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Assignment-2 P1: Document Organization, and Paragraph Formatting

1. This is an individual homework. Each student must submit his/her solution
using the dropbox.
2. All submissions are to be via the Moodle Submission System; no other way of
submission is accepted.
3. All submissions must be submitted through the dropbox by the due date or by
the closure date, Closure Date allows 3 days for late submissions.

Purpose and Objective

The purpose of this assignment is identify the capabilities that be used in document
organization, paragraph formatting, text formatting, and insertion of graphic objects.

Success Criteria
- Successful implementation of the requirements.


- Word Chapter 1.
- Word Chapter 2.

Assignment Submission
- This is Part 1 of Assignment 2.
- It is expected that you submit your solutions Word (.docx) files through the Moodle
sub mission system.

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Question 1:

Page 128: Creating New Documents 30%

As an employee of the Middleton Community Career Center (MCCC), you prepare a
sample cover letter to support an upcoming job skills class. The document will serve as
an example for students in the class, containing wording that can be modified to suit a
particular job objective.

Step 1 Create a Document and Reuse Text

As you create a cover letter for the job skills class, you will begin with a template. After
inserting text from a previously created document, you will then add text to complete the
letter. Refer to Figure 1.14 as you complete Step 1.

a. Open Word. Click the File tab and click New. Click in the Search for online templates box
and type Job Cover Letter. Press Enter. Scroll through the templates to locate Cover letter
in response to ad. Click the selection. Click Create. Save the document as
w01h1Cover_LastFirst, ensuring the file type is Word Document (not Word Template).
When you save files, use your last and first names. For example, as the Word author, I
would name my document “w01h1Cover_HoganLynn.”
b. Click Get Started in the Resume Assistant pane shown at the right of the document. Click
Add role in the Resume Assistant pane and type Website Manager. Select a resulting
match. Type Food & Beverages in the Industry box and press Enter. View a few wording
examples shown in the pane. Close the Resume Assistant pane. Commented [KA1]: The "Resume Assistant" feature has
c. Click Show/Hide in the Paragraph group on the Home tab to display nonprinting formatting been omitted from Word 365.
marks (unless they are already displayed). Click Your Name and type Amy Lane. (Do not
type a period following any address line.) Click Street Address and type 256 Larkspur
Circle. Complete remaining address lines as follows:
Salinas, MO 68112
d. Click Date and type October 18, 2024. (Do not type the period.) Click Recipient Name and
press Delete three times. Press Enter. Click on the blank paragraph above Title and type
Ryo Hargashaki. (Do not type the period.) Click Title and type Human Resources
Manager. Click in each of the remaining address lines and type the following. Do not press
Enter after any line.
Let’s Do Lunch, Inc.
18 Holly Street
Greenwood, MO 63017
e. Select and delete the line containing the text Dear Recipient Name:. Press Enter. Select
all body text in the letter, from I am writing in response to your advertisement through the
end of the document. Click the Insert tab and click the Object arrow in the Text group.
Click Text from File. Navigate to your student data files for this chapter and double-click
You borrow all wording for the cover letter from another letter that serves as a pattern,
inserting all text from the other letter.

f. Click Save on the Quick Access Toolbar.This saves the document without changing the
name or the location where it is saved.

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Step 2 Add Text and Navigate a Document
You decide to add a bit more detail to the cover letter. Refer to Figure 1.15 as you
complete Step 2.

a. Click after the sentence ending in sales effort at the end of the second body paragraph. Be
sure to click after the ending punctuation. Press Spacebar and type Specific areas in
which I worked include: Press Enter.
b. Type the following text, pressing Enter at the end of every line except the last. Do not
press Enter after the last line.
Web design and web site maintenance
Customer support
Online troubleshooting
Technical support
c. Click before the word worked in the last sentence of the second body paragraph. Type
have and press Spacebar so that the sentence is Specific areas in which I have worked
include: Ensure that only one space precedes and follows the newly inserted word.
d. Select and delete the first five lines of text in the document, beginning with Amy Lane and
ending with View the document in One Page view.

Given the length of the letter, you decide the inside address is not necessary.
e. Save the document.

Step 3 Find and Replace Document Content

As you consider the wording of the cover letter, you decide to replace one term with
another. You are also concerned with the possible overuse of certain words. You will use
Word’s Replace feature to change text. Using the Navigation Pane, you will locate and
consider replacement of another term, as well. Refer to Figure 1.16 as you complete Step

A. Change the view to 100%. Ensure that the insertion point is at the beginning of the
document. Click the Home tab. Click Replace in the Editing group. (On a Mac, press
control+H.) Click in the Find what box and type web site. Click in the Replace with box and
type website. Click Find Next.
Although both web site and website are acceptable choices, the more common usage is
website. You decide to replace every occurrence of web site in the cover letter with
website. You evaluate each item found before replacing it.

