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CE804 Digital Signal Processing

Revision lecture

Revision Lecture CE804 2010/2011

Rubric and rules

There are 3 questions (each 50%), each question has subquestions. Answer first question (compulsory) in Section A; choose one out of two questions in Section B. Use marks as a guide on the length of the answer.

Remember to spend some time reading both questions in section B before deciding which one to answer - dont waste time by answering both questions in Section B
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Division of questions
All lecture material will be tested (except IIR sections in Lecture 8)

Revision Lecture CE804 2010/2011

Material to review
The exam questions will consist of a mixture of three types:
Theory example of questions: list the something of something discuss the advantages and disadvantages of something explain the principles behind something. Computation these are computation type of questions (some will require heavy use of calculator), see the worked examples in quiz questions for examples Analysis example of questions: why is some method better than some method The figure show results of some analysis of something, explain the reason behind this,.What would be the effect of doing something for some signal.

For the exam:

Read all the lecture notes use the study guides at the end of the lecture slides as guide Do and understand all the quiz questions (very useful for computation type of questions) Do the past year exam papers (very important) The past year exam papers can be found from (CC489 Biological Signal Analysis (but only the first two questions are relevant to DSP)) (only years 2007 and 2008) note: these were set by Dr. McDonald-Maier! (CE804) Unfortunately, the rules of the department do not allow me to share the answers

Revision Lecture CE804 2010/2011

Additional instructions
If you make any assumption in answering the questions, state them clearly. Describe each step in your calculation. This will be useful in securing marks even if your final answer is wrong or if for some reason you do not have the time to complete the calculations (or if your calculator fails). Write something even if you are not sure if it is related to the answer dont hand in empty pages. You may not get any marks, but it is worth the try. Dont panic during exam. Make sure you get plenty of sleep the day before. Dont forget your scientific calculator! The use of MATLAB codes will not be tested in the exam.

Revision Lecture CE804 2010/2011

Study guide (Lecture 1 -Introduction)

From this lecture, you should know
The different classifications of signals even/odd, conjugate symmetry, etc Basic concepts of filtering also covered in Lecture 5 Computation of period/frequency

Revision Lecture CE804 2010/2011

Example questions (1)

The different classifications of signals even/odd, conjugate symmetry, etc Computation of period/frequency

Revision Lecture CE804 2010/2011

Study guide (Lecture 2 - Discrete Time Signals and Systems) Systems

From this lecture, you should know

A/D conversion (D/A conversion not important for exam) Sampling, quantisation, coding procedures Nyquist theorem, aliasing Computation of combined sequence operations Obtaining output sequence given a discrete-time system block diagram and vice versa

Revision Lecture CE804 2010/2011

Example questions (1)

Computation of a combination of sequence operators
Always create a table Remember to do the folding operation first, then shifting

Revision Lecture CE804 2010/2011

Example questions (2)

Sampling, quantisation, coding and quantisation error
Remember that the levels start at 0,1,2,..16 Corresponding binary code (in this case): 00000, 00001,..10000

Revision Lecture CE804 2010/2011


Example questions (3)

Computation of discrete-time system sequence from diagram and vice versa

Revision Lecture CE804 2010/2011


Example questions (4)

A/D steps, Nyquist theorem, aliasing

Revision Lecture CE804 2010/2011


Study guide (Lecture 3 - Signal conditioning) conditioning From this lecture, you should know
Basic mathematics mean, standard deviation, variance, covariance, correlation, SNR, etc.
Uses of these basic maths in signal analysis example given two signals, obtain the correlation between them

Noise reduction methods like ensemble averaging, median filtering, moving average filtering, principal component analysis know both the theory and how to compute for each method. PCA computation is important but due to time constraints in exam, full computation will not be tested.

Revision Lecture CE804 2010/2011


Example questions (1)

Understanding the basic concepts and differences in the different noise reduction methods

Revision Lecture CE804 2010/2011


Example questions (2)

Applying noise reduction methods and computation of SNR

Revision Lecture CE804 2010/2011


Example questions (3)

Understanding PCA eigenvectors, eigenvalues, principal components (for noise reduction), etc

Revision Lecture CE804 2010/2011


Study guide (Lecture 4 - Fourier analysis and spectral estimation estimation) From this lecture, you should know how to compute Discrete Fourier Transform PSD estimation using classical methods (periodogram, Welch) Remember all the equations in this lecture DFT related concepts like frequency number, actual frequency, picket fence effect, zero padding, truncation, windowing, detrending, effects of signal length on DFT, etc. Theory behind PSD estimation using periodogram and Welch approaches

Revision Lecture CE804 2010/2011


Example questions (1)

DFT computation Basic understanding of DFT

Revision Lecture CE804 2010/2011


Example questions (2)

