 CM Diagnosis Codes J98.3 Compensatory Emphysema
to the comorbidity subgroup neoplasm supplemental file, to the new
15, as well as diagnosis codes C74.00, comorbidity subgroup neurological 12 Our clinical advisors reviewed the
and C74.90 and found no significant (nondiabetic neuropathy) when listed as ICD–10–CM diagnosis codes J98.2
variations negating a reassignment. We secondary diagnoses. In conjunction (interstitial emphysema) and J98.3
did not receive comments on this with the proposed new comorbidity (compensatory emphysema), which are
proposal and therefore are finalizing the subgroup, we proposed to change the currently assigned to the comorbidity
reassignment of diagnosis codes C74.00 description of the current comorbidity subgroup respiratory 9 (respiratory
and C74.90 from ‘‘NA’’ to neoplasm 15 subgroup, neurological 11, from failure and atelectasis). However,
(malignant neoplasm of adrenal gland, ‘‘Diabetic Retinopathy and Macular respiratory 4 (bronchitis, emphysema,
endocrine glands and related structures) Edema’’ to ‘‘Disease of the Macula and and interstitial lung disease) contains
when listed as secondary diagnoses. Blindness/Low Vision’’. other emphysema codes (for example,
Comment: A few commenters J43.0 through J43.9) and therefore
(8) New Neurological Comorbidity clinically we believe it is appropriate to
supported the creation of the
Subgroup reassign J98.2 and J98.3 to the
neurological subgroup for nondiabetic
In response to a comment received, neuropathy. comorbidity subgroup respiratory 9. In
we discussed in the CY 2022 final rule Response: We thank the commenters addition, we evaluated resource
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

(86 FR 62263, 62264) our review of ICD– for their support. consumption related to the comorbidity
10–CM diagnosis codes related to Final Decision: After consideration of subgroups respiratory 4 and respiratory
specified neuropathy or unspecified the public comments we received, we 9, as well as diagnosis codes J98.2, and
polyneuropathy. These include specific are finalizing a new neurological J98.3 and found no significant variations
ICD–10–CM G-codes. We stated that the comorbidity subgroup, neurological 12 negating a reassignment. We did not
codes were assigned to the most (nondiabetic neuropathy), and receive comments on this proposal and
clinically appropriate subgroup at the reassigning the 18 diagnosis codes listed therefore are finalizing the reassignment

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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations 66815

of diagnosis codes J98.2 and J98.3 to data available at the time of rulemaking. have stabilized. Our data analysis
respiratory 4 when listed as a secondary However, as CY 2020 was the first year indicates that visits in 2021 were similar
diagnosis. of the new case-mix adjustment to visits in 2020. We believe that CY
methodology, we stated in the CY 2021 2021 data will be more indicative of
(iii) U09.9 Post COVID–19 Condition,
HH PPS final rule (85 FR 70305 through visit patterns in CY 2023 rather than
Unspecified 70306) that we would maintain the continuing to use the LUPA thresholds
Our clinical advisors reviewed the LUPA thresholds that were finalized derived from the CY 2018 data pre-
ICD–10–CM diagnosis code U09.9 (post and shown in Table 17 of the CY 2020 PDGM. Therefore, we proposed to
COVID–19 condition, unspecified), HH PPS final rule with comment period update the LUPA thresholds for CY
which is currently assigned to the (84 FR 60522) for CY 2021 payment 2023 using data from CY 2021.
comorbidity subgroup, respiratory 2 purposes. We stated that at that time; we The final LUPA thresholds for the CY
(whooping cough and pneumonia). did not have sufficient CY 2020 data to 2023 PDGM payment groups with the
However, respiratory 10 (2019 novel reevaluate the LUPA thresholds for CY corresponding Health Insurance
Coronavirus) contains other COVID–19 2021. Prospective Payment System (HIPPS)
codes (for example, U07.1). Therefore, In the CY 2022 HH PPS final rule (86 codes and the case-mix weights are
we believe clinically that U09.9 should FR 62249), we finalized the proposal to listed in Table B26. We solicited public
be reassigned to the comorbidity recalibrate the PDGM case-mix weights, comments on the proposed updates to
subgroup, respiratory 10. In addition, functional impairment levels, and the LUPA thresholds for CY 2023. The
we evaluated resource consumption comorbidity subgroups while public comments on our proposal to
related to the comorbidity subgroups maintaining the LUPA thresholds for CY recalibrate the LUPA thresholds for CY
respiratory 2 and respiratory 10, and 2022. We stated that because there are 2023 payment purposes and our
diagnosis codes U09.9 and found no several factors that contribute to how responses are summarized in this
significant variations negating a the case-mix weight is set for a section of the rule.
reassignment. We did not receive particular case-mix group (such as the Comment: A commenter expressed
comments on this proposal and number of visits, length of visits, types concern regarding the proposal to
therefore are finalizing the reassignment of disciplines providing visits, and non- recalibrate the LUPA thresholds using
of diagnosis code U09.9 to respiratory routine supplies) and the case-mix CY 2021 utilization data. This
10 when listed as a secondary diagnosis. weight is derived by comparing the commenter stated that while the
average resource use for the case-mix observed changes in the recalibrated
4. CY 2023 PDGM LUPA Thresholds group relative to the average resource thresholds may not seem large, they
and PDGM Case-Mix Weights use across all groups, we believe the could serve as evidence that visits
a. CY 2023 PDGM LUPA Thresholds COVID–19 PHE would have impacted during 2020 and 2021 may well be
utilization within all case-mix groups reduced (when compared to pre-PDGM
Under the HH PPS, LUPAs are paid similarly. Therefore, the impact of any levels) due to pandemic influence.
when a certain visit threshold for a reduction in resource use caused by the Response: We acknowledge the
payment group during a 30-day period COVID–19 PHE on the calculation of the commenter’s statement and concerns
of care is not met. In the CY 2019 HH case-mix weight would be minimized regarding the potential impact of the
PPS final rule with comment period (83 since the impact would be accounted for COVID–19 PHE on home health
FR 56492), we finalized setting the both in the numerator and denominator utilization in CYs 2020 and 2021.
LUPA thresholds at the 10th percentile of the formula used to calculate the However, we continue to believe that it
of visits or 2 visits, whichever is higher, case-mix weight. However, in contrast, is important to base the LUPA
for each payment group. This means the the LUPA thresholds are based on the thresholds on actual PDGM utilization
LUPA threshold for each 30-day period number of overall visits in a particular data and shift away from the use of data
of care varies depending on the PDGM case-mix group (the threshold is the prior to the implementation of the
payment group to which it is assigned. 10th percentile of visits or 2 visits, PDGM. Using the most recent data
If the LUPA threshold for the payment whichever is greater) instead of a ensures that payment aligns with the
group is met under the PDGM, the 30- relative value (like what is used to most recent cost of providing home
day period of care will be paid the full generate the case-mix weight) that health care services.
30-day period case-mix adjusted would control for the impacts of the Comment: A commenter
payment amount (subject to any PEP or PHE. We noted that visit patterns and recommended that CMS reduce the
outlier adjustments). If a 30-day period some of the decrease in overall visits in LUPA threshold in CY 2023 for all case-
of care does not meet the PDGM LUPA CY 2020 may not be representative of mix groups to two visits and reassess
visit threshold, then payment will be visit patterns in CY 2022. Therefore, to the impact using CY 2023 data before
made using the CY 2023 per-visit mitigate any potential future and making any further adjustments.
payment amounts as described in significant short-term variability in the Response: We thank the commenter
section II.B.5.c. of this final rule. For LUPA thresholds due to the COVID–19 for this recommendation; however, this
example, if the LUPA visit threshold is PHE, we finalized the proposal to recommendation is out of scope for the
four, and a 30-day period of care has maintain the LUPA thresholds finalized CY 2023 HH PPS proposed rule. In the
four or more visits, it is paid the full 30- and displayed in Table 17 in the CY CY 2019 HH PPS final rule with
day period payment amount; if the 2020 HH PPS final rule with comment comment period (83 FR 56492), we
period of care has three or less visits, period (84 FR 60522) for CY 2022 finalized setting the LUPA thresholds at
payment is made using the per-visit payment purposes. the 10th percentile of visits or 2 visits,
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

payment amounts. For CY 2023, we proposed to update whichever is higher, for each payment
In the CY 2019 HH PPS final rule with the LUPA thresholds using CY 2021 group. Any changes to the LUPA
comment period (83 FR 56492), we Medicare home health claims (as of threshold policy beyond the proposal to
finalized our policy that the LUPA March 21, 2022) linked to OASIS recalibrate the thresholds using the CY
thresholds for each PDGM payment assessment data. After reviewing the CY 2021 utilization data would need to go
group would be reevaluated every year 2021 home health claims utilization through notice and comment
based on the most current utilization data we determined that visit patterns rulemaking.

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66816 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations

Final Decision: We are finalizing the use. That is, the higher the points, the impairment levels by clinical group.
proposal to update the LUPA thresholds higher the response is associated with The CY 2018 HH PPS proposed rule (82
for CY 2023. The LUPA thresholds for increased resource use. The sum of all FR 35320) and the technical report from
CY 2023 are located in table 16 and will of these points results in a functional December 2016, posted on the Home
also be available on the HHA Center impairment score which is used to Health PPS Archive web page located at:
web page. group home health periods into one of
three functional impairment levels with health-pps/home-health-pps-archive,
b. CY 2023 Functional Impairment similar resource use. The three provide a more detailed explanation as
Levels functional impairment levels of low, to the construction of these functional
Under the PDGM, the functional medium, and high were designed so that impairment levels using the OASIS
impairment level is determined by approximately one-third of home health items. We proposed to use this same
responses to certain OASIS items periods from each of the clinical groups methodology previously finalized to
associated with activities of daily living fall within each level. This means home update the functional impairment levels
and risk of hospitalization; that is, health periods in the low impairment for CY 2023. The updated OASIS
responses to OASIS items M1800– level have responses for the functional functional points table and the table of
M1860 and M1033. A home health OASIS items that are associated with functional impairment levels by clinical
period of care receives points based on the lowest resource use, on average. group for CY 2023 are listed in Tables
each of the responses associated with Home health periods in the high 11 and 12, respectively. We solicited
these functional OASIS items, which are impairment level have responses for the public comments on the updates to
then converted into a table of points functional OASIS items that are functional points and the functional
corresponding to increased resource associated with the highest resource use impairment levels by clinical group.
use. The sum of all of these points on average. BILLING CODE 4120–01–P
results in a functional score which is For CY 2023, we proposed to use CY
used to group home health periods into 2021 claims data to update the Table 11—Final Oasis Points Table for
a functional level with similar resource functional points and functional CY 2023
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations 66817


Percent of
Periods in
Points 2021 with
2023 this
0 or 1 0 31.6%
M1800: Grooming
2 or 3 3 68.4%
0 or 1 0 26.2%
M1810: Current Ability to Dress Upper Body
2 or 3 5 73.8%
0 or 1 0 12.4%
M1820: Current Ability to Dress Lower Body 2 4 64.8%
3 12 22.8%
0 or 1 0 3.1%
2 2 12.3%
M1830: Bathing
3 or 4 10 51.2%
5 or 6 17 33.4%
0 or 1 0 63.6%
M1840: Toilet Transferring
2, 3 or 4 6 36.4%
0 0 1.8%
M1850: Transferring 1 3 22.6%
2, 3, 4 or 5 6 75.6%
0 or 1 0 3.9%
2 6 15.2%
M1860: Ambulation/Locomotion
3 5 63.3%
4, 5 or 6 20 17.6%
Three or fewer
items marked
(Excluding 0 66.2%
responses 8, 9 or
Ml033: Risk of Hospitalization 10)
Four or more items
marked (Excluding
10 33.8%
responses 8, 9 or
Source: CY 2021 Home Health Claims Data, Periods that end in CY 2021 accessed from the CCW on July 14, 2022.
Note: For item M1860, the point values for response 2 is worth more than the point values for response 3. There
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

may be times in which the resource use for certain OASIS items associated with functional impairment will result in
a seemingly inverse relationship to the response reported. However, this is the result of the direct association
between the responses reported on the OASIS items and actual resource use.

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66818 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations

Four or more items

marked (Excluding
10 33.8%
responses 8, 9 or
Source: CY 2021 Home Health Claims Data, Periods that end in CY 2021 accessed from the CCW on July 14, 2022.
Note: For item Ml 860, the point values for response 2 is worth more than the point values for response 3. There
may be times in which the resource use for certain OASIS items associated with functional impairment will result in
a seemingly inverse relationship to the response reported. However, this is the result of the direct association
between the responses reported on the OASIS items and actual resource use.

Table 12—Final Thresholds for

Functional Levels by Clinical Group,
for CY 2023
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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations 66819

Clinical Group Level of Impairment

Low 0-32
MMTA-Other Medium 33-43
High 44+
Low 0-31
Behavioral Health Medium 32-43
High 44+
Low 0-33
Complex Nursing Interventions Medium 34-54
High 55+
Low 0-33
Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation Medium 34-45
High 46+
Low 0-35
Neuro Rehabilitation Medium 36-51
High 52+
Low 0-33
Wound Medium 34-51
High 52+
Low 0-33
MMT A - Surgical Aftercare Medium 34-43
High 44+
Low 0-31
MMT A - Cardiac and Circulatory Medium 32-43
High 44+
Low 0-30
MMT A - Endocrine Medium 31-43
High 44+
MMT A - Gastrointestinal tract and Genitourinary Low 0-33
system Medium 34-49

High 50+
Low 0-33
MMTA- Infectious Disease, Neoplasms, and Blood-
Medium 34-45
Forming Diseases
High 46+
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

Low 0-33

MMT A - Respiratory Medium 34-46

High 47+
Source: CY 2021 Home Health Claims Data, Periods that end in CY 2021 accessed from the CCW on July 14, 2022.

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66820 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations

BILLING CODE 4120–01–C Performing a yearly recalibration allows and a third of episodes classified as high
Comment: Some commenters were us to be as accurate and up-to-date as functional score. Likewise, the PDGM
concerned that changes caused by possible when measuring relationship groups home health periods of care
recalibration were reducing resources to between resource use and functional using functional impairment scores
home health agencies. Commenters points, functional threshold levels, based on functional OASIS items with
argued that since the CY 2022 rates were comorbidities, LUPA thresholds and similar resource use and has three levels
recalibrated, it should not be done again case-mix weights. The most recent year of functional impairment severity: low,
prior to the availability of the CY 2022 of data that we have is CY 2021. We feel medium, and high. However, the PDGM
data. Commenters were particularly that relationships seen in the CY 2021 differs from the current HH PPS
concerned that changes to the functional data are going to be more similar to the functional variable in that the three
impairment points and thresholds did relationships that we will eventually in functional impairment level thresholds
not account for the higher acuity see in CY 2023 data versus if we in the PDGM vary between the clinical
patients they have treated in recent continued to use the relationships we groups. The PDGM functional
years. see in the CY 2020 data. Commenters
Response: It is important to note that impairment level structure accounts for
should note that although functional the patient characteristics within that
recalibration is calculated so that points did decrease for many items, the
changes to case-mix and related items clinical group associated with increased
functional thresholds also decreased resource costs affected by functional
(for example, functional points) are (meaning fewer points are needed to
budget neutral. The adjustments made impairment. This is to further ensure
qualify for the higher functional that payment is more accurately aligned
to functional points, functional impairment levels).
threshold levels, comorbidities, LUPA with actual patient characteristics and
Comment: Some commenters were resource needs.
thresholds, and case-mix weights are concerned that CMS grouped patients
made so that after the application of the Comment: A commenter indicated
into one of three functional impairment that Table B21 in the CY 2023 HH PPS
case-mix budget neutrality factor, levels even if it meant potentially
recalibration does not have any impact proposed rule (87 FR 37627) showed
reducing resources to patients who that a lower functional impairment
on aggregate payments when using data previously would have been classified
from CY 2021. Recalibration ensures response was associated with more
as medium or high functional points than a higher functional
there is variation in payment between impairment.
the 432 case-mix groups so that those impairment response (M1860 responses
Response: We remind commenters
groups with lower resource use get paid 2 and 3).
that the recalibration is implemented in
less than those with higher resource use. a budget neutral manner. We set the Response: For recalibration, we use
If we did not adjust the functional functional levels so roughly a third of the data as they are submitted. Home
points, functional threshold levels, periods within each clinical group are health agencies should consider the
comorbidities, LUPA thresholds, and assigned to low, medium, and high. appropriateness of their OASIS
case-mix weights to reflect resource This is done to ensure that the case-mix responses in relation to the level of
utilization, then payments would be less system pays appropriately for resources that should be required for
accurate. Specifically, if we did not differences in functional impairment certain functional impairments. CMS
account for changes in functional level. If all 30-day periods ended up in would expect to find, on average, that
points, we could potentially pay the one functional impairment level then patients who are more functionally
same for the low functional impairment we’d be paying the same for the low impaired would have higher resource
patients and the high functional functional impairment patients and the use. However, as noted by the
impairments patients (who have more high functional impairment patients commenter, this correlation does not
resources associated with their visits). If (who have more resources associated always occur when looking at
that occurred, and since payment would with their visits). We believe that the individual OASIS items and responses.
be adjusted in a budget neutral way, this functional impairment level adjustment Final Decision: We are finalizing to
could mean we would be overpaying for adequately captures the level of update the functional points and
low functional impairment and functional impairment based on patient functional impairment levels for CY
underpaying for high functional characteristics reported on the OASIS. 2023 as proposed, using CY 2021 claims
impairment. The PDGM not only uses the same five data. Table 11 includes the final
Functional points, functional OASIS items used under the previous functional points based on the most
threshold levels, comorbidities, LUPA HH PPS to determine the functional available data.
thresholds and case-mix weights can be case-mix adjustment (M1810, M1820, c. CY 2023 Comorbidity Subgroups
impacted even if there are no changes in M1830, M1830, M1850, and M1860),
coding patterns but there are changes in but also adds two additional OASIS Thirty-day periods of care receive a
resource use. In the CY 2019 HH PPS items (M1800 and M1033) to determine comorbidity adjustment category based
final rule with comment period (83 FR the level of functional impairment. The on the presence of certain secondary
56486), we stated that after structure of categorizing functional diagnoses reported on home health
implementation of the PDGM in CY impairment into low, medium, and high claims. These diagnoses are based on a
2020, we would continue to analyze the levels has been part of the home health home-health specific list of clinically
impact of all of the PDGM case mix payment structure since the and statistically significant secondary
variables to determine if any additional implementation of the HH PPS. The diagnosis subgroups with similar
refinements need to made. We continue previous HH PPS grouped home health resource use, meaning the diagnoses
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

to believe that updating the functional episodes using functional scores based have at least as high as the median
impairment levels using current data on functional OASIS items with similar resource use and are reported in more
ensures that all variables used as part of average resource use within the same than 0.1 percent of 30-day periods of
the overall case-mix adjustment functional level, with approximately a care. Home health 30-day periods of
appropriately align home health third of episodes classified as low care can receive a comorbidity
payment with the actual cost of functional score, a third of episodes adjustment under the following
providing home health care services. classified as medium functional score, circumstances:

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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations 66821

• Low comorbidity adjustment: There stated that we would continue to comorbidity adjustment subgroups and
is a reported secondary diagnosis on the examine the relationship of reported 91 high comorbidity adjustment
home health-specific comorbidity comorbidities on resource utilization interactions reflect the final coding
subgroup list that is associated with and make the appropriate payment changes detailed in section II.B.3.c. of
higher resource use. refinements to help ensure that payment this final rule. The final CY 2023 low
• High comorbidity adjustment: is in alignment with the actual costs of comorbidity adjustment subgroups and
There are two or more secondary providing care. For CY 2023, we the high comorbidity adjustment
diagnoses on the home health-specific proposed to use the same methodology interaction subgroups including those
comorbidity subgroup interaction list used to establish the comorbidity diagnoses within each of these
that are associated with higher resource subgroups to update the comorbidity comorbidity adjustments will also be
use when both are reported together subgroups using CY 2021 home health posted on the HHA Center web page at
compared to when they are reported data.
separately. That is, the two diagnoses For CY 2023, we proposed to update Type/Home-Health-Agency-HHA-
may interact with one another, resulting the comorbidity subgroups to include 23 Center.
in higher resource use. low comorbidity adjustment subgroups We invited comments on the
• No comorbidity adjustment: A 30- and 94 high comorbidity adjustment proposed updates to the low
day period of care receives no interaction subgroups. The final update comorbidity adjustment subgroups and
comorbidity adjustment if no secondary to the comorbidity adjustment the high comorbidity adjustment
diagnoses exist or do not meet the subgroups includes 22 low comorbidity interactions for CY 2023.
criteria for a low or high comorbidity adjustment subgroups as identified in
adjustment. table 13 and 91 high comorbidity
In the CY 2019 HH PPS final rule with adjustment interaction subgroups as Table 13—Low Comorbidity
comment period (83 FR 56406), we identified in table 14. The final 22 low Adjustment Subgroups for CY 2023

Low Comorbidity
Sub~roup Description
Circulatory 7 Atherosclerosis, includes Peripheral Vascular Disease, Aortic Aneurysms and Hypotension
Gastrointestinal 1 Crohn's, Ulcerative Colitis, and other Functional Intestinal Disorders
Musculoskeletal 2 Rheumatoid Arthritis
Circulatory 2 Hemolytic, Aplastic, and Other Anemias
Neurological 12 Nondiabetic neuropathy
Neoplasm2 Malignant Neoplasms of Digestive Organs, includes Gastrointestinal Cancers
Neoplasm 6 Malignant neoplasms of trachea, bronchus, lung, and mediastinum
Neoplasm 1 Malignant Neoplasms of Lip, Oral Cavity and Pharynx, includes Head and Neck Cancers
Heart 10 Dysrhythmias, includes Atrial Fibrillation and Atrial Flutter
Heart 11 Heart Failure
Endocrine 4 Other Combined Immunodeficiencies and Malnutrition, includes graft-versus-host-disease
Neurological 11 Disease of the Macula and Blindness/Low Vision
Neurological 10 Diabetes with neuropathy
Neoplasm 18 Secondary Neoplasms of Urinary and Reproductive Systems, Skin, Brain, and Bone
Circulatory 9 Other Venous Embolism and Thrombosis
Sequelae of Cerebrovascular Diseases, includes Cerebral Atherosclerosis and Stroke
Cerebral 4 Sequelae
Skin 1 Cutaneous Abscess, Cellulitis, and Lymphangitis
Neurological 5 Spinal Muscular Atrophy, Systemic atrophy and Motor Neuron Disease
Circulatory 10 Varicose Veins and Lymphedema
Neurological 7 Paraplegia, Hemiplegia and Quadriplegia
Diseases of arteries, arterioles and capillaries with ulceration and non-pressure chronic
Skin 3 ulcers
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

Skin 4 Stages Two-Four and unstageable pressure ulcers by site

Source: CY 2021 Home Health Claims Data, Periods that end in CY 2021 accessed on the CCW July 14, 2022.

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66822 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations

Table 14—High Comorbidity

Adjustment Interactions for CY 2023

Subgroup Comorbidity Comorbity
Interaction Group Description Group Description

Sequelae of Cerebrovascular Other disorders of the

Diseases, includes Cerebral kidney and ureter, excluding
Cerebral 4 Renal3
Atherosclerosis and Stroke chronic kidney disease and
Sequelae ESRD
Spinal Muscular Atrophy,
Obesity, and Disorders of
Endocrine 5 Neurological 5 Systemic atrophy and Motor
Metabolism and Fluid Balance
2 Neuron Disease
Other Venous Embolism and Type 1, Type 2, and Other
Circulatory 9 Endocrine 3
3 Thrombosis Specified Diabetes
Disease of the Macula and
Heart 11 Heart Failure Neurological 11
Blindness/Low Vision
Sequelae of Cerebrovascular
Diseases, includes Cerebral Type 1, Type 2, and Other
Cerebral 4 Endocrine 3
Atherosclerosis and Stroke Specified Diabetes
5 Sequelae
Spinal Muscular Atrophy,
Neurological 5 Systemic atrophy and Motor Neurological 8 Epilepsy
6 Neuron Disease
Other disorders of the
Other Venous Embolism and kidney and ureter, excluding
Circulatory 9 Renal3
Thrombosis chronic kidney disease and
Phobias, Other Anxiety and Spinal Muscular Atrophy,
Behavioral 5 Obsessive Compulsive Neurological 5 Systemic atrophy and Motor
8 Disorders Neuron Disease
Sequelae of Cerebrovascular
Diseases, includes Cerebral
Cerebral 4 Neurological 10 Diabetes with neuropathy
Atherosclerosis and Stroke
9 Sequelae
Sequelae of Cerebrovascular
Diseases, includes Cerebral
Cerebral 4 Infectious 1 C-diff, MRSA, E-coli
Atherosclerosis and Stroke
10 Sequelae
Sequelae of Cerebrovascular
Diseases, includes Cerebral
Cerebral 4 Heart 11 Heart Failure
Atherosclerosis and Stroke
11 Sequelae
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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations 66823

Spinal Muscular Atrophy,

Heart 12 Other Heart Diseases Neurological 5 Systemic atrophy and Motor
12 Neuron Disease

Cutaneous Abscess,
Neurological 10 Diabetes with neuropathy Skin 1
Cellulitis, and Lymphangitis
Paraplegia, Hemiplegia and
Endocrine 1 Hypothyroidism Neurological 7
Spinal Muscular Atrophy,
Alzheimer's disease and related
Neurological 4 Neurological 5 Systemic atrophy and Motor
15 Neuron Disease
Diseases of arteries,
arterioles and capillaries
Neurological 8 Epilepsy Skin 3
with ulceration and non-
16 pressure chronic ulcers
Mood Disorders, includes Spinal Muscular Atrophy,
Behavioral 2 Depression and Bipolar Neurological 5 Systemic atrophy and Motor
17 Disorder Neuron Disease
Spinal Muscular Atrophy,
Endocrine 1 Hypothyroidism Neurological 5 Systemic atrophy and Motor
18 Neuron Disease
Chronic Obstructive
Paraplegia, Hemiplegia and
Neurological 7 Respiratory 5 Pulmonary Disease, and
19 Asthma, and Bronchiectasis
Psychotic, major depressive,
Diseases of arteries,
and dissociative disorders,
arterioles and capillaries
Behavioral 4 includes unspecified dementia, Skin3
with ulceration and non-
eating disorder and intellectual
pressure chronic ulcers
20 disabilities

Varicose Veins and

Circulatory 10 Heart 12 Other Heart Diseases
Mood Disorders, includes
Varicose Veins and
Behavioral 2 Depression and Bipolar Circulatory 10
22 Disorder

Obesity, and Disorders of Cutaneous Abscess,

Endocrine 5 Skin 1
Metabolism and Fluid Balance Cellulitis, and Lymphangitis

Varicose Veins and Hypertensive Chronic

Circulatory 10 Circulatory 4
Lymphedema Kidney Disease
Sequelae ofCerebrovascular
Dysrhythmias, includes
Diseases, includes Cerebral
Cerebral 4 Heart 10 Atrial Fibrillation and Atrial
Atherosclerosis and Stroke
25 Sequelae
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

Mood Disorders, includes

Paraplegia, Hemiplegia and
Behavioral 2 Depression and Bipolar Neurological 7
26 Disorder

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66824 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations

Spinal Muscular Atrophy,

Type 1, Type 2, and Other
Endocrine 3 Neurological 5 Systemic atrophy and Motor
Specified Diabetes
27 Neuron Disease
Other Combined
Other Venous Embolism and Immunodeficiencies and
Circulatory 9 Endocrine 4
Thrombosis Malnutrition, includes graft-
28 versus-host-disease
Diseases of arteries,
Chronic Ischemic Heart arterioles and capillaries
Heart 7 Skin3
Disease with ulceration and non-
29 pressure chronic ulcers

Varicose Veins and Type 1, Type 2, and Other

Circulatory 10 Endocrine 3
Lymphedema Specified Diabetes

Hypertensive Chronic Kidney Paraplegia, Hemiplegia and

Circulatory 4 Neurological 7
Disease Quadriplegia
Spinal Muscular Atrophy,
Neurological I 0 Diabetes with neuropathy Neurological 5 Systemic atrophy and Motor
32 Neuron Disease
Diseases of arteries,
arterioles and capillaries
Heart 12 Other Heart Diseases Skin 3
with ulceration and non-
33 pressure chronic ulcers
Spinal Muscular Atrophy,
Dysrhythmias, includes Atrial
Heart 10 Neurological 5 Systemic atrophy and Motor
Fibrillation and Atrial Flutter
34 Neuron Disease
Phobias, Other Anxiety and
Varicose Veins and
Behavioral 5 Obsessive Compulsive Circulatory 10
35 Disorders
Diseases of arteries,
Alzheimer's disease and related arterioles and capillaries
Neurological 4 Skin3
dementias with ulceration and non-
36 pressure chronic ulcers
Spinal Muscular Atrophy,
Hypertensive Chronic Kidney
Circulatory 4 Neurological 5 Systemic atrophy and Motor
37 Neuron Disease
Spinal Muscular Atrophy,
Heart 11 Heart Failure Neurological 5 Systemic atrophy and Motor
38 Neuron Disease

Nutritional, Enzymatic, and Cutaneous Abscess,

Circulatory 1 Skin 1
Other Heredity Anemias Cellulitis, and Lymphangitis

Hemolytic, Aplastic, and Other Cutaneous Abscess,

Circulatory 2 Skin 1
Anemias Cellulitis, and Lymphangitis
Diseases of arteries,
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

Hypertensive Chronic Kidney arterioles and capillaries

Circulatory 4 Skin3
Disease with ulceration and non-
41 pressure chronic ulcers

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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations 66825

Paraplegia, Hemiplegia and

Heart 11 Heart Failure Neurological 7

Varicose Veins and

Circulatory 10 Heart 11 Heart Failure
Obesity, and Disorders of
Varicose Veins and
Circulatory 10 Endocrine 5 Metabolism and Fluid
44 Balance
Spinal Muscular Atrophy,
Hemolytic, Aplastic, and Other
Circulatory 2 Neurological 5 Systemic atrophy and Motor
45 Neuron Disease
Diseases of arteries,
Bronchitis, Emphysema, and arterioles and capillaries
Respiratory 4 Skin3
Interstitial Lung Disease with ulceration and non-
46 pressure chronic ulcers

Dysrhythmias, includes Atrial Paraplegia, Hemiplegia and

Heart 10 Neurological 7
Fibrillation and Atrial Flutter Quadriplegia
Sequelae ofCerebrovascular
Diseases, includes Cerebral Disease of the Macula and
Cerebral 4 Neurological 11
Atherosclerosis and Stroke Blindness/Low Vision
48 Sequelae
Diseases of arteries,
Disease of the Macula and arterioles and capillaries
Neurological 11 Skin3
Blindness/Low Vision with ulceration and non-
49 pressure chronic ulcers
Diseases of arteries,
Mood Disorders, includes
arterioles and capillaries
Behavioral 2 Depression and Bipolar Skin3
with ulceration and non-
50 pressure chronic ulcers
Dysrhythmias, includes
Varicose Veins and
Circulatory I 0 Heart 10 Atrial Fibrillation and Atrial
51 Flutter
Phobias, Other Anxiety and
Paraplegia, Hemiplegia and
Behavioral 5 Obsessive Compulsive Neurological 7
52 Disorders
Sequelae of Cerebrovascular Diseases of arteries,
Diseases, includes Cerebral arterioles and capillaries
Cerebral 4 Skin3
Atherosclerosis and Stroke with ulceration and non-
53 Sequelae pressure chronic ulcers
Spinal Muscular Atrophy,
Paraplegia, Hemiplegia and
Neurological 5 Systemic atrophy and Motor Neurological 7
54 Neuron Disease
Diseases of arteries,
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

Hemolytic, Aplastic, and Other arterioles and capillaries

Circulatory 2 Skin3
Anemias with ulceration and non-
55 pressure chronic ulcers

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66826 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations

Other Combined Diseases of arteries,

Immunodeficiencies and arterioles and capillaries
Endocrine 4 Skin3
Malnutrition, includes graft- with ulceration and non-
56 versus-host-disease pressure chronic ulcers
Diseases of arteries,
Musculoskeletal arterioles and capillaries
Joint Pain Skin 3
3 with ulceration and non-
57 pressure chronic ulcers
Other Combined
Varicose Veins and Immunodeficiencies and
Circulatory 10 Endocrine 4
Lymphedema Malnutrition, includes graft-
58 versus-host-disease
Diseases of arteries,
Cutaneous Abscess, Cellulitis, arterioles and capillaries
Skin 1 Skin3
and Lymphangitis with ulceration and non-
59 pressure chronic ulcers
Diseases of arteries,
arterioles and capillaries
Endocrine 1 Hypothyroidism Skin 3
with ulceration and non-
60 pressure chronic ulcers

Nutritional, Enzymatic, and Paraplegia, Hemiplegia and

Circulatory 1 Neurological 7
Other Heredity Anemias Quadriplegia
Other disorders of the
Paraplegia, Hemiplegia and kidney and ureter, excluding
Neurological 7 Renal 3
Quadriplegia chronic kidney disease and
Diseases of arteries,
arterioles and capillaries
Heart 9 Valve Disorders Skin 3
with ulceration and non-
63 pressure chronic ulcers
Diseases of arteries,
Nutritional, Enzymatic, and arterioles and capillaries
Circulatory 1 Skin3
Other Heredity Anemias with ulceration and non-
64 pressure chronic ulcers
Diseases of arteries,
Musculoskeletal arterioles and capillaries
Rheumatoid Arthritis Skin3
2 with ulceration and non-
65 pressure chronic ulcers
Diseases of arteries,
Other Pulmonary Heart arterioles and capillaries
Heart 8 Skin3
Diseases with ulceration and non-
66 pressure chronic ulcers
Diseases of arteries,
arterioles and capillaries
Heart 11 Heart Failure Skin 3
with ulceration and non-
67 pressure chronic ulcers
Diseases of arteries,
Obesity, and Disorders of arterioles and capillaries
Endocrine 5 Skin3
Metabolism and Fluid Balance with ulceration and non-
68 pressure chronic ulcers
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

Hemolytic, Aplastic, and Other Paraplegia, Hemiplegia and

Circulatory 2 Neurological 7
Anemias Quadriplegia

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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations 66827

Atherosclerosis, includes Diseases of arteries,

Peripheral Vascular Disease, arterioles and capillaries
Circulatory 7 Skin3
Aortic Aneurysms and with ulceration and non-
70 Hypotension pressure chronic ulcers
Diseases of arteries,
Musculoskeletal arterioles and capillaries
Lumbar Spinal Stenosis Skin3
4 with ulceration and non-
71 pressure chronic ulcers
Paraplegia, Hemiplegia and
Infectious 1 C-diff, MRSA, E-coli Neurological 7
Diseases of arteries,
arterioles and capillaries
Neurological 12 Nondiabetic neuropathy Skin 3
with ulceration and non-
73 pressure chronic ulcers
Diseases of arteries,
Type 1, Type 2, and Other arterioles and capillaries
Endocrine 3 Skin3
Specified Diabetes with ulceration and non-
74 pressure chronic ulcers
Other Combined
Immunodeficiencies and Paraplegia, Hemiplegia and
Endocrine 4 Neurological 7
Malnutrition, includes graft- Quadriplegia
75 versus-host-disease
Diseases of arteries,
Spinal Muscular Atrophy,
arterioles and capillaries
Neurological 5 Systemic atrophy and Motor Skin3
with ulceration and non-
Neuron Disease
76 pressure chronic ulcers
Psychotic, major depressive,
and dissociative disorders, Stages Two-Four and
Behavioral 4 includes unspecified dementia, Skin4 unstageable pressure ulcers
eating disorder and intellectual by site
77 disabilities
Stages Two-Four and
Nutritional, Enzymatic, and
Circulatory 1 Skin4 unstageable pressure ulcers
Other Heredity Anemias
by site
Stages Two-Four and
Joint Pain Skin4 unstageable pressure ulcers
79 by site
Stages Two-Four and
Alzheimer's disease and related
Neurological 4 Skin4 unstageable pressure ulcers
80 by site
Stages Two-Four and
Respiratory 2 Whooping cough Skin4 unstageable pressure ulcers
81 by site
Stages Two-Four and
Heart 11 Heart Failure Skin4 unstageable pressure ulcers
82 by site
Stages Two-Four and
Infectious 1 C-diff, MRSA, E-coli Skin4 unstageable pressure ulcers
83 by site
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Stages Two-Four and

Neurological 10 Diabetes with neuropathy Skin4 unstageable pressure ulcers
84 by site

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66828 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations

Diseases of arteries,
Varicose Veins and arterioles and capillaries
Circulatory I 0 Skin 3
Lymphedema with ulceration and non-
85 pressure chronic ulcers
Sequelae of Cerebrovascular
Stages Two-Four and
Diseases, includes Cerebral
Cerebral 4 Skin4 unstageable pressure ulcers
Atherosclerosis and Stroke
by site
86 Sequelae
Other disorders of the kidney Stages Two-Four and
Renal 3 and ureter, excluding chronic Skin4 unstageable pressure ulcers
87 kidney disease and ESRD by site
Stages Two-Four and
Type 1, Type 2, and Other
Endocrine 3 Skin4 unstageable pressure ulcers
Specified Diabetes
88 by site
Stages Two-Four and
Paraplegia, Hemiplegia and
Neurological 7 Skin4 unstageable pressure ulcers
89 by site
Stages Two-Four and
Dysrhythmias, includes Atrial
Heart 10 Skin4 unstageable pressure ulcers
Fibrillation and Atrial Flutter
90 by site

Diseases of arteries, arterioles Stages Two-Four and

Skin 3 and capillaries with ulceration Skin4 unstageable pressure ulcers
and non-pressure chronic ulcers by site
Source: CY 2021 Home Health Claims Data, Periods that end in CY 2021 accessed from the CCW July 14, 2022.


d. CY 2023 PDGM Case-Mix Weights mix weights using data from CY 2021
Comment: A commenter expressed would be reflective of PDGM utilization
As finalized in the CY 2019 HH PPS
support for the proposed updates to the and patient resource use for CY 2023.
final rule with comment period (83 FR
low and high comorbidity subgroups. The proposed recalibrated case-mix
56502), the PDGM places patients into
This commenter stated that the changes weights were updated based on more
meaningful payment categories based on
achieve the stated goal of ensuring that complete CY 2021 claims data for this
patient and other characteristics, such
payment is in alignment with the actual final rule.
as timing, admission source, clinical
costs of providing care and that the high grouping using the reported principal The claims data provide visit-level
comorbidity adjustment interaction diagnosis, functional impairment level, data and data on whether non-routine
subgroups acknowledge the impact of and comorbid conditions. The PDGM supplies (NRS) were provided during
multiple diagnoses on care delivery case-mix methodology results in 432 the period and the total charges of NRS.
complexity and cost. unique case-mix groups called HHRGs. We determine the case-mix weight for
We also finalized a policy in the CY each of the 432 different PDGM
Response: We thank the commenter
2019 HH PPS final rule with comment payment groups by regressing resource
for their support.
period (83 FR 56515) to recalibrate use on a series of indicator variables for
Final Decision: We are finalizing the annually the PDGM case-mix weights each of the categories using a fixed
proposal to use the same methodology using a fixed effects model, as outlined effects model as described in the
used to establish the comorbidity in that rule, with the most recent and following steps:
subgroups to update the comorbidity complete utilization data available at Step 1: Estimate a regression model to
subgroups using CY 2021 home health the time of annual rulemaking. Annual assign a functional impairment level to
data. For CY 2023, the final update to recalibration of the PDGM case-mix each 30-day period. The regression
the comorbidity adjustment subgroups weights ensures that the case-mix model estimates the relationship
includes 22 low comorbidity adjustment weights reflect, as accurately as between a 30-day period’s resource use
subgroups as identified in Table 13 and possible, current home health resource and the functional status and risk of
91 high comorbidity adjustment use and changes in utilization patterns. hospitalization items included in the
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

interaction subgroups as identified in To generate the proposed recalibrated PDGM, which are obtained from certain
Table 14. The final 22 low comorbidity CY 2023 case-mix weights, we used CY OASIS items. We refer readers to Table
adjustment subgroups and 91 high 2021 home health claims data with B21 for further information on the
comorbidity adjustment interactions linked OASIS data (as of March 21, OASIS items used for the functional
reflect the final coding changes detailed 2021). These data are the most current impairment level under the PDGM. We
in section II.B.3.c. of this final rule. and complete data available at this time. measure resource use with the cost-per-

We believe that recalibrating the case- minute + NRS approach that uses

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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations 66829

information from 2020 home health cost comorbidities and comorbidity is classified as a Low Utilization
reports. We use 2020 home health cost interactions that were originally Payment Adjustment (LUPA). If a
report data because it is the most examined for inclusion in the PDGM. payment group has a 10th percentile of
complete cost report data available at Like the first regression model, this visits that is less than two, we set the
the time of rulemaking. Other variables model also includes home health agency LUPA threshold for that payment group
in the regression model include the 30- level fixed effects and includes control to be equal to two. That means if a 30-
day period’s admission source, clinical variables for each 30-day period’s day period has one visit, it is classified
group, and 30-day period timing. We admission source, clinical group, as a LUPA and if it has two or more
also include home health agency level timing, and functional impairment visits, it is not classified as a LUPA.
fixed effects in the regression model. level. After we estimate the model, we
Step 4: Take all non-LUPA 30-day
After estimating the regression model assign comorbidities to the low
comorbidity adjustment if any periods and regress resource use on the
using 30-day periods, we divide the
coefficients that correspond to the comorbidities have a coefficient that is 30-day period’s clinical group,
functional status and risk of statistically significant (p-value of 0.05 admission source category, episode
hospitalization items by 10 and round to or less) and which have a coefficient timing category, functional impairment
the nearest whole number. Those that is larger than the 50th percentile of level, and comorbidity adjustment
rounded numbers are used to compute positive and statistically significant category. The regression includes fixed
a functional score for each 30-day comorbidity coefficients. If two effects at the level of the home health
period by summing together the comorbidities in the model and their agency. After we estimate the model, the
rounded numbers for the functional interaction term have coefficients that model coefficients are used to predict
status and risk of hospitalization items sum together to exceed $150 and the each 30-day period’s resource use. To
that are applicable to each 30-day interaction term is statistically create the case-mix weight for each 30-
period. Next, each 30-day period is significant (p-value of 0.05 or less), we day period, the predicted resource use
assigned to a functional impairment assign the two comorbidities together to is divided by the overall resource use of
level (low, medium, or high) depending the high comorbidity adjustment. the 30-day periods used to estimate the
on the 30-day period’s total functional Step 3: After Step 2, each 30-day regression.
score. Each clinical group has a separate period is assigned to a clinical group, The case-mix weight is then used to
set of functional thresholds used to admission source category, episode adjust the base payment rate to
assign 30-day periods into a low, timing category, functional impairment determine each 30-day period’s
medium or high functional impairment level, and comorbidity adjustment payment. Table 15 shows the
level. We set those thresholds so that we category. For each combination of those coefficients of the payment regression
assign roughly a third of 30-day periods variables (which represent the 432 used to generate the weights, and the
within each clinical group to each different payment groups that comprise coefficients divided by average resource
functional impairment level (low, the PDGM), we then calculate the 10th use.
medium, or high). percentile of visits across all 30-day BILLING CODE 4120–01–P
Step 2: A second regression model periods within a particular payment
estimates the relationship between a 30- group. If a 30-day period’s number of Table 15—Coefficient of Payment
day period’s resource use and indicator visits is less than the 10th percentile for Regression and Coefficient Divided by
variables for the presence of any of the their payment group, the 30-day period Average Resource Use
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

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66830 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations

Coefficient Divided by Average
Variable Coefficient Periods
Resource Use
for this

Clinical Group and Functional Impairment Level (MMT A - Other - Low is excluded)
MMT A - Other - Medium Functional $149.97 1.1% 0.1010
MMT A - Other - High Functional $314.96 1.1% 0.2120
MMTA- Surgical Aftercare - Low
-$44.23 1.5% -0.0298
MMT A - Surgical Aftercare - Medium
$145.94 0.9% 0.0983
MMTA- Surgical Aftercare - High
$352.80 1.0% 0.2375
MMT A - Cardiac and Circulatory - Low
-$50.35 6.4% -0.0339
MMT A - Cardiac and Circulatory -
$123.88 6.5% 0.0834
Medium Functional
MMT A - Cardiac and Circulatory - High
$295.93 5.8% 0.1992
MMT A - Endocrine - Low Functional $334.42 2.3% 0.2251
MMT A - Endocrine - Medium Functional $436.34 2.5% 0.2937
MMT A - Endocrine - High Functional $593.94 2.1% 0.3998
MMT A - Gastrointestinal tract and
-$75.37 1.7% -0.0507
Genitourinary system - Low Functional
MMT A - Gastrointestinal tract and
Genitourinary system - Medium $131.94 1.5% 0.0888
MMT A - Gastrointestinal tract and
$259.92 1.5% 0.1750
Genitourinary system - Hi2h Functional
MMTA- Infectious Disease, Neoplasms,
and Blood-Forming Diseases - Low -$19.65 1.9% -0.0132
MMTA- Infectious Disease, Neoplasms,
and Blood-Forming Diseases - Medium $123.32 1.1% 0.0830
MMTA- Infectious Disease, Neoplasms,
and Blood-Forming Diseases - High $310.22 1.6% 0.2088
MMT A - Respiratory - Low Functional -$33.75 3.2% -0.0227
MMT A - Respiratory - Medium
$141.26 2.3% 0.0951
MMT A - Respiratory - High Functional $315.57 2.6% 0.2124
Behavioral Health - Low Functional -$100.09 0.8% -0.0674
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Behavioral Health - Medium Functional $100.61 0.8% 0.0677

Behavioral Health - High Functional $244.25 0.8% 0.1644

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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations 66831

Complex - Low Functional -$89.08 1.1% -0.0600

Complex - Medium Functional $126.93 0.8% 0.0855
Complex - High Functional $93.06 1.0% 0.0627
MS Rehab - Low Functional $106.83 7.9% 0.0719
MS Rehab - Medium Functional $233.48 5.0% 0.1572
MS Rehab - High Functional $431.77 6.7% 0.2907
Neuro - Low Functional $234.10 3.7% 0.1576
Neuro - Medium Functional $409.93 3.6% 0.2760
Neuro - High Functional $621.31 3.7% 0.4183
Wound - Low Functional $499.21 5.3% 0.3361
Wound - Medium Functional $662.09 4.3% 0.4457
Wound - High Functional $859.07 4.8% 0.5783
Admission Source with Timing (Community Early is excluded)
Community - Late -$544.74 64.0% -0.3667
Institutional - Early $326.63 18.4% 0.2199
Institutional - Late $200.34 6.1% 0.1349
Comorbidity Adjustment (No Comorbidity Adjustment - is excluded)
Comorbidity Adjustment - Has at least
one comorbidity from comorbidity list, no $86.51 51.2% 0.0582
interaction from interaction list
Comorbidity Adjustment - Has at least
$298.59 16.4% 0.2010
one interaction from interaction list
Constant $1,391.01
Average Resource Use $1,485.42
Number of 30-day Periods 8,572,191
Adjusted R-Squared 0.3238
Source: CY 2021 Home Health Claims Data, Periods that end in CY 2021 accessed on the CCW July 14, 2022.

The case-mix weights proposed for also be posted on the HHA Center web Table 16—Final Case-Mix Weights and
CY 2023 are listed in Table 16 and will page 25 upon display of this final rule. LUPA Thresholds for Each HHRG
Payment Group
25 HHA Center web page:

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19:00 Nov 03, 2022

Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations
(0 = none, 1 Recalibrated
Clinical Group and Functional Admission Source (LUPAs
HIPPS = single Weight for
Level and Timing have fewer
comorbidity, 2023
visits than
Jkt 259001

lFCll Behavioral Health - High Early - Community 0 1.1009 4
1FC21 Behavioral Health - High Early - Community 1 1.1591 4
PO 00000

1FC31 Behavioral Health - High Early - Community 2 1.3019 4

2FC11 Behavioral Health - High Early - Institutional 0 1.3208 4
Frm 00044

2FC21 Behavioral Health - High Early - Institutional 1 1.3790 4

2FC31 Behavioral Health - High Early - Institutional 2 1.5218 4
3FC11 Behavioral Health - High Late - Community 0 0.7342 2
Fmt 4701

3FC21 Behavioral Health - High Late - Community 1 0.7924 2

3FC31 Behavioral Health - High Late - Community 2 0.9352 2
Sfmt 4725

4FC11 Behavioral Health - High Late - Institutional 0 1.2357 3

4FC21 Behavioral Health - High Late - Institutional 1 1.2940 3
4FC31 Behavioral Health - High Late - Institutional 2 1.4368 3

lFAll Behavioral Health - Low Early - Community 0 0.8691 3

1FA21 Behavioral Health - Low Early - Community 1 0.9273 3
1FA31 Behavioral Health - Low Early - Community 2 1.0701 3
2FA11 Behavioral Health - Low Early - Institutional 0 1.0890 3
2FA21 Behavioral Health - Low Early - Institutional 1 1.1472 3

2FA31 Behavioral Health - Low Early - Institutional 2 1.2900 3

3FA11 Behavioral Health - Low Late - Community 0 0.5023 2
3FA21 Behavioral Health - Low Late - Community 1 0.5606 2
3FA31 Behavioral Health - Low Late - Community 2 0.7034 2
4FA11 Behavioral Health - Low Late - Institutional 0 1.0039 2
4FA21 Behavioral Health - Low Late - Institutional 1 1.0622 3
4FA31 Behavioral Health - Low Late - Institutional 2 1.2050 3

khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2
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lFBll Behavioral Health - Medium Early - Community 0 1.0042 4

1FB21 Behavioral Health - Medium Early - Community 1 1.0624 4
1FB31 Behavioral Health - Medium Early - Community 2 1.2052 4
2FB11 Behavioral Health - Medium Early - Institutional 0 1.2241 3
19:00 Nov 03, 2022

Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations
2FB21 Behavioral Health - Medium Early - Institutional 1 1.2823 4
2FB31 Behavioral Health - Medium Early - Institutional 2 1.4251 4
3FB11 Behavioral Health - Medium Late - Community 0 0.6375 2
3FB21 Behavioral Health - Medium Late - Community 1 0.6957 2
Jkt 259001

3FB31 Behavioral Health - Medium Late - Community 2 0.8385 2

4FB11 Behavioral Health - Medium Late - Institutional 0 1.1390 3
4FB21 Behavioral Health - Medium Late - Institutional 1 1.1973 3
PO 00000

4FB31 Behavioral Health - Medium Late - Institutional 2 1.3401 3

lDCll Complex - High Early - Community 0 0.9991 2
Frm 00045

1DC21 Complex - High Early - Community 1 1.0573 2

1DC31 Complex - High Early - Community 2 1.2001 2
2DC11 Complex - High Early - Institutional 0 1.2190 3
Fmt 4701

2DC21 Complex - High Early - Institutional 1 1.2772 3

2DC31 Complex - High Early - Institutional 2 1.4200 4
Sfmt 4725

3DC11 Complex - High Late - Community 0 0.6324 2

3DC21 Complex - High Late - Community 1 0.6906 2
3DC31 Complex - High Late - Community 2 0.8334 2

4DC11 Complex - High Late - Institutional 0 1.1340 3

4DC21 Complex - High Late - Institutional 1 1.1922 3
4DC31 Complex - High Late - Institutional 2 1.3350 3
lDAll Complex - Low Early - Community 0 0.8765 2
1DA21 Complex - Low Early - Community 1 0.9347 2

1DA31 Complex - Low Early - Community 2 1.0775 2

2DA11 Complex - Low Early - Institutional 0 1.0964 3
2DA21 Complex - Low Early - Institutional 1 1.1546 3
2DA31 Complex - Low Early - Institutional 2 1.2974 3
3DA11 Complex - Low Late - Community 0 0.5098 2
3DA21 Complex - Low Late - Community 1 0.5680 2
3DA31 Complex - Low Late - Community 2 0.7108 2

4DA11 Complex - Low Late - Institutional 0 1.0113 2
4DA21 Complex - Low Late - Institutional 1 1.0696 2

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4DA31 Complex - Low Late - Institutional 2 1.2124 3
lDBll Complex - Medium Early - Community 0 1.0219 2
1DB21 Complex - Medium Early - Community 1 1.0801 2
1DB31 Complex - Medium Early - Community 2 1.2229 2
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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations
2DB11 Complex - Medium Early - Institutional 0 1.2418 4
2DB21 Complex - Medium Early - Institutional 1 1.3000 4
2DB31 Complex - Medium Early - Institutional 2 1.4428 4
3DB11 Complex - Medium Late - Community 0 0.6552 2
Jkt 259001

3DB21 Complex - Medium Late - Community 1 0.7134 2

3DB31 Complex - Medium Late - Community 2 0.8562 2
4DB11 Complex - Medium Late - Institutional 0 1.1568 3
PO 00000

4DB21 Complex - Medium Late - Institutional 1 1.2150 3

4DB31 Complex - Medium Late - Institutional 2 1.3578 3
Frm 00046

lHCll MMTA - Cardiac - High Early - Community 0 1.1357 4

1HC21 MMTA - Cardiac - High Early - Community 1 1.1939 3
1HC31 MMTA - Cardiac - High Early - Community 2 1.3367 3
Fmt 4701

2HC11 MMTA - Cardiac - High Early - Institutional 0 1.3556 4

2HC21 MMTA - Cardiac - High Early - Institutional 1 1.4138 4
Sfmt 4725

2HC31 MMTA - Cardiac - High Early - Institutional 2 1.5566 4

3HC11 MMTA - Cardiac - High Late - Community 0 0.7689 2
3HC21 MMTA - Cardiac - High Late - Community 1 0.8272 2

3HC31 MMTA - Cardiac - High Late - Community 2 0.9700 3

4HC11 MMTA - Cardiac - High Late - Institutional 0 1.2705 4
4HC21 MMTA - Cardiac - High Late - Institutional 1 1.3288 3
4HC31 MMTA - Cardiac - High Late - Institutional 2 1.4716 4
lHAll MMTA - Cardiac - Low Early - Community 0 0.9025 4

1HA21 MMTA - Cardiac - Low Early - Community 1 0.9608 3

1HA31 MMTA - Cardiac - Low Early - Community 2 1.1036 3
2HA11 MMTA - Cardiac - Low Early - Institutional 0 1.1224 3
2HA21 MMTA - Cardiac - Low Early - Institutional 1 1.1807 4
2HA31 MMTA - Cardiac - Low Early - Institutional 2 1.3235 4
3HA11 MMTA - Cardiac - Low Late - Community 0 0.5358 2
3HA21 MMTA - Cardiac - Low Late - Community 1 0.5941 2
3HA31 MMTA - Cardiac - Low Late - Community 2 0.7368 2
4HA11 MMTA - Cardiac - Low Late - Institutional 0 1.0374 3

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4HA21 MMTA - Cardiac - Low Late - Institutional 1 1.0957 3

4HA31 MMTA - Cardiac - Low Late - Institutional 2 1.2384 3
lHBll MMTA - Cardiac - Medium Early - Community 0 1.0198 4
1HB21 MMTA - Cardiac - Medium Early - Community 1 1.0781 4
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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations
1HB31 MMTA - Cardiac - Medium Early - Community 2 1.2209 4
2HB11 MMTA - Cardiac - Medium Early - Institutional 0 1.2397 4
2HB21 MMTA - Cardiac - Medium Early - Institutional 1 1.2980 4
2HB31 MMTA - Cardiac - Medium Early - Institutional 2 1.4408 4
Jkt 259001

3HB11 MMTA - Cardiac - Medium Late - Community 0 0.6531 2

3HB21 MMTA - Cardiac - Medium Late - Community 1 0.7114 2
3HB31 MMTA - Cardiac - Medium Late - Community 2 0.8541 2
PO 00000

4HB11 MMTA - Cardiac - Medium Late - Institutional 0 1.1547 4

4HB21 MMTA - Cardiac - Medium Late - Institutional 1 1.2130 3
Frm 00047

4HB31 MMTA - Cardiac - Medium Late - Institutional 2 1.3557 4

lICll MMTA - Endocrine - High Early - Community 0 1.3363 4
1IC21 MMTA - Endocrine - High Early - Community 1 1.3945 4
Fmt 4701

1IC31 MMTA - Endocrine - High Early - Community 2 1.5373 4

2IC11 MMTA - Endocrine - High Early - Institutional 0 1.5562 4
Sfmt 4725

2IC21 MMTA - Endocrine - High Early - Institutional 1 1.6144 4

2IC31 MMTA - Endocrine - High Early - Institutional 2 1.7572 4
3IC11 MMTA - Endocrine - High Late - Community 0 0.9696 3

3IC21 MMTA - Endocrine - High Late - Community 1 1.0278 3

3IC31 MMTA - Endocrine - High Late - Community 2 1.1706 3
4IC11 MMTA - Endocrine - High Late - Institutional 0 1.4712 4
4IC21 MMTA - Endocrine - High Late - Institutional 1 1.5294 4
4IC31 MMTA - Endocrine - High Late - Institutional 2 1.6722 4

lIAll MMTA - Endocrine - Low Early - Community 0 1.1616 4

1IA21 MMTA - Endocrine - Low Early - Community 1 1.2198 4
1IA31 MMTA - Endocrine - Low Early - Community 2 1.3626 3
2IA11 MMTA - Endocrine - Low Early - Institutional 0 1.3815 3
2IA21 MMTA - Endocrine - Low Early - Institutional 1 1.4397 3
2IA31 MMTA - Endocrine - Low Early - Institutional 2 1.5825 4
3IA11 MMTA - Endocrine - Low Late - Community 0 0.7949 3

3IA21 MMTA - Endocrine - Low Late - Community 1 0.8531 2
3IA31 MMTA - Endocrine - Low Late - Community 2 0.9959 3

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4IA11 MMTA - Endocrine - Low Late - Institutional 0 1.2965 3
4IA21 MMTA - Endocrine - Low Late - Institutional 1 1.3547 3
4IA31 MMTA - Endocrine - Low Late - Institutional 2 1.4975 3
lIBll MMTA - Endocrine - Medium Early - Community 0 1.2302 4
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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations
1IB21 MMTA - Endocrine - Medium Early - Community 1 1.2884 4
1IB31 MMTA - Endocrine - Medium Early - Community 2 1.4312 4
2IB11 MMTA - Endocrine - Medium Early - Institutional 0 1.4501 4
2IB21 MMTA - Endocrine - Medium Early - Institutional 1 1.5083 4
Jkt 259001

2IB31 MMTA - Endocrine - Medium Early - Institutional 2 1.6511 4

3IB11 MMTA - Endocrine - Medium Late - Community 0 0.8635 3
3IB21 MMTA - Endocrine - Medium Late - Community 1 0.9217 3
PO 00000

3IB31 MMTA - Endocrine - Medium Late - Community 2 1.0645 3

4IB11 MMTA - Endocrine - Medium Late - Institutional 0 1.3651 4
Frm 00048

4IB21 MMTA - Endocrine - Medium Late - Institutional 1 1.4233 3

4IB31 MMTA - Endocrine - Medium Late - Institutional 2 1.5661 4
lJCll MMTA - GI/GU - High Early - Community 0 1.1114 3
Fmt 4701

1JC21 MMTA - GI/GU - High Early - Community 1 1.1697 2

1JC31 MMTA - GI/GU - High Early - Community 2 1.3124 2
Sfmt 4725

2JC11 MMTA - GI/GU - High Early - Institutional 0 1.3313 4

2JC21 MMTA - GI/GU - High Early - Institutional 1 1.3896 3
2JC31 MMTA - GI/GU - High Early - Institutional 2 1.5323 3

3JC11 MMTA - GI/GU - High Late - Community 0 0.7447 2

3JC21 MMTA - GI/GU - High Late - Community 1 0.8029 2
3JC31 MMTA - GI/GU - High Late - Community 2 0.9457 2
4JC11 MMTA - GI/GU - Hi!ili Late - Institutional 0 1.2463 3
4JC21 MMTA - GI/GU - Hi!ili Late - Institutional 1 1.3045 3

4JC31 MMTA - GI/GU - Hi!ili Late - Institutional 2 1.4473 3

lJAll MMTA - GI/GU - Low Early - Community 0 0.8857 3
1JA21 MMTA - GI/GU - Low Early - Community 1 0.9439 2
1JA31 MMTA - GI/GU - Low Early - Community 2 1.0867 2
2JA11 MMTA - GI/GU - Low Early - Institutional 0 1.1056 3
2JA21 MMTA - GI/GU - Low Early - Institutional 1 1.1638 3
2JA31 MMTA - GI/GU - Low Early - Institutional 2 1.3066 4
3JA11 MMTA - GI/GU - Low Late - Community 0 0.5190 2
3JA21 MMTA - GI/GU - Low Late - Community 1 0.5772 2

khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2
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3JA31 MMTA - GI/GU - Low Late - Community 2 0.7200 2

4JA11 MMTA - GI/GU - Low Late - Institutional 0 1.0206 3
4JA21 MMTA - GI/GU - Low Late - Institutional 1 1.0788 3
4JA31 MMTA - GI/GU - Low Late - Institutional 2 1.2216 3
19:00 Nov 03, 2022

Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations
lJBll MMTA - GI/GU - Medium Early - Community 0 1.0253 3
1JB21 MMTA - GI/GU - Medium Early - Community 1 1.0835 3
1JB31 MMTA - GI/GU - Medium Early - Community 2 1.2263 3
2JB11 MMTA - GI/GU - Medium Early - Institutional 0 1.2452 4
Jkt 259001

2JB21 MMTA - GI/GU - Medium Early - Institutional 1 1.3034 4

2JB31 MMTA - GI/GU - Medium Early - Institutional 2 1.4462 4
3JB11 MMTA - GI/GU - Medium Late - Community 0 0.6585 2
PO 00000

3JB21 MMTA - GI/GU - Medium Late - Community 1 0.7168 2

3JB31 MMTA - GI/GU - Medium Late - Community 2 0.8596 2
Frm 00049

4JB11 MMTA - GI/GU - Medium Late - Institutional 0 1.1601 3

4JB21 MMTA - GI/GU - Medium Late - Institutional 1 1.2184 3
4JB31 MMTA - GI/GU - Medium Late - Institutional 2 1.3612 4
Fmt 4701

lKCll MMTA - Infectious - High Early - Community 0 1.1453 2

1KC21 MMTA - Infectious - High Early - Community 1 1.2035 2
Sfmt 4725

1KC31 MMTA - Infectious - High Early - Community 2 1.3463 2

2KC11 MMTA - Infectious - High Early - Institutional 0 1.3652 3
2KC21 MMTA - Infectious - High Early - Institutional 1 1.4234 3

2KC31 MMTA - Infectious - High Early - Institutional 2 1.5662 3

3KC11 MMTA - Infectious - High Late - Community 0 0.7786 2
3KC21 MMTA - Infectious - High Late - Community 1 0.8368 2
3KC31 MMTA - Infectious - High Late - Community 2 0.9796 2
4KC11 MMTA - Infectious - High Late - Institutional 0 1.2802 3

4KC21 MMTA - Infectious - High Late - Institutional 1 1.3384 3

4KC31 MMTA - Infectious - High Late - Institutional 2 1.4812 3
lKAll MMTA - Infectious - Low Early - Community 0 0.9232 2
1KA21 MMTA - Infectious - Low Early - Community 1 0.9815 2
1KA31 MMTA - Infectious - Low Early - Community 2 1.1242 2
2KA11 MMTA - Infectious - Low Early - Institutional 0 1.1431 3
2KA21 MMTA - Infectious - Low Early - Institutional 1 1.2013 3

2KA31 MMTA - Infectious - Low Early - Institutional 2 1.3441 3
3KA11 MMTA - Infectious - Low Late - Community 0 0.5565 2

khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2
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3KA21 MMTA - Infectious - Low Late - Community 1 0.6147 2
3KA31 MMTA - Infectious - Low Late - Community 2 0.7575 2
4KA11 MMTA - Infectious - Low Late - Institutional 0 1.0581 3
4KA21 MMTA - Infectious - Low Late - Institutional 1 1.1163 3
19:00 Nov 03, 2022

Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations
4KA31 MMTA - Infectious - Low Late - Institutional 2 1.2591 3
lKBll MMTA - Infectious - Medium Early - Community 0 1.0195 2
1KB21 MMTA - Infectious - Medium Early - Community 1 1.0777 2
1KB31 MMTA - Infectious - Medium Early - Community 2 1.2205 2
Jkt 259001

2KB11 MMTA - Infectious - Medium Early - Institutional 0 1.2394 3

2KB21 MMTA - Infectious - Medium Early - Institutional 1 1.2976 3
2KB31 MMTA - Infectious - Medium Early - Institutional 2 1.4404 4
PO 00000

3KB11 MMTA - Infectious - Medium Late - Community 0 0.6527 2

3KB21 MMTA - Infectious - Medium Late - Community 1 0.7110 2
Frm 00050

3KB31 MMTA - Infectious - Medium Late - Community 2 0.8538 2

4KB11 MMTA - Infectious - Medium Late - Institutional 0 1.1543 3
4KB21 MMTA - Infectious - Medium Late - Institutional 1 1.2126 3
Fmt 4701

4KB31 MMTA - Infectious - Medium Late - Institutional 2 1.3554 3

lACll MMTA - Other - High Early - Community 0 1.1485 4
Sfmt 4725

1AC21 MMTA - Other - High Early - Community 1 1.2067 4

1AC31 MMTA - Other - High Early - Community 2 1.3495 3
2AC11 MMTA - Other - High Early - Institutional 0 1.3684 4

2AC21 MMTA - Other - High Early - Institutional 1 1.4266 4

2AC31 MMTA - Other - High Early - Institutional 2 1.5694 4
3AC11 MMTA - Other - High Late - Community 0 0.7818 2
3AC21 MMTA - Other - High Late - Community 1 0.8400 2
3AC31 MMTA - Other - High Late - Community 2 0.9828 2

4AC11 MMTA - Other - High Late - Institutional 0 1.2834 3

4AC21 MMTA - Other - High Late - Institutional 1 1.3416 3
4AC31 MMTA - Other - High Late - Institutional 2 1.4844 4
lAAll MMTA - Other - Low Early - Community 0 0.9364 3
1AA21 MMTA - Other - Low Early - Community 1 0.9947 3
1AA31 MMTA - Other - Low Early - Community 2 1.1375 3
2AA11 MMTA - Other - Low Early - Institutional 0 1.1563 3
2AA21 MMTA - Other - Low Early - Institutional 1 1.2146 3
2AA31 MMTA - Other - Low Early - Institutional 2 1.3574 4

khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2
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3AA11 MMTA - Other - Low Late - Community 0 0.5697 2

3AA21 MMTA - Other - Low Late - Community 1 0.6280 2
3AA31 MMTA - Other - Low Late - Community 2 0.7707 2
4AA11 MMTA - Other - Low Late - Institutional 0 1.0713 3
19:00 Nov 03, 2022

Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations
4AA21 MMTA - Other - Low Late - Institutional 1 1.1296 3
4AA31 MMTA - Other - Low Late - Institutional 2 1.2723 3
lABll MMTA - Other - Medium Early - Community 0 1.0374 4
1AB21 MMTA - Other - Medium Early - Community 1 1.0956 4
Jkt 259001

1AB31 MMTA - Other - Medium Early - Community 2 1.2384 3

2AB11 MMTA - Other - Medium Early - Institutional 0 1.2573 4
2AB21 MMTA - Other - Medium Early - Institutional 1 1.3155 4
PO 00000

2AB31 MMTA - Other - Medium Early - Institutional 2 1.4583 4

3AB11 MMTA - Other - Medium Late - Community 0 0.6707 2
Frm 00051

3AB21 MMTA - Other - Medium Late - Community 1 0.7289 2

3AB31 MMTA - Other - Medium Late - Community 2 0.8717 2
4AB11 MMTA - Other - Medium Late - Institutional 0 1.1723 3
Fmt 4701

4AB21 MMTA - Other - Medium Late - Institutional 1 1.2305 3

4AB31 MMTA - Other - Medium Late - Institutional 2 1.3733 4
Sfmt 4725

lLCll MMTA - Respiratory - High Early - Community 0 1.1489 3

1LC21 MMTA - Respiratory - High Early - Community 1 1.2071 3
1LC31 MMTA - Respiratory - High Early - Community 2 1.3499 2

2LC11 MMTA - Respiratory - High Early - Institutional 0 1.3688 4

2LC21 MMTA - Respiratory - High Early - Institutional 1 1.4270 4
2LC31 MMTA - Respiratory - High Early - Institutional 2 1.5698 4
3LC11 MMTA - Respiratory - High Late - Community 0 0.7822 2
3LC21 MMTA - Respiratory - High Late - Community 1 0.8404 2

3LC31 MMTA - Respiratory - High Late - Community 2 0.9832 2

4LC11 MMTA - Respiratory - High Late - Institutional 0 1.2838 3
4LC21 MMTA - Respiratory - High Late - Institutional 1 1.3420 3
4LC31 MMTA - Respiratory - High Late - Institutional 2 1.4848 3
lLAll MMTA - Respiratory - Low Early - Community 0 0.9137 2
1LA21 MMTA - Respiratory - Low Early - Community 1 0.9720 2
1LA31 MMTA - Respiratory - Low Early - Community 2 1.1147 3

2LA11 MMTA - Respiratory - Low Early - Institutional 0 1.1336 3
2LA21 MMTA - Respiratory - Low Early - Institutional 1 1.1919 4

khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2
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2LA31 MMTA - Respiratory - Low Early - Institutional 2 1.3346 4
3LA11 MMTA - Respiratory - Low Late - Community 0 0.5470 2
3LA21 MMTA - Respiratory - Low Late - Community 1 0.6052 2
3LA31 MMTA - Respiratory - Low Late - Community 2 0.7480 2
19:00 Nov 03, 2022

Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations
4LA11 MMTA - Respiratory - Low Late - Institutional 0 1.0486 3
4LA21 MMTA - Respiratory - Low Late - Institutional 1 1.1068 3
4LA31 MMTA - Respiratory - Low Late - Institutional 2 1.2496 3
lLBll MMTA - Respiratory - Medium Early - Community 0 1.0315 3
Jkt 259001

1LB21 MMTA - Respiratory - Medium Early - Community 1 1.0898 3

1LB31 MMTA - Respiratory - Medium Early - Community 2 1.2326 3
2LB11 MMTA - Respiratory - Medium Early - Institutional 0 1.2514 4
PO 00000

2LB21 MMTA - Respiratory - Medium Early - Institutional 1 1.3097 4

2LB31 MMTA - Respiratory - Medium Early - Institutional 2 1.4524 4
Frm 00052

3LB11 MMTA - Respiratory - Medium Late - Community 0 0.6648 2

3LB21 MMTA - Respiratory - Medium Late - Community 1 0.7231 2
3LB31 MMTA - Respiratory - Medium Late - Community 2 2
Fmt 4701

4LB11 MMTA - Respiratory - Medium Late - Institutional 0 1.1664 3
4LB21 MMTA - Respiratory - Medium Late - Institutional 1 1.2247 3
Sfmt 4725

4LB31 MMTA - Respiratory - Medium Late - Institutional 2 1.3674 4

MMTA - Surgical Aftercare -
lGCll High Early - Community 0 1.1740 3

MMTA - Surgical Aftercare -

1GC21 High Early - Community 1 1.2322 2
MMTA - Surgical Aftercare -
1GC31 High Early - Community 2 1.3750 2
MMTA - Surgical Aftercare -
2GC11 High Early - Institutional 0 1.3938 4

MMTA - Surgical Aftercare -

2GC21 High Early - Institutional 1 1.4521 4
MMTA - Surgical Aftercare -
2GC31 High Early - Institutional 2 1.5949 4
MMTA - Surgical Aftercare -
3GC11 High Late - Community 0 0.8072 2
MMTA - Surgical Aftercare -
3GC21 High Late - Community 1 0.8655 2
MMTA - Surgical Aftercare -
3GC31 High Late - Community 2 1.0082 2

khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2
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MMTA - Surgical Aftercare -

4GC11 High Late - Institutional 0 1.3088 3
MMTA - Surgical Aftercare -
4GC21 High Late - Institutional 1 1.3671 4
19:00 Nov 03, 2022

MMTA - Surgical Aftercare -

Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations
4GC31 High Late - Institutional 2 1.5098 4
MMTA - Surgical Aftercare -
lGAll Low Early - Community 0 0.9067 2
MMTA - Surgical Aftercare -
Jkt 259001

1GA21 Low Early - Community 1 0.9649 2

MMTA - Surgical Aftercare -
1GA31 Low Early - Community 2 1.1077 2
PO 00000

MMTA - Surgical Aftercare -

2GA11 Low Early - Institutional 0 1.1266 3
MMTA - Surgical Aftercare -
Frm 00053

2GA21 Low Early - Institutional 1 1.1848 3

MMTA - Surgical Aftercare -
2GA31 Low Early - Institutional 2 1.3276 4
Fmt 4701

MMTA - Surgical Aftercare -

3GA11 Low Late - Community 0 0.5399 2
MMTA - Surgical Aftercare -
Sfmt 4725

3GA21 Low Late - Community 1 0.5982 2

MMTA - Surgical Aftercare -
3GA31 Low Late - Community 2 0.7410 2

MMTA - Surgical Aftercare -

4GA11 Low Late - Institutional 0 1.0415 3
MMTA - Surgical Aftercare -
4GA21 Low Late - Institutional 1 1.0998 3
MMTA - Surgical Aftercare -
4GA31 Low Late - Institutional 2 1.2426 4