B. Click Replace to change the first occurrence found. At the next stop, click Replace. Repeat
the process once more. Click OK. Click Close.
C. Click Find in the Editing group. (On a Mac, press shift+command+H.) In the Search box on
the Navigation Pane, type opportunity (replacing web site). Locate the second highlighted
incidence of the word (in the sentence beginning I would appreciate).
D. Change the second occurrence of the word opportunity to pleasure. So that the remainder
of the sentence reads correctly, change the words to meet to of meeting. Close the
Navigation Pane.
E. Save the document.

Step 4 Review Spelling and Grammar

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As you finalize the cover letter, you check for spelling, grammar, and word usage
concerns. You also identify a synonym for a term. Refer to Figure 1.17 as you complete
Step 4.

a. Click the Review tab and click Editor (on a Mac, click Spelling & Grammar) in the Proofing
group. Click Spelling in the Editor pane. The recipient’s name is not misspelled, so ignore
all occurrences of the error. The word advertisd is displayed as being misspelled. Select
advertised from the list. Review any other errors that might be displayed for text that you
typed, correcting any that should be addressed.
b. Click Grammar in the Editor pane. The word receive is identified as a grammar error.
Select receiving. Close the Editor pane without considering other possible concerns.
c. Right-click the word designing in the second body paragraph if it is underlined in blue
dashes to indicate a possible grammatical or word choice error. Because the suggestion is
not actually suitable as a correction, click Ignore Once. Respond to any additional prompts
and scroll through the letter to ensure that nothing else is flagged as a possible error.
d. Select the word attention in the last sentence of the first body paragraph. Click Thesaurus
in the Proofing group on the Review tab. Click the arrow beside the word consideration in
the Thesaurus pane and click Insert. Close the Thesaurus pane.
e. Save and close the document.

The cover letter should be matching the following:

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Page 147: Document Themes and Formatting Text 30%

Format a Document
Students in the MCCC workplace readiness class should be introduced to various options
in the design of job search documents, such as résumé. Although résumé templates are
readily available, they are not always well suited to online application systems, and they
may prove cumbersome to modify with personal information. In this exercise, you will
format a sample résumé in a columnar arrangement, using section and column breaks to
adjust layout and ensure an attractive arrangement. The choice of whether to use
columns in a résumé depends upon personal preference, level of detail included, and
whether a résumé is intended for online application, but such an arrangement is certainly
an option that students should be aware of. Completing the design, you customize the
document with a theme, border, and watermark.

Step 1 Select a Document Theme

You select a document theme, while also indicating a theme color selection as well as
font options. Refer to Figure 1.30 as you complete Step 1.

a. Open w01h2Vita and save it as w01h2Vita_LastFirst. Click Show/Hide in the Paragraph

group on the Home tab to display nonprinting formatting marks (unless they are already
b. Click the Design tab, click Themes in the Document Formatting group, and then select
c. Click Colors in the Document Formatting group and select Violet. Click Fonts and select
The change in theme, color, and font selections will not immediately result in visible
changes to the open document. A document theme becomes more evident when you work
with page design features such as borders and color selections that are included in the
theme settings. Such elements are not currently shown in the document.
d. Save the document.

Step 2 Work with Sections and Format Text into Columns

The résumé is to be arranged in a two-column display, with a column break ensuring
balanced flow from one column to the next. Refer to Figure 1.31 as you complete Step 2.

a. Click to place the insertion point at the blank paragraph located just above the
EXPERIENCE heading. Click the Layout tab, click Breaks in the Page Setup group, and
then select Continuous.
Because you intend to format text following the address lines in two columns, you insert a
section break. That way, the columnar layout from one section to the next can vary.
b. Ensure that the insertion point is still positioned at the blank paragraph. Click Columns in
the Page Setup group and select Two. Scroll to the bottom of the page and note the
company name and information that displays alone at the bottom of the left column.
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c. Click before Deaton Holdings Corporation, ensuring that the insertion point is on the same
line as the company name (not at the blank paragraph above). Click Breaks in the Page
Setup group and select Column. Press Enter three times to reposition the company name
slightly, resulting in a more attractive beginning to the second column.
d. Save the document.

