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2nd ed.

Geoffrey Barto, MA
Copyright © 2021 Geoffrey Barto
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-7970-4689-1


In Memory of R.W. Ayers

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Table of Contents
Preface to the first edition..........................................7
Romagnolo Dictionary..............................................13
English Index...........................................................153
Italian Index.............................................................227
Appendix 1: Pronunciation....................................293
Appendix 2: Standard vowel changes...................295
Appendix 3: Other spelling systems.....................295
Appendix 4: Verbs...................................................297

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The first edition of this dictionary consisted

mainly of a compilation of my notes studying
Romagnolo independently. As a result, I omitted
many words whose relationship to French or
Italian was obvious enough that it would be easy
to locate them in a Romagnolo vocabulary. In this
edition, I have gone back and filled in many
everyday words in order to make it easier to use
this dictionary without a larger dictionary handy,
even for someone just beginning the study of
Romagnol and whose French and/or Italian is
limited. I have also standardized the spelling
according to Masotti's Vocabolario Romagnolo-
Italiano. The system here used will be far less
obvious to Italian speakers than that used in the
first book, but it better captures the full range of
sounds in Romagnolo, whose phonetic system is
rather more complex than Italian's.

Note: Because of the complexity of the pronoun

system, and the variety of ways of spelling and
spacing in use, I have given only the subject forms.

Preface to the first edition

The Gallo-Romance languages of Italy are fading

fast. In 2016, the Dizionario Romagnolo,
attributed to various authors (It appears to be a
reprint of LE in Sources), appeared with the
subtitle “Per ricordare da dove proveniamo” - to
remember where we came from. There is now a
version with Italian to Romagnolo, though

availability appears to be limited. Other than that,
resources are few and far between. This offering
does its little part to fill the gap, with an English
to Romagnolo index and extensive, relatively
accurate etymologies to aid with the memory and
to connect Romagnolo to the Frankish sources it
shares with French as well as those that more
obviously follow Latin’s progression to Italian.

In graduate school, I studied comparative

Romance linguistics and the evolution of Latin
into French. But my specialization is French, not
Gallo-Romance languages. The English entries in
this dictionary are translated from the Italian
translations I've found in different dictionaries
and vocabularies. So proceed with caution and be
aware that you may blunder. That said, this little
book will give English and Italian speakers an
entry point for locating and learning Romagnolo
vocabulary and hopefully point the way for future
research in the references from which I have
drawn, most of which are available online and for

This book is Printed On Demand. Therefore, it

may be updated at any time. For comments,
suggestions or corrections, please visit:

This page includes live links to the sources and

links to online flashcards for learning Romagnolo,
as well as links to updated indexes for the


Masotti, Adelmo. Vocabolario romagnolo-italiano.

Bologna : Zanichelli, 1996.

Ponseggi, Franco. Leẓar e scrìvar in Rumagnôl.

Tricase : youcanprint, 2014.

Online Sources

Corso del dialetto Romagnolo (MP):

Vocabolario Romagnolo-Italiano,

Vocabolario Romagnolo-Italiano, Antonio Mattioli



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adj: adjective
adv: adverb
Ar: Arabic
der: derived
dim: diminuitive
En: English
fem: feminine
fr: from
Fr: French
gen: genitive
Germ: German
Grk: Greek
IE: Indo-European
inter: interjection
It: Italian
L: Latin
LL: Late Latin
masc: masculine
ML: Medieval Latin
OF: Old French
OHG: Old High German
ord num: ordinal number
pl: plural
prep: preposition
prob: probably
pron: pronoun
rel: related
Rgn: Romagnolo
sing: singular
sm: masculine noun
sf: feminine noun
Sp: Spanish
vb 1: 1st conjugation verb

vb 2: 2nd conjugation verb
vb 3: 3rd conjugation verb
vb irr: irregular verb

Romagnolo Dictionary

A - a

a   prep. to, at; a. Etym: L "a, ad" (to, toward).

a dri a   prep. beside; accanto, vicino.
a la finêla   phrase. finally, in the end; alla fine.
a l'impruvìṣa  phrase. all of a sudden; all'improviso.
a têrda ôra   phrase. late, at a late hour; a ora tarda.
abastânza   adv. enough; abbastanza. Etym: fr VL "bastare" (to carry)
fr Grk "βασταζω" (I carry).
abêd  sm. assistance, supervision, care; assistenza, sorveglianza.
abét   sm. fir; abete. Etym: VL "abete" (fir tree).
abitêr  vb 1. live (inhabit); abitare. Etym: L "habitare" (inhabit, dwell).
abrìl   sm. April; aprile. Etym: L "aprilis" (April).
absént   sm. absinth; assenzio. Etym: L "absinthium" (wormwood) fr
acàcc   sf. acacia; acacia. Etym: L "acacia" (acacia tree).
acumpagnêr   vb 1. accompany; accompagnare. Etym: see cumpâgn.
acupêr   vb 1. kill, murder; accoppare, uccidere. Etym: a chop to the
cópa (2).
acurdês   vb 1, refl. agree; accordarsi, mettersi d’accordo. Etym: L "ad"
(to) + "cor" (heart).
acùt   adj. acute; acuto. Etym: L "acutus" (sharpened).
ad  prep. of, from; di. Etym: L "de" (of).
ad bôn’ôra   phrase. early, in good time; di buon'ora.

ad dri da  prep. behind; dietro. Etym: see dri.
ad travérs   adv. across, through; attraverso. Etym: L "trasversus"
(lying across).
adatàbil   adj. adaptable, adjustable; adattabile. Etym: fr adatêr.
adatamént   sm. adjustment, adaptation; adattamento. Etym: fr adatêr.
adatêr   vb 1. adjust, adapt; adattare, aggiustare. Etym: L "adaptare" (to
adjust, to modify).
adës   adv. now; adesso. Etym: L "ad ipsum" (at this itself).
adirê   adj. angry, irate; arrabiato, adirato. Etym: L "ad" (to) + "iratus"
adulescént   adj, sm. adolescent; adolescente. Etym: L "adolescens"
(becoming an adult).
adulescénza   sf. adolescence; adolescenza. Etym: see adulescént.
adùlt   adj, sm. adult; adulto. Etym: L "adultus" (grown up).
adùltar  adj, sm. adulterer, adulterous; adultero. Etym: fr adulterêr.
adulterêr   vb 1. adulter; adulterare. Etym: L "adulterare" (adulter) fr
"ad-" (to) + "alterare" (to change).
adultéri  sm. adultery; adulterio. Etym: fr adulterêr.
aeroplân  sm. airplane; aereoplano. Etym: Fr "aéroplane".
aeropört   sm. airport; aeroporto.
afèt   sm. rent; affitto. Etym: L "affictum" (attached, affixed).
afidàbil   adj. dependable, reliable; affidabile. Etym: see fid.
afilê   past part, adj. sharp, sharpened; affilato. Etym: fr afilêr.
afilêr   vb 1. sharpen; afillare. Etym: made thin, from L "filum" (thread).
afughêr   vb 1. drown; affogare. Etym: LL "offocare" (to strangle) from
L "ob" (against) + "fauces" (throat).
agént   sm. agent; agente. Etym: pres part of agìr.

agenzì   sf. agency; agenzia. Etym: fr agént.
agìr   vb 3. act (take action); agire. Etym: L "agere" (to put in motion).
agl'j'(1)  art. the (fpl); le. Note: al (1) before consonant
agl'j'(2)  pron. they (f); loro (f). Note: al (2) before consonant
agnël  sm. lamb; agnello. Etym: dim of L "agnus" (lamb), cf F "agneau".
agóst   sm. August; agosto. Etym: L "augustus" (August, month named
for Caesar Augustus).
aguzêr   vb 1. sharpen; aguzzare. Etym: VL "acutiare" (to sharpen), see
also "acùt." Cf Fr "aigu" (acute)..
àj   sm. garlic; aglio. Etym: L "allium" (garlic), cf F "ail".
ajìr   adv. yesterday; ieri. Etym: L "heri" (yesterday), cf Fr "hier", Sp
ajùt   sm. help; aiuto. Etym: L "adiutare" (to help).
ajutêr  vb 1. help; aiutare. Etym: see ajùt.
al(1)  art. the (fpl); le. Note: agl'j' (1) before vowel
al(2)  pron. they (f); loro (f). Note: agl'j' (2) before vowel
albérg   sm. hotel; albergo. Etym: ML "albergum/harbergum" fr Gothic
"haribergo" (shelter, camp), cf F "auberge".
alberghêr   vb 1. lodge, put up; albergare, alloggio (dare). Etym: see
albicòca   sf. apricot; albicocca. Etym: cf It "coccola" (juniper fruit) fr
Grk "κόκκος" (kernel).
alégar   adj. happy, glad; allegro, lieto. Etym: L “alacer” (happy,
almânc  adv. at least; almeno. Etym: L "ad" (at) + "minus" (lesser).
alôra   adv. so, then; allora. Etym: L "ad illam horam" (at that time).
alterêr   vb 1. alter; alterare. Etym: L "alterare" (to change or alter), cf

alvânt  sm. East; Levante. Etym: Latin "levans" (rising, as in the sun), cf
The Levant.
alvêr   vb 1. raise (a child), rise (refl); allevare. Etym: see livêr. Note: u s'è
alvê e' Sôl : the sun came up

alẓìr   adj. light (in weight); leggero. Etym: OF "legier" (light) fr VL

"*leviarius" fr L "levis" (light).
âm  sm. hook (fishing), fishhook; amo. Etym: L "hamus" (fishhook).
amazêr  vb 1. kill; ammazzare. Etym: to strike with a màz.
ambulânza  sf. ambulance; ambulanza. Etym: Fr "hôpital ambulant"
(moving hospital) fr L "ambulans" (walking).
amêr   adj. bitter; amaro. Etym: L "amarus" (bitter), cf F "amer".
America   sf. America; America.
americân   adj. American; americano. Etym: Neo-L "americanus"
(American), after Amerigo Vespucci.
àmig   adj, sm. friend (male), friendly; amico. Etym: L “amicus” (friend).
Note: also euphemism for lover

àmiga  sf. friend (female); amica. Etym: see àmig.

amindêr  Note: see mindêr
amirêr   vb 1. admire; ammirare. Etym: L "admirari" (to wonder at).
amnêr   vb 1. drive (animals); menare. Etym: lead (people); LL "menare"
(to drive an animal) fr L "minari" (to threaten, goad).
amôr  sm. love; amore. Etym: L "amor" (love).
amstìr   sm. career; mestiere. Etym: see mèstar.
an  adv. not; non. Note: see n
ân  sm. year; anno. Etym: L "annus" (year), cf Fr "an".
anàdra   sf. duck; anatra. Etym: L "anas/antem" (duck).
anadròt   sm. duckling; anatroccolo. Etym: dim of anàdra.

ànanas  sm. pineapple; ananas. Etym: fr Tupi "nanas" (pineapple) via
ânca   sf. hip; anca. Etym: cf Fr "hanche" (hip), Eng haunch; Germanic
âncura   sf. anchor; àncora. Etym: L "ancora" (anchor).
andêr  vb 1. go; andare. Etym: LL "amlare" fr L "ambulare" (to walk)
with LL "ambitare" fr L "adire" (to go toward).
andêr só  phrase. go up, ascend; ascendere, andare su.
andêr ẓó   phrase. go down, descend; scendere, andare giù.
anël   sm. ring; anello. Etym: L "anellus" (ring), dim of "anus" (circle).
ângul   sm. angle; angolo. Etym: L "angulus" (corner).
animêl  sm. animal; animale. Etym: L "animalis" (living creature).
ânma  sf. spirit, soul; anima, alma. Etym: L "anima" (soul), cf F "âme".
antipàtic   adj. unpleasant; antipatico. Etym: Gk αντι(against) +
παθος(feeling), cf antipathy.
aparê   sm. apparatus; apparato. Etym: L "apparatus" (prepared).
apèna  adv. barely, newly, as soon as; appena. Etym: L "ad paene"
(almost); same "pen-" as in penìṣula.
apruvaziôn   sf. approval, approbation; approvazione. Etym: fr apruvêr.
apruvêr   vb 1. approve; approvare. Etym: L "adprobare" (to approve,
consider good).
àqua  sf. water; acqua. Etym: L "aqua" (water).
aquadèz   sm. vinello; vinello. Etym: ML "aquadicium" (watered down).
aquàtic   adj. aquatic; aquatico. Etym: see àqua.
aquêri   sm. aquarium; acquario. Etym: L "aquerium," neuter of
"aquarium" (pertaining to water).
aragósta  sf. lobster; aragosta. Etym: L "locusta" (locust, lobster).

arânz   adj. orange (color); arancio (colore). Etym: Persian ‫( نارنگـ‬bitter
orange) fr Sanskrit.
archèt   sm. bow (for violin); archetto. Etym: dim of L "arcus" (bow).
arciprës  sm. cypress; cipresso. Etym: L "cypressus" (cypress) fr Gk.
arcminzêr   vb 1. restart, begin again; ricominciare. Etym: ar- (re-) +
arcnósar   vb 2. recognize; riconoscere. Etym: L "recognoscere" (to
arcnusù  past part, adj. recognized; riconosciuto. Etym: fr arcnósar.
arcòta   sf. ricotta; ricotta. Etym: L "recocta" (recooked), cf còt.
arcurdêr   vb 1. remember, remind; ricordare, rammentare. Etym: L
"recordor" (remember) from "re-" (back) + "cor" (heart). Note: arcurdês :
remember, remind oneself

areclâm   sm. advertisement; pubblicità. Etym: L "reclamo" (I cry out),

cf ciamêr.
arètmic   sm. arithmetic; aritmico. Etym: L "arethmetica" (artithmetic) fr
Gk phrase meaning "art of counting".
arfêr   vb irr. redo; rifare. Etym: L "re" + "facere" (to do).
argnôn   sm. kidney; rene, rognone. Etym: OFr "rognon" (animal kidney
to eat) fr L "ren" (kidney).
arivêr   vb 1. arrive; arrivare. Etym: Late L "arripare" (arrive) fr "ad" (to)
+ "ripa" (shore).
arivêr drì   phrase. reach; raggiungere.
arlùṣar  vb 2. shine; rilucere. Etym: L "re" + "lucere" (to shine).
armanér   vb 2. remain; rimanere, restare. Etym: L "re" + "manere" (to
armê   past part, adj, sm. armed, soldier, army (in plural); armato,
soldato. Etym: carrying êrma.
armêri   sm. wardrobe; armadio. Etym: L "armarium" (cupboard, storage
place for arms), cf F "armoire".

armôr   sm. noise, clamor, discord; rumore, clamore, disaccordo. Etym:
L "rumor" (rumor, noise, murmur of the crowd).
armunì  sf. harmony; armonia. Etym: L “harmonia” (harmony) fr Gk
αρμονια (fitting together).
arnéṣ   sm. tool, gadget; arnese. Etym: OF "hernois" (battle equipment).
arnuvêr   vb 1. renovate, renew; rinnovare. Etym: ar- (re) + nov.
arpiatêr   vb 1. hide; nascondere. Etym: make flat, L "platus" (flat), cf It
arpunsêr   vb 1. rest; riposare. Etym: L "repausare" (to rest, ie, pause
arspóndar  vb 2. respond, reply; rispondere. Etym: L “respondere” (to
arspòst  past part. responded; risposto. Etym: fr arspóndar.
arspòsta  sf. response, answer; risposta. Etym: see arspónda.
artàj   sm. clipping; ritaglio. Etym: L "re" + OF "tailler" (to cut to size).
artèsta   sm&f. artist; artista. Etym: LL "artista" (artist).
artèstic   adj. artistic; artistico. Etym: fr artèsta.
articiòc   sm. artichoke; carciofo. Etym: Arabic ‫( اسپناخ‬artichoke) via
Provençal “arquichaut” (artichoke), cf Fr “artichaut” (artichoke).
artifiziêl   adj. artificial; artificiale. Etym: L "artificium" (skill, trade) fr
"artifex" (craftsman, maker of art).
arustìr   vb 3. roast, bake; arrostire. Etym: cf Frankish "*rostjan" (to
roast), cf F "rôtir".
arvért   past part, adj. open, opened; aperto. Etym: fr arvìr.
arvìr  vb 3. open; aprire. Etym: L "aperire" (to open), cf aperture.
arvultêr   vb 1. turn over; rivoltare. Etym: VL "revoltare" fr L
"revolvere" (to turn over).
arẓént   sm. silver; argento. Etym: L "argentum" (silver).

arẓintén   adj. silver colored, Argentinian; argentino (colore), argentino
(nazionalità). Etym: see arẓént.
as   sm. axle, axis; asse. Etym: L "axis".
as   sm. ace (in cards); asso. Etym: L "as" (coin of small value).
ascôlt  sm. hearing; ascolto. Etym: noun fr L "auscultare" (to listen), cf
F "écouter". Note: tné' d'ascôlt, stê d'ascôlt: listen with intention
ascultêr   vb 1. listen; ascoltare. Etym: L "auscultare" (to listen).
aṣé   sm. vinegar; aceto. Etym: L "acetum" (vinegar).
asègn banchêri   sm. check (banker's); assegno bancario.
Aṣia   sf. Asia; Asia.
aṣìatic   adj. Asian, Asiatic; asiatico.
asicuraziôn   sf. insurance; assicurazione. Etym: fr sicùr.
asicurêr  vb 1. assure, insure; assicurare. Etym: fr sicùr.
aspiréna   sf. aspirin; aspirina.
asucêr   vb 1. associate, join (together, refl); associare. Etym: see sucitê.
asuciaziôn   sf. association; associazione. Etym: see sucietê.
at  sm. act; atto. Etym: L "actum" (decree).
atàc   sm. attack; attaco. Etym: fr tachêr.
atacadèz   adj. sticky, viscous; attaccaticcio, vischioso, tenace. Etym: cf
tacky, rel to tachêr.
atént   adj. attentive; attento. Etym: L "attentus" (attentive, heedful).
atirêr   vb 1. attract; attirare. Etym: VL "tirare" (pull, tear away) fr
Germanic root.
atôr  sm&f. actor, actress; attore, attrice. Etym: L “actor” (doer).
atratìva   sf. attraction; attrativa. Etym: L "attractivus" (attractive), cf
tratôr (1).

automàtic  adj. automatic; automatico. Etym: Fr "automatique"
automaziôn   sf. automation; automazione. Etym: fr automàtic.
autôn  sm. autumn, fall; autunno. Etym: L "autumnus" (autumn).
autôr   sm. author; autore. Etym: L "auctor" (seller, author).
autostrê   sf. highway; autostrada. Etym: strê for automobiles.
auturitê   sf. authority; autorità. Etym: L "auctoritas" (prestige,
influence) fr "auctor" (seller, author).
avânti  adv. forward, ahead; avanti. Etym: L "ab" (from) + "ante"
avdér   Note: see vdér
avér  vb irr. have; avere. Etym: L "habere" (to have).
avêr  adj. greedy; avaro. Etym: L "avarus" (greedy).
avér paùra  phrase. be afraid; avere paura.
avért   past part, adj. open; aperto. Etym: fr arvìr.
aviês   vb 1 refl. leave; avviarsi, andare via. Etym: L “ad via” (to the
avnì   sm. future; avvenire. Etym: L "ad" (toward) + "venire" (to come).
avstìr   vb 3. dress, clothe; vestire. Etym: L "vestire" (to clothe). Note:
avstìs : get dressed

avù  past part. had; avuto. Etym: fr avér.

aẓdôra   sf. lady of the house, housewife; casalinga.
azetàbil   adj. acceptable; accettabile. Etym: fr azetêr.
azetêr  vb 1. accept; accettare. Etym: L "acceptare" (to receive) fr
"accipere" (to receive or take).
àzid   sm. acid; acido. Etym: L "acidus" fr "aceo" (I am sour), rel to
asgéd, sotacét.
azidént  sm. accident; accidente. Etym: L "accidens" (falling down).

azidentêl   adj. accidental; accidentale. Etym: fr azidént.

B - b

ba  sm. papa, dad; babbo. Etym: childish babble, cf papa and mama.
babén (1)  sm. baby; bimbo, bambino. Etym: same as ba, same pattern
as pa/baby in English.
babén (2)  sm. pupil (of eye); pupilla (del occhio). Etym: see babén (1).
babìn   sm inv. child; bambino. Etym: see near equivalent, babén.
babuén   sm. baboon; babbuino. Etym: OF "baboue" (grimace).
bachèta   sf. rod, stick; bacchetta, bastone. Etym: cf L "baculum" (little
bachèta màgica   sf. magic wand; bacchetta magica.
bàfi   sm. whisker; baffo. Note: see bëfi
bâgn   sm. bath; bagno. Etym: VL "baneum" fr L "balneum" (bath).
bajêr   vb 1. bark (like a dog); abbaiare. Etym: OF "abaier" (to bark), cf
Eng "bay".
bajòc   sm. money; denaro, danaro. Etym: unknown origin, cf It baiocco.
bàla   sf. bale (of hay); balla (di fieno). Etym: same as pàla.
balén   sm. flash; lampo. Note: int un balén : in a flash
baléna  sf. whale; balena. Etym: L "ballaena" fr Grk φαλλαινα (whale).
balêr   vb 1. dance; ballare. Etym: L "ballare" (to dance).
balèt   sm. ballet; balletto. Etym: see balêr.
banâna   sf. banana; banana. Etym: Wolof "banaana" (banana) via Sp.
bânca (1)   sf. bank; banca. Etym: OHG “bank” (bench, counter).
bânca (2)   sf. bench; panca. Etym: see bânca (1).

bangéra  sf. flag; bandiera. Etym: fr Old Occitan "banda" (strip of
something) fr Gmc root, cf banner.
baràt  sm. barter, swap, exchange; baratto, scambio. Etym: see baratêr.
baratêr   vb 1. barter, exchange; barattare, scambiare. Etym: OF
"barater" (barter, swindle).
baratul  sm. jar, can; barattolo.
barbèt   sm. chin; mento. Etym: cf L "barbatus" fr "barba" (beard) +
"atus" (possessing).
barbìr   sm. barber; barbiere. Etym: fr bêrba.
barèsta   sm. barista; barista.
bartén   adj. gray; grigio. Etym: LL "beretinus" (gray).
bas  adj. low, short (in height); basso. Etym: LL "bassus" (low, base) fr
Grk "βᾰ́σῐς" (step, base).
baṣèlg  sm. basil; basilico. Etym: LL “basilicum” (basil).
baṣêr   vb 1. kiss; baciare. Etym: L "basiare" (to kiss).
bàsta  adv. enough; basta. Etym: Sp "basta" (enough).
bastôn   sm. cane, club (cards); bastone, fiore(carte). Etym: L "bastum"
(stick), cf Fr "bâton" (stick). Note: e' re d'bastôn : king of clubs
bàtar  vb 2. beat, hit; battere. Etym: L "battuere" (to beat).
batlêrda  sf. chopping board, cutting board; tagliere.
bavajìn  sm. bib; bavaglino. Etym: VL "baba" (sound of drooling), cf Fr
"baveux" (slobbering). Note: also bavùṣ
bavól  sm. trunk, trunk (of car); baule, portabagagli dell'auto. Etym: L
"baiulus" (porter).
baẓa   sf. bargain, lucky break; buon affare, fortuna (buona). Etym: cf It
"bazza" (protruding chin), origin unknown.
bazèn   sm. basin (geographic feature); bacino (idrografico). Etym: VL
"bacinus" (basin?) fr Gaulish?.

bazinëla   sf. basin (for washing), washbowl; bacinella. Etym: dim of
bdòcc   sm. louse; pidocchio. Etym: dim of L "pedis" (louse).
bdòcc dal piânt   sm. aphid; afide.
bdòcc d'mêr  sm. mussel; mitilo, cozza.
befâna   sf. crone, hag; befana. Etym: L "Epifania"; old lady who brings
gifts to children for Epiphany.
bëfi   smpl. moustache; baffi. Note: see bàfi
bël  adj. beautiful; bello. Etym: L "bellus" (beautiful, handsome).
bëladòna   sf. belladonna; belladonna. Etym: ML “bladona”
bén   adv. well; bene. Etym: L "bene" (well) fr "bonus" (good).
benẓìna  sf. benzene, gasoline, petrol; benzina. Etym: fr benzoic acid,
itself from the Arabic name for a Javanese spice.
benẓinêr   sm. gas station, petrol station; benzinaio. Etym: see benẓìna.
bèr   sm. ram; montone, ariete. Etym: Late L "berbex" fr L "vervex"
(castrated ram). Note: less common: muntôn
bér   vb 2. drink; bere. Etym: L "bibere" (to drink).
bèra   nf. beer; birra. Etym: Germ "Bier" fr OHG "bior" (beer).
bêrba  sf. beard; barba. Etym: L "barba" (beard).
bêrc   sm. haystack; bica.
bêrca   sf. boat; barca. Etym: LL "barca", rel to Coptic "baare" (small
bêṣ (1)   sm. kiss; bacio. Etym: L "basiare" (to kiss).
bêṣ (2)   sf. base, basis; base. Etym: L "basis" (foundation, basis) fr Gk
βασις (base).
bèsa   sf. snake (non-venemous); biscia, serpe (non velenoso). Etym: L
"bestia" (beast).

bèsagalâna  sf. turtle, tortoise; tartaruga, testuggine. Etym: bèsa +
Venetian galàna, which refers to both ladybugs and turtles.
bès-cia  sf. beast, animal; bestia, animale. Etym: L "bestia" (beast).
Note: pl bès-ci, bèsti

bgônz   sm. tub, bin; bigoncio. Etym: L "bis" (2) + "congius" (measure
of volume, about 7 ounces), cf conch.
biânc  adj. white; bianco. Etym: VL "*blancus" (white), cf Fr "blanc"
(white), OHG "blanch" (bright, white).
biancarì   sf. bedclothes, bedding, linen; biacheria. Etym: things that are
white, see biènc.
bibliotéca   sf. library; biblioteca. Etym: Gk βιβλιοθηκη (library) via L.
bichìr  sm. glass; bicchiere. Etym: rel to L "becar" (wine glass), cf Eng
"beaker," Germ "Becher" (cup).
biciclèta   sf. bicycle; bicicletta. Etym: Fr "bicyclette" fr Eng "bicycle".
biédla  sf. beet; barbabietola. Etym: dim of L “beta” (beet).
bigàt   sm. earthworm, silkworm, creepy-crawly; bigatto, baco da seta.
Etym: cf Lombardese "bigatt" (silk worm), maybe originally
"bombigatt", cf L "bombyx" (silkworm).
biglièt   sm. ticket; biglietto. Etym: OF "billette" (small note).
bilìn   sm. toy, sweet (noun); giocattolo, dolcetto. Etym: maybe rel to L
"pila" (ball), cf Fr "ballon" (ball).
biónd  adj. blond; biondo. Etym: Frankish "*blund" (gold mixed with
brown), cf blend.
birarì   sf. brewery; birreria. Etym: see bèra.
biṣ (1)   sm. algae; alghe. Etym: L "byssus" (cotton), for its appearance
on rocks.
biṣ (2)   adj. beige; beige. Etym: LL "byssus" (cotton) because same
color as unbleached cotton.
biscòt   sm. cookie; biscotto. Etym: L "bis" (2) + "coctus" (cooked), cf
biscuit, cf còt.

bistèca  sf. beefsteak; bistecca. Etym: Eng beefsteak.
blânza   sf. scale; bilancia. Etym: L "bis lances" (two pans).
blanzén  sm. scale (small); bilancino. Etym: dim of blânza. Note: blanzén
de farazèstar : druggist's scale

blu   adj. blue; blu. Etym: Frankish "blao" (blue) via Fr "bleu" (blue).
bluṣa   sf. blouse; blusa. Etym: Fr "blouse".
bò   sm. steer, ox; bue. Etym: L "bos/bovem" (ox), cf bovine.
bóca   sf. mouth; bocca. Etym: ML "bucca" (mouth) fr L "bucca"
bòcia   sf. pitcher, bottle; bottiglia, boccia. Etym: L "buttis" (cask,
barrel), cf Grk "πυτίνη" (flask).
böja   sm. scoundrel, executioneer; boia. Etym: L "boia" (fetter), cf Grk "
βοείη" (ox hide).
ból   sm. imprint, stamp; impronta, bolla. Etym: L "bulla" (bubble,
amulet, metal seal). Note: mark on paper
bôn   adj. good; buono. Etym: L "bonus" (good).
bônanòt   interj. Good night; Buonanotte. Etym: bôn + nòt.
bônaséra  interj. good evening; buonasera. Etym: bôn + séra.
bôndè   interj. good day; buongiorno. Etym: bôn + dè.
bônséns   sm. common sense; buonsenso. Etym: bôn+séns.
bôrd   sm. border, edge, interior (of car, ship); bordo, margine. Etym: ML
"bordum" (plank, as deck of a ship).
bôrsa  sf. bag; borsa. Etym: LL "bursa" (purse) fr Grk "βύρσα"
bòs-c   sm. wood (small forest); bosco. Etym: LL "busca" (wood) fr
Frankish *busk, cf Fr "bois" (wood).
bósla   sf. compass; bussola. Etym: dim of L "buxis" (box).
bósta   sf. envelope; busta. Etym: OFr "boiste" (box, container) fr L
"buxetum" - "buxus" (boxwood) + "etum" (grove), cf Fr "boîte" (box).

bòta (1)  sf. hit, blow; botta. Etym: OF "bouter" (to strike).
bòta (2)  sf. barrel; botte. Etym: LL "buttis," see bòcia.
bragôn   smpl. pants; pantaloni, brache. Etym: L "braci" (breeches).
brânca (1)   sf. claw, talon; branca. Etym: VL "branca" (foot, paw).
brânca (2)   sf. branch; ramo. Etym: OF "branche" (branch).
braz   sm. arm; braccio. Etym: L "bracchium" (arm).
brêg curti  sfpl. shorts; pantaloncini. Etym: see bragôn, curt.
brèt  sm. beret; berretto. Etym: Occitan "berret" (cap) fr ML "birretum"
fr LL "birrus" (cloak) fr Gaulish "birrus" (short cloak).
brìṣa   adv. not (intensifies negative); non (rafforza una negazione),
affatto. Etym: cf Fr "briser" (to break), rel to Frankish *bristjan (to
break), referring to crumbs left after something is broken. Note: n... brìṣa
is equivalent to French ne... pas

bròc d'garòfan   sfpl. cloves; chiodi di garofano. Etym: bròca +

garòfan, following Italian name.
bròca  sf. nail; chiodo. Etym: L "broccus" (having buckteeth), cf
Galician "broca" (drill bit).
bròcul   sm. broccoli; broccoli. Etym: dim of It “brocco” (dead branch).
bröd   sm. broth; brodo. Etym: LL "brodium" fr Frankish "*brod" (broth).
brót   adj. ugly; brutto. Etym: L "brutus" (stupid, awkward).
brôz   sm. cart; carretto. Etym: L "bis" (2) + VL "roclus" fr L "rotulus"
(little wheel) (cf It biroccio).
bruṣêr   vb 1. burn, sear; bruciare. Etym: origin unclear, cf Fr "brûler"
(to burn).
bṣdêl  sm. hospital; ospedale. Etym: LL "hospitalis" (hospice, shelter) fr
L "hospitalis" (hospitable), cf hospitality.
bṣël   sm. pea; pisello. Etym: VL "*pisellum" fr L "pisum" (pea). Note: pl

bṣêr   vb 1. weigh; pesare. Etym: VL "*pesare" (to weigh) fr L "pensare"

(to hang).

bṣógn   sm. need; bisogno. Etym: VL "*bisonium" fr Frankish
"*bisunnija" (need, responsibility).
buchêl   sm. mug; boccale. Etym: LL "baucalis" fr Grk "βαύκαλις"
(container for chilling wine).
budëla   sf. bowel; budello. Etym: L "botellus," dim of "botulus"
bufôn   sm. buffoon; buffone. Etym: It "buffare" (to puff up the cheeks).
bughê   sf. laundry; bucato. Etym: Frankish "*būkōn" (to do the wash).
bulidôr   sm. kettle; bollitore. Etym: fr bulìr.
bulìr  vb 3. boil; bollire. Etym: L "bullire" (to bubble or boil).
bulôn  sm. bolt; bullone. Etym: Fr "boulon" (bolt).
bùr   adj. dark (of color); buio. Etym: L "furvus" (dusky, dark) via VL
burdël   sm. boy (little); bambino. Etym: Fr "bordello" (brothel) fr
Frankish "bord" (hut) + L "ellus" (dim suffix).
burdëla  sf. girl (little); bambina. Etym: fem of burdël.
buṣ   sm. hole; buco. Etym: Frankish *buk (cavity, stomach).
buṣì   sf. lie, falsehood; bugia. Etym: Germanic loan through Occitan.
butéga   sf. shop, store; bottega. Etym: L "apotheca" (storehouse), cf Sp
"bodega" (shop).
butêr   vb 1. throw; buttare. Etym: OF "bouter" (to strike), see bota.
butì   sm. butter; burro. Etym: L "butyrum" (butter).
butìglia   sf. bottle; bottiglia. Etym: LL "butticula" fr L "buttis" (cask,
barrel), see bòcia.

C - c

ca   sf. house; casa. Etym: L "casa" (cottage, house).

cabarè   sm. tray; vassoio. Etym: Fr "cabaret" (meaning tray).
cadéna  sf. chain; catena. Etym: L "catena" (chain).
cafè   sm. coffee, cafe, coffee shop; caffè. Etym: Ar ‫( قَ ْه َوة‬coffee) via
cafè lès   sm. black coffee; caffè liscio/ristretto.
cafelàt  sm. latte, café au lait; caffelatte. Etym: cafè + lat.
caftìra   sf. coffee pot; caffettiera. Etym: Fr "cafetière" (coffee pot).
caghêr   vb 1. defecate; defecare. Etym: L "cacare" (to make ca-ca).
câgna  sf. bitch (dog); cagna. Etym: VL "cania" (bitch) fr L "canis"
cagnìn   sm. puppy; cagnolino. Etym: dim of cân.
calamêr   sm. squid; calamaro. Etym: L "calamarius" (from the reeds) fr
"calamus" (reeds).
calcâgn  sm. heel; calcagno. Etym: L "calcaneus," variant of "calx"
calculêr   vb 1. calculate; calcolare. Etym: L "calculare" (to count or
calderôn  sm. cauldron; calderone. Etym: OF "caudron" fr L
"calidarium" (cooking pot) fr "calidus" (hot).
calôr   sm. heat; calore. Etym: L “calor” (heat, warmth).
calzèta  sf. sock; calza. Etym: VL "calcea" (stocking) fr L "calceus"
(shoe), cf It "calzetta" (ankle sock).
calzôn   smpl. pants; pantaloni. Etym: see calzèta.
calzulêr  sm. cobbler; calzolaio. Etym: L "calceus" (shoe) + "-arius"
(belonging to).
camaleônt   sm. chameleon; camaleonte. Etym: L "chamaeleon" fr Gk
χαμαιλεων (chameleon) fr χαμαι (of the ground) λεων (lion).
cambiêr   vb 1. change; cambiare. Etym: LL "cambiare" (to change) fr
Celtic root meaning to bend, cf O Irish "camm" (curved).

camël   sm. camel; cammello. Etym: L "camelus" (camel) from Semitic
root, cf Ar ‫ َج َمل‬, Heb ‫( גמל‬both meaning camel).
camén  sm. chimney; ciminiera, camino. Etym: L "caminus" fr Gk
καμινος (furnace).
caminêr   vb 1. walk; camminare. Etym: fr LL "caminus" (path) fr
Gaulish, cf Irish "céim" (step).
càmion   sm. truck; camion. Etym: Fr "camion" (truck), possibly rel to
"chemin" (path), see caminêr.
camìṣa   sf. shirt; camicia. Etym: LL "camisia" (shirt) fr Germanic via
Gaulish, cf OHG "hemidi" (shirt).
câmp   sm. field; campo. Etym: L "campus" (field, camp).
campâgna   sf. countryside; campagna. Etym: L "campaneus"
(pertaining to the fields), cf câmp.
campanël  sm. bell; campanello. Etym: L "campanello" (small bell),
origin obscure.
câmra   sf. room; camera. Etym: L "camera" (room). Note: also câmara,

cân  sm. dog; cane. Etym: L "canis" (dog). Note: also câgn

câna   sf. cane; canna. Etym: L "canna" (cane) fr Gk "κavva" (reed) fr
câna   sf. cane (sugar), sugar cane; canna. Etym: L "canna" (reed).
câna da pèsca   sf. fishing rod; canna da pesca.
câna dla biciclèta   sf. crossbar (bicyle); canna della bicicletta.
canapè  sm. couch, sofa, bed (single); canapè, letto singolo. Etym: Fr
"canapé" (sofa) fr L "canopeum" (seat with a canopy or netting) fr Gk
"κωνωψ" (mosquito).
câncar   sm. cancer; cancro. Etym: L "cancer" (crab).
candêla  sf. candle; candela. Etym: L "candela" (tallow candle) fr
"candere" (to shine).
canêl   sm. canal; canale. Etym: L "canalis" (canal).

canëla   sf. cinnamon; cannella. Etym: dim of câna.
canòcia (1)   sf. mantis shrimp, squilla; canocchia. Etym: shaped like a
cane, L "canna" (cane, reed).
canòcia (2)   sf. distaff (for spinning yarn); conocchia. Etym: L "colus"
canóza   sf. straw; cannuccia. Etym: dim of câna. Note: also canócia
cantânt   sm. singer (male); cantante (m). Etym: pres part of cantêr.
cantânta   sf. singer (female); cantante (f). Etym: see cantânt.
cantêr   vb 1. sing; cantare. Etym: L "cantare" (to sing).
cantôn   sm. angle, corner; angolo. Etym: cf OF and Occitan "canton"
cantunìr   sm. road worker; cantoniere. Etym: Fr "cantonier" (worker for
the canton or district).
cânva   sf. hemp; canapa. Etym: L "cannabis" (hemp).
càpa sânta  sf. scallop; capasanta.
capël   sm. hat; cappello. Etym: VL "cappellus" (hat) fr L "cappa" (cape)
+ dim "-ellus".
capêr   vb 1. choose, husk (verb); scegliere, capare. Etym: cf It locution
"prendere capo per capo" (take one by one); It "capo" (head) = chêp.
capìr   vb 3. understand; capire. Etym: VL "capire" fr L "capere" (to take
in, understand).
capitalèsta  sm. capitalist; capitalista. Etym: fr capitêl.
capitalìṣom   sm. capitalism; capitalismo. Etym: fr capitêl.
capitâni   sm. captain; capitano. Etym: fr chêp.
capitêl  sm. capital (financial); capitale (economico). Etym: L "capitalis"
(of the head, maybe of cattle?).
capitêla  sf. capital (of government); capitale (di governo). Etym: rel to
caplèt  sm. cappelletto (pasta); cappelletto. Etym: dim of capèl.

capòt (1)  sm. coat; cappotto. Etym: L "cappa" (cape), see capèl.
capòt (2)  sm. shutout; cappotto. Note: fê' capòt: to win a game without
your opponent scoring

capuzèn   sm. cappuccino; cappuccino.

car   sm. wagon, cart; carro, plaustro. Etym: LL "carrus" (wagon) fr
Gaulish *karros (wagon), cf chariot.
carabéna   sf. carbine, rifle (short-rifle); carabina. Etym: Fr "carabine"
(short rifle), origin uncertain.
carabignér   sm. carabineer; carabiniere. Etym: Fr "carabine" (short
rifle), origin uncertain.
carbôn   sm. carbon, coal; carbone. Etym: L "carbo" (coal).
cardénza   sf. belief; credenza. Etym: ML "credentia" (promise) fr L
"credens" (believing).
cardù  past part. believed; creduto. Etym: fr crédar.
carg   sm. cargo; carico. Etym: see carghêr.
carghêr   vb 1. load, charge (with electricity); caricare. Etym: LL
"carricare" (to load) fr L "carrus" (cart), cf cargo.
cariêr   vb 1. create; creare. Etym: L "creare" (to create). Note: also crejêr
cariöl   sm. wheelchair; carrozzella. Etym: dim of car.
cariöla   sf. wheelbarrow; carriola. Etym: dim of L "carrus" (cart).
caröta   sf. carrot; carota. Etym: L "carota" (carrot).
caròza  sf. carriage; carrozza. Etym: fr L "carrus" (wagon, cart).
carpintir   sm. carpenter; carpentiere. Etym: L "carpentarius" (wagon
maker), see car.
caruzéna   sf. stroller, pram; carrozzina, passegina. Etym: fr caròza.
càsa   sf. case, chest (box), crate; cassa. Etym: L "capsa" (box) fr
"capere" (to seize, take).
càsa da mört  sf. coffin; cassa da morto.

cas-c   sm. helmet; casco. Etym: Sp "casco" (helmet).
caschêda   sf. waterfall; cascata (di aqua). Etym: see caschêr.
caschêr   vb 1. fall, drop (intr); cadere, cascare. Etym: VL "casicare" (to
fall) fr L "casus" (fallen), cf cascade.
casèt   sm. drawer; cassetto. Etym: dim of càsa.
caṣèta   sf. cabin; casetta. Etym: dim of ca.
casìr  sm. cashier; cassiere. Etym: fr càsa in sense of cashbox.
castâgn (1)   sm. chestnut tree; castagno. Etym: L "castaneum" fr Gk
καστανον (chestnut).
castâgn (2)   adj. chestnut colored; castano. Etym: see castâgn (1).
castâgn d'Èngia  sm. horse chestnut; ippocastano. Etym: "chestnut
from India".
castâgna   sf. chestnut; castagna. Etym: see castâgn (1).
castël   sm. castle; castello. Etym: L "castellum" (castle), dim of
"castrum" (fort).
castör   sm. beaver; castoro. Etym: L "castor" (beaver).
catìv   adj. bad; cattivo. Etym: L "captivus" (captive), implies "captive to
the devil".
cavàl   sm. horse; cavallo. Etym: LL "caballus" (horse).
cavàla   sf. mare; cavalla. Etym: fem of cavàl.
cavalêr  sm. horse groomer; cavallaio. Etym: fr cavàl.
cavalèta   sf. grasshopper; cavalletta. Etym: dim of cavàl (because it
jumps like a horse?).
cavalìr  sm. knight, horseman; cavaliere. Etym: see cavàl.
cavèja   nf. ankle; caviglia. Etym: L "clavicula" (small key, collar bone).
cavèl   sm. hair; capello. Etym: L "capillus" (hair), cf capillary.
cavêr  vb 1. remove (eg a tooth), extract (a profit); cavare, sradicare.
Etym: L "cavus" (a hollow), cf cave, excavate.

cavrèt   sm. goat (baby), baby goat; capretto. Etym: dim of chêvra.
cavrôn   sm. goat (male), billy goat; caprone. Etym: augmentive of
cazadôr   sm. hunter; cacciatore. Etym: LL "captiare" (to hunt) fr L
"captare" (to capture) + "-tor" (doer).
cazavìd  sm. screwdriver; cacciavite, giravite. Etym: LL "captiare" (see
caciadòr) + Rgn "vìd" (screw) fr L "vitis" (vine, spirals like a screw).
celebrê   adj. celebrated; celebrato. Etym: L "celeber" (numerous),
referring to crowd in attendance.
celebrêr  vb 1. celebrate; celebrare. Etym: see celebrê. Note: esp of the

Céna  sf. China; Cina.

cêr   adj. clear, shiny, light (in color); chiaro. Etym: L "clarus" (clear,
cerâmic   adj. ceramic; ceramco. Etym: Gk "κεραμος" (potter's clay).
cerimògna   sf. ceremony; cerimonia. Etym: L caerimonia ("ritual,
holyness), rel to Skt karma (act).
cerimugnêl   adj. ceremonial; cerimoniale. Etym: see cerimògna.
cës   sm. john (toilet); cesso (gabinetto). Etym: shortened fr L "locus
successus" (hidden place). Note: vulgar
cèv   sf. key; chiave. Etym: L "clavis" (key). Note: or cèva
céva ingléṣa   sf. wrench; chiave inglese.
che  pron. that, which, what; che, cui. Etym: L "quod" (which). Note: cösa
is more common as question word

che  adj. that; quello. Etym: L "ecce illum/illa" (behold that there), cf

chêld   adj. hot, warm; caldo. Etym: L "calidus" (warm, hot).
chêlz (1)   sm. kick; calcio. Etym: L "calx" (heel). Note: dêr un chêlz : to

chêlz (2)   sm. calcium; calcio. Etym: L "calx" (chalk).

chèmic (1)   adj. chemical; chimico. Etym: L "chemicus" (chemical) fr
Gk χυμεια (making of alloys) via Ar.
chèmic (2)   sm. chemist; chimico. Etym: see chèmic (1).
chèmica   sf. chemistry; chimica. Etym: see chèmic.
chêp  sm. head; capo, testa. Etym: L "caput" (head). Note: more common:
tësta; see also: chêv

chêplavôr  sm. masterwork, chef d'oeuvre; capolavoro. Etym: chêp +

chêr   adj. expensive, dear; caro. Etym: L "carus" (beloved, expensive).
chêrna   sf. meat; carne. Etym: L "caro" (flesh).
chêrna trida  sf. hamburger, ground meat; carne macinata. Etym: see
chêrna and tridêr.
chêrt da ẓug  sfpl. deck of cards, playing cards; carte da gioco.
chêrta   sf. paper, card (for games); carta. Etym: L "charta" fr Grk
"χάρτης" (paper). Note: ẓughêr al chêrt : play cards; chêrta biânca : carte

chêrta d’identitê  sf. identity card; carte d’identità.

chêrta igénica   sf. toilet paper; carta igienica.
chêrta stradêla   sf. road map; carta stradale.
chêuṣa  sf. cause; causa. Etym: L "causa" (cause).
chêv   sm. head, topmost extremity; capo. Etym: see chêp, tësta.
chêv (2)   adj, sm. hollow; cavo. Etym: L "cavus" (hollow, concave).
chêvra   sf. goat; capra. Etym: L "capra" (goat), cf Fr "chèvre" (goat).
chêvul  sm. cabbage; cavolo. Etym: L "caulis" (stalk, eg, of a cabbage).
chêvul d'Bruxelles  sm. Brussels sprouts; cavolo di Bruxelles. Etym:
see chêvul.
chêvulfiôr   sm. cauliflower; cavolfiore. Etym: chêvul + fiôr.
chi  pron. who; chi. Etym: L "quis" (who).

chitàra   sf. guitar; chitarra. Etym: L "cithara" (lyre) fr Gk κιθαρα (lyre),
via Arabic.
ch'ôr'ël?  phrase. What time is it?; Che ora è?
ciacarêr   vb 1. chat, chatter; chiachierare. Etym: rel to OFr "claquer"
(to clatter).
ciamêr   vb 1. call, name; chiamare. Etym: L "clamo" (I call out), cf
clamor. Note: refl ciamês: to be called, chiamarsi
cicöria   sf. chicory; cicoria. Etym: L "cichoreum" (chicory).
ciculêta  sf. chocolate; cioccolata. Etym: Nahuatl "chicolati"
(chocolate) via Spanish.
cinéṣ   adj. Chinese; cinese.
cìṣa   sf. church; chiesa. Etym: L "ecclesia" (church) fr Grk "ἐκκλησία"
ciù  sm. owl; gufo, chiù. Etym: sound an owl makes.
ciucêr   vb 1. suck, suckle; ciucciare. Etym: onamotapoeia? cf Venetian
ciùdar   vb 2. close; chiudere. Etym: L "claudere" (to close). Note: srêr is

clas   sf. class; classe. Etym: L "classis" (rank, group).

clavècula   sf. clavicle; clavicola. Etym: L "clavicula" (small key,
clavicle). Note: preferred: os dla spala
cmandêr  vb 1. command, demand; comandare, ordinare. Etym: L
"commendare" (to commit, recommend).
cminzêr   vb 1. begin; cominciare. Etym: VL "cominitiare" (begin) fr
"cum" (with) + "initiare" (begin, initiate).
cnósar   vb 2. know (a person or place); conoscere. Etym: L "cognosco"
(I know, am acquainted with), cf gnosis.
cnusânza   sf. knowledge; conoscenza. Etym: see cnósar.
cnusù   past part, adj. known; conosciuto. Etym: fr cnósar.
côda   sf. tail; coda. Etym: L "cauda" (tail).

cójar   vb 2. collect, catch; raccogliere, cogliere. Etym: L "recolligere"
(to gather, collect).
côjpa  sf. fault, blame; colpa. Etym: L "culpa" (fault).
còl (1)   sm. neck; collo. Etym: L "collum" (neck), cf collar.
còl (2)   sm. parcel, package (shipping); collo (per spedizione). Etym: fr
còl (1).
cöla   sf. glue; colla. Etym: VL "colla" fr Grk "κόλλα" (glue).
còlfëc  sm. dive; tuffo.
colibrì   sm. hummingbird; colibrì.
còlon   sm. colon; colon. Etym: L "colon" fr Gk κολον (large intestine).
côlp   sm. blow, punch; colpo. Etym: VL "colpus" fr L "colaphus" fr Grk
"κόλαφος" (blow of the fist), cf Fr "coup" (blow).
cölta  sf. harvest; raccolto. Etym: L "collecta" (that which has been
còma  sf. coma; coma. Etym: Gk κωμα (deep sleep).
cóma  adv. like (similar to), as, how; come. Etym: VL "quomo" fr L
"quomodo" (in what manner).
cómar   sf. watermelon; anguria, cocomero. Etym: variant of L
"cucumeris" (cucumber). Note: also gómbar
computer   sm. computer; computer. Etym: English "computer".
còn   sm. cone; cono. Etym: L "conus" (cone, wedge).
cónla  sf. crib, cradle; culla. Etym: dim of L "cuna" (cradle).
cônt (1)  sm. account; conto. Etym: L. "computus" (calculation,
cônt (2)  sm. count (noble); conte (nobilità). Etym: L "comes"
(companion - to the king).
côntra   adv. against; contro. Etym: L "contra" (against).
côntravlén  sm. antidote; contravveleno, antidoto. Etym: L "contra"
against + alteration of "venemen" (venom).

cópa (1)   sf. cup, trophy, heart (cards); coppa, cuore (carte). Etym: LL
"cuppa" (cup) fr "cupa" (tub). Note: e' re ad cóp : king of hearts
cópa (2)   sf. nuque, nape; nuca, coppa (del collo).
còpia (1)   sf. copy; copia. Etym: L "copia" (abundance).
còpia (2)   sf. couple, pair; coppia. Etym: L "copula" (bond).
cör   sm. heart; cuore. Etym: L "cor" (heart), cf cardio-.
cöran  sm. horn; corno. Etym: L "cornu" (horn).
córar   vb 2. run; correre. Etym: L "currere" (to run), cf courier.
cörda  sf. rope, cord; corda. Etym: L "chorda" (cord) fr Gk χορδη (string
of a lyre).
cörp  sm. body; corpo. Etym: L "corpus" (body).
côrsa   sf. route, course; corsa. Etym: L "cursus" (ran, path traveled), see
còsa   sf. thigh; coscia. Etym: ML "coxa" (thigh) fr L "coxa" (hip).
cösa   pron, sf. thing, what (question word); cosa. Etym: L "causa" (thing,
matter). Note: as question: cus before vowel, csa before consonant
cósta   sf. rib; costa. Etym: L "costa" (rib).
còt   past part, adj. cooked; cucinato. Etym: fr cùṣar.
còz   sm. terracotta, earthenware; coccio. Etym: rel to conch and cockle,
cf It "coccia" (shell).
crédar   vb 2. believe; credere. Etym: L "credere" (to believe).
credèbil   adj. credible, believable; credibile. Etym: crédar + êbil.
crédit  sm. credit; credito. Etym: L "creditum" (loan) fr "credere" (to
believe, trust in). Note: cumprêr a crédit: buy on credit
crejatûra   sf. creature; creatura. Etym: fr cariêr. Note: also cariatûra
crejaziôn   sf. creation; creazione. Etym: fr cariêr.
crèma   sf. cream; crema. Etym: L "crama" (cream).

crèmin   sm. crime, delitto; crimine. Etym: L "crimen" (crime).
créna   sf. horsehair; crine. Etym: L "crinis" (lock of hair), cf crinoline.
crèsar   vb 2. grow, increase; crescere. Etym: L "crescere" (to grow), cf
cricét   sm. hamster; criceto. Etym: Neolatin "cricetus" (hamster).
criminêl   adj, sm. criminal; criminale. Etym: see crèmin.
crìṣ   sf. crisis; crisi. Etym: Gk κρισις (decision point) via Latin.
cris-ciân   adj. Christian; cristiano.
cristàl   sm. crystal; cristallo. Etym: L “crystallum” (crystal, gemstone)
fr Gk κρυσταλλος (ice).
crôṣa   sf. cross; croce. Etym: L "crux" (cross).
crucalàz   sm. gull, seagull; gabbiano. Etym: maybe L "cuculus"
crud  adj. raw; crudo. Etym: L “crudus” (raw, bloody, immature,
crudél   adj. cruel; crudele. Etym: L “crudelis” (unfeeling, cruel), cf
cruvìr   vb 3. cover; coprire. Etym: L "co-" (intensive) + operire (cover,
envelop), cf Fr "couvrir" (to cover). Note: past particiciple quért
csa   Note: see cösa
cucêra   sf. spoon; cucchiaio. Etym: L "cochlearium" (spoonful) fr
"cochlear" (spoon) fr "cochlea" (snail).
cucudrèl  sm. crocodile; coccodrillo. Etym: L "crocodilus" fr Gk
κροκοδειλος (crocodile) fr Ionian word for "rock lizard".
cudrôn   sm. sacrum; osso sacro. Etym: dim of VL "coda" fr L "cauda"
cul  sm. butt, bottom; sedere, culo. Etym: L "culus" (anus).
culadùr  sm. colander; colatoio, colino. Etym: fr culêr.
culâna  sf. necklace; collana. Etym: fr còl.

culaziôn   sf. breakfast; colazione. Etym: L "collation" (collation,
collecting), cf Eng "collation" as a meal taken by monks after the
reading of the Collationes Patrum..
culéga  sm&f. colleague; collega. Etym: L "collega" (colleague) fr
"com" (together) + "legare" (send as a representative), cf legate.
culéna  sf. hill; collina. Etym: dim of L "collis" (hill).
culêr   vb 1. strain (as pasta), drip; colare. Etym: L "culum" (colander,
culèt   sm. collar (of shirt); colletto. Etym: dim of còl.
culôr  sm. color; colore. Etym: L "color" (color, complexion).
cultivaziôn  sf. cultivation; coltivazione. Etym: fr cultivêr.
cultivêr   vb 1. cultivate; coltivare. Etym: L "cultivare" (to till, to
cultùra  sf. culture; cultura. Etym: L "cultura" (culture), cf cultivêr.
cumércc   sm. business, commerce; commercio. Etym: L "merx"
(merchandise), cf marchê.
cumercêl   adj. commercial; commerciale. Etym: fr cumércc.
cumò   sm. dresser, chest of drawers; comò. Etym: Fr "commode"
(dresser), rel to L "commodus" (convenient)?.
cumôn (1)   adj. common; comune. Etym: L "communis" (common,
cumôn (2)   sm. town, commune; comune. Etym: L "com" (with) +
"munus" (service), meaning mutual ties or obligations.
cumpâgn  sm. companion; compagno. Etym: LL "companio"
(companion) fr "cum" (with) + "panis" (bread), cf Frankish "gahlaibo"
(dining companion, literally "with loaf").
cumpleân   sm. birthday; compleanno. Etym: cumplét + ân.
cumplës   adj. complex, complicated; complesso, complicato. Etym: L
"complexus" (surrounded).
cumplét   adj. complete; completo. Etym: fr cumpletêr.

cumpletêr   vb 1. complete; completare. Etym: L "complere" (fill,
cumplicaziôn  sf. complication; complicazione. Etym: fr cumplichêr.
cumplichêr  vb 1. complicate; complicare. Etym: L "complicare" (to
fold together).
cumprêr   vb 1. buy; comprare. Etym: L "comparare" (to procure) fr
"parare" (to prepare).
cumprumès (1)  past part. compromised; compromesso. Etym: fr
cumprumès (2)  sm. compromise; compromesso. Etym: fr cumprumès
cumprumètar   vb 2. compromise; compromettere. Etym: L
"compromittere" (to compromise).
cumpurtamént   sm. behavior, comportment; comportamento,
condotta. Etym: L "comportare" (to carry, convey).
cumudén  sm. nightstand; comodino. Etym: dim of cumò.
cumunicaziôn   sf. communication; comunicazione. Etym: fr
cumunichêr   vb 1. communicate; communicare. Etym: L
"communicare" (to share, communicate), cf cumôn.
cumunitê  sf. community; comunità. Etym: L "communitas"
cun   prep. with; con. Etym: L "cum" (with).
cunchèglia   sf. shell, seashell; conchiglia. Etym: dim of L "concha"
(shell) fr Gk κογχη (muscle, cockle).
cunclùdar   vb 2. conclude; concludere. Etym: L "concludere" (to
conclude, finish).
cunclùṣ   past part. concluded; concluso. Etym: fr conclùdar.
cuncluṣiôn   sf. conclusion; conclusione. Etym: fr conclùdar.

