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The Cold Eyes of Terror

An encounter with an insane kobold leads the adventurers into a deep mystery concealed within
dark caverns. Can the adventurers unravel the clues to understand what horrors await them?
A Four-Hour Adventure for Tier 1 Characters. Optimized for APL 3.

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PoA-DC-ROG-2 The Cold Eyes of Terror 1
Author: J.D. McComb

Editing: N.McComb, Tom McVey

Art: J.D. McComb and Stock Art;

Cover Art: Paint Mars

Playtesters: Terry Lee (Tenzi), Darth Aelris, PR Wilderman, Shu Qing Tan, Kall, Belinda Baldwin.

Adventure Seed: In Too Deep : Kobold miners at the gem mine near Termalaine have uncovered dangerous artifacts on
the mine’s third level, affecting their judgement and reasoning.

This module is dedicated to Tom McVey and Jonathon Butler who played through this adventure
with multiple characters, provided valuable feedback and still kept the ending secret!

DC-PoA-ROG-2 : Update 2, April 2021

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the dragon ampersand, Ravnica and all other Wizards of
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This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission under the Community
Content Agreement and Dungeoncraft Adventures for Dungeon Masters Guild.

All other original material in this work is copyright 2021 by Joseph McComb and published under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon
Masters Guild.

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PoA-DC-ROG-2 The Cold Eyes of Terror 2
Adventure Primer
This adventure is designed for three to seven work their way into the third level. However,
1-4 level characters and is optimized for ;ive they were even more scared of Drogoth so they
characters with an average party level (APL) worked as ordered.
of 3. Characters outside this level range cannot
participate in this adventure. As he entered the third level (III) of the mine,
Mitross began receiving telepathic transmissions
This adventure occurs in Icewind Dale from the psi crystal, which was driving him and
the other kobolds insane. The psi crystal had
Background been enhanced by the Illithids to transmit
thoughts over long distances. Mitross drew
The Anteos family from Waterdeep had magical pictures of the visions and creatures he
intelligence of a potentially lucrative gem deposit encountered. As the adventure progresses, the
near Termalaine. The family contacted Rog adventurers will Yind pieces of his notes on
Drannian and provided him one thousand gold parchment.
to establish the mine.
The kobolds uncovered that the Illithids (Mind
Rog contracted with a set of kobolds to establish Flayers) had left the psi crystal as an alarm to
the mine. Rog Drannian hired Drogoth Rendu, a alert them that someone was intruding upon
local in Termalaine, to provide blasting their territory. As the kobolds made their way to
explosives to help work the mine. the crystal, they were attacked by Intellect
Devourers. Keolix, Fudor and Mitross were able
The mine had a poor yield and proYit was low. In to run from the assault, but were driven mad by
digging, the kobolds accidentally triggered a the terrors they encountered. They hid on the
warning device established by Mind Flayers to second level (II) and Mitross scrawled
alert them that someone had breached the information into his frantic notes. Driven mad,
Illithid’s chambers. The warning device was on Mitross received a message from an Illithid that
the third level of the mine. It utilized a psi the Mind Flayers were coming to Yind them in
crystal to detect and amplify telepathy. Using the four days, which he scribbled down in his notes.
psi crystal, the Mind Flayer entered the thoughts
of the kobolds, terrifying them. The kobolds The wandering Grell, attacked the kobolds,
refused to work and Rog was forced to shut killing Mitross. Keolix carried the fatally
down the mine. Rog had the mine sealed by a wounded Fudor to the entrance of the mine,
mage. where Fudor died of his injuries. TerriYied of the
impending Illithid assault that Mitross had
In breaking into the third level, the miners written about, Keolix ran to the only other
accidentally freed the Grell from the person he could think of, Rog Drannian. In his
Underdark. The Grell now roams the mines. In haste and madness, he only grabbed a portion of
addition, Gibbering Mouthers made their way Mitross' notes.
from the Underdark and into the second level.
The adventure begins when the party encounters
The reason the mine had a low yield was that Keolix in Bryn Shander.
Drogoth was ordering the kobolds to pull the
majority of the gems for Drogoth's use in his
alchemy. Drogoth became aware of the psi
crystal and was hoping to recover it. Drogoth The adventure’s story is spread over four parts
sent Keolix, Fudor and Mitross and two other and takes approximately 4 hours to play. The
kobolds to unseal the mine Yive days prior to the adventure begins with a Call to Action scene,
start of the adventure. The kobolds were which opens in Bryn Shander.
terriYied of entering the mine and took time to

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PoA-DC-ROG-2 The Cold Eyes of Terror 3
• Call to Action: In this scene, the party will
encounter Keolix, who has been driven insane
by the horrors of the mine. A parchment in his
pocket will lead the party to Rog’s Manor for
the Call to Action. Rog will sent the party to
talk to Drogoth Rendu in Termalaine.
• Part 1: Mine Level I. The party journeys to the
mine and Yinds that it has been unsealed. In the
entrance to the mine, they Yind the body of
Fudor, who has additional parchment clues.
• Part 2: Mine Level II. Upon entering level II,
the party discovers the body of Mitross. A
search of the body reveals more parchment
clues. As the party explores, they encounter
Gibbering Mouthers and Grell. The Grell
attempt to Ylee to Level III.
• Part 3: Mine Level III. The party Yind Level III
fairly empty. A Mind Flayer communicates with
some of the adventurers telepathically. The
adventurers Yind a chamber containing a psi
crystal and encounter Intellect Devourers.
They learn that the Mind Flayer is on its way to
• Part 4: Betrayal. Upon leaving the mine, the
players Yind out that Drogoth wants the psi
crystal. They may choose to bargain with
Drogoth or Yight his party.

Adventure Hook
The party is in Bryn Shander and is headed to
the Northlook for a drink, to escape the cold and
listen to the soothing melodies of the bards.

In the Yirst scene, the party will encounter

Keolix, who has been driven insane by the
horrors of the mine. A parchment in his pocket
will pull the party to Rog’s Manor for the Call to

The Dungeon Master can have the party

members introduce themselves at the start of the
adventure, or they will be able to introduce
themselves when they go to Rog's Manor.

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PoA-DC-ROG-2 The Cold Eyes of Terror 4
Adventure Flowchart
This Ylowchart shows the adventure Ylow including sections that may be removed in interest of time.

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PoA-DC-ROG-2 The Cold Eyes of Terror 5
Player Handout Guide
This section provides an explanation of the player handouts. As the party proceeds, they will Yind notes
which will foretell the horrors ahead and provide clues to follow. The player handouts used in this
adventure are pieces of parchment produced by a kobold named Mitross, who witnessed some of the
horrors and was also receiving telepathic messages from the Illithids. Each handout has Draconic words
and the party will need to Yind a method to translate them. Upon translation, you can provide the players
with a translated version.

For example, Player Handout 2 can be translated from Draconic like this:

Untranslated Translated

Examination of some of the parchment reveals that the pages are torn from the same page: they Yit
together, completing a sentence on the parchment.

Player Handout 7 and Handout 3 Yit together like this:

Adventurers may recognize Mitross’ a6empt to draw an Intellect
Devourer and a Mind Flayer. A player may a6empt to iden>fy
these creatures with a successful DC 20 Nature check.
The sentence “They come on fourday” is a reference to that the
Illithid are coming to inves>gate the intrusion in the mine on
fourday, which also happens to be the day the party is
inves>ga>ng the mine.

Player Handout 5 and Handout 4 Yit together like this:

Adventurers may recognize Mitross’ a6empt to draw a Grell and
a Gibbering Mouther. A player may a6empt to iden>fy these
creatures with a successful DC 20 Nature check.
The sentence “They assail II” is a reference to the creatures that
lurk on level II of the mine.

Player Handout 2 refers to the madness the kobolds suffered from the telepathic voices.
Player Handout 6 refers to the Illithid being found beyond Part 3:D. Chamber of the Pool.