Step 3 Configure Page Background Elements

You include an appropriate page border to add a bit of polish to the résumé while also
using a watermark to identify the document as a sample. Refer to Figure 1.32 as you
complete Step 3.

a. Click the Design tab. Click Watermark in the Page Background group. Scroll through
watermarks and select Sample 1.
b. Click Watermark. Click Custom Watermark. Click the Color arrow and select Lavender,
Accent 1, Darker 25% (column 5, row 5). Click OK.
Because you limited theme colors to Violet, color choices are in a purple/gray/blue
c. Click Page Borders in the Page Background group. Click Box. The line style should be the
first one listed. Click the Color arrow and select Lavender, Accent 1, Darker 50% (column
5, row 6). Line weight is ½ pt. Click OK.
d. Save the document

Step 4 Select and Modify Styles

By applying a style to headings in the résumé you ensure consistency. You then modify
the heading style so that all text formatted in that style is adjusted at the same time. Refer
to Figure 1.33 as you complete Step 4.

a. Select EXPERIENCE near the top of page 1. Click the Home tab. Click the Styles Dialog
Box Launcher to display the Styles pane. Click Heading 1 in the Styles pane. Select the
EDUCATION heading and click Heading 1 in the Styles pane.
b. Right-click Heading 1 in the Styles pane and click Modify. Click Bold and change the font
in the Modify Style dialog box to 12. Change the font to Times New Roman. Click OK.
Close the Styles pane.
Both headings that are styled as Heading 1 are changed to reflect the new settings.
c. Save the document.

Step 5 View a Document and Manage Page Flow

By changing the document view, you will see how text flows on and between pages. A
manual page break ensures that no heading is left alone at the bottom of a page. Refer to
Figure 1.34 as you complete Step 5.

a. Click the View tab. Click Multiple Pages in the Zoom group.
Note the poor placement of the Education heading at the bottom of the right column on
page 1.
b. Click 100% in the Zoom group. Click before the Education heading at the bottom of the
right column on the first page. Ensure that the insertion point is on the same line as the
Education heading, not on the blank paragraph above. Click the Insert tab and click Page
Break in the Pages group.
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c. Save and close the document. Keep Word open if you plan to continue with the next
Hands-On Exercise. If not, exit Word.

Page 196: Formatting Text and Paragraphs 20%

Format Text and Paragraphs

The newsletter you are developing needs a lot of work. You want to format it so it is much
easier to read. After selecting an appropriate font and font size, you will emphasize
selected text with bold and italic text formatting. Paragraphs must be spaced so they are
easy to read. You know that, to be effective, a document must capture the reader’s
attention while conveying a message. You will begin the process of formatting and
preparing the newsletter in this exercise.

Step 1 Select Font Options and Change Text Appearance

The newsletter will be printed and distributed by mail. As a printed document, you know
that certain font options are better suited for reading. Specifically, you want to use a serif
font in an easy-to-read size. Refer to Figure 2.20 as you complete Step 1.

a. Open w02h1Studio and save it as w02h1Studio_LastFirst.

b. Press Ctrl+A to select all the text in the document (on a Mac, command+A). Click the Font
arrow in the Font group on the Home tab and scroll to select Times New Roman. Click the
Font Size arrow in the Font group and select 12.
You use a 12-pt serif font on the whole document because it is easier to read in print.
c. Select the second paragraph in the document, Courtesy of Phillips Studio L Photography.
Click Italic on the Mini Toolbar. Locate and double-click boxy in the paragraph below
Camera Body. Click Italic in the Font group or on the Mini Toolbar.
d. Select the five paragraphs beginning with Compose with Care and ending with Be Bold.
Click the Font Dialog Box Launcher in the Font group.
e. Ensure that the Font tab is displayed in the Font dialog box and click Bold in the Font style
box. Click to select the Small caps check box under Effects. Click OK.
Formatting a list differently helps set it apart from surrounding text, drawing attention to its

f. Scroll to the end of the document. Select the last paragraph in the document, Let Phillips
Studio L Photography Preserve Your Memories! Click Text Effects and Typography in the
Font group. Select Fill: Blue, Accent color 5; Outline: White, Background color 1; Hard
Shadow: Blue, Accent color 5 (row 3, column 3). Change the font size of the selected text
to 16. Click anywhere to deselect the text.

g. Press Ctrl+Home to position the insertion point at the beginning of the document (on a
Mac, command+fn+up arrow). Select the second paragraph in the document, Courtesy of
Phillips Studio L Photography. Click the Font Color arrow and select Blue, Accent 5,
Darker 25% (row 5, column 9).

h. Select the words you should consider how to become a better photographer in the
paragraph under the Composition heading. Click the Text Highlight Color arrow and select
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i. Click the Review tab and click Editor in the Proofing group to check spelling and grammar.
Correct all suggested spelling and grammatical errors, but ignore any concisement or
refinement flags.

j. Save the document.

