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Name: Bruce Saunderson

Born: October 1954

Occupation: Painter

At the age of 48 I was about to commit suicide in October 2002 when Jesus left the 99 and came and
saved me and I had a 3 hour encounter with God and that was when I was healed and set free and became
born again Christian.
I had my first visitation from the Lord the next night when he said
“ Bruce welcome to my kingdom, there is not much time left so do what I tell you to do”.

1st trip to Indonesia was February 2012

God spoke to me and asked me to go to Indonesia to encourage and support a missionary family
Glendon and Christina Terrace who introduced me to pastors in Berastagi and medan.

God spoke to me and said I was to paint the children’s home in Berastagi and church in Medan. So upon
return to Australia I organized a total of 11 pallets of paint tools and equipment in 2 separate loads to be
exported to Indonesia to complete the painting of the 2 buildings and other buildings as well.

God has spoken to me many times and given me many visions and every time it has been to do with
Indonesia. Just one of the things he showed me and then explained to me was “Bruce while you are
painting and cleaning the natural houses I am with you in the Spiritual realm cleaning the Spiritual
houses.” We are the Spiritual houses.

This is now my 24th trip to Indonesia and the next 2 trips are already booked for November this year and
February next year.

I have painted churches and buildings and taught the locals in Medan, Berastagi, Sumbul, Sidikalang,
Balige, Paringinan, Lagabouti, Sigaol and Siantar.

Have also visited mental rehabilitation in Berastagi and worked with them to paint part of the centre.
Took 2 of them out and they lived and worked with me for a week to teach them how to use pressure
cleaner and then pastors help set them up in business.

Have visited prison in Medan and rehabilitation centres in Balige, Siantar and Humbahas.

Have done seminars for pastors on Culture and Tradition in Sidikalang and Siantar.
Have done seminar for youth in Siborong borong.

During the first 6 years of the trips it was painting and working with the locals to teach how to paint and
minister where ever the Holy Spirit said to.

In 2018 God spoke to me and said” Bruce the older generation have hardened their hearts towards
me, they are in the wilderness and I will leave them in the wilderness, except they repent and soften
their hearts and return unto me they shall remain there. I have chosen the youth of this nation to
pour out my Spirit.”

From that moment God closed many doors to me but on the next trip he started opening up schools and
speaking to the youth.

Have visited approx. 35 to 40 schools, numerous youth groups, numerous home groups, numerous
kindergardens, English classes and taught the word of God from many churches.

Most of the places God has taken me I have been the first Bule they have seen. The first bule in the
schools, churches, villages, private homes etc.

Have seen God perform many miracles of healings and deliverance. As Jesus said he came to heal the
broken hearted and set the captives free.
I do preach the truth which some people reject because it means they have to change to line up with Gods
word. But I preach Gods truth in Love because he wants all of us to know the truth because the truth will
set you free.

Like the Apostle Paul who worked to finance his mission trips I work to finance my own mission trips.
Everything I have done I have done as unto the Lord and is because of my Love for the Lord and my
Love for my fellow human being and especially the youth of Indonesia.

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