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DON BOSCO TECHNICAL INSTITUTE 3rd Quarter Mini Summative Test

SCHOOL YEAR 2022 – 2023

Name: _____________________________________ Score: ___________

Section: __________________ Date:____________

TEST I- TRUE OR FALSE: Read each statement carefully. Write T on the line provided if the statement is TRUE. Write F on
the line provided is the statement is FALSE.

__________ 1. We use Table of Values to get the exact value of the limit.
__________ 2. We can use f (c ) as the limit when it is a real number.
3 x +2 x − 3
__________ 3. We can obtain f (−3) as the limit of f ( x )= as x approaches -3.
__________ 4. In lim
x →c
3 x , Constant Function Law can be used in evaluating the limit.
lim f ( x )
f ( x) x →c L
__________ 5. Quotient Law is written as lim = = , provided that the divisor is less than
x →c g( x ) lim g(x) M
or greater than 0.

TEST II- PROBLEM SOLVING: Write your solutions and answers on the space provided.
6-15. Determine the limit of the functions below. (5 points each)


 Use Table of Values if necessary, if not necessary use the space provided for your solution.
 Use a discrepancy of 0.01 for the left and right values.
 Use 2 decimal places.
 Box your final answer.

a. lim √ 25 x 2 − 100 x+100

x →2 5 x − 10

f ( x)

5 x +4 x
b. lim
x →1 √ 3 x −3

f ( x)
16-25. Determine the limit of the following functions using Graph.

16. lim f ( x ) 21. lim+¿

x→ −1

x→ 3 f ( x ) ¿

17. lim ¿ 22. lim f ( x)

x→ −1 f ( x ) ¿ x →3

lim f ( x )
18. x→ 23. f (x=3)
lim f ( x )
24. x→+∞
19. f ( x=−2)

20. lim f ( x ) lim f ( x )

25. x→
x→ 3
− −∞

26.-35. Evaluate the limit of the function and identify all the limit laws used. (10 points)

√3 x− 6
x →3 2 x+ 4
Solution Limit Laws used


35.-45. Evaluate the limit of the functions by manipulating. Show your complete solution, use the space provided
below. (5 points)

lim x 2+ 2 x −15
a. x→ 3
x + 4 x − 21
5 √ x5 −3 x 2
b. the lim
x →0 x

lim ¿
46-50. Evaluate the limit of +¿
x→ 0 −
|x|− x
using Table of Values. (5 points)

f (x)

Prepare by:

Ms. Chzarina D. Tababa Ms. Maria Fe A. Domondon

Subject Teacher Subject Teacher

Checked by:

Ms. Maria Fe A. Domondon

Area Head- Mathematics

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