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True (√). or False (×).

1- Epidemiology is the basic science of public health (√).

2- Distribution means that epidemiology is concerned with the frequency and
pattern of health events in a population (√).
3- Clinical epidemiology is the study of the distribution and determinants of
various states of health and illness in human populations (×).
4- Classical epidemiology is the study of the distribution and determinants of
various states of health and illness in human populations (√).
5- Classical epidemiology is the study of the distribution and determinants of
various states of health of the group (√).
6- Clinical epidemiology focuses on health of the individual (√).
7- Descriptive epidemiology evaluates potential associations between risk
factors and health outcomes (×).
8- Prospective cohort study means the exposure and the outcomes have already
occurred (×).
9- Virulence refers to the proportion of clinically apparent cases that are severe
or fatal (√).
10- Patient is the person with inapparent or undiagnosed infections and able to
transmit infection to others (×).
11- Carrier is the person with inapparent or undiagnosed infections and able to
transmit infection to others (√).
12- Disease results from the interaction between the agent and the susceptible
host in an environment that supports transmission of the agent from a source
to that host (√).
13- An agentrefers to the human who can get the disease (×).
14- zoonosis refers to an infectious disease that is transmissible from vertebrate
animals to humans (√).
15- Air-born infection is directly deposited from source of infection to
susceptible host (×).

16- Sterilization is destruction of vegetative pathogenic microorganisms &

reduce them to a level which becomes not harmful to health (×).

17- Antiseptic is disinfectant which can be safely applied to skin & mucous
membrane but not suitable for systemic administration (√).
18- Herd immunity is State of immunity in a group or community (√).
19- Innate immunity is a specific defense mechanisms of immunity (×).
20- Mucous secretion of mucous membranes is a type of innate immunity (√).

Choose the correct answer:

1- -------------means that epidemiology is concerned with the frequency and
pattern of health events in a population.
A) Distribution
B) Determinants
C) Application
D) Health event

2- ------------ is the study of the distribution and determinants of various states

of health and illness in human populations.
A) Clinical epidemiology
B) Classical epidemiology
C) A+B
D) All of them.

3- ----------- focuses on health of the individual

A) Clinical epidemiology
B) Classical epidemiology
C) A+B
D) All of them.

4- Descriptive Epidemiology defines the problem in terms of characteristics of

A) Person
B) Place
C) Time
D) All of them.
5- -----------Epidemiology focuses on answering questions about the
effectiveness of interventions for controlling diseases or for improving
underlying conditions.
A) Experimental
B) Evaluation
C) Analytical
D) Descriptive.

6- Types of observational studies are------------

A) Cohort studies
B) Case-control studies
C) Cross-sectional studies.
D) All of them.

7- -----------refers to the proportion of infected individuals who develop

clinically apparent disease.
A) Pathogenicity.
B) infectivity
C) Virulence.
D) None of them.

8- ----------is the person with inapparent or undiagnosed infections and able to

transmit infection to others.
A) Carrier.
B) Patient
C) Microorganism
D) All of them.

9- The epidemiologic triangle consists of --------

A) An external agent
B) A susceptible host
C) An environment.
D) All of them.

10- --------is an infectious microorganism causes disease or injury.

A) Agent
B) Host
E) Environment.
F) All of them.
11- ---------- is the habitat in which the agent normally lives, grows, and
multiplies; it includes humans, animals, and the environment.
A) Reservoir.
B) Micro-organism.
C) Virus.
D) Bacteria.

12- Diseases transmitted from person to person by ------------

A) Human reservoir
B) Animal reservoir
C) Environmental reservoir
D) None of them.

13- Diseases transmitted from animal to animal by----------

A) Human reservoir
B) Animal reservoir
C) Environmental reservoir
D) None of them.

14- ---------- refers to an infectious disease that is transmissible from vertebrate

animals to humans.
A) Zoonosis
B) Human reservoir
C) Environmental reservoir
D) All of them

15- ---------- is a deadly virus spread to people from the saliva of infected animals.
It is usually transmitted through a bite.
A) Rabies
B) Hepatitis A virus.
C) Hepatitis C virus
D) None of them.

16- ---------- is a serious bacterial disease commonly known as "lockjaw." that

affects nervous system, leading to painful muscle contractions, particularly
jaw and neck muscles.
A) Tetanus.
B) T.B
C) Malaria
D) All of them

17- ---------is destruction of all forms of organisms (Pathogenic or non-

pathogenic, vegetative or spores).
A) Sterilization
B) Disinfection
C) Cleaning
D) None of them.

18- -------Disinfectant which can be safely applied to skin & mucous

membrane but not suitable for systemic administration.
A) Antiseptic
B) Disinfection
C) Cleaning
D) Sterilization

19- ---------- State of immunity in a group or community.

A) Herd immunity.
B) Infection.
C) Sterilization
D) All of them.

20- -----------is A Passive specific immunity.

A) Mother's milk.
B) Vaccination.
C) Infection
D) None of them

21- ------------ is a type of innate immunity

A) Saliva.
B) Salk vaccine.
D) Toxoids.

22- ----------- is one of direct Modes of transmission of An infectious

agent from its natural reservoir to a susceptible host
A) skin-to-skin contact
B) Vectors
C) Vehicle
D) All of them
23- -----------refers to the manner in which a pathogen enters a susceptible
A) Portal of entry
B) Mode of transmission
C) Exit of infection
D) None of them

24- ----------refers to an epidemic that has spread over several countries,

usually affecting a large number of people.
A) Pandemic
B) Endemic
C) Outbreak
D) Epidemic

25- ----------- refers to an increase, often sudden, in the number of cases of

a disease above what is normally expected in that population in that area.
A) Pandemic
B) Endemic
C) Outbreak
D) Epidemic

26- -----------occurs when bacteria or viruses travel on large respiratory

droplets that people sneeze, cough, drip, or exhale.
A) Droplet transmission
B) Food born infection diseases
C) Contact infection diseases
D) Arthropod born infection diseases.

27- ----------- are infections of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract caused by food or
beverages that contain harmful bacteria, parasites or viruses.
A) Droplet transmission
B) Food born infection diseases
C) Contact infection diseases
D) Arthropod born infection diseases.

28- -------is one of arthropod borne diseases

A) Malaria
B) Salmonellosis
C) Brucellosis
D) Cholera.

Compare between

Classical Clinical epidemiology
Definition The study of the The application of the logical
distribution and and quantitative concepts and
determinants of methods of epidemiology to
various states of health problems (diagnostic, prognostic,
and illness in human therapeutic, and preventive)
populations. encountered in the clinical
delivery of care to individual
Focus on health of the group health of the individual

Droplet infection Air-born infection
Method of transmission Direct Indirect
The agent Directly deposited from source No direct deposition from
of infection to susceptible host source of infection to
susceptible host
Intervening distance Very short Long distance

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