MMTA - Surgical Aftercare -

lGBll Medium Early - Community 0 1.0347 2
MMTA - Surgical Aftercare -
1GB21 Medium Early - Community 1 1.0929 2
MMTA - Surgical Aftercare -
1GB31 Medium Early - Community 2 1.2357 2
MMTA - Surgical Aftercare -
2GB11 Medium Early - Institutional 0 1.2546 4

MMTA - Surgical Aftercare -
2GB21 Medium Early - Institutional 1 1.3128 4

khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2
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MMTA - Surgical Aftercare -
2GB31 Medium Early - Institutional 2 1.4556 5
MMTA - Surgical Aftercare -
3GB11 Medium Late - Community 0 0.6680 2
19:00 Nov 03, 2022

Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations
MMTA - Surgical Aftercare -
3GB21 Medium Late - Community 1 0.7262 2
MMTA - Surgical Aftercare -
3GB31 Medium Late - Community 2 0.8690 2
MMTA - Surgical Aftercare -
Jkt 259001

4GB11 Medium Late - Institutional 0 1.1696 3

MMTA - Surgical Aftercare -
4GB21 Medium Late - Institutional 1 1.2278 3
PO 00000

MMTA - Surgical Aftercare -

4GB31 Medium Late - Institutional 2 1.3706 4
lECll MS Rehab - High Early - Community 0 1.2271 4
Frm 00054

1EC21 MS Rehab - High Early - Community 1 1.2854 4

1EC31 MS Rehab - High Early - Community 2 1.4281 4
Fmt 4701

2EC11 MS Rehab - High Early - Institutional 0 1.4470 5

2EC21 MS Rehab - High Early - Institutional 1 1.5053 5
2EC31 MS Rehab - High Early - Institutional 2 1.6480 5
Sfmt 4725

3EC11 MS Rehab - High Late - Community 0 0.8604 2

3EC21 MS Rehab - High Late - Community 1 0.9186 2

3EC31 MS Rehab - High Late - Community 2 1.0614 3

4EC11 MS Rehab - High Late - Institutional 0 1.3620 4
4EC21 MS Rehab - High Late - Institutional 1 1.4202 4
4EC31 MS Rehab - High Late - Institutional 2 1.5630 5
lEAll MS Rehab - Low Early - Community 0 1.0084 4

1EA21 MS Rehab - Low Early - Community 1 1.0666 4

1EA31 MS Rehab - Low Early - Community 2 1.2094 4
2EA11 MS Rehab - Low Early - Institutional 0 1.2283 5
2EA21 MS Rehab - Low Early - Institutional 1 1.2865 5
2EA31 MS Rehab - Low Early - Institutional 2 1.4293 5
3EA11 MS Rehab - Low Late - Community 0 0.6416 2
3EA21 MS Rehab - Low Late - Community 1 0.6999 2
3EA31 MS Rehab - Low Late - Community 2 0.8427 2
4EA11 MS Rehab - Low Late - Institutional 0 1.1432 4

khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2
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4EA21 MS Rehab - Low Late - Institutional 1 1.2015 4

4EA31 MS Rehab - Low Late - Institutional 2 1.3443 4
lEBll MS Rehab - Medium Early - Community 0 1.0936 5
1EB21 MS Rehab - Medium Early - Community 1 1.1519 4
19:00 Nov 03, 2022

Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations
1EB31 MS Rehab - Medium Early - Community 2 1.2946 4
2EB11 MS Rehab - Medium Early - Institutional 0 1.3135 5
2EB21 MS Rehab - Medium Early - Institutional 1 1.3718 5
2EB31 MS Rehab - Medium Early - Institutional 2 1.5145 5
Jkt 259001

3EB11 MS Rehab - Medium Late - Community 0 0.7269 2

3EB21 MS Rehab - Medium Late - Community 1 0.7851 2
3EB31 MS Rehab - Medium Late - Community 2 0.9279 2
PO 00000

4EB11 MS Rehab - Medium Late - Institutional 0 1.2285 4

4EB21 MS Rehab - Medium Late - Institutional 1 1.2867 4
Frm 00055

4EB31 MS Rehab - Medium Late - Institutional 2 1.4295 4

lBCll Neuro -High Early - Community 0 1.3547 4
1BC21 Neuro - High Early - Community 1 1.4130 4
Fmt 4701

1BC31 Neuro -High Early - Community 2 1.5557 4

2BC11 Neuro - High Early - Institutional 0 1.5746 5
Sfmt 4725

2BC21 Neuro - High Early - Institutional 1 1.6328 5

2BC31 Neuro - High Early - Institutional 2 1.7756 4
3BC11 Neuro -High Late - Community 0 2

3BC21 Neuro -High Late - Community 1 1.0462 3
3BC31 Neuro -High Late - Community 2 1.1890 3
4BC11 Neuro-High Late - Institutional 0 1.4896 4
4BC21 Neuro-High Late - Institutional 1 1.5478 4
4BC31 Neuro - High Late - Institutional 2 1.6906 4

lBAll Neuro -Low Early - Community 0 1.0940 4

1BA21 Neuro -Low Early - Community 1 1.1523 4
1BA31 Neuro -Low Early - Community 2 1.2951 4
2BA11 Neuro- Low Early - Institutional 0 1.3139 4
2BA21 Neuro - Low Early - Institutional 1 1.3722 4
2BA31 Neuro- Low Early - Institutional 2 1.5150 5
3BA11 Neuro -Low Late - Community 0 0.7273 2

3BA21 Neuro -Low Late - Community 1 0.7856 2
3BA31 Neuro -Low Late - Community 2 0.9283 2

khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2
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4BA11 Neuro - Low Late - Institutional 0 1.2289 4
4BA21 Neuro- Low Late - Institutional 1 1.2872 4
4BA31 Neuro- Low Late - Institutional 2 1.4299 4
lBBll Neuro - Medium Early - Community 0 1.2124 4
19:00 Nov 03, 2022

Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations
1BB21 Neuro - Medium Early - Community 1 1.2707 4
1BB31 Neuro - Medium Early - Community 2 1.4134 4
2BB11 Neuro - Medium Early - Institutional 0 1.4323 5
2BB21 Neuro - Medium Early - Institutional 1 1.4905 5
Jkt 259001

2BB31 Neuro - Medium Early - Institutional 2 1.6333 5

3BB11 Neuro - Medium Late - Community 0 0.8457 2
3BB21 Neuro - Medium Late - Community 1 0.9039 2
PO 00000

3BB31 Neuro - Medium Late - Community 2 1.0467 2

4BB11 Neuro - Medium Late - Institutional 0 1.3473 4
Frm 00056

4BB21 Neuro - Medium Late - Institutional 1 1.4055 4

4BB31 Neuro - Medium Late - Institutional 2 1.5483 4
lCCll Wound-Hi!!:h Early - Community 0 1.5148 4
Fmt 4701

1CC21 Wound-Hi!!:h Early - Community 1 1.5730 4

1CC31 Wound-Hi!!:h Early - Community 2 1.7158 4
Sfmt 4725

2CC11 Wound- High Early - Institutional 0 1.7347 5

2CC21 Wound- High Early - Institutional 1 1.7929 4
2CC31 Wound-High Early - Institutional 2 1.9357 4

3CC11 Wound-High Late - Community 0 1.1481 3

3CC21 Wound-High Late - Community 1 1.2063 3
3CC31 Wound-High Late - Community 2 1.3491 3
4CC11 Wound-High Late - Institutional 0 1.6497 4
4CC21 Wound-High Late - Institutional 1 1.7079 4

4CC31 Wound- High Late - Institutional 2 1.8507 4

lCAll Wound-Low Early - Community 0 1.2725 4
1CA21 Wound-Low Early - Community 1 1.3308 4
1CA31 Wound-Low Early - Community 2 1.4735 4
2CA11 Wound-Low Early - Institutional 0 1.4924 4
2CA21 Wound-Low Early - Institutional 1 1.5507 4
2CA31 Wound-Low Early - Institutional 2 1.6934 4
3CA11 Wound-Low Late - Community 0 0.9058 2
3CA21 Wound-Low Late - Community 1 0.9640 3

Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations 66845










Source: CY 2021 Home Health Claims Data, Periods that end in CY 2021 accessed on the CCW July 14, 2022.






Early - Institutional
Early - Institutional
Early - Institutional
Early - Community
Early - Community
Early - Community
Late - Institutional
Late - Institutional
Late - Institutional

Late - Institutional
Late - Institutional
Late - Institutional
Late - Community
Late - Community

Late - Community
Late - Community
Wound - Medium
Wound - Medium
Wound - Medium

Wound - Medium
Wound - Medium
Wound - Medium
Wound - Medium
Wound - Medium

Wound - Medium
Wound - Medium
Wound - Medium
Wound - Medium



BILLING CODE 4120–01–C to the COVID–19 PHE, we discussed determined that using CY 2020
Changes to the PDGM case-mix using the previous calendar year’s home utilization data was more appropriate
weights are implemented in a budget health claims data (CY 2019) to than using CY 2019 utilization data, as
neutral manner by multiplying the CY determine if there were significant it is actual PDGM utilization data. For
2023 national standardized 30-day differences between utilizing CY 2019 CY 2023, we will continue the practice
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

period payment rate by a case-mix and CY 2020 claims data. We noted that of using the most recent complete home
budget neutrality factor. Typically, the CY 2020 was the first year of actual health claims data at the time of
case-mix weight budget neutrality factor PDGM utilization data, therefore, if we rulemaking, which is CY 2021 data. The
is also calculated using the most recent, were to use CY 2019 data due to the case-mix budget neutrality factor is
complete home health claims data COVID–19 PHE we would need to calculated as the ratio of 30-day base
available. However, in the CY 2022 HH simulate 30-day periods from 60-day payment rates such that total payments

PPS proposed rule (86 FR 35908), due episodes under the old system. We when the CY 2023 PDGM case-mix
VerDate Sep<11>2014 19:00 Nov 03, 2022 Jkt 259001 PO 00000 Frm 00057 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\04NOR2.SGM 04NOR2
66846 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations

weights (developed using CY 2021 Comment: A commenter changes in annual economy-wide

home health claims data) are applied to recommended that any recalibration private nonfarm business multifactor
CY 2021 utilization (claims) data are should be done in a non-budget-neutral productivity (MFP) (as projected by the
equal to total payments when CY 2022 manner given the higher-acuity patients, Secretary for the 10-year period ending
PDGM case-mix weights (developed increasing expenses, increased demand with the applicable fiscal year, calendar
using CY 2020 home health claims data) for care, and increased shortage of labor. year, cost reporting period, or other
are applied to CY 2021 utilization data. Response: We thank the commenter annual period). The United States
This produces a case-mix budget for this recommendation; however, Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor
neutrality factor for CY 2023 of 0.9904. consistent with our established policy, Statistics (BLS) publishes the official
We invited comments on the CY 2023 we apply a case-mix budget neutrality measures of productivity for the United
proposed case-mix weights and factor to the CY 2023 national, States economy. We note that
proposed case-mix weight budget standardized 30-day period payment previously the productivity measure
neutrality factor and these are rate to ensure that there are no changes referenced in section
summarized below. in aggregate payments due to the 1886(b)(3)(B)(xi)(II) was published by
Comment: A few commenters recalibration. BLS as private nonfarm business
expressed support for the proposal to Final Decision: We are finalizing the multifactor productivity. Beginning
recalibrate the PDGM case-mix weights recalibration of the HH PPS case-mix with the November 18, 2021 release of
for CY 2023 using CY 2021 utilization weights as proposed for CY 2023. We productivity data, BLS replaced the
data. are also finalizing the proposal to term ‘‘multifactor productivity’’ with
Response: We thank the commenters implement the changes to the PDGM ‘‘total factor productivity’’ (TFP). BLS
for their support. case-mix weights in a budget neutral noted that this is a change in
Comment: Several commenters were manner by applying a case-mix budget terminology only and will not affect the
opposed to the proposal to recalibrate neutrality factor to the CY 2023 data or methodology. As a result of the
the PDGM case-mix weights for CY national, standardized 30-day period BLS name change, the productivity
2023. A commenter expressed concerns payment rate. As stated previously, the measure referenced in section
about the influence of the COVID–19 final case-mix budget neutrality factor 1886(b)(3)(B)(xi)(II) of the Act is now
surges and its overall effects on the for CY 2023 will be 0.9904. published by BLS as ‘‘private nonfarm
types of patients being served. This 5. CY 2023 Home Health Payment Rate business total factor productivity’’. We
commenter recommended not updating Updates refer readers to for
the case-mix weights at this time and the BLS historical published TFP data.
resuming this practice once the a. CY 2023 Home Health Market Basket A complete description of IGI’s TFP
pandemic is over. Update for HHAs projection methodology is available on
Response: CMS appreciates the Section 1895(b)(3)(B) of the Act the CMS website at https://
comments received regarding CY 2021 requires that the standard prospective
utilization trends and the impact of the payment amounts for home health be and-Systems/Statistics-Trends-and-
COVID–19 PHE on the provision of increased by a factor equal to the Reports/MedicareProgramRatesStats/
home health services. We recognize that applicable home health market basket MarketBasketResearch.
commenters have concerns regarding update for those HHAs that submit The proposed home health update
how the COVID–19 PHE affected the quality data as required by the percentage for CY 2023 was based on
type of home health patients served as Secretary. In the CY 2019 HH PPS final the estimated home health market
well as care practices. However, as rule with comment period (83 FR basket update, specified at section
stated in the CY 2023 HH PPS proposed 56425), we finalized a rebasing of the 1895(b)(3)(B)(iii) of the Act, of 3.3
rule (87 FR 37626), we believe that visit home health market basket to reflect percent (based on IHS Global Inc.’s first-
patterns have stabilized as our data 2016 cost report data. A detailed quarter 2022 forecast with historical
analysis indicates that visits in 2021 description of how we rebased the home data through fourth-quarter 2021). The
were similar to visits in 2020. As such, health market basket is available in the estimated proposed CY 2023 home
we believe that CY 2021 data will be CY 2019 HH PPS final rule with health market basket update of 3.3
indicative of visit patterns in CY 2023. comment period (83 FR 56425 through percent was then reduced by a
In the CY 2019 HH PPS final rule, we 56436). productivity adjustment, as mandated
finalized our proposal to annually Section 1895(b)(3)(B) of the Act by the section 3401 of the Affordable
recalibrate the PDGM case-mix weights requires that in CY 2015 and in Care Act, which at the time of the
(83 FR 56515) to reflect the most recent subsequent calendar years, except CY proposed rule was estimated to be 0.4
utilization data available at the time of 2018 (under section 411(c) of the percentage point for CY 2023. In effect,
rulemaking. We continue to believe that Medicare Access and CHIP the proposed home health payment
the annual recalibration of the HH PPS Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA) update percentage for CY 2023 was a 2.9
case-mix weights ensures that the case- (Pub. L. 114–10, enacted April 16, percent increase. Section
mix weights reflect, as accurately as 2015)), and CY 2020 (under section 1895(b)(3)(B)(v) of the Act requires that
possible, current home health resource 53110 of the Bipartisan Budget Act of the home health update be decreased by
use, changes in utilization patterns, and 2018 (BBA) (Pub. L. 115–123, enacted 2 percentage points for those HHAs that
reflects the types of patients currently February 9, 2018)), the market basket do not submit quality data as required
receiving home health services. We percentage under the HHA prospective by the Secretary. For HHAs that do not
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

believe that prolonging recalibration payment system, as described in section submit the required quality data for CY
could lead to more significant variation 1895(b)(3)(B) of the Act, be annually 2023, the home health payment update
in the case-mix weights than what is adjusted by changes in economy-wide was proposed to be 0.9 percent (2.9
observed using CY 2021 utilization data. productivity. Section percent minus 2 percentage points). In
Therefore, we believe that utilizing CY 1886(b)(3)(B)(xi)(II) of the Act defines the CY 2023 HH PPS proposed rule we
2021 data to recalibrate the CY 2023 the productivity adjustment to be equal stated that if more recent data became
case-mix weights is appropriate. to the 10-year moving average of available after the publication of the

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proposed rule and before the proposed market basket index increase. other factors that might increase the
publication of the final rule (for They stated CMS has the authority to level of costs, such as the quantity of
example, more recent estimates of the modify its market basket index labor used or any changes in occupation
home health market basket update and calculation methodology, stating section (such as the decreased use of home
productivity adjustment), we would use 1895(b)(3)(B)(iii) of the Act offers health aides). We note that cost changes
such data, if appropriate, to determine significant discretion to the Secretary to (that is, the product of price and
the home health payment update account for cost increases specifically quantities) would only be reflected
percentage for CY 2023 in the final rule. related to ‘‘the mix of goods and when a market basket is rebased and the
The following is a summary of the services included in home health base year weights are updated to a more
public comments received on the CY service.’’ They noted that labor and recent time period.
2023 annual payment update and our transportation costs are within the scope At the time of the CY 2023 HH PPS
responses. of home health services. proposed rule, based on IHS Global
Comment: A few commenters The commenters stated that the recent Inc.’s first quarter 2022 forecast with
supported the positive market basket market basket index increases for historical data through the fourth
payment update of 2.9 percent. Several hospitals, SNFs, and hospices is a quarter of 2021, IGI forecasted the 2016-
commenters opposed the proposed positive indication that CMS will raise based home health market basket update
update of 3.3 percent reduced by 0.4 the market basket index in the final rule. of 3.3 percent for CY 2023 reflecting
percent productivity adjustment stating However, they stated the increases seen forecasted compensation price growth of
it falls short of real-life cost inflation in the other sectors remain short of what 3.8 percent (by comparison,
and is insufficient to cover their costs. HHAs report as actual cost increases in compensation price growth in the home
Commenters noted that home health 2022. Several commenters requested health market basket averaged 2.3
agencies are struggling with recruitment that CMS use the most recent BLS data, percent from 2012–2021). In the CY
and retention of staffing and increased and where sector specific data is not 2023 HH PPS proposed rule, we
costs of staffing due to tight labor recent, use CPI data to determine the proposed that if more recent data
markets and paying for sick leave for market basket increase. Commenters became available, we would use such
COVID–19, as well as with increased urged CMS to provide a home health data, if appropriate, to derive the final
costs of supplies and equipment (as a market basket update comparable to CY 2023 home health market basket
result of supply chain shortages), and what was finalized in the fiscal year update for the final rule. For this final
overall higher inflation. Commenters payment rules, which used IHS Global rule, we now have an updated forecast
also noted that home health agencies are Inc.’s second quarter forecast. A of the price proxies underlying the
struggling to compete for staffing with commenter requested that CMS exercise market basket that incorporates more
hospitals that received large amounts of any additional authorities to ensure recent historical data and reflects a
relief funding for COVID–19 and offer market basket updates are based on data revised outlook regarding the United
large sign-on bonuses. A few that is consistent with what is occurring States economy and expected price
commenters noted that there are in the overall economy. inflation for CY 2023 for HHAs
changes impacting the home health PPS A few commenters noted that they (including upward revision to the price
that will require additional resources believe home health agencies should be growth as compared to the proposed
such as OASIS and EVV monitoring and getting a 6 percent increase for inflation. rule for compensation and
suggested that payment increases are A commenter requested that CMS transportation). Based on IHS Global
not keeping pace with inflation. propose an inflation adjustment to Inc.’s third quarter 2022 forecast with
Several commenters stated cost enable best practices and allow agencies historical data through the second
inflation is at a 40-year high and HHAs to continue to provide a high level of quarter of 2022 (and reflecting
report continuing labor cost increases in care. Commenters stated that the low forecasted data for the third quarter of
second quarter 2022 and third quarter reimbursement rates would be 2022 through fourth quarter of 2023),
2022 that range from 7 to 12 percent. A detrimental to patient care and may the final CY 2023 home health market
commenter noted that a recent survey cause HHA closures. basket update is 4.1 percent (reflecting
conducted by Dobson & Davanzo found Response: We believe the 2016-based forecasted compensation price growth of
higher labor cost growth than is home health market basket increase 4.4 percent) and the final CY 2023
reflected in the proposed market basket adequately reflects the average change productivity adjustment is 0.1
index, along with a significantly greater in the price of goods and services percentage point. Therefore, for CY
nurse labor cost increase as determined hospitals purchase in order to provide 2023, the final home health
by the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau HHA medical services, and is productivity-adjusted market basket
of Labor Statistics (BLS) average hourly appropriate to use as the HHA payment update of 4.0 percent (4.1 percent less
earnings for home health industry, update factor. As described in the CY 0.1 percentage point) will be applicable,
which showed year-over-year growth in 2019 HH PPS final rule with comment compared to the 2.9 percent
the first quarter of 2022 of 5.2 percent. period (83 FR 56425 through 56436), the productivity-adjusted market basket
With labor representing 75 percent of home health market basket (similar to update that was proposed. We note that
home health costs, commenters stated the other CMS market baskets) is a the final CY 2023 home health market
the proposed market basket index is less fixed-weight, Laspeyres-type index that basket growth rate of 4.1 percent would
than half of actual labor cost increases. measures price changes over time and be the highest market basket increase we
In addition, they noted HHAs, unlike would not reflect increases in costs have implemented in a final rule since
many other health care sectors, are hard associated with changes in the volume the beginning of the HH PPS.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

hit with transportation cost increases— or intensity of input goods and services. We acknowledge the commenters’
either directly due to vehicle acquisition As such, the home health market basket concern regarding the tight labor market
and gasoline costs or by higher update would reflect the prospective and competing with hospitals and
reimbursement rates. With an estimated price pressures for the types of inputs skilled nursing facilities for labor. For
7.8 billion miles driven each year, they described by the commenters (such as the compensation cost weight in the
noted that HHAs face transportation labor or wage growth and transportation 2016-based home health market basket
cost increases alone that may exceed the costs), but would inherently not reflect (which includes salaried and contract

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66848 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations

labor employees), we use a blend of CY 2022 is trending toward 5.0 percent, while we acknowledge that the ECI only
Employment Cost Indexes (ECI) for well above the 3.1 percent HH PPS reflects price changes for employed
wages and salaries and benefits to proxy update implemented in the CY 2022 HH staff, we believe that the blended ECIs
the price increases of labor for HHAs. PPS final rule. Several commenters used in the home health market basket
The blend of ECIs reflects the requested CMS adjust 2022 base rates to are accurately reflecting the price
occupational composition of HHA staff conform to actual cost inflation in 2022 change associated with the labor used to
as measured by the National Industry- that exceeds the 2022 market basket provide home health services (as
Specific Occupational Employment and index as was done for SNFs. employed workers’ costs account for 93
Wage estimates for North American Response: The commenter seems to be percent of HHA compensation costs)
Industrial Classification System referring to the market basket forecast and appropriately does not reflect other
(NAICS) 621600, Home Health Care error adjustment that was implemented factors that might affect labor costs.
Services, published by the BLS Office of in the FY 2023 SNF PPS final rule. Therefore, we believe it continues to be
Occupational Employment Statistics However, that forecast error adjustment an appropriate measure to use in the
(OES). A more detailed discussion can was to adjust for the difference between home health market basket. We also
be found in the CY 2019 HH PPS final actual SNF market basket increase for note that based on IGI’s third quarter
rule with comment period (83 FR FY 2021 and the final SNF market 2022 forecast with historical data
56429). For the Health-Related basket increase for FY 2021. However, through second quarter 2022,
Professional and Technical workers as the commenter is referring to 2022 compensation price growth (using the
compensation costs (accounting for 26 inflation and not 2021 inflation, it is not ECIs) for CY 2023 is now projected to
percent of the 2016-based home health clear what the commenter is suggesting. be 4.4 percent, which is 0.6 percentage
market basket and including, but not The HH PPS market basket updates are point higher than projected price growth
limited to, registered nurses and required by law to be set prospectively, at the time of the CY 2023 HH PPS
therapists) we use the ECIs for All which means that the update relies on proposed rule (3.8 percent) and 2.1
Civilian workers in Hospitals as the a mix of both historical data for part of percentage points higher than the
price proxies. For the Health and Social the period for which the update is historical average from 2012 through
Assistance Services workers calculated and forecasted data for the 2021.
compensation costs (accounting for 27 remainder. There is currently no Comment: Several commenters were
percent of the 2016-based home health mechanism to adjust for market basket concerned about the proposed reduction
market basket and including, but not forecast error in the HH PPS payment for productivity. A commenter
limited to, home health aides and update. requested that CMS also elaborate in the
licensed practical nurses) we use the Comment: A commenter stated the final rule on the specific productivity
ECIs for All Civilian workers in Health market basket update of 3.3 percent was gains that are the basis for the proposed
Care and Social Assistance. Each of inadequate due to use of the ECI to 0.4 percent productivity offset as the
these price proxies reflects the update labor costs. They stated the ECI latest data actually indicate decreases in
forecasted price factors affecting the does not include the costs of contracted productivity, not gains. Another
labor occupations across the health health care providers which was a key commenter stated that they believe the
sector, including those for hospital driver of surging input costs. The assumptions underpinning the
workers and others that are in high commenter stated that by excluding productivity adjustment are
demand. costs related to contracted labor, CMS fundamentally flawed as it assumes that
While we appreciate the commenter’s has dramatically underestimated the HHAs can increase overall
recommendation for CMS to exercise true cost of providing care and urged productivity—producing more goods
any additional authorities to ensure CMS to conduct a one-time forecast with the same or fewer units of labor
market basket updates are based on data error correction to the market basket to input—at the same rate as increases in
that is consistent with what is occurring adequately capture the true costs of the broader economy. However, the
in the overall economy, we note that providing care. A commenter stated that commenters stated that providing home-
section 1895(b)(3)(B) of the Act requires they have to rely on more contract labor, based care to patients is highly labor
that the standard prospective payment which has resulted in increased costs intensive and therefore, they strongly
amounts for home health be increased per visit as their contractors charged disagreed with the continuation of this
by a factor equal to the applicable home more per visit. punitive policy—particularly during the
health market basket update for those Response: For the compensation cost PHE. They stated that given that CMS is
HHAs that submit quality data as weight in the 2016-based home health required by statute to implement a
required by the Secretary. Additionally, market basket (which includes salaried productivity adjustment to the market
section 1895(b)(3)(B) of the Act requires and contract labor employees), we use a basket update, they ask the agency to
that in CY 2015 and in subsequent blend of ECIs for wages and salaries and work with Congress to permanently
calendar years, the market basket benefits to proxy the price increases of eliminate this unjustified reduction in
percentage under the HHA prospective labor for HHAs (for more details see the home health payments.
payment system, as described in section CY 2019 HH PPS final rule (83 FR Response: Section 1895(b)(3)(B) of the
1895(b)(3)(B) of the Act, be annually 56429). The ECIs (published by the BLS) Act requires the market basket
adjusted by changes in economy-wide measure the change in the hourly labor percentage under the HH PPS, as
productivity. Therefore, we do not have cost to employers, independent of the described in section 1895(b)(3)(B) of the
additional authority to apply an update influence of employment shifts among Act, be annually adjusted by changes in
to the home health payments beyond occupations and industry categories. We economy-wide productivity. Section
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

what is set out in statute. note that the Medicare cost report data 1886(b)(3)(B)(xi)(II) of the Act defines
Comment: Several commenters shows contract labor costs account for the productivity adjustment to be equal
expressed concerns over the final CY about 7 percent of total compensation to the 10-year moving average of
2022 home health market basket update for HHAs in 2020, compared to about 10 changes in annual economy-wide
and the latest CY 2022 market basket percent in the 2016-based home health private nonfarm business multifactor
forecast. Commenters noted that with market basket. Data through 2021 are productivity (as projected by the
more recent data, the market basket for incomplete at this time. Therefore, Secretary for the 10-year period ending

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with the applicable fiscal year, year, price indices and any disparity would b. CY 2023 Home Health Wage Index
cost reporting period, or other annual appropriately reflect their different (1) CY 2023 Home Health Wage Index
period). Therefore, we do not have the purposes.
authority to eliminate the productivity Sections 1895(b)(4)(A)(ii) and (b)(4)(C)
Comment: A commenter stated the of the Act require the Secretary to
adjustment. For the CY 2023 HH PPS
proposed market basket update does not provide appropriate adjustments to the
proposed rule, based on IGI’s first
reflect the increased cost of giving care, proportion of the payment amount
quarter 2022 forecast, the productivity
adjustment was projected to be 0.4 but also breaks from longstanding under the HH PPS that account for area
percentage point for CY 2023. For this economic policy from the Department of wage differences, using adjustment
final rule, based on IGI’s third quarter Health and Human Services, citing that factors that reflect the relative level of
2022 forecast, we are incorporating a the last time that inflation was at this wages and wage-related costs applicable
revised productivity adjustment that level, from 1979–1982, the then-Health to the furnishing of home health
reflects more recent historical total Care Financing Administration, services. Since the inception of the HH
factor productivity data as published by forerunners of CMS, provided a price PPS, we have used inpatient hospital
BLS through 2021 (previously published index update of 11.5 percent in 1980, wage data in developing a wage index
by BLS as multifactor productivity) as 11.5 percent in 1981, and 10 percent in to be applied to home payments. We
well as a revised economic outlook for 1983. The commenter suggested that proposed to continue this practice for
CY 2022 and CY 2023 (including the CMS provide a home health full market CY 2023, as we continue to believe that,
negative labor productivity quarterly basket adjustment that recognizes the in the absence of home health-specific
growth rates in the first half of 2022). dramatic increases in the cost of care. wage data that accounts for area
Using this more recent forecast, the CY differences, using inpatient hospital
Response: As stated previously, the wage data is appropriate and reasonable
2023 productivity adjustment based on
the 10-year moving average growth in home health market basket measures for the HH PPS.
economy-wide total factor productivity price changes (similar to other CMS In the CY 2021 HH PPS final rule (85
for the period ending CY 2023 is market baskets) over time and would FR 70298), we finalized our proposal to
currently estimated to be 0.1 percent. not reflect increases in costs associated adopt the revised Office of Management
Comment: A commenter stated that with changes in the volume or intensity and Budget (OMB) delineations with a
while some of the increased costs due of input goods and services. The price 5-percent cap on wage index decreases,
to the pandemic, structural changes in index updates cited by the commenter where the estimated reduction in a
staffing costs and general inflation, may were implemented when CMS (formerly geographic area’s wage index would be
be captured in the proposed market Health Care Financing Administration) capped at 5-percent in CY 2021 only,
basket update, it does not track with the reimbursed HHAs on a cost basis prior meaning no cap would be applied to
realized increase of costs of providing to the HH PPS. Beginning in 2001, CMS wage index decreases for the second
quality healthcare. This commenter also year (CY 2022). Therefore, we proposed
implemented the HH PPS with annual
noted that the most recent annual and finalized the use of the FY 2022
updates being equal to the home health
inflation rate for the United States is 9.1 pre-floor, pre-reclassified hospital wage
market basket percentage increase as index with no 5-percent cap on
percent. The commenter stated that the stated in section 1895(b)(4)(B)(iii) of the
proposed home health market basket decreases as the CY 2022 wage
Act, and effective beginning with 2015, adjustment to the labor portion of the
update for CY 2023 is not keeping pace
reduced by the productivity adjustment HH PPS rates (86 FR 62285). For CY
with the national rate of inflation and is
described in section 1886(b)(3)(B)(xi)(II) 2023, we proposed to base the HH PPS
woefully inadequate. They urged CMS
to discuss the impact of this disparity in of the Act. As noted previously, the wage index on the FY 2023 hospital pre-
the final rule. final CY 2023 home health market floor, pre-reclassified wage index for
Response: As required in section basket growth rate of 4.1 percent would hospital cost reporting periods
1895(b)(4)(B)(iii) of the Act, the home be the highest market basket increase we beginning on or after October 1, 2018,
health market basket reflects the average have implemented in a final rule since and before October 1, 2019 (FY 2019
change in the price of goods and the beginning of the HH PPS. cost report data). The proposed CY 2023
services HHAs purchase in order to Final Decision: As proposed, we are HH PPS wage index would not take into
provide medical services. While the finalizing our policy to use the most account any geographic reclassification
Consumer Price Index (CPI) All Items recent data to determine the home of hospitals, including those in
Urban (BLS’ measure of overall inflation health payment update percentage for accordance with section 1886(d)(8)(B) or
for the U.S. referenced by the 1886(d)(10) of the Act. We also
CY 2023 in this final rule. Based on IHS
commenter) is also a fixed-weight, proposed that the CY 2023 HH PPS
Global Inc.’s third-quarter 2022 forecast
Laspeyres-type index that measures wage index would include a 5-percent
with historical data through second- cap on wage index decreases as
price changes over time, it reflects a
market basket of consumer goods and quarter 2022, the home health market discussed later in this section. If
services purchased by urban consumers. basket update is 4.1 percent. The CY finalized, we will apply the appropriate
Thus, it is a measure of price change 2023 home health market basket update wage index value to the labor portion of
that does not reflect the mix of goods of 4.1 percent is then reduced by a the HH PPS rates based on the site of
and services included in a home health productivity adjustment of 0.1 service for the beneficiary (defined by
service but instead reflects a mix of percentage point for CY 2023. For HHAs section 1861(m) of the Act as the
goods and services specific to that submit the required quality data for beneficiary’s place of residence).
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

consumers such as Shelter (33 percent), CY 2022, the home health payment To address those geographic areas in
Food (13 percent), New and used update is a 4.0 percent increase. For which there are no inpatient hospitals,
vehicles (9 percent), and energy (7 HHAs that do not submit the required and thus, no hospital wage data on
percent), where the weights are based quality data for CY 2023, the home which to base the calculation of the CY
on relative importance for December health payment update is 2.0 percent 2023 HH PPS wage index, we proposed
2021. Thus, there is not a direct one-to- (4.0 percent minus 2 percentage points). to continue to use the same
one relationship between these two methodology discussed in the CY 2007

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HH PPS final rule (71 FR 65884) to Metropolitan Statistical Areas, for-service. A commenter recommended
address those geographic areas in which Micropolitan Statistical Areas, and that CMS create a home health specific
there are no inpatient hospitals. For Combined Statistical Areas, and wage index as soon as possible. This
rural areas that do not have inpatient provided guidance on the use of the commenter stated that CMS should
hospitals, we proposed to use the delineations of these statistical areas. A discontinue the use of any other
average wage index from all contiguous copy of OMB Bulletin No. 18–04 may be segment (for example, IPPS Hospitals) of
Core Based Statistical Areas (CBSAs) as obtained at: healthcare as a proxy for home health
a reasonable proxy. Currently, the only omb-bulletin-18-04-revised- and create a home health specific wage
rural area without a hospital from which delineations-of-metropolitan-statistical- index that is based solely on the issues
hospital wage data could be derived is areas.pdf. impacting the cost of labor and the
Puerto Rico. However, for rural Puerto On March 6, 2020, OMB issued ability to attract and retain quality staff
Rico, we do not apply this methodology Bulletin No. 20–01, which provided to the home health industry.
due to the distinct economic updates to and superseded OMB Additionally, one commenter suggested
circumstances that exist there (for Bulletin No. 18–04 that was issued on that CMS revisit MedPAC’s 2007
example, due to the close proximity of September 14, 2018. The attachments to proposal, which recommended that the
the majority of Puerto Rico’s various OMB Bulletin No. 20–01 provided Congress repeal the existing hospital
urban and non-urban areas, this detailed information on the update to wage index statute, including
methodology would produce a wage statistical areas since September 14, reclassifications and exceptions, and
index for rural Puerto Rico that is higher 2018, and were based on the application give the Secretary authority to establish
than that in half of its urban areas). of the 2010 Standards for Delineating new wage index systems. Other
Instead, we proposed to continue to use Metropolitan and Micropolitan commenters recommended that CMS
the most recent wage index previously Statistical Areas to Census Bureau consider establishing a floor for home
available for that area. The most recent population estimates for July 1, 2017, health wage indices, as it did for
wage index previously available for and July 1, 2018. (For a copy of this hospice in 1983, to establish equity in
rural Puerto Rico is 0.4047, which is bulletin, we refer readers to https:// geographic adjustment among provider
what we proposed to use. For urban types.
areas without inpatient hospitals, we uploads/2020/03/Bulletin-20-01.pdf.) In Response: While we appreciate these
use the average wage index of all urban OMB Bulletin No. 20–01, OMB recommendations, these comments are
areas within the State as a reasonable announced one new Micropolitan outside the scope of the proposed rule.
proxy for the wage index for that CBSA. Statistical Area, one new component of Any changes to the way we adjust home
For CY 2023, the only urban area an existing Combined Statistical Are health payments to account for
without inpatient hospital wage data is and changes to New England City and geographic wage differences beyond the
Hinesville, GA (CBSA 25980). Using the Town Area (NECTA) delineations. In wage index proposals discussed in the
average wage index of all urban areas in the CY 2021 HH PPS final rule (85 FR CY 2023 HH PPS proposed rule (87 FR
Georgia as proxy, we proposed the CY 70298) we stated that if appropriate, we 37600), including the creation of a home
2023 wage index value for Hinesville, would propose any updates from OMB health specific wage index and the
GA to be 0.8542. Bulletin No. 20–01 in future creation of a home health floor would
On February 28, 2013, OMB issued rulemaking. After reviewing OMB have to go through notice and comment
Bulletin No. 13–01, announcing Bulletin No. 20–01, we have determined rulemaking. The application of the
revisions to the delineations of MSAs, that the changes in Bulletin 20–01 hospice floor is specific to hospices and
Micropolitan Statistical Areas, and encompassed delineation changes that does not apply to HHAs. The hospice
CBSAs, and guidance on uses of the would not affect the Medicare home floor was developed through a
delineation of these areas. In the CY health wage index for CY 2022. negotiated rulemaking advisory
2015 HH PPS final rule (79 FR 66085 Specifically, the updates consisted of committee, under the process
through 66087), we adopted OMB’s area changes to NECTA delineations and the established by the Negotiated
delineations using a 1-year transition. re-designation of a single rural county Rulemaking Act of 1990 (Pub. L. 101–
On August 15, 2017, OMB issued into a newly created Micropolitan 648). Committee members included
Bulletin No. 17–01 in which it Statistical Area. The Medicare home representatives of national hospice
announced that one Micropolitan health wage index does not utilize associations; rural, urban, large, and
Statistical Area, Twin Falls, Idaho, now NECTA definitions, and, as most small hospices; multi-site hospices;
qualifies as a Metropolitan Statistical recently discussed in the CY 2021 HH consumer groups; and a government
Area. The new CBSA (46300) comprises PPS final rule (85 FR 70298) we include representative. The Committee reached
the principal city of Twin Falls, Idaho hospitals located in Micropolitan consensus on a methodology that
in Jerome County, Idaho and Twin Falls Statistical areas in each State’s rural resulted in the hospice wage index.
County, Idaho. The CY 2022 HH PPS wage index. In other words, these OMB Because there is no home health floor
wage index value for CBSA 46300, Twin updates did not affect any geographic and the hospice floor applies only to
Falls, Idaho, will be 0.8799. Bulletin No. areas for purposes of the wage index hospices, we continue to believe the use
17–01 is available at https:// calculation for CY 2022. of the pre-floor and pre-reclassified The proposed CY 2023 wage index is hospital wage index results in the most
uploads/legacy_drupal_files/omb/ available on the CMS website at: https:// appropriate adjustment to the labor
bulletins/2017/b-17-01.pdf. portion of the home health payment
On April 10, 2018, OMB issued OMB rates. This position is longstanding and
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

