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1.1. Scope of Work
1.2. Code & Standards
1. Codes:
- SNI-1727-2013 : Beban Minimmum Untuk Perancangan Bangunan Gedung ..
- SNI-1726-2019 : Tata cara perencanaan ketahanan gempa
- SNI-1729-2015 : Spesifikasi Untuk Bangunan gedung baja struktural
- SNI-2847-2019 : Persyaratan beton struktural untuk bangunan gedung

1.3. Major Materials

1. Concrete
Concrete Grade for Structure, fc' = 325 kg/cm2
Concrete grade for Lean Concrete, fc' = 125 kg/cm2
Unit weight of concrete (gconc.) = 2400 kg/m3

2. Reinforcing Steel Bar :

Yield strength of Deformed bar, ASTM A615 Gr.60, fy = 4200 kg/cm2
Yield strength of Plain bar BJTD40, ASTM A615 Gr.40, fy = 2400 kg/cm2

3. Steel Structure
ASTM A-36 Yield strength, fy = 2500 kg/cm2
Unit weight of steel (gs) = 7850 kg/m3

4. Soil & Sand

Unit Weight of Compacted Soil (gs) = 1800 kg/m3
Unit Weight of Sand (g sand) = 1800 kg/m3

5. Anchor Bolt and Nuts

Bolt ASTM A36 or Equivalent

1.4. Basic Design

1.5. Parameter Check
1.6. Load Type



The structure will be analyzed with STAAD PRO structural analysis computer programing.

4.1 Dead Load (D)

Structure Selfweight
Dead Load of structure will be calculated by computer itself, (STAAD PRO Program),
due to material in use (concrete) with "Selfweight Y-1" command.

Roof Dead Load

Roof slab will be calculated by computer itself, (STAAD PRO Program)
a. Top Concrete Slab ( 150 mm ) = 0.360 ton/m2
b. Suspended ceiling = 0.020 ton/m2
b. Floor Deck 0.7mm BMT = 0.007 ton/m2
Total = 0.387 ton/m2
Total roof dead = 0.03 ton/m2
(Exclude concrete slab selfweight)
Floor Dead Load
Floor Dead Load will be calculated by computer itself, (STAAD PRO Program),
as slab 200 THK member selfweight.

Wall Dead Load

Brickwall 150mm THK = 1.7 t/m3*0.15 = 0.255 ton/m2 (with plastering)
a. external wall
- height = 3.20 m
- q = 0.25 ton/m2 x 3.2 m = 0.82 ton/m

4.2 Live Load (L)

Minimum floor live load SNI-1727-2013 = 0.244 ton/m2

4.3 Roof Live Load (Lr)

Minimum floor live load SNI-1727-2013 = 0.100 ton/m2

4.4 Wind Load (Wx and Wz)

Input Data
Building Width Perpendicular to Wind Direction B = 4.0 m
Building Length Parallel to Wind Direction L = 8.0 m
Side wall Height (See Diagrams sketch) z1 = 9.0 m
Side wall Height (See Diagrams sketch) z2 = 9.0 m
Roof top height (See Diagrams sketch) h = 12.0 m
Roof Angle (See Diagrams sketch) q = 10
Type of Roof (See Diagrams sketch) = Monoslope Roof
Sidewall Windward (For Monoslope Roof) = Wall 2 (high)




Paramter Seismic ASCE 7-16 / SNI 03-1727-2013

Design wind pressures for the MWFRS of buildings shall be determined by the
following equation:

P = qGCp - qi(GCpi)

Where :
P = Wind Pressures Design, (N/m2)

q = qz for windward walls evaluated at height z above the ground,

qh for leeward walls, sidewalls, and roofs evaluated at height h, (N/m2)

qi = For positive internal pressure evaluation, qi may conservatively be evaluated at

height h(qi=qh), (N/m2)
G = Gust-effect factor
Cp = external pressure coefficient
(GCpi) = Internal pressure coefficient

Velocity pressure, qz, evaluated at height z above ground shall be calculated

by the following equation:

qz = 0.613 KdKztKz V2 OR qh = 0.613 KdKztKh V2

Where :

q = Velocity pressure, (N/m2) ..