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PoA-DC-ROG-2 The Cold Eyes of Terror 6
Call To Action
Estimated Duration: 45 minutes for Call to Action

this region will know that this path leads to

Setting Information Targos and Termalaine.
The party is in Bryn Shander and is headed to the A successful DC 10 Persuasion check against the
Northlook for a drink, to escape the cold and guards at the Northgate will reveal that they
listen to the soothing melodies of the bards. It is recently saw a kobold approach the gate. He was
around 7:00 PM in the evening and a light snow is screaming something about eyes. When
falling. approached, he Yled into the city. Fearing a trick,
the guards stayed at their posts.
A. Keolix’s Madness
The Address
Estimated Duration: 15 minutes
Members of the party will realize that the address
is only a couple of blocks away from the
As you get within a block of the Northlook Northlook. They can follow this lead to Rog
suddenly a wild-eyed kobold comes dashing from Drannian's manor and will hopefully bring the
a nearby alley. He points towards the north and shivering kobold with them. If they do not, Rog
screams in common "The eyes! The eyes! They will ask them to lead him to Keolix.
scream at me!" The eyes!" With that the kobold
collapses, curling into a shivering ball in the snow. Parchment Fragments
The party should be provided the untranslated
The adventurers examine the kobold dressed in versions of Player Handouts 1, 2 and 3. If one
tattered cold weather clothing . They Yind several the party speaks Draconic, they can automatically
pieces of parchment within one of the pockets. translate the parchment and convey the meaning
Many of the pages have crudely drawn pictures to the party, if they wish. If they choose to do this,
Yilled in with odd script (Draconic) across the the Dungeon Master should provide the translated
images. versions of Player Handouts 1, 2 and 3.
If a party member understands Draconic, you can Transla>ng Draconic
share with that member the translated versions of
It is possible that no party member speaks Draconic and
the pictures. One piece of parchment holds an
address, written in both Common and Draconic, the party will have issues transla>ng Draconic. Let the
and appears to be written by a different writer party come up their own solu>on. This issue can be
than the other pieces. It reads "nine snow clover solved in mul>ple ways including having the party hire a
lane bryn shander.” kobold guide. One party member used Player Handout 1
to translate the subsequent handouts.
A successful Medicine check of DC 15 will
indicate that the kobold is suffering from some
sort of mental break down which is non-magical.
A successful Arcana check of DC 10 will conYirm
that the mental break down is non-magical but
B. Rog’s Manor
may be the result of an encounter with some sort Estimated Duration: 15 minutes
of horrifying creature.
The house indicated in the parchment is owned by
The party can also track the kobold's tracks in the Veteran named Rog Drannian. It is a simple, one
snow with a successful DC 10 Survival check. story rectangular house which sits on a rundown
The tracks move erratically, but it appears that the plot of land between several other properties.
kobold came through the Northgate of Bryn Night is falling as the party approaches #9 Snow
Shander this very evening. Outside the gate, his Clover lane in Bryn Shander. The house has small
tracks fade into the snow. Individuals who know

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PoA-DC-ROG-2 The Cold Eyes of Terror 7
windows set into the door and a tiny amount of
light escapes through the windows and cracks in when the trouble began. Several crew members
the door. went missing and the kobolds refused to work any
further. Drogoth recommended that we seal the
If the party has Keolix with them, read the mine. I hired a mage to magically seal the
following: entrance. Unfortunately, this ended our
operations and the team went its separate ways. I
have not seen Keolix for the past couple of
As the party approaches the door, it opens. A seasons, but I am concerned that he went back to
veteran soldier holding a long sword appears as a the mine."
silhouette. At the sight of the kobold, he puts his
long sword behind the door and says "Keolix! "I need to stay here and see what I can do to cure
What has happened to Keolix? The veteran says Keolix." The kobold stirs for a moment. "I will pay
"come inside, quickly. We need to understand you an to Yind out what happened to Keolix and
what has happened to Keolix" vanquish whatever horror has caused this
calamity. Travel to see Drogoth Rendu in
If the party did not bring Keolix, Rog listens to Termalaine for he is likely to know of what Keolix
their story and asks to be taken to Keolix. Rog will has been up to for the past season. His house is
then bring Keolix back to his house and pick up on the second to the last on the trail to Lonelywood
the story again. Rog seems genuinely concerned outside of Termalaine."
(no Insight checked needed).
Any successful Insight checks of DC 5 will
The party is brought into a large front room Yilled indicate that Rog is being completely truthful. Rog
with a large wooden table, wooden chairs and a will also let the party know that Drogoth can
hearth on the far side, which supplies both heat translate the Draconic in the parchment as
and light to the room. The veteran opens a door at needed.
the end of the room and returns with several
blankets. He sits the kobold near the hearth and Assuming the party is successful in the adventure,
the kobold falls into a shivering heap babbling, Rog will pay them the standard Adventurers
"The eyes, the eyes see my mind." League maximum GP for the investigation.

The veteran turns to you and says, "I don't know At either end of Rog's house are doors leading to a
any of you. I am Rog Drannian, where did you Yind Kitchen and his Bedroom.
Keolix? Oh, where are my manners? Maybe you
should introduce yourselves." The Kitchen
A door to the north leads to a small kitchen. There
is little of interest in the kitchen except pots and
The party can introduce themselves. After pans and some dried bread. A successful DC 15
listening to the party, Rog will tell the party the Perception check reveals that Rog does not keep
following: much food or utensils on hand.

"Where to start? A couple of seasons ago, I was The Bedroom

hired by the Anteos family in Waterdeep to A door to the south leads to Rog's bedroom, which
establish a gem mine in Termalaine. I hired Keolix contains little but a straw mat with blankets on
as a foreman for the kobold mining crew. I also the Yloor. A closet contains several sets of clothes
hired a kobold named Fudor as a general manager including a uniform from the Bryn Shander
and another kobold named Mitross as the head of militia, which Rog belonged to until he retired at
engineering. We also hired Drogoth Rendu of age 35.
Termalaine to assist in blasting. The mine did not
produce much yield, so we continued to dig Characters making a successful DC 25
deeper." investigation check will note a loose board in the
closet. Under the Yloor boards are approximately
"A kobold mining crew broke into an open cave 575 GP and a letter from the Anteos family.
Yilled with water on the third level and that is

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PoA-DC-ROG-2 The Cold Eyes of Terror 8
The Le6er No matter what the party says, the kobold
The le6er, wri6en in common, is on slightly faded (Urikonos) says,
parchment and is dated from over three years ago. The
le6er documents a business deal between Rog and the "The master is busy, come back later!" Behind the
Anteos family to establish a working gem mine near kobold, curls of brownish smoke waft through the
Termalaine. Based upon the le6er, Rog has been granted door. With that the kobold closes the door.
1000 GP to establish the mine and would receive 10% of
the overall profits for management. According to the The party can take several actions, such as
le6er, Rog must meet with Drannyth Anteos one year scouting the house, which reveals several small
aRer the le6er is penned to report progress. slits with glass in the sides of the house in which
Ylashes of bright light can be seen, emanating from
This le6er refers to the plot in another DungeoncraR the interior.
Module called DC-PoA-Rog-1 The Frozen Path to
Easthaven, which can be found on DM’s Guild. They could also head into town or simply knock
on the door again. As they either circle the house,
knock or begin to head to town, read the
C. Drogoth’s House following:

Estimated Duration: 15 minutes Suddenly the door opens again and out pops a
gray-haired Duergar (Dwarf) who shouts in to the
Setting Information house, ”Urikonos, these are probably the
merchants with the guano!' With that, he looks at
The party will need to walk from Bryn Shander to you expectantly.
Termalaine by passing through Targos. The trip is
approximately six hours. The air is crisp as the
party sets out in the early morning on the road The party will need to role play and speak to
from Bryn Shander to Targos, approximately four Drogoth (the gray-haired Duergar). If they
hours away from Termalaine. The party mention Rog, Drogoth beckons them to enter the
encounters no travelers on the road, although the house. If they say they are the guano merchants,
weather is clear. Skirting around the outside of the Drogoth will ask to examine the wares before the
walled city of Targos, the adventurers reach purchase.
Termalaine around noon. As the party enters the house, curls of whitish
Following Rog's directions, they come to an odd smoke Yilter through door. The walls are lined
shaped house which sits on the road to with racks of chemicals, glass beakers and other
Lonelywood. The house is made entirely of stone alchemic apparatus. In the center of the room is
and is shaped into a conical beehive shape. Smoke large forge with two kobolds straining to work a
rises from a chimney at the top of the structure. A pair of bellows. A glowing mixture of unidentiYied
path leads up to a squat door in the center of the metal glows in a stone crucible in the center of the
stone house. As the party approaches, they hear a forge. The dwarf, Drogoth motions you to sit a a
loud "bang" from the inside of the house followed table in one corner of the room.
by a blast of black smoke from the chimney. Medium and larger creatures will Yind that the
table is extremely cramped. An Alchemy or
Drogoth Rendu Smith check (DC 5) will reveal that the metal is
If the party knocks on the front door, read the
following: Drogoth can provide the following information to
the party:
The door is answered by a male Kobold. As he • He will conYirm the information that Rog
opens the door, a blast of purplish smoke issues in provided the party and that he saw the mage
your direction. He says plainly in common "what seal the mine. He will state that he
do you want?