Bulletin No. 18–03, which superseded The following is a summary of the consistent with other Medicare payment
the August 15, 2017 OMB Bulletin No. comments received on the CY 2023 systems (for example, SNF PPS, IRF
17–01. On September 14, 2018, OMB wage index and our responses: PPS, and Hospice).
issued OMB Bulletin No. 18–04 which Comment: Several commenters Comment: Several commenters
superseded the April 10, 2018, OMB recommended more far-reaching recommended that CMS allow home
Bulletin No. 18–03. These bulletins revisions and reforms to the wage index health providers to utilize geographic
established revised delineations for methodology used under Medicare fee- reclassification similar to the provision

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used for IPPS hospitals. These adequately addressed due to CMS’s PPS proposed rule, we did not extend
commenters expressed concern that ongoing disposition to continue using the transition period for CY 2022.
home health providers are not afforded the pre-floor, pre-reclassified hospital Instead, in the CY 2022 HH PPS final
the same options to adjust their wage wage index to adjust home health costs. rule, we stated that we continued to
indices as hospitals, yet must compete Response: With regard to minimum believe that applying the 5-percent cap
for the same types of health care wage standards, we note that such transition policy in year one provided
professionals. A commenter stated that increases would be reflected in future an adequate safeguard against any
home health agencies that serve data used to create the hospital wage significant payment reductions
Medicare beneficiaries in Maryland, but index to the extent that these changes to associated with the adoption of the
who compete for labor with acute care State minimum wage standards are revised CBSA delineations in CY 2021,
hospitals and other post-acute care reflected in increased wages to hospital allowed for sufficient time to make
providers in the Washington, DC- staff. operational changes for future calendar
Virginia metropolitan area that pay Final Decision: After considering the years, and provided a reasonable
average hourly wages that are comments received in response to the balance between mitigating some short-
approximately 11 percent higher than proposed rule, and for the reasons term instability in home health
the average hourly wages paid by discussed previously, we are finalizing payments and improving the accuracy
Maryland acute care hospitals, have our proposal to use the FY 2023 pre-
of the payment adjustment for
had, and will continue to have, floor, pre-reclassified hospital wage
differences in area wage levels.
difficulty maintaining adequate staffing index data as the basis for the CY 2023
However, we acknowledged that certain
levels and delivering quality home HH PPS wage index. The final CY 2023
changes to wage index policy may
health care at a time when reliance on wage index is available on the CMS
significantly affect Medicare payments.
these services is at an all-time high. This website at:
Provider-Type/Home-Health-Agency- In addition, we reiterated that our
commenter stated that the negative policy principles with regard to the
impact of applying the pre- HHA-Center.
wage index include generally using the
reclassification, pre-floor IPPS wage (2) Permanent Cap on Wage Index most current data and information
index to home health agencies, coupled Decreases available and providing that data and
with the inability of a home health
As discussed in section II.B.5.b.1 of information, as well as any approaches
agency to receive any adjustments to
this final rule, we have proposed and to addressing any significant effects on
their wage index based on close
finalized temporary transition policies Medicare payments resulting from these
proximity to a major metropolitan area
in the past to mitigate significant potential scenarios, in notice and
in an adjacent state with which it
changes to payments due to changes to comment rulemaking. Consistent with
competes for labor, is greatly
the home health wage index. these principles, we considered how
exacerbated in Maryland, where acute
Specifically, in the CY 2015 HH PPS best to address potential scenarios in
care hospitals are subject to a capped
final rule (79 FR 66086), we which changes to wage index policy
payment system that limits the ability of
implemented a 50/50 blend for all may significantly affect Medicare home
such hospitals to increase wages from
geographic areas consisting of the wage health payments. In the past, we have
one year to the next.
Response: We thank the commenters index values using the then-current established transition policies of limited
for their recommendations. However, OMB area delineations and the wage duration to phase in significant changes
the reclassification provision at section index values using OMB’s new area to labor market areas. In taking this
1886(d)(10)(C)(i) of the Act states that delineations based on OMB Bulletin No. approach in the past, we sought to
the Board shall consider the application 13–01. In the CY 2021 HH PPS final rule mitigate short-term instability and
of any subsection (d) hospital requesting (85 FR 73100), we adopted the revised fluctuations that can negatively impact
the Secretary change the hospital’s OMB delineations with a 5-percent cap providers due to wage index changes.
geographic classification. The on wage index decreases, where the Sections 1895(b)(4)(A)(ii) and (b)(4)(C)
reclassification provision found in estimated reduction in a geographic of the Act requires the Secretary to
section 1886(d)(10) of the Act is specific area’s wage index would be capped at provide appropriate adjustments to the
to IPPS hospitals only. Because the 5-percent in CY 2021. We explained that proportion of the payment amount
reclassification provision applies only we believed the 5-percent cap would under the HH PPS that account for area
to hospitals, we continue to believe the provide greater transparency and would wage differences, using adjustment
use of the pre-floor and pre-reclassified be administratively less complex than factors that reflect the relative level of
hospital wage index results in the most the prior methodology of applying a 50/ wages and wage-related costs applicable
appropriate adjustment to the labor 50 blended wage index. We noted that to the furnishing of home health
portion of the home health payment this transition approach struck an services. We have previously stated that,
rates. This position is longstanding and appropriate balance by providing a because the wage index is a relative
consistent with other Medicare payment transition period to mitigate the measure of the value of labor in
systems (for example, SNF PPS, IRF resulting short-term instability and prescribed labor market areas, we
PPS, and Hospice). negative impacts on providers and time believe it is important to implement
Comment: A commenter stated that for them to adjust to their new labor new labor market area delineations with
when fully phased in, the market area delineations and wage as minimal a transition as is reasonably
implementation of the $15 per-hour index values. possible. However, we recognize that
minimum wage increase, and the In the CY 2022 HH PPS final rule (86 changes to the wage index have the
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

additional $2 per hour minimum wage FR 62285), a few commenters stated that potential to create instability and
increase for home health care aides providers should be protected against significant negative impacts on certain
which takes effect in October 2022 will substantial payment reductions due to providers even when labor market areas
cost over $4 billion for New York HHAs dramatic reductions in wage index do not change. In addition, year-to-year
across all payors (Medicaid, Medicare, values from one year to the next. fluctuations in an area’s wage index can
managed care, commercial insurance, However, because we did not propose occur due to external factors beyond a
and private-pay), and will never be any transition policy in the CY 2022 HH provider’s control, such as the COVID–

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19 PHE, and for an individual provider, index is a measure of the value of labor wage index value increase or decrease
these fluctuations can be difficult to (wage and wage-related costs) in a by more than 5 percent in any given
predict. We also recognize that prescribed labor market area relative to year. In addition, MedPAC
predictability in Medicare payments is the national average, we anticipate that recommended that the implementation
important to enable providers to budget most providers will not experience year- of the revised relative wage index values
and plan their operations. to-year wage index declines greater than (where changes are limited to plus or
In light of these considerations, we 5-percent in any given year. We believe minus 5 percent) should be done in a
proposed a permanent approach that that applying a 5-percent cap on all budget-neutral manner.
increases the predictability of home wage index decreases, from the prior Response: We appreciate MedPAC’s
health payments for providers and year, would continue to maintain the suggestion that the cap on wage index
mitigates instability and significant accuracy of the overall labor market area changes of more than 5 percent should
negative impacts to providers resulting wage index system. also be applied to increases in the wage
from changes to the wage index by Therefore, for CY 2023 and index. However, as we discussed in the
smoothing year-to-year changes in subsequent years, we proposed to apply proposed rule, one purpose of the
providers’ wage indexes. a permanent 5-percent cap on any proposed policy is to help mitigate the
As previously discussed, we believe decrease to a geographic area’s wage significant negative impacts of certain
that applying a 5-percent cap on wage index from its wage index in the prior wage index changes. As we noted in the
index decreases for CY 2021 provided year, regardless of the circumstances CY 2023 HH PPS proposed rule (87 FR
greater transparency and was causing the decline. That is, we 37600), we believe applying a 5-percent
administratively less complex than prior proposed that a geographic area’s wage cap on all wage index decreases would
transition methodologies. In addition, index for CY 2023 would not be less support increased predictability about
we believe this methodology mitigates than 95 percent of its final wage index home health payments for providers,
short-term instability and fluctuations for CY 2022, regardless of whether the enabling them to more effectively
that can negatively impact providers geographic area is part of an updated budget and plan their operations. That
due to wage index changes. Lastly, we CBSA, and that for subsequent years, a is, we proposed to cap decreases
note that we believe the 5-percent cap geographic area’s wage index would not because we believe that a provider
we applied to all wage index decreases be less than 95 percent of its wage index would be able to more effectively budget
for CY 2021 provided an adequate calculated in the prior CY. We further and plan when there is predictability
safeguard against significant payment proposed that if a geographic area’s about its expected minimum level of
reductions related to the adoption of the prior CY wage index is calculated based home health payments in the upcoming
revised CBSAs. However, as discussed on the 5-percent cap, then the following calendar year. We did not propose to
earlier in this section of this final rule, year’s wage index would not be less limit wage index increases because we
we recognize there are circumstances than 95 percent of the geographic area’s do not believe such a policy would
that a one-year mitigation policy would capped wage index. For example, if a enable HHAs to more effectively budget
not effectively address future years in geographic area’s wage index for CY and plan their operations. Rather, we
which providers continue to be 2023 is calculated with the application believe it would be more appropriate to
negatively affected by significant wage of the 5-percent cap, then its wage index allow providers that would experience
index decreases. for CY 2024 would not be less than 95 an increase in their wage index value to
Typical year-to-year variation in the percent of its capped wage index in CY receive the full benefit of their increased
home health wage index has historically 2023. Likewise, we proposed to make wage index value.
been within 5-percent, and we expect the corresponding regulations text Comment: A few commenters
this will continue to be the case in changes at § 484.220(c) as follows: recommended lowering the threshold
future years. Therefore, we believe that Beginning on January 1, 2023, CMS will percentage of the cap to percentages to
applying a 5-percent cap on all wage apply a cap on decreases to the home 2 percent. In general, these commenters
index decreases in future years, health wage index such that the wage believe that lowering the cap would
regardless of the reason for the decrease, index applied to a geographic area is not better allow HHAs to plan their
would effectively mitigate instability in less than 95 percent of the wage index operations. Other commenters
home health payments due to any applied to that geographic area in the recommended that CMS finalize the
significant wage index decreases that prior CY. This 5-percent cap on negative permanent cap in a non-budget neutral
may affect providers in any year that wage index changes would be way.
commenters raised in the CY 2022 HH implemented in a budget neutral Response: We believe that the 5-
PPS final rule. Additionally, we believe manner through the use of wage index percent cap on wage index decreases is
that applying a 5-percent cap on all budget neutrality factors. an adequate safeguard against any
wage index decreases would increase We received 47 comments on the significant payment reductions and that
the predictability of home health proposed permanent cap on wage index lowering the cap on wage index
payments for providers, enabling them decreases. decreases to 2 percent is not
to more effectively budget and plan Comment: The majority of appropriate. We also believe that 5
their operations. Lastly, we believe that commenters expressed support for the percent is a reasonable level for the cap
applying a 5-percent cap on all wage proposal to cap wage index decreases at because it would more effectively
index decreases, from the prior year, 5 percent. mitigate any significant decreases in a
would have a small overall impact on Response: We thank the commenters HHA’s wage index for future CYs, while
the labor market area wage index for their support of the proposed wage still balancing the importance of
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

system. As discussed in further detail in index cap policy. ensuring that area wage index values
section VII.C. of this final rule, we Comment: MedPAC expressed accurately reflect relative differences in
estimate that applying a 5-percent cap support for the wage index cap area wage levels. Additionally, we
on all wage index decreases, from the proposal, but recommended that the 5- believe that a 5-percent cap on wage
prior year, will have a very small effect percent cap also extend to wage index index decreases in CY 2023 and beyond
on the wage index budget neutrality increases of more than 5 percent, such is sufficient and provides a degree of
factors for CY 2023. Because the wage that no geographic area would have its predictability in payment changes for

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providers; and it would not be any data and information that warrant provide appropriate adjustments to the
appropriate to implement the cap policy the use of a cap for CY 2022 data in proportion of the payment amount
in a non-budget neutral manner. Our order to calculate the CY 2023 wage under the HH PPS to account for area
longstanding policy is to apply the wage index. While such a policy may benefit wage differences, we apply the
index budget neutrality factor to home some providers, it would change the appropriate wage index value to the
health payments to eliminate the wage index budget neutrality factor, and labor portion of the HH PPS rates. In the
aggregate effect of wage index updates would impact the CY 2023 payment CY 2019 HH PPS final rule with
and revisions, such as updates in the rates for all providers without allowing comment period (83 FR 56435), we
underlying hospital wage data as well as them the opportunity to comment. finalized rebasing the home health
other proposed wage index policies, Final Decision: CMS is finalizing, for market basket to reflect 2016 Medicare
resulting in any wage index changes CY 2023 and subsequent years, the cost report data. We also finalized a
being budget-neutral in the aggregate. In application of a permanent 5-percent revision to the labor share to reflect the
the CY 2023 HH PPS proposed rule (87 cap on any decrease to a geographic 2016-based home health market basket
FR 37600), we stated that we believe area’s wage index from its wage index compensation (Wages and Salaries plus
that applying a 5-percent cap on all in the prior year, regardless of the Benefits) cost weight. We finalized that
wage index decreases, from the prior circumstances causing the decline. That for CY 2019 and subsequent years, the
year, would have a small overall impact is, we are finalizing our policy that a labor share would be 76.1 percent and
on the labor market area wage index geographic area’s wage index for CY the non-labor share would be 23.9
system. We estimate that applying a 5- 2023 would not be less than 95 percent percent. The following are the steps we
percent cap on all wage index decreases, of its final wage index for CY 2022, take to compute the case-mix and wage-
from the prior year, will have a very regardless of whether the geographic adjusted 30-day period payment amount
small effect on the wage index budget area is part of an updated CBSA, and for CY 2023:
neutrality factor for CY 2023 and we that for subsequent years, a geographic • Multiply the national, standardized
expect the impact to the wage index area’s wage index would not be less 30-day period rate by the patient’s
budget neutrality factor in future years than 95 percent of its wage index applicable case-mix weight.
will continue to be minimal. calculated in the prior CY. We are • Divide the case-mix adjusted
Comment: Several commenters codifying the permanent cap on wage amount into a labor (76.1 percent) and
recommended CMS adopt a transition index decreases in regulation at a non-labor portion (23.9 percent).
policy that treats affected home health • Multiply the labor portion by the
§ 484.220(c).
agencies CY 2023 wage index as if a 5- As previously discussed, we believe applicable wage index based on the site
percent cap had also been implemented this methodology will maintain the HH of service of the beneficiary.
for CY 2022, while other commenters • Add the wage-adjusted portion to
PPS wage index as a relative measure of
requested that CMS retroactively apply the non-labor portion, yielding the case-
the value of labor in prescribed labor
the permanent wage index cap proposal mix and wage adjusted 30-day period
market areas, increase predictability of
to CY 2022 payments. payment amount, subject to any
home health payments for providers,
Response: We thank commenters for additional applicable adjustments.
and mitigate instability and significant We provide annual updates of the HH
these recommendations. In CY 2021 negative impacts to providers resulting
rulemaking, CMS proposed and PPS rate in accordance with section
from significant changes to the wage 1895(b)(3)(B) of the Act. Section 484.225
finalized the one-year transition policy
index. In section II.B.5.c. of this final sets forth the specific annual percentage
for CY 2021 only. We have historically
rule, we estimate the impact to update methodology. In accordance
implemented 1-year transitions, as
payments for providers in CY 2023 with section 1895(b)(3)(B)(v) of the Act
discussed in the CY 2006 (70 FR 68132)
based on this policy. We also note that and § 484.225(i), for an HHA that does
and in the CY 2015 (79 FR 66032) final
we will examine the effects of this not submit home health quality data, as
rules, to address CBSA changes due to
policy on an ongoing basis in the future specified by the Secretary, the
substantial updates to OMB
in order to assess its appropriateness. unadjusted national prospective 30-day
delineations. Our policy principles with
regard to the wage index are to use the c. CY 2023 Annual Payment Update period rate is equal to the rate for the
most current data and information previous calendar year increased by the
(1) Background
available. Therefore, we proposed that applicable home health payment
the CY 2023 HH PPS wage index policy The HH PPS has been in effect since update, minus 2 percentage points. Any
would be prospective to mitigate any October 1, 2000. As set forth in the July reduction of the percentage change
significant decreases beginning in CY 3, 2000 final rule (65 FR 41128), the would apply only to the calendar year
2023, not retroactively. base unit of payment under the HH PPS involved and would not be considered
As such, we did not calculate or was a national, standardized 60-day in computing the prospective payment
propose the CY 2023 wage index as if episode payment rate. As finalized in amount for a subsequent calendar year.
the cap was in place for 2022. We note the CY 2019 HH PPS final rule with The final claim that the HHA submits
that we received comments on the CY comment period (83 FR 56406), and as for payment determines the total
2022 HH PPS proposed rule requesting described in the CY 2020 HH PPS final payment amount for the period and
an extension to the one-year transition rule with comment period (84 FR whether we make an applicable
policy for CY 2021; however, because 60478), the unit of home health adjustment to the 30-day case-mix and
we did not propose this policy, or the payment changed from a 60-day episode wage-adjusted payment amount. The
wage index budget neutrality factor that to a 30-day period effective for those 30- end date of the 30-day period, as
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

we would have anticipated such a day periods beginning on or after reported on the claim, determines
potential policy proposal to require in January 1, 2020. which calendar year rates Medicare will
the CY 2023 HH PPS proposed rule, we As set forth in § 484.220, we adjust use to pay the claim.
did not propose a policy that treats the national, standardized prospective We may adjust a 30-day case-mix and
affected HHAs CY 2023 wage index as payment rates by a case-mix relative wage-adjusted payment based on the
if a 5-percent cap had also been weight and a wage index value based on information submitted on the claim to
implemented for CY 2022, or include the site of service for the beneficiary. To reflect the following:

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• A LUPA is provided on a per-visit mix weights budget neutrality factor to the most recent, complete utilization
basis as set forth in §§ 484.205(d)(1) and the CY 2022 national, standardized 30- data at the time of rulemaking; that is,
484.230. day period payment rate. The case-mix we are using CY 2021 claims data for CY
• A PEP adjustment as set forth in weights budget neutrality factor for CY 2023 payment rate updates.
§§ 484.205(d)(2) and 484.235. 2023 is 0.9904. Additionally, we also To calculate the wage index budget
• An outlier payment as set forth in apply a wage index budget neutrality to neutrality factor, we first determine the
§§ 484.205(d)(3) and 484.240. ensure that wage index updates and payment rate needed for non-LUPA 30-
revisions are implemented in a budget day periods using the CY 2023 wage
(2) CY 2023 National, Standardized 30-
neutral manner. Typically, the wage index so those total payments are
Day Period Payment Amount
index budget neutrality factor is equivalent to the total payments for
Section 1895(b)(3)(A)(i) of the Act calculated using the most recent, non-LUPA 30-day periods using the CY
requires that the standard prospective complete home health claims data 2022 wage index and the CY 2022
payment rate and other applicable available. However, in the CY 2022 HH national standardized 30-day period
amounts be standardized in a manner PPS final rule, due to the COVID–19 payment rate adjusted by the case-mix
that eliminates the effects of variations PHE, we looked at using the previous weights recalibration neutrality factor.
in relative case-mix and area wage calendar year’s home health claims data Then, by dividing the payment rate for
adjustments among different home (CY 2019) to determine if there were non-LUPA 30-day periods using the CY
health agencies in a budget-neutral significant differences between utilizing 2023 wage index with a 5-percent cap
manner. To determine the CY 2023 2019 and 2020 claims data. Our analysis on wage index decreases by the
national, standardized 30-day period showed that there was only a small payment rate for non-LUPA 30-day
payment rate, we apply a permanent difference between the wage index periods using the CY 2022 wage index,
behavioral adjustment factor, a case-mix budget neutrality factors calculated we obtain a wage index budget
weights recalibration budget neutrality using CY 2019 and CY 2020 home neutrality factor of 1.0001. We then
factor, a wage index budget neutrality health claims data. apply the wage index budget neutrality
factor and the home health payment Therefore, for CY 2022 we decided to factor of 1.0001 to the 30-day period
update percentage discussed in section continue our practice of using the most payment rate.
II.C.2. of this final rule. As discussed in recent, complete home health claims
Next, we update the 30-day period
section II.B.2.f. of this final rule, we are data available; that is, we used CY 2020
payment rate by the CY 2023 home
implementing a permanent behavior claims data for the CY 2022 payment
health payment update percentage of 4.0
adjustment of¥3.925 percent to prevent rate updates. For CY 2023 rate setting,
percent. The CY 2023 national,
further overpayments. The permanent we do not anticipate significant
standardized 30-day period payment
behavior adjustment factor is 0.96075 differences between using pre COVID–
rate is calculated in Table 17.
(1¥0.03925). As discussed previously, 19 PHE data (CY 2019 claims) and the
to ensure the changes to the PDGM case- most recent claims data at the time of Table 17—CY 2023 National,
mix weights are implemented in a rulemaking (CY 2021 claims). Therefore, Standardized 30-Day Period Payment
budget neutral manner, we apply a case- we will continue our practice of using Amount

CY2022 CY2023 CY 2023 Case- CY2023 CY2023 CY2023

National Permanent BA Mix Weights Wage HH National,
Standardized Adjustment Recalibration Index Payment Standardized
30-Day Period Factor Neutrality Budget Update 30-Day Period
Payment Factor Neutrality Payment
$2,031.64 0.96075 0.9904 1.0001 1.040 $2,010.69

The CY 2023 national, standardized home health payment update of 4.0 Table 18—CY 2023 National,
30-day period payment rate for a HHA percent minus 2 percentage points and Standardized 30-Day Period Payment
that does not submit the required is shown in Table 18. Amount for HHAS That Do Not Submit
quality data is updated by the CY 2023 the Quality Data

CY2022 CY2023 CY 2023 Case- CY2023 CY2023HH CY2023

National Permanent BA Mix Weights Wage Payment National,
Standardized Adjustment Recalibration Index Update Standardized
30-Day Period Factor Neutrality Budget Minus 2 30-Day Period
Payment Factor Neutrality Percentage Payment
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Factor Points

$2,031.64 0.96075 0.9904 1.0001 1.020 $1,972.02


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(3) CY 2023 National Per-Visit Rates for simulating total payments for LUPA 30- budget neutrality for LUPA payments.
30-Day Periods of Care day periods of care using the CY 2023 Additionally, we are not applying the
The national per-visit rates are used to wage index with a 5-percent cap on permanent behavior adjustment to the
pay LUPAs and are also used to wage index decreases and comparing it per-visit payment rates but only the
compute imputed costs in outlier to simulated total payments for LUPA case-mix adjusted payment rate. The
calculations. The per-visit rates are paid 30-day periods of care using the CY national per-visit rates are adjusted by
by type of visit or home health 2022 wage index (with no 5-percent the wage index based on the site of
discipline. The six home health cap). By dividing the total payments for service of the beneficiary. The per-visit
disciplines are as follows: LUPA 30-day periods of care using the payments for LUPAs are separate from
• Home health aide (HH aide). CY 2023 wage index by the total the LUPA add-on payment amount,
• Medical Social Services (MSS). payments for LUPA 30-day periods of which is paid for 30-day periods that
• Occupational therapy (OT). care using the CY 2022 wage index, we occur as the only 30-day period or the
• Physical therapy (PT). obtained a wage index budget neutrality initial period in a sequence of adjacent
• Skilled nursing (SN). factor of 1.0007. We apply the wage 30-day periods. The CY 2023 national
• Speech-language pathology (SLP). per-visit rates for HHAs that submit the
To calculate the CY 2023 national per- index budget neutrality factor in order
to calculate the CY 2022 national per- required quality data are updated by the
visit rates, we started with the CY 2022 CY 2023 home health payment update
national per-visit rates. Then we applied visit rates.
percentage of 4.0 percent and are shown
a wage index budget neutrality factor to The LUPA per-visit rates are not
in Table 19.
ensure budget neutrality for LUPA per- calculated using case-mix weights,
visit payments. We calculated the wage therefore, no case-mix weights budget Table 19—CY 2023 National Per-Visit
index budget neutrality factor by neutrality factor is needed to ensure Payment Amounts

CY 2022 Per- CY 2023 Per-
Wage Index CY2023HH
Visit Visit
HH Discipline Budget Payment
Payment Payment
Neutrality Update
Amount Amount
Home Health Aide $71.04 1.0007 1.040 $73.93
Medical Social Services $251.48 1.0007 1.040 $261.72
Occupational Therapy $172.67 1.0007 1.040 $179.70
Physical Therapy $171.49 1.0007 1.040 $178.47
Skilled Nursing $156.90 1.0007 1.040 $163.29
Speech-Language Patholo2:v $186.41 1.0007 1.040 $194.00

The CY 2023 per-visit payment rates percentage of 4.0 percent minus 2 Table 20—CY 2023 National Per-Visit
for HHAs that do not submit the percentage points and are shown in Payment Amounts for HHAS That Do
required quality data are updated by the Table 20. Not Submit the Required Quality Data
CY 2023 home health payment update

CY2023HH CY2023
CY2022 Per- Payment National,
Wage Index
Visit Update Standardized
HH Discipline Budget
Payment Minus 2 30-Day
Amount Percentage Period
Points Payment
Home Health Aide $71.04 1.0007 1.020 $72.51
Medical Social Services $251.48 1.0007 1.020 $256.69
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

Occupational Therapy $172.67 1.0007 1.020 $176.25


Physical Theraov $171.49 1.0007 1.020 $175.04

Skilled Nursing $156.90 1.0007 1.020 $160.15
Speech-Language Patholo2:v $186.41 1.0007 1.020 $190.27

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66856 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations

(4) LUPA Add-On Factors nursing care, but either PT or SLP (86 Act amended section 1895(b)(3)(C) of
Prior to the implementation of the 30- FR 62351). This change, led to us the Act to require that the Secretary
day unit of payment, LUPA episodes establishing a LUPA add-on factor for reduce the HH PPS payment rates such
were eligible for a LUPA add-on calculating the LUPA add-on payment that aggregate HH PPS payments were
payment if the episode of care was the amount for the first skilled occupational reduced by 5 percent. In addition,
first or only episode in a sequence of therapy (OT) visit in LUPA periods that section 3131(b)(2) of the Affordable Care
adjacent episodes. As stated in the CY occurs as the only period of care or the Act amended section 1895(b)(5) of the
2008 HH PPS final rule, the average visit initial 30-day period of care in a Act by redesignating the existing
sequence of adjacent 30-day periods of language as section 1895(b)(5)(A) of the
lengths in these initial LUPAs are 16 to
care. Act and revised the language to state
18 percent higher than the average visit
We stated in the CY 2022 HH PPS that the total amount of the additional
lengths in initial non-LUPA episodes
final rule (86 FR 62289) that, as there is payments or payment adjustments for
(72 FR 49848). LUPA episodes that
not sufficient data regarding the average outlier episodes could not exceed 2.5
occur as the only episode or as an initial
excess of minutes for the first visit in percent of the estimated total HH PPS
episode in a sequence of adjacent
LUPA periods when the initial and payments for that year. Section
episodes are adjusted by applying an
comprehensive assessments are 3131(b)(2)(C) of the Affordable Care Act
additional amount to the LUPA
conducted by occupational therapists, also added section 1895(b)(5)(B) of the
payment before adjusting for area wage
we will use the PT LUPA add-on factor Act, which capped outlier payments as
differences. In the CY 2014 HH PPS a percent of total payments for each
final rule (78 FR 72305), we changed the of 1.6700 as a proxy. We also stated that
we would use the PT LUPA add-on HHA for each year at 10 percent.
methodology for calculating the LUPA Beginning in CY 2011, we reduced
add-on amount by finalizing the use of factor as a proxy until we have CY 2022
data to establish a more accurate OT payment rates by 5 percent and targeted
three LUPA add-on factors: 1.8451 for up to 2.5 percent of total estimated HH
SN; 1.6700 for PT; and 1.6266 for SLP. add-on factor for the LUPA add-on
payment amounts (86 FR 62289). PPS payments to be paid as outliers. To
We multiply the per-visit payment do so, we first returned the 2.5 percent
amount for the first SN, PT, or SLP visit d. Payments for High-Cost Outliers held for the target CY 2010 outlier pool
in LUPA episodes that occur as the only Under the HH PPS to the national, standardized 60-day
episode or an initial episode in a episode rates, the national per visit
(1) Background
sequence of adjacent episodes by the rates, the LUPA add-on payment
appropriate factor to determine the Section 1895(b)(5) of the Act allows amount, and the NRS conversion factor
LUPA add-on payment amount. for the provision of an addition or for CY 2010. We then reduced the rates
In the CY 2019 HH PPS final rule with adjustment to the home health payment by 5 percent as required by section
comment period (83 FR 56440), in amount otherwise made in the case of 1895(b)(3)(C) of the Act, as amended by
addition to finalizing a 30-day unit of outliers because of unusual variations in section 3131(b)(1) of the Affordable Care
payment, we finalized our policy of the type or amount of medically Act. For CY 2011 and subsequent
continuing to multiply the per-visit necessary care. Under the HH PPS and calendar years we targeted up to 2.5
payment amount for the first skilled the previous unit of payment (that is, percent of estimated total payments to
nursing, physical therapy, or speech- 60-day episodes), outlier payments were be paid as outlier payments, and apply
language pathology visit in LUPA made for 60-day episodes whose a 10-percent agency-level outlier cap.
periods that occur as the only period of estimated costs exceed a threshold In the CY 2017 HH PPS proposed and
care or the initial 30-day period of care amount for each HHRG. The episode’s final rules (81 FR 43737 through 43742
in a sequence of adjacent 30-day periods estimated cost was established as the and 81 FR 76702), we described our
of care by the appropriate add-on factor sum of the national wage-adjusted per concerns regarding patterns observed in
(1.8451 for SN, 1.6700 for PT, and visit payment amounts delivered during home health outlier episodes.
1.6266 for SLP) to determine the LUPA the episode. The outlier threshold for Specifically, we noted the methodology
add-on payment amount for 30-day each case-mix group or PEP adjustment for calculating home health outlier
periods of care under the PDGM. For defined as the 60-day episode payment payments may have created a financial
example, using the proposed CY 2023 or PEP adjustment for that group plus a incentive for providers to increase the
per-visit payment rates for HHAs that fixed-dollar loss (FDL) amount. For the number of visits during an episode of
submit the required quality data, for purposes of the HH PPS, the FDL care in order to surpass the outlier
LUPA periods that occur as the only amount is calculated by multiplying the threshold; and simultaneously created a
period or an initial period in a sequence home health FDL ratio by a case’s wage- disincentive for providers to treat
of adjacent periods, if the first skilled adjusted national, standardized 60-day medically complex beneficiaries who
visit is SN, the payment for that visit episode payment rate, which yields an require fewer but longer visits. Given
would be $301.29 (1.8451 multiplied by FDL dollar amount for the case. The these concerns, in the CY 2017 HH PPS
$163.29), subject to area wage outlier threshold amount is the sum of final rule (81 FR 76702), we finalized
adjustment. the wage and case-mix adjusted PPS changes to the methodology used to
episode amount and wage-adjusted FDL calculate outlier payments, using a cost-
(5) Occupational Therapy LUPA Add- amount. The outlier payment is defined per-unit approach rather than a cost-per-
On Factor to be a proportion of the wage-adjusted visit approach. This change in
In order to implement Division CC, estimated cost that surpasses the wage- methodology allows for more accurate
section 115, of CAA 2021, CMS adjusted threshold. The proportion of payment for outlier episodes,
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

finalized changes to regulations at additional costs over the outlier accounting for both the number of visits
§ 484.55(a)(2) and (b)(3) that allowed threshold amount paid as outlier during an episode of care and the length
occupational therapists to conduct payments is referred to as the loss- of the visits provided. Using this
initial and comprehensive assessments sharing ratio. approach, we now convert the national
for all Medicare beneficiaries under the As we noted in the CY 2011 HH PPS per-visit rates into per 15-minute unit
home health benefit when the plan of final rule (75 FR 70397 through 70399), rates. These per 15-minute unit rates are
care does not initially include skilled section 3131(b)(1) of the Affordable Care used to calculate the estimated cost of