V = basic wind speed, (m/s)
Kd = wind directionality factor
Kzt = topographic factor,
Kz / Kh = velocity pressure exposure coefficient,

Basic Wind Speed (V), Following as per International Code HB 212-2002

Wind Speed Condition Strength Condition = 40.0 m/s

Building Classification Category, ASCE 7-16 Table 1.5-1 SNI 03-1727-2013 Table 1.5-1
= II

Wind Directionality Factor (Kd), ASCE 7-16 Table 26.6-1 SNI 03-1727-2013 Tabel 26.6-1
Structure Type Main Wind Force Resisting System = 0.85

Exposure Categories, ASCE 7-16 Section 26.7.3 SNI 03-1727-2013 Section 26.7.3
Information Note : = Eksposur B
For buildings or other structures with a mean roof height less than or equal to 30 ft (9.1
m), Exposure B shall apply where the ground surface roughness, as defined by Surface
Roughness B, prevails in the upwind direction for a distance greater than 1,500 ft (457
m). For buildings or other structures with a mean roof height greater than 30 ft (9.1 m),
Exposure B shall apply where Surface Roughness B prevails in the upwind direction for
a distance greater than 2,600 ft (792 m) or 20 times the height of the building or
structure, whichever is greater.

Topographic Factor (Kzt), ASCE 7-16 Section 26.8.2 SNI 03-1727-2013 Section 26.8.2
If site conditions and locations of buildings and other structures
do not meet all the conditions specified in Section 26.8.1, then Kzt = 1.0. = 1.00

Gust-Effect Factor (G), ASCE 7-16 Section 26.11.1 SNI 03-1727-2013 Section 26.9.1
The gust-effect factor for a rigid building permitted to be taken as 0.85 = 0.85

Internal Pressure Coefficient (Gcpi), ASCE 7-16 Table 26.10-1 SNI 03-1727-2013 Tabel 27.3-1
Enclosure Classification Enclosed buildings = 0.18

Velocity pressure exposure coefficient (Kz / Kh) and Velocity pressure (q), ASCE
7-16 Table 26.10-1 SNI 03-1727-2013 Section 27.3-1
The altitude interval for the incident wind pressure distribution = 0.50 m

qz1 qz2 Height qh

Height (m) Kz Kh
(N/m2) (N/m2) (m) (N/m2)
### 0.0 0.57 475.20 475.20 All Values 0.76 630.37
### 4.6 0.57 475.20 475.20
### 5.0 0.58 486.31 486.31 Note :
### 5.5 0.60 500.21 500.21 The coefficient values depending on the type
### 6.0 0.62 514.10 514.10 of exposure and the building height
### 6.5 0.63 525.77 525.77
### 7.0 0.64 536.89 536.89
### 7.5 0.66 548.01 548.01
### 8.0 0.67 559.12 559.12
### 8.5 0.68 570.24 570.24
### 9.0 0.70 581.35 581.35

581.35 581.35
Status: OK (values hight interval enough)

External Pressure Coefficient (Cp), ASCE 7-16 Figure 27.3-1 SNI 03-1727-2013 Drawing 27.4-1
For External Pressure Coefficient influenced by the ratio of building dimensions :
Ratio Horizontal Dimension, L/B = 2.00
Ratio of the height dimensions to the horizontal dimensions, h/L = 1.50

Wall Pressure Cp* Roof Pressure Cp*

Windward Wall 0.80 Windward Roof -1.30
Leeward Wall -0.30 Leeward Roof -0.70
Sidewall -0.70

Wind Pressures Design (P), ASCE 7-16 Section 27.3.1 SNI 03-1727-2013 Section 27.4.1

Wind Pressure Wind Pressure

Height Windward Wall Height Leeward Wall
(m) (m)
Height Height
(m) qz P (m) qh P
(N/m2) (N/m2) (N/m2) (N/m2)
0.0 475.20 427.78 All Values 630.37 -274.21
4.6 475.20 427.78
5.0 486.31 435.34
5.5 500.21 444.78
6.0 514.10 454.23 Wind Pressure
6.5 525.77 462.17 Height Sidewall
7.0 536.89 469.73 (m) qh P
7.5 548.01 477.29 (N/m2) (N/m2)
8.0 559.12 484.85 All Values 630.37 -488.54
8.5 570.24 492.40
9.0 581.35 499.96 Wind Pressure Roof*
Wind type qh P
(N/m2) (N/m2)
Windward 630.37 -810.03
Leeward 630.37 -488.54

*Values Wind Preasure positif (+) = wind direction raises to surf
*Values Wind Pressure negative (-) = wind direction away from

4.3 Seismic Load (Ex and Ez)

Parameter Seismic ASCE 7-16 & SNI 03-1726-2019

Location Project Bogor (B)