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PoA-DC-ROG-2 The Cold Eyes of Terror 9
"recommended sealing the entrance with As an ac'on, a character can throw it at a point up to 60
explosives, but Rog overruled him." feet away. Upon reaching the 'me limit, each creature
within 5 feet of that point must succeed on a DC 12
• He has not seen Keolix, Fudor or Mitross in Dexterity saving throw or take 3d6 fire damage.
more than ten by ten days. (100 days).
Keeping with Adventurer’s League consumable rules, the
• Based upon the party's description of what Bomb can only be used as a plot device in this adventure.
happened he recommends that the adventurers If the party does not use The Bomb by the end of the
investigate the mine. adventure, have them find a piece of paper s>cking out of
the device that reads “device #23, removed explosives to
• He says that kobolds had found a cave with a
small pool. As they excavated beyond the water, repurpose the guano for experiment #89.”
the miners came into another cavern and This also explains why Drogoth was wai>ng for the guano
reported "hearing voices in their heads." In merchants. Examina>on of the device will reveal that the
addition, several miners went missing. After explosives have been removed, making the device
that, they made the decision to seal the mine.
• He will recommend that the party proceed to
the mine location and will provide a simple
map to the mine. The mine is approximately an Is Drogoth telling the whole story?
hour outside of town.
Should a party member watch him for signs of
• He will say that he suspects that there is deception, have them roll an Insight check (DC
something dangerous on the third Yloor and the 20). Adventurers failing the roll will believe that
party should work to investigate and seal off he is being truthful. Those succeeding the check
that area using explosives. will notice that he is listening intently to what the
party is saying about Keolix.
• He will supply explosives to seal the mine. The
Bomb has a timer that can be set with a If pressed about the real story, Drogoth will state
mechanical clock so it will detonate from 30 how concerned he is about Keolix and what could
seconds to 5 minutes. It has enough explosive have happened to him, assuring the party that he
power to seal a twenty by twenty room. will provide explosives to help reseal the mine in
case there is something there.
• He also will supply a Lantern of Tracking
(Aberrations) "to keep the party safe." As a Dungeon Master, you can choose if you would
like to reveal that Drogoth sent the kobolds to
• Translated Notes : He will also provide
retrieve the psi crystal, but is now very concerned
translated versions of all of the parchments the
that the illithids may be investigating the mine
party has discovered.
considering the notes that the party has
The Bomb discovered.
The Bomb provides a plot device for the party to rapidly Dungeon Master Background
seal that mine to contain the Illithid threat. The Bomb The reason the mine had a low yield was that Drogoth
cannot be carried out of this adventure (see below). was ordering the kobolds to pull of the majority of the
The Dungeon Master can choose to withhold The Bomb gems for Drogoth's use in his alchemy. Drogoth is aware
for a much tougher adventure in which the party must of the psi crystal on the third level and was hoping to
use the picks and tools found at the entrance to the mine recover it. Drogoth sent Keolix, Fudor and Mitross and
to seal the mine or come up with a crea>ve solu>on to two other kobolds to unseal the mine five days ago. The
seal the passage. kobolds were terrified of entering the mine and took >me
to work their way into the third level. They were more
The Bomb operates on similar sta>s>cs as found in the
scared of Drogoth and did work to complete their orders.
Dungeon Masters Guide (p 267).
The pieces of parchment are notes made by Mitross, who

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PoA-DC-ROG-2 The Cold Eyes of Terror 10
was receiving telepathic transmissions from the crystal,
which weakened his mind.
The kobolds uncovered that the Illithids (Mind Flayers)
had leR the psi crystal on the third level as an alarm to
alert them that someone was intruding upon their
territory. As the kobolds made their way to the crystal,
they were a6acked by Intellect Devourers. Keolix, Fudor
and Mitross were able to run from the assault, but were
driven mad. They hid on the second level and Mitross
con>nued his fran>c notes. In breaking into the third
level, the miners had accidentally freed the Grell from the
underdark. The Grell now roams the mines. In addi>on,
Gibbering Mouthers made their way from the Underdark
and into the second level. Driven mad, Mitross received a
message from an Illithid that he was coming to find them
in four days, which he scribbled down.
The kobolds were a6acked by the Grell, killing Mitross.
Keolix carried the fatally wounded Fudor out of the mine,
where Fudor died of his injuries. Terrified of the
impending Illithid assault that Mitross had wri6en in his
notes, Keolix fled to the only other person he could think
of, Rog Drannian. Unfortunately, in his haste and
madness, he only grabbed a por>on of Mitross' notes.

Clues in Termalaine
The players may follow certain clues into Termalaine and
can find out the following informa>on:
• Most townsfolk and the Town Speaker consider Drogoth
“not a nice individual” because he has been known to
mistreat kobolds.
• In a run-down sec>on of town, the party will find the
hovel that Mitross, Keolix and Fudor live in. It is a one
room house and is currently locked and empty. A
Survival or Inves4ga4on (DC 10) will reveal that the
kobolds leR the house approximately five days ago.

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PoA-DC-ROG-2 The Cold Eyes of Terror 11
Part 1: Mine Level I
Estimated Duration: 10 minutes for Part 1 • There are bags, picks and other tools used to
break through the entrance strewn around the
Setting Information dead kobold . The party will Yind a used scroll
in one of the bags. The scroll was a dispel
Using Drogoth’s map, the party weaves through magic spell and was used to break the arcane
mountains west of Termalaine for about an hour. lock. The nature of the used scroll can be
A chill wind whips across their clothing as the revealed with a successful DC 15 Arcana
snow falls. The sun is setting as they ascend a check.
hill. At the top of the hill is a stone building,
standing like a lonely sentinel in the rapidly Parchment Fragments
falling darkness. The party should be provided the untranslated
versions of Player Handouts 4 and 5. If one of
A. Mine Entrance the party speaks Draconic, they can
automatically translate the parchment and
Read the following description to the party for convey the meaning to the party, if they wish. If
the mine entrance: they choose to do this, the Dungeon Master
should provide the translated versions of Player
As you approach the stone building, you notice Handouts 4 and 5.
that a jagged hole has been broken into the large
slab that seals the entrance. Snow has Yilled the B. Stairs to Level I
jagged hole. As you look into the darkness of the
hole you faintly see the body of a small Use the following description to describe the
humanoid, lying just inside the entrance, with a room:
single hand still gripping one wall.
The spiral stair case leads down to a large room
Successful Survival Checks (DC 5) will reveal no with a metal door at one end. A trail of blood
recent tracks leading to the mine. Wizards and leads from the door and up the spiral stairs. The
other spell casters who examine the entrance door has a large iron bar locking the door from
can determine, with a successful Arcana check this side. “I" is written on the door.
(DC 15), that the entrance was also sealed with
an arcane lock spell. The bar has bloody hand prints on it. The bar can
be lifted to open the door. On the other side is
The body is a kobold (Fudor). The party can another long room with a spiral staircase leading
crawl into the hole, which opens into a larger down. The letter on the door indicates that this is
space ten by ten room. At the end of the room is level I. The handouts have a set of notes that
a large spiral stair Yilled with snow, leading into refer to level II, which the party is heading to
the darkness. The party can determine the next.
If needed, the DM can show the party the map
• The kobold's frozen hands are gripping two for Level I (which is in the upper right hand
pieces of parchment with drawings on them. corner of Appendix 2 : Player Map of Level I and
• A successful Medicine check (DC 10) will II.) The spiral stairs at the end of level I lead to
reveal that the Kobold was killed by a creature the spiral staircase to level II.
with a beak.

• A successful Survival or Investigation check

(DC 10) will reveal that two small individuals
(likely the kobolds) came up the spiral stairs.
One kobold was bleeding to death.

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PoA-DC-ROG-2 The Cold Eyes of Terror 12
Part 2: Mine Level II
Estimated Duration: 40 minutes for Part 2
body ripped by grievous wounds and his legs
splayed out, with one boot missing.
Setting Information
The spiral staircase leads to a winding mine A search of the kobold will reveal a potion of
tunnel supported by wooden planks. The party climbing and two parchments with pictures.
can see a set of bloody footprints leading to the
stairs. The miners removed most of the mining A successful Medicine check (DC 10) will reveal
equipment when the mine was abandoned. The that the kobold was killed by a creature with a
kobold miners dug the majority of the tunnel by beak. The kobold is Mitross, who headed the
hand. engineering in the mine. He was attacked by the
Grell and was left as his companions Yled the
A successful Survival or Nature check (DC10) mine.
will reveal that the footprints are deYinitely from
the kobolds escaping the mine. A successful Investigation or Survival check
(DC 10) will reveal that the kobold crawled from
This area is mapped under Appendix 1 : DM Map the main chamber into the tunnel, leaving a
of Level I and II and Appendix 2 : Player Map of bloody trail behind him.
Level I and II.
If the a party member is using the Lantern of
Tracking, you can let them know that it glows
A. Mitross’ Corpse green as they approach the main chamber.

Parchment Fragments
The party should be provided the untranslated
versions of Player Handouts 6 and 7. If one of
the party speaks Draconic, they can
automatically translate the parchment and
convey the meaning to the party, if they wish. If
they choose to do this, the Dungeon Master
should provide the translated versions of Player
Handouts 6 and 7.

