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N4/13, KEY Words

#2 分, ぶん, this kanji is ふん  times ふん. 分 here, this kanji is read ぶん.

1. 助数詞(じょすうし)+分

二人分 (ふたりぶん)portion for two people

三日分(みっかぶん)portion for three days

It represents the amount or portion of something.

2. これは私の分です。This is my portion

The second is a part of a portion that’s been divided.

3. 残った分(のこったぶん)the portion left

食べた分(たべたぶん)the portion I ate
the third is a range.

#5 利用, りよう する Its respectful expression is ご利用.

バス の ご利用 to make use of a bus

いつも地下鉄を利用します。 I always use the subway.

#7 西口、にしぐち, West Exit

Train or subway exit names are often said with 口.

The direction is often described in the exit.

#8 弊社、へいしゃ , It is used when referring to your own country

貴社、きしゃ, it is a respectful expression. It is used when referring to another company

It is mainly used in writing.
For example:
弊社にはパソコンが 10 台ございます。My company has 10 computers.
貴社はどちらにありますか。Where is your company?
#14 to #22 are respectfull verbs.

動詞 doushi の尊敬語 sonkeigo (respectful verbs)

These are special verbs, for the words themselves show respect.
The conjugation rule of these respectful verbs are the same as
general verbs,

#23 存知 zonji, is the noun

Zonji, means knowledge that has already been learned. As a

respectful word GOZONJI is used. GOZONJI DESU, is the
respectful expression of 知っている.

- Do you know that person?

It means someone let the other person know something.

Please tell me your new address.

When telling someone something, the particle “に” is used.

I will inform everyone of tomorrow’s meeting time.

# 25 is the transitive verb “知らせる

The verbs of #26 and #27 are the same pronunciation, however, the Kanji is different.

#26 訪ねる means a person visits a place to see something.

English, it means Visit.

- I visited my teacher home.

- I visited a famous tourist resort.

#27 尋ねる is to as someone something that you don’t know.

-to ask the way

-to ask someone’s name

#31 is the adverb なかなか

It expresses a thing’s situation or degree that surpasses one’s

It can be used for affirmation and negative forms.
Used with positive forms, it means “pretty” or “much”.

-It is so great.

-you did a very good job.

used with the negative form, it means that something didn’t go as you
thought, or wont come easily.

-I can barely see

-I found it difficult to sleep.

#32 is the adverb ほとんど

It means roughly or about. In English, it means almost.

-I almost finished the work

-I have almost recovered from my illness.

The form ほとんど。。。ない means hardly.

#36 and #37 are おごる and ごちそう
First, おごる is to treat friends or subordinated to a meal from your own
-to treat somebody to lunch
おごる cant be used to superiors.
ごちそう, is also a noun, meaning feast, a scrumptious meal.

ごちそうする: Which means to treat to a meal or to invite people to your

home to offer a meal.
-to treat the guests
ごちそうする can be used to superiors.
The word gochisou used in this lesson, is the same as gochisousama deshita
which you say after supper, as you learned in N5.
ごちそうにたる means ごちそうされる

#44 is しばらく

しばらく has two meanings.

The first is a while.
It is neither a long time nor a short time.
-I think he will come soon.
The second represents a long time.
-I haven’t met my university friends for a while.
しばらくでしたね: Long time no see.
(This means the same as おひさしぶりです)

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