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Edu: good night rodrigo, how are you?

Rodrigo: good night, Eduardo, very well and how are you?

Edu: very well thanks, hey I present you a friend?

Rodrigo: oh cool, what's your friend's name? ¿Is from Peru?

Edu: her name is Azul, she is from peru, she is peruvian.

Rodrigo: How old is your friend Azul?

Edu: Currently she is 19 year old, but in 3 days she will be 20 years old.

Rodrigo: okey, What career studies your friend Blue?

Edu: she studies architecture, she doesn't sleep.

Rodrigo: oh, my friend also studies architecture and is in his 2nd cycle

Edu: Oh that's cool, and what's your friend's name?

Rodrigo: His name is Alberto

Edu: He is peruvian? How old is your friend?

Rodrigo: no, he isn't, he is from Mexico and he is 22 years old

Edu: oh he is mexican, what does your friend do?

Rodrigo: He has a part-time job as a pizza delivery boy.

Edu: ow, What is your number to be able to order pizzas?

Rodrigo: his number is 952463010, attends 24 hours

Edu: thanks bro, I have to go, good night bro.

Rodrigo: see you later.

Edu: bye bye.

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