Dungeon Master Background

As the kobolds explored the mine, the psi crystal
projected images into Mitross' brain, tearing at his
psyche. He drew them down on parchment, finding the
mental images more and more terrifying.
The kobolds had made it to the chamber on the third
level and were close to the psi crystal when they were
a6acked by Intellect Devourers. Mitross, Fudor and
Keolix were able to escape unharmed to the room with
Read the following description to the party as the pool. They banded together contempla>ng how to
they follow the passage from the spiral stairs: escape the mine as Mitross rambled strange thoughts
and drew pictures of the projected horrors in his mind.
Strange thoughts also permeated Fudor and Keolix's
The tunnel rounds a corner and opens up into a
large main chamber. At the entrance of the
tunnel you see the body of another kobold, his

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Mitross became aware that the Illithid were coming in
four days >me to find out who had disturbed the psi As you cross the chamber, you can see two other
passages that lead into darkness. You hear a low
crystal and had sent their hounds (the Intellect
murmur near the pillars, as if a wounded human
Devourers) to scout ahead. He added this to his
were in the darkness. Suddenly, the voice is
ramblings and the trio fled to the second floor. joined by several others. From beyond the pillars
On the second floor, the trio narrowly avoided the ahead, you see an amorphous mass of eyes and
Gibbering Mouthers, straining Keolix's sanity and the mouths emerge as it oozes towards you.
trio briefly rested just outside the entrance tunnel to the
staircase as Keolix regained his wits and Mitross If the a
con>nued his mad wri>ng. It was there that the Grell party
found them, a6acking both Fudor and Mitross, and member is
mortally wounding both. Keolix was able to aid Fudor in using the
gehng to the entrance of the mine before Fudor Lantern of
succumbed to his wounds. Driven mad, Keolix fled the
you can let
mine to Bryn Shander and Rog's house.
them know
that it
continues to
B. Main Chamber glow green
within the
Estimated duration: 30 minutes chamber.
The chamber has the following description: The Illithid
You enter a large carved out cavern, which is allowed
supported by massive wooden pillars carved several
with the symbols “II”. From the tunnel behind, aberrations
you can hear a cold storm blowing on the hill to escape
above the mine. Strewn on the Yloor of the into the
chamber are broken crates, ruined tools and mine. The Gibbering Mouthers hide behind the
parts of mine carts. Peering into the darkness, pillars and will begin to murmur when the
you see areas where rails were pulled up, majority of party members are within 20 feet to
presumably when the mine was abandoned. The incapacitate them.
cavern is deathly quiet.
If they are in range, party members must
succeed in a DC 10 Wisdom check or fall prey to
An Investigation check of the room (DC 5) the Gibbering Mouther's Gibbering attack. After
reveals nothing of value. The walls only contain that, the party may roll for initiative.
very low value Ylawed jewels that are more
trouble to extract than are of value. Adjus>ng the Scene
A successful Investigation or Survival check To adjust the scene for the party’s APL, use the following
(DC 10) will show that the kobold was attacked strengths:
close to the entrance of the cavern and later • Very Weak: 1 Gibbering Mouther and 1 Star Spawn
dragged himself into the tunnel. Multiple sets of
kobold tracks lead from the stairs to level three
and across the cavern to the spiral stairs. A • Weak: 1 Gibbering Mouther and 2 Star Spawn Grue
successful Survival check (DC15) will reveal
that the tracks were made in the past Yive days. • Average: 2 Gibbering Mouthers and 1 Star Spawn
As the party nears the pillars on the far side of
• Strong: 2 Gibbering Mouthers and 4 Star Spawn Grue
the room which are near D. Stairs to Level III,
read the following:

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• Very Strong: 3 Gibbering Mouthers and 3 Star Spawn Adjus>ng the Scene
Grue To adjust the scene for the party’s APL, use the following
• Very Weak: 1 Grell
Playing the Pillars
• Weak: 2 Grell, with one Grell at 50% HP
Here are some sugges>ons for this encounter:
• Average : 2 Grell
Combat. The Gibbering Mouthers and Grue will hide
behind the pillars in the room un>l a creature comes • Strong: 3 Grell
within five feet of them. They will then emerge to use
• Very Strong: 4 Grell
their powers to overwhelm the individual. The room is
quite large, making it easy for the party to retreat and
take shots at a distance on the creatures. The creatures
will a6empt to close on the party and the Gibbering C. Grell Tunnel
Mouthers will spit to blind party members.
Estimated duration: 5 minutes
As the party fight the Gibbering Mouthers and Grue
have the Grell roll a Stealth check and move from the After a single round of combat, the Grell from the
Grell tunnel towards the party. If they succeed in a Main Chamber will dash to move into the Grill
Stealth check greater than the party member with the Tunnel.
highest passive percep>on, move the Grell closer to the
party, keeping the Grell hidden behind the pillars. At this
>me, the party will not be aware of the Grell because
they are figh>ng the other creatures.
ARer the party defeats the Gibbering Mouthers and
Grue, have the Grell each roll a contested Stealth check
against each players Percep4on check. Party members
who fail the check will be surprised. Use the same
ini>a>ve from the previous combat to begin another
combat. ARer a single round of combat, have the Grell
use the dash move to retreat to the Grill Tunnel.
Having the Grell escape and retreat heightens the
poten>al suspense of the adventure, because the party
will realize that something is s>ll wai>ng in the darkness
for them.

For the Grell encounter, read the following:

As you Yinish the battle with the chaotic masses

of eyes and mouths, a Yloating brain with a beak
and tentacles Yloats out of the darkness to attack
you! Unless cornered, the Grell will only attack for the
Yirst round. If the party pursue, they will need to
If the Grell survive, they will retreat down the make a DC 15 perception check or DC 15
hole in the Grell tunnel to Level III. acrobatics check to either notice or avoid falling
into a pit. Party members moving cautiously will
detect the pit and be able to avoid it. If the Grell

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PoA-DC-ROG-2 The Cold Eyes of Terror 15
survive, they will retreat down the hole in the
Grell tunnel to Level III.

If the Grell escape, and the party is using the

lantern, they will note that the glow slowly fades
away until the green glow is gone.

Individuals who fall down the pit will fall 20 feet

and take 2D6 damage. The pit leads to Part 3:C.
Hole in the Ceiling.

D. Stairs to Level III

Estimated duration: 1 minute

The tunnel ends in a set of dirty stairs leading

into darkness.

Successful Survival or Investigation checks

(DC 10) will note that the kobolds came up the
stairs from this location.

Party members watching the lantern will see it

Ylicker green for a moment and feed back to
normal. This is due to the Grell passing through
the chamber to hide deeper in the complex.

The stairs lead to Part 3: A. Stairs to Level II.

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Part 3: Mine Level III
Estimated duration: 90 - 120 minutes for Part 3 Examination of the walls reveals that this area
and the tunnels leading out of it appear to have
This area is mapped under Appendix 3 : DM Map been cut as part of mining operations.
of Level III and Appendix 4 : Player Map of Level
III. As the party proceeds, read the following:

A. Stairs to Level II
Estimated duration: 1 minute The lantern of tracking glows bright green for an
instant and the light fades away as if something
Stairs lead upwards out of this rough hewn is moving in a nearby cavern.
tunnel to the level II. The tunnel winds
northward into a large chamber. The Yloor of the
tunnel is stone with a few wooden planks set A successful DC 10 Survival or Investigation
into odd places on the Yloor. check will reveal a set of kobold tracks proceed
from the D. Chamber of the Pool into the cavern.
The stairs lead up to Part 2: A. Stairs to Level
III. Searching the cavern reveals nothing of value.

Adventurers monitoring the lantern of tracking Pick the character with the lowest wisdom and
will see it Ylicker green for an instant as the Grell read the following to that character:
shift through D. Chamber of the Pool
You feel a strange sensation, as if someone is
Individuals using Investigation or Survival will watching you from the darkness. A voice calls out
note the following with a successful check: "why are you here?"
DC 5 : The mine tracks were removed as the
mine was abandoned, leaving some wooden The voice is an Illithid using the psi crystal to
cross-ties behind. amplify its thoughts. If the character asks the
other players if they heard something, they will
DC 10: The tracks reveal three kobolds came not have heard anything.
through here in the last few days, heading for the
second level. A successful Arcana check from the player (DC
15) will suggest that it may have been a
The walls of the chamber contain no usable telepathic transmission.
Telepathic Communica>on
B. Large Chamber The Illithid can detect thoughts and telepathically
communicate with any party member on level III.
Estimated duration: 15 minutes Because the psi crystal was set up as an early warning
device to alert for raiders, the Illithid will use this ability
This room has the following description: to understand the movements of the party and probe
their inten>ons to understand if they are a raiding party
You have entered a large natural chamber, with intent on an excursion into the Underdark.
three other passages leading into darkness. The
symbols “III” are carved into the rock above the The Dungeon Master is free to ask addi>on telepathic
entrance. The silence of the room is ques>ons or add addi>on dialogue as the party move
disconcerting. The tunnels appear to be roughly through level III.
cut by the miners followed promising leads to
What They Want: The Illithid wants to understand the
jewels within the walls.
intent of the party and will move to take back the psi
crystal if it is taken. The Illithid is currently moving

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PoA-DC-ROG-2 The Cold Eyes of Terror 17
through the Underdark to the mine and will arrive in a Successful Survival or Investigation (DC 10)
short period of >me. checks will reveal that several kobolds crossed
across the pool and rapidly ran back to the Large
Probing and Condescending: The Illithid considers the
adventurers as inferiors and will treat them as such in
conversa>on. Upon investigation, the party will Yind nothing
unusual about the pool. The pool is Yilled with
C. Hole in the Ceiling cool clear water, which is drinkable. The water
drains through a small set of natural holes in the
Estimated duration: 5 minutes far wall of the cavern.