cuncurént   sm. competitor; concorrente, commercio in concorrenza.
Etym: see cuncurénza.

cuncurénza   sf. competition; concorrenza. Etym: L "concurrere" (to

run with/against).
cundiziôn   sf. condition; condizione. Etym: L "conditio" (condition,
cundiziunadôr   sm. air conditioner; conizionatore (dell'aria). Etym: fr
cundùṣar   vb 2. drive, lead, guide; condurre, guidare. Etym: L
"conducere" (to lead, bring together).
cunèj   sm. rabbit; coniglio. Etym: L "cuniculus" (rabbit).
cunès  adj, past part. connected; connesso. Etym: past part of cunètar.
cunesiôn   sf. connection; connessione. Etym: L "conexio" (connection,
cunètar  vb 2. connect, join (with something else); connettere,
collegare. Etym: see cunesiôn.
cunfidént   adj. confident; confidente. Etym: L "com" (together) + fid.
cunfitùra   sf. jam, jelly; confettura. Etym: L "confectus" (made/put
cunfóndar  vb 2. confuse; confondere. Etym: L "con" (with) +
"fundere" (pour).
cunfrônt   sm. comparison, confrontation; confronto. Etym: L "con
fronto" (with the forehead).
cunfruntêr   vb 1. confront, compare; confrontare, comparare. Etym:
see cunfrônt.
cunfuṣiôn   sf. confusion, disorder; confusione, disordine. Etym: L
"confusio" (mingling, mixing, confounding), see cunfònda.
cungedêr   vb 2. allow, permit; permettere. Etym: L "concedo" (I
concede, I allow).
cunsèj  sm. counsel, advice; consiglio. Etym: see cunsigliêr.

cunservêr   vb 1. conserve, keep; conservare. Etym: L "conservo" (I
cunsigliêr  vb 1. counsel, advise; consigliare. Etym: L "consulo" (take
counsel, consult).
cunsisténza  sf. consistency, texture; consistenza. Etym: L
"consistentia" (how things stand together).
cunsulêr  vb 1. console, comfort; consolare. Etym: L "consolari" (to
console) fr "con-" (intensive) + "solari" (to comfort).
cuntàbil   nm. accountant; ragioniere, contabile. Etym: Fr "comptable"
(accountant, one who can keep count).
cuntadén  sm. farmer; contadino. Etym: one who lives in the country.
cuntèa   sf. county (domain of a count); contea. Etym: fr cônt (2).
cuntént  adj. content; contento. Etym: L "contentus" (contained) fr
"continere" (to contain).
cuntêr   vb 1. count, recount; contare, raccontare. Etym: L "computare"
(to compute or calculate).
cuntèsa   sf. countess; contessa. Etym: f of cônt (2).
cuntinuêr   vb 1. continue; continuare, seguitare. Etym: L "continuare"
(to connect, prolong).
cuntràst   sm. contrast; constrasto. Etym: VL *contrastare (stand
against) fr "contra" (against) + "stare" (stand).
cuntràt   sm. contract; contratto. Etym: L "contractum" (brought
cuntrêri  adj, sm. contrary, opposite; contrario, opposto. Etym: fr côntra.
cuntròl   sm. control; controllo. Etym: Fr contrôle (control, check).
cuntrulêr   vb 1. control; controllare. Etym: fr cuntròl.
cuntruvérsia   sf. controversy, dispute; controversia, disputa. Etym: L
"controversia" (debate, controversy).
cunzêr   vb 1. tan (a hide); conciare. Etym: L "comptiare" (to frame,
arrange, construct).

curâm   sm. leather; corame, cuoio. Etym: L "corium" (hide, leather).
curént   sf. current; corrente. Etym: see còrar. Note: curént ad lêva : lava

curént alternêda   sf. alternating current; corrente alternata.

curént cuntènua   sf. direct current; corrente continua.
curént elëtrica   sf. electric current; corrente elettrica.
curèẓar   vb 2. correct; correggere. Etym: L "corrigere" (to correct) fr
"con-" (intensive) + "regere" (to govern or guide).
cureziôn   sf. correction; correzione. Etym: see curèẓar.
curidùr  sm. hallway; corridoio. Etym: L "currere" (run) + "-tor" (doer,
related to), cf corridor.
curiôṣ   adj. curious, strange; curioso, strano. Etym: L "curiousus"
(careful, elaborate, extravagant).
curìra   sf. bus; autobus, autocorriera. Etym: L "currere" (run) + "-arius"
(belonging to).
curispundént   sm. correspondent; corrispondente. Etym: L
"correspondeo" (I correspond, reciprocate with). Note: esp a journalist
curnàciôn   sm. raven; corvo imperiale, cornacchia. Etym: dim of L
"cornix" (crow).
curnìṣa   sf. frame, cornice, ledge (on a building), border (of garden);
cornice. Etym: Gk κορωνις (curved object), note similarity to corona.
curödar  vb 2. corrode; corrodere. Etym: L "corrodere" (to gnaw), cf
rodent, a creature that gnaws. Note: past part curöṣ
curômpar  vb 2. corrupt; corrompere. Etym: L "corrumpere" (to corrupt
or pervert) fr "con" (with, through) + "rumpere" (to break), cf rômpar.
Note: past part curót

curôna   sf. crown; corona. Etym: L "corona" (crown).

curöṣ  past part, adj. corroded; corroso. Etym: fr curödar.
curót   past part, adj. corrupt, corrupted; corrotto. Etym: fr curômpar.

curt  adj. short (in length); corto. Etym: L "curtus" (shortened,
curtël  sm. knife; coltello. Etym: dim of L "culter" (knife), cf curt.
curtéṣ   adj. courteous; cortese. Etym: OF "cortois" (courteous) fr L
"cortensis" (of the court).
curteṣì   sf. courtesy; cortesia. Etym: OF "cortoisie" (courtesy), cf
curtìl  sm. courtyard; cortile. Etym: L "cors" (courtyard, enclosure).
curunêr  vb 1. crown, coronate; coronare. Etym: fr curôna.
curuṣiôn   sf. corrosion; corrosione. Etym: fr curödar.
curuṣìv   adj. corrosive; corrosivo. Etym: fr curödar.
curutèbil   adj. corruptible; corrutttibile. Etym: fr curômpar, èbil.
curuziôn  sf. corruption; corruzione. Etym: fr curômpar.
curv   adj. curved, bent; curvo. Etym: see curva.
curva   sf. curve; curva. Etym: L "curvus" (bent).
cus  Note: see cösa
cùṣar   vb 2. cook; cucinare, cuocere. Etym: L "coquinare" (to cook).
Note: past part

cuscèn  sm. pillow, cushion; cuscino. Etym: VL "coxinus" (seat pad) fr

L "coxa" (thigh), see còscia, cf cushion.
cusciént   adj. concious; cosciente. Etym: L "consciens" (conscious).
cusciénza   sf. conscience; coscienza. Etym: see cusciént.
cuscienziôṣ   adj. conscientious; coscienzioso. Etym: see cusciént.
cuṣén (1)   sm. cousin (male); cugino. Etym: OF "cousin" (cousin) fr L
"consobrinus" (cousin) fr L "con-" (with) + "sobrinus" (by the sister).
cuṣén (2)   sm. cosine; coseno. Etym: fr sén (2).
cuṣéna (1)   sf. cousin (female); cugina. Etym: see cuṣén.

cuṣéna (2)   sf. kitchen; cucina. Etym: L "coquina" (cooking, kitchen),
cf Fr "cuisine" (kitchen, cooking).
cuṣinêr   Note: see cùṣar
cuṣìr   vb 3. sew; cucire. Etym: VL "cosire/cosere" fr L "consuere" (to
sew, stitch together).
custêda   sf. ribs (beef or pork); costata. Etym: L "costatus" (ribbed)
from "costa" (rib, side).
custóm   sm. suit; costume, abito (per uomo). Etym: L "consuetudo"
(custom, by ext what one usually wears). Note: custóm da sci, da bâgn : ski
suit, swimsuit

custrót (1)  adj, past part. constructed; costruito. Etym: fr custruìr.

custrót (2)  sm. construct (linguistic); costruzione (di una frase). Etym:
fr custrót (1).
custruìr  vb 3. construct; costruire. Etym: L "construire" (to pile up).
custruziôn   sf. construction; costruzione. Etym: fr custruìr.
cutôn  sm. cotton; cotone. Etym: OIt "cotone" (cotton) fr Ar ‫طن‬
ُ ُ‫ق‬
(cotton), maybe fr ‫( َكتّان‬flax).
cutulèta   sf. cutlet; costoletta. Etym: dim of cósta.

D - d

da  prep. from, to (with verb); da. Etym: L "de" (of/from) + "a(b)" (away
dalfén   sm. dolphin; delfino. Etym: L "delphinius" (dolphin) fr Gk
δελφις (dolphin), rel to δελφυς (womb).
dân   sm. damage; danno. Etym: L "damnun" (damage, loss).
danê   adj, past part. damned; dannato. Etym: past part of danêr. Note:
ânma danêda : damned soul

danêr  vb 1. damn; dannare. Etym: L "damnare" (to censure, judge).

danêr  sm. diamond (cards); quadre (carte). Etym: L "denarius" (dime).
Note: e' re ad denêr : king of diamonds

danéval  adj. harmful; dannoso. Etym: fr dân.

daquadôr   sm. watering can; annaffiatoio. Etym: fr daquêr.
daquêr   vb 1. water (as in plants); innaffiare, adacquare. Etym: L "de"
(of) + "aqua" (water), see sciaquè.
dàtar  sm. date (fruit); dattero. Etym: L "dactylus" (date) fr Gk δάκτυλος
davânti   prep. front (in front of); davanti. Etym: L "de ab ante" (at the
front). Note: syn of dnénz
dbu   past part. drank; bevuto. Etym: fr bér.
dè  sm. day; giorno. Etym: L "dies" (day).
dëbit   sm. debt; debito. Etym: L "debitum" (a thing owed).
dëbul   adj. weak, feeble; debole, fiacco. Etym: L "debilis" (weak,
feeble), opposite of êbil.
debutânt   adj, sm. beginner, novice; debuttante, esordiente. Etym: fr
debutêr   vb 1. begin (a project), start out, debut (eg, an actor);
debuttare, esordire, iniziare un'attività. Etym: Fr "debuter" (to start or
decuraziôn   sf. decoration; decorazione. Etym: fr decurêr.
decurêr   vb 1. decorate, adorn; decorare, adornare. Etym: L "decorare"
(to adorn, honor) fr "decus" (ornament).
dèd   sm. nut (with bolt), die (sing of dice); dado. Etym: L "datus"
dedichêr  vb 1. dedicate; dedicare. Etym: L "dedicare" (to dedicate) fr
"de" (of/about) + "dicere" (to speak).
delichêt   adj. delicate; delicato. Etym: L "delicatus" (giving delight,
deliziôṣ   adj. delicious; delizioso. Etym: L "deliciae" (delight).

dént   sm. tooth; dente. Etym: L "dens/dentis" (tooth).
déntar   adv. inside; dentro. Etym: L "de intro" (of within).
dêr   vb irr. give; dare. Etym: L "dare" (to give).
descrèt   past part. described; descritto. Etym: fr descrìvar.
descritìv   adj. descriptive; descrittivo. Etym: fr descrìvar.
descrìvar  vb 3. describe; descrivere. Etym: ad+scrìvar=write about.
descriziôn   sf. description; descrizione. Etym: fr descrìvar.
deṣért   sm, adj. desert, deserted; deserto. Etym: L “desertum”
deṣideràbil   adj. desirable; desiderabili. Etym: fr deṣiderêr.
deṣiderê   past part, adj. desired; desiderato. Etym: fr deṣiderêr.
deṣiderêr   vb 1. desire; desiderare. Etym: L “desiderare” (to desire,
deṣidêri   sm. desire; desiderio. Etym: fr deṣiderêr.
deṣiderôṣ  adj. desirous; desideroso. Etym: fr deṣiderêr.
dèt (1)   sm. datum; dato. Etym: L “datum” (a thing given).
dèt (2)   past part. said; detto. Etym: fr dìr.
detàj   sm. detail; dettaglio. Etym: Fr "détail" (detail).
determinaziôn   sf. determination; determinazione. Etym: fr
determinêr  vb 1. determine; determinare. Etym: L "determinare" (to
limit, bound), cf terminus.
detestàbil   adj. hateful, detestable; detestabile. Etym: fr detestêr.
detestêr  vb 1. hate, detest; detestare, odiare. Etym: L "detestari" (bear
witness against).
d'êtra pêrt   phrase. hand (on the other), however; d'altronde.

diamânt   sm. diamond (gem); diamante. Etym: L “adamas” (adamant,
diamond) fr αδαμας (diamond) fr Akkadian.
dicìdar   vb 2. decide; decidere. Etym: L "decidere" (to cut off, decide")
fr "de-" (away) + "caedere" (to cut).
dicìṣ   adj, past part. decided; deciso. Etym: past part of dicìdar.
diciṣiôn   sf. decision; decisione. Etym: fr dicìdar.
diciṣìv   adj. decisive, resolute; decisivo, risolutivo. Etym: fr dicìdar.
did   sm. finger; dito. Etym: L "digitus" (finger, digit). Note: fingers
(together): dìda

did dl'anël  sm. ring finger; anulare. Etym: did+anël: ring finger.

did d'mëẓ   sm. middle finger; medio (dito). Etym: did+mez: finger at
the middle.
did d'pè   sm. toe; dito di piede.
did grós   sm. thumb; pollice. Etym: did + grós: fat finger.
did znén   sm. little finger, pinky; mignolo (dito). Etym: did+znén: little
difarént   adj. different; differente. Etym: L "differens" (carrying apart).
difarénza   sf. difference; differenza. Etym: see difarént.
difèzil   adj. difficult; difficile. Etym: L "difficilis" (difficult), opposite of
digestiôn  sf. digestion; digestione. Etym: L "digestio" (digestion) fr
"digerere" (to distribute, digest).
diligént   adj. diligent; diligento. Etym: L "diligens" (careful, attentive).
dimpartót  adv. everywhere; dappertutto, ovunque. Etym:
ad+in+par+tót, cf Italian above, Fr "partout" (everywhere).
dintèsta   sm. dentist; dentista. Etym: fr dént.
dio   sm. god; dio. Etym: L "deus" (god).
dipèndar   vb 2. depend; dipendere. Etym: L "dependere" (to depend).
Note: dipèndar da : depend on

diplòma   sf. diploma; diploma. Etym: L "diploma" (diploma) fr Gk
διπλωμα (folded paper).
dìr   vb 3. say, tell; dire. Etym: L "dicere" (to say).
diretôr  sm. director; direttore. Etym: fr dirèẓar.
diretrìce   sf. director (female), directress; direttrice. Etym: fr dirèẓar.
dirèẓar   vb 2. direct; dirigere. Etym: L "dirigere" (to direct) fr "dis-"
(intensive) + "regere" (to rule).
direziôn   sf. direction; direzione. Etym: L "dirigo" (I steer).
dirigént   sm. manager; dirigente. Etym: fr dirèẓar.
dìṣ  number. ten; dieci. Etym: L "decem" (tenth).
discusiôn   sf. discussion; discussione. Etym: fr discùtar.
discùtar  vb 2. discuss; discutere. Etym: ML "discutere" (to discuss,
originally to shatter or break).
diṣocupê   adj. unemployed; disoccupato. Etym: L "dis-" (not) +
"occupatus" (occupied, made use of).
dìṣom (1)  ordinal. tenth; decimo. Etym: L "decimus" (tenth). Note: f

dìṣom (2)  adj. foolish, stupid; sciocco, stupido. Etym: off by a tenth,

see dìṣom (1).
dispérdar   vb 2. disperse; disperdere. Etym: L "dis" (apart) + "perdere"
(destroy, lose).
disperê   past part, adj. despairing; disperato. Etym: fr disperêr.
disperêr   vb 1. dispair; disperare. Etym: opposite of sperêr.
dispérs   past part, adj. dispersed; disperso. Etym: fr dispérdar.
dispët   sm. spite, scorne; dispetto. Etym: L "despectus" (looked down
dispônar   vb 2. arrange, prepare; disporre. Etym: see dispunèbil.
dispunèbil   adj. available; disponibile. Etym: L "disponere" (to
distribute, arrange, dispose)+êbil.

disputêr   vb 1. dispute, argue; disputare. Etym: L "disputare" (to
examine, debate) fr "dis-" (apart)+"putare" (judge, cleanse).
dissët  number. seventeen; diciasette. Etym: dìṣ + sët.
distribuziôn   sf. distribution; distribuzione. Etym: L "distributio"
distróẓar   vb 2. destroy; distruggere. Etym: L "destruere" (to destroy),
opposite of construct.
distruziôn   sf. destruction; distruzione. Etym: fr distròẓar.
divân  sm. couch, sofa; divano, sofà. Etym: mattress/bench where rulers
sit: Turkish ‫ ديوان‬fr Persian ‫( ديوان‬council, court).
divarsitê   sf. diversity; diversità. Etym: fr divérs.
divartimént   sm. amusement, fun; divertimento. Etym: fr divartìr.
divartìr   vb 3. amuse; divertire. Etym: L "divertere" (to turn away).
divén  adj. divine; divino. Etym: rel to dio.
divérs   adj. different, diverse; diverso. Etym: L "diversus" (opposite,
separate, different).
divìdar   vb 2. divide; dividere. Etym: L “dividere” (to separate).
divìṣ   adj, past part. divided; diviso. Etym: past part of divìdar.
diviṣiôn   sf. division; divisione. Etym: fr divìdar.
divörzi   sm. divorce; divorzio. Etym: L "divortium" (divorce) fr
"divertere" (turn away).
dizèmbar   sm. December; dicembre. Etym: L "december" < "decem"
(ten) + "-ber" (adjective suffix).
diziunêri   sm. dictionary; dizionario. Etym: L "dictionarium"
(dictionary), fr "dictio" (I say).
dlèẓar  vb 2. choose, select; scegliere. Etym: L “deligere” (to pluck off,
to choose) fr “de” (from) + “ligere” (choose).
dmân   adv. tomorrow; domani. Etym: LL "de mane" (of morning).

dmandêr   vb 1. ask; chiedere, domandare. Etym: L “demandare” (to
dmaténa   adv. tomorrow morning; domattina. Etym: dmân + maténa.
dmenaséra   adv. tomorrow evening; domani sera. Etym: dmèn + séra.
dmènga   sf. Sunday; domenica. Etym: L "dies dominicus" (day of the
dnénz   adv. before, previous; davanti, dinanzi. Etym: L "de in antea"
(from before). Note: syn of davânti; dnénz a: in front of
dó   number. two; due. Etym: see du. Note: fem, masc is du
dóca   sm. duke; duca. Etym: L "dux" (leader).
dógg  number. twelve; dodici. Etym: L "duodecim" (twelve).
dôlz   adj. sweet; dolce. Etym: L "dulcis" (sweet), cf dulcet.
dòna   sf. lady, woman; donna. Etym: L "domina" (lady).
dônca   conj. therefore, then; dunque, allora. Etym: L "dum" (during) +
"umquam" (when).
dóndla   sf. weasel; donnola. Etym: dim of dòna?.
dòp   adv. after; dopo. Etym: L "de post" (of after).
dópi   adj, sm. double; doppio. Etym: L "duplus" (double) fr "duo" (two)
+ "plus" (more).
dòpmëẓdè   sm. afternoon; pomeriggio. Etym: dòp+méẓ+dè.
dòs   sm. back (of body, book, etc); dorso. Etym: L "dorsum" (back).
dôv   adv. where; dove. Etym: L "de ubi" (of where).
dóza   sf. shower; doccia. Etym: VL "ducea" (spout), same source as
"duc" in aquaduct.
drèt  adj. right; dritto. Etym: L "directus" (straight, in a straight line).
drèta  sf. right; dritta. Etym: fem of drèt. Note: a drèta = to the right
dri   adv. behind, beside; dietro, accanto. Etym: L "de retro" (from
behind, next in line), cf Venetian drio. Note: see a dri a, ad dri da, arivêr drì

drit  adj. straight; dritto. Etym: L "directus" (straight, arranged in a line).
dṣègn   sm. design, drawing; disegno. Etym: L "designare" (to mark), cf
dṣignêr  vb 1. draw; disegnare. Etym: L "designare" (to mark).
du   number. two; due. Etym: L "duo" (two). Note: masc, fem is dó
dubièza  sf. doubtfulness, doubt, dubiousness; dubbiezza, indecisione.
Etym: fr dubitêr.

dubiôṣ   adj. dubious, doubtful; dubbioso. Etym: fr dubitêr.

dubitêr   vb 1. doubt; dubitare. Etym: L “dubitare” (to waver, doubt, be
duchèsa   sf. duchess; duchessa. Etym: f of dóca.
duchêt   sm. duchy; ducato. Etym: fr dóca.
dundlêr   vb 1. swing, dangle; oscillare, dondolare. Etym: L "joculari"
(joke, jest), cf juggle, Fr "jongler" (juggle).
dur   adj. hard, stiff; duro, rigido. Etym: L "durus" (hard, rough to the
durânt   prep. during; durante. Etym: L "durare" (to endure, last).
durmìr  vb 3. sleep; dormire. Etym: L "dormire" (to sleep).
duṣènt   number. two hundred; duecento.
dutòr   sm. doctor; dottore, medico. Etym: L "doctor" (teacher,
dutôr dal bèsti  sm. veterinarian; veterinario. Etym: see dutôr, bès-cia.
duvér  vb irr. owe, must; dovere. Etym: L "debere" (to owe, to have to).
duẓéna  sf. dozen; dozzina. Etym: L "duodecim" (twelve).
dvintêr  vb 1. become; diventare, divenire. Etym: back-formed fr
accusative supine ("devenetum") of L "devenire" (to become).

E - e

e   conj. and; e. Etym: L "et" (and).

e'(1)   art. the (ms); il. Note: l' (1) before vowel
e'(2)   pron. he; lui (subj). Note: l' (2) before vowel
êbil  adj. able; abile. Etym: L "habilis" (able to be managed).
ëbis   sm. pencil; lapis, matita. Etym: L "lapis" (stone) ("l" mistaken for
"the" and deleted). Note: also êpis
ecunòmic   adj. economic, economical, cheap; economico. Etym: Gk
οικονομικος (household management).
ecunumèsta   sm. economist; economista. Etym: cf ecunòmic.
efët   sm. effect; effetto. Etym: L "effectus" (produced).
êg  sm. needle; ago. Etym: VL "acucula," dim of L "acus" (needle), cf Fr
"aiguille" (needle).
êiba   sf. dawn; alba. Etym: VL "alba" fr "albus" (white).
ël ôra?   phrase. is it time?; è ora?
êla   sf. wing; ala. Etym: L "ala" (wing).
êlbar   sm. tree; albero. Etym: L "arbor" (tree).
elefânt   sm. elephant; elefante. Etym: L "elephantus" fr Gk ελεφας
(elephant), possibly fr Berber.
êlt  adj. tall, high; alto. Etym: L "altus" (high, tall).
êpis   Note: see ëbis
êquila  sf. eagle; aquila. Etym: L "aquila" (eagle).
equilìbri  sm. balance, equilibrium; equilibrio. Etym: L "aequilibrium"
(balance, equal weight).
equinözi   sm. equinox; equinozio. Etym: L "aequinoctium" (equal

érba   sf. grass, herb; erba. Etym: L "herba" (grass).
êrbitar   sm. referee, umpire; arbitro. Etym: L "arbiter" (judge, umpire,
êrc   sm. bow (for arrows), arc (in a circle), arch (construction); arco.
Etym: L "arcus" (bow). Note: êrc d'una pörta : door archway

êrc de zil   sm. rainbow; arco del cielo, arcobaleno. Etym: see êrc, zil.
êria   sf. air; aria. Etym: L “aera” (air) fr Grk ἀήρ (air).
êria cundiziunêda  sf. air conditioning; aria condizionata. Etym: êria
+ cundiziunadôr.
êrma   sf. arm (weapon); arma. Etym: L "arma" (weapons).
erôr   sm. error; errore. Etym: L "error" (wandering about).
êrt   sm. art; arte. Etym: L "ars" (art).
ësa   sf. board, plank; asse di legno. Etym: L "axis" (axis, also board).
ësar  vb irr. be; essere. Etym: L "esse" (to be).
eṣàt   adj. exact, correct, right (answer); esatto, giusto. Etym: L "exactus"
(required, ascertained).
eṣémpi  sm. example; esempio. Etym: L "exemplum" (sample, pattern).
eṣèstar   vb 2. exist; esistere. Etym: L "existere" (to exist), fr "ex-"
(outside) + "stare" (to stand).
eṣigliê   adj, past part. exiled; esiliato. Etym: past part eṣìgliêr.
eṣigliêr   vb 1. exile; esiliare. Etym: cf eṣìli.
eṣìli   sm. exile; esilio. Etym: L "exsilium" (exile, banishment).
eṣisténza   sf. existence; existenza. Etym: fr eṣèstar.
eṣòtic  adj. exotic; exotico. Etym: Gk εξωτικος (foreign, from outside)
via L.
espansiôn   sf. expansion; espansione. Etym: L "expansio" (expansion).
esperiénza  sf. experience; esperienza. Etym: L "experienta"
(experiment, experience).

esperimént   sm. experiment; esperimento. Etym: see esperiénza.
esprës   sm. espresso; espresso.
ëst  sm. east; est. Etym: Old English "ēast" (east) via Old French "est"
(east). Note: see also alvânt
êtar   adj. other; altro. Etym: L "alter" (other, second). Note: shortened to
"êt" in everyday speech

êtartânt   adv. equally; altrettanto. Etym: L "alter" (other) + "tantus" (so

ëto   sm. hectogram; etto. Etym: Grk "ἑκατόν" (one hundred), gram
Europa  sf. Europe; Europa.
europèj  adj. European; europeo.
êva   sf. bee; ape. Etym: ML "avis" fr L "ape" (bee), cf apiary.
evént   sm. event; evento. Etym: L "eventus" (event, occurence) fr
"evenire" (to come out of).
expért   adj, sm. expert; experto. Etym: fr esperiénza.

F - f

fabrêr   sm. February; febbraio. Etym: L "februarius" (February, month

of the purification festival, Februa).
fàbrica   sf. factory; fabbrica. Etym: fr fabrichêr.
fabrichêr   vb 1. build, construct; fabbricare, costruir. Etym: L
"fabricare" (build, construct).
fabrichêt   sm. building; fabbricato, edificio. Etym: L "fabrico" (I build,
I construct), cf fabric.
fal  sm. fault, error, mistake; fallo, sbaglio, errore. Etym: L "fallere" (to
deceive, perjure, be mistaken).
faléna  sf. moth; falena. Etym: Gk φαλαινα (moth).

falignâm   sm. carpenter; falegname. Etym: fêr + lègn.
falimént   sm. failure, bankruptcy; fallimento. Etym: see fal.
falìr   vb 3. fail, bankruptcy (go into); fallire. Etym: see fal.
falùga d'néva  sf. snowflake; fiocco di neve. Etym: L "floccus" (tuft).
falzèt   sm. sickle; falcetto. Etym: dim of L "falx" (scythe).
fâm   sf. hunger; fame. Etym: L "fames" (hunger). Note: avé' fâm = to be

fâma  sf. fame; fama, reputazione. Etym: L "fama" (fame).

famì  sf. family; famiglia. Etym: L "familia" (family, household).
famôṣ   adj. famous; famoso. Etym: L "famosus" (famous), fr fâma.
fânt   sm. jack (cards); fante (cards). Etym: L "infans" (child) with "in-"
left off.
faréna   sf. flour; farina. Etym: L "farina" (ground corn, flour).
farmazi   sf. pharmacy; farmacia. Etym: Grk "φαρμακεία" (practice of
using drugs).
farmêr   vb 1. stop; fermare. Etym: L "firmare" (to make firm). Note:
farmês : stop oneself

farôna   sf. guinea fowl; faraona. Etym: female pharaoh.

fascéna  sf. bundle (of sticks); fascina. Etym: see fasc.
faṣöl  sm. bean; fagiolo. Etym: L "phaseolus" (kidney bean).
fat (1)  sm. fact, account (story); fatto, racconto. Etym: L "factum" (fact,
or deed, past participle of facere-to do).
fat (2)  past part. done, made; fatto. Etym: fr fêr.
fatôr   sm. factor, maker, farmer; fattore. Etym: fr fêr.
faturì   sf. farm; fattoria. Etym: fr fêr, fatôr.
faẓ   sm. beech tree; faggio. Etym: L "fagus" (beech tree).
fàza   sf. face; faccia, viso, volto. Etym: L "facies" (face).

fazulèt  sm. tissue (for the nose), handkerchief; fazzoletto. Etym: dim of
L "facies" (shape, figure, face).
fècia   sf. dregs; feccia. Etym: L "faex" (sediment, dregs), origin
fégat   sm. liver; fegato. Etym: L phrase "iecur ficatum" (liver stuffed
with figs).
fêlda   sf. fairy; fata. Etym: L "fata" (fate).
fêls  adj. false; falso. Etym: L "falsus" (deceived).
félsa   sf. fern; felce. Etym: L "filix" (fern).
fêlza   sf. scythe (for weeds, bushes); falce. Etym: L "falx" (scythe).
fèmna   sf. female; femmina. Etym: L "femina" (woman). Note: dòna for
woman, lady

fén   sm. hay; fieno. Etym: L "faenum" (hay).

fenèc   sm. fennec; fennèc. Etym: Ar ‫( فَنَك‬fennec).
fenicòtar   sm. flamingo; fenicottero. Etym: L "phoenicopterus" fr Gk
φοινιξ (crimson) + πτερον (wing).
fêr   vb irr. do, make; fare. Etym: L "facere" (to do or to make).
fër   sm. iron; ferro. Etym: L "ferrum" (iron, or tool made of iron).
fêr al chêrt   phrase. deal the cards; distribuire le carte.
fëra   sf. scythe (for hay); falce fienaia. Etym: fr fër. Note: also fër da ṣghêr
ferovì  sm. railway; ferrovia. Etym: fér + L "via" (path).
feroviér   sm. railway worker; ferroviare. Etym: fr ferovì.
fës  sm. bundle, stack (of papers); fascio. Etym: L "fascis" (bundle,
fès  adj. fixed, invariable; fisso, fissato. Etym: L "fixus" (fixed, fastened).
fès-cc  sm. whistle (sound); fischio. Etym: see fis-cèt.
fësta   sf. feast, festival, party; festa. Etym: pl of L "festus" (festive).

festìv  adj. festive; festivo. Etym: see fësta.
fèstival  sm. festival; festival. Etym: see fësta.
fèta   sf. slice, portion; fetta. Etym: origin unclear.
fêva   sf. fava bean; fava. Etym: L “faba” (bean).
fêzil   adj. easy; facile. Etym: L "facilis" (easy, facile). Note: also fàzil
fiâma  sf. flame; fiamma. Etym: L “flamma” (flame, fire).
fid   adj. loyal, faithful; fido, fedele. Etym: L "fides" (trust), cf dog's name
fiê  sm. breath; fiato. Etym: L "flatus" (breath) fr "flare" (to blow), cf
fiê  sm. fetid smell, stink; puzzo, fetore. Etym: L "fetidus" (stinking).
fig   sm. fig; fico. Etym: L "ficus" (fig tree).
figùra   sf. figure, image; figura, immagine. Etym: L "figura" (shape) fr
"fingere" (to shape or mold).
fil  sm. thread, wire; filo. Etym: L "filum" (thread).
filèt   sm. filet; filetto. Etym: see fil; a strip of meat.
filìz   adj. happy; felice. Etym: L "felix" (happy).
filôn (1)  sm. seam (of coal), vein (of metal, mineral); filone. Etym:
intensive of fil.
filôn (2)  sm. spine (in back); spina (dorsale). Etym: fr fil.
filôn (3)  sm. loaf (of bread); filone (di pane). Etym: fr fil.
fìltar  sm. filter; filtro. Etym: same source as felt (material).
filunzén   sm. breadstick; filoncino. Etym: dim of filôn.
finêl   adj. final; finale. Etym: see finêl(a).
finêl   sf. end, finish; fine. Etym: L "finis" (finish). Note: also finêla, esp for
end of sporting match

finëstra  sf. window; finestra. Etym: L "fenestra" (window).

finìr  vb 3. finish; finire. Etym: L "finire" (to finish).
fiöl   sm. son; figlio. Etym: L "filius" (son).
fiöla   sf. daughter; figlia. Etym: L "filia" (daughter).
fiôn   sm. river; fiume. Etym: L "fluvius" (river).
fiôr  sm. flower; fiore. Etym: L "flos/floris" (flower in nom and gen).
fis-cèt   sm. whistle (instrument); fischietto. Etym: L "fistula" (pipe, tube,
fiṣic   adj. physical; fisico. Etym: L "physicus" (physical) fr Gk φυσις
(origin, nature).
fìṣica   sf. physics; fisica. Etym: fr fiṣic.
fiumèt   sm. stream (small river); fiumetto. Etym: dim of fiôm.
föca   sf. seal; foca. Etym: L "foca" fr Grk φωκη (seal).
fója   sf. leaf; foglia. Etym: L "folia," pl of "folium" (leaf).
föla   sf. fable; favola. Etym: L "fabula" (fable).
fóm   sm. smoke; fumo. Etym: L "fumus" (smoke).
fónd  adj. deep; profondo. Etym: L "fundus" (deep).
fónd  sm. bottom; fondo. Etym: see fònd (adj).
fônẓ   sm. mushroom, fungus; fungo. Etym: L "fungus" (mushroom,
fôran   sm. oven; forno. Etym: L "furnus" (oven).
fôran a micro-ónd   sm. microwave oven; microonde. Etym: editor's
coinage after the Italian.
förgia   sf. forge; forgia. Etym: OF "forge" fr "faverge" (forge) fr L
"fabrica" (workshop).
fôrma (1)   sf. shape, form; forma. Etym: L "forma" (shape).
fôrma (2)   sf. cheese (parmesan or reggiano); formaggio (parmegiano o
reggiano). Etym: fr fôrma(1): for cheese, it referred originally to the
cheese being shaped by a mold.

försi  adv. perhaps, maybe; forse. Etym: L "forsit" (perhaps) fr "fors sit"
(be there a chance).
fört   adj. strong; forte. Etym: L "fortis" (strong).
fórza   sf. force; forza. Etym: fr L "fortis" (strong). Note: fórza navêla :

fotògraf   sm. photographer; fotografo. Etym: see fotografì.

fotografì   sf. photograph; fotografia. Etym: Gk φωτο- (light) + γραφω (I
fra   Note: see tra
fradël  sm. brother; fratello. Etym: L "frater" (brother).
framénta   sf. hardware, tool set; ferramenta. Etym: pl of L
"ferramentum" (forged from iron).
frâncból   sm. stamp; francobollo. Etym: frânc (free of duty) + ból. Note:
postage stamp

Frânẓa   sf. France; Francia.

franẓés   adj. French; francese. Etym: ML "francensis" (French) fr
"francus" (Frankish).
fràsan   sm. ash (tree); frassino. Etym: L "fraxinus" (ash tree).
frê   sm. monk; frate, monaco. Etym: L "frater" (brother).
frèd  adj, sm. cold; freddo. Etym: L "frigidus" (cold), cf frigid. Note: avé'
frèd = to be cold

frêda  sf. grate; inferriata. Etym: L "ferratus" (furnished with iron); L

"fenestra ferrata" is a window with iron bars.
frêgil  adj. fragile; fragile. Etym: L "fragilis" (fragile, likely to break).
frêgula  sf. strawberry; fragola. Etym: dim of L "fragum" (strawberry).
frén  sm. brake; freno. Etym: L "frenum" (harness, bit).
frequént   adj. frequent; frequente. Etym: L "frequens" (crowded,
frequénza  sf. frequency; frequenza. Etym: fr frequént.

frès-c  adj. cool, fresh; fresco. Etym: fr Frankish "frisk" (fresh), cf
Lombard "frisc" (fresh).
frèt  adj. fried; fritto. Etym: past participle of frèzar.
frèza   sf. arrow; freccia. Etym: OF "fleche" (arrow) fr Frankish.
frèza dl'urlój  sf. hand (of a clock); lancetta (dell'orologio). Etym: see
frèzar  vb 2. fry; friggere. Etym: L "frigere" (to roast, fry).
frigurèfar  sm. refrigerator; frigorifero. Etym: L "frigidus" (cold) +
"fero" (to carry). Note: see also giazêra
frizânt   adj. fizzy; frizzante.
fróla-ov   sm. whisk, egg-beater; frustra, frullino. Etym: see frullare.
frônt (1)   sf. forehead; fronte. Etym: L "frons/frontis" (forehead, front,
nom and gen sing).
frônt (2)   sm. front (in war); fronte. Etym: L "frons" (forehead, front
frudèta   sf. pillowcase; federa. Etym: Lombardic "fuotar" (sheath).
fruladôr   sm. blender; frullatore. Etym: fr frulêr.
frulê  sm. smoothie, milkshake; frullato, frappé. Etym: past part of frulêr.
frulêr   vb 1. blend; frullare. Etym: onamotapeia for sound of whisking,
cf Fr "frôler" (to brush against).
fruntìra   sf. border; frontiera. Etym: fr frônt (2).
frùta   sf. fruit; frutta. Etym: L "fructus" (fruit, yield, result of efforts).
fug   sm. fire, hearth; fuoco, focolare. Etym: L "focus" (fireplace).
fulgôr   sm. lightning, lightning bolt; folgore, fulmine. Etym: L "fulgur"
funtâna  sf. fountain; fontana. Etym: LL "fontanus" (rel to a spring) fr L
"fons" (spring).
fùra  adv. out, outside; fuori. Etym: L expression "de foris" (out of
doors). Note: fùra ad : outside of

furauscìda  sf. leak; fuoriuscita. Etym: see furauscìr.
furauscìr   vb. leak; fuoriuscire. Etym: fúra + uscìr : to go out of.
furchèta   sf. fork; forchetta. Etym: dim of L "furca" (pitchfork).
furcôn   sm. pitchfork; forcone. Etym: see furchèta.
furëst   adj, sm. stranger, outsider; forestiero. Etym: L "foris" (outside).
furësta  sf. forest; foresta, selva. Etym: cf Old Saxon "forest" (forest").
furmàj   sm. cheese; formaggio. Etym: see fòrma.
furmént  sm. yeast, enzyme; lievito, fermento. Etym: L "fermentum"
(yeast, leavening).
furmìga   sf. ant; formica. Etym: L "formica" (ant).
furminânt  sm. match; fiammifero. Etym: L "fulminans" (striking with
lightning) fr "fulmen" (lightning).
furmintôn   sm. corn, maize; granturco, mais. Etym: L "frumentum"
(corn, grain) fr "frui" (to enjoy), rel to fruit.
furnël   sm. stove; fornello. Etym: dim of forân.
furnêr  sm. baker; fornaio. Etym: one who uses a fòrne.
furnéṣa  sf. furnace; fornace. Etym: L "fornax" (furnace).
furnìr  vb 3. furnish, provide; fornire. Etym: OF "fornir" (to furnish).
furtinêl   sm. storm, tempest, squall; fortunale, tempesta, temporale.
fuzìl   sm. rifle, gun (shotgun); fucile. Etym: dim of L "focus" (fire),
referring to the flint.

G - g

gabâna   sf. jacket, overcoat; giacca, gabbana. Etym: Persian ‫( قبا‬long

garment), via Arabic, then Sp. cf L "cappa" (cloak).
gabinèt   sm. restroom, bathroom, toilet; gabinetto, toilette. Etym: dim
of ML "capanna" (cabin). Note: lucòmud and latréna are earthier alternatives

gal  sm. rooster; gallo. Etym: L "gallus" (rooster).
galavlôn   sm. hornet; calabrone. Etym: L "crabro" (hornet), cf OHG
"hornaz" (hornet).
galéna  sf. hen; gallina. Etym: L "gallina" (hen).
galinàz   sm. turkey; tacchino. Etym: L "gallinaceus" fr "gallina" (hen) +
"-aceus" (resembling), cf It "gallinaccio" (turkey).
gâmba   sf. leg; gamba. Etym: LL "gamba" (leg) fr Grk "καμπή"
gâmbar  sm. prawn; gambero. Etym: L "cammarus" from Gk καμμαρος
(lobster, shrimp).
gapôn   sm. capon; cappone. Etym: rel to "castratus" (castrated).
garàgg   sm. garage; garage.
garavlêr  vb 1. collect what has been discarded; racimolare,
raggrenallare. Etym: local word.
garbén   sm. Garbino; garbino. Note: southwest wind that blows on the
Adriatic coast Etym: Arabic "‫ي‬
ّ ِ‫( "غ َْرب‬western).
gardëla   sf. grill (for cooking); graticola. Etym: dim of L "cratis"
garnê  sf. pomegranate; granata. Etym: L “malum granatum” (fruit full
of seeds).
garnê  sf. broom; scopa. Etym: cf It "granata" (tool for sweeping).
garnëla   sf. grain; granello. Etym: dim of L "granum" (grain).
garòfan   sm. carnation; garofano. Etym: L "carophyllum" (resembling a
garẓôn   sm. helper, assistant; garzone. Etym: Fr "garçon" (boy, serving
gat   sm. cat; gatto. Etym: LL "cattus" (cat).
gàta   sf. cat; gatta. Etym: LL "catta" (female cat).
gaẓëla   sf. gazelle; gazella. Etym: Ar ‫( غَزَ ال‬gazelle).

gaẓôṣa   sf. soda, fizzy drink; gazzosa. Etym: cf En "gaseous" (made
with/containing gas).
gél  sm. frost; gelo. Etym: L "gelu" (frost).
gelatêr   sm. ice cream vendor; gelatoio. Etym: fr gelàto.
gelàto   sm. gelato; gelato (n). Etym: It "gelato" (frozen confection).
gèma  sf. gem; gemma. Etym: L "gemma" (flower bud, jewel, gem).
gemël  sm. twin; gemello. Etym: L "gemellus," dim of "geminus" (twin).
generêl   adj. general; generale. Etym: L "generalis" (generic).
genitôr   sm. parent; genitore. Etym: L "genitor" (parent, sire). Note: ba e

Germagna   sf. Germany; Germania.

ghèfula   sm. ball (of yarn, eg); gomitolo. Etym: local word.
giachèta   sf. jacket; giaccheta. Etym: dim of OFr "jacques" (Jack),
etymology unclear.
giapunèṣ   sm. Japanese; giapponese.
giàz   sm. ice; ghiaccio. Etym: L "glacies" (ice), cf glacier.
giazêra  sf. icebox; ghiacciaia. Etym: see giàz. Note: see also frigurèfar
giazöl   sm. icicle; ghiacciolo. Etym: see giàz.
gilè  sm. gilet; gilè. Etym: Fr "gilet" from Trk "yelek" (vest-bodice) via
gilêr   vb 1. freeze; gelare. Etym: L "gelare" (to freeze).
giódiz  sm. judge; giudice. Etym: see giudichêr.
gióngla   sf. jungle; giungla. Etym: Hindi jangal (jungle).
gióst   adj. just, appropriate; giuso, equo. Etym: L "ius" (law).
giràfa  sf. giraffe; giraffa. Etym: Ar ‫( زَ َرافَة‬giraffe) fr Persian phrase
meaning flute-leg.

giudichêr   vb 1. judge, adjudicate; giudicare, valutare. Etym: L
"judicare" (to judge, consider).
giudiziêl   adj. judicial; giudiziale. Etym: see giudichêr.
giudiziôṣ   adj. judicious, prudent; giudizioso. Etym: see giudichêr.
giujël   sm. jewel; gioiello. Etym: OF "jouel" (jewel) fr L "jocus" (joke,
amusement, trifle).
giunchèja   sf. daffodil, jonquil; giunchiglia. Etym: dim of Sp "junco"
giundéra   sf. gutter, eaves; grondaia. Etym: L "grunda" (rain gutter).
giurnêl   sm. journal; giornale. Etym: L "diurnalis" (daily).
giustèza   sf. justness, appropriateness; giustezza. Etym: fr gióst.
giustèzia   sf. justice; giustizia. Etym: see gióst.
giustificaziôn   sf. justification; giustificazione. Etym: see giustifichêr.
giustifichêr   vb 1. justify; giustificare. Etym: gióst+fêr.
gnânca   adv. not in the least; nemmeno. Etym: L "nequam" (without
gnaquël   pronoun. anything, everything, tutto; ogni cosa. Etym:
gnascóndar   vb 2. hide; nascondere. Etym: L "in" (intensifier) +
"abscondere" (to hide away).
gnascòst   adj. hidden; nascosto. Etym: L "abscondere" (to hide), cf
gnit   pron. nothing; niente. Etym: L "ne entem" (not being).
gnòc   sm. gnocchi (pasta); gnocco. Etym: Veneto "gnòco"
(protuberance) fr Lombard "knohill" (knot in wood), cf L "nodus"
gnòcla   sf. knuckle; nocca. Etym: cf Eng knuckle.
gôla   sf. throat; gola. Etym: L "gula" (throat), cf gullet. Note: mêl d'gôla :
sore throat

gôlf   sm. gulf; golfo. Etym: It "golfo" fr LL variation on Greek κολπος
(bosom, bay, curved open space).
gôlf (1)   sm. golf; golf. Etym: Scots word, possibly Germanic root for
góma   sf. eraser; gomma. Etym: LL "gumma" (rubber) from Grk
"κομμι" (rubber) fr Egyptian "qmy" (resin).
gónd  sm. elbow; gomito. Etym: L "cubitum" (elbow).
gònf  adj. inflated, swollen; gonfio. Etym: see gunfiêr.
góst   sm. orgasm (colloquial), pleasure; orgasmo (colloquiale), piacere.
Etym: L "gustus" (tasting).

göta   sf. cheek; guancia, gota. Etym: fr Gaulish.

gózla   sf. drop (of liquid); goccia. Etym: L "gutta" (drop).
grâm  sm. gram; grammo. Etym: Gk γραμμα (small weight).
grân  sm. grain; grano. Etym: L "granum" (grain or seed).
grâna  sf. grain (of rice, of sand...); grana. Etym: pl of L "granum"
grând   adj. big, great; grande. Etym: L "grandis" (grown, powerful).
granêr   sm. barn; granaio. Etym: L "granarium" (granary).
granzëla   sf. crab; granchio. Etym: dim of L "cancer" (crab).
gràpa  sf. acquavite, aqua vitae; acquavite, grappa. Etym: Lombardi
"grappa" (bunch of grapes).
gras   adj. fat; grasso. Etym: L “crassus” (thick, plump, dense).
gratêr   vb 1. scratch, scrape, grate; grattare, grattugiare. Etym: see
gratùṣa  sf. grater; grattugia. Etym: see gardëla.
gravàta   sf. tie; cravatta. Etym: Fr "cravate" (tie) from Serbo-Croatian
"Hrv̀ āt" (Croat) because it was worn by Croatian knights.
graziôṣ   adj. gracious, agreeable; grazioso, piacevole. Etym: fr grêzia.

grêd  sm. grade, degree; grado. Etym: L "gradus" (step, degree).
grèl   sm. cricket; grillo. Etym: L “gryllus” (cricket).
grêvda   adj f. pregnant; incinta. Etym: L "gravidus" (pregnant) fr
"gravis" (heavy).
grêzia  sf. grace, favor, thanks; grazia. Etym: L "gratia" (favor". Note:
grêzia d'gnaquël: thanks for everything; tânti grêzji: many thanks

griṣ   adj. gray; grigio. Etym: Frankish "gris" (gray, dismal).

gróp   sm. group; gruppo. Etym: fr Germanic root meaning mass, crop.
gròs  adj. thick, large, fat; grosso. Etym: ML "grossus" (thick, large), cf
OHG "grōz" (big, large).
gròsta   sf. crust (pie or bread); crosta. Etym: L "crusta" (crush, shell).
gròta   sf. cave; grotta. Etym: L “crypta” (hidden room, passage).
grustê   sf. tart, pie; crostata. Etym: dim of gròsta.
guadagnêr   vb 1. earn (a salary), win (money, a contest); guadagnare.
Etym: cf Fr "gagner" (to earn, win).

guânt  sm. glove; guanto. Etym: OF "guant" from Frankish "*want"

guardêr  vb 1. watch, look; guardare. Etym: Frankish "*wardōn" (watch
over), cf Fr "garder" (to guard).
guargiân   sm. guard; guardiano. Etym: see guardêr.
gudér   vb 1. enjoy; godere. Etym: L "gaudere" (to enjoy, rejoice).
guëra  sf. war; guerra. Etym: ML "guerra" (war) fr Frankish *werru
(disturbance, quarrel).
guéran   sm. government; governo. Etym: L "gubernum" (rudder).
guêrda   interj. look; guarda. Etym: fr guardêr.
guêrdaròba   sf. wardrobe; guardaroba. Etym: guardêr + ròba.
gunfiêr   vb 1. inflate; gonfiare. Etym: L "conflare" (kindle, as fire) fr
"con" (with) + "flare" (to breathe), cf inflate.

gurèl  sm. gorilla; gorilla. Etym: Punic origin.
gustêr (1)   vb 1. enjoy, take satisfaction in; gustare. Etym: L "gustare"
(to taste, to snack).
gustêr (2)   vb 1. cost; costare. Etym: L "constare" (to stand with,
correspond to).

I - i

i(1)   art. the (mpl); i. Note: j' (1) before vowel

i(2)   pron. they (m); loro (m). Etym: j' (2) before vowel.
icè   adv. so, thus; così. Etym: L. "eccu" (behold it) + "sic" (thus).
idèa   sf. idea; idea. Etym: Gk ιδεα (notion, pattern) via L.
identitê   sf. identity; identità. Etym: L "idem" (the same). Note: chêrta
d'identitê : identification card

idiöta   adj, sm. idiot, idiotic; idiota. Etym: L "idiota" (idiot, rustic) fr
ιδιοτνς (commoner).
idrânt   sm. hydrant; idrante. Etym: Gk υδωρ (water).
igna   adj. each, every; ogni, tutto. Etym: rel to ôgni.
ignôn  pron. anyone, everyone; ognuno, ciascuno. Etym: rel to ôgni.
ignurânt   adj. rude, ignorant; ignorante. Etym: L "ignorans" (ignorant)
fr "ignorare" (to not know).
iguâna   sf. iguana; iguana. Etym: Taino *iwana via Spanish.
ilà   adv. there; là. Etym: L "ecce illac" (behold that there).
illuṣöri   adj. illusory; illusorio. Etym: see illusion.
illustraziôn   sf. illustration; illustrazione. Etym: fr illustrêr.
illustrêr   vb 1. illustrate; illustrare. Etym: L "illustrare" (to brighten,
elucidate) fr "in" (in) + "lustrare" (to purify by sacrifice).

iluṣiôn   sf. illusion; illusione. Etym: L "illusio" (mocking, illusion) fr
"illudere" (play with).
imbariaghêr  vb 1. intoxicate; ubriacare. Etym: see imbariêg.
imbariêg  adj. intoxicated, drunk; ubriaco. Etym: LL "ebraicus"
(drunken), cf inebriated.
imparêr   vb 1. learn; imparare. Etym: cf Fr "emparer" (to seize, to take
impér  sm. empire; impero. Etym: L "imperium" (dominion, empire).
imperatôr  sm. emperor; imperatore. Etym: see impér.
imperiêl   adj. imperial; imperiale. Etym: see impér.
impiê   adj. on, lit; acceso. Etym: past part of impiêr.
impiêr   vb 1. put on (a light), turn on (a light), light (a fire); accendere.
Etym: VL *piccare (to sting, strike) fr L "picus" (woodpecker), cf peck,
imprastêr   vb 1. lend; prestare, imprestare. Etym: L "in-" (intensifier) +
"praestare" (to provide, bestow).
impresiôn   sf. impression; impressione. Etym: L "impressio" (push,
thrust, stamp, impression).
imprëst  adv. in loan; in prestito. Etym: fr imprastèr. Note: de'/tu'
imprëst : give/take in loan

impruvìṣ  adj. sudden, unexpected; improvviso. Etym: L "improvisus"

impuls   sm. impulse; impulso. Etym: L “impulsus” (pushed, driven).
impurtânt  adj. important; importante. Etym: L "importans"
(introducing, causing).
imṣurén  sm. measuring cup; misurino. Etym: fr imṣurêr.
imṣurêr   vb 1. measure; misurare. Etym: LL "mensurare" (to measure).
in  prep. in; in. Note: int before definite article
inchiavêr   vb 1. lock (with a key); inchiavare, chiavare. Etym: L
"clavis" (key).

inciôn   adj. noone; nessuno.
inciòstar  sm. ink; inchiostro. Etym: L "encaustum" (ink) fr Gk καυστος
inclùdar  vb 2. include; includere. Etym: L "includere" (to close in).
incôra   adv. still (as yet), again; ancora. Etym: LL "hanc horam" (this
hour), cf F "encore".
incóẓan  sf. anvil; incudine. Etym: L "incus" (anvil).
incredèbil  adj. incredible, unbelievable; incredibile in (neg) +
incriminêr   vb 1. incriminate; incriminare. Etym: see crèmin.
incrôṣ   sm. crossing; incrocio. Etym: L "in- + crux" (in a cross).
incù   adv. today; oggi. Etym: shortened from incudè, on this day.
incuntrêr   vb 1. meet, encounter; incontrare. Etym: L phrase "in contra"
indafarê  adj. busy; occupato, indaffarato. Etym: in + da + fêr.
indìvia  sf. endive; indivia. Etym: L "intibus" (endive).
indóstria   sf. industry; industria. Etym: L “industria” (diligence,
indó/indôv   Note: question form of dôv
indurmintês  vb 1 refl. sleep (go to sleep); addormentarsi. Etym: fr
durmìr, cf Fr "s'endormir" (to go to sleep).
indusêr  vb 1. put on (clothing), wear; indossare, vestirsi. Etym: fr dòs.
industriêl   adj. industrial; industriale. Etym: fr indóstria.
industriôṣ   adj. industrious; industrioso. Etym: fr indóstria.
inèt   adj. inept; inetto. Etym: L "in" (not) + "aptus" (apt, capable).
infarmarì   sm. infirmary; infermeria. Etym: see infarmìr.
infarmìr  sm. nurse; infermiere. Etym: one who tends to the L "infirmis"

inféna   prep. until; fino. Etym: cf finêl.
infèna a   prep phrase. up to (all the way to), until; fino a.
infët   past part, adj. infected; infettato. Etym: fr infetêr.
infetêr   vb 1. infect; infettare. Etym: L “inficere” (to dye, stain, taint or
infeziôn   sf. infection; infezione. Etym: fr infetêr.
infiamaziôn   sf. inflammation; infiammazione. Etym: fr fiâma.
infiamêr  vb 1. inflame, set fire to; infiammare. Etym: fr fiâma.
infilzêr   vb 1. string together; infilzare. Etym: L "in-" + "filza" (string)
from L "filum" (thread)?.
infurmàtica   sf. computer science; informatica. Etym: fr infurmaziôn.
infurmaziôn   sf. information; informazione. Etym: L "informatio"
(formation, education).
Inghiltëra   sf. England; Inghilterra.
ingléṣ  adj. English; inglese. Etym: OF "engleis" (English).
ingrasêr   vb 1. fatten, gain weight; ingrassare. Etym: L "in-" +
"crassus" (fat, thick).
ingrës   sm. entrance; ingresso. Etym: L “ingressus,” past part of
“ingredi” (to enter).
inluzìr   vb 3. soil, dirty; sporcare. Etym: L "in-" + "lutum" (soil, mud).
ins  Note: see só
insalê   sf. salad; insalata. Etym: LL "insalare" (to salt) fr L "in-" + "sal"
insèn   adv. together; insieme. Etym: VL "*insemel" fr L "insimul"
insët   sm. insect; insetto. Etym: L "insectum" (insect, in sections).
insichìr   vb 3. dry up, wither; rinsecchire, raggrinzire. Etym: cf sèc.

insignêr  vb 1. teach; insegnare. Etym: L "insignare" (to show) fr
"signum" (mark, sign).
insistént   adj. insistent; insistente. Etym: L "in" (at) + "sistere" (to
instê  sm. summer; estate. Etym: L "aestas" (summer).
institùt   sm. institute; istituto. Etym: L "institutum" (custom, institution).
instituziôn   sf. institution; instituzione. Etym: see institùt.
instizi   adj. irritated, stizzito. Etym: rel to L “titionem” (hot coal).
instrumént  sm. instrument (musical); strumento musicale. Etym: L
"instrumentum" (tool).
insupurtàbil  adj. intolerable, unbearable; insopportabile. Etym: L
"supportare" (to carry something above you).
int   Note: see in
inteligént  adj. intelligent; intelligente. Etym: L "intellegens"
(discerning) fr "intellegere" (to comprehend).
intèndar   vb 2. understand; intendere, capire. Etym: ML "intendere" (to
intend, understand, hear).
interës   sm. interest; interesse. Etym: L "interesse" (to be in the middle
interesânt   adj. interesting; interessante. Etym: L "interesse" (to be
inside or between).
interiôr  adj, sm. interior; interiore. Etym: L "interior" (inner).
interutôr   sm. switch (lights, etc); interruttore. Etym: L "interruptor"
(thing that interrupts).
intistardìs   vb 3 rfl. insist; intestardirsi. Etym: L "in-" + "testa" (jug,
perjorative for head), to be headstrong, cf Fr têté.
intrêr   vb 1. enter, go in; entrare. Etym: L "intrare" (to enter).
intupêr   vb 1. run into, encounter; intoppare. Etym: rel to Rgn "intòp"
(obstacle) and It "toppo" (stump).

invenziôn   sf. invention; invenzione. Etym: L "inventio" (invention) fr
"invenire" (to come upon).
invéran   sm. winter; inverno. Etym: L "hibernum" (winter).
invézi   adv. contrary (to the); invece. Etym: L "in" (in) + "vicis" (change,
turn), cf vicissitude.
invézi   adv. instead; invece. Etym: L "in" (in) + "vicis" (change,
instance), cf vicissitude.
invézi ad   phrase. instead of; invece di.
invidêr   vb 1. invite; invitare. Etym: L "invitare" (to invite).
invurni   adj. stupid; tonto. Etym: rel to Fr "ivrogne" (drunkard). Note: At
Castroarco Terme there is an Académia d'Invurnì (Academy of Fools)

invurnìr  vb 3. stupid (get stupid); istupidire. Etym: see "invurni".

inẓègn (1)   adj. ingenius; ingenio (adj). Etym: possessed of genius.
inẓègn (2)   sm. engineer; ingegno. Etym: fr inẓègn (1).
inẓgnarì   sf. engineering; ingegneria. Etym: fr inẓègn (1).
inẓgnìr   vb 3. engineer; ingegnere. Etym: fr inẓègn (1).
inzidént   sm. incident, accident (event); incidente. Etym: L "incidens"
iògurt   sm. yogurt; iogurt. Etym: fr Ottoman Turkish, cf Turkish
"yoğurt" (yogurt).
ipopòtam   sm. hippopotamus; ippopotamo. Etym: Grk ιππος (horse) +
ποταμος (river).
iquà   adv. here; qua. Etym: L "ecce hac" (behold this here).
istruziôn  sf. instruction, education, teaching; istruzione. Etym: L
"instructio" (building, arranging, instruction).
ìsula   sf. island; isola. Etym: L "insula" (island).
isulê   adj. isolated, alone; isolato. Etym: L "insulatus" (made into an
Itaglia  sf. Italy; Italia.

italiân  adj. Italian; italiano. Etym: L "Italianus" (rel to Italy).