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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations 66857

an episode to determine whether the selected for the FDL ratio and the loss- blood pressure, glucose monitoring)
claim will receive an outlier payment sharing ratio. A high FDL ratio reduces digitally stored and/or transmitted by
and the amount of payment for an the number of periods that can receive the patient and/or caregiver to the HHA.
episode of care. In conjunction with our outlier payments, but makes it possible In the CY 2019 HH PPS final rule with
finalized policy to change to a cost-per- to select a higher loss-sharing ratio, and comment period, we also finalized in
unit approach to estimate episode costs therefore, increase outlier payments for regulation at § 409.46(e) that the costs of
and determine whether an outlier qualifying outlier periods. Alternatively, remote patient monitoring are
episode should receive outlier a lower FDL ratio means that more considered allowable administrative
payments, in the CY 2017 HH PPS final periods can qualify for outlier costs (operating expenses) if remote
rule we also finalized the payments, but outlier payments per patient monitoring is used by the HHA
implementation of a cap on the amount period must be lower. to augment the care planning process
of time per day that would be counted The FDL ratio and the loss-sharing (83 FR 56527).
toward the estimation of an episode’s ratio are selected so that the estimated With the declaration of the COVID–19
costs for outlier calculation purposes total outlier payments do not exceed the PHE in early 2020, the use of
(81 FR 76725). Specifically, we limited 2.5 percent aggregate level (as required telecommunications technology has
the amount of time per day (summed by section 1895(b)(5)(A) of the Act). become more prominent in the delivery
across the six disciplines of care) to 8 Historically, we have used a value of of healthcare in the United States.
hours (32 units) per day when 0.80 for the loss-sharing ratio, which, Anecdotally, many beneficiaries
estimating the cost of an episode for we believe preserves incentives for preferred to stay home than go to
outlier calculation purposes. agencies to attempt to provide care physician’s offices and outpatient
In the CY 2017 HH PPS final rule (81 efficiently for outlier cases. With a loss- centers to seek care, while also limiting
FR 76724), we stated that we did not sharing ratio of 0.80, Medicare pays 80 the number and frequency of care
plan to re-estimate the average minutes percent of the additional estimated costs providers furnishing services inside
per visit by discipline every year. that exceed the outlier threshold their homes to avoid exposure to
Additionally, the per unit rates used to amount. Using CY 2021 claims data (as COVID–19. Accordingly, CMS
estimate an episode’s cost were updated of March 21, 2022) and given the implemented additional policies under
by the home health update percentage statutory requirement that total outlier the HH PPS to make providing and
each year, meaning we would start with payments do not exceed 2.5 percent of receiving services via
the national per visit amounts for the the total payments estimated to be made telecommunications technology easier.
same calendar year when calculating the under the HH PPS, we proposed an FDL In the first COVID–19 PHE interim final
cost-per-unit used to determine the cost ratio of 0.44 for CY 2023. We noted that rule with comment period (IFC) (85 FR
of an episode of care (81 FR 76727). We we would update the FDL, if needed, in 19230), we changed the plan of care
will continue to monitor the visit length the final rule once we have more requirements at § 409.43(a) on an
by discipline as more recent data complete CY 2021 claims data. Using interim basis, for the purposes of
becomes available, and may propose to more complete CY 2021 claims data (as Medicare payment, to state that the plan
update the rates as needed in the future. of July 15, 2022), the final FDL ratio for of care must include any provision of
In the CY 2019 HH PPS final rule with CY 2023 would need to be 0.35 to pay remote patient monitoring or other
comment period (83 FR 56521), we up to, but no more than, 2.5 percent of services furnished via a
finalized a policy to maintain the the total payment as outlier payments in telecommunications system. The plan of
current methodology for payment of CY 2023. care must also describe how the use of
high-cost outliers upon implementation Final Decision: We did not receive such technology is tied to the patient-
of PDGM beginning in CY 2020 and any public comments on the proposed specific needs as identified in the
calculated payment for high-cost FDL ratio. We are finalizing the fixed- comprehensive assessment and will
outliers based upon 30-day period of dollar loss ratio of 0.35 for CY 2023, in help to achieve the goals outlined on the
care. Upon implementation of the order to ensure that total outlier plan of care. The amended plan of care
PDGM and 30-day unit of payment, we payments do not exceed 2.5 percent of requirements at § 409.43(a) also state
finalized the FDL ratio of 0.56 for 30- the total aggregate payments, as required that these services cannot substitute for
day periods of care in CY 2020. Given by section 1895(b)(5)(A) of the Act. As a home visit ordered as part of the plan
that CY 2020 was the first year of the noted previously, this updated ratio is of care and cannot be considered a
PDGM and the change to a 30-day unit based on more complete CY 2021 claims home visit for the purposes of patient
of payment, we finalized to maintain the data than was used to determine the eligibility or payment, in accordance
same FDL ratio of 0.56 in CY 2021 as we proposed FDL ratio. with section 1895(e)(1)(A) and (B) of the
did not have sufficient CY 2020 data at Act. The CY 2021 HH PPS final rule (85
K. Comment Solicitation on the
the time of CY 2021 rulemaking to FR 70298) finalized these changes on a
Collection of Data on the Use of
proposed a change to the FDL ratio for permanent basis, as well as amended
Telecommunications Technology Under
CY 2021. In the CY 2022 HH PPS final § 409.46(e) to include not only remote
the Medicare Home Health Benefit
rule (86 FR 62292), we estimated that patient monitoring, but other
outlier payments would be Even prior to the COVID–19 PHE, communication or monitoring services
approximately 1.8 percent of total HH CMS acknowledged the importance of consistent with the plan of care for the
PPS final rule payments if we technology in allowing HHAs the individual, on the home health cost
maintained an FDL of 0.56 in CY 2022. flexibility of furnishing services report as allowable administrative costs.
remotely. In the CY 2019 HH PPS final Sections 1895(e)(1)(A) and (B) of the
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

Therefore, in order to pay up to, but no

more than, 2.5 percent of total payments rule with comment (83 FR 56406), for Act specify that telecommunications
as outlier payments we finalized an FDL purposes of the Medicare home health services cannot substitute for in-person
of 0.40 for CY 2022. benefit, we finalized the definition of home health services ordered as part of
‘‘remote patient monitoring’’ in the plan of care certified by a physician
(2) FDL Ratio for CY 2023 regulation at 42 CFR 409.46(e) as the and are not considered a home health
For a given level of outlier payments, collection of physiologic data (for visit for purposes of eligibility or
there is a trade-off between the values example, electrocardiogram (ECG), payment under Medicare. Though the

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66858 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations

use of telecommunications technology Payment Policy, MedPAC recommended under certain revenue codes such as
is not to be used as a substitute for in- tracking the use of telehealth in the 027x or 0623—Medical Supplies, or
person home health services, as ordered home health care benefit on home revenue code 057x—Home Health Aide.
on the plan of care, and services health claims in order to improve We requested comments from the public
provided through the use of payment accuracy.27 As such, to collect on our reasoning that, due to the hands-
telecommunications technology (rather more complete data on the use of on nature of home health aide services,
than in-person) are not considered a telecommunications technology in the the use of telecommunications
home health visit, anecdotally we have provision of home health services, we technology would generally not be
heard that HHAs are using solicited comments on the collection of appropriate for such services. We
telecommunication services during the such data on home health claims, which reminded interested parties that if there
course of a 30-day period of care and as we aim to begin collecting by January 1, is a service that cannot be provided
a result of the COVID–19 PHE, as 2023 on a voluntary basis by HHAs, and through telecommunications technology
described previously. In the first will begin to require this information be (for example, wound care that requires
COVID–19 PHE IFC, we provided an reported on claims by July of 2023. in-person, hands-on care from a skilled
example describing a situation where Specifically, we solicited comments on nurse), the HHA must make an in-
the use of technology is not a substitute the use of three new G-codes identifying person visit to furnish such services (85
for the provision of in-person visits as when home health services are FR 39428). We also requested comments
ordered on the plan of care, rather the furnished using synchronous regarding the appropriateness of such
plan of care is updated to reflect a telemedicine rendered via a real-time technology for particular services in
change in the frequency of the in-person two-way audio and video order to more clearly delineate when the
visits and to include ‘‘virtual visits’’ as telecommunications system; use of such technology is appropriate.
part of the management of the home synchronous telemedicine rendered via This may help inform how we use this
health patient (85 FR 19248). telephone or other real-time interactive analysis, for instance, connecting how
Currently, the collection of data on audio-only telecommunications system; such technology is impacting the
the use of telecommunications and the collection of physiologic data provision of care to certain
technology is limited to overall cost data digitally stored and/or transmitted by beneficiaries, costs, quality, and
on a broad category of the patient to the home health agency, outcomes, and determine if further
telecommunications services as a part of that is, remote patient monitoring. We requirements surrounding the use of
an HHA’s administrative costs on line 5 would capture the utilization of remote telecommunications technology are
of the HHA Medicare cost reports.26 As patient monitoring through the needed.
we noted in the CY 2019 HH PPS inclusion of the start date of the remote We also solicited comments on future
proposed rule, these costs would then patient monitoring and the number of refinement of these G-codes beginning
be factored into the costs per visit. units indicated on the claim. This may July 1, 2023. Specifically, whether the
Factoring the costs associated with help us understand in general how long codes should differentiate the type of
telecommunications systems into the remote monitoring is used for clinician performing the service via
costs per visit has important individual patients and for which telecommunications technology, such as
implications for assessing home health conditions. Although we plan to begin a therapist versus therapist assistant;
costs relevant to payment, including collecting this information beginning and whether new G-codes should
HHA Medicare margin calculations (83 with these three G-codes on January 1, differentiate the type of service being
FR 32426). Data on the use of 2023, we are interested in comments on performed through the use of
telecommunications technology during whether there are other common uses of telecommunications technology, such
a 30-day period of care at the telecommunications technology under as: skilled nursing services performed
beneficiary level is not currently the home health benefit that would for care plan oversight (for example,
collected on the home health claim. warrant additional G-codes that would management and evaluation or
While the provision of services be helpful in tracking the use of such observation and assessment) versus
furnished via a telecommunications technology in the provision of care. teaching; or physical therapy services
system must be included on the In accordance with section 40.2 in performed for the establishment or
Chapter 10 of the Medicare Claims performance of a maintenance program
patient’s plan of care, CMS does not
Processing Manual (Pub. L. 100–04), we versus other restorative physical therapy
routinely review plans of care to
plan to issue instructions that these services.
determine the extent to which these We will issue program instruction
forthcoming G-codes are to be used to
services are actually being furnished. outlining the use of new codes for the
Collecting data on the use of report services in line item detail and
each service must be reported as a purposes of tracking the use of
telecommunications technology on
separate line under the appropriate telecommunications technology under
home health claims would allow CMS
revenue code (04x—Physical Therapy, the home health benefit with sufficient
to analyze the characteristics of the
043x—Occupational Therapy, 044x— notice to enable HHAs to make the
beneficiaries utilizing services furnished
Speech-Language Pathology, 055x— necessary changes in their electronic
remotely, and will give us a broader health records and billing systems. As
Skilled Nursing, 056x—Medical Social
understanding of the social stated previously, we will begin
Services, or 057x—Home Health Aide).
determinants that affect who benefits collecting this information on home
While we do not plan on limiting the
most from these services, including health claims by January 1, 2023, on a
use of these G-codes to any particular
what barriers may potentially exist for voluntary basis by HHAs, and will
discipline, we would not anticipate use
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

certain subsets of beneficiaries. require this information be reported on

of such technology would be reported
Furthermore, in their March 2022 home health claims beginning in July
Report to the Congress: Medicare 27 Medicare Payment Advisory Commission 2023. We would issue further program
(MedPAC), Report to the Congress: Medicare instruction prior to July 1, 2023, if the
26 Found in Ch47 of the Provider Reimbursement Payment Policy. March 2022, P. 271. found at
Manual at
G-code description changes between
Guidance/Guidance/Manuals/Paper-Based- 2022/03/Mar22_MedPAC_ReportToCongress_ January 1, 2023, and July 1, 2023, based
Manuals-Items/CMS021935. SEC.pdf. on comments from the CY 2023 HH PPS

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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations 66859

proposed rule. However, we reiterate use of telecommunications technology factors. Further information such as
that the collection of information on the by home health aides should be rare, as geographic, racial, ethnic,
use of telecommunications technology they are generally providing hands-on socioeconomic, sex, and gender identify
does not mean that such services are care. We received comments requesting identifiers, could be collected to
considered ‘‘visits’’ for purposes of that CMS provide information and identify whether disparities in
eligibility or payment. In accordance training to ensure that providers are telehealth usage vary in diverse
with section 1895(e)(1)(A) and (B) of the prepared to report the requested data populations. Further, several
Act, such data will not be used or accurately when mandatory reporting commenters stated that CMS’ analysis
factored into case-mix weights, or count begins. Specifically, commenters stated should include surveys of Medicare
towards outlier payments or the LUPA that CMS needs to be clear on beneficiaries using home health services
threshold per payment period. differentiating between and their family caregivers (as
Comment: We received approximately telecommunications technology, appropriate) and the study of
44 comments on the discussion telehealth services, communication beneficiary appeals as they relate to
regarding the collection of telehealth technology-based services (for example, services furnished via
data on home health claims. The virtual check-ins, e-visits), and clarify telecommunications technology should
majority of commenters agreed that the the types of remote patient monitoring also be considered as part of this
collection and analysis of data on the that will be allowable under the new G- assessment.
Codes to ensure that remote patient Response: CMS appreciates all of the
use of telecommunications technology
monitoring is adding to the value of care comments and suggestions received
on home health claims will greatly
regarding the collection of data on the
assist with accurate cost reporting. A and not simply tracking steps from a
use of telecommunications technology
few commenters stated they are already wearable product like a smart watch.
on home health claims. We also
collecting this data, are ready to share Several commenters urged CMS to
acknowledge commenter statements and
with CMS and are willing to confer with develop a list of services and care that
concerns as they relate to the
CMS on downstream analysis of virtual are appropriate for telehealth and those
availability of technology and
care delivery integration. Several that should not be provided via virtual
broadband in some regions of the
commenters strongly suggested that care and suggested that telehealth does
country. While CMS maintains that the
while CMS should continue to support not translate well to, and may in fact
use of telecommunications technology
innovation in telehealth (particularly in cause patient harm, services related to would generally not be appropriate for
rural areas of the country where wound care, physical/occupational/ home health aide services, at this time,
workforce and geographic speech therapy, and when patients have we will not limit the use of these G-
considerations limit the number of in- sensory impairments with hearing or codes to any particular discipline.
home visits that may be possible), we vision. Conversely, commenters strongly However, we would like to remind
should also remain cognizant that given supported that telehealth services may commenters that if a service requires in-
the rurality of some regions, robust translate well for patients in need of person, hands-on care from a skilled
broadband, electronic devices and even chronic disease management, post- nurse or other provider, an in-person
cellular networks are not available in surgical care, mental health and visit must be made by the HHA to
some patient service areas. Still, most isolation checks, medication furnish such services (85 FR 39428). We
commenters acknowledged that management, and those patients with readily recognize and support the on-
integration of telecommunications the inability to accurately collect and going integration of telecommunications
technology under the home health communicate health-related data, etc. technology under the home health
benefit during the COVID–19 PHE has The majority of commenters supported benefit within the confines of the
proven to decrease ED visits, inpatient the development of a mechanism to statute, and anticipate that the
hospitalizations, and total cost of care refine the collection of visit details for collection of data related to the
for comorbid high-risk populations; the type of clinician and service furnishing of these services will
therefore, access to digital and audio provided. However, while some increase our knowledge of how HHAs
communication is critical for providing commenters supported the and beneficiaries benefit from its use.
patients and families, education, implementation of three new G-codes to As noted previously, the primary goal of
guidance and reassurance needed to report telecommunications technology collecting the data on use of
avoid use of emergency services and on home health claims, several telecommunication technology under
hospitals. We received a few comments commenters stated that new G-codes are the home health benefit is to allow CMS
on states adopting increased scopes of not needed. Instead, these commenters to analyze the characteristics of the
practice for home health aides that suggested it would be less cumbersome beneficiaries utilizing services furnished
could allow them to utilize to use appended modifiers for existing remotely, so that we have a broader
telecommunications technology, and G-codes to identify each type of understanding of the social
suggestions that there may be telecommunications technology by determinants that affect who benefits
exceptions to when a home health aide clinician and service provided, as the most from these services, and what
might use telecommunications creation of multiple G-codes may lead to barriers may potentially exist for certain
technology to improve patient outcomes confusion and result in inappropriate subsets of beneficiaries. Moreover, we
and reduce potential avoidable assignment of the G-codes on claims. appreciate the additional suggestions for
hospitalizations or ED visits. These We received comments that support analyzing the collected data on the use
exceptions could include responding to further analysis of the collected data on of telecommunication technology under
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

a question or urgent need of a care the use of telecommunications the home health benefit in a more
recipient or their family caregiver, technology as it relates to beneficiary granular manner; we will consider these
monitoring a patient remotely for characteristics and utilization patterns, suggestions to help us connect how
adverse reactions after a visit or playing including information related to those such technology is impacting the
a critical role in connecting the patient beneficiaries who cannot use provision of care to certain
to a specialist via telemedicine. telecommunications technology because beneficiaries, costs, quality, and
However, most commenters agreed that of technological limitations or other outcomes, and determine if further

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66860 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations

requirements surrounding the use of that, for 2007 and subsequent years, payment rates for the preceding year.
telecommunications technology are each home health agency (HHA) submit The HH QRP regulations can be found
needed. As stated previously, program to the Secretary in a form and manner, at 42 CFR 484.245 and 484.250.
instruction will be issued outlining the and at a time, specified by the Secretary,
B. General Considerations Used for the
use of new codes for the purposes of such data that the Secretary determines
Selection of Quality Measures for the
tracking the use of telecommunications are appropriate for the measurement of
health care quality. To the extent that an HH QRP
technology under the home health
benefit with sufficient notice to enable HHA does not submit data in For a detailed discussion of the
HHAs to make the necessary changes in accordance with this clause, the considerations we historically use for
their electronic health records and Secretary shall reduce the home health measure selection for the HH QRP
billing systems. Additionally, although market basket percentage increase quality, resource use, and other
we plan to begin collecting this data on applicable to the HHA for such year by measures, we refer readers to the CY
home health claims by January 1, 2023, 2 percentage points. As provided at 2016 HH PPS final rule (80 FR 68695
it will initially be collected on a section 1895(b)(3)(B)(vi) of the Act, through 68696). In the CY 2019 HH PPS
voluntary basis by HHAs. Further depending on the market basket final rule with comment period (83 FR
program instruction on the voluntary percentage increase applicable for a 56548 through 56550) we finalized the
reporting (beginning in January 2023) particular year, as further reduced by factors we consider for removing
and required reporting (requirement the productivity adjustment (except in previously adopted HH QRP measures.
will be effectuated in July 2023) will be 2018 and 2020) described in section
issued in January 2023. 1886(b)(3)(B)(xi)(II) of the Act, the C. Quality Measures Currently Adopted
reduction of that increase by 2 for the CY 2023 HH QRP
III. Home Health Quality Reporting percentage points for failure to comply
Program (HH QRP) The HH QRP currently includes 20
with the requirements of the HH QRP
measures for the CY 2023 program year,
A. Background and Statutory Authority may result in the home health market
as described in Table C1.
basket percentage increase being less
The HH QRP is authorized by section than 0.0 percent for a year, and may
1895(b)(3)(B)(v) of the Act. Section result in payment rates under the Home Table C1—Measures Currently Adopted
1895(b)(3)(B)(v)(II) of the Act requires Health PPS for a year being less than for the CY 2023 HH QRP
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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations
_QM Name
Ambulation Improvement in Ambulation/Locomotion
Jkt 259001

Application of Falls Application of Percent of Residents Experiencing One or More Falls with Mai or Iniurv (Long Sta
Application of Percent of Long-Term Care Hospital (LTCH) Patients with an Admission and Discharge Functional
Application of Functional Assessment Assessment and a Care Plan That Addresses Function (NQF #2631 ).
Bathin _QF #0174,.
PO 00000

Bed Transferrin Improvement in Bed Transferring (N_QF # 0175 ,.

DRR Drug Regimen Review Conducted With Follow-Up for Identified Issues- Post Acute Care (PAC) HH QRP.
Dyspnea Improvement m Uyspnea.
Frm 00073

Influenza Influenza Immunization Received for Current Flu Season

Oral Medications Improvement in Management of Oral Medications (NQF #0176 ,.
Pressure Ulcer/In" Changes in Skin Integrity Post-Acute Care
Timely Care Timely Initiation Of Care (N_QF #0526 ,.
Fmt 4701

TOH - Provider Transfer of Health Information to Provider-Post-Acute Care 1

TOH - Patient Transfer of Health Information to Patient-Post-Acute Care 1
_QM Name Claims-based
Sfmt 4725

ACH Acute Care Hospitalization During the First 60

DTC Discharge to Community-Post Acute Care (PAC _QF #3477
ED Use Emergency Department Use without Hospitaliza

PPR Potentially Preventable 30-Day Post-Discharge

PPH Home Health Within Stay Potentially Preventable Hospitalization
_QM Name HHCAHPS-based
CARPS Home Health Survey CARPS® Home Health Care Survey (experience with care) (NQF #0517)2
- How often the HH team gave care in a professional way.
- How well did the HH team communicate with patients.
- Did the HH team discuss medicines, pain, and home safety with patients.

- How do patients rate the overall care from the HHA.

- Will patients recommend the HHA to friends and famil
1 Data collection delayed due to the COVID-19 public health emergency for the TOH-Patient and TOH-Provider.
2 The HHCAHPS has five components that together are used to represent one NQF-endorsed measure.

66862 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations

BILLING CODE 4120–01–C Subsequently, Congress enacted of OASIS collection from non-M/non-
D. End of the Suspension of OASIS Data section 704 of the Medicare Prescription Medicaid patients would continue
Collection on Non-Medicare/Non- Drug, Improvement, and Modernization because ‘‘it would be unfair to burden
Medicaid HHA Patients and Act of 2003 (MMA), which suspended the providers with the collection of
Requirement for HHAs To Submit All- the legal authority of the Secretary to OASIS at this time since the case mix
Payer OASIS Data for Purposes of the require HHAs to report OASIS and outcomes reports are not designed
HH QRP, Beginning With the CY 2027 information on non-Medicare/non- to include private pay patients.’’ The
Program Year Medicaid patients until at least 2 Secretary also noted that it would be
months after the Secretary published inappropriate for CMS to collect the
In the CY 2023 HH PPS proposed final regulations on CMS’s collection private pay OASIS data and not use it.
rule, we noted for background that in and use of those data following the The Secretary further stated that ‘‘if
1987, Congress added a new section submission of a report to Congress on funding for the development of HHA
1891(d) to the Act (section 4021(b) of the study required under section 704(c) patient outcome and case mix reports
Pub. L. 100–203 (December 22, 1987)). of the MMA. This study required the for private pay patients is identified as
The statute required the Secretary to Secretary to examine the use of non- a priority function, CMS would not
develop a comprehensive assessment for Medicare/non-Medicaid OASIS data by hesitate to call for the removal of the
Medicare-participating HHAs. In 1993, large HHAs, including whether there suspension of OASIS for private pay
CMS (then known as HCFA) developed were unique benefits from the analysis patients.’’
an assessment instrument that identified of that information that CMS could not In the November 9, 2006 final rule
each patient’s need for home care and obtain from other sources, and the value titled, ‘‘Medicare Program; Home Health
the patient’s medical, nursing, of collecting such data by small HHAs Prospective Payment System Rate
rehabilitative, social and discharge versus the administrative burden of Update for Calendar Year 2007 and
planning needs. As part of this collection. In conducting the study, the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 Changes
assessment, Medicare-certified HHAs Secretary was also required to obtain to Medicare Payment for Oxygen
were required to use a standard core recommendations from quality Equipment and Capped Rental Durable
assessment data set, the ‘‘Outcome and assessment experts on the use of such Medical Equipment’’ we finalized our
Assessment Information Set’’ information and the necessity of HHAs policy that the agency would continue
(‘‘OASIS’’). Section 1891(d) of the Act collecting such information.28 to suspend collection of OASIS all-
requires, as part of the home health The Secretary conducted the study payer data (71 FR 65883 and 65889).
assessment, a survey of the quality of required under section 704 of the MMA Since 2006, CMS has laid the
care and services furnished by the from 2004 to 2005 and submitted it to groundwork for the resumption of all-
agency as measured by indicators of Congress in December 2006 https:// payer data submission because we want
medical, nursing, and rehabilitative care to represent overall care being provided
provided by the HHA. OASIS is the oasis-study-all-payer-data-submission- to all patients in an HHA. CMS
designated assessment instrument for 2006.pdf. The study made the following implemented the QIES and iQIES
use by an HHA in complying with the key findings: provider data reporting systems to
requirement. In the January 25,1999 • There are significant differences securely transfer and manage
final rule titled, ‘‘Medicare and between private pay and Medicare/ assessment data across QRPs, including
Medicaid Programs: Comprehensive Medicaid patients in terms of diagnosis, the HH QRP. These systems can now
Assessment and Use of the OASIS as patient characteristics, and patient support an extensive range of provider
Part of the Conditions of Participation outcomes. Within-agency correlation reports, including case-mix reports for
for Home Health Agencies,’’ we also between Medicare/Medicaid and private private pay patients. The HH QRP
required HHAs to submit the data pay patient outcomes was low, expanded quality domains to include
collected by the OASIS assessment to indicating that outcomes based on HH CAHPS and new assessment and
HCFA as an HHA condition of Medicare/Medicaid patient data cannot claims-based quality measures. We
participation (64 FR 3772). be generalized to serve as a proxy for sought and received public comment on
private pay patients. several occasions regarding data
Early on, privacy concerns were
• Risk adjustment models at the time reporting on all HHA patients,
raised by HHAs around the collection of regardless of payer type. In February
did not account for all of the sources of
all-payer data and the release of 2012, the NQF-convened MAP also
variation in outcomes across different
personal health information. As we issued a report that encouraged
payer groups and as a result, measures
indicated in the study, any new establishing a data collection and
could produce misleading information.
collection requirements such as this • Requiring OASIS data collection on transmission infrastructure for all
typically raise concerns and OASIS was private pay patients at Medicare- payers that would work across PAC
no exception. In response to the privacy certified HHAs could increase staff and settings.29 In the July 28, 2017 and
concerns, CMS took steps to mask the patient burden and would require CMS November 7, 2017 proposed and final
personal health information before the to develop a mechanism for these rules titled ‘‘Home Health Prospective
data was transmitted to the Quality agencies to receive reports from CMS on Payment System Rate Update and CY
Improvement and Evaluation System their private pay patients. 2018 Case-Mix Adjustment
(QIES). In the study, we collected • A change to all-payer assessment Methodology Refinements; Home Health
information from HHAs and the data collection would strengthen CMS’s Value-Based Purchasing Model; and
industry including the surveying of
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

ability to assess and report indicators of

Agencies by one of the trade the quality of care furnished by HHAs 29 National Quality Forum. MAP Coordination
organizations and note that the privacy to their entire patient population. Strategy for Post-Acute Care and Long-Term Care
concerns initially raised were not raised After considering the study’s findings, Performance Measurement. February 2012.
as an ongoing concern. Based upon this Available at
the Secretary noted that the suspension Publications/2012/02/MAP_Coordination_Strategy_
feedback, we conclude that the privacy for_Post-Acute_Care_and_Long-Term_Care_
issues raised initially are no longer a 28 Performance_Measurement.aspx. Accessed March
concern. 108publ173/pdf/PLAW-108publ173.pdf. 21, 2022.

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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations 66863

Home Health Quality Reporting In the CY 2023 HH PPS proposed which would allow us to compare
Requirements’’ (82 FR 35372 through rule, we stated our belief that collecting outcomes across post-acute care
35373 and 82 FR 51736 through 51737, OASIS data on all HHA patients, providers, requires us to revisit the
respectively) and in the July 18, 2019 regardless of payer, would align our policy. We have established such a
and November 8, 2019 proposed and data collection requirements under the uniform quality measurement system,
final rules titled, ‘‘Medicare and HH QRP with the data collection based on standardized patient
Medicaid Programs; CY 2020 Home requirements for the LTCH QRP and assessment data leading us to propose
Health Prospective Payment System Hospice QRP. We also believe that the OASIS data collection on non-Medicare/
Rate Update’’ (84 FR 34686 and 84 FR most accurate representation of the non-Medicaid patients. There are now
60478, respectively), we sought and quality of care furnished by HHAs is cross-setting quality measures in place
responded to input on whether we best captured by calculating the that should have consistent reporting
should require quality data reporting on assessment-based measures rates using parameters but currently do not have
all HHA patients, regardless of payer OASIS data submitted on all HHA consistent reporting parameters because
source, to ensure representation of the patients receiving skilled care, they currently have only Medicare and
quality of the services provided to the regardless of payer. New risk adjustment Medicaid populations. The goal of CMS
entire HHA population. In the ‘‘CY 2018 models with all-payer data would better is to have these measures reported for
Home Health Prospective Payment represent the full spectrum of patients all patients for all payer sources. The
System Rate Update and CY 2019 Case- receiving care in HHAs. The submission iQIES system utilized by providers is
Mix Adjustment Methodology of all-payer OASIS data would also robust enough to make feasible the
Refinements; Home Health Value-Based enable us to meaningfully compare generation of outcome and case mix
Purchasing Model; and Home Health performance on quality measures across reports for private pay patients, whereas
Quality Reporting Requirements’’ final PAC settings. For example, the Changes the 2006 QIES system lacked this
rule, some commenters shared that there in Skin Integrity Post-Acute Care quality functionality. The HH QRP also has a
would be increased burden from measure is currently reported by more robust measure set, including
requiring all-payer data submissions. A different PAC payers on different patient reported outcomes, a criteria of
denominators of payer populations, importance for CMS to move forward
few commenters also raised the issue of
which greatly inhibits our ability to with all-payer collection. We stated in
whether it would be appropriate to
compare performance on this measure the CY 2023 HH PPS proposed rule that
collect and report private pay data,
across PAC settings. Standardizing the the maturation of the HH QRP as
given that private payers may have
denominator for cross setting PAC described previously argues for the
different care pathways, approval, and
measures to include all skilled-care collection of OASIS all-payer data. It
authorization processes. In the CY 2020
patients will enable us to make these will improve the HH QRP’s ability to
HH PPS proposed rule, we also sought
comparisons, which we believe will assess HHA quality and allow the HH
input on whether collection of quality
realize our goal of establishing QRP to foster better quality care for
data used in the HH QRP should
consistent measures of quality across patients, regardless of payer source. It
include all HHA patients, regardless of PAC settings. will also support CMS’s ability to
their payer source (84 FR 60478). We stated in the CY 2023 HH PPS compare standardized outcome
Several commenters supported proposed rule that the concerns raised measures across PAC settings.
expanding the HH QRP to include surrounding privacy outlined Consistent with the two-quarter
collection of data on all patients previously have been mitigated. We also phase-in that we typically use when
regardless of payer. Several commenters stated that we take the privacy and adopting new reporting requirements for
noted that this expanded data collection security of individually identifiable the HHAs, we proposed that for the CY
would not be overly burdensome health information of all patients very 2025 HH QRP, the expanded reporting
because the majority of HHAs already seriously. CMS data systems conform to would be required for patients
complete the OASIS on all patients, all applicable federal laws, regulations discharged between January 1, 2024 and
regardless of payer status. Commenters and standards on information security June 30, 2024. After consideration of the
were concerned that the usefulness of and data privacy. The systems limit data comments on this proposal, we are
all-payer data collection to CMS’s health access to authorized users and monitor finalizing that the new OASIS data
policy development would not such users to help protect against reporting will be required beginning
outweigh the additional reporting unauthorized data access or disclosures. with the CY 2027 program year, with
burden. Several commenters supporting CMS anticipates updating the current data for that program year required for
all-payer data collection stated that provider data reporting system in iQIES patients discharged between July 1,
expansion of the data collection would to address the addition of private payer 2025 and June 30, 2026. Consistent with
align the HH QRP’s data collection patients. the two-quarter phase-in that we
policy with that of hospices and long- For these reasons, we proposed in the typically use, HHAs will have an
term care hospitals (LTCHs), as well as CY 2023 HH PPS proposed rule to end opportunity to begin submitting this
the data collection policy under the the suspension of non-Medicare/non- data for patients discharged between
Merit-based Incentive Payment System. Medicaid OASIS data collection and to January 1, 2025 through June 30, 2025,
Other reasons cited by commenters who require HHAs to submit all-payer OASIS but we will not use that data to make
supported the expanded data collection data for purposes of the HH QRP a compliance determination. Beginning
included more accurate representation beginning with the CY 2025 HH QRP with the CY 2027 program year, HHAs
of the quality of care furnished by HHAs program year. We would use the OASIS will be required to report OASIS data on
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

to the entire HH population, the ability data to calculate all measures for which all patients, regardless of payer, for the
of such data to better guide quality OASIS is a data source. Although the applicable 12-month performance
improvement activities, and the 2006 report recommended that the period (which for the CY 2027 program
reduction of current administrative suspension continue, the subsequent year, would be patients discharged
efforts made by HHAs to ensure that passage of the IMPACT Act (Pub. L. between July 1, 2025 and June 30, 2026).
only OASIS data for Medicare and 113–185) in 2014, requiring us to create We stated in the CY 2023 HH PPS
Medicaid patients are reported to CMS. a uniform quality measurement system proposed rule that while we appreciate

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66864 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations

that submitting OASIS data on all HHA increase payments to offset the burden commenters opposed the proposal and
patients regardless of payer source may of implementation of this policy. believe that CMS underestimated the
create additional burden for HHAs, we Response: We thank the commenters burden both in terms of time for
note that the current practice of for their feedback. We believe that completion and costs of HHA staffing.
separating and submitting OASIS data requiring the collection of all-payer Response: We acknowledge that
on only Medicare beneficiaries has quality measure data for which the data HHAs may continue to be impacted by
clinical and workflow implications with source is OASIS will further inform our the PHE and that collecting quality data
an associated burden. As noted quality work at CMS by allowing us to on all patients regardless of payer may
previously, we also understand that it is gain a more complete picture of the create additional burden for some
common practice for HHAs to collect quality of care furnished at HHAs. We HHAs. However, there are factors that
OASIS data on all patients, regardless of will take the commenter’s suggestion to limit the scope of the associated burden.
payer source. Requiring HHAs to report expand our all-payer policy to the For example, Medicare certified HHAs
OASIS data on all patients will provide collection of HHCAHPS data into already have processes in place to
CMS with the most robust, accurate consideration for future rulemaking. We collect OASIS data for Medicare/
reflection of the quality of care have considered the concerns raised by Medicaid patients which will limit the
delivered to Medicare beneficiaries as commenters on the burden of this new overall financial impact of this new
compared with non-Medicare patients. reporting requirement and, in response reporting requirement. Additionally, our
We solicited comments on this to those comments, will delay this understanding is that many HHAs
proposal. The following is a summary of requirement until the CY 2027 program already collect all-payer OASIS data for
the public comments received and our year. Under the new implementation other purposes. We continue to believe
responses. schedule, we are finalizing, the new that the benefits of collecting data on
Comment: Several commenters reporting requirement will be effective patients regardless of payer source
supported the proposal to require beginning with the CY 2027 program outweigh the costs related to the
quality data collection for all patients year. For that program year, HHAs will resumption of collection and
receiving skilled care from HHAs, be required to submit all payer OASIS submission requirements. Regarding
regardless of payer source. Commenters data for discharges from July 1, 2025 concerns that we underestimated the
agreed with the CMS’ conclusion that through and including June 30, 2026. national impact of this proposal, we
this proposal would help standardize We continue to believe that a two- have utilized a consistent process used
quarter phase-in period for this new for the estimate of burden in each HH
data across PAC settings. Supporters of
reporting, along with the current Final rule for time spent and labor costs
the policy also noted that the
systems in place to collect OASIS data, associated with the implementation of
implementation of all-payer data
will give HHAs enough time to prepare OASIS E, the version of the OASIS that
collection would be critical in
to implement it. The two-quarter phase- would be used with the implementation
establishing health equity standards,
in period is consistent with the phase- of this proposal. This process includes
regardless of payment type for patients.
in schedule that we typically adopt for establishing an estimate for time
Commenters further agreed that CMS is
all new HH QRP reporting requirements. required to submit each assessment item
in a strong position to address privacy
We appreciate feedback from on the OASIS for each time point in
concerns regarding non-Medicare/non-
commenters about the need to specify which the item is collected, estimating
Medicaid OASIS data collection and any populations that should be the costs related to item submission
that the infrastructure to support excluded from the new OASIS data based on bureau of labor statistics HHA
reporting non-Medicare/Medicaid data collection. The policy would not change staff labor costs, and calculating an
has steadily improved. the current patient exemptions for overall estimate of burden based on the
Response: We appreciate the feedback OASIS, which are as follows: patients number of active HHAs. For further
and support for this proposal to end the under the age of 18; patients receiving details on burden calculations, please
suspension of non-Medicare/non- maternity services; and patients reference Section VI of this final rule.
Medicaid data collection and to require receiving only personal care, We have properly estimated the burden
HHAs to submit all-payer OASIS data housekeeping, or chore services. With being established for this proposal in
for the HH QRP. respect to the commenter’s request that compliance with ongoing processes
Comment: Some commenters we increase payment to HHAs to assist established for regulatory impact.
supported the proposal to require them financially in implementing this Comment: Many commenters who
quality data reporting and collection for new requirement, we do not have opposed the proposal cited concerns
HHA patients with all payer sources, authority under section 1895(b)(3)(B)(v) related to the burden of implementation
but also suggested modifications for of the Act to provide bonuses or implementing at a time when HHAs are
improvement. A few commenters otherwise increase payment to HHAs concerned about an overall reduction in
recommended delaying implementation that comply with the requirements of payments by Medicare.
of the policy until CY 2025 or at least the HH QRP. Response: We note that while there is
until a year after the close of the current Comment: Many commenters opposed a permanent adjustment to the national,
public health emergency. Others shared this proposal. Additionally, some standardized 30-day payment rate in CY
the need to specify any populations that commenters noted that CMS should not 2023 to account for actual behavior
should be excluded from OASIS data implement proposals that may add change upon implementation of the
collection, including pediatric and burden while HHAs are still impacted PDGM, the overall impact in CY 2023 is
maternal patients. A commenter by the ongoing public health emergency a net increase of 0.7% in home health
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

supported the all-payer collection (PHE). Other commenters questioned payments. Furthermore, we believe
proposal but stated that it should also be whether the benefits of implementation given that delaying the implementation
implemented for Home Health Care would outweigh the cost of of this new reporting requirement until
Consumer Assessment of Healthcare implementation, including costs the CY 2027 program year will provide
Providers and Systems (HHCAHPS) attributable to the burden associated HHAs with ample time to incorporate
data. Some commenters supported the with completing the new reporting and this policy into their business
proposal but requested that CMS the costs of HHA staffing. A few operations.