Latitude / Lintang = 106,7919
Longitude / Bujur = -6,5930
Height of Building = 4.2 m
Types of building utilization = Gedung perkantoran
Seismic Design Category Table 3 SNI 03-1726-2019 = II
Importance Factor, Table 4 SNI 03-1726-2019, Ie = 1
Spectral response acceleration parameter Ss = 1.044 g
Spectral response acceleration parameter S1 = 0.476 g
Site Classification Soil Table 5 SNI 03-1726-2019 = [ Medium Soil ]
Short-period site coeffi cient Fa = 1.083
Long-period site coeffi cient Fv = 1.824
Spectral response acceleration parameter at short periods SMS = Fa * Ss = 1.130 g
Design response acceleration parameter at a period of 1 s SM1 = Fv * S1 = 0.869 g
Spectral response acceleration parameter at short periods SDS = (2/3)*SMS = 0.753 g
Design response acceleration parameter at a period of 1 s SD1 = (2/3)*SM1 = 0.579 g

Type Seismic Force-Resisting System = Rangka beton bertulang pemikul momen khusus
Response Modification Coeficient, Table 12 SNI 03-1726-2019) R = 8
Overstrength Factor Table 12 SNI 03-1726-2019) Ω0 = 3
Deflection Amplifi cation Factor Table 12 SNI 03-1726-2019) Cd = 5.5

The fundamental period T = 0.237 sec

The fundamental period of the building (Optional From Softwere)Tc = 0.237 sec
Approximate fundamental period of the building Ta = Ct * hnx = 0.170 sec
Upper Limit of Fundamental Period Cu * Ta = 0.237 sec

Type of Structure Table 18 SNI 03-1726-2019) = Rangka beton pemikul momen

Period coefficient Table 18 SNI 03-1726-2019) Ct = 0.0466
Structural height hn = 4.2 m
Coefficient x Table 18 SNI 03-1726-2019) x = 0.9
Upper Limit Coefficient for Calculated Period Cu = 1.4
Coefficient Respon Seismic Cs = SDS * Ie / R = 0.094
- Max Cs Csmax = (SD1 * Ie) / (T * R) = 0.305
- Min Cs (Condition 1) Csmin1 = 0.044 * SDS * Ie ≥ 0,01 = 0.033
- Min Cs (Condition 2: S1 ≥ 0,6 g) Csmin2 = 0.5 * S1 * Ie / R = 0.030
Result Coefficient Respon Seismic Cs = 0.094
Distribution exponent k = 1.00
- If T ≤ 0.5, k = 1
- If 0.5 < T < 2.5, k = interpolation 1 ~ 2
- If T ≥ 2.5, k = 2
Variance Response Spectrum
The fundamental period T = 0.237 sec
T0 = 0.2 SD1/SDs = 0.1537 sec
Ts = SD1/SDs = 0.7685 sec
Design Acceleration Response Spectrum
- If, T < T0 Sa = SDS * (0.4 + 0.6 T/To)
- If, T0 ≤ T ≤ T s Sa = SDs
- If, T > Ts Sa = SD1 / T
Table Respons Spectrum
T T Sa
second second (g) Respons Spectrum
0 0 0.301
T0 0.154 0.753 0.753
0.700 0.667
0.600 0.598
0.500 0.496
0.400 0.394

0.3000.301 0.310
0.200 0.225
Respons Spectrum
0.700 0.667
TS 0.769 0.753 0.600 0.598
Ts+0.10 0.869 0.667 0.542
0.500 0.496
Ts+0.20 0.969 0.598 0.400 0.394

Ts+0.30 1.069 0.542 0.3000.301 0.310
0.200 0.225
Ts+0.40 1.169 0.496 0.189
0.145 ..
Ts+0.50 1.269 0.456
Ts+0.60 1.369 0.423
Ts+0.70 1.469 0.394
Ts+0.80 1.569 0.369 T

Ts+0.90 1.669 0.347

Ts+1.00 1.769 0.327 Medium Soil
Ts+1.10 1.869 0.310
Ts+1.20 1.969 0.294
Ts+1.30 2.069 0.280
Ts+1.40 2.169 0.267
Ts+1.50 2.269 0.255
Ts+1.60 2.369 0.244
Ts+1.70 2.469 0.235
Ts+1.80 2.569 0.225
Ts+1.90 2.669 0.217
Ts+2.00 2.769 0.209
Ts+2.10 2.869 0.202
Ts+2.20 2.969 0.195
Ts+2.30 3.069 0.189
Ts+2.40 3.169 0.183
Ts+2.50 3.269 0.177
Ts+2.60 3.369 0.172
Ts+2.70 3.469 0.167
Ts+2.80 3.569 0.162
Ts+2.90 3.669 0.158
4 4 0.145