J - j

j   pron. there; ci. Note: before verb

j'(1)   art. the (mpl); i. Note: i (1) before consonant
j'(2)   pron. they (m); loro (m). Note: i (2) before consonant

L - l

l'(1)   art. the (ms, fs); il, la. Note: replaces e'(1) and la(1) before vowel
l'(2)   pron. he, she; lui (subj), lei (subj). Note: replaces e'(2) and la(2) before

la(1)  art. the (fs); la. Note: l' (1) before vowel

la(2)  pron. she; lei (subj). Note: l' (2) before vowel
làbar   sm. lip; labbro. Etym: L "labrum" (lip).
lâma   sf. blade; lama. Etym: Fr "lame" (blade) fr L "lamina" (saw).
lamëla   sf. blade (small), splinter; lamella, scaglia. Etym: dim of lâma.
lamèta  sf. razor blade; lama per rasoio. Etym: fr lâma.
lâmpada   sf. lamp; lampa. Etym: see lampiòn.
lampadéna   sf. light bulb; lampadina. Etym: dim of lâmpada.
lampiôn   sm. streetlight; lampione. Etym: It "lampione" (streetlight) fr
OF "lampe" (light) fr L "lampas" (torch).
lâna   sf. wool; lana. Etym: L "lana" (wool).
lantérna  sf. lantern; lantern. Etym: L "lanterna" (lantern).
làriz   sf. larch (tree); larice. Etym: L "larix" (larch tree).

laṣâgna  sf. lasagna; lasagna. Etym: L "lasanum" (type of cooking pot).
lasêr   vb 1. leave (behind), allow; lasciare. Etym: L "laxo" (I extend, I
lasêr caschêr   phrase. drop (something); lasciare cadere.
lât  sm. side (of a figure); lato. Etym: L "latus" (side, flank).
lat  sm. milk; latte. Etym: VL "lactem" fr L "lac" (milk).
latréna   sf. latrine, toilet; latrina. Etym: L "lavatrina" (small lavatory).
latùga   sf. lettuce; lattuga. Etym: L "lactuca" (lettuce) because of milky
substance in stalks, cf lat.
lavadùr   sm. lavatory; lavatoio. Etym: L "lavare" (to wash) + "-torius"
(adjective marker).
lavâgna  sf. blackboard; lavagna. Etym: city of Lavagna, known for its
slate quarries.
lavandén   sm. sink; lavandino. Etym: fr lavêr. Note: small sink
lavatrìza   sf. washer; lavatrice. Etym: fr lavêr.
lavël   sm. sink; lavello. Etym: fr lavêr. Note: larger, as in a kitchen sink
lavêr   vb 1. wash; lavare. Etym: L "lavare" (to wash). Note: lavês : to wash

lavôr   sm. labor, work, job; lavoro. Etym: L "labor" (work, toil).
lavurêr  vb 1. work; lavorare. Etym: see lavôr.
lèbar   adj. free; libero. Etym: L "liber" (free).
lêdar   sm. thief; ladro. Etym: L "latro" (thief, robber).
leêl   adj. loyal; leale. Etym: OF "leial" (loyal) fr L "legalis" (legal).
lêg  sm. lake; lago. Etym: L “lacus” (lake).
legènda   sf. legend; legenda. Etym: L "legenda" (things to be read).
leghêl  adj. legal; legale. Etym: L "legalis" (legal).

lègn   sm. wood; legno. Etym: L "lignum" (firewood - that which is
lègna  sf. firewood; legna. Etym: L "ligna," pl of "lignum", adopted as
fem sing, see legn.
lèma   sf. file (tool); lima. Etym: L “lima” (carpenter’s file). Note: lèma
pr'agl'j'óngg : nail file

lèmit  sm. limit; limite. Etym: L "limes" (limit, border).

lèmur  sm. lemur; lemure. Etym: L "lemures" (spectre, shade).
lén  sm. linen (fabric); lino. Etym: L "linum" (flax, cloth made from flax).
lèngua   sf. tongue, language; lingua. Etym: L "lingua" (tongue). Note: pl

lént   adj. slow; lento. Etym: L "lentus" (slow).

lénta  sf. lentil; lenticchia. Etym: L “lens” (lentil).
leopêrd  sm. leopard; leopardo. Etym: liôn + L "pardus" (male leopard,
rel to Skt word for panther).
lèquid   adj, sm. liquid; liquido. Etym: L "liquidus" (liquid).
lêrd   sm. lard; lardo. Etym: L "lardum" (lard) fr Grk "λαρινός" (fat).
lêrg   adj. wide; largo. Etym: L "largus" (abundant).
lès   adj. smooth; liscio. Etym: see lisêr.
lëst  adj. fast; lesto. Etym: cf Sp "listo" (clever), Prt "lesto" (agile).
lèsta   sf. list; lista.
lët  sm. bed; letto. Etym: L "lectus" (bed).
lèt  past part. read; letto. Etym: fr lèẓar.
lètra   sf. letter (of alphabet), letter (missive); lettera, missiva. Etym: L
“littera” (letter).
lêva   sf. lava; lava. Etym: It "lava" (it washes over).
léva (1)  sf. lever; leva. Etym: L "levare" (to raise up, to lighten in

léva (2)  sf. draft (military), conscription; leva - chiamata alle armi.
Etym: same as léva (1), raising an army.

léva (3)  sf. levy (tax); levata, prelevamento. Etym: same as léva (1) -
raising money. Note: léva di tabëc : tobacco tax
lêvapiàt  sm. dishwasher; lavapiatti. Etym: lavêr + piàt.
lévra   sf. hare; lepre. Etym: L "lepus" (hare), non-IE origin.
lèẓ   sf. law; legge. Etym: L "lex" (law).
lèẓar   vb 2. read; leggere. Etym: L "legere" (to read).
leziôn   sf. lesson; lezione. Etym: L "lectio" (reading).
li   pron. she; lei. Etym: VL "*illaei" fr L "illi", dative of "illa" (she/it).
libarêr   vb 1. liberate; liberare. Etym: see lèbar.
libartê   sf. liberty, freedom; libertà. Etym: L "libertas" (liberty).
librarì   sf. bookstore, bookshelf; libreria. Etym: a place for lìvar.
lighêr  vb 1. tie; legare. Etym: L "ligare" (to tie), cf F "lier".
limèta (1)   sf. lime; limetta (1). Etym: dim of Persian ‫( ليمو‬lemon/lime).
limèta (2)   sf. nail file, file (small); limetta (2). Etym: dim of lèma.
limôn   sm. lemon; limone. Etym: Ar ‫( لَ ْي ُمون‬lemon).
limunêda   sf. lemonade; limonata. Etym: fr limôn.
lìnea   sf. line; linea. Etym: L "linea" (line, thread), cf lén.
linzöl   sm. sheet (for bed); lenzuolo. Etym: L "linteolum" fr "linteus"
liôn   sm. lion; leone. Etym: L "leo" fr Gk λεων (lion), origin unknown.
lisêr   vb 1. smoothe; lisciare. Etym: cf OF "lisser" (to smoothe), It
"liscio" (smooth), Provençal "lis" (smooth). Origin unclear..
litighêr  vb 1. quarrel; litigare. Etym: L "litigare" (quarrel, sue).
lìvar   sm. book; libro. Etym: L "liber" (book).

livël   sm. level; livello. Etym: OF "livel" (level, height), cf livëla.
livëla   sf. level; livella. Etym: L "libella" (small scale). Note: livëla a bóla :
level with a bubble

livêr  vb 1. lift, raise up; levare, alzare. Etym: L "levare" (lift up, elevate)
fr "levis" (light, not heavy).
livês   vb 1 refl. get up, rise; alzarsi. Etym: see livêr.
lô  pron m&f. they; loro (m&f). Etym: L "illorum", gen pl of "ille" (that),
cf Fr "leur" (their).
ló  pron. he; lui. Etym: VL "illui" fr L "ille" (that).
lög   sm. place; luogo. Etym: L "locus" (place).
lój  sm. July; luglio. Etym: VL "lulius" (July, month named for Julius
lóm   sm. light; lume. Etym: L "lumen" (light), IE "*lewk" (bright).
lóma  sf. lamp (oil lamp); lucerna. Etym: L "lumina," pl of "lumen"
lôn   sm. Monday; lunedì. Etym: L "lunae dies" (day of the moon), cf Sp
"lunes" (Monday).
lôna   sf. moon; luna. Etym: L "luna" (moon).
lóng   adj. long; lungo. Etym: L "longus" (long).
lônẓa   sf. loin; lonza. Etym: OF "longe" (loin, elongation).
lóp   sm. wolf; lupo. Etym: L "lupus" (wolf).
lòta   sf. fight, struggle; lotta, battaglia. Etym: LL "lucta" (fight) from
"luctari" (to fight), cf lutêr.
lôv  adj. glutton; ghiotto. Etym: alternative form of lóp (wolf).
lòz   sm. filth; sozzura. Etym: L "lutum" (mud).
lózla   sf. firefly; lucciola. Etym: L "lucere" (to shine).
lucòmud  sm. toilet; cesso. Etym: lög + comùd (appropriate,

ludar  sm. otter; lontra. Etym: L "lutra" (otter), cf Fr loutre. Note: also sf

lùdla   sf. spark, glimmer; favilla. Etym: dim of L "lux/lucis" (light), cf

given name Lucilla/Lucille.
lumbêda   sf. loin (cut of meat); lombata. Etym: L "lumbus" (loin).
lumêga   sf. slug, snail; lumaca, chiocciola. Etym: L "limax" (slug,
snail). Note: a pas d'lumêga : at a snail's pace
luminôṣ   adj. bright, luminous; luminoso. Etym: cf lóm.
luntân   adj. far off; lontano. Etym: VL "longitanus" fr L "longe" (far), cf
Fr "lointain" (far).
luntanânza   sf. distance; distanza. Etym: see luntân.
luṣ  sf. light; luce. Etym: L "lux" (light), same IE root as lóm.
luṣérta   sf. lizard; lucertola. Etym: L "lacerta" (lizard).
lutêr  vb 1. fight, battle; lottare, combattere. Etym: L "luctari" (to
luvarì   sf.
luzlìn   sm. ladybug; coccinella. Etym: dim of lózla.
l’è ôra adès   phrase. it’s time now; è ora adesso.

M - m

macarôn  sm. macaroni; maccherone. Etym: L "maccare" (to crush - the

flour) or Grk "μακαρία" (from barley).
mâchina   sf. car, automobile, machine; macchina. Etym: L "machina"
(engine, stratagem).
madrègna   sf. stepmother; matrigna. Etym: dim fr L "mater" (mother).
magàra   adv. even (to a great extent); magari. Etym: Grk "μακάρι" (if
magì   sf. magic; magia. Etym: L "magia" fr Gk μαγεια (magic), see mêg.

màgic  adj. magic; magico. Etym: cf magì.
magnê   sm, adj, past part. eaten, food; mangiato, cibo. Etym: past part of
magnêr  vb 1. eat; mangiare. Etym: OF "mangier" (to eat) fr L
"manducare" (to devour).
mài  adv. never, forever; mai. Etym: L "magis" (more).
màja   sf. undershirt; maglia. Etym: knit garment; Old Occitan "malh" fr
L "macula" (mesh).
majôn   sm. sweater, jersey; maglione. Etym: fr màja.
malatì  sf. illness, disease; malattia. Etym: cf French "maladie" (illness).
mâma  sf. mom, mother; mamma, madre. Etym: L "mamma" (mama) fr
Grk μᾰ́μμᾰ (mámma), baby talk.
mân   sf. hand; mano. Etym: L "manus" (hand).
mân stânca   sf. left hand; mancino. Etym: unclear. Note: a mân stânca:
on the left

mânarvérs  sm. backhand slap; manrovescio. Etym: L "manus" (hand)

+ "reversare" (to turn around).
mânc  adv. less; meno.
manchêr  vb 1. miss (suffer from absence of), lack; mancare. Etym: It
"mancare" (to miss, lack) fr L "mancus" (maimed hand).
mandèbula   sf. jaw; mandibola. Etym: L "mandibula" (jaw).
mandêr  vb 1. send, ship; mandare, inviare. Etym: L "mandare" (I
command). Note: mandê' ẓó = send down, ie swallow
manéra   sf. axe, cleaver; mannaia, scure, ascia. Etym: hand tool, from
mâng   sm. handle; manico. Etym: dim of mân.
mânga   sf. sleeve; manica. Etym: fem dim of mân, cf Fr "manche"
manìglia   sf. handle, doorknob; maniglia. Etym: L "manicula" (little

manìra   sf. manner; maniera. Etym: OF "maniere" fr L "manuarius"
(pertaining to the hand).
manuvêl   sm. manual laborer, worker; manovale. Etym: L "manualis"
(with the hand), cf manual.
mânẓ   sm. ox, steer; manzo. Etym: pre-Latin word, origin uncertain.
manẓâna   sf. eggplant; melanzana. Etym: L "mala" (apple), cf Sp
"manzana" (apple).
màpa   sf. map; mappa. Etym: Neolatin "mappa" (map) fr L "mappa"
marcânt  sm. merchant; dealer, mercante, commerciante. Etym: see
marchê   sm. market; mercato. Etym: L "mercatus" (market, trade).
màrco   sm. crow; corvo.
marè   sm. husband; marito. Etym: fr maridêr.
maridê   adj, past part. married; maritato. Etym: past part of maridêr.
maridêr   vb 1. marry; maritare. Etym: fr L "maritus" (relating to
marlóz   sm. cod; merluzzo. Etym: Occitan "merlus" (hake), see mérle.
marmelêda   sf. marmalade; marmellata. Etym: Port "marmelada"
(quince - a sweet apple - jam). Note: see also cunfitùra
marmòta   sf. marmot; marmotta. Etym: VL "mures monti" (mouse of
the mountain).
marôn   adj. brown; marrone. Etym: Grk "μάραον" (sweet chestnut).
marsupiêl  adj, sm. marsupial; marsupiale. Etym: L "marsupium"
martël   sm. hammer; martello. Etym: L "marculus" (small hammer) fr
"marcus" (large hammer).
màsa   Note: una màsa d' : a lot of

màsa   sf. mass; massa. Etym: L "massa" (mass) from Grk " μᾶζα"
maschìl  adj. male; maschile. Etym: cf L "masculinus" (manly).
màsime   adj. maximum; massimo. Etym: L "maximus" (largest) fr
"magnus" (large).
maṣnêr   vb 1. grind (as flour); macinare. Etym: L "macchina" (engine),
cf machination.
mastëla   sf. tub (for harvesting); mastello. Etym: Grk "μαστός" (breast),
for a breast-shaped cup.
màstig   sm. putty, gum; mastice. Etym: L "mastiche" (gum) fr
"masticare" (to chew).
mastighêr   vb 1. chew; masticare. Etym: L "masticare" (chew) fr Gk
μαστιχαω (I grind my teeth).
mat   adj. crazy; matto. Etym: L "madidus" (drunk).
mataràz   sm. mattress; materasso. Etym: Ar "‫( " َم ْط َرح‬place where
something is thrown).
matariêl   adj, sm. material, substance, substantial; materiale. Etym: L
"materia" (wood, material, substance).
matemàtic   adj. mathematical; matematico. Etym: L "mathematicus"
(mathematical) fr Gk μαθηματικος (rel to learning).
matemàtica   sf. mathematics; matematica. Etym: see matemàtic.
maténa   sf. morning; mattina. Etym: L "matutina" (morning hour).
matrimôni   sm. marriage, matrimony; matrimonio, nozze. Etym: L
"matrimonium" (marriage: obligations of the mother).
matrimuniêl   adj. matrimonial; matrimoniale. Etym: fr matrimôni.
maz   sm. maul, sledgehammer; maglio. Etym: L "malleus" (hammer).
maẓ   sm. May; maggio. Etym: L "maius" (May, month named for Maia,
daughter of Atlas, mother of Mercury).
màza   sf. club, sledgehammer; mazza. Etym: L "mateola" (hoe), cf mace.

mazlêr (1)   vb 1. butcher; macellare. Etym: see mazlêr (2).
mazlêr (2)   sm. butcher; macellaio. Etym: L "macellarius" (meat seller)
fr "macellum" (market for provisions). Note: final r always pronounced for

me  pron. I; io. Etym: L "meum" (me).

mecânic   sm, adj. mechanic, mechanical; mecanico. Etym: L
"mechanicus" (rel to machines).
mécia   sf. mullet; muggine. Etym: L "mugil" (mullet), compare
development of "mulgere" (to milk) to Asturian "mecer".
méda   sf. pile, stack; castata, meta (di feno).
méda dla lègna   sf. woodpile; catasta della legna. Etym: see méda,
médar   vb 2. reap, harvest, snip off; mietere. Etym: L "metere" (to reap,
medéṣim   adj. same; medesimo. Etym: VL "metipsimus" fr L "met"
(emphatic particle) + "ipse" (self) + "issimus" (very).
médic  adj. medical; medico. Etym: L "medicare" (to cure). Note: for
doctor, see dutôr

medicamént   sm. medicine, drug (medical); medicamento, farmaco.

Etym: see médic.

mediòcar  adj. mediocre, passable; mediocre, passabile. Etym: L

"mediocris" (in a middle state).
mêdra   sf. mother; madre. Etym: L "mater" (mother). Note: usually mâma
mêg   sm. magician, wizard; mago. Etym: L "magus" (magic) fr Gk
μαγος (magician) fr Persian.
mêga   sf. magician (female), wizardess; maga. Etym: fem of mêg.
mêgar   adj. thin (person), skinny; magro. Etym: L "macer" (skinny), cf
meager, emaciate.
mèj  adj. better, best (with the); migliore. Etym: L "melior" (better).
mèj (2)   adv. better; meglio. Etym: see mèj (1).

mél  sm. honey; miele. Etym: L "mel" (honey).
mêl (1)   adj. bad; male. Etym: L "malus" (bad).
mêl (2)   adv. badly, poorly; male, in malo modo. Etym: fr mêl (1).
mêl (3)   sm. ache, pain, illness; mal. Etym: L "malum" (bad thing). Note:
mêl d'tësta : headache

mèla   number. thousand; mille. Etym: L "mille" (thousand). Note: mèl

within number sequence, eg mèlzènt (1,100)

méla   sf. apple; mela. Etym: L "malum" (apple).

mêlta  sf. mud, mortar; fango, malta. Etym: L "maltha" (pitch, tar).
mêltratêr   vb 1. maltreat; maltrattare. Etym: mêl (2) + tratêr.
memöria  sf. memory; memoria, ricordo. Etym: L "memoria"
mént   sf. mind; mente. Etym: L "mens" (mind).
-mént  suffix. -ly; -mente. Note: used to form adverbs; accent shift may
change stem

ménta   sf. mint; menta. Etym: L “mentha” (mint) from Greek.

méntar  conj. while; mentre. Etym: shortened fr L "dum interim"
(during the meantime).
mêr (1)  sm. sea; mare. Etym: L "mare" (sea).
mêr (2)  sm. bitters; amaro (liqueur). Etym: fr amêr.
méral   sm. blackbird; merlo. Etym: LL "merulus" fr L "merula"
(blackbird; colorful, edible fish).
mêrt  sm. Tuesday; martedì. Etym: L "Martis dies" (day of Mars), cf
Mêrz, cf Sp "martes" (Tuesday).
mêrz  nm. March; marzo. Etym: L "martius" (March, month named for
the god, Mars).
méṣ   sm. month; mese. Etym: L "mensis" (month).
mès   past part. put; messo. Etym: fr mètar.

mèsa   sf. mass (church); messa. Etym: L "missa" (church mass).
mèscula   sm. ladle; mestolo. Etym: LL "misculare" fr "miscere" (to
mix, stir).
mêṣnacafè  sm. coffee grinder; macinacaffè. Etym: maṣnêr + cafè.
mêṣnapévar   sm. pepper mill; macinapepe. Etym: maṣnêr + pévar.
mèstar   sm. teacher (male); insegnante. Etym: L "magister" (master).
mèstra   sf. teacher (female); maestra. Etym: fem of mêstar.
méta   sf. goal, end (of trip); meta, termine. Etym: L "meta" (turning
metàl   sm. metal; metallo. Etym: L "metallum" (metal, mined
mètar  vb 2. put; mettere. Etym: L "mittere" (to send, release). Note:
mètas : to begin, to set oneself to

métar  sm. meter; metro. Etym: Gk μετρον (measure).

mëẓ   adj, sm. middle, half; mezzo, metà. Etym: L "medius" (middle, half).
Note: un chilo e mëẓ : a kilo and a half

mëẓanòt   sf. midnight; mezzanotte. Etym: méẓ+nòt.

mëẓdè   sm. midday, noon; mezzogiorno. Etym: L "medius" (middle) +
"dies" (day).
mi  adj, poss pron. my, mine; mio.
midghêr   vb 1. medicate, dress (a wound), treat (a patient); medicare.
Etym: L "medicare" (to heal, cure).

miga   adv. at all (intensifies a negative); mica (rafforzare una

negazione). Etym: L "mica" (crumb).
migliôn   number. million; milione. Etym: intensive form of L "mille"
milèmatar   sm. millimeter; millimetro. Etym: comb of miléṣom and
miléṣom   ordinal number. thousandth; millesimo. Etym: L "mille"

miligrâm  sm. milligram; milligrammo. Etym: comb miléṣom and grâm.
militêr   adj, sm. military, soldier; militario, soldato. Etym: L "miletaris"
(of soldier) fr "miles" (soldier).
minarêl   adj, sm. mineral; minerale. Etym: L "minera" (mine, vein of a
mindêr  vb 1. mend, amend; rammendare, ammendare. Etym: L
"emendare" (to free from faults) fr "mendum" (fault). Note: also amindêr
mindṣéna   sf. medicine; medicina. Etym: L "medicina" (medicine) fr L
"medicus" (surgeon).
miniéra   sf. mine; miniera. Etym: LL "minera" (mine) fr OF "mine"
(mine) fr Gaulish.
minìn   sm. kitten, kitty; micino. Etym: cf Fr "mimi" (kitty), affectionate
mintìr   vb 3. lie (tell a lie); mentire. Etym: L "mentiri" (pretend, feign).
minùt  sm. minute; minuto. Etym: L "minuta" (1/60th of an hour).
mìrcul   sm. Wednesday; mercoledì. Etym: L "Mercuri dies" (day of
Mercury), cf Sp "miércoles" (Wednesday).
mirtèl  sm. blueberry; mirtillo. Etym: L “myrtillus” (blueberry), dim of
“myrtus” (myrtle).
misceladôr   sm. mixer (appliance); miscelatore. Etym: rel to mis-cêr.
miscelê   adj. mixed; miscelato. Etym: rel to mis-cêr.
mis-cêr   vb 1. mix; mescolare, mischiare. Etym: L "miscere" (to mix).
misculânza   sf. mixture; mescolanza. Etym: fr mis-cêr.
mlôn   sm. melon; melone. Etym: L "melo" (melon).
mnëstra  sf. soup; minestra. Etym: L "ministrare" (to attend, wait upon
or carry out), cf minister.
mo   conj. but; ma. Etym: L "magis" (moreover).
mòbil   sm. furniture; mobile. Etym: L "mobilis" (able to be moved).

mòcal  sm. snot, dripping (off a candle); moccolo. Etym: dim of L
"mucus" (mucus).
mócc   sm. heap, pile; mucchio.
möd   sm. way, manner; modo, maniera. Etym: L "modus" (way,
mój   sf. wife; moglie. Etym: L "mulier" (woman).
mòl (1)   adj. soft; molle. Etym: L "mollis" (soft, flexible).
mòl (2)   adj. damp, wet; mollo. Etym: cf Fr "mouiller" (to moisten).
mòla   sf. spring; molla. Etym: L "mollis" (soft, flexible).
mónd  sm. world, everybody; mondo. Etym: L “mundus” (world).
mônt (1)   sm. mountain; monte. Etym: L "mons" (mountain).
mônt (2)   adv. much, many, very; molto. Etym: L "multus" (much),
maybe with influence fr Fr "maint" (many) fr Fr *menigda (many).
mòr  sm. mulberry tree; moro. Etym: L "morus" (mulberry tree).
môra  nf. blackberry, mulberry; mora, mora di gelso. Etym: L "morum"
môra frêgula   sf. raspberry; lampone. Etym: see môra, frègla.
mörsa   sf. clamp, vise; morsa. Etym: fr mursêr.
mört   past part. dead; morto. Etym: fr murìr.
mörta   sf. death; morte. Etym: L “mors” (death).
mós-c   sm. moss; muschio. Etym: L "muscus" (moss).
mósca  sf. fly; mosca. Etym: L "musca" (fly).
móscul   sm. muscle; muscolo. Etym: L "musculus" (muscle, mussel),
dim of "mus" (mouse).
móst   sm. must (fermented fruit juice); mosto. Etym: L "mustus" (fresh,
wet), cf musty.
motociclèta   sf. motorcycle; motocicletta. Etym: mutôr + biciclèta.

mövar   vb 2. move; muovere. Etym: L "movere" (to move).
mucêr   vb 1. pile up; ammucchiare. Etym: fr mócc.
mudând  sfpl. underwear, underpants; mutande. Etym: L "mutande"
(that which is to be changed).
mujèt   sfspl. tongs, pincers; pinze, molle. Etym: dim of mòla.
mulìga   sf. crumb (soft part of bread); mollica. Etym: L "mollis" (soft).
munéda   sf. money; moneta. Etym: L "moneta" (money, mint).
muntâgna   sf. mountain; montagna. Etym: VL "montania"
muntêr   vb 1. climb, ride in or on a vehicle, go up, assemble; montare.
Etym: L "mons" (mountain), cf mount.

muntôn   sm. ram; montone, ariete. Etym: LL "molto" fr Gaul *multon-

(ram, wether). Note: see bèr
mur  sm. wall; muro. Etym: L "murus" (wall).
muradôr   sm. mason, bricklayer; muratore. Etym: L "murus" (wall).
murël  adj. moral; morale. Etym: L "mores" (morals, customs).
murìr   vb 3. die; morire. Etym: LL "morire" fr L "mori" (to die).
mursêr   vb 1. bite, sting; mordere, morsicare. Etym: L "morsus" (bite).
murtadëla   sf. mortadella, Bologna sausage; mortadella. Etym: L
"murtatum" (sausage flavored with myrtle berries).
murtê   adj. off; spento. Etym: past part of murtêr.
murtêl   adj. mortal; mortale. Etym: fr mörta.
murtêr  vb 1. put out (a candle), turn off (a light); spegnere. Etym: fr
muscôn   sm. fly (large); moscone. Etym: see mósca.
mùṣica  sf. music; musica. Etym: L "music" (music) fr Gk μουσικη (of
a Muse).

mustrêr  vb 1. show; mostrare. Etym: L "monstrare" (to show), cf
mutìv   sm. motive; motivo. Etym: LL "motivum" (cause for movement).
mutôr   sm. motor, engine; motore. Etym: L "motor" (that which makes a
thing move).
muvént   adj. moving; movente. Etym: fr mövar.
muvimént  sm. movement, motion; movimento. Etym: see mövar.

N - n

n  adv. not; non. Etym: L "ne" (not). Note: "an" after a consonant
Nadêl  sm. Christmas; Natale. Etym: L "natus" (born), rel to nèsar.
narvôṣ   adj. nervous; nervoso. Etym: cf nérb.
nasita  sf. birth; nascita. Etym: fr nèsar.
nàstar métric   sm. tape measure; nastro metrico.
natùra   sf. nature; natura. Etym: L "natura" (birth, origin), cf nèsar.
naturêl  adj. natural; naturale. Etym: fr natùra.
naufraghêr   vb 1. shipwreck (to have a); naufragare. Etym: see
naufrêgg   sm. shipwreck; naufragio. Etym: L "naufragium"
(shipwreck) fr "navis" (ship) + "frangere" (to break).
naziôn  sf. nation; nazione. Etym: L “natio” (nation, race).
naziunêl   adj. national; nazionale. Etym: fr naziôn.
né  adv. neither, nor; ni. Etym: L "nec" (neither). Note: né...né : neither...nor
nèbia   sf. fog, mist; nebbia. Etym: L "nebula" (cloud), rel to nùval.
nèc  adv. also, too; anche. Etym: L "nec" (neither) + "hanc" (this), cf
Italian anche/neanche.

necesêri   adj. necessary; necessario. Etym: see necesitê.
necesitê   sf. necessity; necessità. Etym: L “necessitas” (necessary) fr
“ne(c)” (not) + “cesse” (yield) = unyielding.
nêd   past part. born; nato. Etym: fr nèsar.
négar  adj. black; nero. Etym: L "niger" (black).
neghêr   vb 1. deny; negare. Etym: L “negare” (to deny).
negligént  adj. negligent; negligente. Etym: L “negliglens”
negözi  sm. shop; negozio. Etym: L “negotium” (business) fr “nec” (not)
“otium” (leisure).
negözi ad feraménta   sm. hardware store; negozio di ferramenta.
nemìg   sm. enemy; nemico. Etym: L "inimicus" (enemy), opposite of
nérb  sm. nerve; nervo. Etym: L "nervus" (sinew).
nêṣ  sm. nose; naso. Etym: L "nasus" (nose), cf nasal.
nèsar   vb 2. born (to be); nascere. Etym: L “nasci” (to be born).
nëspla  sf. medlar (fruit); nespola. Etym: VL "*nespirum" fr L
"mespilum" fr Grk "μέσπιλον" (all mean medlar).
nèt   adj. clean; netto, pulito. Etym: L “nitidus” (shiny).
nètar  sm. nectar; nettare. Etym: Gk νεκταρ (nectar, drink of gods) fr
Indo-European phrase “to overcome death”.
nêv  sf. ship; nave. Etym: L "navis" (ship), cf naval.
néva   sf. snow; neve. Etym: L "nix/nivem" (snow).
nibiôṣ   adj. misty, foggy; nebbioso. Etym: fr nèbia.
nid   sm. nest; nido. Etym: L “nidus” (nest).
nô   pron. we; noi. Etym: L "nos" (we).
nò   inter. no; no. Etym: L "non" (no), from "ne"+"unus" (not one).

nôd   sm. knot; nodo. Etym: L "nodus" (knot).
nóm   sm. name; nome. Etym: L "nomen" (name).
nómar   sm. number; numero. Etym: L “numerus” (number), cf numeral.
nòn (1)   sm. grandfather; nonno. Etym: LL "nonnus" (monk, old
person), cf Grk "νόννος" (dad).
nòn (2)   ordinal. ninth; nono. Etym: L "nonus" (ninth).
nòna   sf. grandmother; nonna. Etym: fem of non.
nord   sm. north; nord. Etym: Old English "norþ" (north) via Old French
nòṣ   sm. nut; noce. Etym: L "nux/nucem" (nut).
nôṣa   sf. walnut; noce. Etym: f of nôṣ.
nòstar   adj, poss pron. our, ours; nostro. Etym: L "noster" (our).
nòt   sf. night; notte. Etym: L "nox/noctem" (night).
nöta   sf. note; nota. Etym: L “nota” (remark, note).
növ   number. nine; nove. Etym: L "novem" (nine).
növ   adj. new; nuovo. Etym: L "novus" (new).
növzènt   number. nine hundred; novecento.
nuciöla   sf. hazelnut; nocciola. Etym: dim of L "nux" (nut).
nucleo   sm. nucleus; nucleo. Etym: L "nucleus" (kernel, nucleus) fr
"nux" (nut).
nud   adj. nude, naked; nudo. Etym: L "nudus" (naked).
nuligêr   vb 1. rent (a car); noleggiare. Etym: L "naulum" (fare), fr
"navis" (ship).
numarêl  sm. numeral; numerale. Etym: L "numeralis" (relating to
numarôṣ   adj. numerous; numeroso. Etym: L "numerosus" (numerous,

nurmêl  adj. normal; normale. Etym: L "normalis" (normal,
perpendicular or with right angles).
nustrèn   adj. local, regional; nostrano. Etym: L "noster" (our) - from
our region.
nutàbil   adj. notable; notabile. Etym: fr nutêr.
nutêr   sm. notary; notaio. Etym: L "notarius" (notary, clerk).
nutêr   vb 1. note, notice, point out; notare, osservare. Etym: L “notare”
(to note, notice).
nutêri   sm. notary; notaio. Etym: fr nutêr.
nutificaziôn   sf. notification; notificazione. Etym: see nutêr, fêr.
nùval  sm. cloud; nuvola, nube. Etym: L "nubilus" (cloudy) fr "nubes"
nuvânta   number. ninety; novanta. Etym: L "nonaginta" (ninety)
blended with "novem" (nine).
nuvëla  sf. novella; novella. Etym: pl of L “novellus” (new, novel).
nuvèmbar   sm. November; novembre. Etym: L "november" < "novem"
(nine) + "-ber" (adjective suffix).
nuvlôṣ   adj. cloudy; nuvoloso. Etym: fr nùval.
nvêr   vb 1. snow; nevicare. Etym: L "nevicare" (to snow) fr "nix"

O - o

o  conj. or; o. Etym: L "aut" (or).

òaṣi   sf. oasis; oasi. Etym: L "oasis" (oasis) from Egyptian via Greek.
öca  sf. goose; oca. Etym: LL "*avica" fr L "avis" (bird).
òcc  sm. eye; occhio. Etym: L "oculus" (eye).
ödi   sm. hatred; odio. Etym: L “odium” (hatred).

ôgni   adj. any, every; ogni. Etym: L "omnis" (all).
ôjom   sm. elm; olmo. Etym: L "ulmus" (elm).
öli  sm. oil; olio. Etym: L "oleum" (oil).
ôltra  adv. further; oltre. Etym: L "ultra" (beyond). Note: ôltra che : further

òm   sm. man; uomo. Etym: L "homo" (man).

ómbra   sf. shade, shadow; ombra. Etym: L "umbra" (shadow, shade).
ómid   adj. humid; umido. Etym: fr umôr.
ómid   adj. humid; umido. Etym: L "humidus" (humid, damp).
omosesuêl   adj. homosexual; omosessuale. Etym: German
"Homosexual" fr elements "homo" (same) and "sexual" (rel to sex).
ónda   sf. wave; onda. Etym: L “unda” (wave).
óngg  number. eleven; undici. Etym: L "undecim" (eleven).
óngia   sf. nail (finger or toe), claw; unghia. Etym: L "ungula" (nail,
claw, hoof).
ónic   adj. only, unique; unico. Etym: L "unicus" (only one).
òpi (1)   sm. opium; oppio. Etym: L "opium" (opium).
òpi (2)   sm. maple; acero. Etym: see òpi (1).
ör   sm. gold; oro. Etym: L "aurum" (gold).
ôra   sf. hour, moment; ora. Etym: L "hora" (hour).
örc   sm. orc, ogre; orco. Etym: L "Orcus" (god in the underworld).
òrca   sf. orca, killer whale; orca. Etym: L "orca" (killer whale).
ôrdin   sm. order, command; ordine, comando. Etym: L “ordo” (order,
ordering). Note: in ôrdin : in order
örgan   sm. organ; organo. Etym: L "organum" (instrument, engine).
ôrs   sm. bear (male); orso. Etym: L "ursus" (bear).

ôrsa   sf. bear (female); orsa. Etym: L "ursa" (female bear).
örẓ   sm. barley; orzo. Etym: L "hordeum" (barley).
òs  sm. bone; osso. Etym: L "os" (bone).
òstrica   sf. oyster; ostrica. Etym: L "ostrea" (oyster).
òt   number. eight; otto. Etym: L "octo" (eight).
otzènt   number. eight hundred; ottocento.
öv  sm. egg; uovo. Etym: L "ovum" (egg).
òvest  sm. west; ovest. Etym: Old English "west" (west) via Old French
"ouest" (west).
övra   sf. opera; opera. Etym: L "opus" (work).
övul   adj. oval; ovolo. Etym: shaped like an öv.

P - p

pac  sm. pack; pacco. Etym: Dutch "pak" (package).

padëla  sf. skillet, pan (frying); padella. Etym: L "patella" (shallow pan)
fr "patina" (shallow dish or pan).
padìr  vb 3. suffer, tolerate; patire, sopportare. Etym: L "pati" (to suffer),
cf "passion". Note: padìr la fâm, la séd (suffer from hunger, thirst)
paéṣ   sm. country; paese. Etym: LL "pagensis" (person from a district) fr
L "pagus" (district).
paghêr   vb 1. pay; pagare. Etym: L "pacare," to calm or make "pax"
pàgina   sf. page; pagina. Etym: L "pagina" (page/column of writing).
pagnòca   sf. loaf (round load of bread); pagnotta. Etym: alternative
form of pèn.
pàja   sf. straw; paglia. Etym: L "palea" (chaff, straw).
pajàz   sm. clown; pagliaccio. Etym: costume made of sack for pàja.

pajér   sm. haystack, silo (for grain); pagliaio. Etym: L "palearium,"
place for the "palea" (chaff).
pàla   sf. ball; palla. Etym: L "palla" fr Frankish *ball (bubble?), cf Fr
"bulle" (bubble).
palèt   sm. spade, shovel, blade (of fan, propeller); vanga, pala. Etym: L
"pala" (shovel, spade).
palèta  sf. dustpan, shovel (small, esp hearth); paletta. Etym: dim of
palmôn   sm. lung; polmone. Etym: L “pulmo” (lung).
palôn   sm. ball (for sports), soccer (ball); pallone, calcio (gioco di).
Etym: intensive of pàla. Note: ẓùg de palôn : the game of soccer

pân   sm. bread; pane.

pandör   sm. tomato; pomodoro. Etym: L "pomum" (fruit, apple) +
"aurum" (gold), ie "golden apple".
panén   sm. bread roll, sandwich; panino. Etym: dim of pèn.
panìr  sm. basket; paniere. Etym: container for pèn, cf Fr "panier"
pânza   sf. gut; pancia. Etym: L "pantex" (belly), cf paunch.
panzèta  sf. bacon; pancetta. Etym: dim of pânza.
papagàl   sm. parrot; pappagallo. Etym: Gk παπαγαλος fr Arabic
par   prep. for, by (means of), with (an instrument); per. Etym: L "per"
(through, by means of). Note: contracts to pr' before vowel
par gnit   phrase. free (for); gratuitamente.
par piaṣér   interj. please; per piacere.
par sèmpar   adv. forever; per sempre.
paradìṣ   sm. paradise; paradiso. Etym: L "paradisus" (orchard, Garden
of Eden) fr Gk παραδισος (garden for nobility), cf Old Persian
paradayadam (walled garden).

paràgraf   sm. paragraph; paragrafo. Etym: L "paragraphus" (sign
marking new section of writing).
paralél   adj. parallel; parallelo. Etym: L "parallelus" (parallel) fr Gk
παρα (beside) αλληλων (each other).
parasìt   adj, sm. parasitic, parasite; parasitta. Etym: L "parasitus" (guest,
freeloader) fr Gk παρασιτος ("beside-wheat" : one who eats at another's
parché   prep. why, because; perché. Etym: see par + che.
paré   sm. opinion, counsel; opinione, parere. Etym: fr parér.
parècc   adj, adv. lots, quite a lot; parecchio. Etym: VL "pariculus," dim
of "par" (even).
parént   sm. relative; parente. Etym: L "parens" (parent, founder) fr
"parere" (to bring forth).
parér   vb 1. seem, appear; parere, sembrare. Etym: L "pareo" (I appear).
parghêr  vb 1. beg, pray, implore; pregare. Etym: L "precari" (to beg, to
parghér  sm. plough, plow; aratro.
parlêr   vb 1. talk; parlare. Etym: speak; LL "parabolare" (to say a few
words), cf parable. Note: mostly replaced by scórar
paröla   sf. word; parola. Etym: see parlêr.
parpadëla  sf. pappardella, lasagna; pappardella, lasagna. Etym: VL
"pappare" (to gobble up) fr L "papare" (to eat), cf Eng pap.
parpàja   sf. butterfly; farfalla. Etym: L "papilio" (butterfly).
parṣon   sf. prison; prigione. Etym: L "prehendere" (to seize, hold), cf
parsona  sf. person; persona. Etym: L "persona" (person).
parsót   sm. prosciutto, ham; prosciutto. Etym: cf L "exsuctus" fr "ex"
(out) + "suctus" (sucked) = dried.
parsunêl (1)   adj. personal; personale. Etym: cf parsona.

parsunêl (2)   sm. personnel; parsonale. Etym: cf parsona.
parṣunìr   sm. prisoner; prigioniero. Etym: see parṣôn.
partìda  sf. match (game), game; partita.
partìr   vb 3. leave; partire. Etym: L “partior” (to divide, distribute). Note:
aviês is preferred

partugàla   sf. orange; arancia. Etym: because they're reputed to come

from Portugal, cf It "portogallo" (orange).
paruchìr   sm. stylist, hairdresser; parrucchiere. Etym: fr paróca (wig).
Note: fem: paruchìra

parẓêr   vb 1. equalize, make equal; pareggiare. Etym: cf paréchj.

pasadén   sm. pasta (tubular shaped, in broth); passatello, passatini.
Etym: from pasè (because it is passed through an appliance to be
pasaròt  sm. sparrow; passero. Etym: L "passer" (sparrow).
pasdmân   adv. day after tomorrow; dopodomani.
pasê   past part, adj, sm. past; passato. Etym: past part of pasêr.
pasèda  sf. glance, instance (short in duration); passata. Etym: sf past
part of pasêr. Note: pasèda d’piùva : spot of rain; p. d’uṣèl : flock of birds; p. a
e’ giurnêl : glance at the paper

pasêr   vb 1. pass; passare. Etym: VL "passare" fr L "pando/passum" (I

stretch), cf expand.
Pasqua   sf. Easter; Pasqua. Etym: L "Pasqua" fr Hebrew for
past   sm. meal; pasto. Etym: L "pastus" (fed) fr "pasco" (I feed).
pàsta   sf. pasta, paste; pasta. Etym: LL "pasta" (paste) fr Grk "πάστα"
(sprinkled with salt). Note: p. ad faréna : flour paste, pasta dintifrèza :

pasta spója   sf. pastry; pastaccino.

pastròcc  sm. pasty, hodgepodge; pastrocchio, pasticcio. Etym: fr
Venetian "pastròcio" (same sense), cf pasty.

pastruciôn   adj. clumsy, bumbling; pasticcione. Etym: see pastròcc.
patêta   sf. potato; patata. Etym: fr Sp "patata" (potato).
pàtin   sm. skate; pattino. Etym: Fr "patin" (skate) fr "patte" (paw).
patinàgg  sm. skating; patitinaggio. Etym: see pàtin.
paùra  sf. fear; paura. Etym: L "pavor" (act of trembling).
paùra (avér)   phrase. afraid (to be); paura (avere).
pavimént   sm. floor, sidewalk; pavimento. Etym: L “pavimentum”
(stone floor) from “pavire” (to pound down, as stones), cf pave.
pavôn   sm. peacock; pavone. Etym: L "pavo" (peacock).
pazénzia  sf. patience; pazienza. Etym: L "patientia" (patience,
pchê  sm. sin; peccato. Etym: L "peccatum" (sin), cf Fr "péché" (sin).
pè  sm. foot; piede. Etym: L "pes/pedem" (foot), cf pedal.
pê  sm. father; padre. Etym: L "pater" (father). Note: better to say ba/bab
pècul  adj. small, little; piccino, piccolo. Etym: dim of L "pica" (point).
pedôn   sm. pedestrian; pedone. Etym: fr pè.
pêga  sf. pay, salary; paga, salario. Etym: fr paghêr.
pêjma  sf. palm (tree); palma. Etym: L "palma" (palm tree).
pëla   sf. skin; pelle. Etym: L "pellis" (pelt, skin).
pèla   sf. battery; pila. Etym: L "pila" (pillar).
pêlma  sf. palm (of hand); palmo (della mano). Etym: L "palma" (palm
of hand).
pén   sm. pine tree; pino. Etym: L "pinus" (pine tree).
pèna  sf. pen, feather; penna. Etym: L "penna" (feather, plume pen).
péna  sf. trouble, punishment; pena. Etym: L "poena" (punishment).

pèndar   vb 2. hang; pendere. Etym: L "pendere" (to hang down), cf
penìṣula   sf. peninsula; penisola. Etym: L "paene" (almost) + "insula"
pêr   sm. peer, equal (social rank); pari. Etym: L "par" (equal, even
pér (1)   sm. pear tree; péro. Etym: L "pirus" (pear tree).
pér (2)   sm. pair; paio. Etym: L "paria" (equal things), see pêr.
péra   sf. pear; pera. Etym: L "pirum" (pear).
pêrabrèza  sf. windshield; parabrezza. Etym: lit block-breeze, cf Fr
"pare-brise" (windshield).
pérdar   vb 2. lose; perdere. Etym: L “perdere” (destroy, squander, suffer
perfët   adj. perfect; perfetto. Etym: L "perfectus" (completely done).
perìcul   sm. danger, peril; pericolo. Etym: L "periculum" (attempt, risk,
danger), cf peril.
periculôṣ  adj. dangerous, perillous; periculoso. Etym: fr pirìcul.
pérla   sf. pearl; perla. Etym: OF "perle" (pearl), origin uncertain.
perpendiculêr  adj. perpendicular; perpendicolare. Etym: L
"perpendiculum" (plumbline).
pérs   adj, past part. lost; perduto, perso. Etym: past part of pérdar.
pérsita   sf. loss; perdita. Etym: fr pérdar.
pêrta  sf. part; parte. Etym: L "pars" (part).
péṣ  sm. weight; peso. Etym: see bṣêr.
pès  sm. fish; pesce. Etym: L "piscis" (fish).
pêṣ  sf. peace; pace. Etym: L "pax/pacem" (peace).
péṣânt   adj. heavy; pesante. Etym: see pinsè.
péṣga  sf. peach; pesca. Etym: L "persicus" (peach tree, from Persia).

pët   sm. chest; petto. Etym: L "pectus" (chest), cf pectoral.
pëtan   sm. comb; pettine. Etym: L "pecten" (comb) fr "pectere" (to
petröli   sm. gasoline, petro; petrolio. Etym: L "petroleum" (rock oil).
pévar   sm. pepper; pepe. Etym: L "piper" (pepper), cf Fr "poivre"
pèẓ   adj, adv. worse, worst; peggio, peggiore. Etym: L "peius," neuter of
"peior" (worse).
pëz   sm. piece; pezzo.
piân (1)   adj. flat, level; piano. Etym: L "planus" (flat).
piân (2)   sm. plane (geometric figure); piano (ente geometrico). Etym:
see piân (1).
piân (3)   sm. plan; piano, disegno. Etym: see piân (1).
piân (4)   sm. piano (musical instrument); piano (strumento musicale).
Etym: short for pianofórt (pianoforte).

piân (5)   sm. story, level, floor (in a building); piano (in un edificio).
Etym: see piân (1).

pianèt   sm. landing (stairs); pianerottolo. Etym: dim of piân (5).

pianéta   sm. planet; pianeta. Etym: L “planeta” (planet) fr Gk πλανητης
(wanderer, wandering star).
piânta   sf. plant; pianta. Etym: L "planta" (sprout, shoot).
piânẓar   vb 2. weep, cry; piangere. Etym: L "plangere" (to beat, or
strike, including beating one's breast in sorrow).
piaṣér   vb irr. please, like (see note); piacere. Note: u m piéṣ = mi piace =
I like it (it pleases me)

piaṣér   sm. pleasure, favor; piacere. Etym: L "placere" (to please), used
as a noun.
piàt   sm. plate; piatto. Etym: VL "plattus" fr Grk "πλατύς" (flat), cf

picìn   sm. chick; pulcino. Etym: ML "pulcinus" (chick) fr L "pollus"; see
piciöl   sm. stalk; picciolo. Etym: LL "peciolus" (small foot, stalk) fr
"pediculus," dim of "pes" (see pid).
picôn   sm. pickax; piccone.
pidariöl  sm. funnel; imbuto. Etym: same source as geographical name
Petriolo, meaning uncertain.
pidarsöl  sm. parsley; prezzemolo. Etym: L "petroselinum" (parsley) fr
Gk πετρο- (rock) + σελινον (celery).
piê  sf. flatbread; piadina. Etym: LL "piadena" (same meaning), from a
Grk term for the type of dough used. Note: refers to a particular flatbread
common in Romagna

pighêr   vb 1. fold, bend; piegare. Etym: L "plicare" (to weave), cf Fr

"plier" (to bend), Plexiglass.
pigiâm   sm. pajamas; pigiama. Etym: E pyjamas, fr Urdu.
pignàt   sm. pot (clay); pignatto. Etym: small pignàta.
pignàta   sf. pot (for stew); pentola. Etym: L "pinea" (pine cone) for its
pìgra  sf. sheep; pecora. Etym: L "pecora" (sheep) fr "pecu" (livestock,
domestic animal).
pigurêr  sm. shepherd; pecoraio. Etym: see pìgra.
pìn   adj. full; pieno. Etym: L "plenus" (full), cf plenary.
pinël   sm. paintbrush; pennello. Etym: L "pennellus" (little feather).
pinguén  sm. penguin; pinguino. Etym: maybe Welsh pen (head) +
gwyn (white), referring to the auk.
pinsêr   vb 1. think; pensare. Etym: L "pensare" (to ponder, weigh).
pinsiôn   sf. boarding house, pension; pensione. Etym: L "pensio"
pió   adv. more; più. Etym: L "plus" (more).

piöla  sm. plane, planing tool; pialla. Etym: VL *planula (little plane) fr
L "planus" (flat).
piómb   sm. lead (metal); piombo. Etym: L "plumbum" (lead).
piòpa   sf. poplar; pioppo. Etym: L "populus" (the people).
piövar   vb 2. rain; piovere. Etym: L "pluere" (to rain).
piscéna  sf. pool (swimming); piscina. Etym: L "piscina" (pool, pond).
pischêr   vb 1. fish; pescare. Etym: L "piscari" (to fish) fr "piscis" (fish).
pisêr   vb 1. piss; pisciare. Etym: VL "pissiare" (to piss) fr Germanic
pistêr  vb 1. pound, grind (as pepper), crush (as grapes); pestare, pigiare
(l'uva). Etym: L "pistare" (to pound).
pistöla   sf. pistol, gun (handgun); pistola. Etym: It "pistolese" (small
dagger) fr Pistola, city known for weapon making.
piùva  sf. rain; pioggia. Etym: L "pluvia" (rain).
piuvôṣ   adj. rainy; piuvoso. Etym: L "pluviosus" (rainy).
pivarôn  sm. pepper (bell pepper); peperone. Etym: L "piper" (pepper).
piẓghêr   vb 1. bite, pinch, nip; pizzicare. Etym: VL "pincare" (to pick,
pinch) fr Frankish "*pikkōn".
piẓgôr   sm. itch, irritation; pizzicore. Etym: see piẓghêr.
piẓgòt   sm. pinch, bite, nip; pizzico. Etym: see piẓghêr.
piẓôn  sm. pigeon (domestic); piccione. Etym: L "pipio" (chirping bird)
fr "pipiare" (to chirp).
pnêr  vb 1. comb; pettinare. Etym: L "pectinare" (to use a comb), cf Fr
"peigner" (to comb).
pneumàtic   sm. tire; pneumatico. Etym: L "pneumaticus" (pneumatic,
rel to the wind) fr Gk πνευμα (wind, spirit).
póblic   adj. public; pubblico. Etym: L "publicus" (of the people).
pöc   adv. little; poco. Etym: L "paucus" (few, little).

pógn  sm. fist, fistful, handful; pugno, manciata. Etym: L "pugnus"
(fistful, handful), cf Fr "poing" (fist).
pól   sm. chicken; pollo. Etym: L "pullus" (chick), cf poultry.
pôlp   sm. octopus; polpo. Etym: L "polypus" fr Gk πολυπους (octopus)
fr πολυς (many) + πους (feet).
pôls   sm. wrist; polso. Etym: L "pulsus" (pulse).
pólṣa   sf. flea; pulce. Etym: L "pulex" (flea).
pómpa   sf. pump; pompa. Etym: Middle Dutch "pompe" (pump).
pônar   vb 2. put; porre. Etym: L "ponere" (to put).
pônt (1)   sm. bridge; ponte. Etym: L "pons/pontem" (bridge).
pônt (2)   sm. point; punto. Etym: L "punctus" (point).
pônta  sf. point (pointy end); punta. Etym: fr pônt (2).
pòr   sm. leek; porro. Etym: L "porrum" (leek).
pórbia   sf. dust, powder; polvere. Etym: L "pulvis" (dust, powder).
pörc  sm. pig, pork; maiale, porco. Etym: L "porcus" (piglet).
pörc-spinôṣ  sm. porcupine; porcospino. Etym: pörc+spinôṣ.
pörc-zignêl   sm. boar (wild); cinghiale. Etym: pörc + L "singularis"
(singular, exceptional), cf Fr "sanglier" (wild boar). Note: pörc-zignêl
more common, sometimes zignêl alone

pört   sm. port, harbor; porto. Etym: L “portus” (port).

pörta   sf. gate, door; porta. Etym: L "porta" (gate, door).
pörtacêv  sm. keychain; portachiavi. Etym: same formation as
pörtafój  sm. wallet; portafoglio. Etym: It "portafoglio" (wallet).
pörtafurtôna   sm. charm (for good luck); portafortuna. Etym: L
"porta-" (carry) + "fortuna" (fortune).
pörtamunéd   sm. coin purse; portamonete. Etym: It "portamonete"
(change carrier).

