The Dog Rambler E-Diary 22 September 2011

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The Dog Rambler E-diary

top 22
September 2011
Walk Dogs on walk

Down cleugh and round hill


6 miles

Chutney, Gustave, Jerry, Lucas, Otis, Tim

Despite yesterdays horrendous weather we were back in the Pentlands again today. Much improved conditions with a return of the sun but a blustery wind flayed the tree tops, shadows dancing on the ground. Underfoot the mud and rivulets of water along the paths a permanent reminder of the yesterday. Today we started at Bonaly weaving through the low ground of the country park, set on the rising slopes toward the hills. Breaking out through the old woodland and onto the slope of the moor. Here we felt the wind, still strong but nothing like yesterday. Chutney led the race across the vaguely purple heather and Tim back on form was with her. Meanwhile Lucas was taken with Gustave who he has not seen for a quite a while. The two of them ran along together and Jerry when not on his own solo mission joined the fun of Chutney and Tim. Otis, for once not behind set a good pace up front but could not be persuaded to leave the path and join the others. As I zipped up against the biting wind we followed the shoulder of Harbour Hill, affording some protection, making our way toward the steep ravine like Maidens Cleugh. Over the sides of the hill the dogs ran. No heather here but long flowing yellowing grass that

whipped them as they thrashed their way through. Sheep further down ignored us as we ignored them. Ahead of us and down the slope on the right stood the gate into the cleugh. It was not alone. Crowded around it a group of people. As we got closer I could see some were sitting on the ground. I hoped they were not eating, but they were. On reaching the gate a guy probably in charge of the group of younger people opened the gate to let the dogs through. A little sparkle in his eye and a half smile crossing his face. He knew they were capable of causing chaos amongst those sitting. I made a valiant effort to keep control and we made it past them. Dogs, lunches and kids unscathed. The sun lit up one side of the cleugh. The fiery orange of the fading bracken glowing, dancing in the wind like flames across the hillside. The heather still pale and colourless by comparison. Jerry led us down the cleugh, although not on the path very often. With Otis up there with him but sticking to the path. The others juggled positions taking a break from their chasing. Only all coming together as we stepped off the path to let a cyclist by. He called out what a great group of dogs as he switched gear peddling into the climb. Rounding the base of the hill the cleugh opened out and met up with Phantoms Cleugh climbing around the other side of the hill. We joined it heading toward the long arching shape of Capelaw Hill. From somewhere on the bleak moorland Chutney found a stick. She was not giving it up despite the best efforts of Tim. Then as we began to climb around the side of Capelaw Hill Otis broke into a run. No, more of a sprint. He shot off, wheeled around. Shot back past me and wheeled around again. This is the first time in at least a month he has shown so much vigour. Perhaps he knows the e-diaries are now going on line and he wants to impress. He picked up Chutney and Tim who gleefully chased after him enjoying the difference. Chutney still with the stick in her mouth. By contrast Lucas was on a bit of a go slow having given up on Gustave for a while he plodded along until Tim was able to persuade him to get himself involved. We dropped down to Bonaly Reservoir where Chutney and Tim swam after a stone. Jerry who had been whining for it failed to follow them. Otis paddled about getting a lot cleaner. But Lucas and Gustave remained on the bank. So with some much cleaner dogs and some

still grubby we travelled back across the moor and through the woodland to the car.


Photo slideshow from the walk

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