Methode -1 (Seismic Base Shear)

V = Cs Wt

Cs = Seismic response coeffi cient = 0.094

Wt = The effective seismic weight (From Staad Pro) = 94.21 ton
V = Total Seismic Base Shear Cs * Wt = 8.87 ton

Distribution of Seismic Forces in the X-direction

Number of Node (See Staad Pro file) n = 38 Node
Seismic load for each node X-direction Vx = 0.234 ton
Distribution of Seismic Forces in the Z-direction
Number of Node (See Staad Pro file) n = 38 Node
Seismic load for each node X-direction Vz = 0.234 ton
Methode-2 (Vertical Distribution of Seismic Forces)

𝐹_𝑥=𝐶_𝑣𝑥 And
V 〖 (ℎ_𝑥) 〗 ^𝑘)/( ..
∑_(𝑖=1)^𝑛▒ 〖𝑤 _𝑖
Fx = Seismic Lateral force 〖 (ℎ_𝑖) 〗 ^𝑘 〗 )
Cvx = Vertical distribution factor
V = Total design lateral force or shear at the base of the structure
wx dan wi = The portion of the total effective seismic weight of the structure (W)
located or assigned to Level i or x
hx dan hi = The height (ft or m) from the base to Level i or x
k = An exponent related to the structure period as follows:
If T ≤ 0.5, k = 1
If 0.5 < T < 2.5, k = interpolation 1 ~ 2
If T ≥ 2.5, k = 2
Structural height h = 3 m
The effective seismic weight (From Staad Pro)
Wt Floor 1 = 417.87 ton
Wt Floor 2 = 389.17 ton
Wt Floor 3 = 389.17 ton
Wt Floor 4 = 389.17 ton
Wt Floor 5 = 389.17 ton
Wt Floor 6 = 275.17 ton
Total Wt 2249.73 ton

Vertical Distribution of Seismic Forces X Direction

hi hik wi wi * hik Fi arah-X 1/n * Fi
Level n Portal
(m) (m) (ton) (ton.m) (ton) (ton)
Floor 6 19.00 19.00 275.17 5228.27 474.25 4 118.563
Floor 5 16.00 16.00 389.17 6226.75 564.82 4 141.205
Floor 4 13.00 13.00 389.17 5059.24 458.92 4 114.729
Floor 3 10.00 10.00 389.17 3891.72 353.01 4 88.253
Floor 2 7.00 7.00 389.17 2724.20 247.11 4 61.777
Floor 1 4.00 4.00 417.87 1671.49 151.62 4 37.905
Total 2249.73 24801.67

Vertical Distribution of Seismic Forces Y Direction

hi hik wi wi * hik Fi arah-Y 1/n * Fi
Level n Portal
(m) (m) (ton) (ton.m) (ton) (ton)
Floor 6 19.00 19.00 275.17 5228.27 474.25 6 79.042
Floor 5 16.00 16.00 389.17 6226.75 564.82 6 94.137
Floor 4 13.00 13.00 389.17 5059.24 458.92 6 76.486
Floor 3 10.00 10.00 389.17 3891.72 353.01 6 58.836
Floor 2 7.00 7.00 389.17 2724.20 247.11 6 41.185
Floor 1 4.00 4.00 417.87 1671.49 151.62 6 25.270
Total 2249.73 24801.67

Loading combinations will be considered for permanent and temporary condition.