pòst (1)  past part. placed; posto. Etym: fr pônar.
pòst (2)  sm. place (specified); luogo determinato. Etym: L "positus"
(place), cf position.
pòsta   sf. mail, post office; posta. Etym: L "postus" fr "positus" (placed,
pövar  adj. poor; poverino. Etym: L "pauper" (poor) + dim suffix.
póz  sm. well; pozzo. Etym: L "puteus" (well, dungeon).
póza (1)   sf. stink, stench; puzzo. Etym: L "putidus" (stinking), cf putrid.
póza (2)   sf. puddle, pothole; pozza. Etym: L "puteus" (pit, well).
pózal   sm. skunk; puzzola. Etym: L "putere" (to stink), cf putrid. Note:
also gat pózal

prânẓ   sm. lunch, supper; pranzo. Etym: L "prandium" (lunch, first

pré   sf. brick; mattone. Etym: LL "preda" fr L "petra" (stone), cf
Sardinian "preda/perda" (stone).
preferìr   vb 3. prefer; preferire. Etym: L "praeferre" to carry in front fr
"prae-" (before) + "ferre" (to carry).
prèm  ordinal. first; primo. Etym: L "primus" (first).
prèm did   sm. index finger; indice (dito). Etym: prèm + did: first finger.
prèma   adv. before, early (compared to normal); prima. Etym: see prèm.
premavéra  sf. spring; primavera. Etym: L "primus" (first) + "ver"
(spring), related to vérd.
prenutaziôn   sf. reservation; prenotazione. Etym: fr prenutêr.
prenutêr   vb 1. reserve, make a reservation; prenotare. Etym: pre
(before) + nutêr.
prénzip   sm. prince; principe. Etym: L “princeps” (first, foremost).
preocupês   vb 1 refl. worry; preoccuparsi. Etym: L "praeoccupare" (to
seize beforehand, prevent).

preparêr   vb 1. prepare; preparare. Etym: L "praeparare" (to make
ready in advance), see preferìr.
prës   adv, prep. near; presso. Etym: L "presse" (narrow, short).
presapöc  adv. almost, roughly; pressappoco. Etym: see press and poc.
preṣént (1)   adj, sm. present (time), present (at a place); presente.
Etym: L "praesse" (to be before).

preṣént (2)   sm. gift, present; regalo, dono. Etym: fr preṣentêr.

preṣentadôr   sm. presenter; presentatore. Etym: fr presentêr.
preṣentaziôn  sf. presentation; presentazione. Etym: fr preṣentêr.
preṣentêr   vb 1. present; presentare. Etym: L "praesentare" (to present,
show). Note: also parṣintêr
preṣénza   sf. presence; presenza. Etym: L "praesentia" (being present),
cf preṣént (1).
prëst (1)   adv. soon, quickly, early (right away, first thing); presto.
Etym: L "praesto" (at hand, litterally standing forth).

prëst (2)   sm. loan; prestito. Etym: rel to imprastêr. Note: in prëst : on

prëz   sm. price; prezzo. Etym: L "pretium" (price, worth, punishment).

prid  sm. priest; prete. Etym: VL "previter" fr L "presbyter" (presbyter,
prinzèpi   sm. beginning; principio. Etym: L “principium” (beginning) fr
“princeps” (first, foremost).
prinzipêl   adj. principle, main, primary; principale, primario. Etym: fr
prinzipèsa   sf. princess; principessa. Etym: f of prénzip.
prinzipêt  sm. principate; principato. Etym: fr prénzip.
prìscia   sf. hurry, rush; fretta. Etym: fr L "pressare" (to press). Note: a j'ó
prìscia : I'm hurrying

priv   adj. deprived (of), lacking; privo, mancante. Etym: fr privêr.

privê   adj, past part. private; privato. Etym: past part of privêr.
privêr   vb 1. deprive; take away, privare, togliere. Etym: L "privare" (to
bereave, deprive).
probléma   sm. problem; problema. Etym: L "problema" (problem) fr
Gk προβλημα (something thrown in front of someone).
progredìr  vb 3. progress; progredire. Etym: L "progredi" (to walk
prônt   adj. ready, prepared; pronto, preparato. Etym: L "promptus"
pròpi   adv. truly, proper to; proprio, veramente. Etym: L "proprius"
(one's own).
pröṣa  sf. prose; prosa. Etym: L "prosa oratio" (straightforward speech).
pròsim  adj. nearest, next (week, month); prossimo. Etym: L
“proximus” (nearest, next).
prozedimént   sm. process; procedimento. Etym: fr pruzédar.
prubàbil   adj. probable; probabile. Etym: L "probabilis" (provable).
prubabilitê   sf. probability; probabilità. Etym: see prubàbil.
prubabilmént   adv. probably; probabilmente. Etym: fr prubàbil.
pruciôn   sm. raccoon; procione. Etym: Grk προ (for/like) + κυων (dog).
prudót (1)   adj, past part. produced; prodotto. Etym: past part of
prudót (2)   sm. product; prodotto. Etym: same as prudót (1). Note:
prudót chèmic/industriêl : chemical/industrial product

prudùṣar   vb 2. produce, manufacture; produrre, fabbricare. Etym: L

"producere" (to bring forth).
prudutôr  sm. producer, manufacturer; produttore. Etym: fr prudùṣar.
pruduziôn   sf. production; produzione. Etym: fr prudùṣar.
prufân   adj. profane, secular; profano, secolare. Etym: L "profanus"
(not religious, unclean).

prufesiôn   sf. profession; professione. Etym: L "professio" (public
prufesôr   sm. professor (male); professore. Etym: L "professor" (one
who declaims knowledge, professes).
prufesurèsa  sf. professor (female); professoressa. Etym: see prufesôr.
prufèt   sm. profit; profitto. Etym: L "profectus" (gone forward).
pruféta   sm. prophet; profeta. Etym: L "propheta" (prophet) fr Gk
προφητης (one who speaks - for a god).
prufetèsa   sf. prophetess; profetessa. Etym: fr pruféta.
prufétic   adj. prophetic; profetico. Etym: fr proféta.
prufetizêr   vb 1. prophesy; profetizzare. Etym: fr pruféta.
prufezì   sm. prophecy; profezia. Etym: fr pruféta.
prufuṣiôn   sf. profusion; profusione. Etym: LL "profusio" (abundance).
prugâm   sm. program; programma. Etym: L "programma"
(proclamation) fr Gk προγραμμα (public notice).
prugamêr  vb 1. program; programmare. Etym: fr prugrâm.
prugët   sm. project; progetto. Etym: L "proiectus" (projected).
prugramèsta   sm. programmer; programmista. Etym: fr prugrâm.
prugrës  sm. progress; progresso. Etym: L "progressus" (advance).
prugresiôn   sf. progression; progressione. Etym: fr prugrës.
pruibì   adj, past part. prohibited; proibito. Etym: past part pruibìr.
pruibìr  vb 3. prohibit, forbid, ban; proibire, vietare. Etym: L
"prohibere" (to fend off, prevent, forbid).
pruibiziôn   sf. prohibition; proibizione. Etym: fr pruibìr.
prumètar   vb 2. promise; promettere. Etym: L "promittere" (to send
forth, promise).
pruprietê   sf. property; proprietà. Etym: L "proprietas" (property), rel
to pròpi.

pruprietêri   sm. proprietor, owner; proprietario. Etym: fr pruprietê.
pruṣàic   adj. prosaic; prosaico. Etym: fr pröṣa (like prose, not poetry).
prutësta   sf. protest; protesta. Etym: fr prutestêr.
prutestêr   vb 1. protest; protestare. Etym: L "protestari" (to bear
witness, protest).
prutèt   adj, past part. protected; protetto. Etym: past part of prutèẓar.
prutèẓar   vb 2. protect; proteggere. Etym: L "protegere" (to cover,
pruteziôn   sf. protection; protezione. Etym: fr prutèẓar.
pruvêr   vb 1. try, test (out); provare. Etym: L "probare" (prove, approve,
inspect), cf "probe".
pruzédar   vb 2. proceed; procedere. Etym: L "procedere" (proceed,
pruzedùra   sf. procedure; procedura. Etym: fr pruzédar.
pscadôr  sm. fisherman; pescatore. Etym: fr pischêr.
ptôn  sm. button; bottone. Etym: OF "bouton" (button).
pu   adv. then; poi. Etym: L "post" (after).
puc   pron. few; pochi. Etym: pl of pöc.
pudêr   vb 1. prune, trim; potare. Etym: L "putare" (cleanse).
puéma   sm. poem; poema. Etym: L “poema” (poem) fr Gk ποιημα
(work, later poem).
puéta   sm. poet; poeta. Etym: see puéma.
puetèsa   sf. poetess; poetessa. Etym: see puéma.
puëtic   adj. poetic; poetico. Etym: see puéma.
puëtica   sf. poetry, poesy; poesia. Etym: fem of puëtic.
pùla   sf. chaff; pula. Etym: L "apluda" (chaff), cf L "plaudo" (I strike, I

pulédar  sm. foal; puledro. Etym: L "pullus" (foal).
pulètic   adj, sm. political, politician; politico. Etym: L "politicus"
(political) fr Gk πολιτικος (of the people, public).
pulètica   sf. politics; politica. Etym: fem of pulètic.
pulìr  vb 3. clean, wipe; pulire. Etym: L "polire" (to polish).
pulizì (1)   sf. police; polizia. Etym: L “politia” (polity) fr Gk πολις (city-
pulizì (2)   sf. cleaning, cleanliness; pulizia. Etym: see pulì, cf polish,
pulizì stradêla   sf. traffic cop; polizia stradale.
pulpàc   sm. calf; polpaccio. Etym: L "polpa" (fleshy part of leg, pulp of
pulpèta   sf. meatball; polpetta. Etym: L “pulpa” (soft flesh).
pulpèta   nf. meatball; polpetta. Etym: dim of L "pulpa" (flesh, pulp).
pultrôna   sf. armchair; poltrona. Etym: It "poltrona" (armchair).
pumpélom   sm. grapefruit; pompelmo. Etym: fr Dutch "pompeloes"
(grapefruit), possibly fr Port "pomos limões" (citrus tree).
punténa  sf. pin; puntina. Etym: dim of pônta.
pupàz   sm. puppet; pupazzo. Etym: L "pupus" (child, puppet).
puràza   sf. clam; vongola. Etym: see pévar, maybe because of similar
purpurén   adj. purple; porporino. Etym: L "purpura" (color) fr Gk
πορφυρα (purple fish).
purtêr  vb 1. carry, bring; portare. Etym: L "portare" (bring, carry).
purzël   sm. piglet; porcello. Etym: dim of pörc.
purziôn  sf. portion; parte. Etym: L "portio" (share, portion).
pusèbil   adj. possible; possibile. Etym: fr putér.

pusédar  vb 2. possess; possedere. Etym: L "possidere" (to hold,
possess) fr "potis" (able) + "sedere" (to sit).
pusêr  vb 1. pose (a thing), place (upon); posare, mettere giù. Etym: L
"pausare" (to pause) combined with "ponere" (to put).
pusesôr  sm. possessor, owner; possessore. Etym: from pusédar.
pusibilitê   sf. possibility; possibilità. Etym: fr pusèbil.
pusibilmént  adv. possibly; possibilmente. Etym: fr pusèbil.
puṣiziôn   sf. position; posizione. Etym: fr pusêr.
puspônar   vb 2. postpone; posporre. Etym: L "post" (after, back) +
"ponere" (to place).
puspòst  adj, past part. postponed; posposto. Etym: fr puspônar.
pustêl   adj. postal; postale. Etym: fr pósta. Note: servizi pustêl : postal

pustén   sm. postal worker; postino. Etym: see pustèl.

putâna   sf. prostitute, whore; puttana. Etym: OF "putain" (whore) fr L
"puttana" (whore) fr "puta," fem of "putus" (boy), der fr "puer" (boy).
putènt   adj. powerful, potent; potente. Etym: L "potens" (powerful).
putént   adj. powerful, potent; potente. Etym: from putér (1).
putér (1)   vb irr. can, able (be able to); potere.
putér (2)   sm. power; potere. Etym: from putér (1).
puzêr   vb 1. stink; puzzare. Etym: see póza.
puziôn   sf. potion; pozione. Etym: L "potio" (act of drinking).
puzulént   adj. stinky, smelly; puzzolente. Etym: see póza.

Q - q

quàja  sf. quail; quaglia. Etym: LL "coaculum" (quail).

quajôn   sm. testicle; coglione. Etym: VL "coleo" (testicle) fr L "coleus"
qualitê   sf. quality; qualità. Etym: L "qualitas" (quality, property), see
qualunque   adj. whichever, whatever; qualunque. Etym: quél+un+che.
quând   adv. when; quando. Etym: L "quando" (when) fr "quam" (how)
+ "do" (until).
quânt  adv. how much, how many; quanto. Etym: L "quantus" (how
much/how many). Note: mpl, how many, is quént
quantitê  sf. quantity, amount; quantità. Etym: L “quantitas” (greatness,
extent, quantity).
quarânta   number. forty; quaranta. Etym: L "quadraginta" (forty).
quàtar   number. four; quattro. Etym: L "quattuor" (four).
quàtarzènt   number. four hundred; quattrocento.
quatörgg   number. fourteen; quattordici. Etym: L "quattuordecim"
quêdar   sm. square, picture; quadro. Etym: L "quadrum" (square), rel to
"quattuor" (four).
quèjc   indefinite adj. some (any); qualche. Etym: quèl + che.
quèjc völta   phrase. sometimes; qualche volta.
quèl   pron. that, those; quello. Etym: L "eccu illu" (behold that there).
quël   sm. thing, something; cosa, qualche cosa. Etym: see quèl. Note:
cösa for thing, quël for something

quêl   interrogative adj. which; quale. Etym: see quèl.

quelcadôn   pron. someone; qualcuno. Etym: quèl+che+un.
quèngg  number. fifteen; quindici. Etym: L "quindecim" (fifteen).
quént  ordinal. fifth; quinto. Etym: L "quintus" (fifth).
quércc   sm. cover, lid; coperchio. Etym: L "con-" (with) + "operire" (to
cover) + "-culum" (dim suffix), cf Fr "couvercle" (lid, cover).

quêrt   ordinal. fourth; quarto. Etym: L "quartus" (fourth).
quért   sm, adj. cover, covered, roof; coperto, tetto. Etym: see quérta.
quérta   sf. blanket; coperta. Etym: L "cooperta" (covered) fr "con-"
(with) + "operire" (to cover).
quèst   pron. this, these; questo. Etym: L "eccu istu" (behold this here).

R - r

rabêrbar   sm. rhubarb; rabarbaro. Etym: L "reubarbarum" fr Gk ρηον

βαρβαρον (rhubarb-foreign).
rachèta   sf. racket (tennis, etc); racchetta. Etym: Fr "raquette" (racket).
rachètic   adj. rickety, spindly; rachitico. Etym: cf rachitis, rickets, from
Grk "ῥαχις" (spine, ridge).
racmandêr   vb 1. recommend; raccomandare. Etym: ra (again,
intensifier) + cmandêr.
radanêr   vb 1. patch, mend; rabberciare, rattoppare.
radècc   sm. radicchio; radicchio. Etym: L "radicula" (little root).
radio  sf. radio; radio. Etym: short for radiotelegrafi (radiotelegraphy).
radìṣa   sf. root; radice. Etym: L "radix/radicis" (root), cf radish, radical.
radiṣén   sm. radish; ravanello. Etym: see radècc.
radunêr  vb 1. gather (things together), assemble (people); radunare.
Etym: L "ad" (into) + unus (one).

ragàz  sm. young man; ragazzo. Etym: LL "ragatius" (youth), origin

ragâza  sf. young woman; ragazza. Etym: fem of ragàz.
râgn  sm. spider; ragno. Etym: L "arenaeus" (spider, pertaining to
râm (1)  sm. copper; rame. Etym: LL "aeramen" fr L "aes" (copper).

râm (2)  sm. branch; ramo. Etym: L "ramus" (branch, bough).
râmpa   sf. ramp; rampa. Etym: Germanic origin? cf English ramp.
ranëla   sf. frog; raganella, rana. Etym: dim of L "rana" (frog).
rangutân   sm. orangutan; orongotango. Etym: fr Indonesian phrase
meaning "forest man".
raṣêr  vb 1. shave; rasare. Etym: verb created fr L "rasus" (shaven).
raṣôn  sf. reason; ragione. Etym: L "ratio" (reason).
ràspa   sf. rasp; lima per roder il legno. Etym: see raspêr.
raspêr   vb 1. rasp, claw, scratch; raspare. Etym: ML "raspare" fr
Lombardic "raspon" fr OHG "hrespan" (all same sense).
rastël   sm. rake; rastrello. Etym: L "rastellum," dim of "rastrum" (rake).
raṣùl   sm. razor; rasoio. Etym: LL "rasorium" (razor) fr L "rasus"
raṣunêr   vb 1. reason; ragionare. Etym: see raṣôn.
rat   sm. rat; ratto. Etym: L "rattus" (rat).
raviöl   sm. ravioli; raviolo. Etym: cf Venetian "rava" (turnip) for the
raẓ  sm. ray, radius; raggio. Etym: L "radius" (ray, spoke).
ràza (1)   sf. race, breed; razza. Etym: unclear.
ràẓa (1)   sf. spoke; raggio di una ruota. Etym: fr raẓ.
ràẓa (2)   sf. ray (fish); razza (pesca). Etym: L "raia" (ray, a flat-bodied
fish). Note: ràẓa curnùda : Manta ray
re   sm. king; re. Etym: L "rex" (king).
rèc   adj. rich; ricco. Etym: LL "riccus" (rich) rel to Eng "rich" and
German "reich" (rich).
réda   sf. net; rete. Etym: L "rete" (net).
regìm  sm. regime; regime. Etym: L "regimen" (mode of rule,

regìna   sf. queen; regina. Etym: L "regina" (queen), fem of "rex" (king).
regiôn   sf. region; regione. Etym: L "regio" (district), see regnêr.
regipët  sm. brassiere, bra; reggiseno, reggipetto. Etym: prob fr It
"reggipetto" fr "reggere" (to support) + "petto" (chest).
regiunêl  adj. regional; regionale. Etym: see regiôn.
règn  sm. kingdom; regno. Etym: see regnêr.
regnêr   vb 1. reign, govern; regnare, governare. Etym: L "regere" (to
rule), cf re.
rém   sm. oar; remo. Etym: L "remus" (oar).
rèma   sf. rhyme; rima. Etym: OF "rime" (rhyme).
rènga  sf. herring; aringa. Etym: L "harengus" from WGmc *haring.
repóblica  sf. republic; repubblica. Etym: L "res publica" (matters of
the people).
respunsàbil  adj. responsible; responsabile. Etym: Fr "responsable"
respunsabilitê   sf. responsibility; responsabilità. Etym: fr respunsàbil.
rët   adj. straight, right (of angle); retto. Etym: L "rectus" (straight,
retângul   sm. rectangle; rettangolo. Etym: L "rectanculus" (rectangle),
see rët, ângul.
rèva  sf. turnip; rapa. Etym: L “rapum” (turnip).
rèz  adj, sm. curly, curl; riccio. Etym: prob rel to L "ericius" (hedgehog).
Note: cavèl rèz : curly hair

rezitêr   vb 1. recite; recitare. Etym: L "recitare" (to read aloud).

rìbes   sm. currant; ribes. Etym: LL “ribes” (currant) fr Persian ‫ريواس‬
rìdar   vb 2. laugh; ridere. Etym: L "ridere" (to laugh), cf ridicule, deride.
rifùgg   sm. shelter, lodge; rifugio. Etym: L "refugium" (refuge, a place
to flee to).

righêl  sm. gift, present; regalo, dono. Etym: Fr "régal" (treat).
rigulêr   adj. regular; regolare. Etym: L "regularis" (regular, containing
rimidiêr   vb 1. repair; rimediare. Etym: LL "remediare" fr L "re" +
"mederi" (to heal).
rimpìr   vb 3. fill; riempire. Etym: L "implere" (to fill), cf pìn.
ringhìra  sf. railing; corrimano, ringhiera. Etym: ML "arengum"
(circular field); a ringhiéra rings (goes round) a balcony.
ringraziêr   vb 1. thank; ringraziare. Etym: cf L phrase "gratias ago" (I
give thanks).
rinocerônt   sm. rhinoceros; rinoceronte. Etym: Gk ρινο-κερως (nose-
ripétar   vb 2. repeat; ripetere. Etym: L "repetere" (to repeat, recall, seek
riṣ (1)  sm. rice; riso. Etym: LL "oryza" (rice) fr Grk fr Persian.
riṣ (2)  sm. laughter; riso. Etym: see rìdar.
riṣghêr   vb 1. risk (take a risk), attempt; arrischiare. Etym: L "a" + ML
"riscus" (risk, hazard).
risolvar  vb 2. resolve; risolvere. Etym: L "resolvere" (to loosen).
riṣòt  sm. risotto; risotto. Etym: dim of ris.
rispët  sm. respect; rispetto. Etym: see rispitêr.
rispetàbil  adj. respectable; rispettabile. Etym: see rispitêr.
rispitêr   vb 1. respect; rispettare. Etym: L "rispicere" (to look back to,
risturânt   sm. restaurant; ristorante. Etym: L "restaurans" (restoring).
risultêr   vb 1. result; risultare. Etym: ML "resultare" (to spring back).
riṣuluziôn  sf. resolution; risoluzione. Etym: fr risolvar.
ritêrd   sm. delay; ritardo. Etym: see têrd.

riuniôn   sf. meeting; riunione. Etym: cf reunion.
riuscìr   vb 3. succeed; riuscire. Etym: intesifier "ri" + L "exire" (to go
forth), cf Fr réussir.
rizévar   vb 2. receive; ricivere. Etym: "ri-" (back) + capêr.
rizivùda   sf. receipt; ricevuta. Etym: fr rizévar.
ròba  sf. loot, belongings; roba. Etym: OF "robe" (stolen goods).
rócla   sf. arugula; rucola. Etym: dim of L "eruca" (rocket or eruca
röda  sf. wheel; ruota. Etym: L "rota" (wheel), cf rotation.
röda dintêda   sf. gear; ruoto dentata.
rododèndar   sm. rhododendron; rododendro. Etym: Gk ρodov (rose) +
δενδρον (tree).
rômpar  vb 2. break; rompere. Etym: L "rumpere" (to break or destroy),
cf rupture.
rós   adj. red; rosso. Etym: L "russus" (red), cf russet; rel to "ruber" (see
röṣa   sf. rose; rosa. Etym: L "rosa" fr Grk ροδον (rose).
Rosia  sf. Russia; Russia.
ròsp  sm. toad; rospo.
rót   adj. broken; rotto. Etym: L "ruptus" (broken), cf rupture.
rôvra   sf. oak (durmast); rovere. Etym: L "robur" (hard oak) fr L "ruber"
(red - like its bark).
rubén (1)   sm. ruby; rubino. Etym: L “rubeus” (reddish).
rubèn (2)   sf. locust tree; robinia. Etym: for Fr botanist Jean Robin.
rubêr   vb 1. rob, steal; rubare. Etym: VL "raubare" fr Frankish "raubon"
(to rob).
rubinèt   sm. faucet; rubinetto. Etym: F "robinet" (faucet, literally "little
sheep head" for a common faucet design).

rudlêr   vb 1. roll, spin; rotolare. Etym: L "re" + VL "roclus" fr L
"rotulus" (little wheel) + vb ending.
ruga  sf. caterpillar; bruco.
ruga  sf. wrinkle; ruga. Etym: L "ruga" (wrinkle).
rugânt   adj. arrogant; arrogante. Etym: L "arrogans" (claiming for
rumagnöl   adj. romagnolo; romagnolo. Etym: fr place name Rumâgna.
rumânẓ   sm. novel; romanzo. Etym: OFr "romanz" (novel) fr LL phrase
"romanice loqui" (to speak like a Roman).
ruscaröl   sm. street cleaner; netturbino. Etym: maybe fr L "ruscus" (a
sort of large broom).
ruṣghêr  vb 1. gnaw, nibble; rosicchiare, rosicare, rodere. Etym: LL
"rosicare" (gnaw) fr L "rodere" (gnaw), cf rodent.
rusiân   adj. Russian; russiano.
ruvd  adj. rough (not smooth); ruvido, scabro. Etym: fr L "ruga"

S - s

sàbat   sm. Saturday; sabato. Etym: L "sabbatum" (Saturday, the

sabiôn   sm. sand; sabbia. Etym: L "sabula" (sand), der fr "sabulo"
(gravel, coarse sand).
sac   sm. sack, bag; sacco. Etym: L “saccus” (bag) fr Gk.
sacòcia   sf. pocket; tasca, saccoccia. Etym: fr L "saccus" (bag) fr Grk
"σάκκος" (bag).
sagg   adj. wise, sage; saggio, savio. Etym: L "sapere" (to taste, to
sajèta   sf. thunderbold; saetta. Etym: L "sagitta" (arrow).

salâm   sm. salami; salame. Etym: see zuzèza.
salamândra   sf. salamander; salamandra. Etym: L "salamandra"
salìr  vb 3. go up, climb (as stairs); salire, andare su. Etym: L "salire" (to
salmôn   sm. salmon; salmone. Etym: L "salmo" (salmon).
salôn  sm. salon, living room; salone. Etym: fr sêla.
salòt  sm. reception room, drawing room; salotto. Etym: fr sêla.
saltêr   vb 1. jump; saltare. Etym: L "saltare" (dance, jump).
salût (1)   sf. health; salute. Etym: L "salus" (health, well-being).
salût (2)   sm. salute, greeting; saluto. Etym: see salutêr.
salutêr   vb 1. greet; salutare. Etym: L "salutare" meant to wish someone
good health, cf salût (1).
salutêr   vb 1. greet; salutare. Etym: L "salutare" (to greet).
sambùc   sm. elderberry; sambuco. Etym: wood fr the elder tree was
used to make sambucas, an ancient stringed instrument.
sangunàz   sm. chillblain; gelone. Etym: see sângv.
sângv  sm. blood; sangue. Etym: L "sanguis" (blood), cf sanguine.
sânt   adj, sm. holy, saint (male); santo. Etym: L "sanctus" (holy).
sânta (1)   sf. saint (female); santa. Etym: fr sânt.
sânta (2)   number. sixty; sessanta. Etym: L "sexaginta" (sixty).
sàpa   sf. hoe; zappa, marra. Etym: L "sappa" (a pickaxe for breaking
rocky soil).
sapêr   vb 1. hoe; zappare, sarchiare. Etym: see sàpa.
sàral  sm. celery; sedano. Etym: Lombard "selleri" fr L "selinum" fr Grk
"σέλῑνον" (celery).
sardëla   sf. sardine; sardella. Etym: rel to Grk "Σαρδώ" (Sardinia).

sardôn   sm. anchovy; acciuga, alice. Etym: dim of L "sarda" (sardine or
mackerel), rel to island of Sardinia, cf "sardine".
sarpént  sm. snake, serpent; serpente. Etym: L "serpens" (snake) fr
"serpo" (I creep, I crawl).
sarvìr   vb 3. serve; servire. Etym: L "servire" (to serve, to be a serf or
sas   sm. stone, rock; pietra, sasso. Etym: L "saxum" (large rock).
savér (1)   vb irr. know (through study); sapere. Etym: L "sapere" (to
taste, to know about), cf Fr "savoir", Eng "savor".
savér (2)   sm. knowledge; sapere. Etym: fr savér (1).
savôn  sm. soap; sapone. Etym: LL "sapo" (soap), cf Fr savon.
savôr   sm. taste, flavor; sapore. Etym: L "sapor" (flavor).
savù   past part. known; saputo. Etym: fr savér.
ṣbagliê  adj, past part. mistaken, wrong (answer); sbagliato, in errore.
Etym: see ṣbalì.

ṣbagliêr   vb 1. make a mistake; sbagliare. Note: ṣbagliês : to be mistaken

ṣbalì   sm. mistake; sbaglio.
ṣbóc   sm. mouth, outlet (for water); sbocco. Etym: L "ex" (out) + bòca:
out of the mouth.
ṣbudlêr  vb 1. disembowel; sbudellare. Etym: L "ex" (out) + budèla: out
of the intestines.
ṣbuzêr   vb 1. peel; sbucciare. Etym: German "Borke" (bark) : to remove
scacmàt   sm. checkmate; scaccomatto. Etym: Persian ‫"( شاه مات‬the king
is amazed," mistranslated fr Arabic as "dead").
scadôr   sm. itch; prurito, pizzicore. Etym: L "ex" (away) + "cadere" (to
fall): to fall away, decay, cf It "scadimento" (decay).
scàfa   sf. sink (kitchen); acquaio. Etym: L "scapha" (ship or skiff) for
the shape.

scafêl   sm. shelf; scaffale. Etym: Lombard "skafa" (shelf).
scaldêr   vb 1. heat; scaldare. Etym: L "excaldare" (to heat up), cf chèld
(the "ex" is intensive).
scalén   sm. step, rung; scalino, gradino. Etym: dim of schêla.
scalèt   sm. step-ladder; scala a libretto, scaletto. Etym: see schèla.
scalógna   sf. shallot; scalogno. Etym: onion from Ashkelon.
scâmp (1)   sm. escape; scampo, via d'uscita. Etym: L "excampare"
(escape, decamp).
scâmp (2)   sm. shrimp; scampo. Etym: Venetian "scampo" (shrimp),
maybe fr Gk καμπος (a sea monster).
scanzlêr   vb 1. cancel, cross out, erase; cancellare, depennare. Etym: L
"cancellare" (to cross out), fr "cancella" (latticework).
scapêr   vb 1. leave, flee, escape; uscire, scappare. Etym: L "ex" (out) +
"cappa" (cloak), cf Fr "échapper" (to escape), see capòt.
scaraèj  sm. beetle; scarabeo. Etym: L “scarabeus” (beetle).
scarafàgg  sm. roach, cockroach; scarafaggio. Etym: variant of L
“scarabeus,” see scarabèj.
scarâna   sf. seat, chair; seggiola, sedia. Etym: Lombardic "skranna"
(bench), cf It "scranna" (high-backed chair).
scaranén   sm. chair (small, for child); seggiolino. Etym: see scaràna.
scàrg   adj. unloaded, empty (bus, tanker); scarico, libero del carico.
Etym: see scarghêr.

scàrga   sf. discharge (weapon, electrical); scarica. Etym: see scarghêr.

scarghadùr  sm. sewer; scaricatoio. Etym: fr scarghêr.
scarghêr   vb 1. unload, empty, drain; scaricare, svuotare. Etym: L "ex"
(un-) + carghè.
scàric  sm. drain; scarico. Etym: fr scharghêr. Note: tub ad scàric : drain

scarpël   sm. scalpel; scalpello. Etym: L "scalpellum" (scalpel) fr

"scalprum" (scraper).

scasêr  vb 1. plow, plough, break up (the soil); arare, scassare (la
terra). Etym: L "squassare" (to shake or agitate), cf Fr "casser" (to
break), Eng squash.
scàtla   sf. box; scatola. Etym: mispronunciation of L "castula" (basket).
scèmia   sf. monkey; scimmia. Etym: L "simia" (monkey) fr "simus"
s-cêr   vb 1. thin (to make thin), hew (as an axe); affilare. Etym: cf It
"asciare" (to hew) fr L "ascia" (axe).
schëc   smpl. chess; scacchi. Etym: Persian ‫( شاه‬king).
schêla   sf. ladder, staircase; scala. Etym: L "scala" (ladder, staircase).
schéna  sf. back; schiena. Etym: fr Lombardic.
schêr   vb 1. dry; seccare. Etym: L "siccare" (to dry).
schérom  sm. screen (television/computer); schermo. Etym: Lombardic
"skirmen" (shield).
schêrpa   sf. shoe; scarpa. Etym: Gothic "skarpo" (sharp or pointed
sci   sm. ski; sci. Etym: Norwegian "ski".
s-ciadùr (1)   sm. rolling pin; matterello. Etym: rel to verb s-cêr.
s-ciadùr (2)   sm. dragonfly; libellula. Etym: fr s-cêr, maybe because of
elongated shape.
s-ciào  interjection. bye, ciao; ciao. Etym: Venetian "s-ciao vostro" (I am
your servant), fr L "sclavus" (slave), cf slave, Slav.
s-ciarêr  vb 1. rinse; sciacquare. Etym: L "ex" (from) + "aqua" (water).
s-ciavêr   vb 1. unlock; aprire con la chiave, schiavare. Etym: L "ex"
(un-) + cèv.
sciêda   sf. skiing; sci (sporto). Etym: fr sciêr.
sciélpa   sf. scarf; sciarpa. Etym: Fr "écharpe" (scarf) fr Frankish
"skirpa" (bandoleer).
sciêr   vb 1. ski; sciare. Etym: fr sci.

scimpanzè   sm. chimpanzee; scimpanzé. Etym: Bantu origin.
s-ciôma   sf. foam, froth; schiuma, spuma. Etym: LL "schuma" fr OHG
"scum" (froth).
s-ciumaröla  sf. skimmer; schiumaiòla. Etym: instrument used to s-
s-ciumêr  vb 1. skim; schiumare. Etym: to gather schiòma.
s-ciupadùra   sf. explosion; scoppio. Etym: see s-ciupêr.
s-ciupêr  vb 1. explode; scoppiare. Etym: L "scloppus" (sound of a
scófia  sf. bonnet; cuffia. Etym: LL "cofia" (bonnet).
scöla   sf. school; scuola. Etym: L "schola" (school) fr Grk "σχολή"
(leisure, hence philosophy).
scórar   vb 2. speak, discourse; parlare, discorrere. Etym: L “discurrere”
(to run about) fr “dis-” (apart) + “currere” (to run).
scrèt   past part. written; scritto. Etym: fr scrìvar.
scrìvar   vb 2. write; scrivere. Etym: L "scribere" (to write).
scudëla  sf. bowl; scodella. Etym: VL "scutella" (shallow bowl) fr
"scutra" (tray, platter).
scujàtul   sm. squirrel; scoiattolo. Etym: dim of L "sciuru" (squirrel).
sculpìr   vb 3. sculpt; scolpire. Etym: L "sculpere" (to carve, chisel).
scultôr  sm. sculptor; scultore. Etym: see sculpìr.
scultôra  sf. sculpture; scultura. Etym: see sculpìr.
scupitòn  nm. mop; spazzalone. Etym: var of L "scopa" (broom).
scur   adj. dark, obscure, somber, gloomy; scuro. Etym: L "obscurus"
(dark, obscure, unknown).
scurèẓa  sf. fart; peto, scoreggia.
scurghêr   vb 1. skin, flay; scorticare, spellare. Etym: prob conflation of
OF "escorgier" (to whip) and It "scorticare" (to skin), cf Eng scourge
and decorticate.

scurpiôn   sm. scorpion; scorpione. Etym: L “scorpio” (scorpion).
scurtadùr  sm. shortcut; scorciatoia. Etym: see scurtè.
scurtêr   vb 1. shorten; accorciare, scorciare. Etym: VL "excurtiare" (to
shorten) fr L "curtus" (short), cf curt.
scurẓêr   vb 1. fart; scoreggiare.
scuṣa   sf. pardon, forgiveness; scusa. Etym: L "ex-" (away from) +
"causa" (cause, thing).
ṣdér   vb 2. sit; sedere. Etym: L "sedere" (to sit).
ṣdòt   number. eighteen; diciotto. Etym: dìṣ + òt.
ṣdràj   sm. deck chair, lounge chair; sdraio, sedia a sdraio. Etym: fr It
"sdraiare" (to lay down).
se   conj. if; se. Etym: L "si" (if), cf Fr "si", Sp "si", It "se".
sè   interjection. yes; sì. Etym: L "sicut" (thus).
sèc   adj. dry; secco. Etym: see schêr.
sècc   sm. bucket, pail; secchio. Etym: VL "siclus" fr L "situlus" (bucket
or pail).
secrét   adj, sm. secret; segreto. Etym: L "secretus" (separate, hidden).
sécul   sm. century; secolo. Etym: L "saeculum" (age, time, century).
séd  sf. thirst; sete. Etym: L "sitis" (thirst).
séda   sf. silk; seta. Etym: L "saeta" (bristle, coat of rough hair).
séga   sf. saw (for wood or metal); sega. Etym: see ṣghêr.
sègg   number. sixteen; sedici. Etym: L "sedecim" (seventeen).
sègn   sm. sign, mark; segno. Etym: L "signum" (sign, mark).
sêl   sm. salt; sale. Etym: L "sal" (salt).
sêla   sf. room; sala, stanza. Etym: Frankish *sal (entrance hall).
sëls   sm. willow; salice. Etym: L "salix" (willow). Note: sëls pianẓént :
weeping willow

semàfor  sm. traffic light; semaforo. Etym: Fr "sémaphore" (signaling
system) fr Gk roots meaning "sign carrier".
sèmpar   adv. always, forever, still (as yet); sempre. Etym: L "semper"
(always, forever).
sémpliz   adj. simple; semplice. Etym: L "simplex" (pure, unmixed).
sén (1)   sm. breast; seno. Etym: L "sinus" (curve, hollow, bosom).
sén (2)   sm. sine; seno (trigonometria). Etym: L "sinus" (curve, bend,
bosom), cf sén (1).
sènapa  sf. mustard; senape. Etym: L "sinapi" (mustard) fr Gk σιναπις
(mustard plant).
séns   sm. sense; senso. Etym: L "sensus" (feeling) fr "sentire" (to feel).
sénza   adv. without; senza. Etym: L "sine" (without), cf Fr "sans", Sp
"sin" and It "senza".
separê   adj, past part. separate; separato. Etym: fr separêr.
separêr  vb 1. separate; separare. Etym: L "separare" (to divide,
sëra  sf. greenhouse; serra. Etym: from srêr.
séra  sf. evening; sera. Etym: L "sero" (late), prob fr expression "sera
dies" (late in the day).
séri   adj. serious; serio. Etym: L “serius” (earnest, serious).
séria  sf. series; serie. Etym: L “series” (succession, series, chain), cf
sëst   ordinal. sixth; sesto. Etym: L "sextus" (sixth).
sët  number. seven; sette. Etym: L "septem" (seven).
setèmbar  sm. September; settembre. Etym: L "september" < "septem"
(seven) + "-ber" (adjective suffix).
sëtim  ordinal. seventh; settimo. Etym: L "septimus" (seventh).
sëtzènt  number. seven hundred; settecento.
sevér  adj. strict; severo. Etym: L "severus" (strict, severe).

sfója   sf. sole (fish); sogliola. Etym: L "folium" (leaf) because of its
sfundêr   vb 1. break down, knock down, break through (as actor or
singer); sfondare, togliere il fondo, rompere il fondo. Etym: L "ex" (as
intensifier) + "fundus" (bottom), see fónd.
sfundrôn   sm. blunder, screw-up; sproposito, svarione, errore
madornale. Etym: see sfundêr.
ṣgadèza   nm. sawdust; segatura. Etym: see ṣghêr; this is it's residue.
ṣghêr  vb 1. saw (wood, eg); segare. Etym: L "secare" (to cut), cf F
"scier" (to saw).
ṣgónd   ordinal. second; secondo. Etym: L "secundus" (second) fr
"sequor" (to follow).
ṣgóst   sm. disgust, revulsion; disgusto, repulsione. Etym: opposite of
ṣgrêzia  sf. disgrace, misfortune; disgrazia, sfortuna. Etym: s (dis-) +
ṣguilêr   vb 1. slip, slide, flicker; guizzare, slittare. Etym: L "exsibilare"
(to hiss).
ṣgunfiê   adj. deflated; sgonfio. Etym: see sgunfiêr.
ṣgunfiêr   vb 1. uninflate, deflate; sgonfiare. Etym: "s-" for L "dis" (not)
+ gunfiêr.
ṣgustôṣ   adj. disgusting, repulsive; disgustoso, repulsivo. Etym: fr
shampo   sm. shampoo; shampoo. Etym: E shampoo.
si   pron. oneself; si.
si   number. six; sei. Etym: L "sex" (six).
sicùr   adj. secure, safe; sicuro. Etym: L "securus" (careless,
unconcerned, fearless, lit without a care).
sìdar   sm. cider; sidro. Etym: L "sicera" (cider or similar alcoholic

Signôr  sm. God; Signore. Etym: L "senior" (elder), comp of "senex"
simbén   conjunction. though, although; benché, sebbene. Etym: se + bén.
Note: always followed by che

sinèstar   adj. left, sinister; sinistro. Etym: L "sinister" (left, perverse,

adverse). Note: see mân stânca
sinò   adv, conj. else, otherwise; altrimenti, oppure. Etym: se+nò.
sinònim   sm. synonym; sinonimo. Etym: L “synonymum” (synonym) fr
Gk συνωνυμος (synonym, same name).
sintimént  sm. feeling; sentimento. Etym: fr sintìr.
sintìr (1)   vb 3. hear, smell, feel, taste; sentire, sentire l'odore, udire,
assagiare. Etym: L "sentire" (to sense, to perceive, to smell).
sintìr (2)   sm. path; sentiero. Etym: L "semita" (narrow path) via OF
"sentier" (path).
sistéma   sm. system; sistema. Etym: L “systema” (system) fr Grk
sizènt   number. six hundred; seicento.
slunghêr   vb 1. lengthen; allungare. Etym: L "ex" (intensive) +
"longare" (to make long).
smazê (ad chèrt)  sf. hand (in cards); smazzata di carte.
sménta   sf. seed; seme. Etym: L "semen" (seed).
ṣminghêr   vb 1. forget; dimenticare. Etym: cf dementia.
ṣmulê  adj, past part. loose (unsecured), untied; sciolto, slegato. Etym:
past part of ṣmulêr.
ṣmulêr   vb 1. loosen, untie; sciogliere, slegare. Etym: originally to
soften, see mòl (1).
smuntêr   vb 1. go down, climb down; andare giù. Etym: opposite of
muntêr. Note: andêr ẓó more common
ṣmuntêr   vb 1. dismount, get off/out of a vehicle, dismantle; smontare.
Etym: L "dis" (dis-) + muntè.

ṣnöv   number. nineteen; diciannove. Etym: dìṣ + növ.
só  adv. up, upwards; su. Etym: L "sursum" (upwards). Note: ins before
definite article

sóbit   adv. suddenly, instantly; subito. Etym: L "subito" (suddenly).

sógn   sm. dream; sogno. Etym: L “somium” (dream), rel to són.
sôl (1)   adj, adv. alone, only; solo. Etym: L "solus" (alone, only).
sôl (2)   sm. sun; sole. Etym: L "sol" (sun).
sòlid   adj. solid; solido. Etym: L "solidus" (solid).
sòlit   adj. usual, habitual; solito. Etym: L "solitus" (accustomed,
habitual) fr "soleo" (I am accustomed).
sóma   sf. sum, addition; addizione. Etym: L "summa" (sum, summit).
sôn   sm. sound; suono. Etym: L "sonus" (sound).
són   sm. sleep; sonno. Etym: L "somnus" (sleep).
söra   sf. nun; suora, monaca. Etym: L "soror" (sister).
sôra   prep. over, above, on; su.
sôratót   adv. above all; soprattutto. Etym: sôra+tót.
sôrazèja   sf. eyebrow; sopracciglio. Etym: sôra + zèja.
sôrd  adj. deaf; sordo. Etym: L "surdus" (deaf).
sórg  sm. mouse; topo. Etym: L "sorex" (shrewmouse), cf Fr "souris"
sóta   prep. under, beneath; sotto. Etym: L "subtus" fr "sub" (under,
sót’aṣé  adj. pickled; sottaceto. Etym: sóta + aṣé (under vinegar).
spacadùra   sf. crack, split; spaccatura, fenditura. Etym: Lombardic
*spahhan (to split).
spachêr   vb 1. split, crack; spaccare, fendere. Etym: Lombardic
*spahhan (to split).

spaghèt   sm. spaghetti noodle; spaghetto. Etym: dim of L "spacus"
Spagna  sf. Spain; Spagna.
spagnöl   adj. Spanish; spagnolo. Etym: VL “hispaniolus” (Spaniard,
person from Hispania).
spàla   sf. shoulder; spalla. Etym: LL "spatula" fr L "spatha" (spatula).
spavént   sm. fear; paura. Etym: see spavintêr.
spavintêr  vb 1. frighten; spavantare. Etym: fr L "expavere" (to be
afraid of) fr "pavere" (to fear).
spavintôṣ   adj. frightening, extraordinary; spaventoso, straordinario.
Etym: see spavintêr.

spazadùra   sf. rubbish; spazzatura. Etym: fr spazêr.

spazaréna  sf. brush, hairbrush; spazzola. Etym: fr spazêr. Note: to use a
hairbrush is pnêr, to comb

spazêr  vb 1. sweep; spazzare, scopare. Etym: LL "spatiare" (go over a

space), cf spas-gè.
spaziêr  vb 1. walk, go for a walk, promenade; passeggiare, spaziare.
Etym: LL "spatiare" (to go for a walk) - to cross a L "spatium" (space).

spëcc   sm. mirror; specchio. Etym: L "speculum" (hand mirror) fr

"specere" (to look at).
specèfic   adj. specific; specifico. Etym: spécia + fêr.
spécia   sf. species; specie. Etym: L "species" (appearance, quality).
specialèst   sm. specialist; specialista. Etym: fr speciêl.
specialitê   sf. specialty; specialità. Etym: fr speciêl.
speciêl   adj. special; speciale. Etym: fr spécia.
spéd  sm. spit (for roasting); spiedo. Etym: OF "espiet" (spear) fr Old
Norse "spjót" (spear).
spêda  sf. spade (cards); spada (carte), picche (carte). Etym: L "spatha"
(spatula). Note: e' re d'spêd : king of spades

spén   sm. thorn; spino. Etym: L "spinus" (bush with thorns) fr "spina"
sperânza   sf. hope; speranza. Etym: fr sperêr.
speranzôṣ   adj. hopeful; speranzoso. Etym: fr sperêr.
sperêr   vb 1. hope; sperare. Etym: L “sperare” (to hope, expect).
spêrẓ   sm. asparagus; asparago. Etym: L "sparagus" (asparagus) fr Gk
spès (1)   adj. thick, dense; spesso, denso. Etym: L "spissus" (thick,
dense, slow).
spès (2)   adv. often; spesso. Etym: see spès (1).
spétar   sm. specter, ghost; spettro, fantasma. Etym: L "spectrum"
(specter, a thing seen).
spiàgia  sf. beach; spiaggia. Etym: L "ex" (intensifier) + LL "plagia"
spiaṣér   vb irr. dislike, displease, sorry (be), regret; dispiacere. Note: u
m spiéṣ = mi dispiace = I'm sorry Etym: see piaṣér.

spiegaziôn  sf. explanation; spiegazione. Etym: fr spieghêr.

spieghêr  vb 1. explain; spiegare. Etym: L "explicare" (to unfold,
extend, set forth, explain).
spinàz   sm. spinach; spinacio. Etym: Persian ‫( اسپناخ‬spinach) via Arabic.
Note: food usually in plural, spinëz

spinôṣ   adj. spiny, thorny; spinoso. Etym: L "spina" (spine, thorn).

splìr   vb 3. bury, inter; seppellire. Etym: L "sepelire" (to bury), cf
spója   sf. filo dough; sfoglia. Etym: see fója.
spónga   sf. sponge; spugna. Etym: L "spongia" fr Gk σπογγος (sponge).
spörc  adj. dirty, filthy; sporco, sudicio. Etym: L "spurcus" (dirty, foul,
spörtla  sf. bag (for shopping), sack (large); sporta. Etym: L "sporta"

spôṣ  sm. spouse (male), husband, bridegroom; sposo. Etym: L
"sponsus" (bridegroom) fr "spondere" (to pledge).
spôṣa  sf. spouse (female), wife, bride; sposa. Etym: see spôṣ.
spurtël  sm. door (small), window (at counter); sportello. Etym: ML
"sportellum" fr L "ex" (intensifier) + dim of pòrta.
spustêr  vb 1. move, remove; spostare, cambiare di posto. Etym: s-
(dis-) + pòst.
squàl  sm. shark; squalo. Etym: L "squalus" (large fish), cognate with
squêdra  sf. team; squadra. Etym: uncertain, L "ex quadra" (from the
squért   adj. uncovered, bare; scoperto. Etym: opposite of quért (adj).
squérta  sf. discovery; scoperta. Etym: no longer quért (adj).
srê   adj. locked, closed; serrato, chiuso. Etym: past part of srêr.
srêr  vb 1. lock, close; serrare, chiudere. Etym: L "sera" (cross-bar).
Note: preferred to ciùdar

stàla   sf. stall, stable; stalla. Etym: Proto-Germanic "*stallaz" (stable).

stamaténa   adv. morning - this morning; stamattina. Etym: f of ste +
stâmpa   sf. publishing; stampa. Etym: fr stampêr.
stampânta   sf. printer (computer); stampante. Etym: fr stampêr.
stampêr  vb 1. print, publish; stampare, imprimire. Etym: Frankish root
meaning to beat down, trample.
stanëla  sf. miniskirt; gonnella, sottanella. Etym: dim of sutâna.
stânga   sf. stake, pole; stanga. Etym: Lombardic "stanga" (stake, pole).
stânta   number. seventy; settanta. Etym: L "septuaginta" (seventy).
staséra   adv. tonight, evening - this evening; stasera. Etym: f of ste +
staṣôn   sf. season; stagione. Etym: L "statio" (station, watch).

staziôn  sf. station; stazione. Etym: L "statio" (outpost).
stê  past part. been; stato. Etym: past part of ësar and stêr.
ste  adj. this; questo. Etym: L "iste" (that).
stëla   sf. star; stella. Etym: L "stella" (star), cf stellar.
stèndar  vb 2. stretch, extend; stendere. Etym: L "extendere" (to stretch
stêr   vb irr. stay, stand; stare. Etym: L "stare" (to stand, to remain, to be
stêr atént a   phrase. pay attention to; stare attento a.
stêr d'ascôlt   phrase. listen; ascoltare.
stêr d'astêr  phrase. wait; aspettare.
stêrna   sf. partridge; starna. Etym: pre-Roman local word.
stès   adj. same; stesso. Etym: VL "st-ipsu": "istum" (that) + "ipsum"
stêt   sm. state; stato. Etym: fr stêr.
stêtua   sf. statue; statua. Etym: L "statua" (statue).
sti  sm. dress (for women), clothing; vestito, abito. Etym: originally vsti,
from vstìr.
stiêri   sm. wardrobe (collection of clothes), clothes; vesitario,
abbigliamento. Etym: fr sti.
stil  adj. thin, fine; sottile. Etym: L "subtilis" (thin).
stimént   sm. dress (style of dressing), garment; vestimento, abito,
indumento. Etym: from sti.
stivêl   sm. boot; stivale. Etym: OFr "estival" (boot), origin unclear.
stmâna   sf. week; settimana. Etym: LL "septimana" (week), rel to
stòfa   sf. material (cloth); stoffa, tessuto. Etym: OF "estoffe" (fabric,
material) fr Frankish.

stòmig   sm. stomach; stomaco. Etym: L "stomachus" (gullet).
störia  sf. story, history; storia. Etym: L "historia" (story, history) fr Gk
ιστορια (story) fr ιστορ (one who knows or sees), rel to wise, vision.
strac   adj. tired; stracco, stanco. Etym: Lombardic *strak (stiff).
stracc   adj. shredded, torn; straccio. Etym: L "extractus" (extracted,
eradicated) fr "extrahere" (to drag out).
strachén  sm. stracchino (type of cheese); stracchino. Etym: fr
stradêl   adj. road (adj); stradale. Etym: fr strê.
stradël   sm. road (small); stradello. Etym: dim of strê.
straniér   adj, sm. foreign, foreigner; straniero. Etym: L "extraneus"
(from the outside, foreign).
strê   sf. street, road; strada. Etym: L "strata" (paved road).
strèt  adj. narrow, tight (fit); stretto. Etym: L "strictus" (constrained).
striga  sf. witch, sorcerer; strega. Etym: see strigôn.
strigarì   sf. witchcraft, sorcery; stregoneria. Etym: see strigôn.
strigôn   sm. warlock, sorcerer; stregone. Etym: L "strix" (owl) fr Gk
στριξ (owl, screecher).
stròz   sm. ostrich; struzzo. Etym: L "struthio" (ostrich).
strumént   sm. tool, instrument; strumento, arnese. Etym: L
“instrumentum” (tool).
studént  sm. student; studente. Etym: L "studens" (one who studies).
stugêr   vb 1. study; studiare. Etym: L "studere" (to study, strive after).
sturb   sm. disturbance, annoyance; disturbo. Etym: fr sturbêr.
sturbêr  vb 1. disturb; disturbare. Etym: L "disturbare" (to disturb,
su  adj. his, her, its, their; suo, loro. Note: su in all forms
sucialèsta   sm. socialist; socialista. Etym: fr suciêl.

sucialìṣom  sm. socialism; socialismo. Etym: fr suciêl.
suciêl   adj. social; sociale. Etym: L "socialis" (belonging to a partner) fr
"socius" (partner).
sucitê  sf. society, company, association; società, associzione. Etym: L
"societas" (association, fellowship).
sud   sm. south; sud. Etym: Old English "sūþ" (south) via Old French
"sud" (south).
sufèt   sm. ceiling; soffitto. Etym: LL "suffictus" (fixed to).
sufiêr  vb 1. blow; soffiare. Etym: L "sufflare" (to blow), cf gunfiêr.
sufita   nf. attic, loft; soffitta. Etym: see sufit.
sug   sm. juice; succo. Etym: L “sucus” (juice, sap). Note: sug d’arânza
(orange juice)

sugadôra   sf. dryer; asciugatrice. Etym: see sughêr.

sugamân   sm. towel; asciugamano. Etym: sughêr+mân.
sughêr   vb 1. dry; asciugare. Etym: L “exsucare” (remove the juice).
sulstêzi   sm. solstice; solstizio. Etym: L "solstitium" (sun-standing).
sumàr   sm. donkey, jackass; somaro. Etym: rel to L "sagma" (pack) for
a beast of burden.
sumàra   sf. donkey (female), jackass (female); asina.
sunêr  vb 1. sound, play (an instrument); suonare. Etym: see sôn.
sunlén   sm. nap, cat nap; sonnellino. Etym: dim of són.
surëla   sf. sister; sorella. Etym: dim of L "soror" (sister).
surgént   sm. spring, source; fonte, sorgente. Etym: L "surgere" (to rise
surìṣ   sm. smile; sorriso. Etym: L "subridere" (smile) = sub (under) +
ridere (laugh).
surlàstra   sf. stepsister; sorellastra. Etym: dim of L "sorella" (sister).
suṣén  nm. plum tree; susino. Etym: see suséna.

suṣéna  sf. plum; susina. Etym: VL "susina" (plum), imported fr
Persian city of Susa. Note: also prógna
sustnêr  vb 1. sustain, support; sostenere. Etym: L "sustinere" (to hold
sutâna   sf. skirt, petticoat; gonna, sottana. Etym: L "subtus"
sùvar   sm. cork; tappo, sughero. Etym: L "suber" (cork).
suzédar   vb 2. happen, occur, succeed (come after); succedere,
accadere. Etym: L "succedere" (to climb, to advance, to ascend).
ṣvègg  adj. awake; sveglio. Etym: see ṣviger.
ṣvéglia   sf. alarm clock, waking; sveglia. Etym: fr the It.
ṣvêlt   adj. quick; svelto. Etym: L "svelto" (plucked out).
ṣvelta (a la)  phrase. hurry (in a), quickly; svelta (alla)ṣ.
ṣvélti   interj. hurry; sveltiṣ.
ṣvigêr   vb 1. awaken, wake; svegliare. Etym: L "evigilare" (to awaken).
ṣvilóp  sm. development; sviuluppo. Etym: cf Piedmontese "svilup"
ṣvilupêr   vb 1. develop; sviluppare. Etym: fr ṣvilóp.
ṣvuitêr   vb 1. empty, drain; vuotare. Etym: rel to "vacitus/vocitus"
(emptied) fr L "vacuum" (empty space).

