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Criminal Referral of Rep.

Dan Goldman
July 13, 2023
Page 2 of 2

witnesses were “bought and paid for by Patel,” with the clear implication that the witnesses
lied under oath in exchange for payment by Mr. Patel.

First, Mr. Patel is not the target of any DOJ investigation, as far as he is aware, much
less for leaking classified information—nor should he be, as he has never leaked classified
information. Second, Mr. Patel has not paid anyone to testify—much less lie—before
Congress. These false and defamatory assertions by Rep. Goldman appear to violate 18 USC
§§ 1512(c)(2) and/or 1519, by making a false entry into the record—his official U.S.
Government Twitter account—to corruptly obstruct, influence or impede the investigation
of the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government by maligning
and discrediting FBI whistleblower witnesses who testified before the Subcommittee.

Even if Rep. Goldman was being truthful in his accusation that the DOJ was
investigating Mr. Patel for supposedly leaking classified information, that fact would itself
be classified and would mean that someone at DOJ illegally leaked that information to Rep.
Goldman in violation of 18 USC § 1924. It would also mean that Rep. Goldman himself
illegally (and ironically) disclosed that classified information to the public via his official
Twitter account.

Given Mr. Patel’s prior high-level government positions—Chief of Staff to Acting

Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller, Deputy Assistant to the President and Senior
Director for Counterterrorism on the National Security Council (NSC), Principal Deputy to
the Acting Director of National Intelligence, and National Security Advisor and Senior
Counsel for the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI)—a DOJ
investigation into Mr. Patel supposedly leaking classified information would most certainly
bear on national security issues under § 1924.

In either case, it appears that a serious violation of law may have occurred, and
accordingly, I request that your office act immediately to open an investigation into the
statements of Rep. Goldman to determine whether he may have violated Sections 1512(c)(2)
or 1519 and whether he or any DOJ employees illegally leaked classified information about
the alleged investigation into Mr. Patel under Section 1924. Should you have any questions
or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Jesse R. Binnall


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