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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations 66865

Comment: Some commenters opposed believe it is in the public’s best interest, • Factor 1. Measure performance
the proposal and questioned CMS’ and more representative of the quality of among HHAs is so high and unvarying
authority to require collection of patient care provided by HHAs, to collect data that meaningful distinctions in
data from all-payer sources. on all HHA patients. We believe that the improvements in performance can no
Response: Congress enacted section collecting and reporting of the quality longer be made.
704 of the Medicare Prescription Drug, data will in time improve quality for all • Factor 2. Performance or
Improvement, and Modernization Act of patients regardless of payer source. We improvement on a measure does not
2003 (MMA), which ‘‘suspended’’ the intend to monitor and evaluate the result in better patient outcomes.
legal authority of the Secretary to impacts of this policy as necessary and • Factor 3. A measure does not align
require HHAs to report OASIS consider modifications, if warranted, with current clinical guidelines or
information on non-Medicare/non- through future notice and comment practice.
Medicaid patients until at least 2 rulemaking. • Factor 4. A more broadly applicable
months after the Secretary published After consideration of the public measure (across settings, populations, or
final regulations on CMS’s collection comments we received, we are conditions) for the particular topic is
and use of those data following the finalizing the End of the Suspension of available.
submission of a report to Congress on OASIS Data Collection on non- • Factor 5. A measure that is more
the study required under section 704(c) Medicare/non-Medicaid HHA Patients proximal in time to desired patient
of the MMA. We have complied with and the Requirement for HHAs to outcomes for the particular topic is
the statutory requirements to end the Submit All-Payer OASIS Data for available.
suspension in this published final Purposes of the HH QRP, Beginning • Factor 6. A measure that is more
regulation in submitting the with the CY 2027 Program Year. strongly associated with desired patient
aforementioned report. We continue to outcomes for the particular topic is
believe that the collection of all payer E. Technical Changes available.
OASIS data will provide a more • Factor 7. Collection or public
We proposed to amend the regulation
complete and accurate picture of the reporting of a measure leads to negative
text in § 484.245(b)(1) as a technical
quality of care furnished by HHAs. We unintended consequences other than
change to consolidate the statutory
also believe that the collection of all- patient harm.
references to data submission to
payer OASIS data will enable us to • Factor 8. The costs associated with
§ 484.245(b)(1)(i) and 484.245(b)(1)(ii).
calculate measure rates in the HH a measure outweigh the benefit of its
We also proposed to modify
setting that can be more meaningfully continued use in the program.
§ 484.245(b)(1)(iii) to describe To align the HH QRP with similar
compared with rates on those same
additional requirements specific to quality reporting programs (that is SNF
measures in the LTCH, IRF, and SNF
HHCAHPS to make it clear that A QRP, IRF QRP, and LTCH QRP) we
Comment: Some commenters raised through E only apply to HHCAHPS. proposed to amend 42 CFR 484.245 to
privacy concerns regarding non- In this technical change, we add eight HH QRP measure removal
Medicare/non-Medicaid data collection specifically proposed to move quality factors in a new paragraph (b)(3).
and submission. data required under section We invited public comments on this
Response: We safeguard all OASIS 1895(b)(3)(B)(v)(II) from proposal.
data in a secure data system (iQIES) that § 484.245(b)(1)(iii) to Comment: Most commenters
limits data access to authorized users § 484.245(b)(1)(i).30 Specifically, the expressed support for this proposal,
and monitors such users to ensure proposed § 484.245(b)(1)(i) would state, citing the importance of alignment
against unauthorized data access or ‘‘Data on measures specified under across quality reporting programs and
disclosures. This data system conforms sections 1895(b)(3)(B)(v)(II), 1899B(c)(1), the value of transparency in the process
to all applicable Federal laws and and 1899B(d)(1) of the Act.’’ The of measure removal and additions from
regulations, as well as Federal proposed § 484.245(b)(1)(iii) would the HH QRP.
government, HHS, and CMS policies state, ‘‘For purposes of HHCAHPS Response: We thank commenters for
and standards as they relate to survey data submission, the following their support.
information security and data privacy. additional requirements apply:’’. Comment: A few commenters
Comment: Some commenters raised a We invited but did not receive public supported this proposal and raised a
concern that including non-Medicare/ comments on this proposal. We have few additional considerations. A
non-Medicaid patients in the OASIS modified § 484.245(b)(1)(i) to clarify that commenter noted that the expert panels
data collection would significantly HHAs must report to CMS data—(1) that that provide input into measure
affect HHA outcome results because is required under section additions or removals often lack
these patients could have a different 1895(b)(3)(B)(v)(II) of the Act, including sufficient therapy staff participation.
case-mix profile. Some commenters HHCAHPS survey data; and (2) on They encouraged CMS to increase
raised concerns related to this issue measures specified under sections feedback from multiple disciplines in
especially for HHAs that have a high 1899B(c)(1) and 1899B(d)(1) of the Act. the process of considering measure
percentage of non-Medicare/non- removals.
F. Codification of the HH QRP Measure Response: These comments are
Medicaid patients whose requirements
Removal Factors outside the scope of this proposal to
for care are not mandated by CMS but
by other payers. Some suggested that In the CY 2019 HH PPS final rule with amend 42 CFR 484.245.
this proposal could result in HHAs comment period (83 FR 56548 through Comment: A commenter generally
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

limiting their care to non-Medicare/non- 56550), we adopted eight measure supported this proposal but opposed the
Medicaid patients to limit the potential removal factors that we consider when inclusion of measure removal factor #8
impact on their HHA. determining whether to remove because they believe this removal factor
Response: We acknowledge that the measures from the HH QRP measure set: will be misused by providers. They
collection of non-Medicare/non- were concerned providers would
Medicaid OASIS data could change the 30 Section 1895(b)(3)(B)(v)(II) of the Act requires advocate removal of measures of value
measure results for HHAs. However, we data submission for HHCAHPS. to the public simply because they do not

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66866 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations

want to collect the underlying disparities in health outcomes are the where Black, Hispanic, and lower-
assessment data required for the result of multiple factors. Although not income home health patients that live in
calculation of the measure. the sole determinants, poor access to a neighborhood with higher-quality
Response: This comment is outside care and provision of lower quality home health agencies still have less
the scope of this proposal to amend 42 health care are important contributors to access to these HHAs.48 Disparities also
CFR 484.245. health disparities notable for CMS persist across neighborhoods where the
After consideration of the public programs. Prior research has shown that researchers found that 40–77 percent of
comments we received, we are home health agencies serving higher disparities in high-quality agency use
finalizing the proposal to codify the HH proportions of Black and low-income was attributable to neighborhood-level
QRP measure removal factors. older adults furnish lower quality care factors.49 The issue of disparity in
G. Request for Information: Health than those with lower proportions of access is especially critical to address
Equity in the HH QRP such patients.42 It is unclear why this currently with the COVID–19 public
relationship exists, but some evidence health emergency (PHE). The PHE has
In the CY 2023 HH PPS proposed suggests that these outcomes are the increased demand for home health
rule, we stated that CMS defines health result of reduced access to home health services instead of nursing home care
equity as the attainment of the highest agencies with the highest scores for for many patients seeking post-acute
level of health for all people, where quality and health outcomes measures care.50 Factors outside of neighborhood
everyone has a fair and just opportunity reported (subsequently referred to as effects that could affect inequities in
to attain their optimal health regardless high-quality HHAs).43 Research in long home health care and access to care may
of race, ethnicity, disability, sexual term care access has shown that include a provider’s selection of
orientation, gender identity, neighborhoods with larger proportions patients with higher socioeconomic
socioeconomic status, geography, of Black, Hispanic, and low-income status (SES) who are perceived to have
preferred language, or other factors that residents have lower access to a range a lower likelihood of reducing provider
affect access to care and health of high-quality care including hospitals, quality ratings 51 or a provider’s biased
outcomes.31 We noted in the CY 2023 primary care physicians, nursing homes, perception of a patient’s risk behavior
proposed rule that CMS is working to and community-based long-term and adherence to care plans.52 These
advance health equity by designing, services.44 45 46 A recent study found that findings suggest the need to address
implementing, and operationalizing Black and Hispanic home health issues related to care and access when
policies and programs that support patients were less likely to use high striving to improve health equity.
health for all the people served by our quality home health agencies than We are committed to achieving equity
programs, eliminating avoidable White patients who lived in the same in health care outcomes for beneficiaries
differences in health outcomes neighborhoods.47 This difference in use by supporting providers in quality
experienced by people who are of high quality HHAs persisted even improvement activities to reduce health
underserved, and providing the care and after adjusting for patient health status, disparities, enabling beneficiaries to
support that our enrollees need to suggesting disparity in access to higher- make more informed decisions, and
thrive.32 CMS’ goals are in line with quality home health agency was present. promoting provider accountability for
Executive Order 13985, on the Disparities exist within neighborhoods, health care disparities.53 54 CMS is
Advancement of Racial Equity and committed to closing the equity gap in
Support for the Underserved 38
CMS quality programs.
Communities, which can be found at: PDF/Update_HHS_Disparities_Dept-FY2020.pdf. We thank commenters for their 39
previous input to our request for
room/presidential-actions/2021/01/20/ mm7005a1.htm.
40 Poteat TC, Reisner SL, Miller M, Wirtz AL. information on closing the health equity
executive-order-advancing-racial- gap in home health care in the CY 2022
COVID–19 Vulnerability of Transgender Women
equity-and-support-for-underserved- With and Without HIV Infection in the Eastern and HH PPS final rule (86 FR 62240). Many
communities-through-the-federal- Southern U.S. Preprint. medRxiv. commenters shared that relevant data
government/. 2020;2020.07.21.20159327. Published 2020 Jul 24.
collection and appropriate stratification
We outlined in the CY 2023 proposed doi:10.1101/2020.07.21.20159327.
41 Milkie Vu et al. Predictors of Delayed
rule that belonging to an underserved Healthcare Seeking Among American Muslim 48 Ibid.
community is often associated with Women, Journal of Women’s Health 26(6) (2016) at 49 Fashaw-Walters, SA. Rahman, M., Gee, G. et al.
worse health 58; S.B. Nadimpalli, et al., The Association between Out Of Reach: Inequities In The Use Of High-
outcomes.33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Such Discrimination and the Health of Sikh Asian Quality Home Health Agencies. Health Affairs 2022
Indians Health Psychol. 2016 Apr; 35(4): 351–355. 41(2):247–255.
42 Joynt Maddox KE, Chen LM, Zuckerman R, 50 Werner RM, Bressman E. Trends in post-acute
32 CMS Epstein AM. Association between race, care utilization during the COVID–19 pandemic. J
Framework for Health Equity 2022–2032.
33 Joynt
neighborhood, and Medicaid enrollment and Am Med Dir Assoc. 2021;22(12):2496–9.
KE, Orav E, Jha AK. Thirty-Day outcomes in Medicare home health care. J Am 51 Werner RM, Asch DA. The unintended
Readmission Rates for Medicare Beneficiaries by
Geriatr Soc. 2018;66(2):239–46. consequences of publicly reporting quality
Race and Site of Care. JAMA. 2011; 305(7):675–681. 43 Ibid.
34 Lindenauer PK, Lagu T, Rothberg MB, et al. information. JAMA. 2005;293(10):1239–44.
44 Smith DB, Feng Z, Fennell ML, Zinn J, Mor V. 52 Davitt JK, Bourjolly J, Frasso R. Understanding
Income Inequality and 30 Day Outcomes After
Acute Myocardial Infarction, Heart Failure, and Racial disparities in access to long-term care: the inequities in home health care outcomes: staff
Pneumonia: Retrospective Cohort Study. British illusive pursuit of equity. J Health Polit Policy Law. views on agency and system factors. Res Gerontol
Medical Journal. 2013; 346. 2008;33(5):861–81. Nurs. 2015;8(3):119–29.
35 Trivedi AN, Nsa W, Hausmann LRM, et al. 45 Gaskin DJ, Dinwiddie GY, Chan KS, McCleary 53

Quality and Equity of Care in U.S. Hospitals. New R. Residential segregation and disparities in health Initiatives-Patient-Assessment-Instruments/Quality
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

England Journal of Medicine. 2014; 371(24):2298– care services utilization. Med Care Res Rev. InitiativesGenInfo/Downloads/CMS-Quality-
2308. 2012;69(2):158–75. Strategy.pdf.
36 Polyakova, M., et al. Racial Disparities In 46 Rahman M, Foster AD. Racial segregation and 54 Report to Congress: Improving Medicare

Excess All-Cause Mortality During The Early quality of care disparity in U.S. nursing homes. J PostAcute Care Transformation (IMPACT) Act of
COVID–19 Pandemic Varied Substantially Across Health Econ. 2015;39:1–16. 2014 Strategic Plan for Accessing Race and
States. Health Affairs. 2021; 40(2): 307–316. 47 Fashaw-Walters, SA. Rahman, M., Gee, G. et al. Ethnicity Data. January 5, 2017. Available at https://
37 Rural Health Research Gateway. Rural Out Of Reach: Inequities In The Use Of High-
Communities: Age, Income, and Health Status. Quality Home Health Agencies. Health Affairs 2022 OMH/Downloads/Research-Reports-2017-Report-to-
Rural Health Research Recap. November 2018. 41(2):247–255. Congress-IMPACT-ACT-of-2014.pdf.

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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations 66867

are very important in addressing any In addition, we stated in the CY 2023 required to qualify for the measure
health equity gaps. These commenters HH PPS proposed rule that we were numerator.
noted that CMS should consider considering the adoption of a structural • HHAs attest as to whether their
potential stratification of health composite measure for the HH QRP, employed staff were trained in
outcomes. Stakeholders, including which could include organizational culturally sensitive care mindful of
providers, also shared their strategies for activities to address access to and (SDOH in the reporting year and report
addressing health disparities, noting quality of home health care for data relevant to this training, such as
that this was an important commitment underserved populations. The documentation of specific training
for many health provider organizations. composite structural measure concept programs or training requirements.
Commenters also shared could include HHA reported data on • HHAs attest as to whether they
recommendations for additional social HHA activities to address underserved provided resources to staff about health
determinants of health (SDOH) data populations’ access to home health care. equity, SDOH, and equity initiatives in
elements that could strengthen their An HHA could receive a point (for a the reporting year and report data such
assessment of disparities and issues of total of three points for the three as the materials provided or other
health equity. SDOH are the conditions domains) for each domain where data documentation of the learning
in the environments where people are are submitted to a CMS portal, opportunities.
born, live, learn, work, play, worship, regardless of the action in that domain. Domain 3: HHA leaders and staff can
and age that affect a wide range of improve their capacity to address health
HHAs could submit information such
health, functioning, and quality-of-life disparities by demonstrating routine
as documentation, examples, or
outcomes and risks.55 Many and thorough attention to equity and
narratives to qualify for the measure
commenters suggested capturing setting an organizational culture of
numerator. The domains under
information related to food insecurity, equity. This candidate domain could
consideration for the measure, as well as
income, education, transportation, and capture activities related to
how an HHA could satisfy each of those
housing. We will continue to take all organizational inclusion initiatives and
domains and earn a point for that
capacity to promote health equity.
comments and suggestions into account domain, are the following:
Examples of equity-focused factors
as we work to develop policies on this Domain 1: HHAs’ commitment to include proficiency in languages other
important topic. We appreciate home reducing disparities is strengthened than English, experience working with
health agencies and other stakeholders when equity is a key organizational diverse populations in the service area,
sharing their support and commitment priority. Candidate domain 1 could be and experience working with
to addressing health disparities and satisfied if an HHA submits data on individuals with disabilities.
offering meaningful comments for actions it is taking with respect to health Submission of relevant data for all
consideration. As we continue to equity and community engagement in elements could be required to qualify
consider health equity within the HH their strategic plan. HHAs could report for the measure numerator.
QRP, we solicited public comment in data in the reporting year about their • HHAs attest as to whether they
the CY 2023 HH PPS proposed rule on actions in each of the following areas, considered equity-focused factors in the
the following questions: and submission of data for all elements hiring of HHA senior leadership,
• What efforts does your HHA could be required to qualify for the including chief executives and board of
employ to recruit staff, volunteers, and measure numerator. trustees, in the applicable reporting
board members from diverse • HHAs attest to whether their year.
populations to represent and serve strategic plan includes approaches to • HHAs attest as to whether equity-
underserved populations? How does address health equity in the reporting focused factors were included in the
your HHA attempt to bridge any cultural year. hiring of direct patient care staff (for
gaps between your personnel and • HHAs report community example, therapists, nurses, social
beneficiaries/clients? How does your engagement and key stakeholder workers, physicians, or aides) in the
HHA measure whether this has an activities in the reporting year. applicable reporting year.
impact on health equity? • HHAs report on any attempts to • HHAs attest as to whether equity
• How does your HHA currently focused factors were included in the
measure input they solicit from patients
identify barriers to access to care in your hiring of indirect care or support staff
and caregivers about care disparities
community or service area? (for example, administrative, clerical, or
they may experience as well as
• What are the barriers to collecting human resources) in the applicable
recommendations or suggestions for
data related to disparities, SDOH, and reporting year.
equity? What steps does your HHA take We also stated in the CY 2023 HH PPS
to address these barriers? Domain 2: Training HHA board
members, HHA leaders, and other HHA proposed rule that we[?] are interested
• How does your HHA collect self- in developing health equity measures
reported demographic information such staff in culturally and linguistically
appropriate services (CLAS),56 health based on information collected by HHAs
as information on race and ethnicity, not currently available on claims,
disability, sexual orientation, gender equity, and implicit bias is an important
step the HHA can take to provide assessments, or other publicly available
identity, veteran status, socioeconomic data sources to support development of
status, and language preference? quality care to underserved populations.
Candidate domain 2 could focus on future quality measures. We solicited
• How is your HHA using collected public comment on the conceptual
information such as housing, food HHAs’ diversity, equity, inclusion
domains and quality measures
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

security, access to interpreter services, training for board members and staff by
capturing the following reported actions described in this section. Furthermore,
caregiving status, and marital status to we solicited public comment on
inform its health equity initiatives? in the reporting year. Submission of
relevant data for all elements could be publicly reporting a composite
55 Healthy People 2030, U.S. Department of
structural health equity quality measure;
Health and Human Services, Office of Disease 56 displaying descriptive information on
Prevention and Health Promotion. Retrieved 06/09/ Information/OMH/Downloads/CLAS-Toolkit-12-7- Care Compare from the data HHAs
22. 16.pdf. provide to support health equity

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66868 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations

measures; and the impact of the individual health equity factors and and skilled nursing facility (SNF) stays,
domains and quality measure concepts ‘‘social determinants of health’’ for resulting in reductions in inpatient and
on organizational culture change. community health equity factors. SNF spending. The U.S. Secretary of
The following is a summary of the Commenters raised the need to address Health and Human Services determined
comments we received in response to issues such as expanding gender that expansion of the original HHVBP
this RFI: categorizations and updating race Model would further reduce Medicare
Commenters broadly applauded CMS categories for some groupings. spending and improve the quality of
for seeking to address health equity in We appreciate the comments we care. In October 2020, the CMS Chief
home health. Many noted that health received on this RFI. Public input is Actuary certified that expansion of the
equity is critical to address in home very valuable for the continuing HHVBP Model would produce Medicare
health and requires attention from CMS development of CMS’ health equity savings if expanded to all states.58
and providers. Many commenters quality measurement efforts and our On January 8, 2021, CMS announced
representing organizations outlined broader commitment to health equity; a the certification of the HHVBP Model
some work they were engaged in to key pillar of our strategic vision as for expansion nationwide, as well as the
address health equity. Many further described here, https:// intent to expand the Model through
commenters provided specific feedback notice and comment rulemaking.59
on components of the quality measure equity-fact-sheet.pdf. We will take these In the CY 2022 HH PPS final rule (86
concept along with broad-based comments into consideration in our FR 62292 through 62336) and codified
feedback. Commenters suggested using a future policy development. at 42 CFR part 484 subpart F, we
scale relative to responses in the
G. Advancing Health Information finalized the decision to expand the
measure concept rather than a yes/no
Exchange HHVBP Model to all Medicare certified
approach. Some commenters noted that
We are removing this section and note HHAs in the 50 States, territories, and
it would be critical to solicit direct
that it was erroneously included in this District of Columbia beginning January
input from HH patients on health equity
section of the CY 2023 HH PPS 1, 2022. We finalized that the expanded
issues in addition to soliciting that
proposed rule. We also note that this Model will generally use benchmarks,
input from HHAs. Others shared that it
section of the proposed rule was achievement thresholds, and
is critical that CMS provide HHAs with
duplicative of section I.B. of the improvement thresholds based on CY
a range of ways to address health equity
needs that would be unique to the proposed rule. 2019 data to assess achievement or
populations they serve. Others improvement of HHA performance on
IV. Expanded Home Health Value- applicable quality measures and that
suggested different issues that could be Based Purchasing (HHVBP) Model
addressed with health equity measures, HHAs will compete nationally in their
such as premature discharge, A. Background applicable size cohort, smaller-volume
counteracting the impacts of HHAs HHAs or larger-volume HHAs, as
As authorized by section 1115A of the defined by the number of complete
coverage relative to the area deprivation Act and finalized in the CY 2016 HH
index, and considerations of how unique beneficiary episodes for each
PPS final rule (80 FR 68624), the Center HHA in the year prior to the
disability is addressed when assessing for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation
health equity. A number of commenters performance year. All HHAs certified to
(Innovation Center) implemented the participate in the Medicare program
shared their support for CMS pursuing Home Health Value-Based Purchasing
other ways to aid HHAs in prior to January 1, 2022, will be
(HHVBP) Model (‘‘original Model’’) in required to participate and will be
understanding health equity issues that nine states on January 1, 2016. The
may exist by providing stratified data to eligible to receive an annual Total
design of the original HHVBP Model Performance Score based on their CY
providers. leveraged the successes and lessons
Some commenters did not support the 2023 performance.
learned from other CMS value-based We finalized the quality measure set
health equity quality measure because it purchasing programs and
would be compelling HHAs to for the expanded Model, as well as
demonstrations to shift from volume- policies related to the removal,
improperly adopt CMS’ approach to based payments to a model designed to
organizational culture changes. Other modification, and suspension of
promote the delivery of higher quality applicable measures, and the addition of
commenters shared concerns that a
care to Medicare beneficiaries. The new measures and the form, manner
major issue related to health equity in
specific goals of the original HHVBP and timing of the OASIS-based, Home
home health is access to home health
Model were to— Health Consumer Assessment of
benefits and that CMS does not have a • Provide incentives for better quality
sufficiently robust approach to address Healthcare Providers and Systems
care with greater efficiency;
scenarios in which access to home • Study new potential quality and (HHCAHPS) survey-based, and claims-
health is denied. Some commenters efficiency measures for appropriateness based measures submission in the
raised concerns that the health equity in the home health setting; and applicable measure set beginning CY
quality measure would add burden to • Enhance the current public 2022 and subsequent years. We also
the workload of HHAs and suggested reporting process. finalized an appeals process, an
that CMS utilize data currently available The original HHVBP Model resulted extraordinary circumstances exception
to address disparities and other health in an average 4.6 percent improvement policy, and public reporting of annual
equity concerns. Other commenters in HHAs’ total performance scores (TPS) performance data under the expanded
addressed more broad-based issues Model.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

and an average annual savings of $141

related to health equity. Others million to Medicare without evidence of
suggested CMS provide funding to adverse risks.57 The evaluation of the 58

address health equity issues and original model also found reductions in certificationhome-health-value-based-purchasing-
additionally consider supporting hhvbpmodel.pdf.
unplanned acute care hospitalizations 59
trainings for providers. Multiple cms-takes-action-improve-home-health-care-
commenters recommended using the 57 seniors-announces-intent-expand-home-health-
terms ‘‘health related social needs’’ for 2020/hhvbp-thirdann-rpt. value-based.

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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations 66869

Additionally in the CY 2022 HH PPS with CY 2023) following the baseline Comment: A few commenters
proposed rule (86 FR 35929), we year. supported the proposed addition of the
solicited comments on the challenges definitions of HHA baseline year and
b. Amended Definitions
unique to value-based purchasing Model baseline year, and the associated
frameworks in terms of health equity Since that final rule, it has come to proposal to modify the definitions of
and ways in which we could our attention that there could be some achievement threshold and benchmark.
incorporate health equity goals into the confusion and we would like to explain Response: We appreciate the
expanded HHVBP Model. We received our terminology more clearly by commenters’ support for these
comments related to the use of differentiating between two types of provisions.
stabilization measures to promote access baseline years used in the expanded
We did not receive comments on the
to care for individuals with chronic HHVBP Model. The Model baseline year
proposed amendments to § 484.360 or to
illness or limited ability to improve; is used to determine the benchmark and
paragraph (a) of § 484.370. After
collection of patient level demographic achievement threshold for each measure
consideration of the public comments
information for existing measures; and for all HHAs. For example, as finalized,
received, we are finalizing the
stratification of outcome measures by CY 2019 data is used in the calculation
provisions at § 484.345, § 484.360, and
various patient populations to of the achievement thresholds and
§ 484.370 without modification.
determine how they are affected by benchmarks for all applicable measures
social determinants of health (SDOH). In for both the small cohort and for the 2. Change of HHA Baseline Years
the CY 2022 HH PPS final rule (86 FR large cohort. The HHA baseline year is
a. Background—New and Existing
62312), we summarized and responded used to determine the HHA
HHAs Baseline Years
to these comments received. improvement threshold for each
measure for each individual competing As previously discussed, in the CY
In the CY 2023 HH PPS proposed rule HHA. For example, if an HHA is 2022 HH PPS final rule (86 FR 62300),
(87 FR 37667 through 37671), we certified in CY 2021, CY 2022 data we finalized our proposal to use CY
proposed to replace the term baseline would be used in the calculation of the 2019 as the baseline year for the
year with the terms HHA baseline year improvement thresholds for all expanded HHVBP Model. Our intent
and Model baseline year and to change applicable measures for that HHA. was that the Model baseline year used
the calendar years associated with each Therefore, we proposed to amend to determine achievement thresholds
of those baseline years, and solicited § 484.345 to remove the existing and benchmarks is CY 2019 for all
comment on future approaches to health baseline year definition: means the year HHAs and the HHA baseline year used
equity in the expanded HHVBP Model. against which measure performance in a to determine an individual HHA’s
B. Changes to the Baseline Years and performance year will be compared. In improvement threshold is 2019 for
New Definitions its place, we proposed to define: (1) HHAs certified prior to January 1, 2019.
HHA baseline year as the calendar year As discussed in the section IV.B.1.b. of
1. Definitions used to determine the improvement this rule, we proposed to replace the
a. Background threshold for each measure for each term baseline year with the terms Model
individual competing HHA; and (2) baseline year and HHA baseline year to
Benchmarks, achievement thresholds, Model baseline year as the calendar year differentiate between two types of
and improvement thresholds are used to used to determine the benchmark and baseline years used in the expanded
assess achievement or improvement of achievement threshold for each measure HHVBP Model.
HHA performance on applicable quality for all competing HHAs. In line with As mentioned earlier, in that same
measures. As codified at § 484.345, these proposed definitions, we proposed rule (86 FR 62423), we codified at
baseline year means the year against to make conforming revisions to the § 484.350(b), that for a new HHA that is
which measure performance in a definitions of achievement threshold certified by Medicare on or after January
performance year will be compared. As and benchmark to indicate that they are 1, 2019, the baseline year is the first full
discussed in the CY 2022 HH PPS final calculated using the Model baseline calendar year of services beginning after
rule (86 FR 62300), we finalized our year, and the definition of improvement the date of Medicare certification, with
proposal to use CY 2019 (January 1, threshold to indicate that it is calculated the exception of HHAs certified on
2019 through December 31, 2019) as the using the HHA baseline year. January 1, 2019 through December 31,
baseline year for the expanded HHVBP Additionally, we proposed to amend
2019, for which the baseline year is CY
Model. In that rule, we also codified at paragraph (a) of § 484.370 to remove the
2021, and the first performance year is
§ 484.350(b), that for a new HHA that is phrase ‘‘for the baseline year’’ because
the first full calendar year (beginning
certified by Medicare on or after January the calculation of the TPS using the
with CY 2023) following the baseline
1, 2019, the baseline year is the first full applicable benchmarks and
year. Table D1 depicts what was
calendar year of services beginning after achievement thresholds (determined
finalized in the CY 2022 HH PPS final
the date of Medicare certification, with using the Model baseline year) and
the exception of HHAs certified on improvement thresholds (determined
January 1, 2019 through December 31, using the HHA baseline year) is Table D1—New and Existing HHAS
2019, for which the baseline year is CY described at § 484.360. Baseline Years as Finalized and
2021, and the first performance year is We invited public comments on these Illustrated in Table 23 of the CY 2022
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

the first full calendar year (beginning proposals. HH PPS Final Rule (86 FR 62301)

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66870 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations

Baseline Performance Payment

Medicare-certification Date Year Year Year
Prior to January 1, 2019 2019 2023 2025
On Januarv 1, 2019 - December 31, 2019 2021 2023 2025
On Januarv 1, 2020 - December 31, 2020 2021 2023 2025
On Januarv 1, 2021 - December 31, 2021 2022 2023 2025

b. Change to the HHA Baseline Year for (PHE), we conducted a measure-by- stable from CY 2019 to CY 2021, there
New and Existing HHAs measure comparison of performance for was a general trend upwards following
As discussed in the CY 2022 final CY 2019 to CY 2021 for the expanded historical trends for four of the five
rule, we stated that we may conduct HHVBP Model’s measure set relative to applicable OASIS-based measures.
analyses of the impact of using various the historical trends of those measures. These trends were consistent with the
baseline periods and consider any We found that, while performance historical national data that CMS used
changes for future rulemaking (86 FR scores on the five applicable HHCAHPS to monitor the original HHVBP Model
62300). Due to the continuing effects of measures and the OASIS-based beginning 2015.
the COVID–19 public health emergency ‘‘Discharged to Community’’ remained BILLING CODE 4120–01–P



% episodes

15 -+-------

...,,,,_.,.....__,,,.. ......,,........... --------~----~,....

10 + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - = = - - = - - - -


Notes: This figure shows observed rates of ED Use without Hospitalization During the First 60 Days of Home
Health, without risk adjustment. HHAs with fewer than 20 episodes for the claims-based measures within a given
calendar year were excluded from analysis for year. For 2021, episodes from 2020 Q4 - 2021 Q3 were used to
determine whether HHAs had at least 20 episodes, because 2021 Q4 data was not available at the time the analysis
was conducted.
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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations 66871



% episodes

Notes: This figure shows observed rates of Acute Care Hospitalization During the First 60 Days of Home Health
Use, without risk adjustment. HHAs with fewer than 20 episodes for the claims-based measures within a given
calendar year were excluded from analysis for year. For 2021, episodes from 2020 Q4 - 2021 Q3 were used to
determine whether HHAs had at least 20 episodes, because 2021 Q4 data was not available at the time the analysis
was conducted.

In contrast, Figures D1 and D2 that Emergency Department Use without 2020, both measures demonstrated
were derived from the archived HH Hospitalization During the First 60 Days stable trends, varying +/¥ 5 percent
quality data from 60 of Home Health measure deviated from year to year, which highlights the
illustrate the trend of average national significantly, with a drop of 9 percent significance of the change from CY 2019
performance on the Acute Care and 15 percent in CY 2020, respectively, to CY 2020 compared to CY 2015 to CY
Hospitalization During the First 60 Days relative to CY 2019 (Table D2) and 2019.
of Home Health Use measure and the remained lower in CY 2021 as compared Table D2—Average National
60 Derived
to historic trends that occurred prior to Performance on Applicable Measures
from data at
provider-data/archived-data/home-health-services. the pandemic. In the 5 years prior to CY 2019–CY 2021
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2


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66872 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations

82.7 83.8 85.2

72.8 72.7 72.9
0.69 0.73 0.76

Care of Patients 88.3 88.3 88.1

Communications between Providers and Patients 85.7 85.6 85.3
S ecific Care Issues 82.8 81.6 80.9
Overall Ratin of Home Health Care 84.3 84.5 84.2
78.8 78.8 78.4
Notes: All measures are risk-adjusted and presented as average HHA-level performance, weighted by the number of OASIS
episodes for each HHA.
Includes HHAs indicated as active (not terminated) at the beginning of each year in the December 2021 Provider of Services file
with at least one SOC/ROC/EOC assessment submitted during the year and reportable measures for at least five of the 12
[a] Medicare FFS claims-based measures for 2021 used data from October 1, 2020 through September 30, 2021, due to data
[b] HHCAHPS-based measures for 2021 used data from July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021, due to data availability.