T - t

tachêr   vb 1. attach, attack (military); attaccare. Etym: OF "étache"

(stake) fr Frankish "*stakka" (stake).
tacôn   sm. filth, dirt; sporco (nm). Etym: VL "tacca" (mark, stain) fr
Gothic, cf Fr "tache" (spot, stain).
tafanëla   sf. horsefly; tafano. Etym: L "tabanus" (horsefly).

tàja  sf. height, size; taglia, statura. Etym: L "talea" (a cut piece of
wood), cf Fr "taille" (size, height).
tajadëla  sf. tagliatella; tagliatella. Etym: "cut out," see tajêr.
tajêr   vb 1. cut (to size), slice (salami), prune; tagliare. Etym: L "taliare"
(to cut, to prune), cf tailor (cuts cloth to size).
tajulén   smpl. tagliolino; tagliolino. Etym: see tajadéla, tajêr.
tangénta  sf. tangent; tangente. Etym: L "tangere" (to touch).
tânt   adj, adv. so much; tanto. Etym: L "tanto" (so much, of such size).
tap   sm. stopper, cork; tappo. Etym: Frankish "tappo" (plug).
tapéd   sm. rug, carpet; tappeto. Etym: L "tapete" (cloth).
tapizarì   sf. tapestry, upholstery; tappezzeria, rivestimento. Etym: fr
tapéd, cf Fr "tapisserie".
tarṣènt  number. three hundred; trecento.
tarṣènt  number. three-hundred; trecento. Etym: tri (three) + cént
tas (1)   sm. badger; tasso (animale). Etym: L "taxus" (yew tree).
tas (2)   sm. yew; tasso (albero). Etym: L "taxus" (yew tree).
tas (3)   sm. rate; tasso. Etym: L "tangere" (to touch, to appraise).
taṣér   vb 1. quiet oneself, be silent; tacere. Etym: L "tacere" (to be
quiet), cf tacit (done in silence).
tast   sm. key (on a keyboard), keystroke, button (on a device); tasto.
Etym: VL "*tastare" (to touch) fr LL "taxare" (to touch), cf Eng "tactile".

tastìra   sf. keyboard; tastiera. Etym: see tast.

tàza   sf. cup; tazza.
tè (1)   pron. you (sing); tu. Etym: L "tu" (you, sing).
tè (2)   sm. tea; tè. Etym: Southern Min 茶 (tê) (tea, bitter leaf), (chá in

teàtar  sm. theater; teatro. Etym: L “theatrum” (theater) fr Gk θεατρον
(viewing place).
tègia  sf. tray (for baking); teglia. Etym: L "tegula" (roof tile).
tégla  sf. tile (roofing); tegola. Etym: L "tegula" (roofing tile).
tèj  sm. linden tree; tiglio. Etym: L "tilia" (linden tree).
têl  adj. such; tale. Etym: L "talis" (such).
téla  sf. cloth, canvas; tela. Etym: L "tela" (web, loom).
telecmând   sm. remote control; telecomando. Etym: distance-
teléfon   sm. telephone; telefono.
telefunêr   vb 1. telephone; telefonare.
telegrâm  sm. telegram; telegramma.
televiṣiôn  sf. television (programming); televisione. Etym: distance-
televiṣôr   sm. television set; televisore. Etym: machine to watch
téma  sf. argument, theme (of a paper); tema. Etym: L “thema” (topic) fr
Gk θεμα (proposition, thing laid down).
temér  vb 1. fear; temere. Etym: L "timere" (to fear), cf timid.
témp   sm. time, weather; tempo. Etym: L "tempus" (time, period).
tènda   sf. curtain, drape; tenda. Etym: L "tenta" (stretched out), cf Sp
"tienda" (shop), Fr "tente" (tent), extend.
tènda   sf. tent; tenda. Etym: L "tentus" (stretched).
tènis  sm. tennis; tennis. Etym: OF "tenez" (Take this! - phrase to
announce serve).
ténta   sf. paint, coloring; tinta, colore. Etym: L "tincta" (dyed), cf
tëra   sf. earth, land; terra. Etym: L "terra" (earth).

tëracòta  sf. terracotta; terracotta. Etym: It expression meaning "baked
têral   sm. woodworm; tarlo. Etym: L “tarmes” (woodworm).
teràza  sf. terrace, balcony; terrazza. Etym: Old Occitan "terrassa"
têrd  adv. late; tardi. Etym: L "tarde" (late).
terëstar   adj. terrestrial; terrestre. Etym: L "terrestris" (pertaining to the
térmos  sm. thermos; thermos. Etym: fr Gk θερμος (warm).
térz   ordinal. third; terzo. Etym: L "tertius" (third) fr "tres" (three).
tësta   sf. head; testa. Etym: L "testa" (burnt clay, referring to a jug).
tèta   sf. teat, nipple; tetta (del seno). Etym: LL "titia" (teat) (rel to Proto-
Gmc "titt-" (teat)?).
tévd   adj. tepid; tiepido. Etym: L "tepidus" (tepid).
tevla   sf. table; tavola. Etym: L "tabula" (tablet, board).
tigra  sf. tiger; tigre. Etym: L "tigris" fr Gk τιγρις (tiger).
tintêr   vb 1. try, attempt; tentare. Etym: L "temptare" (to test).
tirabusôn   sm. corkscrew; cavatappi. Etym: Fr "tire-bouchon"
(corkscrew, lit pull-stopper).
tirêr   vb 1. pull, draw forth; tirare, trarre. Etym: VL "tirare" (to pull,
draw), maybe rel to "trahere" (to pull), cf tratôr (1).
titôn  sm. nipple (on a bottle), pacifier; tettarella, poppatoio. Etym: dim
of tèta.
tlarâgna  sf. spider web; ragnatela.
tmôn  sm. shaft; timone. Etym: L "temo" (pole).
tnér  vb irr. hold, take; tenere. Etym: L "tenere".
tnér a mént   phrase. memorize, hold in one’s mind; tenere a mente,
imprimere nella mente.

tôn (1)   sm. tuna; tonno. Etym: L "thynnus" fr Grk "θύννος" (tuna).
tôn (2)   sm. tone; tono. Etym: L "tonus" (sound, loud sound).
tôn (3)   sm. thunder; tuono. Etym: see tôn (2).
tónd  adj. round; rotondo. Etym: L “rotondus” (round, spherical).
tör   sm. bull; toro. Etym: L "taurus" (bull).
tóra  sf. tower; torre. Etym: L "turris" (tower).
törcc  sm. press (for wine or olive oil); torchio. Etym: L "torculum"
(press), cf torque wrench.
tôrta   sf. cake; torta. Etym: L "panis torta" (twisted bread).
tós   sm. cough; tosse. Etym: L "tussire" (to cough).
tòstapân  sm. toaster; tostapane.
tót   adj. all, every; tutto, ogni. Etym: L "totus" (all, every part).
tra   prep. between, among; tra, fra. Etym: L "intra" (between) and "infra"
(under). Note: also fra
tradót   past part. translated; tradotto. Etym: fr tradùṣar.
tradùṣar   vb 2. translate; tradurre. Etym: L “traducere” (to lead across).
traduziôn   sf. translation; traduzione, versione. Etym: fr tradùsar.
traduziôn leterêla   sf. translation (literal); traduzione letterale.
tramuntâna  sf. wind from the North; tramontana. Etym: L "trans"
(beyond) + "montanus" mountain). Note: vént ad tramuntâna : a wind out of
the north

tranquèl   adj. tranquil, quiet; tranquillo. Etym: L "tranquilius"

tranquilitê   sf. tranquility, quiet; tranquillità. Etym: see tranquèl.
tràpan   sm. drill; trapano. Etym: Grk "τρυπάω" (I perforate).
tratê  sm. agreement (commercial, political); trattato, accordo
(commerciale, politico). Etym: L “tractatus” (tract, treatise) fr “tracto” (I
drag), cf tractor.

tratêr   vb 1. treat (well, poorly), treat (a topic), contract with; trattare.
Etym: L "tractare" (to drag, pull, contract with).

tratôr (1)   sm. tractor; trattore (agr). Etym: L "tractus" (dragged).

tratôr (2)   sm. trattoria manager; trattorista. Etym: see tratêr.
travaṣêr  vb 1. pour (from a vessel), decant; travasare. Etym: L "inter"
(between) + "vasum" (dish, vase, vessel).
trè   number. three; tre. Etym: see tri. Note: fem, masc is tri
trègg   number. thirteen; tredici. Etym: L "tredecim" (thirteen).
tréno   sm. train; treno. Etym: Fr "train" (things pulled) fr L "trahere" (to
pull), via Italian.
trènta   number. thirty; trenta. Etym: L "triginta" (thirty).
trèst  adj. sad; triste. Etym: L "tristis" (sad).
tri   number. three; tre. Etym: L "tres" (three). Note: masc, fem is trè
triângul   sm. triangle; triangolo. Etym: tri+ângul.
tridêr   vb 1. chop, mince, dice; tritare. Etym: L "tritus" (chopped) from
"tero" (I grind down, tread upon).
tridêr   vb 1. mince, grind; tritare. Etym: L "tritus" (rubbed away, ground
tripì  sm. tripod; treppiede. Etym: tri (three) + pid (foot).
tristèza   sf. sadness; tristesse. Etym: fr trèst.
trómba   sf. trumpet; tromba. Etym: cf OHG "trumpa" (horn).
tròp   adv. too (much); troppo. Etym: cf Fr "trop" (too much) fr Frankish
truvêr   vb 1. find; trovare. Etym: VL "tropare" (to find), cf Fr "trouver",
Eng "trove".
tu   adj, poss pron. your, yours; tuo.
tub   sm. tube, pipe; tubo. Etym: L "tubus" (pipe).
tudès-c   adj. German; tedesco.

tufês   vb 1 refl. dive; tuffarsi. Etym: rel to German "taufen" (to baptize).
tulipân   sm. tulip; tulipano. Etym: It "tulipano" (tulip) fr Persian ‫دولبندـ‬
(turban) via Turkish.
tur   vb irr. take, get, take away, remove; togliere, prendere. Etym: L
"tollere" (to take, take away).
tur in afèt   phrase. rent (a room/apartment); affittare.
tur in prëst   phrase. borrow; prendere in prestito.
turchén   adj. blue (deep blue), turquoise (color); turchino. Etym: cf
turquoise, rel to Turkish.
turnêr  vb 1. return; tornare, ritornare. Etym: L “tornare” (to turn). Note:
turnêr a ca : return home

turtël   sm. tortellini; tortello, tortellini. Etym: dim of tôrta.

tusìr  vb 3. cough; tossire. Etym: L "tussire" (to cough).
tuṣùr   sfpl. scissors; forbici. Etym: L "caesura" (act of cutting).
tvàja   sf. cloth, tablecloth; tovaglia. Etym: fr Frankish *thwahila via Old
Occitan toalha, cf towel.
tvajöl  sm. napkin; tovagliolo. Etym: dim of tvàia.

U - u

ucél   smpl. glasses; occhiali. Etym: L "oculus" (eye).

udiêr  vb 1. hate; odiare, detestare. Etym: fr ödi.
udiôṣ   adj. odious, hateful; odioso. Etym: fr ödi.
udôr   sm. smell, odor; odore. Etym: L "odor" (smell, stench).
udurêr  vb 1. smell; annusare, sentire l'odore. Etym: see odòr.
uficêl  adj. official; ufficiale. Etym: fr ufizi. Note: this is the adjective
ufizi   sm. office; ufficio. Etym: L "officium" (duty, office).

ufiziêl   sm. official; ufficiale. Etym: fr ufizi. Note: refers to a person who
holds an office

ufrìr   vb 3. offer; offrire. Etym: L "offerre" (to bring forward, expose,

ulìv  sm. olive tree; olivo. Etym: L "olivum" (olive tree).
ulìva   sf. olive; oliva. Etym: L "oliva" (olive - fruit or tree).
umân   adj. human; umano. Etym: L “humanus” (pertaining to a man).
umanitê   sf. humanity; umanità. Etym: fr umân.
umbrëla  sf. umbrella; ombrello. Etym: dim of L "umbra" (shade).
umbrilôn   sm. umbrella (for the beach); ombrellone. Etym: fr umbrèl.
umètar  vb 2. omit; omettere. Etym: L “omittere” (to let go).
umiditê   sf. humidity; umidità. Etym: fr umôr.
umigliaziôn   sf. humiliation; umiliazione. Etym: fr umigliêr.
umigliêr  vb 1. humiliate; umiliare. Etym: L “humiliare” (to abase,
umiltê   sf. humility; umiltà. Etym: L “humilatas” (unimportance).
umisiôn   sf. omission; omissione. Etym: fr umètar.
umôr   sm. mood, temperament; umore. Etym: L “umor” (moisture,
umurèstic   adj. humorous; umoristico. Etym: see umôr.
umurìṣom   sm. humor (comedy); umorismo, spirito. Etym: see umôr.
un   art, number. one (m), a (m); uno. Etym: L "unus" (one).
un'   art, number. one (f), a (f); una. Etym: see un. Note: replaces una before
a vowel

una   art, number. one (f), a (f); una. Etym: see un.
unì   past part, adj. united; unito. Etym: fr unìr.
unìr  vb 3. unite; unire. Etym: fr un.

unitè   sf. unity; unità. Etym: fr unìr.
univérs   sm. universe; universo. Etym: L “universum” (universe) fr
“universus” (the whole in one).
universalitê   sf. universality; universalità. Etym: fr univérs.
universêl   adj. universal; universale. Etym: fr univérs.
universitê  sf. university; università. Etym: L "universitas" (a
community as one).
unvèl  adv. nowhere; in nessun posto.
uparêr   vb 1. operate (equipment); operare. Etym: L “operari” (to work,
to carry out).
uparêri   sm. operator (of equipment); operaio. Etym: fr uparêr.
uperaziôn  sf. operation; operazione. Etym: L "operatio" (work,
upignôn   sf. opinion; opinione. Etym: L “opinio” (opinion, conjecture).
urcìn  sm. earring; orecchino. Etym: fr urècia.
urdinêri  adj. ordinary; ordinario. Etym: fr ôrdin.
urècia   sf. ear; orecchio. Etym: Vulgar Latin "oricla" fr L "auricula"
(ear). Note: pl urècc
urganiẓaziôn   sf. organization; organizzazione. Etym: a complex of
urghêṣom   sm. orgasm; orgasmo. Etym: Gk οργασμος (excitement,
swelling) via Latin.
urìgan   sm. oregano; origano. Etym: L “origanum” (oregano).
urlêr   vb 1. yell, shout, howl (animal); urlare. Etym: VL "urulare" fr L
"ululare" (to howl), cf ululate.
urlóz   sm. clock; orologio. Etym: L "horologium" (clock, counter of
hours), cf F "horloge".
ursèt  sm. bear cub; orsetto. Etym: dim of ôrs.
urtlân   sm. grocer; ortolano. Etym: L "hortus" (garden).

uscìr   vb 3. exit; uscire. Etym: L “exire” (to go out from).
uṣê  past part, adj. used; usato. Etym: past part of uṣêr.
uṣël (1)   sm. bird; uccello. Etym: VL "avicellus," dim of L "avis" (bird).
uṣël (2)   sm. penis; pene. Etym: euphemism fr uṣël (1).
uṣêr   vb 1. use; usare. Etym: L "usus" (used), past part of "uti" (to use).
uservaziôn   sf. observation; osservazione. Etym: fr uservêr.
uservêr  vb 1. observe; osservare. Etym: L “observare” (to watch, pay
attention to).
utânta   number. eighty; ottanta. Etym: L "octoginta" (eighty).
utêv   ordinal. eighth; ottavo. Etym: L "octavus" (eighth), cf octave.
ùtil   adj. useful; utile. Etym: L “utilis” (useful).
utnér   vb 1. obtain; ottenere. Etym: L "obtinere" (to possess, gain,
utóbar   sm. October; ottobre. Etym: L "october" < "octo" (eight) + "-
ber" (adjective suffix).
ùtom  adj. last; ultimo. Etym: L "ultimus" (last) fr "ulter" (beyond).
utón  sm. brass; ottone. Etym: Arabic "‫طون‬
ُ ‫"ﻻ‬
َ (copper).

ùva  sf. grape; uva. Etym: L "uva" (grape).

V - v

vàca   sf. cow; vacca. Etym: L "vacca" (cow), cf Fr "vache".

vacânza  sf. vacancy (in a position), vacation; vacanza. Etym: L
"vacuus" (empty).
vagìna  sf. vagina; vagina. Etym: L "vagina" (sheath for a sword).
valér   vb 1. have value, be worth; valere. Etym: L "valere" (to be strong).
valìṣa   sf. suitcase; valigia. Etym: LL "valisia" (suitcase).

vanghêr  vb 1. dig; vangare. Etym: LL "vanga" (spade), probably Gmc.
vanitôṣ   adj. vain, conceited; vanitoso. Etym: L "vanitas" (vanity,
emptiness, deception).
vapôr  sm. vapor, steam; vapore. Etym: L "vapor" (steam, vapor), cf F
vardùra   sf. vegetables, greens; verdura. Etym: vérd+L "ura" (suffix for
collective nouns) = greens.
vartó  sf. virtue; virtù. Etym: L “virtus” (manliness).
vazén   sm. vaccine; vaccino. Etym: L "vaccinus" (of cows), used to refer
to cowpox.
vdér   vb irr. see; vedere. Etym: L "videre" (to see).
vëcc   adj. old; vecchio. Etym: VL "veclus" fr L "vetulus", dim of "vetus"
védar   sm. glass; vetro. Etym: L "vitrum" (glass), cf F "verre" (glass)
and "vitre" (window).
vedov  sm. widower; vedovo. Etym: L "viduus" (widower), cf F "veuf".
vedùta   sf. widow; vedova. Etym: L "vedua" (widow), cf Fr "veuve".
vèja   sf. road; via. Etym: L "via" (road, path). Note: vèja zìga : blind alley
véla (1)  sf. villa; villa. Etym: L "villa".
véla (2)  sf. sail; vela. Etym: pl of L "velum" (cloth, veil).
veliér  sm. sailboat, sailing ship; veliero, bastimento a vela. Etym: see
véla (2).
vén  sm. wine; vino. Etym: L "vinum" (wine).
véna   sf. vein (blood vessel); vena (vaso sanguino). Etym: L "vena"
vènar   sm. Friday; venerdì. Etym: L "Veneris dies" (day of Venus).
vèndar   vb 2. sell; vendere. Etym: L "vendere" (to sell).
vént (1)   number. twenty; venti. Etym: L "viginti" (twenty), cf F "vingt".

vént (2)   sm. wind; vento. Etym: L "ventus" (wind, fart).
véntar   sm. stomach, belly; ventre, pancia. Etym: L "venter" (belly).
vénzar  vb 2. win, defeat; vincere. Etym: L "vincere" (to win, to
vér   adj. true; vero. Etym: L "verus" (true).
vérd   adj. green; verde. Etym: L "viridis" (green, youthful), cf Eng
verdant, F "vert".
vérgin   adj. virgin, pure; virgine. Etym: L "virgo" (virgin).
vêri   adj. varied; various, vario. Etym: L "varius" (various).
veritê   sf. truth; verità. Etym: fr vér.
vérman   sm. worm; verme. Etym: L "vermis" (worm), cf vermin.
vérs   prep. toward; verso. Etym: L “versus” (turned), cf Fr “vers”
vêṣ   sm. vase, jar; vaso. Etym: L "vasum" (vase, dish).
vëspra   sf. wasp; vespa. Etym: L "vespa" (wasp).
vèst   past part. seen; visto. Etym: fr vdér. Note: also vdù
viàẓ  sm. voyage, trip, journey; viaggio. Etym: L “viaticum” (of the road)
via OFr “viage” (voyage).
viaẓadôr   sm. voyager, traveller; viaggiatore. Etym: fr viàẓ.
viaẓêr   vb 1. voyage, travel; viaggiare. Etym: fr viàẓ.
vida   sf. screw; vite.
vidël   sm. calf; vitello. Etym: L "vitellus" (calf), cf F "veau".
viêl   sm. avenue; viale. Etym: see vèja.
vilàgg  sm. village; villaggio. Etym: L “villaticus” (related to a villa).
virtuêl   adj. virtual, unreal; virtuale, irreale. Etym: fr vartó.
virtuôṣ  adj. virtuous; virtuoso. Etym: fr vartó.

virulént  adj. virulent; virulento. Etym: L "virulentus" (poisonous), cf
virus   sm. virus; virus. Etym: L "virus" (poison).
viṣitêr   vb 1. visit; visitare. Etym: L "visitare" (to see, to visit).
vîta  sf. life; vita. Etym: L "vita" (life).
vîta  sf. waist; vita, girovita.
viulént   adj. violent; violento. Etym: L "violentus" (violent, forcible) fr
"vis" (strength).
viulénza   sf. violence; violenza. Etym: fr viulént.
viulèt  adj. violet (color); violetto. Etym: see viulèta.
viulèta  sf. violet; viola mammola. Etym: dim of L "viola" (violet).
viv   adj. alive, lively; vivo, vivace. Etym: see vîvar.
vîvar  vb 2. live; vivere. Etym: L "vivere" (to live), cf vîta.
vlén   sm. poison; veleno. Etym: L "venemum" (poison, potion), cf
vlér (1)   vb irr. want, mean (signify); volere. Etym: L "velle" (to want).
vlér bén   phrase. love; amare.
vlér dìr  phrase. mean (to say); volere dire.
vlér(2)   sm. wish; volere. Etym: fr vlér(1).
vnìr   vb 3. come; venire. Etym: L "venire" (to come).
vnù   past part. come; venuto. Etym: fr vnìr.
vó  pron. you; voi. Etym: L "vos" (you).
vôjp   sm. fox; volpe. Etym: L "vulpes" (fox).
vôl  sm. flight; volo. Etym: fr vulêr.
völta  sf. time (event or action); volta. Etym: L "voluta" (turned) fr
"voltare" (to turn).

vôṣa   sf. voice; voce. Etym: L “vox” (voice).
vóst   past part. wanted; voluto. Etym: fr vlér. Note: also vlù
vòstar   adj, poss pron. your, yours; vostro. Etym: L "vester" (your), cf F
vṣén   adj. nearby, beside, by; vicino. Etym: L "vicinus" (near) fr "vicus"
(town) + "-inus" (related to), cf vicinity.
vughêr   vb 1. swim; nuotare. Etym: cf Fr "voguer" (to row/swim), Sp
"bogar" (to row) and It "vogare" (to row); origin uncertain.
vùit   adj, sm. empty, void, gap; vuoto. Etym: dim of L "vacuus" (empty,
cf vacuum).
vulânt   sm. steering wheel; volante. Etym: fr vulêr.
vulcân  sm. volcano; vulcano. Etym: L “Vulcanus” (Vulcan, god of
metalworking and the forge).
vulêr   vb 1. fly; volare. Etym: L "volare" (to fly).

Z - z

ẓa   adv. already, yet; già. Etym: L "iam" (now, yet), cf Fr "déja", Sp "ya".
ẓafarân   sm. saffron; zafferano. Etym: from Arabic.
ẓâjan   sm. backpack; zaino. Etym: Lombardic "zeina" (basket).
ẓal   adj. yellow; giallo. Etym: OF "jalne" fr L "galbinus", dim of "galbus"
zâmpa   sf. paw; zampa. Etym: rel to gâmba and zânca.
zânca   sf. leg (of chair), stilts (in plural); zanca, trampoli (pl). Etym: L
"zancha" (style of shoe fr Persia).
zantéṣom  ordinal. hundredth; centesimo. Etym: L "centesimus"
(hundredth) (centum+-imus by analogy with dec-imus, tenth).
zarchêr   vb 1. search, look for; cercare. Etym: L "circare" (to go
around) fr "circus" (circle).

ẓardén   sm. garden; orto, giardino. Etym: ML "jardinus" (garden) fr
Frankish *gardo (enclosure).
ẓarvël   sm. brain; cervello. Etym: L "cerebellum" (brain).
ẓébra  sf. zebra; zebra. Etym: VL "eciferus" (wild horse) fr L "equus
ferus" (wild horse).
zèca  sf. tick; zecca. Etym: cf German “Zecke” (tick).
zédar  sm. cedar; cedro. Etym: L "citrus" (citrus tree).
zègn   sm. swan; cigno. Etym: L "cygnus" (swan).
zèj (1)   sm. uncle; zio. Etym: LL "thius" (uncle) fr Grk "θεῖος" (uncle).
zèj (2)   sm. lily; giglio. Etym: L "lilium" (lily).
zèja (1)   sf. aunt; zia. Etym: LL "thia" (aunt) fr Grk "θεία" (aunt).
zèja (2)   sf. eyelid, eyelashes; palpebra, ciglia. Etym: L "cilium" (eyelid,
eyelash). Note: int un bàtar d'zèja : in the wink of an eye
zelëst   adj. celestial; celeste. Etym: L "caelestis" (of the sky), from
"caelum" (sky).
zèmẓa   sf. bug; cimice. Etym: L "cimex" (bug, bedbug).
zéna   sf. dinner; cena. Etym: L "cena" (dinner).
zénc   number. five; cinque. Etym: L "quinque" (5).
zénczènt   number. five-hundred; cinquecento.
zéndra   sf. ash; cenere. Etym: L "cinerem" fr "cinis" (ash), cf Fr
"cendre" (ash).
ẓèng   sm. zinc; zinco. Etym: L "zincum" (zinc).
zèngan  sm. Gypsy; zingaro. Etym: cf G "Zigeuner", Fr "tsigane", Grk
"τσιγγάνος" (all Gypsy).
zènt   number. hundred; cento. Etym: L "centum" (100).
zéntar   sm. center; centro. Etym: L "centrum" (center).
ẓenẓar   sm. ginger; zenzero. Etym: L “zingiber” (ginger); Indian origin
via Greek.

zèpa   sf. cuttlefish; seppia. Etym: L "sepia" (cuttlefish), member of the
order Sepilda.
zèr  sm. oak (winter); quercia. Etym: L "quercea" (rel to oaks) fr
"quercus" (oak tree).
zércc   sm. circle; cerchio. Etym: L "circulus", rel to "circus" (a ring) fr
Gk κιρκος (circle, ring).
zéro   number. zero; zero. Etym: ML “zephirum” (zero) fr Arabic ‫ص ْفر‬
(nothing, cipher).
zért (1)   adj. certain, sure; certo, sicuro. Etym: L "certus" (certain).
zért (2)   indef adj. certain (some), certain something (as noun); alcuno,
certo. Etym: see zért (1).
zért (3)   adj. certain (particular); tale. Etym: see zért (1).
zérta   adv. certainly, surely; certamente, sicuramente. Etym: f of zért (1).
zèst   sm. basket; cesto. Etym: L "cista" (chest or casket).
zévar   sm. deer, cerf; cervo. Etym: L "cervus" (deer).
ẓèẓ   sm. chalk; gesso. Etym: L “gypsum”.
zicògna  sf. stork; cicogna. Etym: L "ciconia" (stork).
zil   sm. sky, heaven; cielo. Etym: L "caelum" (sky, heaven).
zimitéri   sm. cemetery; cimitero. Etym: ML "cimiterium" fr LL
"coemeterium" fr Gk κοιμητηριον (all cemetery) fr Gk κοιμαω (I put to
sleep), i.e. a resting place.
zinquânta   number. fifty; cinquanta. Etym: LL "cinquanta" fr L
"quinquaginta" (50).
zinquantéṣom  adj. fiftieth; cinquantesimo. Etym: see zinquânta and
ẓintìl   adj. kind, gentle; gentile. Etym: L "gentilis" (from the same
family), cf gentle, genre.
zintrêl   adj. central; centrale. Etym: see zéntar.

zintùra   sf. belt; cintura. Etym: L "cinctura" (belt) fr "cingere" (to
surround), cf Eng cinch.
zinzêla   sf. mosquito; zanzara. Etym: LL "zinzala" (mosquito - imitation
of buzzing sound).
ẓirasôl  sm. sunflower; girasole. Etym: ẓirêr + sôl.
zìrca   prep. about (close to), around (close to); circa. Etym: L "circum"
(around) fr "circus" (circle).
ẓirêr   vb 1. turn; girare. Etym: L "gyro" (turn in a circle) fr Gk "γῦρος"
ziròt   sm. bandage; cerotto. Etym: Gk κηρος (beeswax).
zitê   sf. city; città. Etym: L "civitas" (city), cf Fr "cité" (city, estate).
ziẓarnël   sm. cucumber; cetriolo. Etym: L "citriolum" (plant with
vines?) fr "citrus" (lemon tree).
ziẓôn   sm. mallard; germano.
ẓlê   adj, past part. frozen; gelato (adj). Etym: past participle of gilêr. Note:
dessert spelled as in It

znén   adj. little, small; piccino, piccolo.

znêr   vb 1. dine; cenare. Etym: see zéna.
ẓnêr   sm. January; gennaio. Etym: L "ianuarius" (January, month of
Janus, the god of doorways and gates).
ẓnòcc   sm. knee; ginocchio. Etym: LL "geniculum" (little knee) fr L
"genu" (knee).
ẓó   adv. down, off of; giù. Etym: LL "iusum" fr L "deorsum"
ẓöbia   sf. Thursday; giovedì. Etym: L "Jovis dies" (day of Jupiter), cf Sp
"jueves" (Thursday).
zòc   sm. log; ciocco.
zóca   sf. pumpkin, squash; zucca. Etym: LL "cucutia" fr "cucurbita"

zócar   sm. sugar; zucchero. Etym: L "saccharam" (sugar, cf saccharine)
fr Ar ‫س ﱠكر‬
ُ (sugar).
zòcul   sm. hoof; zoccolo. Etym: dim of L "soccus" (sock, slipper).
ẓógn   sm. June; giugno. Etym: L "iunius" (June, named for the goddess,
zóla   sf. onion; cipolla. Etym: L "cepulla" (small onion) fr "cepa"
(onion). Note: or zvóla
ẓòt  sm. pebble; ciottolo.
ẓôvan   adj. young; giovane. Etym: L "juvenis" (youth), cf juvenile.
zrìṣa   sf. cherry; cilegia. Etym: VL "ceresia" fr L "cerasium" fr Grk
"κερασός" (cherry), cf Fr "cérise" (cherry).
zuchén  sm. zucchini; zucchino. Etym: dim of zóca.
ẓudìac   sm. Zodiac; Zodiaco. Etym: L "zodiacus" (Zodiac) fr Gk
"ζῳδῐᾰκός κύκλος" (cycle of little animals).
ẓùg  sm. play, joke; gioco. Etym: L "jocus" (jest, amusement).
ẓugadôr  sm. player; giocatore. Etym: from ẓughêr.
ẓughêr   vb 1. play, joke; giocare. Etym: LL "jocare" fr L "iocari" (to
zulìna   sf. chive; cipollina. Etym: dim of zóla.

zuzèza   sf. sausage; salsiccia. Etym: L "salsicia" (sausage) fr "salsus"

(salted) fr "sal" (salt.

English Index

A - a

a (f)  art, number. un' ache   sm. mêl (3)

art, number. una
acid   sm. àzid
a (m)   art, number. un
acquavite  sf. gràpa
able  adj. êbil
across   adv. ad travérs
able (be able to)   vb irr. putér
act   sm. at
about (close to)  prep. zìrca act (take action)   vb 3. agìr

above   prep. sôra actor   sm&f. atôr

above all   adv. sôratót actress   sm&f. atôr

absinth   sm. absént acute   adj. acùt

acacia  sf. acàcc adapt   vb 1. adatêr

accept   vb 1. azetêr adaptable  adj. adatàbil

acceptable   adj. azetàbil adaptation  sm. adatamént

accident   sm. azidént addition   sf. sóma

accident (event)   sm. inzidént adjudicate   vb 1. giudichêr

accidental   adj. azidentêl adjust   vb 1. adatêr

accompany    vb 1. acumpagnêr adjustable   adj. adatàbil

account   sm. cônt (1) adjustment  sm. adatamént

account (story)   sm. fat (1) admire   vb 1. amirêr

accountant  nm. cuntàbil adolescence   sf. adulescénza

ace (in cards)   sm. as adolescent   adj, sm. adulescént

adorn   vb 1. decurêr air conditioning   sf. êria
adult  adj, sm. adùlt
airplane   sm. aeroplân
adulter   vb 1. adulterêr
airport   sm. aeropört
adulterer   adj, sm. adùltar
alarm clock   sf. ṣvéglia
adulterous   adj, sm. adùltar
algae   sm. biṣ (1)
adultery   sm. adultéri
alive   adj. viv
advertisement  sm. areclâm
all   adj. tót
advice  sm. cunsèj
all of a sudden   phrase. a
advise  vb 1. cunsigliêr
afraid (to be)   phrase. paùra allow  vb 2. cungedêr
(avér) vb 1. lasêr
after   adv. dòp almost   adv. presapöc
afternoon   sm. dòpmëẓdè alone   adj. isulê
again   adv. incôra adj, adv. sôl (1)

against   adv. côntra already  adv. ẓa

agency    sf. agenzì also   adv. nèc

agent   sm. agént alter   vb 1. alterêr

agree   vb 1, refl. acurdês alternating current   sf. curént

agreeable   adj. graziôṣ
although   conjunction. simbén
agreement (commercial,
political)   sm. tratê always   adv. sèmpar

ahead  adv. avânti ambulance  sf. ambulânza

air   sf. êria amend   vb 1. mindêr

air conditioner   America  sf. America

sm. cundiziunadôr American   adj. americân

among   prep. tra approbation  sf. apruvaziôn

amount   sf. quantitê appropriate   adj. gióst

amuse   vb 3. divartìr appropriateness   sf. giustèza

amusement   sm. divartimént approval   sf. apruvaziôn

anchor   sf. âncura approve   vb 1. apruvêr

anchovy   sm. sardôn apricot   sf. albicòca

and  conj. e April   sm. abrìl

angle   sm. ângul aqua vitae   sf. gràpa

sm. cantôn
aquarium   sm. aquêri
angry   adj. adirê
aquatic   adj. aquàtic
animal   sm. animêl
arc (in a circle)   sm. êrc
sf. bès-cia
ankle  nf. cavèja arch (construction)  sm. êrc

annoyance  sm. sturb Argentinian   adj. arẓintén

answer   sf. arspòsta argue   vb 1. disputêr

ant  sf. furmìga argument   sf. téma

antidote   sm. côntravlén arithmetic   sm. arètmic

anvil   sf. incóẓan arm   sm. braz

any   adj. ôgni arm (weapon)  sf. êrma

anyone  pron. ignôn armchair  sf. pultrôna

anything  pronoun. gnaquël armed   past part, adj, sm. armê

aphid   sm. bdòcc dal piânt army (in plural)   past part, adj,
sm. armê
apparatus   sm. aparê
around (close to)   prep. zìrca
appear   vb 1. parér
arrange   vb 2. dispônar
apple   sf. méla
arrive   vb 1. arivêr

arrogant   adj. rugânt association   sf. asuciaziôn
sf. sucitê
arrow   sf. frèza
assure   vb 1. asicurêr
art   sm. êrt
at   prep. a
artichoke    sm. articiòc
at a late hour   phrase. a têrda
artificial  adj. artifiziêl
artist   sm&f. artèsta at all (intensifies a negative)  
artistic  adj. artèstic adv. miga

arugula   sf. rócla at least   adv. almânc

as   adv. cóma attach   vb 1. tachêr

as soon as   adv. apèna attack   sm. atàc

ascend   phrase. andêr só attack (military)  vb 1. tachêr

ash   sf. zéndra attempt   vb 1. riṣghêr

vb 1. tintêr
ash (tree)  sm. fràsan
attentive  adj. atént
Asia   sf. Aṣia
attic   nf. sufita
Asian   adj. aṣìatic
attract  vb 1. atirêr
Asiatic   adj. aṣìatic
attraction   sf. atratìva
ask   vb 1. dmandêr
August   sm. agóst
asparagus   sm. spêrẓ
aunt   sf. zèja (1)
aspirin   sf. aspiréna
author   sm. autôr
assemble  vb 1. muntêr
authority   sf. auturitê
assemble (people)   vb
automatic   adj. automàtic
1. radunêr
assistance   sm. abêd automation   sf. automaziôn

assistant   sm. garẓôn automobile  sf. mâchina

associate   vb 1. asucêr autumn   sm. autôn

available   adj. dispunèbil axe   sf. manéra

avenue  sm. viêl axis  sm. as

awake  adj. ṣvègg axle   sm. as

awaken   vb 1. ṣvigêr

B - b

baboon   sm. babuén balcony   sf. teràza

baby   sm. babén (1) bale (of hay)   sf. bàla

baby goat  sm. cavrèt ball   sf. pàla

back   sf. schéna ball (for sports)   sm. palôn

back (of body, book, etc)   ball (of yarn, eg)   sm. ghèfula
sm. dòs
ballet  sm. balèt
backhand slap   sm. mânarvérs
ban  vb 3. pruibìr
backpack   sm. ẓâjan
banana   sf. banâna
bacon   sf. panzèta
bandage  sm. ziròt
bad  adj. catìv
bank   sf. bânca (1)
adj. mêl (1)
badger   sm. tas (1) bankruptcy  sm. falimént

badly  adv. mêl (2) bankruptcy (go into)   vb 3. falìr

bag  sf. bôrsa barber  sm. barbìr

sm. sac bare   adj. squért
bag (for shopping)   sf. spörtla barely   adv. apèna
bake  vb 3. arustìr bargain   sf. baẓa
baker   sm. furnêr barista   sm. barèsta
balance   sm. equilìbri bark (like a dog)   vb 1. bajêr

barley   sm. örẓ bear cub  sm. ursèt

barn   sm. granêr beard   sf. bêrba

barrel   sf. bòta (2) beast   sf. bès-cia

barter   sm. baràt beat   vb 2. bàtar

vb 1. baratêr
beautiful  adj. bël
base  sf. bêṣ (2)
beaver   sm. castör
basil   sm. baṣèlg
because  prep. parché
basin (for washing)  
become   vb 1. dvintêr
sf. bazinëla
basin (geographic feature)   bed  sm. lët
sm. bazèn bed (single)   sm. canapè
basis   sf. bêṣ (2) bedclothes   sf. biancarì
basket   sm. panìr bedding   sf. biancarì
sm. zèst
bee  sf. êva
bath   sm. bâgn
beech tree   sm. faẓ
bathroom   sm. gabinèt
beefsteak   sf. bistèca
battery   sf. pèla
been   past part. stê
battle   vb 1. lutêr
beer   nf. bèra
be   vb irr. ësar
beet   sf. biédla
be afraid  phrase. avér paùra
beetle   sm. scaraèj
be silent   vb 1. taṣér
before   adv. dnénz
be worth   vb 1. valér adv. prèma
beach   sf. spiàgia beg  vb 1. parghêr
bean   sm. faṣöl begin   vb 1. cminzêr
bear (female)   sf. ôrsa begin (a project)   vb 1. debutêr
bear (male)   sm. ôrs begin again  vb 1. arcminzêr

beginner  adj, sm. debutânt better   adj. mèj
adv. mèj (2)
beginning   sm. prinzèpi
between  prep. tra
behavior   sm. cumpurtamént
bib   sm. bavajìn
behind   prep. ad dri da
adv. dri bicycle   sf. biciclèta

beige   adj. biṣ (2) big   adj. grând

belief  sf. cardénza billy goat   sm. cavrôn

believable   adj. credèbil bin   sm. bgônz

believe  vb 2. crédar bird  sm. uṣël (1)

believed   past part. cardù birth   sf. nasita

bell   sm. campanël birthday   sm. cumpleân

belladonna  sf. bëladòna bitch (dog)   sf. câgna

belly   sm. véntar bite   vb 1. mursêr

vb 1. piẓghêr
belongings   sf. ròba
sm. piẓgòt
belt   sf. zintùra bitter   adj. amêr
bench   sf. bânca (2) bitters   sm. mêr (2)
bend   vb 1. pighêr black   adj. négar
beneath   prep. sóta black coffee   sm. cafè lès
bent   adj. curv blackberry   nf. môra
benzene   sf. benẓìna blackbird   sm. méral
beret  sm. brèt blackboard  sf. lavâgna
beside   prep. a dri a blade   sf. lâma
adv. dri
adj. vṣén blade (of fan, propeller)  
sm. palèt
best (with the)  adj. mèj
blade (small)   sf. lamëla

blame   sf. côjpa bookshelf  sf. librarì

blanket   sf. quérta bookstore  sf. librarì

blend   vb 1. frulêr boot   sm. stivêl

blender   sm. fruladôr border  sm. bôrd

sf. fruntìra
blond   adj. biónd
border (of garden)   sf. curnìṣa
blood   sm. sângv
born   past part. nêd
blouse   sf. bluṣa
born (to be)  vb 2. nèsar
blow   sf. bòta (1)
sm. côlp borrow   phrase. tur in prëst
vb 1. sufiêr
bottle   sf. bòcia
blue  adj. blu sf. butìglia
blue (deep blue)   adj. turchén bottom   sm. cul
sm. fónd
blueberry   sm. mirtèl
bow (for arrows)   sm. êrc
blunder   sm. sfundrôn
bow (for violin)   sm. archèt
boar (wild)   sm. pörc-zignêl
bowel   sf. budëla
board   sf. ësa
bowl   sf. scudëla
boarding house  sf. pinsiôn
box   sf. scàtla
boat   sf. bêrca
boy (little)   sm. burdël
body  sm. cörp
bra   sm. regipët
boil   vb 3. bulìr
brain   sm. ẓarvël
Bologna sausage  
sf. murtadëla brake   sm. frén

bolt   sm. bulôn branch   sf. brânca (2)

sm. râm (2)
bone   sm. òs
brass   sm. utón
bonnet   sf. scófia
brassiere   sm. regipët
book  sm. lìvar

bread   sm. pân brown   adj. marôn

bread roll   sm. panén brush   sf. spazaréna

breadstick   sm. filunzén Brussels sprouts  sm. chêvul

break   vb 2. rômpar
bucket   sm. sècc
break down  vb 1. sfundêr
buffoon   sm. bufôn
break through (as actor or
singer)   vb 1. sfundêr bug  sf. zèmẓa
break up (the soil)   vb 1. scasêr build   vb 1. fabrichêr

breakfast   sf. culaziôn building   sm. fabrichêt

breast  sm. sén (1) bull   sm. tör
breath   sm. fiê bumbling   adj. pastruciôn
breed   sf. ràza (1) bundle   sm. fës
brewery   sf. birarì bundle (of sticks)   sf. fascéna
brick   sf. pré burn   vb 1. bruṣêr
bricklayer  sm. muradôr bury   vb 3. splìr
bride   sf. spôṣa bus   sf. curìra
bridegroom   sm. spôṣ business   sm. cumércc
bridge  sm. pônt (1) busy   adj. indafarê
bright   adj. luminôṣ but  conj. mo
bring   vb 1. purtêr butcher   vb 1. mazlêr (1)
sm. mazlêr (2)
broccoli   sm. bròcul
butt   sm. cul
broken   adj. rót
butter   sm. butì
broom   sf. garnê
butterfly   sf. parpàja
broth  sm. bröd
button  sm. ptôn
brother  sm. fradël

button (on a device)   sm. tast by (means of)   prep. par

buy   vb 1. cumprêr bye   interjection. s-ciào

by   adj. vṣén

C - c

cabbage   sm. chêvul canvas  sf. téla

cabin  sf. caṣèta capital (financial)   sm. capitêl

cafe  sm. cafè capital (of government)  

sf. capitêla
café au lait   sm. cafelàt
capitalism   sm. capitalìṣom
cake   sf. tôrta
capitalist  sm. capitalèsta
calcium  sm. chêlz (2)
capon   sm. gapôn
calculate   vb 1. calculêr
cappelletto (pasta)   sm. caplèt
calf   sm. pulpàc
sm. vidël cappuccino   sm. capuzèn

call   vb 1. ciamêr captain   sm. capitâni

camel   sm. camël car  sf. mâchina

can   sm. baratul carabineer   sm. carabignér

vb irr. putér (1)
carbine  sf. carabéna
canal  sm. canêl
carbon   sm. carbôn
cancel  vb 1. scanzlêr
card (for games)   sf. chêrta
cancer   sm. câncar
care   sm. abêd
candle   sf. candêla
career   sm. amstìr
cane  sm. bastôn
cargo   sm. carg
sf. câna
cane (sugar)   sf. câna carnation   sm. garòfan

carpenter   sm. carpintir cemetery   sm. zimitéri
sm. falignâm
center  sm. zéntar
carpet  sm. tapéd
central   adj. zintrêl
carriage   sf. caròza
century  sm. sécul
carrot   sf. caröta
ceramic   adj. cerâmic
carry   vb 1. purtêr
ceremonial  adj. cerimugnêl
cart  sm. brôz
ceremony  sf. cerimògna
sm. car
case   sf. càsa cerf   sm. zévar

cashier    sm. casìr certain   adj. zért (1)

castle   sm. castël certain (particular)   adj. zért (3)

cat   sm. gat certain (some)  indef adj. zért (2)

sf. gàta certain something (as noun)  
cat nap  sm. sunlén indef adj. zért (2)

catch  vb 2. cójar certainly   adv. zérta

caterpillar   sf. ruga chaff   sf. pùla

cauldron   sm. calderôn chain  sf. cadéna

cauliflower    sm. chêvulfiôr chair   sf. scarâna

cause   sf. chêuṣa chair (small, for child)  

sm. scaranén
cave   sf. gròta
chalk   sm. ẓèẓ
cedar   sm. zédar
chameleon  sm. camaleônt
ceiling   sm. sufèt
change  vb 1. cambiêr
celebrate    vb 1. celebrêr
charge (with electricity)   vb
celebrated   adj. celebrê 1. carghêr
celery   sm. sàral charm (for good luck)  
sm. pörtafurtôna
celestial   adj. zelëst

chat  vb 1. ciacarêr chicory  sf. cicöria

chatter   vb 1. ciacarêr child   sm inv. babìn

cheap   adj. ecunòmic chillblain   sm. sangunàz

check (banker's)   sm. asègn chimney   sm. camén

chimpanzee  sm. scimpanzè
checkmate   sm. scacmàt
chin   sm. barbèt
cheek   sf. göta
China   sf. Céna
cheese   sm. furmàj
Chinese  adj. cinéṣ
cheese (parmesan or
reggiano)  sf. fôrma (2) chive   sf. zulìna

chef d'oeuvre   sm. chêplavôr chocolate  sf. ciculêta

chemical   adj. chèmic (1) choose   vb 1. capêr

vb 2. dlèẓar
chemist   sm. chèmic (2)
chop  vb 1. tridêr
chemistry  sf. chèmica
chopping board  sf. batlêrda
cherry  sf. zrìṣa
Christian   adj. cris-ciân
chess   smpl. schëc
Christmas   sm. Nadêl
chest  sm. pët
church   sf. cìṣa
chest (box)   sf. càsa
ciao   interjection. s-ciào
chest of drawers   sm. cumò
cider  sm. sìdar
chestnut  sf. castâgna
cinnamon   sf. canëla
chestnut colored    adj. castâgn
(2) circle   sm. zércc

chestnut tree  sm. castâgn (1) city   sf. zitê

chew   vb 1. mastighêr clam   sf. puràza

chick  sm. picìn clamor   sm. armôr

chicken  sm. pól clamp   sf. mörsa

class  sf. clas cloves   sfpl. bròc d'garòfan

clavicle  sf. clavècula clown   sm. pajàz

claw   sf. brânca (1) club   sf. màza

sf. óngia
club (cards)   sm. bastôn
vb 1. raspêr

clean  adj. nèt clumsy   adj. pastruciôn

vb 3. pulìr coal   sm. carbôn
cleaning   sf. pulizì (2) coat  sm. capòt (1)
cleanliness   sf. pulizì (2) cobbler  sm. calzulêr
clear  adj. cêr cockroach   sm. scarafàgg
cleaver   sf. manéra cod   sm. marlóz
climb   vb 1. muntêr coffee   sm. cafè
climb (as stairs)   vb 3. salìr coffee grinder   sm. mêṣnacafè
climb down   vb 1. smuntêr coffee pot  sf. caftìra
clipping  sm. artàj coffee shop   sm. cafè
clock  sm. urlóz coffin  sf. càsa da mört
close   vb 2. ciùdar coin purse   sm. pörtamunéd
vb 1. srêr
colander   sm. culadùr
closed  adj. srê
cold   adj, sm. frèd
cloth   sf. téla
sf. tvàja collar (of shirt)   sm. culèt

clothe   vb 3. avstìr colleague  sm&f. culéga

clothes  sm. stiêri collect   vb 2. cójar

clothing   sm. sti collect what has been

discarded   vb 1. garavlêr
cloud  sm. nùval
colon  sm. còlon
cloudy   adj. nuvlôṣ
color   sm. culôr

coloring   sf. ténta complete   adj. cumplét
vb 1. cumpletêr
coma   sf. còma
complex   adj. cumplës
comb   sm. pëtan
vb 1. pnêr complicate  vb 1. cumplichêr

come   vb 3. vnìr complicated   adj. cumplës

past part. vnù
complication   sf. cumplicaziôn
comfort   vb 1. cunsulêr
comportment   sm.
command  vb 1. cmandêr cumpurtamént
sm. ôrdin
compromise   sm. cumprumès
commerce   sm. cumércc (2)
vb 2. cumprumètar
commercial   adj. cumercêl
compromised   past
common   adj. cumôn (1)
part. cumprumès (1)
common sense  sm. bônséns computer   sm. computer
commune  sm. cumôn (2) computer science  
communicate   vb sf. infurmàtica
1. cumunichêr conceited  adj. vanitôṣ
communication   sf. concious   adj. cusciént
conclude   vb 2. cunclùdar
community   sf. cumunitê
concluded   past part. cunclùṣ
companion  sm. cumpâgn
conclusion   sf. cuncluṣiôn
company   sf. sucitê
condition   sf. cundiziôn
compare  vb 1. cunfruntêr
cone  sm. còn
comparison  sm. cunfrônt
confident   adj. cunfidént
compass   sf. bósla
confront   vb 1. cunfruntêr
competition   sf. cuncurénza
confrontation  sm. cunfrônt
competitor   sm. cuncurént
confuse   vb 2. cunfóndar

confusion  sf. cunfuṣiôn control   sm. cuntròl
vb 1. cuntrulêr
connect   vb 2. cunètar
controversy   sf. cuntruvérsia
connected   adj, past part. cunès
cook   vb 2. cùṣar
connection   sf. cunesiôn
cooked   past part, adj. còt
conscience   sf. cusciénza
cookie  sm. biscòt
conscientious    adj.
cuscienziôṣ cool   adj. frès-c

conscription   sf. léva (2) copper   sm. râm (1)

conserve   vb 1. cunservêr copy   sf. còpia (1)

consistency   sf. cunsisténza cord   sf. cörda

console   vb 1. cunsulêr cork  sm. sùvar

sm. tap
construct   vb 3. custruìr
vb 1. fabrichêr corkscrew   sm. tirabusôn

construct (linguistic)   corn   sm. furmintôn

sm. custrót (2)
corner   sm. cantôn
constructed  adj, past
cornice   sf. curnìṣa
part. custrót (1)
construction  sf. custruziôn coronate  vb 1. curunêr

content  adj. cuntént correct   vb 2. curèẓar

adj. eṣàt
continue  vb 1. cuntinuêr
correction  sf. cureziôn
contract   sm. cuntràt
correspondent  sm.
contract with   vb 1. tratêr curispundént
contrary   adj, sm. cuntrêri corrode  vb 2. curödar

contrary (to the)   adv. invézi corroded   past part, adj. curöṣ

contrast   sm. cuntràst corrosion   sf. curuṣiôn

corrosive   adj. curuṣìv

corrupt   vb 2. curômpar cousin (female)   sf. cuṣéna (1)
past part, adj. curót
cousin (male)   sm. cuṣén (1)
corrupted   past part, adj. curót
cover   vb 3. cruvìr
corruptible   adj. curutèbil sm. quércc
sm, adj. quért
corruption   sf. curuziôn
covered   sm, adj. quért
cosine  sm. cuṣén (2)
cow  sf. vàca
cost   vb 1. gustêr (2)
crab   sf. granzëla
cotton   sm. cutôn
crack  sf. spacadùra
couch   sm. canapè
vb 1. spachêr
sm. divân
cradle   sf. cónla
cough   sm. tós
vb 3. tusìr crate   sf. càsa

counsel   sm. cunsèj crazy  adj. mat

vb 1. cunsigliêr
cream  sf. crèma
sm. paré

count   vb 1. cuntêr create  vb 1. cariêr

count (noble)   sm. cônt (2) creation   sf. crejaziôn

countess   sf. cuntèsa creature  sf. crejatûra

country  sm. paéṣ credible   adj. credèbil

countryside   sf. campâgna credit   sm. crédit

county (domain of a count)   creepy-crawly  sm. bigàt

sf. cuntèa crib   sf. cónla
couple   sf. còpia (2) cricket  sm. grèl
course   sf. côrsa crime   sm. crèmin
courteous  adj. curtéṣ criminal   adj, sm. criminêl
courtesy  sf. curteṣì crisis  sf. crìṣ
courtyard   sm. curtìl crocodile   sm. cucudrèl

crone   sf. befâna cultivation   sf. cultivaziôn

cross  sf. crôṣa culture   sf. cultùra

cross out   vb 1. scanzlêr cup   sf. cópa (1)

sf. tàza
crossbar (bicyle)   sf. câna dla
biciclèta curious   adj. curiôṣ

crossing   sm. incrôṣ curl   adj, sm. rèz

crow   sm. màrco curly   adj, sm. rèz

crown   sf. curôna currant   sm. rìbes

vb 1. curunêr
current   sf. curént
cruel  adj. crudél
curtain   sf. tènda
crumb (soft part of bread)  
curve   sf. curva
sf. mulìga
crush (as grapes)  vb 1. pistêr curved   adj. curv

crust (pie or bread)   sf. gròsta cushion   sm. cuscèn

cry   vb 2. piânẓar cut (to size)   vb 1. tajêr

crystal  sm. cristàl cutlet  sf. cutulèta

cucumber   sm. ziẓarnël cutting board  sf. batlêrda

cultivate  vb 1. cultivêr cuttlefish   sf. zèpa

cypress   sm. arciprës

D - d

dad  sm. ba damned   adj, past part. danê

daffodil   sf. giunchèja damp   adj. mòl (2)

damage   sm. dân dance   vb 1. balêr

damn   vb 1. danêr danger   sm. perìcul

dangerous    adj. periculôṣ deck chair   sm. ṣdràj

dangle   vb 1. dundlêr deck of cards   sfpl. chêrt da

dark   adj. scur
decorate  vb 1. decurêr
dark (of color)   adj. bùr
decoration  sf. decuraziôn
date (fruit)   sm. dàtar
dedicate  vb 1. dedichêr
datum  sm. dèt (1)
deep   adj. fónd
daughter   sf. fiöla
deer   sm. zévar
dawn  sf. êiba
defeat  vb 2. vénzar
day   sm. dè
defecate   vb 1. caghêr
day after tomorrow  
adv. pasdmân deflate   vb 1. ṣgunfiêr

dead   past part. mört deflated   adj. ṣgunfiê

deaf   adj. sôrd degree   sm. grêd

deal the cards  phrase. fêr al delay  sm. ritêrd

delicate   adj. delichêt
dear   adj. chêr
delicious  adj. deliziôṣ
death   sf. mörta
delitto   sm. crèmin
debt   sm. dëbit
demand   vb 1. cmandêr
debut (eg, an actor)   vb
dense   adj. spès (1)
1. debutêr
decant   vb 1. travaṣêr dentist   sm. dintèsta

