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A. List 10 classroom activities that can be used in a communicative language

teaching approach and briefly explain why these activities are apt in CLT approach.
Sharing Experience Let students tell about what they have
done over the weekend in front of the
class using the target language. By
doing this, you were practising the
students ability to use the target
language and helping them fight their
fear of public speaking.
Opinion sharing letting students share their own
opinion about something will be
helpful for them to enhance their skills
and ability to properly construct a
sentence and organize their own
Role Playing On role playing, the pronunciation of
words and memorization will be
enhanced, and also their socialization
will build up as they communicate with
other students during the play.
Information-Gathering Activity Students will gather information by
interviewing people in the target
language. Their socialization skills and
their speaking skills using the target
language will be enhanced while
conducting the interview.
Communicative Activity Instruct students to communicate with
others using the target language for
the whole class hour. By doing this, the
teacher is helping students practise
their communicative skills and help
students to be more fluent.
Debate In this activity, the only language that
students must use is the target
language for them to practise it more.
Group activity During the activity, the only language
that they are allowed to use is the
target language. Students can
communicate with their other
classmates, and at the same time, they
are enhancing their ability to speak the
Brainstorming Encourage students to talk to each
other and share their thoughts and
ideas about a certain idea; while doing
that, they should only use the target
language while communicating.

Reporting/Presentation Group the learners into small groups

and give them a lesson that they have
to explain. On the report, the only
language they are allowed to use is the
Target language.
Recitation Allow students to express their
learning to the class.

B. Give at least 1 advantage and disadvantage of CLT Approach

Advantage: it is learner-oriented

Disadvantage: Sometimes the focus is more on fluency than accuracy.

Deadline: July 14, 2023 (5:00 pm)

NOTE:Prepare for this activity for our long quiz and recitation next week.

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