BILLING CODE 4120–01–C certified between January 1, 2019 and anticipate providing HHAs with their
We note that for HHAs with sufficient December 31, 2020. Use of CY 2022 data final individual improvement
data on each of the 12 applicable for the HHA baseline year for all thresholds in the summer of CY 2023.
measures, performance on the two measures under the expanded Model We note that this would be consistent
claims-based measures (Acute Care would also allow all HHAs certified by with the original HHVBP Model, for
Hospitalization During the First 60 Days Medicare prior to CY 2022 to have the which improvement thresholds using
of Home Health Use and Emergency same baseline period, based on the most CY 2015 data were made available to
Department Use without Hospitalization recent available data, beginning with the HHAs in the first IPR in the summer of
During the First 60 Days of Home CY 2023 performance year. Accordingly, the first performance year (CY 2016).
Health) makes up 35 percent of the total we proposed to change the HHA
performance score used to determine baseline year for HHAs certified prior to The proposed provision was made in
payment adjustments under the Model. January 1, 2019 and for HHAs certified conjunction with the proposed addition
While average national performance on during January 1, 2019–December 31, of the definition of the term HHA
these measures in CY 2021 was similar 2021 for all applicable measures used in baseline year discussed previously. We
to average national performance in CY the expanded Model, from CY 2019 and believe that this proposed provision
2020, CY 2022 is the first year where the 2021 respectively, to CY 2022 beginning would allow all eligible HHAs, starting
vast majority of beneficiaries are with the CY 2023 performance year. with the CY 2023 performance year, to
vaccinated; as of January 27, 2022, 95 Additionally, we proposed that for any compete on a level playing field with all
percent of Americans ages 65 years or new HHA certified on or after January HHA baseline data being after the peak
older had received at least one dose of 1, 2022, the HHA baseline year is the of the pandemic. Accordingly, we
vaccine and 88.3 percent were fully first full calendar year of services proposed to amend § 484.350(b) to
vaccinated.61 In addition, there were beginning after the date of Medicare reflect that for a new HHA, specifically
viable treatments available and certification and the first performance an HHA that is certified by Medicare on
healthcare providers had nearly 2 years year is the first full calendar year or after January 1, 2022, the HHA
of experience managing COVID–19 following the HHA baseline year. baseline year is the first full calendar
patients. We believe that more recent As discussed in the CY 2022 HH PPS year of services beginning after the date
data from the CY 2022 time period is final rule, we understand that HHAs
of Medicare certification, and to add
more likely to be aligned with want to have time to examine their
§ 484.350(c) to reflect that for an
performance years’ data under the baseline data as soon as possible, and
we stated that we anticipated making existing HHA, specifically an HHA that
expanded Model, and provide a more
available baseline reports using the CY is certified by Medicare before January
appropriate baseline for assessing HHA
2019 baseline year data in advance of 1, 2022, the HHA baseline year is CY
improvement for all measures under the
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

Model as compared to both the pre-PHE the first performance year under the 2022. Table D3 depicts these proposed
CY 2019 data, as previously finalized for expanded Model (CY 2023). If we were provisions.
existing HHAs, and the CY 2021 data, as to finalize this proposal to instead use Table D3—Example: Proposed HHA
previously finalized for new HHAs CY 2022 data for the HHA baseline year, Baseline Years, Performance Year and
we would intend to continue to make Payment Year for HHAs Certified
61 these baseline data available as soon as Through December 31, 2023

covid-data/covidview/past-reports/01282022.html. administratively possible, and would

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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations 66873

HHA Baseline Performance Payment

Medicare-certification Date Year Year Year
Prior to January 1, 2019 2022 2023 2025
January 1, 2019-December 31, 2021 2022 2023 2025
January 1, 2022-December 31, 2022 2023 2024 2026
January 1, 2023 - December 31, 2023 2024 2025 2027

In developing the proposal, we because they often referenced the patients. We anticipate that this more
considered changing the HHA baseline availability of benchmarks and recent data from the CY 2022 time
year to CY 2021 for all HHAs for all of achievement thresholds, and those period would more likely be aligned
the applicable measures or, comments are included in section IV.B.3 with performance years’ data under the
alternatively, not changing the HHA of this final rule. To help provide expanded Model. As discussed in
baseline year for any of the applicable feedback to HHAs, we plan to make the connection with our proposal to use CY
measures. We decided against those most current HHA-specific performance 2022 data for the HHA baseline year, if
alternatives for the reasons explained data for the applicable measures we were to finalize our proposal to use
previously in support of our proposed available to each HHA in iQIES. We CY 2022 rather than CY 2019 data for
change the HHA baseline year to CY intend for this to include current the Model baseline year, we would
2022. We also considered changing the performance relative to other HHAs anticipate providing HHAs with the
HHA baseline for only some of the nationally as soon as administratively final achievement thresholds and
applicable measures. For example, we possible and before the start of the CY benchmarks in the July 2023 IPR in the
considered changing the HHA baseline 2023 performance year and again before summer of CY 2023. This would be
to CY 2022 only for the claims-based the first IPR scheduled for July 2023. consistent with the rollout of the
measures and using the HHA baseline of After consideration of the public original HHVBP Model in which
CY 2019 or CY 2021 (see Table D1) for comments received, we are finalizing benchmarks and achievement
applicable HHAs for the OASIS-based our proposals without modification. thresholds using 2015 data were made
and HHCAHPS-based measures. available to HHAs during the summer of
3. Change to the Model Baseline Year
However, for the reasons previously the first performance year (CY 2016).
discussed, we proposed to change the As mentioned earlier, under the We invited public comments on this
HHA baseline year to CY 2022 for all policy finalized in the CY 2022 HH PPS proposal.
applicable measures used in the final rule (86 FR 62300), we previously Comment: Several commenters
expanded HHVBP Model, which would adopted CY 2019 as the Model baseline support our rationale to use the most
allow all HHAs certified by Medicare year for the expanded HHVBP Model for recent data available to establish the
prior to CY 2022 to have the same all HHAs. This baseline year is used to ‘‘baseline’’ years. A few of these
baseline period for all measures, using determine the benchmarks and stakeholders suggested that CMS move
the most recent available data, for the achievement threshold for each measure the Model baseline year forward
performance year beginning CY 2023. for all HHAs. annually as is done in other value-based
We invited public comments on these Consistent with our proposal to purchasing programs.
proposals. update the HHA baseline year to CY Response: We thank commenters for
Comment: A few commenters 2022 for all HHAs that are certified by their support. We believe that updating
supported the proposal to establish the Medicare before January 1, 2022, and in the Model baseline year to CY 2022
HHA baseline year for HHAs certified conjunction with our proposed change enables us to measure competing HHAs’
by Medicare prior to CY 2022 to have to more clearly define the Model performance using benchmarks and
the same baseline period, CY 2022, for baseline year in section IV.B.1.b. of the achievement thresholds that are based
all measures, using the most recent proposed rule, we also proposed to on the most recent data available. And,
available data, for the performance year change the Model baseline year from CY that it allows the benchmarks and
beginning CY 2023. A commenter stated 2019 to CY 2022 for the CY 2023 achievement thresholds to be set using
that they also observed variation in performance year and subsequent years. data from after the most acute phase of
outcome performance, and believes that This would enable us to measure the COVID–19 PHE, which we believe
utilization of CY 2019 as the HHA competing HHAs’ performance using would provide a more appropriate basis
baseline year would not be comparable benchmarks and achievement for assessing performance under the
to current agency performance or thresholds that are based on the most expanded Model than the CY 2019 pre-
outcome trends, as it preceded both the recent data available. This would also PHE period. CMS will consider the
transition to PDGM as well as the allow the benchmarks and achievement possibility of moving the Model
COVID–19 pandemic. Another thresholds to be set using data from after baseline year forward annually.
commenter, encouraged CMS to the most acute phase of the COVID–19 However, this consideration would need
expedite the typical reporting cycle to PHE, which we believe would provide to be proposed in future rulemaking.
provide preliminary HHA baseline a more appropriate basis for assessing Comment: Multiple commenters
measures to each agency by the end of performance under the expanded Model submitted concerns about changing the
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

Q1 2023. than the CY 2019 pre-PHE period. As ‘‘baseline year’’ from CY 2019 to CY
Response: We thank those who previously discussed, CY 2022 is the 2022 for the CY 2023 performance year.
expressed support for this provision. We first year where the vast majority of Commenters were concerned that the
believe most commenters that did not beneficiaries are vaccinated, there are quality improvement efforts they have
distinguish between HHA baseline year viable treatments available and made in preparation for the Model
and the Model baseline year were healthcare providers had nearly 2 years would be negated or ‘‘expunged’’ if the

referring to the Model baseline year of experience managing COVID–19 Model baseline year was updated to CY

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66874 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations

2022. A few of these commenters were most current HHA-specific performance adjustments threaten the quality
from States in the original Model. data for the applicable measures to each improvement gains demonstrated in the
Response: We interpret commenters HHA available in iQIES. We intend for HHVBP Model, and if finalized, may
to be referring to the Model baseline this to include current performance severely limit the capacity for the
year as opposed to the HHA baseline relative to other HHAs nationally as Expanded HHVBP Model to produce the
year, because they often referenced the soon as administratively possible and results and savings currently projected.
availability of benchmarks and before the start of the CY 2023 Response: Quality improvement
achievement thresholds and not the performance year and again periodically efforts undertaken by HHAs that show
improvement thresholds. We recognize before the first IPR scheduled for July impact on performance year quality
that changing the Model baseline year 2023. Thus, CMS does not believe that scores may be recognized through
from CY 2019 to CY 2022 will affect it is necessary to postpone the first achievement points, regardless of when
individual HHAs differently based on performance year. those efforts were initiated. For
their quality performance efforts over Comment: Commenters expressed example, an HHA that has improved
the last year. The expanded HHVBP concern that they would not have their overall quality will potentially get
Model performance scoring baseline data until July 2023 (half-way more achievement points attributed to
methodology rewards progress in raising through the first performance year). their TPS than from improvement
quality scores not only through Some cautioned that 2022 data cannot points and would potentially result in
improvement points, but also through be analyzed quickly enough to be the same payment adjustment if we had
achievement points. Under the accurately applied in 2023, with some not changed the baseline. The payment
expanded Model, achievement is stating it would prevent them from adjustment being finalized in section
prioritized relative to improvement. establishing improvement goals or II.B.4. of this final rule is estimated to
Quality improvement efforts undertaken understanding the metrics against result in an estimated net increase in
by HHAs that show impact on which Model participants are being home health payments of 0.7 percent for
performance year quality scores may be judged, as well as an inability to plan CY 2023 ($125 million). For details, see
recognized through achievement points, financially or benchmark against any Table F5: Estimated HHA Impacts by
regardless of when those efforts were data until the CY 2022 data is released. Facility Type and Area of The Country,
initiated. For example, an HHA that has These commenters asked that we CY 2023.
improved their overall quality will provide baseline data prior to the start After consideration of the public
potentially get more achievement points of each performance year; a few asked comments received, we are finalizing
attributed to their TPS than from that we provide baseline data prior to our proposal as proposed.
improvement points and would April 2023; and, a commenter requested C. Request for Comment on a Future
potentially result in the same payment that CMS provide baseline data by Approach to Health Equity in the
adjustment if we had not changed the January 31, 2023. Expanded HHVBP Model
baseline. Response: We encourage HHAs to use
Comment: Multiple commenters current performance data in iQIES and Significant and persistent inequities
asked that we keep the baseline as CY the performance data on the Care in healthcare outcomes exist in the
2019. One commenter suggested that we Compare website which includes the United States. Belonging to a racial or
change the baseline year to CY 2021. OASIS-based measures (including those ethnic minority group; living with a
Another commenter stated that it will included in the TNC measures), claims- disability; being a member of the
take years for HHAs to pivot based measures, and HHCAHPS-based lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and
appropriately and have that reflected in measures applicable to the expanded queer (LGBTQ+) community; living in a
their scores and suggested that usage of HHVBP Model. The data specific to rural area; being a member of a religious
the CY 2019 data until the fully updated each individual HHA as well as the state minority; or being near or below the
CY 2022 data is available would be and national averages (similar to the poverty level, is often associated with
more appropriate. HHVBP achievement thresholds) can worse health
Response: We continue to believe that help HHAs determine where they are outcomes.62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 In line with
updating the Model baseline year to CY currently performing to continue to
62 Joynt KE, Orav E, Jha AK. (2011). Thirty-day
2022 enables us to measure competing establish quality improvement goals. To
readmission rates for Medicare beneficiaries by race
HHAs’ performance using benchmarks help provide feedback, we plan to make and site of care. JAMA, 305(7):675–681.
and achievement thresholds that are the most current HHA-specific 63 Lindenauer PK, Lagu T, Rothberg MB, et al.

based on the most recent data available. performance data for the applicable (2013). Income inequality and 30 day outcomes
And, that it allows the benchmarks and measures to each HHA available in after acute myocardial infarction, heart failure, and
pneumonia: Retrospective cohort study. British
achievement thresholds to be set using iQIES. We intend for this to include Medical Journal, 346.
data from after the most acute phase of current performance relative to other 64 Trivedi AN, Nsa W, Hausmann LRM, et al.

the COVID–19 PHE, which we believe HHAs in their assigned cohort as soon (2014). Quality and equity of care in U.S. hospitals.
would provide a more appropriate basis as administratively possible and before New England Journal of Medicine, 371(24):2298–
the start of the CY 2023 performance 2308.
for assessing performance under the 65 Polyakova, M., et al. (2021). Racial disparities
expanded Model than the CY 2019 pre- year and again periodically before the in excess all-cause mortality during the early
PHE period. first IPR scheduled for July 2023. COVID–19 pandemic varied substantially across
Comment: A few commenters Comment: Commenters expressed states. Health Affairs, 40(2): 307–316.
suggested that if we move the Model concern about a compounding effect of 66 Rural Health Research Gateway. (2018). Rural

communities: age, income, and health status. Rural

baseline year, that we postpone the first changing the Model baseline year and
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

Health Research Recap. https://www.ruralhealth

performance year to CY 2024 or until the proposed Medicare payment
the CY 2022 data is available. adjustments described in the proposed age-incomehealth-status-recap.pdf.
Response: The applicable measures rule (87 FR 37616 through 37620), 67

(including the components of the TNC claiming that it will be difficult for 68
measures) are familiar to HHAs as they HHAs to demonstrate improvement mm7005a1.htm.
are used in the HH QRP. To help going forward. These commenters 69 Milkie Vu et al. Predictors of Delayed

provide feedback, we plan to make the believe that the proposed payment Healthcare Seeking Among American Muslim

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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations 66875

Executive Order 13985 of January 20, Framework for Health Equity 2022– requests related to the expanded
2021 ‘‘Advancing Racial Equity and 2023.78 HHVBP Model falling into the following
Support for Underserved Communities As we continue to leverage our value- themes:
Through the Federal Government,71 72 ’’ based purchasing initiatives to improve Commenters believe that applying
CMS defines health equity as the the quality of care furnished across health equity to payments may create
attainment of the highest level of health healthcare settings, we are interested in disincentives to admit some patients
for all people, where everyone has a fair exploring the role of health equity in and create unintended consequences
and just opportunity to attain their creating better health outcomes for all and requests to examine strategies to
optimal health regardless of race, populations in our programs and reduce the risks for unintended
ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, models. As the March 2020 ASPE consequence prior to implementing
gender identity, socioeconomic status, Report to Congress on Social Risk health equity adjustments to the
geography, preferred language, or other Factors and Performance in Medicare’s expanded HHVBP Model; particularly,
factors that affect access to care and Value-Based Purchasing Program notes, commenters requested CMS ensure that
health outcomes.73 We are working to it is important to implement strategies incorporating health equity into the
advance health equity by designing, that cut across all programs and health Model does not unintentionally
implementing, and operationalizing care settings to create aligned incentives disadvantage any HHAs serving
policies and programs that support that drive providers to improve health communities with notably low levels of
health for all the people served by our outcomes for all beneficiaries.79 We are diversity and does not undermine
programs, eliminating avoidable interested in stakeholder feedback on access to care for beneficiaries.
specific actions the expanded HHVBP Commenters suggested that prior to
differences in health outcomes
Model can take to address healthcare adding new measures to value-based
experienced by people who are
disparities and advance health equity. purchasing initiatives, measures should
disadvantaged or underserved, and
As we continue to develop policies first be included in its related quality
providing the care and support that our
for the expanded HHVBP Model, we reporting program.
enrollees need to thrive. Over the past Commenters believed that payment
decade we have established a suite of requested public comments on policy
changes that we should consider on the should not be tied to measure
programs and policies aimed at performance until a measure is
reducing health care disparities topic of health equity. We specifically
requested comments on whether we thoroughly tested, evaluated, and has
including the CMS Mapping Medicare NQF-endorsement. They believe that
Disparities Tool,74 the CMS Innovation should consider incorporating
adjustments into the expanded HHVBP measure methodology and
Center’s Accountable Health implementation of individual measures
Communities Model,75 the CMS Model to reflect the varied patient
populations that HHAs serve around the should be sufficiently vetted prior to
Disparity Methods stratified reporting inclusion, and specifically part of the
program,76 and efforts to expand social country and tie health equity outcomes
to the payment adjustments we make HH QRP prior to advancing to the
risk factor data collection, such as the expanded HHVBP Model.
collection of Standardized Patient based on HHA performance under the
Commenters requested that CMS
Assessment Data Elements in the post- Model. These adjustments could be
select measures that are reliable, reflect
acute care setting,77 and the CMS made at the measure level in forms such
true differences in performance and are
as stratification (for example, based on
not attributable to random variation;
dual status or other metrics), or we
Women, Journal of Women’s Health 26(6) (2016) at and, consider outcome measures for the
58; S.B. Nadimpalli, et al., The Association between could propose to adopt new measures of
expanded Model related to beneficiary
Discrimination and the Health of Sikh Asian social determinants of health (SDOH).
Indians Health Psychol. 2016 Apr; 35(4): 351–355. access and outcomes, as well as costs.
These adjustments could also be Commenters requested that CMS use
70 Poteat TC, Reisner SL, Miller M, Wirtz AL.
incorporated at the scoring level in existing data sources for data collection
(2020). COVID–19 vulnerability of transgender
women with and without HIV infection in the forms such as modified benchmarks, and not require HHAs to collect
Eastern and Southern U.S. preprint. medRxiv. points adjustments, or modified additional data to support incorporating
2020;2020.07.21. 20159327. doi:10.1101/ payment adjustment percentages (for health equity into the expanded HHVBP
2020.07.21.20159327. example, peer comparison groups based
71 Model. Commenters requested that CMS
on whether the HHA includes a high expand the use of and leveraging
advancing-racial-equity-and-support-for- proportion of dual eligible beneficiaries existing tools that are used to document
underserved-communities-through-the-federal- or other metrics). We requested existing equity data, including data on
government/. commenters’ views on which of these
72 Executive Order June 15, 2022 ‘‘Advancing social determinants of health,
adjustments, if any, would be most specifically Z codes.
Equality for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender,
Queer, and Intersex Individuals’’ changes LGBTQ+ effective for the expanded HHVBP Commenters requested that CMS
to LGBTI+ ( Model. reconsider incorporating health equity
room/presidential-actions/2022/06/15/executive- Comment: Commenters encouraged in the expanded HHVBP Model and
order-on-advancing-equality-for-lesbian-gay- our efforts to advance health equity
bisexual-transgender-queer-and-intersex- instead work to incorporate an
individuals/). within the expanded HHVBP Model. evidence-based tool into the Patient-
73 Additionally, commenters provided Driven Groupings Model in order to
74 specific comments, concerns, and properly incentivize HHAs serving
Disparities. 78
communities where health inequities
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

04/CMS%20Framework%20for exist.
ahcm. %20Health%20Equity_2022%2004%2006.pdf. Commenters requested that CMS
76 79 Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning apply health equity principals to
disparity-methods. and Evaluation, U.S. Department of Health & homecare differently from inpatient
77 Human Services. Second Report to Congress on settings.
Initiatives-Patient-Assessment-Instruments/Post- Social Risk Factors and Performance in Medicare’s
Acute-Care-Quality-Initiatives/IMPACT-Act-of- Value-Based Purchasing Program. 2020. https://
Commenters pointed out that the
2014/-IMPACT-Act-Standardized-Patient- Evaluation of the Home Health Value-
Assessment-Data-Elements. value-basedpurchasing-programs. Based Purchasing (HHVBP) Model Fifth

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66876 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations

Annual Report indicated that there were request for information. We are not the CY 2020 PFS final rule. For
disparities among the Medicaid responding to individual specific discussion regarding the next full
population for acute care comments submitted in response to this update to the GPCIs and the GAFs see
hospitalizations and functional RFI in this final rule, but we will take the CY 2023 PFS proposed rule (87 FR
measures and suggest that these are this feedback into consideration as we 46004). The CY 2023 final GAFs will be
particularly important to rural providers develop our policies for the future. posted as an addendum on the PFS
in underserved areas who have a website at
V. Home Infusion Therapy Services:
disproportionate share of patients with Medicare/Medicare-Fee-for-Service-
Annual Payment Updates for CY 2023
social and economic challenges. Payment/PhysicianFeeSched.
Commenters suggested that CMS In accordance with section 1834(u)(3) We also apply a GAF budget
incorporate patient-level data like race of the Act and 42 CFR 414.1550, our neutrality factor to home infusion
and ethnicity or the proportion of dually national home infusion therapy (HIT) therapy payments whenever there are
eligible patients served by an agency services payment rates for the initial changes to the GAFs in order to
into the development of the HHVBP and subsequent visits in each of the eliminate the aggregate effect of
cohorts to create more level playing home infusion therapy payment variations in the GAFS. The CY 2023
fields for agencies in historically categories for CY 2023 are required to be GAF standardization factor that will be
marginalized areas to improve as the the CY 2022 rate adjusted by the used in updating the final HIT payment
current cohort designations do not percentage increase in the Consumer amounts for CY 2023 is not available for
consider the diversity of patient Price Index (CPI) for all urban this final rule, but will be posted once
population and have the potential to consumers (United States city average) the CY 2023 GAFs are finalized. The
negatively impact providers in for the 12-month period ending with final GAFs, GAF standardization factor,
underserved areas. June of the preceding year reduced by national home infusion therapy
Commenters suggested that CMS a productivity adjustment described in payment rates, and locality-adjusted
apply a stronger risk adjustment model section 1886(b)(3)(B)(xi)(II) of the Act as home infusion therapy payment rates
as some HHAs care for much sicker and the 10-year moving average of changes will be posted on CMS’ Home Infusion
more complex populations than others. in annual economy-wide private Therapy Services web page 80 once these
And, any advancements within the nonfarm business multifactor rates are finalized. In the future, we will
expanded HHVBP Model that account productivity. Section 1834(u)(3) of the no longer include a section in the HH
for pre-existing health disparities and Act further states that the application of PPS rule on home infusion therapy if no
population differences upon the start of the productivity adjustment may result changes are being proposed to the
care will help ensure agencies are in a percentage being less than 0.0 for payment methodology. Instead, the rates
compared fairly and that incentives are a given year, and may result in payment will be updated each year in a Change
aligned to accommodate those requiring being less than such payment rates for Request and posted on the website. For
more complex care and those for the preceding year. The CPI–U for the more in-depth information regarding the
individuals with maintenance goals 12-month period ending in June of 2022 finalized policies associated with the
whom some believe are not sufficiently is 9.1 percent and the corresponding scope of the home infusion therapy
weighted in the Model to incentivize productivity adjustment is 0.4 percent services benefit and conditions for
HHAs to serve beneficiaries whose based on IHS Global Inc.’s third-quarter payment, we refer readers to the CY
conditions may not improve, especially 2022 forecast of the CY 2023 2020 HH PPS final rule with comment
in the context of payment, quality productivity adjustment (which reflects period (84 FR 60544).
reporting, and auditing policies and the 10-year moving average of changes
practices that favor beneficiaries with in annual economy-wide private VI. Collection of Information
strong rehabilitation potential. nonfarm business TFP for the period Requirements
Commenters suggested that CMS ending June 30, 2022). Therefore, the A. Statutory Requirement for
adjust payments based on a provider’s final home infusion therapy payment Solicitation of Comments
performance compared with its peers; rate update for CY 2023 is 8.7 percent.
Under the Paperwork Reduction Act
provider performance compared to We note that § 414.1550(d) does not
of 1995, we are required to provide a 60-
providers with similar mixes of patients permit any exercise of discretion by the
day notice in the Federal Register and
to determine rewards or penalties based Secretary.
The single payment amounts are also solicit public comment before a
on performance; and, performance
adjusted for geographic area wage collection of information requirement is
relative to national performance scales
differences using the geographic submitted to the Office of Management
and the shares of beneficiaries at high
adjustment factor (GAF). We remind and Budget (OMB) for review and
social risk.
stakeholders that the GAFs are a approval. In order to fairly evaluate
Commenters suggested that CMS
weighted composite of each Physician whether an information collection
convene a Technical Expert Panel for
Fee Schedule (PFS) localities work, should be approved by OMB, section
stakeholder input to ensure that metrics
practice expense (PE) and malpractice 3506(c)(2)(A) of the Paperwork
for health equity and the application to
(MP) expense geographic practice cost Reduction Act of 1995 requires that we
the expanded HHVBP Model are
indices (GPCIs). The periodic review solicit comment on the following issues:
determined through evidence-based
and adjustment of the GPCIs is • The need for the information
mandated by section 1848(e)(1)(C) of the collection and its usefulness in carrying
Commenters had varying opinions
Act. At each update, the proposed out the proper functions of our agency.
about stratifying by dual eligible status,
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

• The accuracy of our estimate of the

ranging from its importance to concerns GPCIs are published in the PFS
information collection burden.
that dual status does not reflect many proposed rule to provide an opportunity
• The quality, utility, and clarity of
other SDOHs that impact health for public comment and further
the information to be collected.
outcomes or discrimination which affect revisions in response to comments prior
access to care. to implementation. The GPCIs and the 80 Home Infusion Therapy Services Billing and
Response: We appreciate the GAFs are updated triennially with a 2- Rates.
comments that we received on this year phase in and were last updated in infusion-therapy-services/billing-and-rates.

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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations 66877

• Recommendations to minimize the submission of non-Medicare and non- estimated a weighted clinician average
information collection burden on the Medicaid OASIS data. The submission hourly wage of $79.41, inclusive of
affected public, including automated of OASIS data on HH patients regardless fringe benefits, using the hourly wage
collection techniques. of payer source will ensure that CMS data in Table F1. Individual providers
B. Information Collection Requirements can appropriately assess the quality of determine the staffing resources
(ICRs) care provided to all patients receiving necessary.
care by all Medicare-certified HHAs that
In the CY2023 HH PPS rule, we For purposes of calculating the costs
participate in the HH QRP. As of
solicited public comment on each of associated with the information
January 1, 2022, there are approximately
these issues for the following sections of collection requirements, we obtained
11,354 HHAs reporting OASIS data to
this document that contain information mean hourly wages for these from the
CMS under the HH QRP.
collection requirements (ICRs). U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ May
The OASIS is completed by RNs or 2020 National Occupational
1. ICRs for HH QRP PTs, or very occasionally by Employment and Wage Estimates
In section III. of this final rule, we are occupational therapists (OT) or speech (
finalizing our proposal to end the language pathologists (SLP/ST). Data nat.htm). To account for overhead and
temporary suspension of OASIS data on from 2020 show that the SOC/ROC fringe benefits (100 percent), we have
non-Medicare and non-Medicaid OASIS is completed by RNs doubled the hourly wage. These
patients and to require HHAs to submit (approximately 76.50 percent of the amounts are detailed in Table F1.
all-payer OASIS data for purposes of the time), PTs (approximately 20.78 percent
HH QRP, beginning with the CY 2026 of the time), and other therapists, Table F1—U.S. Bureau of Labor
program year. We believe that the including OTs and SLP/STs Statistics’ May 2020 National
burden associated with this proposal is (approximately 2.72 percent of the Occupational Employment and Wage
the time and effort associated with the time). Based on this analysis, we Estimates

Mean Fringe Adjusted

Hourly Benefit Hourly
Occupation Wage (100%) Wage
Occupation Title Code ($/hr) ($/hr) ($/hr)
Rel/,istered Nurse (RN) 29-1141 $38.47 $38.47 $76.94
Phvsical therapists HHAs 29-1123 $44.08 $44.08 $88.16
Speech-Lanl/,ual/,e Patholol/.ists (SLP) 29-1127 $40.02 $40.02 $80.04
Occupational Therapists (OT) 29-1122 $42.06 $42.06 $84.12
Medical Dosimetrists, Medical Records Specialists, and Health Technolol/.ists and Technicians 29-2098 $23.21 $23.21 $46.42

We estimate that this new cost.81 For purposes of estimating those numbers would have increased if
requirement will result in HHAs having burden, we utilize item-level burden non-Medicare and non-Medicaid OASIS
to increase by 30 percent the number of estimates for OASIS-E that will be assessments had been required at that
assessments they complete at each released on January 1, 2023. time.
timepoint, with a corresponding 30 Table F2 shows the total number of
percent increase in their estimated OASIS assessments that HHAs actually Table F2—CY 2020 OASIS Submissions
hourly burden and estimated clinical completed in CY 2020, as well as how by Time Point

CY 2020 Assessments
Completed for CY 2020 Assessments
CY 2020 Assessments Non-Medicare/Medicaid Completed for all Payer
Time Point Completed Patients Sources
Start of Care 6,393,366 1,918,00S 8,311,375
Resumption of Care 930,910 279,273 1,210,183
Follow-up 3,652,940 1,095,88'.< 4,748,822
Transfer to an inpatient facility 1,796,827 539,04~ 2,335,875
Death at Home 50,493 15,14'i 65,640
Discharge from agency 5,206,230 1,561,865 6,768,099
TOTAL 18,030,766 5,409,22~ 23,439,994

Table F3 summarizes the estimated patients receiving HH care for each Table F3—Summary of Estimated
clinician hourly burden for Medicare OASIS assessment type using CY 2020 Clinician Hourly Burden
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

only, non-Medicare, and all-payer assessment totals.


81 As estimated by CMS analysis of payer source

indicators in CY20 HH Cost report data compared

to the CY20 HH OASIS data file.

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66878 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations

Clinician Estimated Hourly Clinician Estimated Clinician Estimated

OASIS Assessment Burden- Hourly Burden - Hourly Burden - All
Type Medicare/Medicaid Only Non-Medicare/Medicaid Payer
soc 6,105,664 1,831,699 7,937,363
ROC 744,728 223,418 968,146
FU 675,793 202,739 878,532
TOC 197,650 59,291 256,941
DAH 2,272 681 2,953
DC 3,488,174 1,046,452 4,534,626
TOTAL 11,214,281 3,364,285 14,578,561

The calculations we used to estimate Clinician Estimated Hourly Burden for Death at Home
the total all-payer hourly burden with All HHAs for OASIS-E ROC
Estimated Time Spent per Each OASIS–
CY 2020 assessment totals and OASIS- Assessments = 968,146 Hours
E DAH Assessment/Patient = 2.7
E data elements at each time point of
48 clinician minutes per ROC Minutes
OASIS data collection are as follows:
assessment × 1,210,183 ROC 9 data elements × 0.15–0.3 minutes per
Start of Care assessments = 58,088,784 minutes/ data element = 2.7 minutes of
Estimated Time Spent per Each OASIS- 60 minutes = 968,146 hours for all clinical time spent to complete data
E SOC Assessment/Patient = 57.3 HHAs entry for the OASIS–E DAH
Clinician Minutes Follow Up assessment
203 data elements × 0.15 ¥ 0.3 minutes • 9 DE counted as 0.30 minutes/DE
Estimated Time Spent per Each OASIS-
per data element = 57.3 minutes of E FU Assessment/Patient = 11.1 Minutes Clinician Estimated Hourly Burden for
clinical time spent to complete data All HHAs for OASIS–E DAH
entry for the OASIS-E SOC 37 data elements × 0.3 minutes per data Assessments = 2,953 Hours
assessment element = 11.1 minutes of clinical
time spent to complete data entry 2.7 clinician minutes × 65,640 DAH
• 21 DE counted as 0.15 minutes/DE assessments = 177,228 minutes/60
for the OASIS–D FU assessment
(3.15) minutes = 2,953 hours
• 9 DE counted as 0.25 minutes/DE • 37 DE counted as 0.30 minutes/DE
(2.25) Clinician Estimate Hourly Burden for
• 173 DE counted as 0.30 minutes/DE All HHAs for OASIS–E FU Assessments Estimated Time Spent per Each OASIS–
(51.9) = 878,532 Hours E DC Assessment/Patient = 40.2 Minutes
Clinician Estimated Hourly Burden for 146 data elements × 0.15–0.3 minutes
11.1 clinician minutes for OASIS-E FU per data element = 40.2 minutes of
All HHAs (11,354) for OASIS-E SOC assessments × 4,748,822 FU
Assessments = 7,937,363 Hours clinical time spent to complete data
assessments = 52,711,924 minutes/ entry for the OASIS–E DC
57.3 clinician minutes per SOC 60 minutes = 878,532 hours for all assessment
assessment × 8,311,375 assessments HHAs
• 21 DE counted as 0.15 minutes/DE
= 476,241,787 minutes/60 minutes Transfer of Care • 9 DE counted as 0.25 minutes/DE
per hour = 7,937,363 hours for all
HHAs Estimated Time Spent per Each OASIS- • 116 DE counted as 0.30 minutes/DE
E TOC Assessment/Patient = 6.6 Clinician Estimated Hourly Burden for
Resumption of Care Minutes All HHAs for OASIS–E DC Assessments
Estimated Time Spent per Each OASIS- = 4,534,626 Hours
22 data elements × 0.15–0.3 minutes per
D ROC Assessment/Patient = 48 Minutes
data element = 6.6 minutes of 40.2 clinician minutes × 6,768,099 DC
172 data elements × 0.15¥0.3 minutes clinical time spent to complete data assessments = 272,077,580 minutes/
per data element = 48 minutes of entry for the OASIS-D TOC 60 minutes = 4,534,626 hours
clinical time spent to complete data assessment Table F4 summarizes the estimated
entry for the OASIS–D ROC clinician costs for the completion of the
• 22 DE counted as 0.30 minutes/DE
assessment OASIS–E assessment tool for Medicare
• 21 DE counted as 0.15 minute/DE Clinician Estimated Hourly Burden for only, non-Medicare, and all-payer
(3.15) All HHAs for OASIS-E TOC patients receiving HH care for each
Assessments = 256,941 Hours OASIS assessment type using CY2020
• 9 DE counted as 0.25 minute/DE
assessment and cost data.
(2.25) 6.6 clinician minutes × 2,335,875 TOC
• 142 DE counted as 0.30 minute/DE assessments = 15,416,775 minutes/ Table F4. Summary of Estimated
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

(42.6) 60 minutes = 256,941 hours Clinician Costs


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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations 66879

Clinician Estimated
Assessment Medicare/Medicaid Clinician Estimated Cost- Clinician Estimated
Type Only Non-Medicare/Medicaid Cost - All Payer
soc $484,850,778.24 145,455,217.59 $630,305,995.83
ROC $59,138,850.48 $17,741,623.38 $76,880,473.86
FU 53,664,793.6 16,099,432.5 $69,764,226.1
TOC $15,695,483.53 $4,708,598.33 $20,404,081.86
DAH $180,434.61 $54,063.12 $234,497.73
DC $276,995,905.28 $83,098,745.38 $360,094,650.66
TOTAL* $890,526,245.74 $267,157,680.3 $1,157,683,926.04
*The totals in this table published in the CY 2023 HH PPS proposed rule (87 FR 37675) included an error to
Medicare/Medicaid estimated costs that created an error in the overall costs. We have updated these totals in this

Outlined later are the calculation for Based on the data in Tables F1 to F3 patients but not submitted to CMS. As
estimates used to derive total all-payer for the 11,354 active Medicare-certified this policy is focused on HHAs with
costs with OASIS–E data elements for HHAs, we estimate the total increase in systems in place to collect and submit
each OASIS assessment type using costs associated with the changes in the OASIS data, the economy of scale is
CY2020 assessment and cost data: HH QRP to be approximately 23,529.82 anticipated to limit the impacts on
per HHA annually or $267,157,680.3 all staffing or other burden issues.
Start of Care HHAs. This corresponds to an estimated After consideration of the public
Estimated Cost for All HHAs for OASIS– increase in clinician burden associated comments received, and as addressed in
E SOC Assessments = $630,305,995.83 with the changes to the HH QRP of section III.D. of this final rule, we are
for All HHAs approximately 296.3 hours per HHA or finalizing the proposal to end the
approximately 3,364,285 hours for all
$79.41/hour × 7,937,363 hours for all suspension of non-Medicare/non-
HHAs. This additional burden would Medicaid OASIS data collection and to
HHAs = $630,305,995.83 for all
begin with January 1, 2025 HHA require HHAs to submit all-payer OASIS
discharges data for purposes of the HH QRP
Resumption of Care beginning with the CY 2027 HH QRP
C. Submission of PRA-Related
Estimated Cost for All HHAs for OASIS– Comments program year.
E ROC Assessments =$76,880,473.86 for We have submitted a copy of this final VII. Regulatory Impact Analysis
All HHAs rule to OMB for its review of the rule’s
A. Statement of Need
$79.41/hour × 968,146 hours = information collection requirements.
$76,880,473.86 for all HHAs The requirements are not effective until 1. HH PPS
they have been approved by OMB.
Follow Up We invited public comments on these Section 1895(b)(1) of the Act requires
information collection requirements. the Secretary to establish a HH PPS for
Estimated Costs for All HHAs for
Comment: A few commenters all costs of home health services paid
OASIS–E FU Assessments =
outlined opposition to the proposal under Medicare. In addition, section
$82,962,803.4 for All HHAs
based on CMS’s underestimate of the 1895(b) of the Act requires: (1) the
$79.41/hour × 878,532hours = burden both in terms of time for computation of a standard prospective
$69,764,226 for all HHAs completion and current costs of HHA payment amount include all costs for
Transfer of Care staffing. home health services covered and paid
Response: Regarding concerns that we for on a reasonable cost basis and that
Estimated Costs for All HHAs for All underestimated the burden of this such amounts be initially based on the
OASIS–E TOC Assessments = proposal, we have utilized a consistent most recent audited cost report data
$20,404,081.86 for All HHAs process for time spent and labor costs available to the Secretary; (2) the
$79.41/hour × 256,946 hours = associated with the implementation of prospective payment amount under the
$20,404,081.86 for all HHAs updates to OASIS, including OASIS E, HH PPS to be an appropriate unit of
the version of the OASIS that would be service based on the number, type, and
Death at Home used with the implementation of this duration of visits provided within that
Estimated Costs for All HHAs for proposal. There are also factors that unit; and (3) the standardized
OASIS–E DAH Assessments = limit the scope of the associated burden. prospective payment amount be
$234,497.73 for All HHAs As we noted in our response to the adjusted to account for the effects of
policy proposal, providers already have case-mix and wage levels among HHAs.
$79.41 × 2,953 hours = $234,497.73 for processes in place to collect OASIS data Section 1895(b)(3)(B) of the Act
all HHAs for Medicare/Medicaid patients which addresses the annual update to the
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

Discharge limit the broader impact of the standard prospective payment amounts
resumption of collection to include by the home health applicable
Estimated Costs for All HHAs for patients of all payer sources. Another percentage increase. Section 1895(b)(4)
OASIS–E DC Assessments = factor is that when CMS surveyed of the Act governs the payment
$360,094,650.66 for All HHAs providers, they shared that there are computation. Sections 1895(b)(4)(A)(i)
$79.41/hour × 4,534,626 hours = already cases in which OASIS data is and (b)(4)(A)(ii) of the Act requires the

$360,094,650.66 for all HHAs collected on non-Medicare/Medicaid standard prospective payment amount