December   sm. dizèmbar deny  vb 1. neghêr

decide   vb 2. dicìdar depend   vb 2. dipèndar

decided   adj, past part. dicìṣ dependable   adj. afidàbil

decision  sf. diciṣiôn deprive  vb 1. privêr

decisive   adj. diciṣìv deprived (of)   adj. priv

descend  phrase. andêr ẓó diamond (gem)   sm. diamânt

describe  vb 3. descrìvar dice   vb 1. tridêr

described   past part. descrèt dictionary  sm. diziunêri

description   sf. descriziôn die   vb 3. murìr

descriptive  adj. descritìv die (sing of dice)   sm. dèd

desert  sm, adj. deṣért difference  sf. difarénza

deserted  sm, adj. deṣért different   adj. difarént

adj. divérs
design   sm. dṣègn
difficult   adj. difèzil
desirable   adj. deṣideràbil
dig   vb 1. vanghêr
desire   vb 1. deṣiderêr
sm. deṣidêri digestion   sf. digestiôn

desired  past part, adj. deṣiderê diligent  adj. diligént

desirous  adj. deṣiderôṣ dine  vb 1. znêr

despairing   past part, dinner  sf. zéna

adj. disperê
diploma   sf. diplòma
destroy  vb 2. distróẓar
direct   vb 2. dirèẓar
destruction  sf. distruziôn
direct current   sf. curént
detail  sm. detàj cuntènua
determination   sf. direction  sf. direziôn
director   sm. diretôr
determine   vb 1. determinêr
director (female)  sf. diretrìce
detest   vb 1. detestêr
directress   sf. diretrìce
detestable   adj. detestàbil
dirt  sm. tacôn
develop   vb 1. ṣvilupêr
dirty  vb 3. inluzìr
development    sm. ṣvilóp adj. spörc
diamond (cards)   sm. danêr

discharge (weapon, electrical)   distribution   sf. distribuziôn
sf. scàrga
disturb   vb 1. sturbêr
discord   sm. armôr
disturbance  sm. sturb
discourse  vb 2. scórar
dive   sm. còlfëc
discovery   sf. squérta vb 1 refl. tufês
discuss   vb 2. discùtar diverse   adj. divérs

discussion   sf. discusiôn diversity  sf. divarsitê

disease   sf. malatì divide   vb 2. divìdar

disembowel  vb 1. ṣbudlêr divided  adj, past part. divìṣ

disgrace  sf. ṣgrêzia divine   adj. divén

disgust   sm. ṣgóst division   sf. diviṣiôn

disgusting   adj. ṣgustôṣ divorce   sm. divörzi

dishwasher    sm. lêvapiàt do   vb irr. fêr

dislike  vb irr. spiaṣér doctor  sm. dutòr

dismantle  vb 1. ṣmuntêr dog  sm. cân

dismount   vb 1. ṣmuntêr dolphin   sm. dalfén

disorder   sf. cunfuṣiôn done   past part. fat (2)

dispair   vb 1. disperêr donkey   sm. sumàr

disperse  vb 2. dispérdar donkey (female)   sf. sumàra

dispersed   past part, adj. dispérs door   sf. pörta

displease   vb irr. spiaṣér door (small)  sm. spurtël

dispute    sf. cuntruvérsia doorknob   sf. manìglia

vb 1. disputêr
double   adj, sm. dópi
distaff (for spinning yarn)  
doubt   sf. dubièza
sf. canòcia (2)
vb 1. dubitêr
distance   sf. luntanânza

doubtful   adj. dubiôṣ drip  vb 1. culêr

doubtfulness   sf. dubièza dripping (off a candle)  

sm. mòcal
down  adv. ẓó
drive   vb 2. cundùṣar
dozen   sf. duẓéna
drive (animals)   vb 1. amnêr
draft (military)   sf. léva (2)
drop (intr)   vb 1. caschêr
dragonfly   sm. s-ciadùr (2)
drop (of liquid)  sf. gózla
drain   vb 1. scarghêr
sm. scàric drop (something)   phrase. lasêr
vb 1. ṣvuitêr caschêr
drank   past part. dbu drown   vb 1. afughêr

drape   sf. tènda drug (medical)  

sm. medicamént
draw  vb 1. dṣignêr
drunk   adj. imbariêg
draw forth   vb 1. tirêr
dry  vb 1. schêr
drawer   sm. casèt
adj. sèc
drawing   sm. dṣègn vb 1. sughêr

drawing room   sm. salòt dry up  vb 3. insichìr

dream   sm. sógn dryer  sf. sugadôra

dregs   sf. fècia dubious   adj. dubiôṣ

dress   vb 3. avstìr dubiousness   sf. dubièza

dress (a wound)   vb 1. midghêr duchess   sf. duchèsa

dress (for women)   sm. sti duchy   sm. duchêt

dress (style of dressing)   duck   sf. anàdra

sm. stimént duckling   sm. anadròt
dresser   sm. cumò duke   sm. dóca
drill   sm. tràpan during  prep. durânt
drink   vb 2. bér

dust  sf. pórbia dustpan   sf. palèta

E - e

each  adj. igna economical   adj. ecunòmic

eagle   sf. êquila economist   sm. ecunumèsta

ear   sf. urècia edge   sm. bôrd

early  phrase. ad bôn’ôra education   sf. istruziôn

early (compared to normal)   effect   sm. efët

adv. prèma
egg  sm. öv
early (right away, first thing)  
egg-beater   sm. fróla-ov
adv. prëst (1)
earn (a salary)   vb eggplant   sf. manẓâna
1. guadagnêr eight  number. òt
earring   sm. urcìn eight hundred   number. otzènt
earth  sf. tëra eighteen   number. ṣdòt
earthenware   sm. còz eighth   ordinal. utêv
earthworm   sm. bigàt eighty   number. utânta
east  sm. ëst elbow   sm. gónd
East   sm. alvânt elderberry   sm. sambùc
Easter  sf. Pasqua electric current   sf. curént
easy   adj. fêzil elëtrica

eat  vb 1. magnêr elephant   sm. elefânt

eaten   sm, adj, past part. magnê eleven   number. óngg

eaves   sf. giundéra elm   sm. ôjom

economic   adj. ecunòmic else   adv, conj. sinò

emperor   sm. imperatôr equalize, make equal   vb
1. parẓêr
empire   sm. impér
equally  adv. êtartânt
empty   vb 1. scarghêr
vb 1. ṣvuitêr equilibrium   sm. equilìbri
adj, sm. vùit
equinox   sm. equinözi
empty (bus, tanker)   adj. scàrg
erase   vb 1. scanzlêr
encounter   vb 1. incuntrêr
eraser   sf. góma
vb 1. intupêr
end  sf. finêl error   sm. erôr
sm. fal
end (of trip)   sf. méta
escape   sm. scâmp (1)
endive   sf. indìvia vb 1. scapêr
enemy   sm. nemìg espresso   sm. esprës

engine   sm. mutôr Europe   sf. Europa

engineer  sm. inẓègn (2) European   adj. europèj

vb 3. inẓgnìr
even (to a great extent)  
engineering   sf. inẓgnarì adv. magàra
England  sf. Inghiltëra evening   sf. séra

English  adj. ingléṣ evening - this evening  

adv. staséra
enjoy  vb 1. gudér
vb 1. gustêr (1) event   sm. evént

enough   adv. abastânza every   adj. igna

adv. bàsta adj. ôgni
adj. tót
enter   vb 1. intrêr
everybody   sm. mónd
entrance  sm. ingrës
everyone   pron. ignôn
envelope    sf. bósta
everything   pronoun. gnaquël
enzyme   sm. furmént
everywhere   adv. dimpartót
equal (social rank)  sm. pêr

exact  adj. eṣàt experiment   sm. esperimént

example  sm. eṣémpi expert  adj, sm. expért

exchange   sm. baràt explain  vb 1. spieghêr

vb 1. baratêr
explanation   sf. spiegaziôn
executioneer   sm. böja
explode   vb 1. s-ciupêr
exile   vb 1. eṣigliêr
explosion   sf. s-ciupadùra
sm. eṣìli
exiled   adj, past part. eṣigliê extend   vb 2. stèndar

exist   vb 2. eṣèstar extract (a profit)   vb 1. cavêr

existence   sf. eṣisténza extraordinary   adj. spavintôṣ

exit   vb 3. uscìr eye   sm. òcc

exotic   adj. eṣòtic eyebrow  sf. sôrazèja

expansion    sf. espansiôn eyelashes   sf. zèja (2)

expensive   adj. chêr eyelid   sf. zèja (2)

experience  sf. esperiénza

F - f

fable  sf. föla faithful   adj. fid

face  sf. fàza fall  sm. autôn

vb 1. caschêr
fact   sm. fat (1)
false   adj. fêls
factor   sm. fatôr
falsehood   sf. buṣì
factory   sf. fàbrica
fame   sf. fâma
fail  vb 3. falìr
family   sf. famì
failure   sm. falimént
famous  adj. famôṣ
fairy  sf. fêlda

far off   adj. luntân fennec   sm. fenèc

farm   sf. faturì fern   sf. félsa

farmer  sm. cuntadén festival   sf. fësta

sm. fatôr sm. fèstival
fart   sf. scurèẓa festive  adj. festìv
vb 1. scurẓêr
fetid smell   sm. fiê
fast   adj. lëst
few   pron. puc
fat   adj. gras
field   sm. câmp
adj. gròs
father   sm. pê fifteen   number. quèngg

fatten   vb 1. ingrasêr fifth   ordinal. quént

faucet   sm. rubinèt fiftieth   adj. zinquantéṣom

fault  sf. côjpa fifty   number. zinquânta

sm. fal fig   sm. fig
fava bean  sf. fêva fight  sf. lòta
favor   sf. grêzia vb 1. lutêr
sm. piaṣér figure   sf. figùra
fear   sf. paùra file (small)   sf. limèta (2)
sm. spavént
vb 1. temér file (tool)   sf. lèma

feast   sf. fësta filet   sm. filèt

feather   sf. pèna fill   vb 3. rimpìr

February   sm. fabrêr filo dough   sf. spója

feeble   adj. dëbul filter  sm. fìltar

feel   vb 3. sintìr (1) filth   sm. lòz

sm. tacôn
feeling   sm. sintimént
filthy   adj. spörc
female   sf. fèmna
final   adj. finêl

finally, in the end   phrase. a la flash   sm. balén
flat   adj. piân (1)
find   vb 1. truvêr
flatbread  sf. piê
fine   adj. stil
flavor   sm. savôr
finger   sm. did
flay   vb 1. scurghêr
finish   sf. finêl
flea   sf. pólṣa
vb 3. finìr
fir   sm. abét flee   vb 1. scapêr

fire  sm. fug flicker   vb 1. ṣguilêr

firefly  sf. lózla flight   sm. vôl

firewood  sf. lègna floor   sm. pavimént

first   ordinal. prèm floor (in a building)   sm. piân (5)

fish   sm. pès flour   sf. faréna

vb 1. pischêr flower   sm. fiôr
fisherman  sm. pscadôr fly   sf. mósca
fishhook   sm. âm vb 1. vulêr

fishing rod   sf. câna da pèsca fly (large)   sm. muscôn

fist  sm. pógn foal   sm. pulédar

fistful   sm. pógn foam   sf. s-ciôma

five   number. zénc fog  sf. nèbia

five-hundred   number. zénczènt foggy   adj. nibiôṣ

fixed   adj. fès fold   vb 1. pighêr

fizzy   adj. frizânt food   sm, adj, past part. magnê

flag   sf. bangéra foolish  adj. dìṣom (2)

flame   sf. fiâma foot   sm. pè

flamingo  sm. fenicòtar for   prep. par

forbid   vb 3. pruibìr free   adj. lèbar

force   sf. fórza free (for)   phrase. par gnit

forehead   sf. frônt (1) freedom   sf. libartê

foreign   adj, sm. straniér freeze  vb 1. gilêr

foreigner   adj, sm. straniér French   adj. franẓés

forest   sf. furësta frequency  sf. frequénza

forever   adv. mài frequent   adj. frequént

adv. par sèmpar
fresh   adj. frès-c
adv. sèmpar
forge  sf. förgia Friday  sm. vènar

forget   vb 1. ṣminghêr fried   adj. frèt

forgiveness   sf. scuṣa friend (female)   sf. àmiga

fork  sf. furchèta friend (male)   adj, sm. àmig

form   sf. fôrma (1) friendly   adj, sm. àmig

forty   number. quarânta frighten   vb 1. spavintêr

forward   adv. avânti frightening  adj. spavintôṣ

fountain   sf. funtâna frog   sf. ranëla

four   number. quàtar from   prep. ad

prep. da
four hundred  
front (in front of)   prep. davânti
number. quàtarzènt
fourteen  number. quatörgg front (in war)   sm. frônt (2)

fourth   ordinal. quêrt frost   sm. gél

fox   sm. vôjp froth   sf. s-ciôma

fragile   adj. frêgil frozen  adj, past part. ẓlê

frame   sf. curnìṣa fruit   sf. frùta

France   sf. Frânẓa fry   vb 2. frèzar

full  adj. pìn furnish   vb 3. furnìr

fun  sm. divartimént furniture  sm. mòbil

fungus   sm. fônẓ further  adv. ôltra

funnel   sm. pidariöl future   sm. avnì

furnace   sf. furnéṣa

G - g

gadget   sm. arnéṣ gem   sf. gèma

gain weight   vb 1. ingrasêr general   adj. generêl

game   sf. partìda gentle   adj. ẓintìl

gap   adj, sm. vùit German   adj. tudès-c

garage   sm. garàgg Germany   sf. Germagna

Garbino   sm. garbén get  vb irr. tur

garden   sm. ẓardén get off/out of a vehicle  vb

1. ṣmuntêr
garlic  sm. àj
get up  vb 1 refl. livês
garment  sm. stimént
ghost   sm. spétar
gas station   sm. benẓinêr
gift   sm. preṣént (2)
gasoline   sf. benẓìna
sm. righêl
sm. petröli
gilet   sm. gilè
gate   sf. pörta
ginger  sm. ẓenẓar
gather (things together)  vb
1. radunêr giraffe  sf. giràfa

gazelle   sf. gaẓëla girl (little)   sf. burdëla

gear   sf. röda dintêda give   vb irr. dêr

gelato   sm. gelàto glad  adj. alégar

glance   sf. pasèda golf   sm. gôlf (1)

glass   sm. bichìr good   adj. bôn

sm. védar
good day   interj. bôndè
glasses  smpl. ucél
good evening   interj. bônaséra
glimmer   sf. lùdla
Good night  interj. bônanòt
gloomy    adj. scur
goose   sf. öca
glove  sm. guânt
gorilla   sm. gurèl
glue  sf. cöla
govern   vb 1. regnêr
glutton   adj. lôv
government  sm. guéran
gnaw  vb 1. ruṣghêr
grace   sf. grêzia
gnocchi (pasta)   sm. gnòc
gracious  adj. graziôṣ
go   vb 1. andêr
grade   sm. grêd
go down  phrase. andêr ẓó
grain   sf. garnëla
vb 1. smuntêr
sm. grân
go for a walk   vb 1. spaziêr
grain (of rice, of sand...)  
go in  vb 1. intrêr sf. grâna
go up   phrase. andêr só gram  sm. grâm
vb 1. muntêr
grandfather   sm. nòn (1)
vb 3. salìr
goal  sf. méta grandmother   sf. nòna

goat   sf. chêvra grape   sf. ùva

goat (baby)   sm. cavrèt grapefruit   sm. pumpélom

goat (male)   sm. cavrôn grass   sf. érba

God  sm. Signôr grasshopper   sf. cavalèta

god  sm. dio grate  sf. frêda

vb 1. gratêr
gold  sm. ör
grater   sf. gratùṣa

gray   adj. bartén group   sm. gróp
adj. griṣ
grow  vb 2. crèsar
great  adj. grând
guard   sm. guargiân
greedy   adj. avêr
guide   vb 2. cundùṣar
green   adj. vérd
guinea fowl   sf. farôna
greenhouse  sf. sëra
guitar   sf. chitàra
greens   sf. vardùra
gulf   sm. gôlf
greet  vb 1. salutêr
gull   sm. crucalàz
vb 1. salutêr
greeting   sm. salût (2) gum   sm. màstig

grill (for cooking)  sf. gardëla gun (handgun)   sf. pistöla

grind   vb 1. tridêr gun (shotgun)  sm. fuzìl

grind (as flour)   vb 1. maṣnêr gut  sf. pânza

grind (as pepper)   vb 1. pistêr gutter   sf. giundéra

grocer   sm. urtlân Gypsy   sm. zèngan

ground meat   sf. chêrna trida

H - h

habitual   adj. sòlit hallway   sm. curidùr

had   past part. avù ham   sm. parsót

hag   sf. befâna hamburger   sf. chêrna trida

hair   sm. cavèl hammer  sm. martël

hairbrush   sf. spazaréna hamster   sm. cricét

hairdresser   sm. paruchìr hand   sf. mân

half   adj, sm. mëẓ

hand (in cards)  sf. smazê (ad hateful   adj. detestàbil
chèrt) adj. udiôṣ
hand (of a clock)  sf. frèza hatred   sm. ödi
have   vb irr. avér
hand (on the other)  
have value   vb 1. valér
phrase. d'êtra pêrt
handful  sm. pógn hay   sm. fén

handkerchief    sm. fazulèt haystack   sm. bêrc

sm. pajér
handle   sm. mâng
hazelnut  sf. nuciöla
sf. manìglia
hang   vb 2. pèndar he   pron. ló
pron. e'(2)
happen   vb 2. suzédar pron. l'(2)
happy   adj. alégar head   sm. chêp
adj. filìz sm. chêv
sf. tësta
harbor  sm. pört
health   sf. salût (1)
hard   adj. dur
heap   sm. mócc
hardware   sf. framénta
hear   vb 3. sintìr (1)
hardware store  sm. negözi ad
feraménta hearing   sm. ascôlt

hare   sf. lévra heart  sm. cör

harmful   adj. danéval heart (cards)   sf. cópa (1)

harmony  sf. armunì hearth   sm. fug

harvest  sf. cölta heat   sm. calôr

vb 2. médar vb 1. scaldêr
hat  sm. capël heaven  sm. zil

hate   vb 1. detestêr heavy   adj. péṣânt

vb 1. udiêr
hectogram   sm. ëto

heel  sm. calcâgn hoe  sf. sàpa
vb 1. sapêr
height   sf. tàja
hold  vb irr. tnér
helmet   sm. cas-c
hold in one’s mind   phrase. tnér
help  sm. ajùt
a mént
vb 1. ajutêr
hole  sm. buṣ
helper  sm. garẓôn
hollow   adj, sm. chêv (2)
hemp   sf. cânva
holy   adj, sm. sânt
hen   sf. galéna
homosexual  adj. omosesuêl
her   adj. su
honey   sm. mél
herb   sf. érba
hoof   sm. zòcul
here   adv. iquà
hook (fishing)   sm. âm
herring   sf. rènga
hope   sf. sperânza
hew (as an axe)   vb 1. s-cêr
vb 1. sperêr
hidden   adj. gnascòst hopeful  adj. speranzôṣ
hide  vb 1. arpiatêr horn   sm. cöran
vb 2. gnascóndar
hornet   sm. galavlôn
high  adj. êlt
horse   sm. cavàl
highway  sf. autostrê
horse chestnut   sm. castâgn
hill   sf. culéna
hip   sf. ânca horse groomer   sm. cavalêr
hippopotamus  sm. ipopòtam horsefly   sf. tafanëla
his  adj. su horsehair   sf. créna
history   sf. störia horseman   sm. cavalìr
hit   vb 2. bàtar hospital   sm. bṣdêl
sf. bòta (1)
hot  adj. chêld
hodgepodge   sm. pastròcc

hotel  sm. albérg humility  sf. umiltê

hour   sf. ôra hummingbird  sm. colibrì

house   sf. ca humor (comedy)  

sm. umurìṣom
housewife   sf. aẓdôra
humorous   adj. umurèstic
how   adv. cóma
hundred   number. zènt
how many   adv. quânt
hundredth   ordinal. zantéṣom
how much   adv. quânt
hunger   sf. fâm
however  phrase. d'êtra pêrt
hunter   sm. cazadôr
howl (animal)   vb 1. urlêr
hurry  sf. prìscia
human   adj. umân
interj. ṣvélti
humanity   sf. umanitê hurry (in a)   phrase. ṣvelta (a la)
humid   adj. ómid husband   sm. marè
adj. ómid sm. spôṣ
humidity   sf. umiditê husk (verb)   vb 1. capêr
humiliate   vb 1. umigliêr hydrant   sm. idrânt
humiliation  sf. umigliaziôn

I - i

I  pron. me identity  sf. identitê

ice  sm. giàz identity card  sf. chêrta

ice cream vendor  sm. gelatêr
idiot   adj, sm. idiöta
icebox   sf. giazêra
idiotic   adj, sm. idiöta
icicle   sm. giazöl
if   conj. se
idea  sf. idèa
ignorant   adj. ignurânt

iguana   sf. iguâna industrious   adj. industriôṣ

illness  sf. malatì industry   sf. indóstria

sm. mêl (3)
inept  adj. inèt
illusion   sf. iluṣiôn
infect  vb 1. infetêr
illusory   adj. illuṣöri
infected   past part, adj. infët
illustrate   vb 1. illustrêr
infection   sf. infeziôn
illustration   sf. illustraziôn
infirmary   sm. infarmarì
image   sf. figùra
inflame   vb 1. infiamêr
imperial   adj. imperiêl
inflammation   sf. infiamaziôn
implore  vb 1. parghêr
inflate   vb 1. gunfiêr
important   adj. impurtânt
inflated   adj. gònf
impression   sf. impresiôn
information   sf. infurmaziôn
imprint   sm. ból
ingenius   adj. inẓègn (1)
impulse   sm. impuls
ink  sm. inciòstar
in  prep. in
insect   sm. insët
in good time   phrase. ad
inside   adv. déntar
in loan   adv. imprëst insist  vb 3 rfl. intistardìs

incident   sm. inzidént insistent  adj. insistént

include   vb 2. inclùdar instance (short in duration)  

sf. pasèda
increase  vb 2. crèsar
instantly  adv. sóbit
incredible  adj. incredèbil
instead   adv. invézi
incriminate   vb 1. incriminêr
instead of   phrase. invézi ad
index finger   sm. prèm did
institute   sm. institùt
industrial   adj. industriêl
institution   sf. instituziôn

instruction   sf. istruziôn invention   sf. invenziôn

instrument  sm. strumént invite   vb 1. invidêr

instrument (musical)   irate   adj. adirê

sm. instrumént
iron  sm. fër
insurance   sf. asicuraziôn
irritated   adj. instizi
insure   vb 1. asicurêr
irritation   sm. piẓgôr
intelligent    adj. inteligént
is it time?   phrase. ël ôra?
inter   vb 3. splìr
island   sf. ìsula
interest  sm. interës
isolated   adj. isulê
interesting   adj. interesânt
Italian   adj. italiân
interior   adj, sm. interiôr
Italy   sf. Itaglia
interior (of car, ship)  sm. bôrd
itch   sm. piẓgôr
intolerable   adj. insupurtàbil sm. scadôr
intoxicate   vb 1. imbariaghêr its   adj. su

intoxicated  adj. imbariêg it’s time now   phrase. l’è ôra

invariable  adj. fès

J - j

jack (cards)  sm. fânt Japanese   sm. giapunèṣ

jackass   sm. sumàr jar   sm. baratul

sm. vêṣ
jackass (female)  sf. sumàra
jaw   sf. mandèbula
jacket   sf. gabâna
sf. giachèta jelly   sf. cunfitùra

jam   sf. cunfitùra jersey   sm. majôn

January   sm. ẓnêr jewel  sm. giujël

job   sm. lavôr judicious  adj. giudiziôṣ

john (toilet)   sm. cës juice   sm. sug

join (together, refl)   vb 1. asucêr July  sm. lój

join (with something else)  vb jump  vb 1. saltêr

2. cunètar
June  sm. ẓógn
joke   sm. ẓùg
jungle   sf. gióngla
vb 1. ẓughêr
jonquil  sf. giunchèja just   adj. gióst

journal   sm. giurnêl justice   sf. giustèzia

journey  sm. viàẓ justification   sf. giustificaziôn

judge   sm. giódiz justify   vb 1. giustifichêr

vb 1. giudichêr justness  sf. giustèza
judicial   adj. giudiziêl

K - k

keep  vb 1. cunservêr kill   vb 1. acupêr

vb 1. amazêr
kettle  sm. bulidôr
killer whale   sf. òrca
key   sf. cèv
kind   adj. ẓintìl
key (on a keyboard)   sm. tast
king   sm. re
keyboard   sf. tastìra
kingdom  sm. règn
keychain   sm. pörtacêv
kiss   vb 1. baṣêr
keystroke  sm. tast
sm. bêṣ (1)
kick   sm. chêlz (1) kitchen  sf. cuṣéna (2)
kidney  sm. argnôn kitten  sm. minìn

kitty  sm. minìn

knee  sm. ẓnòcc know (through study)   vb
irr. savér (1)
knife   sm. curtël
knowledge  sf. cnusânza
knight   sm. cavalìr
sm. savér (2)
knock down  vb 1. sfundêr known  past part, adj. cnusù
knot  sm. nôd past part. savù

know (a person or place)    vb knuckle  sf. gnòcla

2. cnósar

L - l

labor   sm. lavôr lantern   sf. lantérna

lack  vb 1. manchêr larch (tree)   sf. làriz

lacking   adj. priv lard  sm. lêrd

ladder  sf. schêla large   adj. gròs

ladle   sm. mèscula lasagna   sf. laṣâgna

sf. parpadëla
lady   sf. dòna
last   adj. ùtom
lady of the house   sf. aẓdôra
late   phrase. a têrda ôra
ladybug   sm. luzlìn
adv. têrd
lake   sm. lêg latrine   sf. latréna
lamb  sm. agnël latte  sm. cafelàt
lamp  sf. lâmpada laugh   vb 2. rìdar
lamp (oil lamp)   sf. lóma laughter   sm. riṣ (2)
land  sf. tëra laundry  sf. bughê
landing (stairs)   sm. pianèt lava   sf. lêva
language   sf. lèngua lavatory   sm. lavadùr

law   sf. lèẓ lentil   sf. lénta

lead  vb 2. cundùṣar leopard   sm. leopêrd

lead (metal)  sm. piómb less  adv. mânc

leaf   sf. fója lesson  sf. leziôn

leak   sf. furauscìda letter (missive)   sf. lètra

vb. furauscìr
letter (of alphabet)   sf. lètra
learn   vb 1. imparêr
lettuce   sf. latùga
leather   sm. curâm
level   sm. livël
leave  vb 1 refl. aviês sf. livëla
vb 3. partìr adj. piân (1)
vb 1. scapêr sm. piân (5)

leave (behind)   vb 1. lasêr lever  sf. léva (1)

ledge (on a building)    levy (tax)   sf. léva (3)

sf. curnìṣa
liberate  vb 1. libarêr
leek   sm. pòr
liberty   sf. libartê
left   adj. sinèstar
library   sf. bibliotéca
left hand   sf. mân stânca
lid   sm. quércc
leg   sf. gâmba
lie   sf. buṣì
leg (of chair)   sf. zânca
lie (tell a lie)   vb 3. mintìr
legal   adj. leghêl
life  sf. vîta
legend   sf. legènda
lift   vb 1. livêr
lemon   sm. limôn
light   sm. lóm
lemonade  sf. limunêda sf. luṣ
lemur   sm. lèmur light (a fire)   vb 1. impiêr

lend  vb 1. imprastêr light (in color)   adj. cêr

lengthen   vb 1. slunghêr light (in weight)   adj. alẓìr

light bulb   sf. lampadéna liver   sm. fégat

lightning   sm. fulgôr living room   sm. salôn

lightning bolt   sm. fulgôr lizard  sf. luṣérta

like (see note)  vb irr. piaṣér load  vb 1. carghêr

like (similar to)   adv. cóma loaf (of bread)   sm. filôn (3)

lily   sm. zèj (2) loaf (round load of bread)  

sf. pagnòca
lime   sf. limèta (1)
loan  sm. prëst (2)
limit  sm. lèmit
lobster   sf. aragósta
linden tree  sm. tèj
local   adj. nustrèn
line   sf. lìnea
lock  vb 1. srêr
linen   sf. biancarì
lock (with a key)   vb
linen (fabric)   sm. lén
1. inchiavêr
lion   sm. liôn locked  adj. srê
lip   sm. làbar locust tree   sf. rubèn (2)
liquid   adj, sm. lèquid lodge   sm. rifùgg
list   sf. lèsta lodge, put up  vb 1. alberghêr
listen   vb 1. ascultêr loft   nf. sufita
phrase. stêr d'ascôlt
log   sm. zòc
lit   adj. impiê
loin   sf. lônẓa
little  adj. pècul
adv. pöc loin (cut of meat)   sf. lumbêda
adj. znén
long  adj. lóng
little finger   sm. did znén
look   vb 1. guardêr
live   vb 2. vîvar interj. guêrda
live (inhabit)  vb 1. abitêr look for  vb 1. zarchêr

lively   adj. viv

loose (unsecured)   adj, past louse  sm. bdòcc
part. ṣmulê
love   sm. amôr
loosen   vb 1. ṣmulêr phrase. vlér bén
loot   sf. ròba low   adj. bas

lose   vb 2. pérdar loyal   adj. fid

adj. leêl
loss  sf. pérsita
lucky break   sf. baẓa
lost   adj, past part. pérs
luminous   adj. luminôṣ
lots, quite a lot   adj, adv. parècc
lunch  sm. prânẓ
lounge chair   sm. ṣdràj
lung  sm. palmôn

M - m

macaroni   sm. macarôn make a mistake   vb 1. ṣbagliêr

machine  sf. mâchina make a reservation   vb

1. prenutêr
made   past part. fat (2)
maker  sm. fatôr
magic   sf. magì
adj. màgic male  adj. maschìl

magic wand   sf. bachèta mallard  sm. ziẓôn

maltreat   vb 1. mêltratêr
magician   sm. mêg
man   sm. òm
magician (female)   sf. mêga
manager   sm. dirigént
mail   sf. pòsta
manner  sf. manìra
main  adj. prinzipêl sm. möd
maize   sm. furmintôn mantis shrimp   sf. canòcia (1)

make   vb irr. fêr manual laborer  sm. manuvêl

manufacture   vb 2. prudùṣar mathematics   sf. matemàtica

manufacturer   sm. prudutôr matrimonial   adj. matrimuniêl

many   adv. mônt (2) matrimony  sm. matrimôni

map   sf. màpa mattress   sm. mataràz

maple   sm. òpi (2) maul   sm. maz

March  nm. mêrz maximum   adj. màsime

mare  sf. cavàla May  sm. maẓ

mark   sm. sègn maybe   adv. försi

market   sm. marchê meal   sm. past

marmalade   sf. marmelêda mean (signify)  vb irr. vlér (1)

marmot  sf. marmòta mean (to say)   phrase. vlér dìr

marriage   sm. matrimôni measure  vb 1. imṣurêr

married  adj, past part. maridê measuring cup   sm. imṣurén

marry   vb 1. maridêr meat   sf. chêrna

marsupial   adj, sm. marsupiêl meatball  nf. pulpèta

sf. pulpèta
mason   sm. muradôr
mechanic  sm, adj. mecânic
mass  sf. màsa
mechanical   sm, adj. mecânic
mass (church)   sf. mèsa
medical   adj. médic
masterwork  sm. chêplavôr
medicate   vb 1. midghêr
match   sm. furminânt
medicine   sm. medicamént
match (game)  sf. partìda
sf. mindṣéna
material   adj, sm. matariêl mediocre   adj. mediòcar
material (cloth)   sf. stòfa medlar (fruit)   sf. nëspla
mathematical   adj. matemàtic meet   vb 1. incuntrêr

meeting   sf. riuniôn mineral  adj, sm. minarêl

melon   sm. mlôn miniskirt  sf. stanëla

memorize  phrase. tnér a mént mint  sf. ménta

memory   sf. memöria minute   sm. minùt

mend   vb 1. mindêr mirror   sm. spëcc

vb 1. radanêr
misfortune  sf. ṣgrêzia
merchant   sm. marcânt
miss (suffer from absence of)  
metal   sm. metàl vb 1. manchêr
meter   sm. métar mist   sf. nèbia

microwave oven   sm. fôran a mistake   sm. fal

micro-ónd sm. ṣbalì
midday    sm. mëẓdè mistaken   adj, past part. ṣbagliê

middle   adj, sm. mëẓ misty   adj. nibiôṣ

middle finger   sm. did d'mëẓ mix   vb 1. mis-cêr

midnight  sf. mëẓanòt mixed   adj. miscelê

military   adj, sm. militêr mixer (appliance)  

sm. misceladôr
milk  sm. lat
mixture  sf. misculânza
milkshake   sm. frulê
mom   sf. mâma
milligram   sm. miligrâm
moment   sf. ôra
millimeter   sm. milèmatar
Monday   sm. lôn
million   number. migliôn
money   sm. bajòc
mince   vb 1. tridêr
sf. munéda
vb 1. tridêr
monk   sm. frê
mind  sf. mént
monkey   sf. scèmia
mine  adj, poss pron. mi
sf. miniéra month  sm. méṣ

mood   sm. umôr mouth  sf. bóca
sm. ṣbóc
moon   sf. lôna
move   vb 2. mövar
mop   nm. scupitòn
vb 1. spustêr
moral   adj. murël movement  sm. muvimént
more  adv. pió moving   adj. muvént
morning   sf. maténa much   adv. mônt (2)
morning - this morning   mud   sf. mêlta
adv. stamaténa
mug   sm. buchêl
mortadella  sf. murtadëla
mulberry  nf. môra
mortal  adj. murtêl
mulberry tree  sm. mòr
mortar  sf. mêlta
mullet   sf. mécia
mosquito   sf. zinzêla
murder  vb 1. acupêr
moss  sm. mós-c
muscle  sm. móscul
moth   sf. faléna
mushroom   sm. fônẓ
mother   sf. mâma
sf. mêdra music   sf. mùṣica

motion   sm. muvimént mussel  sm. bdòcc d'mêr

motive   sm. mutìv must   vb irr. duvér

motor   sm. mutôr must (fermented fruit juice)  

sm. móst
motorcycle   sf. motociclèta
mustard   sf. sènapa
mountain    sm. mônt (1)
sf. muntâgna my   adj, poss pron. mi

mouse   sm. sórg

moustache  smpl. bëfi

N - n

nail   sf. bròca needle   sm. êg

nail (finger or toe)   sf. óngia negligent   adj. negligént

nail file   sf. limèta (2) neither   adv. né

naked   adj. nud nerve   sm. nérb

name   vb 1. ciamêr nervous   adj. narvôṣ

sm. nóm
nest  sm. nid
nap   sm. sunlén
net  sf. réda
nape   sf. cópa (2)
never   adv. mài
napkin   sm. tvajöl
new   adj. növ
narrow   adj. strèt
newly   adv. apèna
nation   sf. naziôn
next (week, month)  
national   adj. naziunêl adj. pròsim
natural   adj. naturêl nibble   vb 1. ruṣghêr

nature   sf. natùra night  sf. nòt

near   adv, prep. prës nightstand   sm. cumudén

nearby   adj. vṣén nine  number. növ

nearest   adj. pròsim nine hundred   number. növzènt

necessary   adj. necesêri nineteen   number. ṣnöv

necessity   sf. necesitê ninety   number. nuvânta

neck   sm. còl (1) ninth  ordinal. nòn (2)

necklace   sf. culâna nip   vb 1. piẓghêr

sm. piẓgòt
nectar  sm. nètar
nipple   sf. tèta
need   sm. bṣógn

nipple (on a bottle)   sm. titôn notice   vb 1. nutêr

no   inter. nò notification  sf. nutificaziôn

noise  sm. armôr novel  sm. rumânẓ

noon   sm. mëẓdè novella  sf. nuvëla

noone  adj. inciôn November   sm. nuvèmbar

nor   adv. né novice  adj, sm. debutânt

normal   adj. nurmêl now   adv. adës

north  sm. nord nowhere   adv. unvèl

nose  sm. nêṣ nucleus   sm. nucleo

not  adv. an nude   adj. nud

adv. n
number  sm. nómar
not (intensifies negative)  
numeral   sm. numarêl
adv. brìṣa
not in the least   adv. gnânca numerous   adj. numarôṣ

notable  adj. nutàbil nun  sf. söra

notary  sm. nutêr nuque  sf. cópa (2)

sm. nutêri nurse   sm. infarmìr
note   sf. nöta nut  sm. nòṣ
vb 1. nutêr
nut (with bolt)   sm. dèd
nothing  pron. gnit

O - o

oak (durmast)  sf. rôvra oasis   sf. òaṣi

oak (winter)   sm. zèr obscure   adj. scur

oar   sm. rém observation   sf. uservaziôn

observe   vb 1. uservêr one (m)   art, number. un

obtain   vb 1. utnér oneself   pron. si

occur   vb 2. suzédar onion   sf. zóla

October   sm. utóbar only   adj. ónic

adj, adv. sôl (1)
octopus   sm. pôlp
open   past part, adj. arvért
odious   adj. udiôṣ
vb 3. arvìr
odor   sm. udôr past part, adj. avért

of   prep. ad opened   past part, adj. arvért

off   adj. murtê opera   sf. övra

off of   adv. ẓó operate (equipment)   vb

1. uparêr
offer   vb 3. ufrìr
operation   sf. uperaziôn
office  sm. ufizi
operator (of equipment)  
official   adj. uficêl sm. uparêri
sm. ufiziêl
opinion   sm. paré
often   adv. spès (2) sf. upignôn
ogre   sm. örc opium   sm. òpi (1)

oil   sm. öli opposite  adj, sm. cuntrêri

old   adj. vëcc or  conj. o

olive   sf. ulìva orange   sf. partugàla

olive tree   sm. ulìv orange (color)   adj. arânz

omission   sf. umisiôn orangutan   sm. rangutân

omit  vb 2. umètar orc  sm. örc

on   adj. impiê orca   sf. òrca

prep. sôra
order   sm. ôrdin
one (f)  art, number. un'
ordinary   adj. urdinêri
art, number. una

oregano  sm. urìgan outside   adv. fùra

organ   sm. örgan outsider   adj, sm. furëst

organization    sf. urganiẓaziôn oval   adj. övul

orgasm   sm. urghêṣom oven   sm. fôran

orgasm (colloquial)   sm. góst over   prep. sôra

ostrich   sm. stròz overcoat   sf. gabâna

other   adj. êtar owe   vb irr. duvér

otherwise  adv, conj. sinò owl   sm. ciù

otter   sm. ludar owner   sm. pruprietêri

sm. pusesôr
our   adj, poss pron. nòstar
ox   sm. bò
ours   adj, poss pron. nòstar
sm. mânẓ
out  adv. fùra oyster   sf. òstrica
outlet (for water)  sm. ṣbóc

P - p

pacifier    sm. titôn pair  sf. còpia (2)

sm. pér (2)
pack   sm. pac
pajamas  sm. pigiâm
package (shipping)   sm. còl (2)
palm (of hand)   sf. pêlma
page   sf. pàgina
palm (tree)   sf. pêjma
pail   sm. sècc
pan (frying)   sf. padëla
pain  sm. mêl (3)
pants   smpl. bragôn
paint  sf. ténta
smpl. calzôn
paintbrush  sm. pinël papa   sm. ba

paper   sf. chêrta

pappardella   sf. parpadëla patience  sf. pazénzia

paradise   sm. paradìṣ paw   sf. zâmpa

paragraph   sm. paràgraf pay   vb 1. paghêr

sf. pêga
parallel   adj. paralél
pay attention to   phrase. stêr
parasite   adj, sm. parasìt
atént a
parasitic   adj, sm. parasìt pea  sm. bṣël
parcel   sm. còl (2) peace   sf. pêṣ
pardon   sf. scuṣa peach   sf. péṣga
parent   sm. genitôr peacock   sm. pavôn
parrot   sm. papagàl pear   sf. péra
parsley   sm. pidarsöl pear tree   sm. pér (1)
part   sf. pêrta pearl   sf. pérla
partridge   sf. stêrna pebble   sm. ẓòt
party   sf. fësta pedestrian  sm. pedôn
pass   vb 1. pasêr peel  vb 1. ṣbuzêr
passable   adj. mediòcar peer   sm. pêr
past  past part, adj, sm. pasê pen  sf. pèna
pasta   sf. pàsta pencil   sm. ëbis
pasta (tubular shaped, in
penguin   sm. pinguén
broth)   sm. pasadén
peninsula  sf. penìṣula
paste   sf. pàsta
penis  sm. uṣël (2)
pastry   sf. pasta spója
pension   sf. pinsiôn
pasty  sm. pastròcc
pepper   sm. pévar
patch   vb 1. radanêr
pepper (bell pepper)  
path   sm. sintìr (2)
sm. pivarôn

pepper mill  sm. mêṣnapévar pie   sf. grustê

perfect   adj. perfët piece  sm. pëz

perhaps   adv. försi pig   sm. pörc

peril  sm. perìcul pigeon (domestic)   sm. piẓôn

perillous   adj. periculôṣ piglet  sm. purzël

permit  vb 2. cungedêr pile   sf. méda

sm. mócc
perpendicular    adj. perpendicu
lêr pile up   vb 1. mucêr

person   sf. parsona pillow   sm. cuscèn

personal   adj. parsunêl (1) pillowcase   sf. frudèta

personnel  sm. parsunêl (2) pin   sf. punténa

petro  sm. petröli pincers   sfspl. mujèt

petrol   sf. benẓìna pinch  vb 1. piẓghêr

sm. piẓgòt
petrol station   sm. benẓinêr
pine tree  sm. pén
petticoat  sf. sutâna
pineapple   sm. ànanas
pharmacy  sf. farmazi
pinky   sm. did znén
photograph   sf. fotografì
pipe  sm. tub
photographer   sm. fotògraf
piss  vb 1. pisêr
physical   adj. fiṣic
pistol   sf. pistöla
physics   sf. fìṣica
pitcher   sf. bòcia
piano (musical instrument)  
sm. piân (4) pitchfork  sm. furcôn

pickax   sm. picôn place  sm. lög

pickled   adj. sót’aṣé place (specified)  sm. pòst (2)

picture   sm. quêdar place (upon)   vb 1. pusêr

placed   past part. pòst (1) poem   sm. puéma

plan  sm. piân (3) poesy   sf. puëtica

plane   sm. piöla poet   sm. puéta

plane (geometric figure)    poetess   sf. puetèsa

sm. piân (2)
poetic   adj. puëtic
planet   sm. pianéta
poetry  sf. puëtica
planing tool   sm. piöla
point  sm. pônt (2)
plank  sf. ësa
point (pointy end)   sf. pônta
plant  sf. piânta
point out   vb 1. nutêr
plate  sm. piàt
poison   sm. vlén
play   sm. ẓùg
pole  sf. stânga
vb 1. ẓughêr
play (an instrument)   vb police   sf. pulizì (1)
1. sunêr political   adj, sm. pulètic
player   sm. ẓugadôr politician  adj, sm. pulètic
playing cards  sfpl. chêrt da politics   sf. pulètica
pomegranate  sf. garnê
please   interj. par piaṣér
vb irr. piaṣér pool (swimming)  sf. piscéna

pleasure   sm. góst poor   adj. pövar

sm. piaṣér
poorly   adv. mêl (2)
plough   sm. parghér
poplar  sf. piòpa
vb 1. scasêr
plow   sm. parghér porcupine  sm. pörc-spinôṣ
vb 1. scasêr pork   sm. pörc
plum  sf. suṣéna port   sm. pört
plum tree   nm. suṣén portion   sf. fèta
pocket   sf. sacòcia sf. purziôn

pose (a thing)   vb 1. pusêr powerful  adj. putènt
adj. putént
position   sf. puṣiziôn
pram  sf. caruzéna
possess  vb 2. pusédar
prawn   sm. gâmbar
possessor   sm. pusesôr
pray   vb 1. parghêr
possibility   sf. pusibilitê
prefer   vb 3. preferìr
possible  adj. pusèbil
pregnant   adj f. grêvda
possibly   adv. pusibilmént
prepare   vb 2. dispônar
post office   sf. pòsta
vb 1. preparêr
postal   adj. pustêl prepared   adj. prônt
postal worker   sm. pustén presence   sf. preṣénza
postpone   vb 2. puspônar present   vb 1. preṣentêr
postponed  adj, past sm. preṣént (2)
part. puspòst sm. righêl

pot (clay)   sm. pignàt present (at a place)   adj,

sm. preṣént (1)
pot (for stew)   sf. pignàta
present (time)  adj, sm. preṣént
potato  sf. patêta (1)
potent  adj. putènt presentation   sf. preṣentaziôn
adj. putént
presenter   sm. preṣentadôr
pothole  sf. póza (2)
press (for wine or olive oil)  
potion   sf. puziôn sm. törcc
pound  vb 1. pistêr previous  adv. dnénz

pour (from a vessel)  vb price   sm. prëz

1. travaṣêr
priest   sm. prid
powder  sf. pórbia
primary   adj. prinzipêl
power    sm. putér (2)
prince   sm. prénzip

princess   sf. prinzipèsa professor (male)  sm. prufesôr

principate   sm. prinzipêt profit   sm. prufèt

principle   adj. prinzipêl profusion   sf. prufuṣiôn

print   vb 1. stampêr program   sm. prugâm

vb 1. prugamêr
printer (computer)  
sf. stampânta programmer   sm. prugramèsta

prison   sf. parṣon progress  vb 3. progredìr

sm. prugrës
prisoner   sm. parṣunìr
progression   sf. prugresiôn
private   adj, past part. privê
prohibit  vb 3. pruibìr
probability   sf. prubabilitê
prohibited  adj, past part. pruibì
probable  adj. prubàbil
prohibition   sf. pruibiziôn
probably   adv. prubabilmént
project   sm. prugët
problem   sm. probléma
promenade   vb 1. spaziêr
procedure   sf. pruzedùra
promise   vb 2. prumètar
proceed   vb 2. pruzédar
proper to   adv. pròpi
process   sm. prozedimént
property  sf. pruprietê
produce   vb 2. prudùṣar
prophecy   sm. prufezì
produced   adj, past part. prudót
(1) prophesy   vb 1. prufetizêr

producer   sm. prudutôr prophet  sm. pruféta

product   sm. prudót (2) prophetess   sf. prufetèsa

production   sf. pruduziôn prophetic   adj. prufétic

profane  adj. prufân proprietor  sm. pruprietêri

profession   sf. prufesiôn prosaic   adj. pruṣàic

professor (female)   prosciutto   sm. parsót

sf. prufesurèsa

prose   sf. pröṣa pump   sf. pómpa

prostitute   sf. putâna pumpkin  sf. zóca

protect   vb 2. prutèẓar punch   sm. côlp

protected   adj, past part. prutèt punishment   sf. péna

protection  sf. pruteziôn pupil (of eye)  sm. babén (2)

protest   sf. prutësta puppet   sm. pupàz

vb 1. prutestêr
puppy   sm. cagnìn
provide  vb 3. furnìr
pure   adj. vérgin
prudent  adj. giudiziôṣ
purple  adj. purpurén
prune   vb 1. pudêr
put  past part. mès
vb 1. tajêr
vb 2. mètar
public   adj. póblic vb 2. pônar
publish  vb 1. stampêr put on (a light)  vb 1. impiêr

publishing   sf. stâmpa put on (clothing)   vb 1. indusêr

puddle   sf. póza (2) put out (a candle)  vb 1. murtêr

pull   vb 1. tirêr putty   sm. màstig

Q - q

quail   sf. quàja quickly   adv. prëst (1)

phrase. ṣvelta (a la)
quality  sf. qualitê
quiet   adj. tranquèl
quantity   sf. quantitê
sf. tranquilitê
quarrel   vb 1. litighêr quiet oneself   vb 1. taṣér
queen  sf. regìna

quick   adj. ṣvêlt

R - r

rabbit   sm. cunèj rat   sm. rat

raccoon   sm. pruciôn rate   sm. tas (3)

race   sf. ràza (1) raven   sm. curnàciôn

racket (tennis, etc)   sf. rachèta ravioli   sm. raviöl

radicchio   sm. radècc raw   adj. crud

radio   sf. radio ray  sm. raẓ

radish   sm. radiṣén ray (fish)  sf. ràẓa (2)

radius   sm. raẓ razor  sm. raṣùl

railing   sf. ringhìra razor blade   sf. lamèta

railway   sm. ferovì reach   phrase. arivêr drì

railway worker  sm. feroviér read   past part. lèt

vb 2. lèẓar
rain   vb 2. piövar
sf. piùva ready   adj. prônt

rainbow   sm. êrc de zil reap   vb 2. médar

rainy  adj. piuvôṣ reason   sf. raṣôn

vb 1. raṣunêr
raise (a child)   vb 1. alvêr
receipt   sf. rizivùda
raise up   vb 1. livêr
receive   vb 2. rizévar
rake   sm. rastël
reception room  sm. salòt
ram   sm. bèr
sm. muntôn recite   vb 1. rezitêr

ramp  sf. râmpa recognize   vb 2. arcnósar

rasp   sf. ràspa recognized  past part,

vb 1. raspêr adj. arcnusù
raspberry   sf. môra frêgula recommend  vb 1. racmandêr

recount   vb 1. cuntêr rent (a car)  vb 1. nuligêr

rectangle    sm. retângul rent (a room/apartment)  

phrase. tur in afèt
red   adj. rós
repair   vb 1. rimidiêr
redo   vb irr. arfêr
repeat   vb 2. ripétar
referee  sm. êrbitar
reply   vb 2. arspóndar
refrigerator  sm. frigurèfar
republic   sf. repóblica
regime   sm. regìm
repulsive   adj. ṣgustôṣ
region  sf. regiôn
reservation   sf. prenutaziôn
regional   adj. nustrèn
adj. regiunêl reserve   vb 1. prenutêr

regret   vb irr. spiaṣér resolute   adj. diciṣìv

regular   adj. rigulêr resolution   sf. riṣuluziôn

reign   vb 1. regnêr resolve   vb 2. risolvar

relative   sm. parént respect  sm. rispët

vb 1. rispitêr
reliable   adj. afidàbil
respectable   adj. rispetàbil
remain   vb 2. armanér
respond   vb 2. arspóndar
remember   vb 1. arcurdêr
responded   past part. arspòst
remind   vb 1. arcurdêr
response   sf. arspòsta
remote control  sm. telecmând
responsibility  sf.
remove   vb 1. spustêr
vb irr. tur
responsible   adj. respunsàbil
remove (eg a tooth)    vb 1. cavêr
rest   vb 1. arpunsêr
renew    vb 1. arnuvêr
restart   vb 1. arcminzêr
renovate  vb 1. arnuvêr
restaurant   sm. risturânt
rent   sm. afèt
restroom   sm. gabinèt

result   vb 1. risultêr rise (refl)   vb 1. alvêr

return   vb 1. turnêr risk (take a risk)   vb 1. riṣghêr

revulsion   sm. ṣgóst risotto   sm. riṣòt

rhinoceros   sm. rinocerônt river   sm. fiôn

rhododendron   sm. roach   sm. scarafàgg

road   sf. strê
rhubarb   sm. rabêrbar sf. vèja
rhyme  sf. rèma road (adj)  adj. stradêl

rib   sf. cósta road (small)  sm. stradël

ribs (beef or pork)  sf. custêda road map   sf. chêrta stradêla

rice   sm. riṣ (1) road worker  sm. cantunìr

rich   adj. rèc roast   vb 3. arustìr

rickety  adj. rachètic rob   vb 1. rubêr

ricotta   sf. arcòta rock  sm. sas

ride in or on a vehicle   vb rod   sf. bachèta

1. muntêr
roll   vb 1. rudlêr
rifle   sm. fuzìl
rolling pin  sm. s-ciadùr (1)
rifle (short-rifle)   sf. carabéna
romagnolo   adj. rumagnöl
right   adj. drèt
roof   sm, adj. quért
sf. drèta
right (answer)   adj. eṣàt room  sf. câmra
sf. sêla
right (of angle)   adj. rët
rooster   sm. gal
ring   sm. anël
root   sf. radìṣa
ring finger   sm. did dl'anël
rope   sf. cörda
rinse  vb 1. s-ciarêr
rose   sf. röṣa
rise   vb 1 refl. livês

rough (not smooth)   adj. ruvd rug   sm. tapéd

roughly  adv. presapöc run   vb 2. córar

round   adj. tónd run into   vb 1. intupêr

route  sf. côrsa rung   sm. scalén

rubbish  sf. spazadùra rush   sf. prìscia

ruby   sm. rubén (1) Russia   sf. Rosia

rude   adj. ignurânt Russian   adj. rusiân

S - s

sack   sm. sac salamander   sf. salamândra

sack (large)   sf. spörtla salami  sm. salâm

sacrum  sm. cudrôn salary   sf. pêga

sad   adj. trèst salmon   sm. salmôn

sadness   sf. tristèza salon  sm. salôn

safe  adj. sicùr salt   sm. sêl

saffron   sm. ẓafarân salute   sm. salût (2)

sage  adj. sagg same   adj. medéṣim

adj. stès
said   past part. dèt (2)
sand   sm. sabiôn
sail   sf. véla (2)
sandwich   sm. panén
sailboat   sm. veliér
sardine  sf. sardëla
sailing ship   sm. veliér
Saturday   sm. sàbat
saint (female)   sf. sânta (1)
sausage  sf. zuzèza
saint (male)   adj, sm. sânt
saw (for wood or metal)  
salad  sf. insalê
sf. séga

saw (wood, eg)  vb 1. ṣghêr scythe (for weeds, bushes)  
sf. fêlza
sawdust  nm. ṣgadèza
sea   sm. mêr (1)
say   vb 3. dìr
seagull  sm. crucalàz
scale   sf. blânza
seal   sf. föca
scale (small)    sm. blanzén
seam (of coal)   sm. filôn (1)
scallop   sf. càpa sânta
sear   vb 1. bruṣêr
scalpel   sm. scarpël
search   vb 1. zarchêr
scarf   sf. sciélpa
seashell  sf. cunchèglia
school  sf. scöla
season   sf. staṣôn
scissors   sfpl. tuṣùr
seat  sf. scarâna
scorne   sm. dispët
second   ordinal. ṣgónd
scorpion  sm. scurpiôn
secret   adj, sm. secrét
scoundrel   sm. böja
secular   adj. prufân
scrape   vb 1. gratêr
secure   adj. sicùr
scratch   vb 1. gratêr
vb 1. raspêr see   vb irr. vdér

screen (television/computer)    seed  sf. sménta

sm. schérom
seem   vb 1. parér
screw   sf. vida
seen  past part. vèst
screwdriver   sm. cazavìd
select   vb 2. dlèẓar
screw-up   sm. sfundrôn
sell   vb 2. vèndar
sculpt   vb 3. sculpìr
send  vb 1. mandêr
sculptor   sm. scultôr
sense   sm. séns
sculpture   sf. scultôra
separate  adj, past part. separê
scythe (for hay)  sf. fëra vb 1. separêr

