Claro Thesis Chapter 5 (Consumer Behavior)

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The summary of findings of the study was focused on the four statement of the

1. What is the demographic profile of respondents in terms of::

a. Age. Respondents at ages 26 to 30 have the highest frequency with 13 while
respondents at ages 46 to 50 have the fewest frequency with 0.
b. Gender. The female has the higher number of respondents with a frequency of
35 while the male has the fewer number of respondents with 15.
c. Salary. The majority of the respondents have enough income to live. P16,000 to
P20,000 has the highest number of respondents respectively with a frequency of
23 while seven salary categories have the fewest number of respondents with a
frequency of 0.
d. Occupation/Position in the company. The business owner has the highest
number of respondents with a frequency of 17 while the executory manager has
the fewest number of respondents with a frequency of 5.
2. Which of the marketing mix is more useful on the part of customers buying
through online:
a. Product. The feature of the product has the most useful factor in customer
satisfaction with a satisfaction rating/weighted mean of 3.98 while the brand
name of the product has the least useful factor in customer satisfaction with a
satisfaction rating/weighted mean of 3.92. For all the 7ps in the marketing mix,
the product has been the second most useful part on the part of customers
buying through online with a satisfaction rating/weighted mean of 3.96.
b. Price. The payment period has the most useful factor in customer satisfaction
with a satisfaction rating/weighted mean of 4.04 while the allowance has the least
useful factor in customer satisfaction with a satisfaction rating/weighted mean of
3.7. For all the 7ps in the marketing mix, the price has been the third least useful
part on the part of customers buying through online with a satisfaction
rating/weighted mean of 3.87.
c. Place. The assortments has the most useful factor in customer satisfaction with a
satisfaction rating/weighted mean of 4.04 while the transportation has the least
useful factor in customer satisfaction with a satisfaction rating/weighted mean of
3.92. For all the 7ps in the marketing mix, the place has been the most useful
part on the part of customers buying through online with a satisfaction
rating/weighted mean of 3.97.
d. Promotion. The sales promotion has the most useful factor in customer
satisfaction with a satisfaction rating/weighted mean of 3.88 while the public
relations has the least useful factor in customer satisfaction with a satisfaction
rating/weighted mean of 3.82. For all the 7ps in the marketing mix, the promotion
has been the second least useful part on the part of customers buying through
online with a satisfaction rating/weighted mean of 3.86.
e. People. Training and skills have the most useful factor in customer satisfaction
with a satisfaction rating/weighted mean of 3.8 while remuneration has the least
useful factor in customer satisfaction with a satisfaction rating/weighted mean of
3.66. For all the 7ps in the marketing mix, the people have been the least useful
part on the part of customers buying through online with a satisfaction
rating/weighted mean of 3.74.
f. Process. Customer focus has the most useful factor in customer satisfaction with
a satisfaction rating/weighted mean of 3.94 while research and development
have the least useful factor in customer satisfaction with a satisfaction
rating/weighted mean of 3.86. For all the 7ps in the marketing mix, the process
has been the third most useful part on the part of customers buying through
online with a satisfaction rating/weighted mean of 3.91.
g. Physical evidence. Product packaging has the most useful factor in customer
satisfaction with a satisfaction rating/weighted mean of 3.94 while sales/staff
contact experience of brand has the least useful factor in customer satisfaction
with a satisfaction rating/weighted mean of 3.84. For all the 7ps in the marketing
mix, the physical evidence has been the fourth most useful part on the part of
customers buying through online with a satisfaction rating/weighted mean of
3. How the customer motivates in online shopping:
a. Professionalism of the website. Professionalism of the website has the second
least motivational feature in online shopping with a satisfaction rating/weighted
mean of 3.98.
b. Technical support. Technical support has the third most motivational feature in
online shopping with a satisfaction rating/weighted mean of 4.04.
c. Responsiveness to the questions and needs. Responsiveness to the questions
and needs has the third least motivational feature in online shopping with a
satisfaction rating/weighted mean of 4.02.
d. Service/product quality. Service/product quality has tied with the delivery time as
the most motivational feature in online shopping with a satisfaction
rating/weighted mean of 4.1.
e. Delivery time. Delivery time has tied with the service/product quality as the most
motivational feature in online shopping with a satisfaction rating/weighted mean
of 4.1.
f. Performance of the staff. Performance of the staff has the least motivational
feature in online shopping with a satisfaction rating/weighted mean of 3.96.
4. How the result of this research helps the shopping online to increase their
revenue? The result of this research helps the shopping online to increase the
revenue by telling the respondents in the last survey question that “How likely are
you to continue to use the online shopping company/website?” Likely has the
highest number of respondents with a frequency of 28 while not likely, not likely
at all, and other has the lowest number of respondents with a frequency of 0.
Overall, the result of this research will help the shopping online to increase the
revenue as the majority of the respondents will be likely to continue using the
online shopping company/website in the future.

Based on the information gathered for the study, the researcher has drawn a
conclusion that the majority of the respondents are aged 26 to 30, female, P16,000 to
P20,000 salary, and business owners. Among the seven Ps in the marketing mix, the
top three parts of marketing mix are the product, place, and physical evidence. All of the
seven Ps in the marketing mix were useful in online shopping as the majority of the
customers are satisfied with the factors of the marketing mix. Additionally, the six
features of online shopping such as the professionalism of your preferred online
company/website, technical support, responsiveness to the questions and needs,
service/product quality, delivery time, and performance of the staff motivate the
respondents in online shopping. Lastly, this research concluded that majority of the
respondents will be likely to use the online shopping company/website in the future.


 The study recommends that having good factors in customer satisfaction is

important to the customers in purchasing online.
 The study recommends improving more on the three parts of the marketing mix
such as promotion, people, and price of every online shopping website/company.
 The study recommends continuing the success of every online shopping
website/company through the six motivational features in online shopping.
 The study recommends that the online shopping website/company will continue
to increase its revenue by improving its services.
 Lastly, the researcher recommends using this study as a tool for future
researchers/college students for the particular major/elective Business
Administration subjects.

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