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NI ~—— igueet ‘Titles should be short and informative (10 - 15 words, 15-font size, Times New Roman) Author1!, Author? Author3? (13-font size, Times New Roman) 1 afiiliation! 2 ffiliation?2 9 Aifilition3 “To whom correspondence should be addressed: Corresponding author's name, and current e-mail address. Abstract. ‘The abstract must be structured to include the study's background and aim, materials and methods, results, and conelusion, It must not exceed 250 words. The abstract must rot contain ‘mathematical formulae. The abstract must not contain any reference citations Keywords: keyword 1, keyword 2, keyword 3, etc. (upto 3~ 6 keywords) INTRODUCTION "The introduction serves two purposes: to stimulate the reader's interest and to ‘outline the reason for the study, that is, the controversy or “knowledge gap’ that prompted the study, State the objectives of the work and provide an adequate background. ‘METHODS ‘The Methods section should describe the procedures used and include sufficient information (such as subjects aad measurements) so that a reader can evaluate the credibility of results and interpretation in the light of possible methodological limitations. Detailed statistieal methods should be included. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ‘The results should summarize the important results of the experiment, using descriptive and inferential statistics and a few well-planned and carefully constructed illustrations. Put your results in perspective with your expectations and compare your results with the rest ofthe world, The discussion must address the contribution the study ‘makes toward theory. The last part of the discussion must suggest how readers might apply the information presented. The figure caption should begin with an overall descriptive statement ofthe figure followed by additional text. They should be immediately after each figure. Start this caption with a short deseription of your lable, Format lables using the Word Table ‘commands and structures ‘Graph 1. Te ttle ofthe graph is placed undemeath the image Table 1 . Table titles are placed above the table “aaa bb The size of the fonts inthe table adjusts the sizeof the table Use horizontal lines to 3 ‘Aana bbb cee ‘Kana BBB eee Tabel anys “The table does not use smenggunakan c sgaris horizontal Horizontal lines are used to limit the beginning and end of | the table CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Conclusions ‘A conclusion to review the ma points ofthe paper, do not replicate the abstract as the conclusion. A conclusion might elaborate on the importance of the work or suggest applications and extensions. Recommendations Write your recommendations in one to two paragraphs. ACKNOWLEDGMENT (if any) i “The authors can acknowledge any person/authorties in this section. Names of funding organisations (if any) should be written in full REFERENCES ‘The journal templates use APA syle for citations and references. For a better Understanding of how APA style works please refer to hit/www.bibme-orw/apa

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