September  sm. setèmbar she   pron. la(2)
pron. li
series   sf. séria
pron. l'(2)
serious   adj. séri sheep   sf. pìgra
serpent   sm. sarpént sheet (for bed)   sm. linzöl
serve   vb 3. sarvìr shelf   sm. scafêl
set fire to   vb 1. infiamêr shell   sf. cunchèglia
seven   number. sët shelter   sm. rifùgg
seven hundred   number. sëtzènt shepherd   sm. pigurêr

seventeen   number. dissët shine  vb 2. arlùṣar

seventh   ordinal. sëtim shiny   adj. cêr
seventy   number. stânta ship   vb 1. mandêr
sew  vb 3. cuṣìr sf. nêv

sewer   sm. scarghadùr shipwreck   sm. naufrêgg

shade   sf. ómbra shipwreck (to have a)   vb

1. naufraghêr
shadow   sf. ómbra
shirt  sf. camìṣa
shaft   sm. tmôn
shoe   sf. schêrpa
shallot  sf. scalógna
shop   sf. butéga
shampoo   sm. shampo sm. negözi
shape   sf. fôrma (1) short (in height)   adj. bas

shark   sm. squàl short (in length)   adj. curt

sharp   past part, adj. afilê shortcut   sm. scurtadùr

sharpen   vb 1. afilêr shorten   vb 1. scurtêr

vb 1. aguzêr
shorts   sfpl. brêg curti
sharpened   past part, adj. afilê
shoulder   sf. spàla
shave   vb 1. raṣêr

shout   vb 1. urlêr sink  sm. lavandén
sm. lavël
shovel  sm. palèt
sink (kitchen)  sf. scàfa
shovel (small, esp hearth)  
sf. palèta sister  sf. surëla

show   vb 1. mustrêr sit   vb 2. ṣdér

shower   sf. dóza six   number. si

shredded   adj. stracc six hundred  number. sizènt

shrimp   sm. scâmp (2) sixteen  number. sègg

shutout  sm. capòt (2) sixth   ordinal. sëst

sickle   sm. falzèt sixty   number. sânta (2)

side (of a figure)   sm. lât size  sf. tàja

sidewalk   sm. pavimént skate  sm. pàtin

sign   sm. sègn skating  sm. patinàgg

silk   sf. séda ski   sm. sci

vb 1. sciêr
silkworm  sm. bigàt
skiing   sf. sciêda
silo (for grain)   sm. pajér
skillet   sf. padëla
silver   sm. arẓént
skim   vb 1. s-ciumêr
silver colored  adj. arẓintén
skimmer  sf. s-ciumaröla
simple  adj. sémpliz
skin  sf. pëla
sin  sm. pchê
vb 1. scurghêr
sine   sm. sén (2) skinny   adj. mêgar
sing   vb 1. cantêr skirt   sf. sutâna
singer (female)   sf. cantânta skunk   sm. pózal
singer (male)   sm. cantânt sky   sm. zil
sinister   adj. sinèstar

sledgehammer   sm. maz snake (non-venemous)  
sf. màza sf. bèsa
sleep  vb 3. durmìr snip off   vb 2. médar
sm. són
snot  sm. mòcal
sleep (go to sleep)   vb 1
snow   sf. néva
refl. indurmintês
vb 1. nvêr
sleeve  sf. mânga
snowflake   sf. falùga d'néva
slice   sf. fèta
so   adv. alôra
slice (salami)   vb 1. tajêr adv. icè
slide   vb 1. ṣguilêr so much  adj, adv. tânt

slip   vb 1. ṣguilêr soap   sm. savôn

slow   adj. lént soccer (ball)   sm. palôn

slug   sf. lumêga social   adj. suciêl

small   adj. pècul socialism   sm. sucialìṣom

adj. znén
socialist   sm. sucialèsta
smell   vb 3. sintìr (1)
society   sf. sucitê
sm. udôr
vb 1. udurêr sock   sf. calzèta
smelly   adj. puzulént soda, fizzy drink   sf. gaẓôṣa
smile   sm. surìṣ sofa  sm. canapè
smoke   sm. fóm sm. divân

smooth  adj. lès soft   adj. mòl (1)

smoothe   vb 1. lisêr soil   vb 3. inluzìr

smoothie   sm. frulê soldier   past part, adj, sm. armê

adj, sm. militêr
snail   sf. lumêga
sole (fish)   sf. sfója
snake   sm. sarpént
solid   adj. sòlid

solstice   sm. sulstêzi speak   vb 2. scórar

somber   adj. scur special   adj. speciêl

some (any)   indefinite adj. quèjc specialist   sm. specialèst

someone   pron. quelcadôn specialty  sf. specialitê

something   sm. quël species  sf. spécia

sometimes   phrase. quèjc völta specific   adj. specèfic

son   sm. fiöl specter  sm. spétar

soon  adv. prëst (1) spider   sm. râgn

sorcerer  sf. striga spider web   sf. tlarâgna

sm. strigôn
spin   vb 1. rudlêr
sorcery  sf. strigarì
spinach   sm. spinàz
sorry (be)  vb irr. spiaṣér
spindly   adj. rachètic
soul   sf. ânma
spine (in back)   sm. filôn (2)
sound   sm. sôn
spiny   adj. spinôṣ
vb 1. sunêr
soup  sf. mnëstra spirit   sf. ânma

source   sm. surgént spit (for roasting)   sm. spéd

south   sm. sud spite   sm. dispët

spade   sm. palèt splinter   sf. lamëla

spade (cards)   sf. spêda split  sf. spacadùra

vb 1. spachêr
spaghetti noodle   sm. spaghèt
spoke   sf. ràẓa (1)
Spain   sf. Spagna
sponge  sf. spónga
Spanish   adj. spagnöl
spoon   sf. cucêra
spark   sf. lùdla
spouse (female)   sf. spôṣa
sparrow   sm. pasaròt
spouse (male)   sm. spôṣ

spring   sf. mòla steam   sm. vapôr
sf. premavéra
steer   sm. bò
sm. surgént
sm. mânẓ
squall   sm. furtinêl
steering wheel   sm. vulânt
square   sm. quêdar
stench   sf. póza (1)
squash   sf. zóca
step  sm. scalén
squid  sm. calamêr
step-ladder   sm. scalèt
squilla   sf. canòcia (1)
stepmother   sf. madrègna
squirrel  sm. scujàtul
stepsister  sf. surlàstra
stable   sf. stàla
stick   sf. bachèta
stack   sf. méda
sticky   adj. atacadèz
stack (of papers)   sm. fës
stiff   adj. dur
staircase   sf. schêla
still (as yet)   adv. incôra
stake  sf. stânga adv. sèmpar
stalk   sm. piciöl stilts (in plural)   sf. zânca

stall  sf. stàla sting   vb 1. mursêr

stamp   sm. ból stink   sm. fiê

sm. frâncból sf. póza (1)
vb 1. puzêr
stand   vb irr. stêr
stinky   adj. puzulént
star  sf. stëla
stizzito   adj. instizi
start out   vb 1. debutêr
stomach  sm. stòmig
state   sm. stêt
sm. véntar
station   sf. staziôn stone   sm. sas
statue   sf. stêtua stop  vb 1. farmêr
stay   vb irr. stêr stopper   sm. tap
steal   vb 1. rubêr

store   sf. butéga student  sm. studént

stork   sf. zicògna study  vb 1. stugêr

storm   sm. furtinêl stupid   adj. dìṣom (2)

adj. invurni
story   sm. piân (5)
sf. störia stupid (get stupid)   vb
3. invurnìr
stove  sm. furnël
stylist   sm. paruchìr
stracchino (type of cheese)  
sm. strachén substance   adj, sm. matariêl

straight  adj. drit substantial  adj, sm. matariêl

adj. rët
succeed   vb 3. riuscìr
strain (as pasta)   vb 1. culêr
succeed (come after)  vb
strange   adj. curiôṣ 2. suzédar
stranger   adj, sm. furëst such   adj. têl

straw  sf. canóza suck   vb 1. ciucêr

sf. pàja
suckle   vb 1. ciucêr
strawberry   sf. frêgula
sudden  adj. impruvìṣ
stream (small river)   sm. fiumèt
suddenly   adv. sóbit
street   sf. strê
suffer   vb 3. padìr
street cleaner   sm. ruscaröl
sugar   sm. zócar
streetlight   sm. lampiôn
sugar cane   sf. câna
stretch   vb 2. stèndar
suit   sm. custóm
strict   adj. sevér
suitcase  sf. valìṣa
string together  vb 1. infilzêr
sum  sf. sóma
stroller    sf. caruzéna
summer   sm. instê
strong  adj. fört
sun   sm. sôl (2)
struggle   sf. lòta
Sunday  sf. dmènga

sunflower  sm. ẓirasôl sweep  vb 1. spazêr

supervision   sm. abêd sweet   adj. dôlz

supper   sm. prânẓ sweet (noun)  sm. bilìn

support   vb 1. sustnêr swim  vb 1. vughêr

sure   adj. zért (1) swing   vb 1. dundlêr

surely   adv. zérta switch (lights, etc)  

sm. interutôr
sustain  vb 1. sustnêr
swollen   adj. gònf
swan   sm. zègn
synonym   sm. sinònim
swap   sm. baràt
system   sm. sistéma
sweater   sm. majôn

T - t

table  sf. tevla tan (a hide)   vb 1. cunzêr

tablecloth  sf. tvàja tangent   sf. tangénta

tagliatella   sf. tajadëla tape measure   sm. nàstar

tagliolino   smpl. tajulén
tapestry   sf. tapizarì
tail  sf. côda
tart   sf. grustê
take  vb irr. tnér
vb irr. tur taste   sm. savôr
vb 3. sintìr (1)
take away   vb irr. tur
tea  sm. tè (2)
take satisfaction in   vb 1. gustêr
(1) teach   vb 1. insignêr

talk   vb 1. parlêr teacher (female)  sf. mèstra

tall  adj. êlt teacher (male)   sm. mèstar

talon  sf. brânca (1) teaching  sf. istruziôn

team   sf. squêdra that   adj. che
pron. che
teat   sf. tèta
pron. quèl
telegram  sm. telegrâm the (fpl)  art. agl'j'(1)
telephone  sm. teléfon art. al(1)
vb 1. telefunêr the (fs)   art. la(1)
television (programming)   the (mpl)   art. i(1)
sf. televiṣiôn art. j'(1)
television set  sm. televiṣôr the (ms)   art. e'(1)
tell  vb 3. dìr the (ms, fs)   art. l'(1)
temperament   sm. umôr theater   sm. teàtar
tempest   sm. furtinêl their   adj. su
ten  number. dìṣ theme (of a paper)   sf. téma
tennis   sm. tènis then   adv. alôra
tent   sf. tènda conj. dônca
adv. pu
tenth   ordinal. dìṣom (1)
there  adv. ilà
tepid  adj. tévd pron. j
terrace   sf. teràza therefore   conj. dônca

terracotta   sm. còz thermos   sm. térmos

sf. tëracòta
these   pron. quèst
terrestrial   adj. terëstar
they  pron m&f. lô
test (out)   vb 1. pruvêr
they (f)   pron. agl'j'(2)
testicle   sm. quajôn pron. al(2)
texture   sf. cunsisténza they (m)   pron. j'(2)
pron. i(2)
thank   vb 1. ringraziêr
thick   adj. gròs
thanks   sf. grêzia
adj. spès (1)

thief  sm. lêdar throat   sf. gôla

thigh  sf. còsa through  adv. ad travérs

thin   adj. stil throw   vb 1. butêr

thin (person)   adj. mêgar thumb  sm. did grós

thin (to make thin)   vb 1. s-cêr thunder  sm. tôn (3)

thing  pron, sf. cösa thunderbold  sf. sajèta

sm. quël
Thursday   sf. ẓöbia
think    vb 1. pinsêr
thus  adv. icè
third   ordinal. térz
tick   sf. zèca
thirst   sf. séd
ticket   sm. biglièt
thirteen   number. trègg
tie   sf. gravàta
thirty   number. trènta vb 1. lighêr
this   pron. quèst tiger   sf. tigra
adj. ste
tight (fit)   adj. strèt
thorn  sm. spén
tile (roofing)  sf. tégla
thorny  adj. spinôṣ
time  sm. témp
those   pron. quèl
time (event or action)  sf. völta
though   conjunction. simbén
tire  sm. pneumàtic
thousand   number. mèla
tired   adj. strac
thousandth   ordinal
tissue (for the nose)  
number. miléṣom
sm. fazulèt
thread   sm. fil
to   prep. a
three  number. trè
to (with verb)  prep. da
number. tri
three hundred   number. tarṣènt toad   sm. ròsp

three-hundred  number. tarṣènt toaster   sm. tòstapân

today   adv. incù tortellini   sm. turtël

toe  sm. did d'pè tortoise  sf. bèsagalâna

together  adv. insèn toward   prep. vérs

toilet   sm. gabinèt towel   sm. sugamân

sf. latréna
tower   sf. tóra
sm. lucòmud

toilet paper   sf. chêrta igénica town   sm. cumôn (2)

tolerate    vb 3. padìr toy   sm. bilìn

tomato   sm. pandör tractor   sm. tratôr (1)

tomorrow   adv. dmân traffic cop   sf. pulizì stradêla

tomorrow evening   traffic light   sm. semàfor

adv. dmenaséra train   sm. tréno
tomorrow morning    tranquil  adj. tranquèl
adv. dmaténa
tranquility  sf. tranquilitê
tone   sm. tôn (2)
translate   vb 2. tradùṣar
tongs   sfspl. mujèt
translated  past part. tradót
tongue   sf. lèngua
translation   sf. traduziôn
tonight   adv. staséra
translation (literal)  
too  adv. nèc
sf. traduziôn leterêla
too (much)  adv. tròp trattoria manager   sm. tratôr (2)
tool   sm. arnéṣ travel   vb 1. viaẓêr
sm. strumént
traveller   sm. viaẓadôr
tool set   sf. framénta
tray   sm. cabarè
tooth   sm. dént
tray (for baking)   sf. tègia
topmost extremity  sm. chêv
treat (a patient)  vb 1. midghêr
torn   adj. stracc
treat (a topic)  vb 1. tratêr

treat (well, poorly)   vb 1. tratêr tube   sm. tub

tree   sm. êlbar Tuesday   sm. mêrt

triangle  sm. triângul tulip   sm. tulipân

trim  vb 1. pudêr tuna   sm. tôn (1)

trip  sm. viàẓ turkey   sm. galinàz

tripod   sm. tripì turn   vb 1. ẓirêr

trophy  sf. cópa (1) turn off (a light)   vb 1. murtêr

trouble   sf. péna turn on (a light)   vb 1. impiêr

truck   sm. càmion turn over   vb 1. arvultêr

true   adj. vér turnip   sf. rèva

truly  adv. pròpi turquoise (color)   adj. turchén

trumpet  sf. trómba turtle   sf. bèsagalâna

trunk   sm. bavól tutto   pronoun. gnaquël

trunk (of car)   sm. bavól twelve   number. dógg

truth   sf. veritê twenty  number. vént (1)

try   vb 1. pruvêr twin  sm. gemël

vb 1. tintêr
two   number. dó
tub  sm. bgônz number. du
tub (for harvesting)  sf. mastëla two hundred   number. duṣènt

U - u

ugly   adj. brót umpire   sm. êrbitar

umbrella   sf. umbrëla unbearable   adj. insupurtàbil

umbrella (for the beach)   unbelievable   adj. incredèbil

sm. umbrilôn

uncle  sm. zèj (1) unload   vb 1. scarghêr

uncovered   adj. squért unloaded   adj. scàrg

under   prep. sóta unlock  vb 1. s-ciavêr

underpants    sfpl. mudând unpleasant  adj. antipàtic

undershirt   sf. màja unreal  adj. virtuêl

understand   vb 3. capìr untie  vb 1. ṣmulêr

vb 2. intèndar
untied   adj, past part. ṣmulê
underwear   sfpl. mudând
until   prep. inféna
unemployed   adj. diṣocupê prep phrase. infèna a
unexpected  adj. impruvìṣ up   adv. só

uninflate  vb 1. ṣgunfiêr up to (all the way to)   prep

phrase. infèna a
unique   adj. ónic
upholstery   sf. tapizarì
unite  vb 3. unìr
upwards  adv. só
united   past part, adj. unì
use   vb 1. uṣêr
unity   sf. unitè
used  past part, adj. uṣê
universal   adj. universêl
useful   adj. ùtil
universality    sf. universalitê
usual  adj. sòlit
universe  sm. univérs

university   sf. universitê

V - v

vacancy (in a position)   vagina   sf. vagìna

sf. vacânza
vain   adj. vanitôṣ
vacation   sf. vacânza
vapor   sm. vapôr
vaccine  sm. vazén

varied   adj. vêri virgin  adj. vérgin

vase   sm. vêṣ virtual   adj. virtuêl

vegetables   sf. vardùra virtue   sf. vartó

vein (blood vessel)   sf. véna virtuous   adj. virtuôṣ

vein (of metal, mineral)   virulent   adj. virulént

sm. filôn (1)
virus   sm. virus
very  adv. mônt (2)
viscous   adj. atacadèz
veterinarian   sm. dutôr dal
vise  sf. mörsa
villa   sf. véla (1) visit   vb 1. viṣitêr

village   sm. vilàgg voice   sf. vôṣa

vinegar  sm. aṣé void   adj, sm. vùit

vinello   sm. aquadèz volcano   sm. vulcân

violence  sf. viulénza voyage   sm. viàẓ

vb 1. viaẓêr
violent  adj. viulént
voyager   sm. viaẓadôr
violet   sf. viulèta

violet (color)   adj. viulèt

W - w

wagon   sm. car walk   vb 1. caminêr

vb 1. spaziêr
waist  sf. vîta
wall   sm. mur
wait  phrase. stêr d'astêr
wallet   sm. pörtafój
wake   vb 1. ṣvigêr
walnut  sf. nôṣa
waking   sf. ṣvéglia
want   vb irr. vlér (1)

wanted   past part. vóst Wednesday  sm. mìrcul

war   sf. guëra week   sf. stmâna

wardrobe   sm. armêri weep  vb 2. piânẓar

sf. guêrdaròba
weigh   vb 1. bṣêr
wardrobe (collection of clothes)  
weight  sm. péṣ
sm. stiêri
warlock  sm. strigôn well   adv. bén
sm. póz
warm   adj. chêld
west   sm. òvest
wash   vb 1. lavêr
wet   adj. mòl (2)
washbowl  sf. bazinëla
whale   sf. baléna
washer   sf. lavatrìza
what   pron. che
wasp   sf. vëspra
what (question word)  pron,
watch   vb 1. guardêr sf. cösa
water   sf. àqua What time is it?  
phrase. ch'ôr'ël?
water (as in plants)   vb
1. daquêr whatever   adj. qualunque

waterfall   sf. caschêda wheel   sf. röda

watering can   sm. daquadôr wheelbarrow   sf. cariöla

watermelon  sf. cómar wheelchair  sm. cariöl

wave   sf. ónda when  adv. quând

way  sm. möd where   adv. dôv

we  pron. nô which   pron. che

interrogative adj. quêl
weak   adj. dëbul
whichever   adj. qualunque
wear  vb 1. indusêr
while  conj. méntar
weasel   sf. dóndla
whisk   sm. fróla-ov
weather   sm. témp

whisker  sm. bàfi wipe   vb 3. pulìr

whistle (instrument)   sm. fis-cèt wire   sm. fil

whistle (sound)   sm. fès-cc wise   adj. sagg

white   adj. biânc wish   sm. vlér(2)

who   pron. chi witch  sf. striga

whore   sf. putâna witchcraft   sf. strigarì

why  prep. parché with  prep. cun

wide   adj. lêrg with (an instrument)  prep. par

widow  sf. vedùta wither   vb 3. insichìr

widower   sm. vedov without  adv. sénza

wife  sf. mój wizard  sm. mêg

sf. spôṣa
wizardess   sf. mêga
willow   sm. sëls
wolf  sm. lóp
win   vb 2. vénzar
woman   sf. dòna
win (money, a contest)   vb
wood  sm. lègn
1. guadagnêr
wind   sm. vént (2) wood (small forest)   sm. bòs-c

wind from the North   woodpile   sf. méda dla lègna

sf. tramuntâna woodworm   sm. têral
window    sf. finëstra wool   sf. lâna
window (at counter)   word   sf. paröla
sm. spurtël
work   sm. lavôr
windshield  sf. pêrabrèza
vb 1. lavurêr
wine   sm. vén worker   sm. manuvêl
wing   sf. êla world  sm. mónd
winter   sm. invéran worm   sm. vérman

worry   vb 1 refl. preocupês wrist   sm. pôls

worse   adj, adv. pèẓ write   vb 2. scrìvar

worst  adj, adv. pèẓ written   past part. scrèt

wrench   sf. céva ingléṣa wrong (answer)  adj, past

part. ṣbagliê
wrinkle   sf. ruga

Y - y

year   sm. ân you   pron. vó

yeast  sm. furmént you (sing)  pron. tè (1)

yell   vb 1. urlêr young   adj. ẓôvan

yellow  adj. ẓal young man   sm. ragàz

yes   interjection. sè young woman   sf. ragâza

yesterday   adv. ajìr your   adj, poss pron. tu

adj, poss pron. vòstar
yet   adv. ẓa
yours   adj, poss pron. tu
yew  sm. tas (2)
adj, poss pron. vòstar
yogurt  sm. iògurt

Z - z

zebra   sf. ẓébra Zodiac   sm. ẓudìac

zucchini   sm. zuchén
zero   number. zéro

zinc  sm. ẓèng

Italian Index

A - a

a   prep. a acciuga   sm. sardôn

a ora tarda   phrase. a têrda ôra accompagnare   vb

1. acumpagnêr
abbaiare  vb 1. bajêr
accoppare  vb 1. acupêr
abbastanza  adv. abastânza
accorciare   vb 1. scurtêr
abbigliamento   sm. stiêri
accordarsi   vb 1, refl. acurdês
abete   sm. abét
accordo (commerciale, politico)  
abile   adj. êbil
sm. tratê
abitare   vb 1. abitêr acero   sm. òpi (2)
abito  sm. sti aceto   sm. aṣé
sm. stimént
acido  sm. àzid
abito (per uomo)   sm. custóm
acqua   sf. àqua
acacia  sf. acàcc
acquaio   sf. scàfa
accadere   vb 2. suzédar
acquario   sm. aquêri
accanto   prep. a dri a
adv. dri acquavite  sf. gràpa

accendere  vb 1. impiêr acuto   adj. acùt

acceso  adj. impiê adacquare   vb 1. daquêr

accettabile  adj. azetàbil adattabile   adj. adatàbil

accettare   vb 1. azetêr adattamento   sm. adatamént

accidentale   adj. azidentêl adattare   vb 1. adatêr

accidente  sm. azidént addizione  sf. sóma

addormentarsi  vb 1 aggiustare  vb 1. adatêr
refl. indurmintês
agire   vb 3. agìr
adesso   adv. adës
aglio   sm. àj
adirato   adj. adirê
agnello   sm. agnël
adolescente  adj,
ago  sm. êg
sm. adulescént
adolescenza   sf. adulescénza agosto   sm. agóst

adornare   vb 1. decurêr aguzzare   vb 1. aguzêr

adulterare   vb 1. adulterêr aiutare   vb 1. ajutêr

adulterio   sm. adultéri aiuto  sm. ajùt

adultero   adj, sm. adùltar ala   sf. êla

adulto   adj, sm. adùlt alba  sf. êiba

aereoplano   sm. aeroplân albergare   vb 1. alberghêr

aeroporto  sm. aeropört albergo   sm. albérg

affatto  adv. brìṣa albero  sm. êlbar

affidabile   adj. afidàbil albicocca   sf. albicòca

affilare   vb 1. s-cêr alcuno   indef adj. zért (2)

affilato   past part, adj. afilê alghe   sm. biṣ (1)

affittare   phrase. tur in afèt alice   sm. sardôn

affitto   sm. afèt all'improviso  phrase. a

affogare  vb 1. afughêr
alla fine   phrase. a la finêla
afide  sm. bdòcc dal piânt
allegro   adj. alégar
afillare   vb 1. afilêr
allevare   vb 1. alvêr
agente   sm. agént
alloggio (dare)  vb 1. alberghêr
agenzia   sf. agenzì

allora   adv. alôra amore   sm. amôr
conj. dônca
ananas  sm. ànanas
allungare   vb 1. slunghêr
anatra   sf. anàdra
alma  sf. ânma
anatroccolo   sm. anadròt
almeno  adv. almânc
anca   sf. ânca
alterare  vb 1. alterêr
anche   adv. nèc
alto   adj. êlt
ancora   adv. incôra
altrettanto   adv. êtartânt
àncora   sf. âncura
altrimenti   adv, conj. sinò
andare   vb 1. andêr
altro   adj. êtar
andare giù   phrase. andêr ẓó
alzare   vb 1. livêr vb 1. smuntêr
alzarsi  vb 1 refl. livês andare su   phrase. andêr só
vb 3. salìr
amare   phrase. vlér bén
andare via  vb 1 refl. aviês
amaro   adj. amêr
anello   sm. anël
amaro (liqueur)  sm. mêr (2)
angolo   sm. ângul
ambulanza  sf. ambulânza
sm. cantôn
America  sf. America anguria   sf. cómar
americano   adj. americân anima   sf. ânma
amica   sf. àmiga animale   sm. animêl
amico   adj, sm. àmig sf. bès-cia

ammazzare   vb 1. amazêr annaffiatoio   sm. daquadôr

ammendare   vb 1. mindêr anno   sm. ân

ammirare   vb 1. amirêr annusare   vb 1. udurêr

ammucchiare   vb 1. mucêr antidoto   sm. côntravlén

amo   sm. âm antipatico  adj. antipàtic

anulare   sm. did dl'anël argentino (nazionalità)  
adj. arẓintén
ape   sf. êva
argento  sm. arẓént
aperto   past part, adj. arvért
past part, adj. avért aria  sf. êria

apparato   sm. aparê aria condizionata   sf. êria

appena   adv. apèna
ariete   sm. bèr
approvare   vb 1. apruvêr
sm. muntôn
approvazione   sf. apruvaziôn aringa  sf. rènga
aprile   sm. abrìl aritmico   sm. arètmic
aprire   vb 3. arvìr arma  sf. êrma
aprire con la chiave   vb 1. s- armadio   sm. armêri
armato   past part, adj, sm. armê
aquatico  adj. aquàtic
armonia   sf. armunì
aquila   sf. êquila
arnese   sm. arnéṣ
aragosta  sf. aragósta
sm. strumént
arancia  sf. partugàla arrabiato   adj. adirê
arancio (colore)   adj. arânz arrischiare  vb 1. riṣghêr
arare   vb 1. scasêr arrivare  vb 1. arivêr
aratro   sm. parghér arrogante  adj. rugânt
arbitro   sm. êrbitar arrostire  vb 3. arustìr
archetto   sm. archèt arte   sm. êrt
arco   sm. êrc artificiale   adj. artifiziêl
arco del cielo  sm. êrc de zil artista   sm&f. artèsta
arcobaleno   sm. êrc de zil artistico   adj. artèstic
argentino (colore)   adj. arẓintén ascendere  phrase. andêr só

ascia   sf. manéra associzione   sf. sucitê

asciugamano   sm. sugamân attaccare   vb 1. tachêr

asciugare   vb 1. sughêr attaccaticcio   adj. atacadèz

asciugatrice   sf. sugadôra attaco   sm. atàc

ascoltare   vb 1. ascultêr attento   adj. atént

phrase. stêr d'ascôlt
attirare   vb 1. atirêr
ascolto  sm. ascôlt
atto   sm. at
Asia   sf. Aṣia
attore   sm&f. atôr
asiatico  adj. aṣìatic
attrativa   sf. atratìva
asina  sf. sumàra
attraverso   adv. ad travérs
asparago   sm. spêrẓ
attrice   sm&f. atôr
aspettare   phrase. stêr d'astêr
autobus   sf. curìra
aspirina   sf. aspiréna
autocorriera   sf. curìra
assagiare   vb 3. sintìr (1)
automatico  adj. automàtic
asse   sm. as
automazione   sf. automaziôn
asse di legno  sf. ësa
autore   sm. autôr
assegno bancario  sm. asègn
autorità   sf. auturitê
assenzio   sm. absént autostrada   sf. autostrê

assicurare   vb 1. asicurêr autunno   sm. autôn

assicurazione   sf. asicuraziôn avanti   adv. avânti

assistenza   sm. abêd avaro   adj. avêr

asso   sm. as avere   vb irr. avér

associare  vb 1. asucêr avere paura   phrase. avér

associazione  sf. asuciaziôn
avuto   past part. avù

avvenire  sm. avnì avviarsi  vb 1 refl. aviês

B - b

babbo  sm. ba banca   sf. bânca (1)

babbuino   sm. babuén bandiera  sf. bangéra

bacchetta   sf. bachèta barattare   vb 1. baratêr

bacchetta magica   sf. bachèta baratto   sm. baràt

barattolo  sm. baratul
baciare  vb 1. baṣêr
barba   sf. bêrba
bacinella   sf. bazinëla
barbabietola   sf. biédla
bacino (idrografico)   sm. bazèn
barbiere  sm. barbìr
bacio  sm. bêṣ (1)
barca   sf. bêrca
baco da seta   sm. bigàt
barista   sm. barèsta
baffi  smpl. bëfi
base  sf. bêṣ (2)
baffo   sm. bàfi
basilico   sm. baṣèlg
bagno  sm. bâgn
basso   adj. bas
balena   sf. baléna
basta   adv. bàsta
balla (di fieno)  sf. bàla
bastimento a vela   sm. veliér
ballare   vb 1. balêr
bastone   sf. bachèta
balletto   sm. balèt sm. bastôn
bambina   sf. burdëla battaglia  sf. lòta

bambino   sm. babén (1) battere   vb 2. bàtar

sm inv. babìn
baule   sm. bavól
sm. burdël

banana   sf. banâna bavaglino  sm. bavajìn

befana   sf. befâna biondo   adj. biónd

beige   adj. biṣ (2) birra   nf. bèra

belladonna  sf. bëladòna birreria   sf. birarì

bello   adj. bël biscia   sf. bèsa

benché  conjunction. simbén biscotto   sm. biscòt

bene   adv. bén bisogno   sm. bṣógn

benzina   sf. benẓìna bistecca   sf. bistèca

benzinaio  sm. benẓinêr blu   adj. blu

bere   vb 2. bér blusa  sf. bluṣa

berretto   sm. brèt bocca   sf. bóca

bestia   sf. bès-cia boccale   sm. buchêl

bevuto   past part. dbu boccia  sf. bòcia

biacheria   sf. biancarì boia  sm. böja

bianco   adj. biânc bolla   sm. ból

biblioteca   sf. bibliotéca bollire   vb 3. bulìr

bica   sm. bêrc bollitore   sm. bulidôr

bicchiere   sm. bichìr bordo   sm. bôrd

bicicletta  sf. biciclèta borsa   sf. bôrsa

bigatto   sm. bigàt bosco   sm. bòs-c

biglietto   sm. biglièt botta   sf. bòta (1)

bigoncio   sm. bgônz botte   sf. bòta (2)

bilancia  sf. blânza bottega   sf. butéga

bilancino   sm. blanzén bottiglia   sf. bòcia

sf. butìglia
bimbo   sm. babén (1)
bottone   sm. ptôn

braccio   sm. braz bugia   sf. buṣì

brache   smpl. bragôn buio  adj. bùr

branca   sf. brânca (1) bullone   sm. bulôn

broccoli   sm. bròcul buon affare   sf. baẓa

brodo   sm. bröd Buonanotte   interj. bônanòt

bruciare   vb 1. bruṣêr buonasera   interj. bônaséra

bruco   sf. ruga buongiorno   interj. bôndè

brutto   adj. brót buono  adj. bôn

bucato   sf. bughê buonsenso  sm. bônséns

buco  sm. buṣ burro   sm. butì

budello   sf. budëla bussola   sf. bósla

bue   sm. bò busta   sf. bósta

buffone   sm. bufôn buttare   vb 1. butêr

C - c

cacciatore   sm. cazadôr calabrone  sm. galavlôn

cacciavite  sm. cazavìd calamaro   sm. calamêr

cadere   vb 1. caschêr calcagno   sm. calcâgn

caffè   sm. cafè calcio   sm. chêlz (1)

sm. chêlz (2)
caffè liscio/ristretto  sm. cafè lès
calcio (gioco di)   sm. palôn
caffelatte   sm. cafelàt
calcolare   vb 1. calculêr
caffettiera  sf. caftìra
calderone  sm. calderôn
cagna   sf. câgna
caldo  adj. chêld
cagnolino   sm. cagnìn

calore   sm. calôr canna da pesca   sf. câna da
calza   sf. calzèta
canna della bicicletta  sf. câna
calzolaio  sm. calzulêr
dla biciclèta
camaleonte  sm. camaleônt cannella   sf. canëla
cambiare   vb 1. cambiêr cannuccia   sf. canóza
cambiare di posto  vb canocchia   sf. canòcia (1)
1. spustêr
cantante (f)   sf. cantânta
camera   sf. câmra
cantante (m)   sm. cantânt
camicia  sf. camìṣa
cantare   vb 1. cantêr
camino   sm. camén
cantoniere  sm. cantunìr
camion   sm. càmion
capare   vb 1. capêr
cammello  sm. camël
capasanta   sf. càpa sânta
camminare   vb 1. caminêr
capello  sm. cavèl
campagna  sf. campâgna
capire   vb 3. capìr
campanello   sm. campanël
vb 2. intèndar
campo   sm. câmp capitale (di governo)  
canale   sm. canêl sf. capitêla

canapa  sf. cânva capitale (economico)  

sm. capitêl
canapè  sm. canapè
capitalismo   sm. capitalìṣom
cancellare   vb 1. scanzlêr
capitalista   sm. capitalèsta
cancro   sm. câncar
capitano  sm. capitâni
candela   sf. candêla
capo   sm. chêp
cane  sm. cân sm. chêv
canna   sf. câna capolavoro  sm. chêplavôr
sf. câna
cappelletto   sm. caplèt

cappello   sm. capël carrozzina   sf. caruzéna

cappone   sm. gapôn carta   sf. chêrta

cappotto   sm. capòt (1) carta igienica  sf. chêrta

sm. capòt (2) igénica
cappuccino   sm. capuzèn carta stradale   sf. chêrta
capra   sf. chêvra
carte d’identità   sf. chêrta
capretto   sm. cavrèt
caprone   sm. cavrôn carte da gioco  sfpl. chêrt da
carabina   sf. carabéna ẓug

carabiniere   sm. carabignér casa   sf. ca

carbone   sm. carbôn casalinga   sf. aẓdôra

carciofo   sm. articiòc cascare   vb 1. caschêr

caricare   vb 1. carghêr cascata (di aqua)  sf. caschêda

carico   sm. carg casco   sm. cas-c

carne   sf. chêrna casetta   sf. caṣèta

carne macinata   sf. chêrna cassa   sf. càsa

trida cassa da morto   sf. càsa da
caro   adj. chêr mört

carota  sf. caröta cassetto   sm. casèt

carpentiere   sm. carpintir cassiere   sm. casìr

carretto  sm. brôz castagna   sf. castâgna

carriola  sf. cariöla castagno   sm. castâgn (1)

carro  sm. car castano   adj. castâgn (2)

carrozza   sf. caròza castata   sf. méda

carrozzella   sm. cariöl castello  sm. castël

castoro  sm. castör cenere   sf. zéndra

catasta della legna   sf. méda centesimo   ordinal. zantéṣom

dla lègna
cento   number. zènt
catena   sf. cadéna
centrale   adj. zintrêl
cattivo  adj. catìv
centro  sm. zéntar
causa   sf. chêuṣa
ceramco   adj. cerâmic
cavaliere   sm. cavalìr
cercare   vb 1. zarchêr
cavalla   sf. cavàla
cerchio   sm. zércc
cavallaio  sm. cavalêr
cerimonia   sf. cerimògna
cavalletta   sf. cavalèta
cerimoniale   adj. cerimugnêl
cavallo   sm. cavàl
cerotto   sm. ziròt
cavare   vb 1. cavêr
certamente   adv. zérta
cavatappi  sm. tirabusôn
certo   adj. zért (1)
caviglia   nf. cavèja indef adj. zért (2)
cavo   adj, sm. chêv (2) cervello   sm. ẓarvël

cavolfiore  sm. chêvulfiôr cervo   sm. zévar

cavolo  sm. chêvul cesso   sm. lucòmud

cavolo di Bruxelles   sm. chêvul cesso (gabinetto)  sm. cës

cesto  sm. zèst
cedro   sm. zédar
cetriolo   sm. ziẓarnël
celebrare   vb 1. celebrêr
che   pron. che
celebrato    adj. celebrê
Che ora è?   phrase. ch'ôr'ël?
celeste  adj. zelëst
chi  pron. chi
cena  sf. zéna
chiachierare   vb 1. ciacarêr
cenare   vb 1. znêr
chiamare   vb 1. ciamêr

chiaro   adj. cêr ciglia  sf. zèja (2)

chiavare  vb 1. inchiavêr cigno  sm. zègn

chiave  sf. cèv cilegia   sf. zrìṣa

chiave inglese   sf. céva cimice   sf. zèmẓa

ciminiera   sm. camén
chiedere   vb 1. dmandêr
cimitero   sm. zimitéri
chiesa  sf. cìṣa
Cina   sf. Céna
chimica  sf. chèmica
cinese  adj. cinéṣ
chimico  adj. chèmic (1)
cinghiale   sm. pörc-zignêl
sm. chèmic (2)
chiocciola  sf. lumêga cinquanta   number. zinquânta

chiodi di garofano  sfpl. bròc cinquantesimo   adj. zinquanté

d'garòfan ṣom

chiodo   sf. bròca cinque   number. zénc

chitarra   sf. chitàra cinquecento  number. zénczènt

chiù   sm. ciù cintura   sf. zintùra

chiudere   vb 2. ciùdar ciocco   sm. zòc

vb 1. srêr cioccolata   sf. ciculêta
chiuso  adj. srê ciottolo  sm. ẓòt
ci   pron. j cipolla   sf. zóla
ciao   interjection. s-ciào cipollina   sf. zulìna
ciascuno   pron. ignôn cipresso   sm. arciprës
cibo   sm, adj, past part. magnê circa   prep. zìrca
cicogna   sf. zicògna città   sf. zitê
cicoria  sf. cicöria ciucciare   vb 1. ciucêr
cielo   sm. zil clamore   sm. armôr

classe   sf. clas colpa  sf. côjpa

clavicola   sf. clavècula colpo  sm. côlp

coccinella  sm. luzlìn coltello   sm. curtël

coccio   sm. còz coltivare   vb 1. cultivêr

coccodrillo   sm. cucudrèl coltivazione   sf. cultivaziôn

cocomero  sf. cómar coma   sf. còma

coda  sf. côda comandare   vb 1. cmandêr

cogliere   vb 2. cójar comando   sm. ôrdin

coglione   sm. quajôn combattere   vb 1. lutêr

colare   vb 1. culêr come   adv. cóma

colatoio, colino   sm. culadùr cominciare   vb 1. cminzêr

colazione   sf. culaziôn commerciale   adj. cumercêl

colibrì   sm. colibrì commerciante  sm. marcânt

colla   sf. cöla commercio  sm. cumércc

collana  sf. culâna commercio in concorrenza  

sm. cuncurént
collega  sm&f. culéga
communicare   vb
collegare   vb 2. cunètar
1. cumunichêr
colletto  sm. culèt comò   sm. cumò
collina   sf. culéna comodino   sm. cumudén
collo   sm. còl (1) compagno  sm. cumpâgn
collo (per spedizione)    sm. còl comparare  vb 1. cunfruntêr
compleanno   sm. cumpleân
colon  sm. còlon
complesso  adj. cumplës
colore   sm. culôr
sf. ténta completare   vb 1. cumpletêr

completo   adj. cumplét condizione  sf. cundiziôn

complicare   vb 1. cumplichêr condotta   sm. cumpurtamént

complicato  adj. cumplës condurre   vb 2. cundùṣar

complicazione   sf. confettura   sf. cunfitùra

confidente   adj. cunfidént
comportamento    sm.
confondere   vb 2. cunfóndar
comprare   vb 1. cumprêr confrontare   vb 1. cunfruntêr

compromesso  past confronto   sm. cunfrônt

part. cumprumès (1) confusione   sf. cunfuṣiôn
sm. cumprumès (2)
coniglio  sm. cunèj
compromettere   vb
2. cumprumètar conizionatore (dell'aria)  
sm. cundiziunadôr
computer   sm. computer
connessione   sf. cunesiôn
comune   adj. cumôn (1)
sm. cumôn (2) connesso  adj, past part. cunès

comunicazione  sf. connettere   vb 2. cunètar

cono  sm. còn
comunità   sf. cumunitê
conocchia   sf. canòcia (2)
con   prep. cun
conoscenza   sf. cnusânza
conchiglia   sf. cunchèglia
conoscere   vb 2. cnósar
conciare  vb 1. cunzêr
conosciuto  past part, adj. cnusù
concludere  vb 2. cunclùdar
conservare   vb 1. cunservêr
conclusione  sf. cuncluṣiôn
consigliare  vb 1. cunsigliêr
concluso   past part. cunclùṣ
consiglio  sm. cunsèj
concorrente  sm. cuncurént
consistenza  sf. cunsisténza
concorrenza   sf. cuncurénza
consolare   vb 1. cunsulêr

constrasto   sm. cuntràst coprire   vb 3. cruvìr

contabile   nm. cuntàbil corame   sm. curâm

contadino   sm. cuntadén corda   sf. cörda

contare   vb 1. cuntêr cornacchia   sm. curnàciôn

conte (nobilità)   sm. cônt (2) cornice   sf. curnìṣa

contea   sf. cuntèa corno   sm. cöran

contento   adj. cuntént corona   sf. curôna

contessa   sf. cuntèsa coronare   vb 1. curunêr

continuare  vb 1. cuntinuêr corpo   sm. cörp

conto   sm. cônt (1) correggere   vb 2. curèẓar

contrario  adj, sm. cuntrêri corrente   sf. curént

contratto  sm. cuntràt corrente alternata   sf. curént

contravveleno   sm. côntravlén
corrente continua   sf. curént
contro  adv. côntra
controllare  vb 1. cuntrulêr corrente elettrica   sf. curént
controllo  sm. cuntròl elëtrica

controversia   sf. cuntruvérsia correre  vb 2. córar

coperchio   sm. quércc correzione  sf. cureziôn

coperta   sf. quérta corridoio   sm. curidùr

coperto   sm, adj. quért corrimano   sf. ringhìra

copia  sf. còpia (1) corrispondente   sm.

coppa   sf. cópa (1)
corrodere  vb 2. curödar
coppa (del collo)   sf. cópa (2)
corrompere   vb 2. curômpar
coppia   sf. còpia (2)
corrosione  sf. curuṣiôn

corrosivo   adj. curuṣìv costruire   vb 3. custruìr

corroso   past part, adj. curöṣ costruito  adj, past part. custrót

corrotto  past part, adj. curót
costruzione   sf. custruziôn
corrutttibile  adj. curutèbil
costruzione (di una frase)  
corruzione   sf. curuziôn
sm. custrót (2)
corsa   sf. côrsa costume  sm. custóm
cortese  adj. curtéṣ cotone   sm. cutôn
cortesia   sf. curteṣì cozza   sm. bdòcc d'mêr
cortile   sm. curtìl cravatta   sf. gravàta
corto   adj. curt creare   vb 1. cariêr
corvo   sm. màrco creatura  sf. crejatûra
corvo imperiale  sm. curnàciôn creazione   sf. crejaziôn
cosa   pron, sf. cösa credenza   sf. cardénza
sm. quël
credere  vb 2. crédar
coscia   sf. còsa
credibile   adj. credèbil
cosciente   adj. cusciént
credito   sm. crédit
coscienza   sf. cusciénza
creduto   past part. cardù
coscienzioso   adj. cuscienziôṣ
crema  sf. crèma
coseno   sm. cuṣén (2)
crescere   vb 2. crèsar
così   adv. icè
criceto   sm. cricét
costa  sf. cósta
criminale   adj, sm. criminêl
costare  vb 1. gustêr (2)
crimine   sm. crèmin
costata   sf. custêda
crine  sf. créna
costoletta   sf. cutulèta
crisi  sf. crìṣ
costruir  vb 1. fabrichêr

cristallo  sm. cristàl cugino   sm. cuṣén (1)

cristiano   adj. cris-ciân cui  pron. che

croce   sf. crôṣa culla   sf. cónla

crosta   sf. gròsta culo   sm. cul

crostata   sf. grustê cultura   sf. cultùra

crudele  adj. crudél cuocere   vb 2. cùṣar

crudo   adj. crud cuoio  sm. curâm

cucchiaio   sf. cucêra cuore   sm. cör

cucina  sf. cuṣéna (2) cuore (carte)   sf. cópa (1)

cucinare  vb 2. cùṣar curioso   adj. curiôṣ

cucinato   past part, adj. còt curva   sf. curva

cucire   vb 3. cuṣìr curvo   adj. curv

cuffia  sf. scófia cuscino  sm. cuscèn

cugina   sf. cuṣéna (1)

D - d

d'altronde   phrase. d'êtra pêrt dappertutto   adv. dimpartót

da   prep. da dare   vb irr. dêr

dado   sm. dèd dato   sm. dèt (1)

danaro   sm. bajòc dattero   sm. dàtar

dannare  vb 1. danêr davanti   prep. davânti

adv. dnénz
dannato   adj, past part. danê
dealer  sm. marcânt
danno  sm. dân
debito   sm. dëbit
dannoso   adj. danéval

debole   adj. dëbul descrizione   sf. descriziôn

debuttante    adj, sm. debutânt deserto   sm, adj. deṣért

debuttare   vb 1. debutêr desiderabili   adj. deṣideràbil

decidere   vb 2. dicìdar desiderare   vb 1. deṣiderêr

decimo   ordinal. dìṣom (1) desiderato  past part,

adj. deṣiderê
decisione   sf. diciṣiôn
desiderio   sm. deṣidêri
decisivo   adj. diciṣìv
desideroso  adj. deṣiderôṣ
deciso  adj, past part. dicìṣ
determinare   vb 1. determinêr
decorare   vb 1. decurêr
determinazione   sf.
decorazione   sf. decuraziôn
dedicare   vb 1. dedichêr detestabile   adj. detestàbil
defecare  vb 1. caghêr detestare   vb 1. detestêr
delfino   sm. dalfén vb 1. udiêr

delicato   adj. delichêt dettaglio  sm. detàj

delizioso  adj. deliziôṣ detto   past part. dèt (2)

denaro   sm. bajòc di  prep. ad

denso   adj. spès (1) di buon'ora   phrase. ad bôn’ôra

dente   sm. dént diamante   sm. diamânt

dentista   sm. dintèsta dicembre   sm. dizèmbar

dentro   adv. déntar diciannove  number. ṣnöv

depennare  vb 1. scanzlêr diciasette   number. dissët

descrittivo   adj. descritìv diciotto  number. ṣdòt

descritto  past part. descrèt dieci   number. dìṣ

descrivere   vb 3. descrìvar dietro   prep. ad dri da

adv. dri

differente   adj. difarént disgustoso  adj. ṣgustôṣ

differenza  sf. difarénza disoccupato   adj. diṣocupê

difficile   adj. difèzil disordine   sf. cunfuṣiôn

digestione   sf. digestiôn disperare   vb 1. disperêr

diligento   adj. diligént disperato   past part, adj. disperê

dimenticare  vb 1. ṣminghêr disperdere   vb 2. dispérdar

dinanzi  adv. dnénz disperso  past part, adj. dispérs

dio   sm. dio dispetto   sm. dispët

dipendere   vb 2. dipèndar dispiacere   vb irr. spiaṣér

diploma   sf. diplòma disponibile   adj. dispunèbil

dire  vb 3. dìr disporre   vb 2. dispônar

direttore  sm. diretôr disputa   sf. cuntruvérsia

direttrice   sf. diretrìce disputare   vb 1. disputêr

direzione    sf. direziôn distanza   sf. luntanânza

dirigente   sm. dirigént distribuire le carte  phrase. fêr al

dirigere   vb 2. dirèẓar
distribuzione   sf. distribuziôn
disaccordo   sm. armôr
distruggere   vb 2. distróẓar
discorrere   vb 2. scórar
distruzione   sf. distruziôn
discussione   sf. discusiôn
disturbare   vb 1. sturbêr
discutere   vb 2. discùtar
disturbo   sm. sturb
disegnare  vb 1. dṣignêr
dito   sm. did
disegno   sm. dṣègn
sm. piân (3) dito di piede  sm. did d'pè

disgrazia   sf. ṣgrêzia divano   sm. divân

disgusto   sm. ṣgóst divenire   vb 1. dvintêr

diventare   vb 1. dvintêr dopo   adv. dòp

diversità   sf. divarsitê dopodomani   adv. pasdmân

diverso   adj. divérs doppio   adj, sm. dópi

divertimento    sm. divartimént dormire  vb 3. durmìr

divertire   vb 3. divartìr dorso   sm. dòs

dividere   vb 2. divìdar dottore   sm. dutòr

divino   adj. divén dove  adv. dôv

divisione  sf. diviṣiôn dovere   vb irr. duvér

diviso   adj, past part. divìṣ dozzina   sf. duẓéna

divorzio   sm. divörzi dritta   sf. drèta

dizionario  sm. diziunêri dritto   adj. drèt

adj. drit
doccia  sf. dóza
dubbiezza   sf. dubièza
dodici   number. dógg
dubbioso   adj. dubiôṣ
dolce  adj. dôlz
dubitare   vb 1. dubitêr
dolcetto   sm. bilìn
duca  sm. dóca
domandare   vb 1. dmandêr
ducato   sm. duchêt
domani  adv. dmân
duchessa  sf. duchèsa
domani sera   adv. dmenaséra
due  number. dó
domattina  adv. dmaténa
number. du
domenica   sf. dmènga duecento   number. duṣènt
dondolare   vb 1. dundlêr dunque   conj. dônca
donna  sf. dòna durante  prep. durânt
donnola   sf. dóndla duro   adj. dur
dono   sm. preṣént (2)
sm. righêl

E - e

e   conj. e esilio  sm. eṣìli

è ora adesso  phrase. l’è ôra esistere   vb 2. eṣèstar

esordiente  adj, sm. debutânt
è ora?   phrase. ël ôra?
esordire   vb 1. debutêr
economico   adj. ecunòmic
espansione   sf. espansiôn
economista   sm. ecunumèsta
esperienza  sf. esperiénza
edificio   sm. fabrichêt
esperimento   sm. esperimént
effetto  sm. efët
espresso   sm. esprës
elefante   sm. elefânt
essere   vb irr. ësar
entrare  vb 1. intrêr
est   sm. ëst
equilibrio   sm. equilìbri
estate   sm. instê
equinozio  sm. equinözi
etto   sm. ëto
equo   adj. gióst
Europa   sf. Europa
erba   sf. érba
europeo   adj. europèj
errore   sm. erôr
evento   sm. evént
sm. fal
errore madornale   existenza   sf. eṣisténza
sm. sfundrôn exotico  adj. eṣòtic
esatto   adj. eṣàt experto   adj, sm. expért
esempio  sm. eṣémpi

esiliare  vb 1. eṣigliêr

esiliato   adj, past part. eṣigliê

F - f

fabbrica   sf. fàbrica fante (cards)   sm. fânt

fabbricare   vb 1. fabrichêr faraona  sf. farôna

vb 2. prudùṣar
fare   vb irr. fêr
fabbricato  sm. fabrichêt
farfalla   sf. parpàja
faccia   sf. fàza
farina   sf. faréna
facile   adj. fêzil
farmacia   sf. farmazi
faggio   sm. faẓ
farmaco   sm. medicamént
fagiolo   sm. faṣöl
fascina  sf. fascéna
falce   sf. fêlza
fascio   sm. fës
falce fienaia   sf. fëra
fata   sf. fêlda
falcetto   sm. falzèt
fatto   sm. fat (1)
falegname   sm. falignâm past part. fat (2)
falena   sf. faléna fattore   sm. fatôr

fallimento  sm. falimént fattoria   sf. faturì

fallire  vb 3. falìr fava  sf. fêva

fallo   sm. fal favilla   sf. lùdla

falso   adj. fêls favola   sf. föla

fama   sf. fâma fazzoletto  sm. fazulèt

fame   sf. fâm febbraio   sm. fabrêr

famiglia   sf. famì feccia   sf. fècia

famoso  adj. famôṣ fedele   adj. fid

fango   sf. mêlta federa   sf. frudèta

fantasma   sm. spétar fegato  sm. fégat

felce   sf. félsa fieno   sm. fén

felice   adj. filìz figlia   sf. fiöla

femmina   sf. fèmna figlio   sm. fiöl

fendere  vb 1. spachêr figura   sf. figùra

fenditura  sf. spacadùra filetto  sm. filèt

fenicottero  sm. fenicòtar filo  sm. fil

fennèc   sm. fenèc filoncino   sm. filunzén

fermare   vb 1. farmêr filone  sm. filôn (1)

fermento   sm. furmént filone (di pane)   sm. filôn (3)

ferramenta   sf. framénta filtro  sm. fìltar

ferro   sm. fër finale  adj. finêl

ferrovia   sm. ferovì fine   sf. finêl

ferroviare   sm. feroviér finestra  sf. finëstra

festa   sf. fësta finire   vb 3. finìr

festival   sm. fèstival fino   prep. inféna

festivo  adj. festìv fino a   prep phrase. infèna a

fetore   sm. fiê fiocco di neve   sf. falùga

fetta   sf. fèta
fiore   sm. fiôr
fiacco   adj. dëbul
fiore(carte)   sm. bastôn
fiamma  sf. fiâma
fischietto   sm. fis-cèt
fiammifero  sm. furminânt
fischio   sm. fès-cc
fiato  sm. fiê
fisica  sf. fìṣica
fico   sm. fig
fisico  adj. fiṣic
fido   adj. fid
fissato  adj. fès

fisso   adj. fès forno  sm. fôran

fiume   sm. fiôn forse   adv. försi

fiumetto   sm. fiumèt forte   adj. fört

foca  sf. föca fortuna (buona)   sf. baẓa

focolare   sm. fug fortunale  sm. furtinêl

foglia  sf. fója forza   sf. fórza

folgore   sm. fulgôr fotografia   sf. fotografì

fondo   sm. fónd fotografo   sm. fotògraf

fontana    sf. funtâna fra   prep. tra

fonte   sm. surgént fragile   adj. frêgil

forbici   sfpl. tuṣùr fragola   sf. frêgula

forchetta  sf. furchèta francese   adj. franẓés

forcone   sm. furcôn Francia   sf. Frânẓa

foresta   sf. furësta francobollo  sm. frâncból

forestiero   adj, sm. furëst frappé   sm. frulê

forgia   sf. förgia frassino   sm. fràsan

forma   sf. fôrma (1) frate   sm. frê

formaggio   sm. furmàj fratello   sm. fradël

formaggio (parmegiano o freccia   sf. frèza
reggiano)  sf. fôrma (2)
freddo   adj, sm. frèd
formica  sf. furmìga
freno  sm. frén
fornace   sf. furnéṣa
frequente   adj. frequént
fornaio   sm. furnêr
frequenza   sf. frequénza
fornello  sm. furnël
fresco   adj. frès-c
fornire   vb 3. furnìr

fretta  sf. prìscia frustra   sm. fróla-ov

friggere  vb 2. frèzar frutta  sf. frùta

frigorifero   sm. frigurèfar fucile   sm. fuzìl

fritto   adj. frèt fulmine   sm. fulgôr

frizzante  adj. frizânt fumo   sm. fóm

fronte   sf. frônt (1) fungo   sm. fônẓ

sm. frônt (2)
fuoco   sm. fug
frontiera  sf. fruntìra
fuori   adv. fùra
frullare   vb 1. frulêr
fuoriuscire   vb. furauscìr
frullato   sm. frulê
fuoriuscita   sf. furauscìda
frullatore  sm. fruladôr

frullino   sm. fróla-ov

G - g

gabbana  sf. gabâna garzone   sm. garẓôn

gabbiano   sm. crucalàz gatta   sf. gàta

gabinetto   sm. gabinèt gatto   sm. gat

gallina  sf. galéna gazella  sf. gaẓëla

gallo   sm. gal gazzosa   sf. gaẓôṣa

gamba   sf. gâmba gelare  vb 1. gilêr

gambero   sm. gâmbar gelato (adj)   adj, past part. ẓlê

garage   sm. garàgg gelato (n)   sm. gelàto

garbino   sm. garbén gelatoio   sm. gelatêr

garofano   sm. garòfan gelo  sm. gél

gelone   sm. sangunàz giocatore   sm. ẓugadôr

gemello   sm. gemël giocattolo  sm. bilìn

gemma   sf. gèma gioco  sm. ẓùg

generale  adj. generêl gioiello   sm. giujël

genitore   sm. genitôr giornale   sm. giurnêl

gennaio   sm. ẓnêr giorno  sm. dè

gentile   adj. ẓintìl giovane   adj. ẓôvan

Germania   sf. Germagna giovedì   sf. ẓöbia

germano   sm. ziẓôn giraffa  sf. giràfa

gesso   sm. ẓèẓ girare   vb 1. ẓirêr

ghiacciaia   sf. giazêra girasole   sm. ẓirasôl

ghiaccio  sm. giàz giravite   sm. cazavìd

ghiacciolo   sm. giazöl girovita   sf. vîta

ghiotto   adj. lôv giù   adv. ẓó

già   adv. ẓa giudicare   vb 1. giudichêr

giacca  sf. gabâna giudice  sm. giódiz

giaccheta   sf. giachèta giudiziale   adj. giudiziêl

giallo   adj. ẓal giudizioso   adj. giudiziôṣ

giapponese  sm. giapunèṣ giugno   sm. ẓógn

giardino   sm. ẓardén giunchiglia   sf. giunchèja

giglio   sm. zèj (2) giungla   sf. gióngla

gilè   sm. gilè giuso  adj. gióst

ginocchio   sm. ẓnòcc giustezza   sf. giustèza

giocare  vb 1. ẓughêr giustificare  vb 1. giustifichêr

giustificazione  sf. granaio   sm. granêr
granata  sf. garnê
giustizia   sf. giustèzia
granchio   sf. granzëla
giusto   adj. eṣàt
grande   adj. grând
gnocco   sm. gnòc
granello   sf. garnëla
goccia  sf. gózla
grano   sm. grân
godere   vb 1. gudér
granturco   sm. furmintôn
gola  sf. gôla
grappa   sf. gràpa
golf   sm. gôlf (1)
grasso   adj. gras
golfo  sm. gôlf
graticola  sf. gardëla
gomito   sm. gónd
grattare   vb 1. gratêr
gomitolo  sm. ghèfula
grattugia  sf. gratùṣa
gomma   sf. góma
grattugiare  vb 1. gratêr
gonfiare   vb 1. gunfiêr
gratuitamente   phrase. par gnit
gonfio   adj. gònf
grazia   sf. grêzia
gonna  sf. sutâna
grazioso  adj. graziôṣ
gonnella  sf. stanëla
grigio   adj. bartén
gorilla   sm. gurèl adj. griṣ
gota   sf. göta grillo   sm. grèl

governare   vb 1. regnêr grondaia  sf. giundéra

governo   sm. guéran grosso   adj. gròs

gradino   sm. scalén grotta   sf. gròta

grado   sm. grêd gruppo   sm. gróp

grammo  sm. grâm guadagnare   vb 1. guadagnêr

grana   sf. grâna guancia   sf. göta

guanto   sm. guânt guerra  sf. guëra

guarda   interj. guêrda gufo   sm. ciù

guardare   vb 1. guardêr guidare   vb 2. cundùṣar

guardaroba   sf. guêrdaròba guizzare  vb 1. ṣguilêr

guardiano   sm. guargiân gustare   vb 1. gustêr (1)

