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Black cotton soil is very favorable for cultivation of cotton . It is called black cotton soil
because it is black in color formed by the presence of titaniferous magnetite.

A. Properties of black cotton soil

I. Black soil has a texture like clayey and is highly fertile.
II. Black soil structure is cloddish or something friable.
III. Black soil when dry gets contact and develops deep wide cracks.
IV. Black soil contains almost 50% of clay and can hold water for a long time.

Property Value
Dry density - 1300- 1800kg/m*3
Liquid limit - (40-120)%
Plastic limit - (20-60)%
Specific gravity - 2.60-2.75
Types of black cotton soil :
1. Shallow black soil
2. Medium black soil
3. Deep black soil

B. Identification of black soil in the field

i. It is black in color
ii. It’s very a very fine practical that can’t be seen by the naked eye.
iii. Cracks of high width are formed in the summer season.
iv. In the rainy season, it’s look muddy.
v. It’s sticky when wet.

C. Foundation in black cotton soil

i. Foundation loads should be limited to 5 tonnes/sqm.
ii. RCC raft foundation should be done.
iii. Foundation excavation should extend beyond the depth of cracks.
iv. For preventing intimate contact with black soil the foundation trench width
is made bigger than the requirement and the extra width is filled with
granular material.
v. It is good to remove black soil if strata of black soil are up to 1200 mm.

Red soil is considered to be a soil that generally develops in warm temperature and
moist climate. They are developed under deciduous conditions and are generally found
in mixed forests. They have thin organic and mineral layers overlying a yellowish-
brown leached layer which can be seen resting on an illuvial red layer. Red soil are
generally found from sendimentary rocks which are rich in iron . These soils are not
suitable for cultivating because they are low in nutrients, making them poor growing
A.propertices of Red soil
i. Red soils are formed in situation by weathering of the ancient crystalline and
metamorphic rocks.
ii. They are rich in iron content, hence they are red in colour.
iii. The productivity of the Red soil Increases with regular use of fertilizers.
iv. Red soils are porous in nature but not retentive to moisture.
v. They are suited for dry farming as it does not require much moisture.
Types of red soil :
1. Red clay soil
2. Red loam soil
3. Red Laterite soil
4. Red yellow soil
5. Red sandy soil
B .characteristics of Red soil

• The name of the soil got derived from its colour.

• The soil are porous and have a high proportion of iron oxide in them.

• The soil are considered to be shallow, having a ph value ranging from 6.6 to 8.0.
• The soil are considered to be losses and aerated.

• They have any insufficient quality of nitrogen, potassium,and other organic matter.

• These soil are not fertile,but they don’t respond to any fertilizers. These soil might
demand cultivation support if you are planning to do agricultural in these area.

• These soil contain soluble soil in smaller quantit

A. Silt , which is known to have much smaller particles compared to sand soil and is
made up of rock and other mineral particles, which are smaller than sand and larger
than clay . It is the smooth and fine quality of the soil that holds water better than
sand. Silt is easily transported by moving currents and it is mainly found near the
river, lake and other water bodies. The silt soil is more fertile compared to the other
three types of soil therefore it is also used in agriculture practices to improve soil

B. Properties of silt soil

Silt soil is sandy and consists of rock and minerals particles that are very small.
Some properties of silt soil :
Silt soil have small pores predominant.
They have the permeability of low to moderate.
Silt soil have medium water holding capacity.
C. Silt soil for building construction
Like peat, silt is another poor soil option for building a foundation due to its
prolonged ability to retain water. This quality causes silt to shift and expand,
which does not provide the building any support and puts it under repeated,
long-term stress. This can cause structural damage or failure. If possible,
construction should be pursued with a more suitable type of soil.

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