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1. Which of the following refers to the ability of a person to understand what is said holistically?

a. Reading comprehension
b. Viewing comprehension
c. Listening comprehension
d. Listening skills
2. To which factor does speaking pace, speaking techniques and styles belong?
a. External Factors
b. Internal Factors
c. Physiological Factors
d. Psychological Factors
3. What is considered as one of the essential parts of communication?
a. Speaking b. Writing c. Listening d. Reading
4. Augustin’s parents broke up, she was at her down moments because she felt sad about their
situation. She cannot focus to the lectures of her teacher due to her emotions. What factor is
being described?
a. Internal b. External c. Family problem d. Both a and b
5. These factors are mainly related to the type of language input and tasks and the context in
which listening occurs.
a. Internal b. External c. Environmental factors d. Both a and b
6. Can we consider note-taking as a way to improve our listening comprehension?
a. Yes b. No c. Maybe d. It depends upon our IQ level.
7. Which of the following ways describes the proper structuring of a sentence?
a. Teaching grammar
b. Teaching note-taking skills
c. Improve skills in predicting
d. Listening repetition
8. Fretch easily forgets what her classmates tell her. This is an example of _____.
a. Internal b. External c. Environmental factors d. Both a and b
9. Febie is too hungry and sleepy, can this affect her listening comprehension?
a. Yes b. No c. Maybe d. Depending on Febie’s tolerance.
10. It refers to utterance’s spatial-temporal location, physical situation or the setting.
a. Co-text b. Context c. Material factors d. Accents
11. When we speak with native speakers, does this improve our listening comprehension?
a. Yes b. No c. Maybe d. Depending on Febie’s tolerance.
12. It refers to the linguistic context or the textual environment provided by the discourse or text in
which a particular utterance occurs.
a. Internal Factors b. Co-text c. Material factors d. Vocabulary
13. What could be the result of having poor listening skill?
a. It can lead to a successful communication.
b. You can understand what the speaker is saying.
c. It can lead to misunderstandings and communication barriers.
d. None of the above.
14. Teacher Candice is speaking too fast, can this affect the student’s listening comprehension?
a. Yes b. No c. Maybe d. It depends upon the situation.
15. The learner’s level of familiarity about the topic does not affect his listening comprehension.
a. True b. False c. Maybe d. None of the above.


Direction: Write IF if the matter being described belongs to internal factors and write EF if it belongs to
external factors.
_______1. Personal barriers
_______2. Environmental factors
_______3. Material factors
_______4. Memory span
_______5. Grammar issues
_______6. Level of familiarity
_______7. Accents, pronunciation, and language rhythm
_______8. Language and content recognition
_______9. Phonetic discrimination
_______10. Context

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