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66880 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations

be adjusted for case-mix and geographic (or amounts) for applicable years, on a 1, 2019, the baseline year is the first full
differences in wage levels. Section prospective basis, to offset for such calendar year of services beginning after
1895(b)(4)(B) of the Act requires the increases or decreases in estimated the date of Medicare certification, with
establishment of appropriate case-mix aggregate expenditures, as determined the exception of HHAs certified on
adjustment factors for significant under section 1895(b)(3)(D)(i) of the Act. January 1, 2019 through December 31,
variation in costs among different units Additionally, 1895(b)(3)(D)(iii) of the 2019, for which the baseline year is
of services. Lastly, section 1895(b)(4)(C) Act requires the Secretary, at a time and calendar year 2021, and the first
of the Act requires the establishment of in a manner determined appropriate, performance year is the first full
wage adjustment factors that reflect the through notice and comment calendar year (beginning with CY 2023)
relative level of wages, and wage-related rulemaking, to provide for one or more following the baseline year. As
costs applicable to home health services temporary increases or decreases to the discussed in that final rule, we stated
furnished in a geographic area payment amount for a unit of home that we may conduct analyses of the
compared to the applicable national health services for applicable years, on impact of using various baseline periods
average level. Section 1895(b)(3)(B)(iv) a prospective basis, to offset for such and consider any changes for future
of the Act provides the Secretary with increases or decreases in estimated rulemaking.
the authority to implement adjustments aggregate expenditures, as determined Due to the continuation of the
to the standard prospective payment under section 1895(b)(3)(D)(i) of the Act. COVID–19 PHE through CY 2021 and its
amount (or amounts) for subsequent The HH PPS wage index utilizes the effects on the quality measures in the
years to eliminate the effect of changes wage adjustment factors used by the expanded HHVBP Model used to
in aggregate payments during a previous Secretary for purposes of sections determine payment adjustments for
year or years that were the result of 1895(b)(4)(A)(ii) and (b)(4)(C) of the Act eligible HHAs (as described in section
changes in the coding or classification for hospital wage adjustments. IV.B.2.b. of this final rule), we believe
of different units of services that do not an HHA’s baseline year that would be
2. HH QRP CY 2021 should be adjusted to CY 2022.
reflect real changes in case-mix. Section
1895(b)(5) of the Act provides the Section 1895(b)(3)(B)(v) of the Act This policy aligns with similar
Secretary with the option to make authorizes the HH QRP, which requires proposals in the Hospital VBP and SNF
changes to the payment amount HHAs to submit data in accordance with VBP Programs to account for the
otherwise paid in the case of outliers the requirements specified by CMS. continued effects of the COVID–19 PHE
Failure to submit data required under on measures in 2021. Additionally,
because of unusual variations in the
section 1895(b)(3)(B)(v) of the Act with amending the HHA baseline year (and
type or amount of medically necessary
respect to a program year will result in defining this term) for HHAs certified
care. Section 1895(b)(3)(B)(v) of the Act
the reduction of the annual home health prior to 2022 starting in the CY 2023
requires HHAs to submit data for
market basket percentage increase performance year as well as changing
purposes of measuring health care
otherwise applicable to an HHA for the the Model baseline year (and defining
quality, and links the quality data
corresponding calendar year by 2 this term) to CY 2022 starting in the CY
submission to the annual applicable
percentage points. 2023 performance year allows eligible
percentage increase. Section 50208 of
the BBA of 2018 (Pub. L. 115–123) 3. Expanded HHVBP Model HHAs to be scored on measure data that
required the Secretary to implement a is more current and is intended to
In the CY 2022 HH PPS final rule (86 compare HHAs to a base year that is 2
new methodology used to determine FR 62292 through 62336) and codified years after the peak of the pandemic.
rural add-on payments for CYs 2019 at 42 CFR part 484 subpart F, we
through 2022. This methodology used to finalized our policy to expand the 4. Medicare Coverage of Home Infusion
determine rural add-on payments has HHVBP Model to all Medicare certified Therapy
expired and will not affect payments for HHAs in the 50 States, territories, and Section 1834(u)(1) of the Act, as
CY 2023. District of Columbia beginning January added by section 5012 of the 21st
Sections 1895(b)(2) and 1895(b)(3)(A) 1, 2022. CY 2022 was designated as a Century Cures Act, requires the
of the Act, as amended by section pre-implementation year during which Secretary to establish a home infusion
51001(a)(1) and 51001(a)(2) of the BBA CMS will provide HHAs with resources therapy services payment system under
of 2018 respectively, required the and training. This pre-implementation Medicare. This payment system requires
Secretary to implement a 30-day unit of year was intended to allow HHAs time a single payment to be made to a
service, for 30-day periods beginning on to prepare and learn about the qualified home infusion therapy
and after January 1, 2020. Section expectations and requirements of the supplier for items and services
1895(b)(3)(D)(i) of the Act, as added by expanded HHVBP Model without risk to furnished by a qualified home infusion
section 51001(a)(2)(B) of the BBA of payments. therapy supplier in coordination with
2018, requires the Secretary to annually We also finalized that the expanded the furnishing of home infusion drugs.
determine the impact of differences Model will use a baseline year to Section 1834(u)(1)(A)(ii) of the Act
between assumed behavior changes, as establish the benchmarks and states that a unit of single payment is for
described in section 1895(b)(3)(A)(iv) of achievement thresholds for each cohort each infusion drug administration
the Act, and actual behavior changes on on each measure for HHAs. The baseline calendar day in the individual’s home.
estimated aggregate expenditures under year is currently 2019. In this rule, we The Secretary shall, as appropriate,
the HH PPS with respect to years are finalizing the establishment of a establish single payment amounts for
beginning with 2020 and ending with separate HHA baseline year to types of infusion therapy, including to
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

2026. Section 1895(b)(3)(D)(ii) of the Act determine HHA improvement consider variation in utilization of
requires the Secretary, at a time and in thresholds by measure for each nursing services by therapy type.
a manner determined appropriate, individual agency to assess achievement Section 1834(u)(1)(A)(iii) of the Act
through notice and comment or improvement of HHA performance on provides a limitation to the single
rulemaking, to provide for one or more applicable quality measures. As codified payment amount, requiring that it shall
permanent increases or decreases to the at § 484.350(b), for an HHA that is not exceed the amount determined
standard prospective payment amount certified by Medicare on or after January under the Physician Fee Schedule

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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations 66881

(under section 1848 of the Act) for materially affecting a sector of the Although these changes may not be
infusion therapy services furnished in a economy, productivity, competition, specific to the HH PPS, the nature of the
calendar day if furnished in a physician jobs, the environment, public health or Medicare program is such that the
office setting, except such single safety, or state, local or tribal changes may interact, and the
payment shall not reflect more than 5 governments or communities (also complexity of the interaction of these
hours of infusion for a particular referred to as ‘‘economically changes could make it difficult to
therapy in a calendar day. Section significant’’); (2) creating a serious predict accurately the full scope of the
1834(u)(1)(B)(i) of the Act requires that inconsistency or otherwise interfering impact upon HHAs.
the single payment amount be adjusted with an action taken or planned by
by a geographic wage index. Finally, another agency; (3) materially altering Table F5 represents how HHA
section 1834(u)(1)(C) of the Act allows the budgetary impacts of entitlement revenues are likely to be affected by the
for discretionary adjustments which grants, user fees, or loan programs or the finalized policy changes for CY 2023.
may include outlier payments and other rights and obligations of recipients For this analysis, we used an analytic
factors as deemed appropriate by the thereof; or (4) raising novel legal or file with linked CY 2021 OASIS
Secretary, and are required to be made policy issues arising out of legal assessments and home health claims
in a budget neutral manner. Section mandates, the President’s priorities, or data for dates of service that ended on
1834(u)(3) of the Act specifies that the principles set forth in the Executive or before December 31, 2021. The first
annual updates to the single payment Order. Therefore, we estimate that this column of Table F5 classifies HHAs
are required to be made beginning rule is ‘‘economically significant’’ as according to a number of characteristics
January 1, 2022, by increasing the single measured by the $100 million threshold, including provider type, geographic
payment amount by the percentage and hence also a major rule under the region, and urban and rural locations.
increase in the CPI–U for all urban Congressional Review Act. Accordingly, The second column shows the number
consumers for the 12-month period we have prepared a Regulatory Impact of facilities in the impact analysis. The
ending with June of the preceding year, Analysis that presents our best estimate third column shows the payment effects
reduced by the productivity adjustment. of the costs and benefits of this rule.
of the permanent behavioral adjustment
The unit of single payment for each
C. Detailed Economic Analysis on all payments. The fourth column
infusion drug administration calendar
day, including the required adjustments This rule finalizes updates to shows the payment effects of the
and the annual update, cannot exceed Medicare payments under the HH PPS recalibration of the case-mix weights
the amount determined under the fee for CY 2023. The net transfer impact offset by the case-mix weights budget
schedule under section 1848 of the Act related to the changes in payments neutrality factor. The fifth column
for infusion therapy services if under the HH PPS for CY 2023 is shows the payment effects of updating
furnished in a physician’s office, and estimated to be 125 million (0.7 to the CY 2023 wage index with a 5-
the single payment amount cannot percent). The $125 million increase in percent cap on wage index decreases.
reflect more than 5 hours of infusion for estimated payments for CY 2023 reflects The sixth column shows the payment
a particular therapy per calendar day. the effects of the proposed CY 2023 effects of the final CY 2023 home health
home health payment update percentage payment update percentage. The
B. Overall Impact of 4.0 percent ($725 million increase), seventh column shows the payment
We have examined the impacts of this an estimated 3.5 percent decrease that effects of the new FDL, and the last
rule as required by Executive Order reflects the effects of the permanent column shows the combined effects of
12866 on Regulatory Planning and behavioral adjustment ($635 million all the finalized provisions.
Review (September 30, 1993), Executive decrease) and an estimated 0.2 percent
Order 13563 on Improving Regulation increase that reflects the effects of an Overall, it is projected that aggregate
and Regulatory Review (January 18, updated FDL ($35 million increase). payments in CY 2023 would increase by
2011), the Regulatory Flexibility Act We use the latest data and analysis 0.7 percent which reflects the 3.5
(RFA) (September 19, 1980, Pub. L. 96 available, however, we do not adjust for percent decrease from the permanent
354), section 1102(b) of the Act, section future changes in such variables as behavioral adjustment, the 4.0 payment
202 of the Unfunded Mandates Reform number of visits or case-mix. This update percentage increase, and the 0.2
Act of 1995 (March 22, 1995; Pub. L. analysis incorporates the latest percent increase from lowering the FDL.
104–4), Executive Order 13132 on estimates of growth in service use and As illustrated in Table F5, the combined
Federalism (August 4, 1999), and the payments under the Medicare home effects of all of the changes vary by
Congressional Review Act (5 U.S.C. health benefit, based primarily on specific types of providers and by
804(2)). Medicare claims data for periods that location. We note that some individual
Executive Orders 12866 and 13563 ended on or before December 31, 2021. HHAs within the same group may
direct agencies to assess all costs and We note that certain events may experience different impacts on
benefits of available regulatory combine to limit the scope or accuracy payments than others due to the
alternatives and, if regulation is of our impact analysis, because such an distributional impact of the CY 2023
necessary, to select regulatory analysis is future-oriented and, thus, wage index, the percentage of total HH
approaches that maximize net benefits susceptible to errors resulting from PPS payments that were subject to the
(including potential economic, other changes in the impact time period LUPA or paid as outlier payments, and
environmental, public health and safety assessed. Some examples of such
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

the degree of Medicare utilization.

effects, distributive impacts, and possible events are newly-legislated
equity). Section 3(f) of Executive Order general Medicare program funding
12866 defines a ‘‘significant regulatory changes made by the Congress or Table F5—Estimated HHA Impacts by
action’’ as an action that is likely to changes specifically related to HHAs. In Facility Type and Area of the Country,
result in a rule: (1) having an annual addition, changes to the Medicare CY 2023
effect on the economy of $100 million program may continue to be made as a
or more in any 1 year, or adversely and result of new statutory provisions.

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66882 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations

CY2023 CY 2023
CY Fixed-
Case-Mix Proposed
Number Permanent 2023 Dollar
Weights HH
of BA Updated Loss Total
Recalibration Payment
Agencies Adjustment Wage (FDL)
Neutrality Update
Index Update
Factor Percenta~e
All Ae:encies 9,504 -3.5% 0.0% 0.0% 4.0% 0.2% 0.7%
Facility Type and Control
Free-Standing/Other Vol/NP 929 -3.4% 0.1% -0.2% 4.0% 0.3% 0.7%
Free-Standing/Other Proorietarv 7,743 -3.6% 0.0% 0.1% 4.0% 0.2% 0.7%
Free-Standing/Other Government 173 -3.5% 0.3% 0.1% 4.0% 0.3% 1.2%
Facility-Based Vol/NP 466 -3.3% 0.2% -0.1% 4.0% 0.4% 1.1%
Facility-Based Proprietarv 48 -3.5% 0.1% -0.1% 4.0% 0.2% 0.7%
Facility-Based Government 145 -3.5% 0.1% -0.2% 4.0% 0.3% 0.7%
Subtotal: Freestanding 8,845 -3.6% 0.0% 0.0% 4.0% 0.2% 0.7%
Subtotal: Facility-based 659 -3.4% 0.2% -0.1% 4.0% 0.3% 1.1%
Subtotal: Vol/NP 1,395 -3.4% 0.1% -0.2% 4.0% 0.3% 0.8%
Subtotal: Proprietary 7,791 -3.6% 0.0% 0.1% 4.0% 0.2% 0.7%
Subtotal: Government 318 -3.5% 0.2% -0.1% 4.0% 0.3% 0.9%
Facility Type and Control: Rural
Free-Standing/Other Vol/NP 221 -3.5% 0.2% -0.2% 4.0% 0.3% 0.8%
Free-Standing/Other Proprietary 786 -3.7% 0.0% 0.0% 4.0% 0.2% 0.5%
Free-Standing/Other Government 118 -3.4% 0.3% 0.0% 4.0% 0.3% 1.2%
Facility-Based Vol/NP 204 -3.4% 0.3% -0.3% 4.0% 0.4% 1.0%
Facility-Based Proprietarv 16 -3.7% 0.2% 0.5% 4.0% 0.2% 1.2%
Facility-Based Government 107 -3.4% 0.3% -0.4% 4.0% 0.3% 0.8%
Facility Type and Control: Urban
Free-Standing/Other Vol/NP 708 -3.4% 0.1% -0.2% 4.0% 0.3% 0.7%
Free-Standing/Other Proprietary 6,957 -3.6% 0.0% 0.1% 4.0% 0.2% 0.7%
Free-Standing/Other Government 55 -3.5% 0.3% 0.2% 4.0% 0.2% 1.2%
Facility-Based Vol/NP 262 -3.3% 0.2% -0.1% 4.0% 0.3% 1.1%
Facility-Based Proprietarv 32 -3.5% 0.1% -0.3% 4.0% 0.3% 0.6%
Facility-Based Government 38 -3.5% 0.0% -0.1% 4.0% 0.2% 0.6%
Facility Location: Urban or Rural
Rural 1,452 -3.6% 0.1% -0.1% 4.0% 0.2% 0.6%
Urban 8,052 -3.5% 0.0% 0.0% 4.0% 0.2% 0.7%
Facility Location: Region of the Country
(Census Ree:ion)
New England 329 -3.4% 0.0% -0.7% 4.0% 0.3% 0.2%
Mid Atlantic 414 -3.5% 0.2% 0.1% 4.0% 0.3% 1.1%
East North Central 1,562 -3.5% -0.2% -0.4% 4.0% 0.2% 0.1%
West North Central 612 -3.4% -0.1% -0.3% 4.0% 0.3% 0.5%
South Atlantic 1,573 -3.6% 0.0% -0.4% 4.0% 0.2% 0.2%
East South Central 363 -3.7% 0.0% -0.2% 4.0% 0.1% 0.3%
West South Central 2,138 -3.6% 0.0% 0.4% 4.0% 0.2% 1.0%
Mountain 697 -3.5% -0.1% 0.0% 4.0% 0.3% 0.7%
Pacific 1,773 -3.6% 0.0% 0.7% 4.0% 0.2% 1.4%
Outlying 43 -3.6% 1.2% -0.2% 4.0% 0.2% 1.6%
Facility Size (Number of30-day Periods)
< I 00 periods 1,943 -3.5% 0.2% 0.0% 4.0% 0.3% 1.0%
100 to 249 1,365 -3.5% 0.2% 0.1% 4.0% 0.3% 1.1%
250 to 499 1,681 -3.5% 0.0% 0.1% 4.0% 0.3% 0.8%
500 to 999 1,944 -3.6% 0.0% 0.2% 4.0% 0.2% 0.9%
1,000 or More 2,571 -3.5% 0.0% 0.0% 4.0% 0.2% 0.7%

Source: CY 2021 Medicare claims data for periods with matched OASIS records ending in CY2021 (as of July 15, 2022).
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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations 66883

I.The permanent BA adjustment impact reflected in column 3 does not equal the finalized -3.925 percent permanent BA
adjustment. The -3.5 percent reflected in column 3 includes all payments while the finalized -3.925 percent BA adjustment only
applies to the national, standardized 30-Day period payments and does not impact payments for 30-day periods which are
2.The CY 2023 home health payment update percentage reflects the home health productivity adjusted market basket update of
4.0 percent as described in section II.B.3.a of this final rule.

New England=Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont
Middle Atlantic=Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York
South Atlantic=Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, West
East North Central=Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin
East South Central-Alabama, Kentucky, Mississippi, Tennessee
West North Central=Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota
West South Central=Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Texas
Mountain=Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming
Pacific=Alaska, California, Hawaii, Oregon, Washington
Other=Guam, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands

BILLING CODE 4120–01–C annualized cost to HHAs, discounted at D. Regulatory Review Cost Estimation
2. Impacts for the HH QRP for CY 2023 7 percent relative to year 2020, over a If regulations impose administrative
perpetual time horizon beginning in CY costs on private entities, such as the
Failure to submit HH QRP data 2026. We described the estimated
required under section 1895(b)(3)(B)(v) time needed to read and interpret this
burden and cost reductions for these final rule, we should estimate the cost
of the Act with respect to a program measures in section V1.B.1. of this final
year will result in the reduction of the associated with the regulatory review.
rule. In summary, the submission of Due to the uncertainty involved with
annual home health market basket data on non-Medicare/Medicaid
percentage increase otherwise accurately quantifying the number of
patients for the HH QRP is estimated to entities that will review the rule, we
applicable to an HHA for the increase the burden on HHAs to assume that the total number of unique
corresponding calendar year by 2 $23,529.82 per HHA annually, or commenters on this year’s proposed rule
percentage points. For the CY 2022 $267,157,680.3 for all HHAs annually. will be the number of reviewers of this
program year, 1,169 of the 11,128 active
3. Impacts for the Expanded HHVBP final rule. We acknowledge that this
Medicare-certified HHAs, or
Model assumption may understate or overstate
approximately 10.5 percent, did not
the costs of reviewing this rule. It is
receive the full annual percentage In the CY 2022 HH PPS final rule (86 possible that not all commenters
increase because they did not meet FR 62402 through 62410), we estimated reviewed this year’s proposed rule in
assessment submission requirements. that the expanded HHVBP Model would detail, and it is also possible that some
The 1,169 HHAs that did not satisfy the generate a total projected 5-year gross reviewers chose not to comment on the
reporting requirements of the HH QRP FFS savings for CYs 2023 through 2027 proposed rule. For these reasons we
for the CY 2022 program year represent of $3,376,000,000. We are finalizing our thought that the number of commenters
$437 million in home health claims proposed changes to the baseline years would be a fair estimate of the number
payment dollars during the reporting and note that it will not change those of reviewers of this rule. We also
period out of a total $17.3 billion for all estimates because they do not change recognize that different types of entities
HHAs. the number of HHAs in the Model or the are in many cases affected by mutually
As discussed in section III. of this payment methodology. exclusive sections of this final rule, and
final rule, we are ending the temporary therefore for the purposes of our
suspension on our collection of non- 4. Impact of the CY 2023 Payment for
Home Infusion Therapy Services estimate we assume that each reviewer
Medicare/non-Medicaid data under reads approximately 50 percent of the
section 704 of the Medicare Prescription We did not propose any changes rule.
Drug, Improvement, and Modernization related to payments for home infusion Using the wage information from the
Act of 2003 and, in accordance with therapy services in CY 2023. The CY BLS for medical and health service
section 1895(b)(3)(B)(v) of the Act, 2023 home infusion therapy service managers (Code 11–9111), we estimate
requiring HHAs to report all-payer payments will be updated by the CPI– that the cost of reviewing this rule is
OASIS data for purposes of the HH QRP, U reduced by the productivity $115.22 per hour, including overhead
beginning with the CY 2026 program adjustment and geographically adjusted and fringe benefits
year. in a budget neutral manner using the oes/current/oes_nat.htm. Assuming an
Section III. of this final rule provides GAF standardization factor. The overall average reading speed, we estimate that
a detailed description of the net increase economic impact of the statutorily- it would take approximately 2.54 hours
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

in burdens associated with the proposed required HIT payment rate updates is an for the staff to review half of this final
changes. We proposed that HHAs would estimated increase in payments to HIT rule. For each entity that reviews the
be required to begin reporting all-payer suppliers of 8.7 percent ($600,000) for rule, the estimated cost is $292.33 (2.54
OASIS data beginning with January 1, CY 2023 based on the CPI–U for the 12- hours × $115.22). Therefore, we estimate
2025 discharges. The cost impact of this month period ending in June of 2022 of that the total cost of reviewing this
proposed changes was estimated to be a 9.1 percent and the corresponding regulation is $ 263,389.33 ($292.33 ×

net increase of $267,157,680.3 in productivity adjustment is 0.4 percent 901) [901 is the number of estimated

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reviewers, which is based on the total over or underpayments, we calculated a permanent adjustment would not be
number of unique commenters from this permanent prospective adjustment of appropriate, as this would further
year’s proposed rule]. ¥7.85 percent by determining what the impact budget neutrality and likely lead
30-day base payment amount should to a compounding effect creating the
E. Alternatives Considered
have been in CYs 2020 and 2021 in need for a much larger reduction to the
1. HH PPS order to achieve the same estimated payment rate in future years.
For the CY 2023 HH PPS final rule, aggregate expenditures as obtained from 2. HHQRP
we considered alternatives to the the simulated 60-day episodes and are
provisions articulated in section II.B.2. finalizing half of the determined We did not consider any alternatives
of this final rule. Specifically, we adjustment which is ¥3.925 percent for in this final rule.
considered other potential CY 2023. One alternative to the ¥3.925 3. Expanded HHVBP Model
methodologies recommended by percent permanent payment adjustment
commenters to determine the difference included taking the full ¥7.85 percent We discuss the alternative we
between assumed versus actual behavior adjustment for CY 2023. However, due considered to the finalized change to the
change on estimated aggregate to the potential hardship to some HHA baseline year for each applicable
expenditures in response to the providers of implementing the full measure in the expanded HHVBP Model
comment solicitation in the CY 2022 HH ¥7.85 percent at once, we decided it in section IV.B.2.b. of this final rule.
PPS proposed rule (86 FR 35892). would be more appropriate to take half 4. Home Infusion Therapy
However, most of the recommended the adjustment resulting in a ¥3.925
alternate methodologies controlled for percent permanent payment adjustment We did not consider any alternatives
certain actual behavior changes (for for CY 2023. However, we note the in this final rule.
example, the reduction in therapy visits permanent adjustment to account for
F. Accounting Statements and Tables
or LUPA visits) and this is not in actual behavior changes in CYs 2020
alignment with our interpretation of the and 2021 should be ¥7.85 percent. 1. HH PPS
statute at section 1895(b)(3)(D)(i) of the Therefore, applying a ¥3.925 percent
As required by OMB Circular A–4
Act, which requires CMS to examine permanent adjustment to the CY 2023
(available at https://
actual behavior change and make 30-day payment rate would not adjust
temporary and permanent adjustments the rate fully to account for differences
to the standardized payment amounts. in behavior changes on estimated
circulars/A4/a-4.pdf, in Table F7, we
Therefore, any method that would aggregate expenditures during those
have prepared an accounting statement
control for an actual behavior change years. We would have to account for
showing the classification of the
affecting payment would be contrary to that difference, and any other potential
transfers and benefits associated with
what is required by the Social Security adjustments needed to the base payment
the CY 2023 HH PPS provisions of this
Act. Additionally, we considered rate, to account for behavior change
alternative approaches to the based on data analysis in future
implementation of the permanent and rulemaking. Another alternative would Table F7—Accounting Statement: HH
temporary behavior assumption be to delay the full permanent PPS Classification of Estimated
adjustments. As described in section adjustment to a future year. However, Transfers and Benefits, From CY 2022
II.B.2. of this rule, to help prevent future we conclude that delaying the full to 2023

Cate~ory Transfers
Annualized Monetized Transfers $125 million
From Whom to Whom? Federal Government to HHAs

2. HHQRP an accounting statement showing the Table F8—Accounting Statement:

As required by OMB Circular A–4 classification of the expenditures Classification of Estimated Costs of
(available at https:// associated with this final rule as they Oasis Item Collection, From CY 2026 to relate to HHAs. Table F8 provides our CY 2027 best estimate of the increase in burden
a-4.pdf), in Table F8, we have prepared for OASIS submission.

Cate o Costs
Annualized Net Monetary Burden for HHAs' Submission of the OASIS $267,157,680.30
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

3. Expanded HHVBP Model an accounting statement Table F9 Table F9—Accounting Statement:

provides our best estimate of the Expanded HHVBP Model Classification

As required by OMB Circular A–4 decrease in Medicare payments under of Estimated Transfers for CYs 2023–
(available at https:// the expanded HHVBP Model. 2027
a-4.pdf), in Table F9, we have prepared

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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations 66885

Category Transfers Discount Rate Period Covered

Annualized Monetized Transfers -$662.4 Million 7% CYs 2023-2027
Annualized Monetized Transfers -$669.7 Million 3% CYs 2023-2027
From Whom to Whom? Federal Government to Hospitals and SNFs

G. Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA) the term used in the RFA. Individuals small entities. The NAICS code 621610
and States are not included in the has a size standard of $16.5 million 82
The RFA requires agencies to analyze definition of a small entity. and approximately 96 percent of HHAs
options for regulatory relief of small The North American Industry and home infusion therapy suppliers are
entities, if a rule has a significant impact Classification System (NAICS) was considered small entities. Table F10
on a substantial number of small adopted in 1997 and is the current shows the number of firms, revenue,
entities. For purposes of the RFA, small standard used by the Federal statistical and estimated impact per home health
entities include small businesses, agencies related to the U.S. business care service category.
nonprofit organizations, and small economy. We utilized the NAICS U.S.
governmental jurisdictions. In addition, industry title ‘‘Home Health Care Table F10—Number of Firms, Revenue,
HHAs and home infusion therapy Services’’ and corresponding NAICS and Estimated Impact of Home Health
suppliers are small entities, as that is code 621610 in determining impacts for Care Services by NAICS Code 621610

Estimated Impact
NAICS Number Receipts ($1,000) per
Code NAICS Description Enterprise Size of Firms ($1,000) Enterprise Size
621610 Home Health Care Services <100 5,861 210,697 $35.95
621610 Home Health Care Services 100-499 5,687 1,504,668 $264.58
621610 Home Health Care Services 500-999 3,342 2,430,807 $727.35
621610 Home Health Care Services 1,000-2,499 4,434 7,040,174 $1,587.77
621610 Home Health Care Services 2,500-4,999 1,951 6,657,387 $3,412.29
621610 Home Health Care Services 5,000-7,499 672 3,912,082 $5,821.55
621610 Home Health Care Services 7,500-9,999 356 2,910,943 $8,176.81
621610 Home Health Care Services 10,000-14,999 346 3,767,710 $10,889.34
621610 Home Health Care Services 15,000-19,999 191 2,750,180 $14,398.85
621610 Home Health Care Services ;:::20,000 961 51,776,636 $53,877.87
621610 Home Health Care Services Total 23,801 82,961,284 $3,485.62
Source: Data obtained from United States Census Bureau table "us_6digitnaics_rcptsize_2017" (SOURCE: 2017 County
Business Patterns and Economic Census) Release Date: 5/28/2021:
Notes: Estimated impact is calculated as Receipts ($1,000)/Number of firms.

The economic impact assessment is increased payments to HHAs in CY respect to years beginning with 2020
based on estimated Medicare payments 2023. The $125 million in increased and ending with 2026. Additionally,
(revenues) and HHS’s practice in payments is reflected in the last column section 1895(b)(3)(D)(ii) and (iii) of the
interpreting the RFA is to consider of the first row in Table F5 as a 0.7 Act requires that CMS make permanent
effects economically ‘‘significant’’ only percent increase in expenditures when and temporary adjustments to the
if greater than 5 percent of providers comparing CY 2023 payments to payment rate to offset for such increases
reach a threshold of 3 to 5 percent or estimated CY 2022 payments. The 0.7 or decreases in estimated aggregate
more of total revenue or total costs. The percent increase is mostly driven by the expenditures through notice and
majority of HHAs’ visits are Medicare impact of the permanent behavior comment rulemaking. While we find
paid visits and therefore the majority of assumption adjustment reflected in the that the ¥7.85 percent permanent
HHAs’ revenue consists of Medicare third column of Table F5. Further detail payment adjustment, described in
payments. Based on our analysis, we is presented in Table F5, by HHA type section II.B.2.c. of this final rule, is
conclude that the policies finalized in and location. necessary to offset the increase in
this rule would result in an estimated With regards to options for regulatory estimated aggregate expenditures for
total impact of 3 to 5 percent or more relief, we note that section CYs 2020 and 2021 based on the impact
on Medicare revenue for greater than 5 1895(b)(3)(D)(i) of the Act requires CMS of the differences between assumed
percent of HHAs. Therefore, the to annually determine the impact of behavior changes and actual behavior
Secretary has determined that this HH differences between the assumed changes, we will also continue to
PPS final rule will have significant behavior changes finalized in the CY reprice claims, per the finalized
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

economic impact on a substantial 2019 HH PPS final rule with comment methodology, and make any additional
number of small entities. We estimate period (83 FR 56455) and actual adjustments at a time and manner

that the net impact of the policies in this behavior changes on estimated aggregate deemed appropriate in future
rule is approximately $125 million in expenditures under the HH PPS with rulemaking. As mentioned previously,



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we recognize that implementing the full the Secretary has certified that this final Medicaid Services amends 42 CFR
permanent and temporary adjustments rule would not have a significant chapter IV as follows:
to the CY 2023 payment rate may economic impact on the operations of
adversely affect HHAs, including small small rural hospitals. PART 484—HOME HEALTH SERVICES
entities. Therefore, due to the potential
I. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act ■ 1. The authority citation for part 484
hardship of implementing the full
(UMRA) continues to read as follows:
¥7.85 percent at once, we find it would
be more appropriate to take half of the Section 202 of UMRA of 1995 UMRA Authority: 42 U.S.C. 1302 and 1395hh.
adjustment for CY 2023. Therefore, we also requires that agencies assess ■ 2. Section 484.220 is amended by
are finalizing a permanent prospective anticipated costs and benefits before adding paragraph (c) to read as follows:
adjustment of ¥3.925 percent for CY issuing any rule whose mandates
2023. We solicited comments on the require spending in any 1 year of $100 § 484.220 Calculation of the case-mix and
overall HH PPS RFA analysis and million in 1995 dollars, updated wage area adjusted prospective payment
annually for inflation. In 2022, that rates.
received no comments.
Guidance issued by HHS interpreting threshold is approximately $165 * * * * *
the Regulatory Flexibility Act considers million. This final rule would not (c) Beginning on January 1, 2023,
the effects economically ‘significant’ impose a mandate that will result in the CMS applies a cap on decreases to the
only if greater than 5 percent of expenditure by State, local, and Tribal home health wage index such that the
providers reach a threshold of 3- to 5- Governments, in the aggregate, or by the wage index applied to a geographic area
percent or more of total revenue or total private sector, of more than $165 is not less than 95 percent of the wage
costs. Among the over 7,500 HHAs that million in any one year. index applied to that geographic area in
are estimated to qualify to compete in the prior calendar year. The 5-percent
J. Federalism cap on negative wage index changes is
the expanded HHVBP Model, we
estimate that the percent payment Executive Order 13132 establishes implemented in a budget neutral
adjustment resulting from this rule certain requirements that an agency manner through the use of wage index
would be larger than 3 percent, in must meet when it promulgates a budget neutrality factors.
magnitude, for about 28 percent of proposed rule (and subsequent final ■ 3. Section 484.245 is amended—
competing HHAs (estimated by applying rule) that imposes substantial direct ■ a. By revising paragraph (b)(1)(i);
the proposed 5-percent maximum requirement costs on State and local ■ b. In paragraph (b)(1)(iii) by removing
payment adjustment under the governments, preempts State law, or the sentence ‘‘Quality data required
expanded Model to CY 2019 data). As otherwise has Federalism implications. under section 1895(b)(3)(B)(v)(ii) of the
a result, more than the RFA threshold of We have reviewed this final rule under Act, including HHCAHPS survey data.’’;
5-percent of HHA providers nationally these criteria of Executive Order 13132, and
would be significantly impacted. We and have determined that it would not ■ c. By adding paragraph (b)(3).
refer readers to Tables 43 and 44 in the impose substantial direct costs on State The revision and addition read as
CY 2022 HH PPS final rule (86 FR 62407 or local governments. follows:
through 62410) for our analysis of K. Conclusion § 484.245 Requirements under the Home
payment adjustment distributions by Health Quality Reporting Program (HH
State, HHA characteristics, HHA size In conclusion, we estimate that the
provisions in this final rule will result QRP).
and percentiles. * * * * *
Thus, the Secretary has certified that in an estimated net increase in home
health payments of 0.7 percent for CY (b) * * *
this final rule would have a significant (1) * * *
economic impact on a substantial 2023 ($125 million). The $125 million
number of small entities. Though the increase in estimated payments for CY (i) Data—
RFA requires consideration of 2023 reflects the effects of the CY 2023
(A) Required under section
alternatives to avoid economic impacts home health payment update percentage
1895(b)(3)(B)(v)(II) of the Act, including
on small entities, the intent of the rule, of 4.0 percent ($725 million increase), a
HHCAHPS survey data; and
itself, is to encourage quality 0.2 percent increase in payments due to (B) On measures specified under
improvement by HHAs through the use the new lower FDL ratio, which will sections 1899B(c)(1) and 1899B(d)(1) of
of economic incentives. As a result, increase outlier payments in order to the Act.
alternatives to mitigate the payment target to pay no more than 2.5 percent
of total payments as outlier payments * * * * *
reductions would be contrary to the (3) Measure removal factors. CMS
intent of the rule, which is to test the ($35 million increase) and an estimated
3.5 percent decrease in payments that may remove a quality measure from the
effect on quality and costs of care of HH QRP based on one or more of the
applying payment adjustments based on reflects the effects of the permanent
behavior adjustment ($635 million following factors:
HHAs’ performance on quality (i) Measure performance among HHAs
measures. decrease).
is so high and unvarying that
In addition, section 1102(b) of the Act Chiquita Brooks-LaSure, meaningful distinctions in
requires us to prepare an RIA if a rule Administrator of the Centers for improvements in performance can no
may have a significant impact on the Medicare & Medicaid Services, longer be made.
operations of a substantial number of approved this document on October 26, (ii) Performance or improvement on a
small rural hospitals. This analysis must 2022.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2

measure does not result in better patient

conform to the provisions of section 604 outcomes.
of RFA. For purposes of section 1102(b) List of Subjects in 42 CFR Part 484
(iii) A measure does not align with
of the Act, we define a small rural Health facilities, Health professions, current clinical guidelines or practice.
hospital as a hospital that is located Medicare, and Reporting and (iv) The availability of a more broadly
outside of a metropolitan statistical area recordkeeping requirements. applicable (across settings, populations,
and has fewer than 100 beds. This rule For the reasons set forth in the or conditions) measure for the particular
is not applicable to hospitals. Therefore, preamble, the Centers for Medicare & topic.

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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 213 / Friday, November 4, 2022 / Rules and Regulations 66887

(v) The availability of a measure that ■ e. In the definition of ‘‘Improvement (b) New HHAs. A new HHA is
is more proximal in time to desired threshold’’ removing the phrase ‘‘during certified by Medicare on or after January
patient outcomes for the particular the baseline year.’’ and adding in its 1, 2022. For new HHAs, the following
topic. place the phrase ‘‘during the HHA apply:
(vi) The availability of a measure that baseline year.’’; and
■ f. By adding the definition of ‘‘Model
(1) The HHA baseline year is the first
is more strongly associated with desired
baseline year’’ in alphabetical order. full calendar year of services beginning
patient outcomes for the particular
after the date of Medicare certification.
topic. The additions read as follows:
(vii) Collection or public reporting of (2) The first performance year is the
§ 484.345 Definitions. first full calendar year following the
a measure leads to negative unintended
consequences other than patient harm. * * * * * HHA baseline year.
(viii) The costs associated with a HHA baseline year means the
calendar year used to determine the (c) Existing HHAs. An existing HHA
measure outweigh the benefit of its is certified by Medicare before January
continued use in the program. improvement threshold for each
measure for each individual competing 1, 2022 and the HHA baseline year is CY
* * * * * HHA. 2022.
■ 4. Section 484.345 is amended— * * * * * § 484.370 [Amended]
■ a. In the definition of ‘‘Achievement Model baseline year means the
threshold’’ removing the phrase ‘‘during calendar year used to determine the ■ 6. Section 484.370(a) is amended by
a baseline year’’ and adding in its place benchmark and achievement threshold removing the phrase ‘‘Model for the
the phrase ‘‘during a Model baseline for each measure for all competing baseline year, and CMS’’ and adding in
year’’; HHAs. its place the phrase ‘‘Model, and CMS’’.
■ b. By removing the definition of
* * * * * Dated: October 26, 2022.
‘‘Baseline year’’;
■ 5. Section 484.350 is amended by
■ c. In the definition of ‘‘Benchmark’’ Xavier Becerra,
revising paragraph (b) and adding
removing the phrase ‘‘during the Secretary, Department of Health and Human
paragraph (c) to read as follows:
baseline year’’ and adding in its place Services.
the phrase ‘‘during the Model baseline § 484.350 Applicability of the Expanded [FR Doc. 2022–23722 Filed 10–31–22; 4:15 pm]
year’’; Home Health Value-Based Purchasing BILLING CODE 4120–01–P
■ d. By adding the definition of ‘‘HHA (HHVBP) Model.
baseline year’’ in alphabetical order; * * * * *
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