This rough hewn tunnel is supported by wooden Pick the character the lowest wisdom again and
planks and winds to the south ending in a dead- read the following to that character:
end. Looking above, the party can see a hole in
the ceiling. For an instant, you see a set of eyes staring at you
The hole ascends 20 feet to the second level. It is from across the pool.
a difYicult climb requiring a successful DC 15
Athletics check. The hole leads to C. Grell This is again the Illithid using the psi crystal to
Tunnel. amplify its thoughts. If the character asks the
other players if they have seen anything, no
A Survival or Investigation check (DC 5) other player will have witnessed the event.
reveals no recent tracks in the tunnel. Like other
chambers, the walls contain very low value
Ylawed jewels that are more trouble to extract E. Chamber of the Psi Crystal
than are worth. Estimated duration: 45 minutes
If the party entered this chamber, while pursuing Use the following description for the room:
the Grell, use this map to set up the level :
Appendix 4 : Player Map of Level III.
As you round the corner of the rough hewn
tunnel on the other side of the pool, you stumble
D. Chamber of the Pool upon a passage that has broken into a side room.
Estimated duration: 15 minutes The passage continues on into the darkness.
Looking into the room, you see a glowing purple
Read the following to the party: crystal that sits atop a low pedestal. The room
that houses the crystal is Yinished in stonework.
The Yloor of the room and the pedestal are
The tunnel leads into another large natural covered in arcane symbols.
cavern, with stalagmites and stalactites from
Yloor to ceiling. As you enter the chamber, you
hear the slow drip of water, settling into a Just outside the chamber is large stain from
shallow pool at one end of the chamber. kobold blood.

As you cross the chamber, the lantern of tracking As the party enters the room, they will be
glows an ominous green color. Pausing to listen, attacked by the Intellect Devourers and the
you hear only the sound of the water dripping Icewind Kobolds (the missing kobold who are
from the pool. In the distant glow of the lantern, currently controlled by the crystal).
you see a single boot at the edge of the pool.

The lantern is glowing due to the Intellect

Devourers in the next chamber. The boot is
kobold sized and belonged to Mitross.

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Adjus>ng the Scene successful an Arcana or Persuasion check (DC 15). If the
party is able to break the link or remove the kobolds
To adjust the scene for the party’s APL, use the following
from level III, they will slowly awaken and come back to
normal. If the link is broken during combat, the kobolds
• Very Weak: 1 Icewind Kobolds, 1 Intellect Devourer will stand mo>onless and slowly awaken aRer the
• Weak: 4 Icewind Kobolds, 1 Intellect Devourers combat is over. The kobolds will inform the party that
Drogoth sent them to recover the crystal and that as
• Average : 2 Icewind Kobolds, 2 Intellect Devourers soon as they entered the room, a dark figure took
• Strong: 2 Icewind Kobolds, 3 Intellect Devourers control of their thoughts and bodies.

• Very Strong: 2 Icewind Kobolds, 4 Intellect Devourers After the battle, the party may wish to explore
the room. A successful Arcana check (DC 15)
Playing the Pillars will show that the symbols amplify telepathy. If a
Here are some sugges>ons for this encounter: member succeeds with a DC 25 (or greater),
they will realize that the symbols are ancient and
Combat. The kobolds move slowly during the combat are a warning device that transmits when
as their minds are controlled by the Illithid at a distance. someone enters the room.
The Dungeon Master can describe them as moving as if
in a trance. The Intellect Devourers will rapidly a6ack Removing the psi crystal from the pedestal
the adventurers, a6emp>ng to take over their bodies to
reverts it to a regular psi crystal (as described in
Appendix 5: Character Rewards) As it is
fight the other adventurers.
removed, read the following to the party
Exploration. Destroying the crystal or the arcane member with the lowest Wisdom:
symbols will not have any effect on the mind
controlled kobolds or the combat. You feel a strange presence in your mind,
Social. The kobolds are being controlled at a distance followed by a sense of anger. You hear someone
and the party could a6empt to break the link by say "Impudent Thief, I will be retrieving that

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PoA-DC-ROG-2 The Cold Eyes of Terror 19
This is another telepathic connection from an If the party does not immediately seal the
Illithid who is moving towards the room to chamber, read the following:
investigate. A set of stairs leading to a set of
double-doors is north of the room. Beyond the The lantern of tracking Ylickers green for an
double-doors, a set of stairs leads to The instant and then begins to glow in a pulsating
Underdark, which is where the Illithid will green light.
emerge from. This encounter can be found under
Part3:F. Pathway to the Underdark.
From down the corridor, the party will hear
Leaving the Chamber approaching footsteps.
As the party moves out of the chamber, let them Within a few minutes, the Illithid (Mind Flayer)
know that the Lantern of Tracking is glowing will emerge from the darkness Ylanked by
green again. If they continue down the passage Intellect Devourers. The Illithid will use detect
to G. Where the Grell Hide, they will encounter thoughts to know if the party is planting a bomb
the Grell again. Otherwise, the Grell will shadow or attempting to ambush it.
them and attack them as they cross the pool in
the chamber of the pool. Adjus>ng the Scene
Plan>ng the Bomb This encounter is meant to be deadly and is best avoided
by the party. The scene can be adjusted to the party’s
The bomb could be planted just outside the double-
APL according to the following strengths:
doors or at the entrance where the miners broke into
the chamber. Either sec>on will be sufficient to seal the • Very Weak: 1 Intellect Devourer, 1 Mind Flayer
• Weak: 2 Intellect Devourer, 1 Mind Flayer
• Average : 3 Intellect Devourers, 1 Mind Flayer

F. Pathway to the Underdark • Strong: 4 Intellect Devourers, 1 Mind Flayer

• Very Strong: 5 Intellect Devourers, 1 Mind Flayer
Estimated duration: 5 - 30 minutes
Playing the Pillars
Here are some sugges>ons for this encounter:

Combat. The party will have had warning that they

would encounter a Mind Flayer through Mitross’
notes and through the telepathic transmissions. The
Mind Flayer will show no mercy, unleashing the
intellect devourers and then Mind Blasting the party.
Exploration. Inves>ga>on of the passage leading into
the Underdark will show mul>ple tunnels. As the party
proceeds, let them know that they are beginning to hear
footsteps approaching (as the Mind Flayer comes to

Social. The party could surrender and become slaves

to the Mind Flayer, which would end their careers.

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G. Where the Grell Hide
Estimated duration: 20 minutes

If the party continues down the passage to G.

Where the Grell Hide, they will encounter the
Grell at the end of the passage. Otherwise, the
Grell will shadow them and attack them as they
cross the pool in D. Chamber of the Pool. You can
describe the encounter using the following text:

You move in the dark as the lantern of warning

glows an eerie green light. Emerging from the
dark is a Yloating brain with a beak and tentacles!

The Grell will use Stealth (+6) to attempt to

surprise the party.

Adjus>ng the Scene

For the encounter, u>lize any Grell who survived the
combat from the main chamber on level II. The Grell
may have been wounded from the combat in the main
chamber. Op>onally, the Dungeon Master may heal the
Grell to full hit points.

Playing the Pillars

Here are some sugges>ons for this encounter:

Combat. The Grell will swoop from the darkness

and attack the nearest party member. If wounded, the
Grell may attempt to retreat at the discretion of the
Dungeon Master. The Grell knows that its passage is a
dead end and will renew the combat if it is cornered.

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Part 4: Betrayal
• Unknown to the party, Rog Drannian has found out
that Drogoth had ordered Keolix to recover the psi
Estimated duration: 30 minutes for Part 4 crystal. Rog has pulled a troop of kobolds together and
proceeded to the mine to confront Drogoth.
If the adventure is running close to four hours, the
Dungeon Master may skip this combat and have For the encounter, the party must survive for at least
the party ]ind Rog Drannian at the entrance of the three rounds. On round four, Rog and his team come
mine with Drogoth unconscious at Rog’s feet. Rog down the stairs surprising Drogoth. Rog will hit Drogoth
will tell the party about Drogoth’s betrayal. with the flat of his sword, stunning him. The other
kobolds surrender.
Drogoth has followed the party and waits for
them to bring the psi crystal out of the mine. As Rog says "I should have never trusted him."
the party returns to level one, they Yind Drogoth
Social. Drogoth will allow the party safe passage if
waiting with several kobolds in front of the stairs
that exit the mine on level I (Part 1: B. Stairs to they give up the psi crystal. Because Drogoth is not very
Level I) . Read the following: nice to his minions, the Dungeon Master may allow the
party to convince his kobold troops to revolt (Persuasion
DC 20) and a6ack Drogoth.
As you open the double-doors, you see Drogoth
standing with several kobolds in front of you. His
troop blocks the exit to the mines. "I am so glad
you survived." says Drogoth, "give me the crystal
and you can be on your way." Completing the Module
Rog explains to the party that Keolix is doing
Adjus>ng the Scene better and that he has revealed that Drogoth sent
To adjust the scene for the party’s APL, use the following
Keolix and the other kobolds into the mine to
recover the crystal. Based upon what Keolix said,
he contacted several of Keolix's clan and then
• Very Weak: Drogoth is a bard and there are 2 came to confront Drogoth.
Icewind Kobolds with him
There are several possible outcomes within the
• Weak: Drogoth is a bard, but has six Icewind kobolds module to earn rewards. To fully gain all the
with him. magic items in the adventure, the party must go
to the chamber with the psi crystal and recover
• Average: Drogoth is an illusionist and there are 2 it. To be fully paid by Rog, the party must seal the
Icewind Kobolds with him passages so that the Mind Flayer cannot emerge
• Strong: Drogoth is an illusionist has eight Icewind from the mine (or kill the Mind Flayer). The mine
kobolds with him. can be sealed in several areas (including the
• Very Strong: Drogoth is an enchanter and has six
Icewind kobolds with him. Outcomes:

Playing the Pillars • The party seals the Mind Flayer in (or kills it):
Here are some sugges>ons for this encounter:
Rog pays the party the maximum gold (20 GP
per hour) for their services.
• If, the party gives up the psi crystal to Drogoth :
• If the party gives up the crystal, Drogoth will let them The Dungeon Master can choose if Rog
proceed to the exit without conflict. recovers the crystal and then gives it to the
• If the party choose to fight, keep track of the rounds. party as a reward.
Drogoth will order his kobolds to engage and will cast Finally, Rog will inform the party that he was
spells at a distance. able pay a priest to cure Keolix.

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At the end of the session, the characters receive rewards based upon their accomplishments.

Character Rewards
Downtime Days
The characters earn the following rewards: Each character earns 10 downtime days after
gaining a level (20 for tier 2+ characters).
Upon successfully completing this adventure, Magic Items
each character gains a level. At their discretion, If found during the adventure, the characters can
they may choose to decline advancement. keep the following magic items; these items are
Remind your players that the amount of gold described in Appendix 5: Character Rewards.
that their characters can earn per level is limited;
declining advancement means that they may • Potion of Climbing
reach a point where they earn no gold.
• Lantern of Tracking (Aberrations)
Award each character gold for each hour of the • Psi Crystal.
session. Adventures typically features cues for
this, but you can add it where you see Yit. The Dungeon Master Rewards
maximum gold and minimum gold that you can
award a character per hour is determined by Dungeon Masters should consult the
their tier, as follows: Adventurers League Dungeon Master’s Guide
for information.
Tier Hourly GP Award (Min) GP Limit per Level
1 20 gp (10 gp) 80 gp
2 30 gp (15 gp) 240 gp
3 200 gp (100 gp) 1,600 gp
4 750 gp (375 gp) 6,000 gp

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Dramatis Personae
The following NPCs feature prominently in this adventure.

Drogoth Rendu Rog Drannian

Drogoth Rendu of Termalaine was hired to assist Rog Drannian is a 37 year old human veteran. A
in blasting in the mine (both magical and native of Bryn Shander, his hair has gone
chemical). The mine had a low proYit and had to prematurely grey and his skin is weathered by
be closed when Kobolds discovered an artifact on wind. His blue eyes are playful and Rog generally
the third level which terriYied them. maintains an optimistic outlook.

The reason the mine had a low yield was that A year prior to the coming of the Rime, Rog was
Drogoth was ordering the kobolds to pull the contacted by the Anteos family from Waterdeep to
majority of the gems for Drogoth's use in his establish a gem mine near Termalaine. The Anteos
alchemy. Drogoth became aware of the psi crystal family had magical intelligence of a potentially
on the third level and was hoping to recover it. lucrative deposit and provided Rog one thousand
Drogoth sent Keolix, Fudor and Mitross and two gold to establish the mine.
other kobolds to recover it. The kobolds were
terriYied of re-entering the mine and took time to He contracted with a set of Kobolds to establish
reach the third level. Moreover, they were even the mine. Unfortunately, the kobolds triggered a
more scared of Drogoth and did work to complete warning device established by Mind Flayers. The
his orders. psi crystal on the third level disturbed the
thoughts of the kobolds, terrifying them.
• What They Want: Drogoth is greedy and
wants to recover the psi crystal. He has spent Due to the disturbance, the kobolds refused to
and used all the gems which were lifted from work any further and Rog was forced to shut
the mine. He cares very little about the down the mine. Rog overruled Drogoth on
kobolds. blasting the mine and had the mine sealed by a
mage. The magical seal forced Drogoth to obtain a
• Calculating and Greedy: Drogoth has bullied dispel magic scroll to reopen the mine.
the kobolds into following his lead. He is
interested in money and additional magical Rog is worried that the Anteos family will send
power. someone to check up on him. He is working on
other schemes to recover funds. This story line is
Keolix covered in DC-PoA-ROG-1, The Frozen Path To
Easthaven and is available on DM’s Guild.
Keolix was hired by Rog Drannian as the foreman
for the Anteos mine near Termalaine. Along with • What They Want: Rog wants to help Keolix
Fudor and Mitross he was bullied into returning because he feels responsible for his insanity.
to the mine to recover the psi crystal. He was He is helping the kobold regain his sanity.
driven mad by the terrors he encountered in the
mine. • Honest and Accountable: Rog genuinely
cares for the kobolds and feels accountable for
• What They Want: Keolix felt that Rog what has happened. When he Yinds out that
Drannian is the only person he could trust, so Drogoth has been stealing from the mine and
he went to his house after he lost his sanity. is forcing the kobolds back into the mine to
recover the psi crystal, he organizes a party to
• Driven Insane by the Psi Crystal: Keolix is stop Drogoth.
insane, but slowly recovers under Rog's care.
He continues to repeat phrases like "The eyes!
The eyes! They scream at me!" The eyes!”

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PoA-DC-ROG-2 The Cold Eyes of Terror 24
Creature Statistics
Shortbow. Ranged Weapon A6ack: +4 to hit, range
80/320 R., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
Bard (Drogoth, for some encounters)
Medium humanoid (any alignment)
Armor Class 15 (chain shirt)
Hit Points 44 (8d8 + 8)
Speed 30 R.


11 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 14 (+2)

Saving Throws Dex +4, Wis +3

Skills Acroba>cs +4, Percep>on +5, Performance +6
Senses passive Percep>on 15
Languages any two languages(Drogoth speaks Draconic)
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +2
Spellcas4ng. The bard is a 4th-level spellcaster. Its
spellcas>ng ability is Charisma (spell save DC 12, +4 to
hit with spell a6acks). It has the following bard
spells prepared:
• Cantrips (at will): friends, mage hand, vicious mockery
• 1st level (4 slots): charm person, healing word,
heroism, sleep, thunderwave
• 2nd level (3 slots): invisibility, sha6er
Song of Rest. The bard can perform a song while taking
a short rest. Any ally who hears the song regains an
extra 1d6 hit points if it spends any Hit Dice to regain hit
points at the end of that rest. The bard can confer this
benefit on itself as well.
Taunt (2/Day). The bard can use a bonus ac>on on its
turn to target one creature within 30 feet of it. If the
target can hear the bard, the target must succeed on a
DC 12 Charisma saving throw or have disadvantage on
ability checks, a6ack rolls, and saving throws un>l the
start of the bard’s next turn.

Shortsword. Melee Weapon A6ack: +4 to hit, reach 5 R.,
one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.

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Enchanter (Drogoth, for some it and visible to it. The enchanter must decide to do so
before the a6ack hits or misses.
Medium humanoid (any race, any alignment) The a6acker must make a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw.
On a failed save, the a6acker targets the creature closest
Armor Class 12 (15 With Mage Armor) to it, other than the enchanter or itself. If mul>ple
Hit Points 40 (9d8) creatures are closest, the a6acker chooses which one to
Speed 30 R. target.


9 (-1) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 17 (+3) 12 (+1) 11 (+0)

Saving Throws INT +6, WIS +4

Skills Arcana +6, History +6
Senses Passive Percep>on 11
Languages any four languages(Drogoth speaks Draconic)
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +3
Spellcas4ng. The enchanter is a 9th-level spellcaster. Its
spellcas>ng ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 14, +6 to
hit with spell a6acks). The enchanter has the following
wizard spells prepared:
• Cantrips (at will): friends, mage hand, mending,
• 1st level (4 slots): charm person,* mage armor, magic
• 2nd level (3 slots): hold person,* invisibility,
• 3rd level (3 slots): fireball, haste, tongues
• 4th level (3 slots): dominate beast,* stoneskin
• 5th level (2 slots): hold monster*
*Enchantment spell of 1st level or higher

Quarterstaff. Melee Weapon A6ack: +2 to hit, reach 5
R., one target. Hit: 2 (1d6 - 1) bludgeoning damage, or 3
(1d8 - 1) bludgeoning damage if used with two hands.