1. For the design of seismic load :

Symbol Load Combination Remarks
LC1000 DL + 0.25L

2. Load Combination For the design of steel structure, displacement check

Symbol Load Combination Remarks
LC100 1D Permanent
LC101 1D+1R Permanent
LC102 1D+0,75L+0,75Lr Permanent
LC103 1D+0,75L+0,75S Permanent
LC104 1D+0,6WX+ Temporary
LC105 1D+0,6WX- Temporary
LC106 1D+0,6WZ+ Temporary
LC107 1D+0,6WZ- Temporary
LC108 1D+0,6EX+ Temporary
LC109 1D+0,6EX- Temporary
LC110 1D+0,6EZ+ Temporary
LC111 1D+0,6EZ- Temporary
LC112 1D+0,75L+0,45WX++0,75Lr Temporary
LC113 1D+0,75L+0,45WX-+0,75Lr Temporary
LC114 1D+0,75L+0,45WZ++0,75Lr Temporary
LC115 1D+0,75L+0,45WZ-+0,75Lr Temporary
LC116 1D+0,75L+0,45WX++0,75S Temporary
LC117 1D+0,75L+0,45WX-+0,75S Temporary
LC118 1D+0,75L+0,45WZ++0,75S Temporary
LC119 1D+0,75L+0,45WZ-+0,75S Temporary
LC120 1D+0,75L+0,45WX++0,75R Temporary
LC121 1D+0,75L+0,45WX-+0,75R Temporary
LC122 1D+0,75L+0,45WZ++0,75R Temporary
LC123 1D+0,75L+0,45WZ-+0,75R Temporary
LC124 1D+0,75L+0,525EX++0,75S Temporary
LC125 1D+0,75L+0,525EX-+0,75S Temporary
LC126 1D+0,75L+0,525EZ++0,75S Temporary
LC127 1D+0,75L+0,525EZ-+0,75S Temporary
LC128 0,6D+0,6WX+ Temporary
LC129 0,6D+0,6WX- Temporary
LC130 0,6D+0,6WZ+ Temporary
LC131 0,6D+0,6WZ- Temporary
LC132 0,6D+0,7EX+ Temporary
LC133 0,6D+0,7EX- Temporary
LC134 0,6D+0,7EZ+ Temporary
LC135 0,6D+0,7EZ- Temporary

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3. Load Combination For the Design of Concrete Structure and Foundation
Symbol Load Combination Remarks
LC200 1,4D Permanent
LC201 1,2D+1,6L+0,5Lr Permanent
LC202 1,2D+1,6L+0,5S Permanent
LC203 1,2D+1,6L+0,5R Permanent
LC204 1,2D+1,6Lr+1L Permanent
LC205 1,2D+1,6S+1L Permanent
LC206 1,2D+1,6R+1L Permanent
LC207 1,2D+1,6Lr+0,5WX+ Temporary
LC208 1,2D+1,6S+0,5WX+ Temporary
LC209 1,2D+1,6R+0,5WX+ Temporary
LC210 1,2D+1,6Lr+0,5WX- Temporary
LC211 1,2D+1,6S+0,5WX- Temporary
LC212 1,2D+1,6R+0,5WX- Temporary
LC213 1,2D+1,6Lr+0,5WZ+ Temporary
LC214 1,2D+1,6S+0,5WZ+ Temporary
LC215 1,2D+1,6R+0,5WZ+ Temporary
LC216 1,2D+1,6Lr+0,5WZ- Temporary
LC217 1,2D+1,6S+0,5WZ- Temporary
LC218 1,2D+1,6R+0,5WZ- Temporary
LC219 1,2D+1,6R+0,5WZ- Temporary
LC220 1,2D+1WX++1L+0,5Lr Temporary
LC221 1,2D+1WX-+1L+0,5Lr Temporary
LC222 1,2D+1WZ++1L+0,5Lr Temporary
LC223 1,2D+1WZ-+1L+0,5Lr Temporary
LC224 1,2D+1WX++1L+0,5S Temporary
LC225 1,2D+1WX-+1L+0,5S Temporary
LC226 1,2D+1WZ++1L+0,5S Temporary
LC227 1,2D+1WZ-+1L+0,5S Temporary
LC228 1,2D+1WX++1L+0,5R Temporary
LC229 1,2D+1WX-+1L+0,5R Temporary
LC230 1,2D+1WZ++1L+0,5R Temporary
LC231 1,2D+1WZ-+1L+0,5R Temporary
LC232 1,2D+1EX++1L+0,2S Temporary
LC233 1,2D+1EX-+1L+0,2S Temporary
LC234 1,2D+1EZ++1L+0,2S Temporary
LC235 1,2D+1EZ-+1L+0,2S Temporary
LC236 0,9D+1WX+ Temporary
LC237 0,9D+1WX- Temporary
LC238 0,9D+1WZ+ Temporary
LC239 0,9D+1WZ- Temporary
LC240 0,9D+1EX+ Temporary
LC241 0,9D+1EX- Temporary
LC242 0,9D+1EZ+ Temporary
LC243 0,9D+1EZ- Temporary

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