I - i

i   art. i(1) imperatore  sm. imperatôr

art. j'(1)
imperiale   adj. imperiêl
idea  sf. idèa
impero   sm. impér
identità   sf. identitê
importante   adj. impurtânt
idiota  adj, sm. idiöta
impressione  sf. impresiôn
idrante   sm. idrânt
imprestare   vb 1. imprastêr
ieri   adv. ajìr
imprimere nella mente  
ignorante   adj. ignurânt phrase. tnér a mént
iguana   sf. iguâna imprimire   vb 1. stampêr

il   art. e'(1) impronta  sm. ból

art. l'(1)
improvviso  adj. impruvìṣ
illusione   sf. iluṣiôn
impulso   sm. impuls
illusorio  adj. illuṣöri
in  prep. in
illustrare  vb 1. illustrêr
in errore   adj, past part. ṣbagliê
illustrazione  sf. illustraziôn
in nessun posto   adv. unvèl
imbuto   sm. pidariöl
in prestito   adv. imprëst
immagine   sf. figùra
inchiavare   vb 1. inchiavêr
imparare   vb 1. imparêr

inchiostro  sm. inciòstar infezione   sf. infeziôn

incidente   sm. inzidént infiammare   vb 1. infiamêr

incinta  adj f. grêvda infiammazione   sf. infiamaziôn

includere   vb 2. inclùdar infilzare   vb 1. infilzêr

incontrare   vb 1. incuntrêr informatica  sf. infurmàtica

incredibile in (neg) + credèbil   informazione   sf. infurmaziôn

adj. incredèbil
ingegnere   vb 3. inẓgnìr
incriminare  vb 1. incriminêr
ingegneria  sf. inẓgnarì
incrocio   sm. incrôṣ
ingegno   sm. inẓègn (2)
incudine   sf. incóẓan
ingenio (adj)   adj. inẓègn (1)
indaffarato    adj. indafarê
Inghilterra   sf. Inghiltëra
indecisione    sf. dubièza
inglese  adj. ingléṣ
indice (dito)   sm. prèm did
ingrassare  vb 1. ingrasêr
indivia   sf. indìvia
ingresso  sm. ingrës
indossare   vb 1. indusêr
iniziare un'attività   vb 1. debutêr
indumento  sm. stimént
innaffiare   vb 1. daquêr
industria  sf. indóstria
insalata   sf. insalê
industriale   adj. industriêl
insegnante  sm. mèstar
industrioso   adj. industriôṣ
insegnare  vb 1. insignêr
inetto   adj. inèt
insetto   sm. insët
infermeria   sm. infarmarì
insieme   adv. insèn
infermiere   sm. infarmìr
insistente   adj. insistént
inferriata  sf. frêda
insopportabile   adj.
infettare   vb 1. infetêr insupurtàbil
infettato    past part, adj. infët instituzione   sf. instituziôn

intelligente   adj. inteligént invitare   vb 1. invidêr

intendere   vb 2. intèndar io  pron. me

interessante    adj. interesânt iogurt   sm. iògurt

interesse   sm. interës ippocastano  sm. castâgn

interiore   adj, sm. interiôr
ippopotamo   sm. ipopòtam
interruttore   sm. interutôr
irreale  adj. virtuêl
intestardirsi   vb 3 rfl. intistardìs
isola   sf. ìsula
intoppare   vb 1. intupêr
isolato  adj. isulê
invece  adv. invézi
adv. invézi istituto  sm. institùt

invece di   phrase. invézi ad istruzione  sf. istruziôn

invenzione  sf. invenziôn istupidire   vb 3. invurnìr

inverno  sm. invéran Italia   sf. Itaglia

inviare   vb 1. mandêr italiano  adj. italiân

L - l

la  art. la(1) lampa   sf. lâmpada

art. l'(1)
lampadina   sf. lampadéna
là  adv. ilà
lampione   sm. lampiôn
labbro  sm. làbar
lampo   sm. balén
ladro   sm. lêdar
lampone   sf. môra frêgula
lago  sm. lêg
lana  sf. lâna
lama  sf. lâma
lancetta (dell'orologio)   sf. frèza
lama per rasoio  sf. lamèta dl'urlój
lamella   sf. lamëla lantern   sf. lantérna

lapis   sm. ëbis legale   adj. leghêl

lardo   sm. lêrd legare  vb 1. lighêr

largo   adj. lêrg legenda   sf. legènda

larice  sf. làriz legge   sf. lèẓ

lasagna   sf. laṣâgna leggere   vb 2. lèẓar

sf. parpadëla
leggero   adj. alẓìr
lasciare   vb 1. lasêr
legna   sf. lègna
lasciare cadere  phrase. lasêr
legno   sm. lègn
lato   sm. lât lei   pron. li

latrina   sf. latréna lei (subj)  pron. la(2)

pron. l'(2)
latte  sm. lat
lemure   sm. lèmur
lattuga   sf. latùga
lenticchia   sf. lénta
lava   sf. lêva
lento   adj. lént
lavagna   sf. lavâgna
lenzuolo   sm. linzöl
lavandino  sm. lavandén
leone   sm. liôn
lavapiatti   sm. lêvapiàt
leopardo  sm. leopêrd
lavare   vb 1. lavêr
lepre   sf. lévra
lavatoio   sm. lavadùr
lesto   adj. lëst
lavatrice   sf. lavatrìza
lettera  sf. lètra
lavello   sm. lavël
letto  sm. lët
lavorare   vb 1. lavurêr past part. lèt
lavoro   sm. lavôr letto singolo   sm. canapè

le  art. agl'j'(1) leva   sf. léva (1)

art. al(1)
leva - chiamata alle armi  
leale   adj. leêl sf. léva (2)

Levante   sm. alvânt lisciare   vb 1. lisêr

levare   vb 1. livêr liscio   adj. lès

levata   sf. léva (3) lista  sf. lèsta

lezione   sf. leziôn litigare   vb 1. litighêr

libellula   sm. s-ciadùr (2) livella   sf. livëla

liberare   vb 1. libarêr livello   sm. livël

libero   adj. lèbar lombata   sf. lumbêda

libero del carico   adj. scàrg lontano  adj. luntân

libertà   sf. libartê lontra   sm. ludar

libreria   sf. librarì lonza  sf. lônẓa

libro  sm. lìvar loro  adj. su

lieto   adj. alégar loro (f)  pron. agl'j'(2)

pron. al(2)
lievito   sm. furmént
loro (m)   pron. j'(2)
lima   sf. lèma
pron. i(2)
lima per roder il legno   sf. ràspa loro (m&f)  pron m&f. lô

limetta (1)   sf. limèta (1) lotta  sf. lòta

limetta (2)   sf. limèta (2) lottare  vb 1. lutêr
limite   sm. lèmit lucciola   sf. lózla
limonata  sf. limunêda luce   sf. luṣ
limone   sm. limôn lucerna  sf. lóma
linea   sf. lìnea lucertola  sf. luṣérta
lingua   sf. lèngua luglio   sm. lój
lino   sm. lén lui   pron. ló
liquido  adj, sm. lèquid lui (subj)  pron. e'(2)
pron. l'(2)

lumaca   sf. lumêga lungo   adj. lóng

lume  sm. lóm luogo   sm. lög

luminoso   adj. luminôṣ luogo determinato   sm. pòst (2)

luna  sf. lôna lupo  sm. lóp

lunedì   sm. lôn

M - m

ma  conj. mo maglio   sm. maz

maccherone   sm. macarôn maglione   sm. majôn

macchina  sf. mâchina mago   sm. mêg

macellaio   sm. mazlêr (2) magro   adj. mêgar

macellare   vb 1. mazlêr (1) mai   adv. mài

macinacaffè  sm. mêṣnacafè maiale   sm. pörc

macinapepe   sm. mêṣnapévar mais   sm. furmintôn

macinare   vb 1. maṣnêr mal   sm. mêl (3)

madre   sf. mâma malattia   sf. malatì

sf. mêdra
male   adj. mêl (1)
maestra   sf. mèstra
male, in malo modo   adv. mêl
maga   sf. mêga (2)
magari   adv. magàra malta   sf. mêlta

maggio  sm. maẓ maltrattare  vb 1. mêltratêr

magia   sf. magì mamma   sf. mâma

magico   adj. màgic mancante  adj. priv

maglia   sf. màja mancare  vb 1. manchêr

manciata   sm. pógn marra   sf. sàpa

mancino  sf. mân stânca marrone   adj. marôn

mandare   vb 1. mandêr marsupiale  adj, sm. marsupiêl

mandibola   sf. mandèbula martedì  sm. mêrt

mangiare   vb 1. magnêr martello   sm. martël

mangiato   sm, adj, past marzo  nm. mêrz

part. magnê
maschile   adj. maschìl
manica   sf. mânga
massa   sf. màsa
manico   sm. mâng
massimo   adj. màsime
maniera   sf. manìra
mastello   sf. mastëla
sm. möd
maniglia   sf. manìglia masticare   vb 1. mastighêr

mannaia   sf. manéra mastice   sm. màstig

mano   sf. mân matematica  sf. matemàtica

manovale   sm. manuvêl matematico  adj. matemàtic

manrovescio   sm. mânarvérs materasso  sm. mataràz

manzo   sm. mânẓ materiale   adj, sm. matariêl

mappa   sf. màpa matita   sm. ëbis

mare  sm. mêr (1) matrigna  sf. madrègna

margine   sm. bôrd matrimoniale   adj. matrimuniêl

maritare  vb 1. maridêr matrimonio   sm. matrimôni

maritato   adj, past part. maridê matterello  sm. s-ciadùr (1)

marito  sm. marè mattina  sf. maténa

marmellata    sf. marmelêda matto   adj. mat

marmotta   sf. marmòta mattone   sf. pré

mazza   sf. màza mercato   sm. marchê

mecanico  sm, adj. mecânic mercoledì  sm. mìrcul

medesimo   adj. medéṣim merlo   sm. méral

medicamento   sm. merluzzo   sm. marlóz

mescolanza   sf. misculânza
medicare   vb 1. midghêr
mescolare   vb 1. mis-cêr
medicina   sf. mindṣéna
mese   sm. méṣ
medico   sm. dutòr
messa   sf. mèsa
adj. médic
medio (dito)  sm. did d'mëẓ messo   past part. mès

mediocre   adj. mediòcar mestiere   sm. amstìr

meglio   adv. mèj (2) mestolo   sm. mèscula

mela  sf. méla meta   sf. méta

melanzana  sf. manẓâna metà   adj, sm. mëẓ

melone  sm. mlôn meta (di feno)  sf. méda

memoria  sf. memöria metallo   sm. metàl

menare  vb 1. amnêr metro   sm. métar

meno   adv. mânc mettere  vb 2. mètar

menta  sf. ménta mettere giù   vb 1. pusêr

-mente suffix. -mént mettersi d’accordo   vb 1,

refl. acurdês
mente  sf. mént
mezzanotte   sf. mëẓanòt
mentire   vb 3. mintìr
mezzo   adj, sm. mëẓ
mento  sm. barbèt
mezzogiorno   sm. mëẓdè
mentre   conj. méntar
mica (rafforzare una
mercante   sm. marcânt negazione)   adv. miga

micino  sm. minìn misurino  sm. imṣurén

microonde    sm. fôran a micro- mitilo   sm. bdòcc d'mêr

mobile   sm. mòbil
miele  sm. mél
moccolo   sm. mòcal
mietere   vb 2. médar
modo   sm. möd
migliore   adj. mèj
moglie   sf. mój
mignolo (dito)   sm. did znén
molla  sf. mòla
milione    number. migliôn
molle  adj. mòl (1)
militario   adj, sm. militêr sfspl. mujèt
mille   number. mèla mollica   sf. mulìga

millesimo   ordinal mollo  adj. mòl (2)

number. miléṣom
molto   adv. mônt (2)
milligrammo  sm. miligrâm
monaca   sf. söra
millimetro  sm. milèmatar
monaco   sm. frê
minerale   adj, sm. minarêl
mondo   sm. mónd
minestra   sf. mnëstra
moneta   sf. munéda
miniera  sf. miniéra
montagna   sf. muntâgna
minuto   sm. minùt
montare  vb 1. muntêr
mio   adj, poss pron. mi
monte  sm. mônt (1)
mirtillo  sm. mirtèl
montone  sm. bèr
miscelato   adj. miscelê sm. muntôn
miscelatore   sm. misceladôr mora  nf. môra

mischiare  vb 1. mis-cêr mora di gelso   nf. môra

missiva   sf. lètra morale   adj. murël

misurare  vb 1. imṣurêr mordere   vb 1. mursêr

morire   vb 3. murìr motocicletta   sf. motociclèta

moro  sm. mòr motore   sm. mutôr

morsa  sf. mörsa movente   adj. muvént

morsicare  vb 1. mursêr movimento  sm. muvimént

mortadella  sf. murtadëla mucchio   sm. mócc

mortale   adj. murtêl muggine   sf. mécia

morte   sf. mörta muovere  vb 2. mövar

morto   past part. mört muratore   sm. muradôr

mosca   sf. mósca muro  sm. mur

moscone   sm. muscôn muschio   sm. mós-c

mosto   sm. móst muscolo   sm. móscul

mostrare   vb 1. mustrêr musica  sf. mùṣica

motivo   sm. mutìv mutande  sfpl. mudând

N - n

nascere   vb 2. nèsar natura   sf. natùra

nascita  sf. nasita naturale   adj. naturêl

nascondere   vb 1. arpiatêr naufragare   vb 1. naufraghêr

vb 2. gnascóndar
naufragio   sm. naufrêgg
nascosto   adj. gnascòst
nave   sf. nêv
naso  sm. nêṣ
nazionale  adj. naziunêl
nastro metrico   sm. nàstar
nazione   sf. naziôn
Natale  sm. Nadêl nebbia   sf. nèbia

nato   past part. nêd nebbioso   adj. nibiôṣ

necessario   adj. necesêri noce  sm. nòṣ
sf. nôṣa
necessità   sf. necesitê
nodo   sm. nôd
negare   vb 1. neghêr
noi   pron. nô
negligente   adj. negligént
noleggiare  vb 1. nuligêr
negozio   sm. negözi
nome   sm. nóm
negozio di ferramenta  
sm. negözi ad feraménta non  adv. an
adv. n
nemico   sm. nemìg
non (rafforza una negazione)  
nemmeno   adv. gnânca
adv. brìṣa
nero   adj. négar nonna  sf. nòna
nervo   sm. nérb nonno  sm. nòn (1)
nervoso   adj. narvôṣ nono   ordinal. nòn (2)
nespola   sf. nëspla nord   sm. nord
nessuno  adj. inciôn normale   adj. nurmêl
nettare   sm. nètar nostrano  adj. nustrèn
netto   adj. nèt nostro  adj, poss pron. nòstar
netturbino   sm. ruscaröl nota   sf. nöta
neve  sf. néva notabile   adj. nutàbil
nevicare  vb 1. nvêr notaio   sm. nutêr
ni  adv. né sm. nutêri

nido  sm. nid notare   vb 1. nutêr

niente   pron. gnit notificazione   sf. nutificaziôn

no   inter. nò notte   sf. nòt

nocca   sf. gnòcla novanta   number. nuvânta

nocciola  sf. nuciöla nove  number. növ

novecento   number. növzènt numerale   sm. numarêl

novella  sf. nuvëla numero  sm. nómar

novembre   sm. nuvèmbar numeroso   adj. numarôṣ

nozze   sm. matrimôni nuotare  vb 1. vughêr

nube   sm. nùval nuovo   adj. növ

nuca  sf. cópa (2) nuvola   sm. nùval

nucleo   sm. nucleo nuvoloso   adj. nuvlôṣ

nudo   adj. nud

O - o

o   conj. o ogni  adj. igna

adj. ôgni
oasi   sf. òaṣi
adj. tót
oca   sf. öca ogni cosa  pronoun. gnaquël
occhiali   smpl. ucél ognuno   pron. ignôn
occhio  sm. òcc olio   sm. öli
occupato   adj. indafarê oliva   sf. ulìva
odiare  vb 1. detestêr olivo   sm. ulìv
vb 1. udiêr
olmo   sm. ôjom
odio  sm. ödi
oltre   adv. ôltra
odioso   adj. udiôṣ
ombra   sf. ómbra
odore   sm. udôr
ombrello   sf. umbrëla
offrire   vb 3. ufrìr
ombrellone   sm. umbrilôn
oggi  adv. incù
omettere   vb 2. umètar

omissione   sf. umisiôn

omosessuale  adj. omosesuêl oro   sm. ör

onda   sf. ónda orologio   sm. urlóz

opera   sf. övra orongotango   sm. rangutân

operaio   sm. uparêri orsa   sf. ôrsa

operare   vb 1. uparêr orsetto   sm. ursèt

operazione   sf. uperaziôn orso   sm. ôrs

opinione  sm. paré orto   sm. ẓardén

sf. upignôn
ortolano   sm. urtlân
oppio   sm. òpi (1)
orzo   sm. örẓ
opposto   adj, sm. cuntrêri
oscillare  vb 1. dundlêr
oppure   adv, conj. sinò
ospedale   sm. bṣdêl
ora   sf. ôra
osservare  vb 1. nutêr
orca   sf. òrca vb 1. uservêr
orco   sm. örc osservazione  sf. uservaziôn

ordinare  vb 1. cmandêr osso   sm. òs

ordinario  adj. urdinêri osso sacro   sm. cudrôn

ordine  sm. ôrdin ostrica   sf. òstrica

orecchino   sm. urcìn ottanta   number. utânta

orecchio  sf. urècia ottavo   ordinal. utêv

organizzazione   sf. ottenere  vb 1. utnér

otto   number. òt
organo   sm. örgan
ottobre   sm. utóbar
orgasmo  sm. urghêṣom
ottocento   number. otzènt
orgasmo (colloquiale)    sm. góst
ottone  sm. utón
origano   sm. urìgan
ovest  sm. òvest

ovolo  adj. övul ovunque   adv. dimpartót

P - p

pacco   sm. pac pancetta   sf. panzèta

pace  sf. pêṣ pancia   sf. pânza

sm. véntar
padella   sf. padëla
pane   sm. pân
padre   sm. pê
paniere   sm. panìr
paese   sm. paéṣ
panino   sm. panén
paga   sf. pêga
pantaloncini   sfpl. brêg curti
pagare   vb 1. paghêr
pantaloni   smpl. bragôn
pagina   sf. pàgina
smpl. calzôn
paglia   sf. pàja pappagallo  sm. papagàl
pagliaccio   sm. pajàz pappardella   sf. parpadëla
pagliaio   sm. pajér parabrezza   sf. pêrabrèza
pagnotta  sf. pagnòca paradiso   sm. paradìṣ
paio  sm. pér (2) paragrafo  sm. paràgraf
pala  sm. palèt parallelo  adj. paralél
paletta   sf. palèta parasitta   adj, sm. parasìt
palla   sf. pàla parecchio   adj, adv. parècc
pallone   sm. palôn pareggiare  vb 1. parẓêr
palma   sf. pêjma parente  sm. parént
palmo (della mano)   sf. pêlma parere  sm. paré
palpebra  sf. zèja (2) vb 1. parér

panca   sf. bânca (2) pari  sm. pêr

parlare   vb 1. parlêr patata  sf. patêta
vb 2. scórar
patire   vb 3. padìr
parola  sf. paröla
patitinaggio   sm. patinàgg
parrucchiere   sm. paruchìr
pattino   sm. pàtin
parsonale  sm. parsunêl (2)
paura   sf. paùra
parte  sf. pêrta sm. spavént
sf. purziôn
paura (avere)   phrase. paùra
partire   vb 3. partìr (avér)
partita  sf. partìda pavimento   sm. pavimént

Pasqua  sf. Pasqua pavone  sm. pavôn

passabile   adj. mediòcar pazienza   sf. pazénzia

passare   vb 1. pasêr peccato   sm. pchê

passata   sf. pasèda pecora   sf. pìgra

passatello   sm. pasadén pecoraio   sm. pigurêr

passatini   sm. pasadén pedone   sm. pedôn

passato   past part, adj, sm. pasê peggio   adj, adv. pèẓ

passeggiare   vb 1. spaziêr peggiore  adj, adv. pèẓ

passegina   sf. caruzéna pelle   sf. pëla

passero   sm. pasaròt pena   sf. péna

pasta   sf. pàsta pendere  vb 2. pèndar

pastaccino  sf. pasta spója pene   sm. uṣël (2)

pasticcio  sm. pastròcc penisola   sf. penìṣula

pasticcione   adj. pastruciôn penna  sf. pèna

pasto   sm. past pennello  sm. pinël

pastrocchio   sm. pastròcc pensare   vb 1. pinsêr

pensione    sf. pinsiôn pesca   sf. péṣga

pentola  sf. pignàta pescare   vb 1. pischêr

pepe   sm. pévar pescatore  sm. pscadôr

peperone   sm. pivarôn pesce   sm. pès

per   prep. par peso   sm. péṣ

per piacere   interj. par piaṣér pestare   vb 1. pistêr

per sempre   adv. par sèmpar peto   sf. scurèẓa

pera   sf. péra petrolio  sm. petröli

perché   prep. parché pettinare  vb 1. pnêr

perdere   vb 2. pérdar pettine   sm. pëtan

perdita   sf. pérsita petto   sm. pët

perduto  adj, past part. pérs pezzo   sm. pëz

perfetto  adj. perfët piacere  sm. góst

vb irr. piaṣér
pericolo   sm. perìcul
sm. piaṣér
periculoso   adj. periculôṣ piacevole   adj. graziôṣ
perla   sf. pérla piadina   sf. piê
permettere   vb 2. cungedêr pialla   sm. piöla
péro   sm. pér (1) pianerottolo   sm. pianèt
perpendicolare   adj. perpendic pianeta  sm. pianéta
piangere  vb 2. piânẓar
perso   adj, past part. pérs
piano   adj. piân (1)
persona   sf. parsona
sm. piân (3)
personale  adj. parsunêl (1) piano (ente geometrico)  
pesante   adj. péṣânt sm. piân (2)

pesare   vb 1. bṣêr

piano (in un edificio)    sm. piân pioggia   sf. piùva
piombo  sm. piómb
piano (strumento musicale)   
pioppo   sf. piòpa
sm. piân (4)
pianta   sf. piânta piovere  vb 2. piövar

piatto   sm. piàt pisciare   vb 1. pisêr

picche (carte)   sf. spêda piscina   sf. piscéna

piccino   adj. pècul pisello   sm. bṣël

adj. znén pistola  sf. pistöla
picciolo   sm. piciöl più   adv. pió
piccione  sm. piẓôn piuvoso   adj. piuvôṣ
piccolo   adj. pècul pizzicare   vb 1. piẓghêr
adj. znén
pizzico   sm. piẓgòt
piccone   sm. picôn
pizzicore   sm. piẓgôr
pidocchio   sm. bdòcc sm. scadôr
piede   sm. pè plaustro   sm. car
piegare   vb 1. pighêr pneumatico  sm. pneumàtic
pieno   adj. pìn pochi  pron. puc
pietra   sm. sas poco  adv. pöc
pigiama   sm. pigiâm poema   sm. puéma
pigiare (l'uva)   vb 1. pistêr poesia   sf. puëtica
pignatto   sm. pignàt poeta   sm. puéta
pila   sf. pèla poetessa   sf. puetèsa
pinguino  sm. pinguén poetico   adj. puëtic
pino  sm. pén poi   adv. pu
pinze  sfspl. mujèt politica   sf. pulètica

politico   adj, sm. pulètic porro   sm. pòr

polizia   sf. pulizì (1) porta  sf. pörta

polizia stradale  sf. pulizì portabagagli dell'auto  

stradêla sm. bavól
pollice   sm. did grós portachiavi   sm. pörtacêv

pollo   sm. pól portafoglio  sm. pörtafój

polmone   sm. palmôn portafortuna  sm. pörtafurtôna

polpaccio   sm. pulpàc portamonete   sm. pörtamunéd

polpetta   nf. pulpèta portare  vb 1. purtêr

sf. pulpèta
porto  sm. pört
polpo   sm. pôlp
posare   vb 1. pusêr
polso  sm. pôls
posizione   sf. puṣiziôn
poltrona   sf. pultrôna
posporre   vb 2. puspônar
polvere  sf. pórbia
posposto   adj, past part. puspòst
pomeriggio   sm. dòpmëẓdè
possedere  vb 2. pusédar
pomodoro   sm. pandör
possessore   sm. pusesôr
pompa   sf. pómpa
possibile  adj. pusèbil
pompelmo  sm. pumpélom
possibilità  sf. pusibilitê
ponte   sm. pônt (1)
possibilmente   adv.
poppatoio  sm. titôn pusibilmént
porcello   sm. purzël posta   sf. pòsta

porco   sm. pörc postale   adj. pustêl

porcospino  sm. pörc-spinôṣ postino   sm. pustén

porporino   adj. purpurén posto   past part. pòst (1)

porre   vb 2. pônar potare   vb 1. pudêr

potente   adj. putént presenza   sf. preṣénza
adj. putènt
pressappoco   adv. presapöc
potere   vb irr. putér (1)
presso   adv, prep. prës
sm. putér (2)
poverino   adj. pövar prestare  vb 1. imprastêr

pozione   sf. puziôn prestito  sm. prëst (2)

pozza   sf. póza (2) presto  adv. prëst (1)

pozzo   sm. póz prete  sm. prid

pranzo   sm. prânẓ prezzemolo  sm. pidarsöl

preferire   vb 3. preferìr prezzo   sm. prëz

pregare   vb 1. parghêr prigione   sf. parṣon

prelevamento   sf. léva (3) prigioniero  sm. parṣunìr

prendere   vb irr. tur prima   adv. prèma

prendere in prestito   phrase. tur primario   adj. prinzipêl

in prëst primavera   sf. premavéra
prenotare  vb 1. prenutêr primo   ordinal. prèm
prenotazione  sf. prenutaziôn principale  adj. prinzipêl
preoccuparsi   vb 1 principato   sm. prinzipêt
refl. preocupês
principe   sm. prénzip
preparare   vb 1. preparêr
principessa   sf. prinzipèsa
preparato  adj. prônt
principio   sm. prinzèpi
presentare   vb 1. preṣentêr
privare   vb 1. privêr
presentatore   sm. preṣentadôr
privato   adj, past part. privê
presentazione  sf.
preṣentaziôn privo  adj. priv

presente  adj, sm. preṣént (1) probabile   adj. prubàbil

probabilità   sf. prubabilitê profusione  sf. prufuṣiôn

probabilmente   adv. progetto   sm. prugët

programma   sm. prugâm
problema   sm. probléma
programmare   vb 1. prugamêr
procedere   vb 2. pruzédar
programmista   sm. prugramèst
procedimento   sm. a
progredire   vb 3. progredìr
procedura   sf. pruzedùra
progressione  sf. prugresiôn
procione   sm. pruciôn
progresso   sm. prugrës
prodotto  adj, past part. prudót
proibire   vb 3. pruibìr
sm. prudót (2) proibito  adj, past part. pruibì
produrre  vb 2. prudùṣar proibizione   sf. pruibiziôn
produttore   sm. prudutôr promettere   vb 2. prumètar
produzione   sf. pruduziôn pronto   adj. prônt
profano  adj. prufân proprietà   sf. pruprietê
professione  sf. prufesiôn proprietario   sm. pruprietêri
professore   sm. prufesôr proprio   adv. pròpi
professoressa  sf. prufesurèsa prosa   sf. pröṣa

profeta   sm. pruféta prosaico  adj. pruṣàic

profetessa  sf. prufetèsa prosciutto   sm. parsót
profetico   adj. prufétic prossimo   adj. pròsim
profetizzare   vb 1. prufetizêr proteggere   vb 2. prutèẓar
profezia   sm. prufezì protesta   sf. prutësta
profitto   sm. prufèt protestare   vb 1. prutestêr
profondo   adj. fónd protetto  adj, past part. prutèt

protezione   sf. pruteziôn pulizia   sf. pulizì (2)

provare  vb 1. pruvêr punta   sf. pônta

prurito   sm. scadôr puntina  sf. punténa

pubblicità   sm. areclâm punto   sm. pônt (2)

pubblico   adj. póblic pupazzo  sm. pupàz

pugno  sm. pógn pupilla (del occhio)   sm. babén

pula  sf. pùla
puttana   sf. putâna
pulce  sf. pólṣa
puzzare   vb 1. puzêr
pulcino   sm. picìn
puzzo   sm. fiê
puledro   sm. pulédar
sf. póza (1)
pulire   vb 3. pulìr puzzola   sm. pózal
pulito  adj. nèt puzzolente   adj. puzulént

Q - q

qua   adv. iquà qualità   sf. qualitê

quadre (carte)  sm. danêr qualunque  adj. qualunque

quadro   sm. quêdar quando   adv. quând

quaglia   sf. quàja quantità   sf. quantitê

qualche   indefinite adj. quèjc quanto   adv. quânt

qualche cosa  sm. quël quaranta   number. quarânta

qualche volta  phrase. quèjc quarto   ordinal. quêrt

quattordici   number. quatörgg
qualcuno   pron. quelcadôn
quattro   number. quàtar
quale   interrogative adj. quêl

quattrocento   number. questo   pron. quèst
quàtarzènt adj. ste
quello   adj. che quindici  number. quèngg
pron. quèl
quinto   ordinal. quént
quercia  sm. zèr

R - r

rabarbaro   sm. rabêrbar raggio  sm. raẓ

rabberciare   vb 1. radanêr raggio di una ruota   sf. ràẓa (1)

racchetta   sf. rachèta raggiungere   phrase. arivêr drì

raccogliere  vb 2. cójar raggrenallare  vb 1. garavlêr

raccolto   sf. cölta raggrinzire   vb 3. insichìr

raccomandare  vb ragionare   vb 1. raṣunêr

1. racmandêr
ragione   sf. raṣôn
raccontare   vb 1. cuntêr
ragioniere   nm. cuntàbil
racconto   sm. fat (1)
ragnatela   sf. tlarâgna
rachitico   adj. rachètic
ragno   sm. râgn
racimolare  vb 1. garavlêr
rame  sm. râm (1)
radicchio   sm. radècc
rammendare   vb 1. mindêr
radice   sf. radìṣa
rammentare  vb 1. arcurdêr
radio   sf. radio
ramo  sf. brânca (2)
radunare   vb 1. radunêr sm. râm (2)
raganella   sf. ranëla rampa   sf. râmpa

ragazza   sf. ragâza rana   sf. ranëla

ragazzo   sm. ragàz rapa   sf. rèva

rasare   vb 1. raṣêr repubblica   sf. repóblica

rasoio   sm. raṣùl repulsione   sm. ṣgóst

raspare  vb 1. raspêr repulsivo   adj. ṣgustôṣ

rastrello   sm. rastël reputazione   sf. fâma

ratto   sm. rat responsabile   adj. respunsàbil

rattoppare   vb 1. radanêr responsabilità  sf.

ravanello   sm. radiṣén
restare   vb 2. armanér
raviolo   sm. raviöl
rete   sf. réda
razza   sf. ràza (1)
rettangolo   sm. retângul
razza (pesca)   sf. ràẓa (2)
retto   adj. rët
re  sm. re
ribes  sm. rìbes
recitare   vb 1. rezitêr
riccio   adj, sm. rèz
regalo  sm. preṣént (2)
sm. righêl ricco   adj. rèc

reggipetto   sm. regipët ricevuta   sf. rizivùda

reggiseno   sm. regipët ricivere   vb 2. rizévar

regime   sm. regìm ricominciare  vb 1. arcminzêr

regina  sf. regìna riconoscere  vb 2. arcnósar

regionale   adj. regiunêl riconosciuto   past part,

adj. arcnusù
regione   sf. regiôn
ricordare   vb 1. arcurdêr
regnare   vb 1. regnêr
ricordo   sf. memöria
regno   sm. règn
ricotta   sf. arcòta
regolare  adj. rigulêr
ridere   vb 2. rìdar
remo  sm. rém
riempire   vb 3. rimpìr
rene   sm. argnôn

rifare  vb irr. arfêr risposto   past part. arspòst

rifugio   sm. rifùgg ristorante   sm. risturânt

rigido   adj. dur risultare   vb 1. risultêr

rilucere  vb 2. arlùṣar ritaglio   sm. artàj

rima   sf. rèma ritardo   sm. ritêrd

rimanere   vb 2. armanér ritornare   vb 1. turnêr

rimediare   vb 1. rimidiêr riunione   sf. riuniôn

ringhiera  sf. ringhìra riuscire   vb 3. riuscìr

ringraziare   vb 1. ringraziêr rivestimento  sf. tapizarì

rinnovare   vb 1. arnuvêr rivoltare   vb 1. arvultêr

rinoceronte   sm. rinocerônt roba   sf. ròba

rinsecchire   vb 3. insichìr robinia   sf. rubèn (2)

ripetere  vb 2. ripétar rodere  vb 1. ruṣghêr

riposare   vb 1. arpunsêr rododendro   sm. rododèndar

riso   sm. riṣ (1) rognone   sm. argnôn

sm. riṣ (2)
romagnolo   adj. rumagnöl
risolutivo   adj. diciṣìv
romanzo  sm. rumânẓ
risoluzione  sf. riṣuluziôn
rompere   vb 2. rômpar
risolvere  vb 2. risolvar
rompere il fondo   vb 1. sfundêr
risotto   sm. riṣòt
rosa   sf. röṣa
rispettabile   adj. rispetàbil
rosicare   vb 1. ruṣghêr
rispettare   vb 1. rispitêr
rosicchiare   vb 1. ruṣghêr
rispetto  sm. rispët
rospo   sm. ròsp
rispondere    vb 2. arspóndar
rosso   adj. rós
risposta   sf. arspòsta

rotolare  vb 1. rudlêr ruga   sf. ruga

rotondo  adj. tónd rumore  sm. armôr

rotto   adj. rót ruota  sf. röda

rovere   sf. rôvra ruoto dentata  sf. röda dintêda

rubare  vb 1. rubêr Russia   sf. Rosia

rubinetto  sm. rubinèt russiano  adj. rusiân

rubino  sm. rubén (1) ruvido   adj. ruvd

rucola   sf. rócla

S - s

sabato   sm. sàbat salone   sm. salôn

sabbia   sm. sabiôn salotto   sm. salòt

sacco   sm. sac salsiccia  sf. zuzèza

saccoccia  sf. sacòcia saltare   vb 1. saltêr

saetta   sf. sajèta salutare   vb 1. salutêr

vb 1. salutêr
saggio   adj. sagg
salute   sf. salût (1)
sala   sf. sêla
saluto   sm. salût (2)
salamandra   sf. salamândra
sambuco   sm. sambùc
salame   sm. salâm
sangue  sm. sângv
salario   sf. pêga
santa   sf. sânta (1)
sale   sm. sêl
santo   adj, sm. sânt
salice   sm. sëls
sapere   vb irr. savér (1)
salire  vb 3. salìr
sm. savér (2)
salmone  sm. salmôn sapone  sm. savôn

sapore   sm. savôr scambiare   vb 1. baratêr

saputo   past part. savù scambio   sm. baràt

sarchiare   vb 1. sapêr scampo   sm. scâmp (1)

sm. scâmp (2)
sardella   sf. sardëla
scappare   vb 1. scapêr
sasso   sm. sas
scarabeo   sm. scaraèj
savio   adj. sagg
scarafaggio   sm. scarafàgg
sbagliare   vb 1. ṣbagliêr
scarica  sf. scàrga
sbagliato   adj, past part. ṣbagliê
scaricare   vb 1. scarghêr
sbaglio  sm. fal
sm. ṣbalì scaricatoio  sm. scarghadùr

sbocco  sm. ṣbóc scarico  adj. scàrg

sm. scàric
sbucciare  vb 1. ṣbuzêr
scarpa   sf. schêrpa
sbudellare   vb 1. ṣbudlêr
scassare (la terra)   vb 1. scasêr
scabro   adj. ruvd
scatola  sf. scàtla
scacchi   smpl. schëc
scegliere   vb 1. capêr
scaccomatto   sm. scacmàt
vb 2. dlèẓar
scaffale   sm. scafêl scendere   phrase. andêr ẓó
scaglia   sf. lamëla schermo   sm. schérom
scala   sf. schêla schiavare  vb 1. s-ciavêr
scala a libretto    sm. scalèt schiena   sf. schéna
scaldare  vb 1. scaldêr schiuma   sf. s-ciôma
scaletto   sm. scalèt schiumaiòla  sf. s-ciumaröla
scalino   sm. scalén schiumare   vb 1. s-ciumêr
scalogno   sf. scalógna sci   sm. sci
scalpello  sm. scarpël sci (sporto)   sf. sciêda

sciacquare   vb 1. s-ciarêr scrivere   vb 2. scrìvar

sciare   vb 1. sciêr scultore   sm. scultôr

sciarpa   sf. sciélpa scultura   sf. scultôra

scimmia  sf. scèmia scuola  sf. scöla

scimpanzé  sm. scimpanzè scure   sf. manéra

sciocco   adj. dìṣom (2) scuro   adj. scur

sciogliere   vb 1. ṣmulêr scusa   sf. scuṣa

sciolto   adj, past part. ṣmulê sdraio   sm. ṣdràj

scodella  sf. scudëla se   conj. se

scoiattolo   sm. scujàtul sebbene   conjunction. simbén

scolpire   vb 3. sculpìr seccare   vb 1. schêr

scopa   sf. garnê secchio  sm. sècc

scopare   vb 1. spazêr secco   adj. sèc

scoperta   sf. squérta secolare  adj. prufân

scoperto   adj. squért secolo  sm. sécul

scoppiare   vb 1. s-ciupêr secondo  ordinal. ṣgónd

scoppio   sf. s-ciupadùra sedano  sm. sàral

scorciare   vb 1. scurtêr sedere   sm. cul

vb 2. ṣdér
scorciatoia  sm. scurtadùr
sedia  sf. scarâna
scoreggia   sf. scurèẓa
sedia a sdraio   sm. ṣdràj
scoreggiare   vb 1. scurẓêr
sedici   number. sègg
scorpione   sm. scurpiôn
sega  sf. séga
scorticare   vb 1. scurghêr
segare   vb 1. ṣghêr
scritto   past part. scrèt
segatura  nm. ṣgadèza

seggiola   sf. scarâna separato  adj, past part. separê

seggiolino   sm. scaranén seppellire  vb 3. splìr

segno   sm. sègn seppia   sf. zèpa

segreto   adj, sm. secrét sera   sf. séra

seguitare   vb 1. cuntinuêr serie   sf. séria

sei  number. si serio   adj. séri

seicento   number. sizènt serpe (non velenoso)  sf. bèsa

selva   sf. furësta serpente  sm. sarpént

semaforo   sm. semàfor serra  sf. sëra

sembrare   vb 1. parér serrare  vb 1. srêr

seme   sf. sménta serrato   adj. srê

semplice   adj. sémpliz servire   vb 3. sarvìr

sempre   adv. sèmpar sessanta   number. sânta (2)

senape  sf. sènapa sesto  ordinal. sëst

seno  sm. sén (1) seta  sf. séda

seno (trigonometria)   sm. sén sete  sf. séd

settanta   number. stânta
senso   sm. séns
sette   number. sët
sentiero   sm. sintìr (2)
settecento   number. sëtzènt
sentimento  sm. sintimént
settembre   sm. setèmbar
sentire   vb 3. sintìr (1)
settimana   sf. stmâna
sentire l'odore   vb 3. sintìr (1)
settimo   ordinal. sëtim
vb 1. udurêr
senza   adv. sénza severo   adj. sevér

separare   vb 1. separêr sfoglia  sf. spója

sfondare  vb 1. sfundêr sofà  sm. divân

sfortuna   sf. ṣgrêzia soffiare  vb 1. sufiêr

sgonfiare   vb 1. ṣgunfiêr soffitta   nf. sufita

sgonfio    adj. ṣgunfiê soffitto   sm. sufèt

shampoo   sm. shampo sogliola  sf. sfója

si   pron. si sogno   sm. sógn

sì  interjection. sè soldato   past part, adj, sm. armê

adj, sm. militêr
sicuramente   adv. zérta
sole   sm. sôl (2)
sicuro   adj. sicùr
adj. zért (1) solido   adj. sòlid

sidro  sm. sìdar solito   adj. sòlit

Signore   sm. Signôr solo   adj, adv. sôl (1)

sinistro   adj. sinèstar solstizio   sm. sulstêzi

sinonimo   sm. sinònim somaro   sm. sumàr

sistema   sm. sistéma sonnellino   sm. sunlén

slegare  vb 1. ṣmulêr sonno   sm. són

slegato    adj, past part. ṣmulê sopportare  vb 3. padìr

slittare   vb 1. ṣguilêr sopracciglio  sf. sôrazèja

smazzata di carte   sf. smazê soprattutto   adv. sôratót

(ad chèrt)
sordo   adj. sôrd
smontare   vb 1. ṣmuntêr
sorella   sf. surëla
sociale   adj. suciêl
sorellastra   sf. surlàstra
socialismo   sm. sucialìṣom
sorgente  sm. surgént
socialista   sm. sucialèsta
sorriso   sm. surìṣ
società   sf. sucitê
sorveglianza   sm. abêd

sostenere  vb 1. sustnêr specialità   sf. specialitê

sottaceto   adj. sót’aṣé specie  sf. spécia

sottana  sf. sutâna specifico  adj. specèfic

sottanella  sf. stanëla spegnere   vb 1. murtêr

sottile   adj. stil spellare   vb 1. scurghêr

sotto   prep. sóta spento   adj. murtê

sozzura   sm. lòz speranza   sf. sperânza

spaccare   vb 1. spachêr speranzoso   adj. speranzôṣ

spaccatura  sf. spacadùra sperare  vb 1. sperêr

spada (carte)  sf. spêda spesso  adj. spès (1)

adv. spès (2)
spaghetto  sm. spaghèt
spettro   sm. spétar
Spagna   sf. Spagna
spiaggia   sf. spiàgia
spagnolo   adj. spagnöl
spiedo   sm. spéd
spalla   sf. spàla
spiegare   vb 1. spieghêr
spavantare   vb 1. spavintêr
spiegazione   sf. spiegaziôn
spaventoso   adj. spavintôṣ
spina (dorsale)   sm. filôn (2)
spaziare  vb 1. spaziêr
spinacio   sm. spinàz
spazzalone   nm. scupitòn
spino  sm. spén
spazzare   vb 1. spazêr
spinoso   adj. spinôṣ
spazzatura  sf. spazadùra
spirito   sm. umurìṣom
spazzola   sf. spazaréna
sporcare  vb 3. inluzìr
specchio   sm. spëcc
sporco   adj. spörc
speciale  adj. speciêl
sporco (nm)   sm. tacôn
specialista  sm. specialèst
sporta  sf. spörtla

sportello  sm. spurtël stato   past part. stê
sm. stêt
sposa   sf. spôṣa
statua   sf. stêtua
sposo   sm. spôṣ
statura   sf. tàja
spostare   vb 1. spustêr
stazione   sf. staziôn
sproposito   sm. sfundrôn
stella   sf. stëla
spugna  sf. spónga
stendere  vb 2. stèndar
spuma   sf. s-ciôma
stesso  adj. stès
squadra   sf. squêdra
stivale   sm. stivêl
squalo   sm. squàl
stoffa   sf. stòfa
sradicare   vb 1. cavêr
stomaco  sm. stòmig
stagione  sf. staṣôn
storia   sf. störia
stalla   sf. stàla
stracchino   sm. strachén
stamattina   adv. stamaténa
straccio   adj. stracc
stampa  sf. stâmpa
stracco   adj. strac
stampante   sf. stampânta
strada  sf. strê
stampare   vb 1. stampêr
stradale   adj. stradêl
stanco   adj. strac
stradello  sm. stradël
stanga   sf. stânga
straniero  adj, sm. straniér
stanza   sf. sêla
strano  adj. curiôṣ
stare   vb irr. stêr
straordinario   adj. spavintôṣ
stare attento a  phrase. stêr
atént a strega  sf. striga

starna  sf. stêrna stregone  sm. strigôn

stasera  adv. staséra stregoneria   sf. strigarì

stretto  adj. strèt

strumento    sm. strumént suonare   vb 1. sunêr

strumento musicale   suono   sm. sôn

sm. instrumént
suora   sf. söra
struzzo   sm. stròz
susina  sf. suṣéna
studente   sm. studént
susino  nm. suṣén
studiare   vb 1. stugêr
svarione  sm. sfundrôn
stupido   adj. dìṣom (2)
sveglia   sf. ṣvéglia
su   adv. só
svegliare   vb 1. ṣvigêr
prep. sôra
subito   adv. sóbit sveglio   adj. ṣvègg

succedere   vb 2. suzédar svelta (alla)ṣ   phrase. ṣvelta (a

succo   sm. sug
sveltiṣ  interj. ṣvélti
sud   sm. sud
svelto   adj. ṣvêlt
sudicio   adj. spörc
sviluppare   vb 1. ṣvilupêr
sughero   sm. sùvar
sviuluppo   sm. ṣvilóp
suo   adj. su
svuotare   vb 1. scarghêr

T - t

tacchino    sm. galinàz tagliere  sf. batlêrda

tacere  vb 1. taṣér tagliolino   smpl. tajulén

tafano  sf. tafanëla take away   vb 1. privêr

taglia  sf. tàja tale   adj. têl

adj. zért (3)
tagliare  vb 1. tajêr
tangente  sf. tangénta
tagliatella   sf. tajadëla
tanto   adj, adv. tânt

tappeto    sm. tapéd televisione   sf. televiṣiôn

tappezzeria  sf. tapizarì televisore  sm. televiṣôr

tappo   sm. sùvar tema   sf. téma

sm. tap
temere   vb 1. temér
tardi   adv. têrd
tempesta   sm. furtinêl
tarlo   sm. têral
tempo  sm. témp
tartaruga   sf. bèsagalâna
temporale   sm. furtinêl
tasca  sf. sacòcia
tenace   adj. atacadèz
tasso  sm. tas (3)
tenda   sf. tènda
tasso (albero)   sm. tas (2) sf. tènda
tasso (animale)   sm. tas (1) tenere   vb irr. tnér

tastiera  sf. tastìra tenere a mente   phrase. tnér a

tasto   sm. tast
tennis   sm. tènis
tavola   sf. tevla
tentare   vb 1. tintêr
tazza  sf. tàza
termine   sf. méta
tè   sm. tè (2)
terra   sf. tëra
teatro   sm. teàtar
terracotta   sf. tëracòta
tedesco   adj. tudès-c
terrazza   sf. teràza
teglia  sf. tègia
terrestre   adj. terëstar
tegola   sf. tégla
terzo   ordinal. térz
tela   sf. téla
tessuto   sf. stòfa
telecomando    sm. telecmând
testa   sm. chêp
telefonare   vb 1. telefunêr
sf. tësta
telefono   sm. teléfon testuggine   sf. bèsagalâna
telegramma  sm. telegrâm tetta (del seno)  sf. tèta

tettarella   sm. titôn tossire   vb 3. tusìr

tetto   sm, adj. quért tostapane  sm. tòstapân

thermos    sm. térmos tovaglia   sf. tvàja

tiepido   adj. tévd tovagliolo   sm. tvajöl

tiglio   sm. tèj tra   prep. tra

tigre   sf. tigra tradotto  past part. tradót

timone   sm. tmôn tradurre   vb 2. tradùṣar

tinta  sf. ténta traduzione  sf. traduziôn

tirare  vb 1. tirêr traduzione letterale  

sf. traduziôn leterêla
togliere  vb 1. privêr
vb irr. tur tramontana   sf. tramuntâna

togliere il fondo  vb 1. sfundêr trampoli (pl)  sf. zânca

toilette   sm. gabinèt tranquillità   sf. tranquilitê

tonno   sm. tôn (1) tranquillo   adj. tranquèl

tono   sm. tôn (2) trapano  sm. tràpan

tonto   adj. invurni trarre  vb 1. tirêr

topo   sm. sórg trattare   vb 1. tratêr

torchio   sm. törcc trattato   sm. tratê

tornare  vb 1. turnêr trattore (agr)   sm. tratôr (1)

toro   sm. tör trattorista   sm. tratôr (2)

torre   sf. tóra travasare   vb 1. travaṣêr

torta   sf. tôrta tre   number. trè

number. tri
tortellini   sm. turtël
trecento   number. tarṣènt
tortello   sm. turtël
number. tarṣènt
tosse  sm. tós tredici   number. trègg

treno  sm. tréno tu   pron. tè (1)

trenta   number. trènta tubo   sm. tub

treppiede   sm. tripì tuffarsi   vb 1 refl. tufês

triangolo   sm. triângul tuffo   sm. còlfëc

triste   adj. trèst tulipano   sm. tulipân

tristesse   sf. tristèza tuo  adj, poss pron. tu

tritare   vb 1. tridêr tuono   sm. tôn (3)

vb 1. tridêr
turchino   adj. turchén
tromba   sf. trómba
tutto   adj. igna
troppo   adv. tròp adj. tót
trovare   vb 1. truvêr

U - u

ubriacare   vb 1. imbariaghêr umido   adj. ómid

adj. ómid
ubriaco  adj. imbariêg
umiliare   vb 1. umigliêr
uccello   sm. uṣël (1)
umiliazione   sf. umigliaziôn
uccidere  vb 1. acupêr
umiltà   sf. umiltê
udire   vb 3. sintìr (1)
umore   sm. umôr
ufficiale  adj. uficêl
sm. ufiziêl umorismo  sm. umurìṣom

ufficio   sm. ufizi umoristico   adj. umurèstic

ultimo   adj. ùtom una  art, number. un'

art, number. una
umanità   sf. umanitê
undici   number. óngg
umano   adj. umân
unghia   sf. óngia
umidità   sf. umiditê

unico  adj. ónic uomo   sm. òm

unire   vb 3. unìr uovo   sm. öv

unità  sf. unitè urlare   vb 1. urlêr

unito  past part, adj. unì usare   vb 1. uṣêr

universale   adj. universêl usato   past part, adj. uṣê

universalità   sf. universalitê uscire   vb 1. scapêr

vb 3. uscìr
università  sf. universitê
utile   adj. ùtil
universo  sm. univérs
uva   sf. ùva
uno  art, number. un

V - v

vacanza   sf. vacânza vaso   sm. vêṣ

vacca   sf. vàca vassoio  sm. cabarè

vaccino  sm. vazén vecchio  adj. vëcc

vagina   sf. vagìna vedere   vb irr. vdér

valere   vb 1. valér vedova   sf. vedùta

valigia   sf. valìṣa vedovo   sm. vedov

valutare   vb 1. giudichêr vela   sf. véla (2)

vanga   sm. palèt veleno   sm. vlén

vangare   vb 1. vanghêr veliero   sm. veliér

vanitoso   adj. vanitôṣ vena (vaso sanguino)   sf. véna

vapore   sm. vapôr vendere   vb 2. vèndar

vario  adj. vêri venerdì   sm. vènar

various   adj. vêri venire   vb 3. vnìr

venti   number. vént (1) viaggio  sm. viàẓ

vento   sm. vént (2) viale   sm. viêl

ventre  sm. véntar vicino   prep. a dri a

adj. vṣén
venuto   past part. vnù
vietare   vb 3. pruibìr
veramente   adv. pròpi
villa   sf. véla (1)
verde   adj. vérd
villaggio   sm. vilàgg
verdura  sf. vardùra
vincere   vb 2. vénzar
verità   sf. veritê
vinello   sm. aquadèz
verme  sm. vérman
vino   sm. vén
vero   adj. vér
viola mammola   sf. viulèta
versione  sf. traduziôn
violento   adj. viulént
verso   prep. vérs
violenza  sf. viulénza
vesitario   sm. stiêri
violetto  adj. viulèt
vespa   sf. vëspra
virgine   adj. vérgin
vestimento    sm. stimént
virtù  sf. vartó
vestire   vb 3. avstìr
virtuale   adj. virtuêl
vestirsi   vb 1. indusêr
virtuoso   adj. virtuôṣ
vestito  sm. sti
virulento  adj. virulént
veterinario    sm. dutôr dal bèsti
virus   sm. virus
vetro   sm. védar
vischioso   adj. atacadèz
via  sf. vèja
visitare  vb 1. viṣitêr
via d'uscita   sm. scâmp (1)
viso  sf. fàza
viaggiare   vb 1. viaẓêr
visto   past part. vèst
viaggiatore  sm. viaẓadôr

vita   sf. vîta volere dire  phrase. vlér dìr
sf. vîta
volo   sm. vôl
vite   sf. vida
volpe  sm. vôjp
vitello   sm. vidël
volta   sf. völta
vivace   adj. viv
volto   sf. fàza
vivere   vb 2. vîvar
voluto   past part. vóst
vivo  adj. viv
vongola   sf. puràza
voce   sf. vôṣa
vostro   adj, poss pron. vòstar
voi  pron. vó
vulcano   sm. vulcân
volante   sm. vulânt
vuotare   vb 1. ṣvuitêr
volare   vb 1. vulêr
vuoto   adj, sm. vùit
volere   sm. vlér(2)
vb irr. vlér (1)

Z - z

zafferano   sm. ẓafarân zero   number. zéro

zaino  sm. ẓâjan zia  sf. zèja (1)

zampa   sf. zâmpa zinco   sm. ẓèng

zanca   sf. zânca zingaro  sm. zèngan

zanzara   sf. zinzêla zio  sm. zèj (1)

zappa   sf. sàpa zoccolo  sm. zòcul

zappare   vb 1. sapêr Zodiaco   sm. ẓudìac

zebra   sf. ẓébra zucca   sf. zóca

zecca   sf. zèca zucchero   sm. zócar

zenzero   sm. ẓenẓar zucchino   sm. zuchén

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Appendix 1: Pronunciation

Vowel sounds:

Consonant sounds:

Appendix 2: Standard vowel changes

Appendix 3: Other spelling systems

[This page intentionally left blank.]

Appendix 4: Verbs

Regular verbs
infinitive, English: present / imperfect / future /
conditional / subjunctive / past and present
participle / commands

magnêr, to eat: a mègn, t'mègn, e' mâgna, a magnén, a magnì, i

mâgna / a magnéva, t'magnivia, e' magnéva, a magnimia, a
magnivia, i magnéva / a magnaró, t'magnaré, e' magnarà, a
magnarèn, a magnarì, i magnarà / a magnarèb, t'magnarès, e'
magnarèb, a magnarèsum, a magnarèsuv, i magnarèb / a megna,
t'megna, e' megna, a magnena, a magniva, i megna / magnê,
magnènd / mâgna! magnì!

vèndar, to sell: a vènd, t'vènd, e' vènd, a vindén, a vindì, i vènd / a

vindéva, t'vindivia, e' vindéva, a vindimia, a vindivia, i vindéva /
a vindró, t'vindré, e' vindrà, a vindrén, a vindrì, i vindrà / a
vindrèb, t'vindrès, e' vindrèb, a vindrèsum, a vindrèsuv, i
vindrèb / a vènda, t'vendà, e' vendà, a vindègna, a vindìva, i
vènda / vindù, vindènd / vènd! vindì!

finìr, to finish: a finès, t'finès, e' finès, a finén, a finì, i finès / a

finéva, t'finivia, e' finéva, a finimia, a finivia, i finéva / a finiró,
t'finiré, e' finirà, a finirén, a finirì, i finirà / a finirèb, t'finirès, e'
finirèb, a finirèsum, a finirèsuv, i finirèb / a finesa, t'finesa, e'
finesa, a finègna, a finìva, i finesa / finì, finènd / fines! finì!

Irregular verbs
infinitive, English: present; present perfect
andêr, to go: a vég, t'vé, e' va, a andén, a andè, i va; l'è andê
avér, to have: a j'ó, t'é, l'à, a avén, a avì, j'à; avù
bér, to drink: a bév, t'bév, e' bév, a dbén, a dbè, i bév; dbù
dêr, to give: a dëg, t'dé, e' dà, a daṣén, a daṣè, i dà; dê
dìr, to say: a dég, t'di, e' dès, a dṣén, a dṣè, i dès; dèt
durmìr, to sleep: a durum, t'durum, e' dörum, a durmén, a durmì, i
dörum; durmì
duvér, to have to: a j'ó da, t'é da, l'à da...; duvù
ësar, to be: a só, t'si, l'è, a sèn, a si, j'è; l'è stê

fêr, to do: a fëg, t'fé, e' fa, a fáṣén, a fáṣè, i fa; fat
murìr, to die: a mur, t'mur, e' mör, a murén, a murì, i mör; l'è mört
putér, to be able to: a pós, t'pu, e' pò, a putén, a putè, i pò; putù
savér, to know (knowledge, skill): a so, t'sé, e' sa, a savén, a savè, i
sa; savù
stêr, to stay: a stëg, t'sté, e' stà, a staṣén, a staṣè, i stà; l'è stê
tnér, to take, hold: a tègn, t'tén, e' tén, a tnén, a tné, i tnè; tnù
tur, to take: a tój, t'tu, e' tö, a tulén, a tulè, i tulé; tölt
vdér, to see: a vèg, t'véd, e' vdè, a avdén, a avdè, i vdè; vdù
vlér, to want: a vój, t'vu, e' vö, a vlén, a vlè, i vö; vlù
vnìr, to come: a vègn, t'vén, e' vnè, a vnén, a vnè, i vnè; l'è vnù


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