Ins4nc4ve Charm (Recharges aRer the Enchanter Casts
an Enchantment Spell of 1st Level or Higher). The
enchanter tries to magically divert an a6ack made
against it, provided that the a6acker is within 30 feet of

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PoA-DC-ROG-2 The Cold Eyes of Terror 26
Gibbering Mouther The glob explodes in a blinding flash of light on impact.
Each creature within 5 feet of the flash must succeed on
Medium aberra'on , neutral
a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or be blinded un>l the
Armor Class 9 end of the mouther's next turn.
Hit Points 67 (9d8 + 27)
Speed 10 R., swim 10 R.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Medium aberra'on , neutral evil
Armor Class 12
10 (+0) 8 (-1) 16 (+3) 3 (-4) 10 (+0) 6 (-2)
Hit Points 55 (10d8 + 10)
Speed 10 R., fly 30 R. (hover)
Condi4on Immuni4es Prone
Senses Darkvision 60 R., Passive Percep>on 10 STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Languages --
15 (+2) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 9 (-1)
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +2 Skills Percep>on +4, Stealth +6
Aberrant Ground. The ground in a 10-foot radius around Damage Immuni4es Lightning
the mouther is doughlike difficult terrain. Each creature
Condi4on Immuni>es Blinded, Prone
that starts its turn in that area must succeed on a DC 10
Strength saving throw or have its speed reduced to 0 Senses Blindsight 60 R. (blind beyond this radius),
un>l the start of its next turn. Passive Percep>on 14

Gibbering. The mouther babbles incoherently while it Languages Grell

can see any creature and isn't incapacitated. Each Challenge 3 (700 XP)
creature that starts its turn within 20 feet of the
mouther and can hear the gibbering must succeed on a Proficiency Bonus +2
DC 10 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the creature
can't take reac>ons un>l the start of its next turn and
rolls a d8 to determine what it does during its turn. On a Mul4a]ack. The grell makes two a6acks: one with its
1 to 4, the creature does nothing. On a 5 or 6, the tentacles and one with its beak.
creature takes no ac>on or bonus ac>on and uses all its
Tentacles. Melee Weapon A6ack: +4 to hit, reach 10 R.,
movement to move in a randomly determined direc>on.
one creature. Hit: 7 (1d10 + 2) piercing damage, and the
On a 7 or 8, the creature makes a melee a6ack against a
target must succeed on a DC 11 Cons>tu>on saving
randomly determined creature within its reach or does
throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. The poisoned target
nothing if it can't make such an a6ack.
is paralyzed, and it can repeat the saving throw at the
Ac4ons end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success.

Mul4a]ack. The gibbering mouther makes one bite The target is also grappled (escape DC 15). If the target
a6ack and, if it can, uses its Blinding Spi6le. is Medium or smaller, it is also restrained un>l this
grapple ends. While grappling the target, the grell has
Bite. Melee Weapon A6ack: +2 to hit, reach 5 R., one advantage on a6ack rolls against it and can’t use this
creature. Hit: 17 (5d6) piercing damage. If the target is a6ack against other targets. When the grell moves, any
Medium or smaller, it must succeed on a DC 10 Strength Medium or smaller target it is grappling moves with it.
saving throw or be knocked prone. If the target is killed
by this damage, it is absorbed into the mouther. Beak. Melee Weapon A6ack: +4 to hit, reach 5 R., one
target. Hit: 7 (2d4 + 2) piercing damage
Blinding Spi]le (Recharge 5–6). The mouther spits a
chemical glob at a point it can see within 15 feet of it.

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Small humanoid (kobold) , any alignment
Armor Class 14 (Hide Amor) 9 (-1) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 16 (+3) 11 (+0) 12 (+1)
Hit Points 9 (2d6 + 2)
Speed 30 R., climb 20 R. Saving Throws INT +5, WIS +2
Skills Arcana +5, History +5
Senses Passive Percep>on 10

7 (-2) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 8 (-1) 8 (-1) 8 (-1) Languages any four languages(Drogoth speaks Draconic)
Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Saving Throws DEX +4, CON +3
Proficiency Bonus +2
Skills Percep>on +1, Stealth +4, Survival +1
Spellcas4ng. The illusionist is a 7th-level spellcaster. Its
Senses Darkvision 60 R., Passive Percep>on 11 spellcas>ng ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 13, +5 to
hit with spell a6acks). The illusionist has the following
Languages Common, Draconic
wizard spells prepared:
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
• Cantrips (at will): dancing lights, mage hand, minor
Proficiency Bonus +2 illusion, poison spray
Pack Tac4cs. The kobold has advantage on an a6ack roll • 1st level (4 slots): color spray,* disguise self,* mage
against a creature if at least one of the kobold’s allies is armor, magic missile
within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn’t
• 2nd level (3 slots): invisibility,* mirror image,*
phantasmal force*
Sunlight Sensi4vity. While in sunlight, the kobold has
• 3rd level (3 slots): major image,* phantom steed*
disadvantage on a6ack rolls, as well as on Wisdom
(Percep>on) checks that rely on sight. • 4th level (1 slot): phantasmal killer*

Ac4ons *Illusion spell of 1st level or higher

Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon A6ack: +4 to hit, Displacement (Recharges aRer the Illusionist Casts an
reach 5 R. or range 20/60 R., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) Illusion Spell of 1st Level or Higher). As a bonus ac>on,
piercing damage. the illusionist projects an illusion that makes the
illusionist appear to be standing in a place a few inches
Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon A6ack: +0 to hit,
from its actual loca>on, causing any creature to have
reach 5 R. or range 30/120 R., one target. Hit: 1 (1d6 −
disadvantage on a6ack rolls against the illusionist. The
2) piercing damage.
effect ends if the illusionist takes damage, it is
incapacitated, or its speed becomes 0.

Illusionist (Drogoth, for some Ac4ons

encounters) Quarterstaff. Melee Weapon ALack: +1 to hit, reach 5
Medium humanoid (any race, any alignment) R., one target. Hit: 2 (1d6 - 1) bludgeoning damage, or 3
(1d8 - 1) bludgeoning damage if used with two hands.
Armor Class 12 (15 With Mage Armor)
Hit Points 38 (7d8 + 7)
Speed 30 R.

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Intellect Devourer devourer magically consumes the target’s brain,
teleports into the target’s skull, and takes control of the
Tiny aberra'on, lawful evil
target’s body. While inside a creature, the intellect
Armor Class 12 devourer has total cover against a6acks and other
Hit Points 21 (6d4 + 6) effects origina>ng outside its host. The intellect
Speed 40 R. devourer retains its Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma
scores, as well as its understanding of Deep Speech, its
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA telepathy, and its traits. It otherwise adopts the target’s
sta>s>cs. It knows everything the creature knew,
6 (-2) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) including spells and languages.
If the host body dies, the intellect devourer must leave
Skills Percep>on +2, Stealth +4 it. A protec>on from evil and good spell cast on the body
Damage Resistances Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing drives the intellect devourer out. The intellect devourer
from Nonmagical A6acks is also forced out if the target regains its devoured brain
by means of a wish. By spending 5 feet of its movement,
Condi4on Immuni>es Blinded the intellect devourer can voluntarily leave the body,
Senses Blindsight 60 R. (blind beyond this radius), telepor>ng to the nearest unoccupied space within 5
Passive Percep>on 12 feet of it. The body then dies, unless its brain is restored
within 1 round.
Languages Deep Speech understands but can't speak,
Telepathy 60 R.
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +2
Detect Sen4ence. The intellect devourer can sense the
presence and loca>on of any creature within 300 feet of
it that has an Intelligence of 3 or higher, regardless of
interposing barriers, unless the creature is protected by
a mind blank spell.

Mul4a]ack. The intellect devourer makes one a6ack
with its claws and uses Devour Intellect.
Claws. Melee Weapon A6ack: +4 to hit, reach 5 R., one
target. Hit: 7 (2d4 + 2) slashing damage.
Devour Intellect. The intellect devourer targets one
creature it can see within 10 feet of it that has a brain.
The target must succeed on a DC 12 Intelligence saving
throw against this magic or take 11 (2d10) psychic
damage. Also on a failure, roll 3d6: If the total equals or
exceeds the target’s Intelligence score, that score is
reduced to 0. The target is stunned un>l it regains at
least one point of Intelligence.
Body Thief. The intellect devourer ini>ates an
Intelligence contest with an incapacitated humanoid
within 5 feet of it that isn’t protected by protec>on from
evil and good. If it wins the contest, the intellect

