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In the above-mentioned correlations, σ2 is a parameter for tuning in relation to evenness of RBF

function. γ and σ2 are two main tuning parameters LSSVM structure. Usually, by combining the

LSSVM algorithm with Coupled Simulated Annealing or CSA as a model for data optimization,

we will be able to calculate the optimum results of tuning parameters. Hence, the highest

performance of LSSVM method is achievable. In the current study, the CSA model was utilized

to acquire the optimal data (γ and σ2). Also, to restrict the convergence of CSA structure, the

MSE which stands for the mean square error was measured. The mean square error was

accomplished between the modeled values and actual data [49].
3. Data acquisition and analysis

Having correct and precise experimental data sets to validate and train the frameworks is the first

step in developing computational methods. Regarding the fact that, 1119 of experimental data

points were collected from published works, the data set points were separated into two main

classifications, the first set is training data and the second one is testing data set. For the sake of

achieving higher accuracy, 783 (70%) and 336 (30%) dataset points were utilized at training and

testing stage, respectively. Table 1 demonstrates the critical characteristics of the ILs used in this

work. After collecting the accurate datasets, defining independent variables is another necessity

for organizing training and testing databases. Dey and Aroonwilas [50] accomplished a study to

specify the phase behavior of CO2 gas in aqueous solutions. According to the obtained results, it

became obvious that concentration, temperature, pressure, and nature of the solvent can affect

the amount of CO2 loading. Consequently, some factors such as temperature, the mole fraction of

CH4, the mole fraction of CO2, % CH4 in the feed, % CO2 in the feed and physical characteristics


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