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Patient : Good morning
Midwife iis : Morning... oh Mrs, come in, please have your sit mr and mrs. Can i might know who
the mrs name and where be lived?
Patient :Thank you, my name is diana and my husband is alex. I live mawar street no 05
Midwife iis : Can I help you?
Patient : I want to check my pregnacy
Midwife iis : What do you feel now?
Patient : I’m 2 mouth pregnant and I always have nausea and vomiting and I’ve been treated
for 5 days.
Midwife iis :Then is there any change?
Patien : Emm, nausea and vomiting that I feel has decreased, but I’m worried because until
now the nausea and vomiting have not stopped, will it not have and effect on my
fettus midwife iis?
Midwife iis :Mom... morning sickness is a natural thing in pregnancy age 0-3 mounths, because
pregnancy cause many changes in the mother’s body system. If the mother
experience excessive morning sicknes it is because there is excessive resistance by
the mother’s body. So...don’t worry your’re still going through a normal stage at
this point.
Patient : Then.... how do i reduce my morning sicknes widwife iis?
Midwife iis : If you eat, you should not eat large porstion but in small portion but often. You
should eat dry biscuits or should avaid oily and distinctive smelling
food.and you should not eat spicy and sour food.
Patient : Ok midwife I will try it, thank for the advice
Midwife iis : you’re welcome, nice to meet you.
Patient : Nice to meet you too

Name : iis sugiarti

Nim : 222520053
Class : S1 kebidanan Pacitan

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