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Summer Class, S.Y. 2022-2023

Test I. Answer the following questions. Shade the letter of your answer on your answer sheets. Each
question merits 1 point.
1. Which of the following refers to the principles that govern the behavior of a person or group in a
business environment?
a. Ethics b. Professional Ethics c. Personality d. Attitude
2. What do you call the term that refers to the unique qualities of an individual?
a. Attitude b. Traits c. Personality d. Ethics
3. These are quiet and more private people.
a. Sanguine b. Choleric c. Melancholy d. Introverts
4. The following are the categories of personality traits, except ________.
a. Choleric b. Phlegmatic c. Melancholy d. Global
5. Life for this type of person tends to go along smoothly. She can relax, enjoy with her friends, and
keep peace. What category of personality trait is being described?
a. Sanguine b. Phlegmatic c. Choleric d. Melancholy
6. Which of the following refers to the code of unwritten rules that governs how we act toward
a. Ethics b. Personality c. Attitude d. Professional Ethics
7. It is another term for left-brained learner.
a. Global b. Well-ordered c. Analytical d. Creative
8. Which of the following refers to the type of learner who sees the whole picture?
a. Analytical b. Global c. Sanguine d. Choleric
9. Shaira enjoys deep friendships and company of few good friends, however, crowds makes her
uncomfortable. What type of personality does Shaira exhibits?
a. Introvert b. Extrovert c. Phlegmatic d. Melancholy
10. These people are outgoing, like the sanguine personality type.
a. Choleric b. Extroverts c. Melancholy d. Introverts
11. Hanny learns best when she sees pictures and remembers what she sees or writes. What type of
learner is she?
a. Auditory b. Kinesthetic c. Visual d. Music smart
12. In this learning style, a learner learns effectively from word of mouth. What is being referred to?
a. Visual b. Auditory c. Word-smart d. Kinesthetic
13. Sanguine: enthusiastic
__________: moody
a. Phlegmatic b. Choleric c. Melancholy d. Introvert
14. Shy: Melancholy
Easygoing: _________
a. Phlegmatic b. Sanguine c. Choleric d. Extrovert
15. In this type of learning style, the learner prefers to learn by doing. What type of learning style is
being described?
a. Kinesthetic b. Auditory c. Visual d. Picture-smart
16. Charlie loves new situations and experiences and is seldom at a loss for words. He is also great in
crowd. What temperament does he have?
a. Melancholy b. Sanguine c. Introvert d. Choleric
17. It deals with right and wrong.
a. Ethics b. Personality c. Attitude d. Behavior
18. Questions such as, “what are my dreams?” and “what do I want most out of life?” will guide you
upon knowing your ___________.
a. Personality b. Personal code of ethics c. Personal values d. Attitude
19. Michael Jude is independent, decisive, and self-sufficient. He is also a strong leader. What
category of personality trait does he belongs to?
a. Sanguine b. Choleric c. Melancholy d. Phlegmatic
20. Shane is dependable because her perfectionist tendencies make her conscious of letting people
down. What category of personality trait does she belongs to?
a. Sanguine b. Phlegmatic c. Melancholy d. Choleric

Direction: Write T if the statement is true. Otherwise, write F if it is false.
__________1. Every teacher shall be physically, mentally and morally fit.
__________2. A teacher is entitled to claim credit or work not of his own.
__________3. Every teacher shall use the teaching profession in a manner that makes it dignified means
for earning a decent living.
__________4. Every teacher is a facilitator of learning and of the development of the youth; he shall
therefore, render the best service by providing an environment conducive to such learning and growth.
__________5. A teacher may accept favors or gifts from learners in exchange for requested concessions.
__________6. Every teacher shall vote and shall exercise all other constitutional rights and
__________7. A teacher can use his position to coerce any other person to follow any political course of
__________8. A teacher does not have the freedom to attend church.
__________9. Before leaving his position, a teacher shall organize for whoever assumes the position
such records and other data as are necessary to carry on the work.
__________10. Every teacher shall possess and actualize a full commitment and devotion to duty.

Direction: Write “analytical” if the statement describes a left-brained learner, and “global” if it describes
a right-brained learner.
__________1. Sees in parts
__________2. Likes images
__________3. Spontaneous
__________4. Likes words
__________5. Learns in numbered steps
__________6. Sees the whole
__________7. Learns by figuring out
__________8. Logical
__________9. Orderly and organized
__________10. Creative


Direction: Answer the following questions in three to five sentences. (5 POINTS EACH)
Criteria: Content-3, Organization of thoughts-2
1. Why do we need to study professional ethics?
2. As a future professional teacher, why do we need to follow the code of ethics for professional

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