Understanding the relationship between frequency numbers and actual frequency values Remember the generic formulae, sin 2f/Fs Nyquist rate and aliasing

Revision Lecture CE804 2010/2011


Example questions (3)

Welch method K=(N-M)/D+1

Revision Lecture CE804 2010/2011


Example questions (3)

Picket fence effect
Solve using zero padding Remember fd=Fs/N

Revision Lecture CE804 2010/2011


Study guide (Lecture 5 digital filtering) From this lecture, you should know How to perform filtering using
Direct filtering in frequency domain Sum and difference (SD) FIR filtering IIR filtering

Direct filtering and SD filtering will be tested in exams - both theory and computation wise.
Remember the equations for SD filtering

IIR filtering will be tested as theory/analytic questions (IIR types, advantages, disadvantages, phase response, etc.) only as you wont have access to MATLAB in exams (so no computation). The basic concepts in filtering like order selection, 3dB cut-off, and filter specifications (ripples, passband, stopband, etc.) are important.
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Example questions (1)

Theory behind direct filtering and IIR filtering

Revision Lecture CE804 2010/2011


Example questions (2)

Theory behind PSD Filtering theory and specifications

PSD for noisy EEG signal 60



50 Power spectral density

Power spectral density












30 40 Frequency (Hz)





30 40 Frequenc y (Hz)



Revision Lecture CE804 2010/2011


Example questions (3)

Computation of band-pass filter expression with SD filtering Note: remember the equations - for the exam, equations will NOT be given Dont forget the gain values!

Revision Lecture CE804 2010/2011


Study guide (Lecture 6 z transform)

From this lecture, you should know z-transform and its properties (especially delay) Rational and factored forms of z-transform Transfer functions in z-domain Obtaining locations of pole and zero and their use in stability analysis Inverse z-transform Convolution sum and its properties, computing convolution sum (using any method equation, graphical, tabular) Obtaining the resulting transfer function from a set of cascade and/or parallel filters

Revision Lecture CE804 2010/2011


Example questions (1)

Stability of IIR filter (i.e. mainly to find the location of poles) But this normally requires z transform in factor form So, if given in rational form quadratic ones will be tested factor form but dont worry, only simple
Remember quadratic formula

Revision Lecture CE804 2010/2011


Example questions (2)

Use long division to obtain impulse response from rational z transform

From lecture slides

Also easy to use y[n] = x[k ]h[n k ]

k =0

What is the length of y?

Revision Lecture CE804 2009/2010


Example questions (2)

Given a set of cascade and/or parallel filters, obtain the resulting transfer function

Revision Lecture CE804 2009/2010


Study guide (Lecture 7 transfer functions and digital filter structures) From this lecture, you should know
All pass transfer function How to obtain zero-phase transfer function Linear phase FIR transfer function different types Frequency response using z-transform given the transfer function Comb filters Canonic/noncanonic filter forms Equivalent structures through transpose operation Direct and cascade form FIR filter Polyphase FIR structures Using symmetry/antisymmetry property of linear phase FIR filters
to reduce the number of multipliers to obtain the frequency response

Revision Lecture CE804 2010/2011


Example question (1)

Theory type

Given the zeros, obtain the poles for all pass transfer function
Simple - do inverse!

Revision Lecture CE804 2010/2011


Example question (2)

Make use of symmetry/anti-symmetry Obtain the frequency response, then obtain the phase response the group delay get

Cascade form

Obtain the form in the required order and draw the block diagram Remember the basic block

Revision Lecture CE804 2010/2011


Example question (3)

Equivalent structures by transposing a filter

Reverse all paths

Replace branch off (pick-off) nodes by adders and vice versa Interchange the input and output nodes

Polyphase structures

Easy just remember the general form!

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Study guide (Lecture 8 FIR filter design) From this lecture, you should know
FIR filter design steps using the window method Gibbs phenomenon Window functions, effects of main/side lobes Length (order) selection using Kaiser formulae Symmetry/anti-symmetry to obtain linear phase response for FIR filter IIR filter structures will not be tested

Revision Lecture CE804 2010/2011


Example question (1)

FIR filter design remember all the steps and describe each step Window functions, effects of main/side lobes need not remember window equations

Order computation using Kaiser formulae

Importance of symmetry/anti-symmetry in the coefficients for linear phase response (see slide 28, Lecture 8)

Revision Lecture CE804 2010/2011



These are only example questions Doing past year exam papers alone will not be sufficient for exam purposes To do well in the exam, you should be fully prepared by reading through the lecture slides and practising all the quiz questions Where necessary, enhance your understanding by referring to book/other materials
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Revision Lecture CE804 2010/2011


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