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PoA-DC-ROG-2 The Cold Eyes of Terror 29
Mind Flayer (Illithid) stunned for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving
throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect
Medium aberra'on , lawful evil
on itself on a success.
Armor Class 15 (Breastplate)
Hit Points 71 (13d8 + 13)
Speed 30 R. Star Spawn Grue - Get Stats
Small aberra'on , neutral evil
Armor Class 11
Hit Points 17 (5d6)
11 (+0) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 19 (+4) 17 (+3) 17 (+3)
Speed 30 R.
Saving Throws INT +7, WIS +6, CHA +6
Skills Arcana +7, Decep>on +6, Insight +6, Percep>on +6,
Persuasion +6, Stealth +4
6 (-2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 9 (-1) 11 (+0) 6 (-2)
Senses Darkvision 120 R., Passive Percep>on 16
Damage Immuni4es Psychic
Languages Deep Speech, Telepathy 120 R.,
Undercommon Senses Darkvision 60 R., Passive Percep>on 10
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP) Languages Deep Speech
Proficiency Bonus +3 Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
Magic Resistance. The mind flayer has advantage on Proficiency Bonus +2
saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
Aura of Madness. Creatures within 20 feet of the grue
Innate Spellcas4ng (Psionics). The mind flayer’s innate that aren’t aberra>ons have disadvantage on saving
spellcas>ng ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 15). It throws, as well as on a6ack rolls against creatures other
can innately cast the following spells, requiring no than a star spawn grue.
• At will: detect thoughts, levitate
Confounding Bite. Melee Weapon A6ack: +3 to hit,
• 1/day each: dominate monster, plane shiR (self only) reach 5 R., one target. Hit: 6 (2d4 + 1) piercing damage,
and the target must succeed on a DC 10 Wisdom saving
throw or a6ack rolls against it have advantage un>l the
Tentacles. Melee Weapon A6ack: +7 to hit, reach 5 R., start of the grue’s next turn.
one creature. Hit: 15 (2d10 + 4) psychic damage. If the
target is Medium or smaller, it is grappled (escape DC
15) and must succeed on a DC 15 Intelligence saving
throw or be stunned un>l this grapple ends.
Extract Brain. Melee Weapon A6ack: +7 to hit, reach 5
R., one incapacitated humanoid grappled by the mind
flayer. Hit: The target takes 55 (10d10) piercing damage.
If this damage reduces the target to 0 hit points, the
mind flayer kills the target by extrac>ng and devouring
its brain.
Mind Blast (Recharge 5–6). The mind flayer magically
emits psychic energy in a 60-foot cone. Each creature in
that area must succeed on a DC 15 Intelligence saving
throw or take 22 (4d8 + 4) psychic damage and be

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PoA-DC-ROG-2 The Cold Eyes of Terror 30
Veteran (Rog Drannian)
Medium humanoid (any alignment)
Armor Class 17 (splint)
Hit Points 58 (9d8 + 18)
Speed 30 R.


16 (+3) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 10 (+0)

Skills Athle>cs +5, Percep>on +2

Senses passive Percep>on 12
Languages any one language (usually Common)
Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +2

Mul4a]ack. The veteran makes two longsword a6acks.
If it has a shortsword drawn, it can also make a
shortsword a6ack.
Longsword. Melee Weapon A6ack: +5 to hit, reach 5 R.,
one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) slashing damage, or 8 (1d10 +
3) slashing damage if used with two hands.
Shortsword. Melee Weapon A6ack: +5 to hit, reach 5 R.,
one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.
Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon A6ack: +3 to hit,
range 100/400 R., one target. Hit: 6 (1d10 + 1) piercing

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PoA-DC-ROG-2 The Cold Eyes of Terror 31
Player Handout 1

Untranslated Player Handout 1

Translated Player Handout 1

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PoA-DC-ROG-2 The Cold Eyes of Terror 32
Player Handout 2

Untranslated Player Handout 2

Translated Player Handout 2

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PoA-DC-ROG-2 The Cold Eyes of Terror 33
Player Handout 3

Untranslated Player Handout 3

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Translated Player Handout 3

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PoA-DC-ROG-2 The Cold Eyes of Terror 35
Player Handout 4

Untranslated Player Handout 4

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Translated Player Handout 4

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Player Handout 5

Untranslated Player Handout 5

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Translated Player Handout 5

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Player Handout 6

Untranslated Player Handout 6

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Translated Player Handout 6

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Player Handout 7

Untranslated Player Handout 7

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Translated Player Handout 7

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PoA-DC-ROG-2 The Cold Eyes of Terror 43
Appendix 1 : DM Map of Level I and II

Level II
to Level III
D. Stairs

B. Main Chamber

A. Mitross’ Corpse
C. Grell Tunnel

Level I
Level I
Stairs to

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Appendix 2 : Player Map of Level I and II

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PoA-DC-ROG-2 The Cold Eyes of Terror 45
Appendix 3 : DM Map of Level III

Level III
to Level II
A. Stairs

D. Chamber of the Pool

B. Large Chamber
the Ceiling
C. Hole in

G. Where the Grell Hide

the Psi Crystal

E. Chamber of

the Underdark
F. Pathway to

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PoA-DC-ROG-2 The Cold Eyes of Terror 46
Appendix 4 : Player Map of Level III

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PoA-DC-ROG-2 The Cold Eyes of Terror 47
Appendix 5: Character Rewards
If found during the adventure, the characters can keep the following magic items; it’s suggested that you
print off enough copies of this page to be able to give one to each of your players (crossing out rewards
they didn’t receive during the session):

The crystal also glows with a purplish inner light

Potion of Climbing while you are attuned to it.
Potion, common The higher your intelligence, the greater the
When you drink this potion, you gain a climbing light’s intensity and the greater the range of the
speed equal to your walking speed for 1 hour. telepathy (see the Psi Crystal Properties table).
During this time, you have advantage on Strength
(Athletics) checks you make to climb. The potion This item is found in Icewind Dale: Rime of the
is separated into brown, silver, and gray layers Frostmaiden.
resembling bands of stone. Shaking the bottle fails
to mix the colors.

This item is found in the Dungeon Master’s Guide

Lantern of Tracking
Wondrous Item, common
This hooded lantern burns for 6 hours on 1 pint of
oil, shedding bright light in a 30-foot radius and
dim light for an additional 30 feet.

Each lantern of tracking is designed to track down

a certain type of creature, which is determined by
rolling on the Lantern of Tracking table. Once
determined, this creature type can’t be changed.
While the lantern is within 300 feet of any
creature of that type, its Ylame turns bright green.
The lantern doesn’t pinpoint the creature’s exact
location, however.

This item is found in Icewind Dale: Rime of the


Psi Crystal
Wondrous Item, uncommon (requires attunement
by a creature with an Intelligence score of 3 or
This crystal grants you telepathy for as long as
you remain attuned to it. See the introduction of
the Monster Manual for rules on how this
telepathy works.

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PoA-DC-ROG-2 The Cold Eyes of Terror 48
Appendix 6: Dungeon Master Tips
To DM an adventure, you must have 3 to 7 ability scores, you can ask players to provide
players—each with their own character within documentation for the irregularities. If they
the adventure’s level range (see Adventure cannot, feel free to restrict item use or ask them
Primer). Characters playing in a hardcover to use a standard ability score array.
adventure may continue to play to but if they
play a different hardcover adventure, they can’t Point players to the D&D Adventurers League
return to the Yirst if outside its level range. Players Guide for reference. If players wish to
spend downtime days and it’s the beginning of
New to D&D Adventurers League? an adventure or episode, they can declare their
h6p:// activity and spend the days now, or they can do
so at the end of the adventure or episode. Players
should select their characters’ spells and other
Preparing the Adventure daily options prior to the start of the adventure,
unless the adventure speciYies otherwise. Feel
Before you start play, consider the following:
free to reread the adventure description to help
• Read through the adventure, taking notes of give players hints about what they might face.
anything you’d like to highlight or remind
yourself of while running the adventure, such Adjusting This Adventure
as a way you’d like to portray an NPC or a
tactic you’d like to use in a combat. Familiar To determine whether you should consider
yourself with the adventure’s appendices and adjusting the adventure, add up the total levels of
handouts. all the characters and divide the result by the
number of characters (rounding .5 or greater up;
• Gather any resources you’d like to use to aid .4 or less down). This is the group’s average
you in running this adventure--such as party level (APL). To approximate the party
notecards, a DM screen, miniatures, and strength for the adventure, consult the table
battlemaps. below.
• Ask the players to provide you with relevant Determining Party Strength
character information, such as name, race, Party Composi4on Party Strength
class, and level; passive Perception score, and 3-4 characters, APL less than Very weak
anything the adventures speciYies as notable
(such as backgrounds, traits, Ylaws, etc.) 3-4 characters, APL equivalent Weak
Players can play an adventure they previously
played as a Player or Dungeon Master but may 3-4 characters, APL greater than Average
only play it once with a given character. Ensure
each player has their character’s adventure 5 characters, APL less than Weak
logsheet (if not, get one from the organizer) with
their starting values for level, magic items, gold 5 characters, APL equivalent Average
and downtime days. These are updated at the
conclusion of the session. The adventure 5 characters, APL greater than Strong
information and your information are added at
the end of the adventure session—whether the 6-7 characters, APL less than Average
completed the adventure or not.
6-7 characters, APL equivalent Strong
Each player is responsible for maintaining an
accurate logsheet. If you have time, you can do a 6-7 characters, APL greater than Very strong
quick scan of a player’s character sheet to ensure
that nothing looks out of order. If you see magic
items of very high rarities or strange arrays of

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PoA-DC-ROG-2 The Cold Eyes of Terror 49

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