Step 2 Insert Symbols and Special Characters, and Select Paragraph Alignment,
Spacing, and Indents
The lines of the newsletter are too close together. It is difficult to tell where one paragraph
ends and the next begins, and the layout of the text is not very pleasing. Overall, you will
adjust line and paragraph spacing, and apply indents where necessary. Refer to
Figure 2.21 as you complete Step 2.

a. Select most of the document beginning with the sentence If you enjoy taking digital
pictures and ending with emotion expressed before even greeting Santa. Click the Home
tab. Click Line and Paragraph Spacing in the Paragraph group. Select 1.5. Do not deselect
the text.
All lines within the selected text are spaced at 1.5, resulting in a more attractive, easy-to-
read display.
b. Click Justify in the Paragraph group. Click the Paragraph Dialog Box Launcher (on a Mac,
click Format and select Paragraph). With the Indents and Spacing tab selected, click the
After up arrow in the Spacing section to increase spacing after to 6 pt. Click OK. Click
anywhere to deselect the text.
Additional paragraph spacing clearly delineates where one paragraph ends and another
begins, improving readability of the document.
c. Click to place the insertion point after Courtesy of Phillips Studio L Photography on the
second paragraph of page 1. Ensure that the insertion point is placed on the same line as
the text, not on the blank paragraph following. Click the Insert tab, click Symbol, and select
More Symbols. Click the Special Characters tab and click Registered. Click Insert. Click
Adhering to any legal requirements, such as identifying a registered name or a copyrighted
item, is an important part of a well-designed document.
d. Ensure that the insertion point is on the second paragraph of text in the document,
Courtesy of Phillips Studio L Photography. Click the Home tab. Click Align Right in the
Paragraph group. Click anywhere on the last paragraph in the document, Let Phillips
Studio L Photography Preserve Your Memories! Click Center in the Paragraph group.
e. Select four paragraphs of text on page 4, beginning with Blurry Images Due to Focus and
ending with feature that corrects for a bit of shake. Click the Paragraph Dialog Box
Launcher. (On a Mac, click Format and select Paragraph.) Click the Left up arrow in the
Indentation group five times to increase the Left indent to 0.5″. Click OK.
The paragraphs that are sublevels of the Blurry Images section are indented uniformly
from the left, identifying their status as sublevels of the Blurry Images discussion.
f. Save the document.

Step 3 Set Tab Stops and Apply Borders and Shading

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You realize that you left off the studio hours and want to include them at the end of the
document, and you also want to draw attention to the business hours using borders and
shading. Refer to Figures 2.22 and 2.23 as you complete Step 3.

a. Place the insertion point at the end of the document. Click Show/Hide in the Paragraph
group to display nonprinting characters. Press Enter twice. Click Clear All Formatting in
the Font group on the Home tab. Select Times New Roman font and 16 pt size.
You clicked Clear All Formatting so that the text effect formatting from the paragraph
above the insertion point is not carried forward to text that you will type next.
b. Click the View tab and ensure that Ruler in the Show group is selected. Ensure the tab
selector (shown at the top of the vertical ruler) specifies a left tab and click at 1 on the
horizontal ruler. Click the tab selector twice to select a right tab and click at 5.5″ on the
c. Click the Home tab. Click the Paragraph Dialog Box Launcher and click Tabs at the
bottom-left corner. Click 5.5″ in the Tab stop position box. Click 2 in the Leader section
and click OK.
d. Press Tab. Type Monday – Friday and press Tab. Type 9:00 – 4:00. Be sure to leave a
space before and after the dash. Press Enter. Press Tab. Type Saturday and press Tab.
Type 9:00 – 2:00. Press Enter. Press Tab. Type Closed Sunday.
e. Select the three paragraphs at the end of the document, beginning with Monday – Friday
and ending with Closed Sunday. Click the Borders arrow in the Paragraph group on the
Home tab and select Borders and Shading.
f. Click Shadow in the Setting section. Scroll through the Style box and select the seventh
style—double line. Click OK. Do not deselect the text. Click the Shading arrow and select
Blue, Accent 1, Lighter 60% (row 3, column 5). Click anywhere to deselect the text.
Studio hours are bordered and shaded to draw attention.
g. Save the document.

Step 4 Create Bulleted and Numbered Lists

At several points in the newsletter, you include either a list of items or a sequence of
steps. You will add bullets to the lists and number the steps. Refer to Figure 2.24 as you
complete Step 4.

a. Scroll to the top of the document. Select the five boldfaced paragraphs, beginning with
Compose with Care and ending with Be Bold.
b. Click the Numbering arrow in the Paragraph group and select Number Alignment: Left
showing each number followed by a right parenthesis (row 1, column 3 under Numbering
Library). Click Decrease Indent in the Paragraph group to move the numbered items to the
left margin. Click anywhere to deselect the text.
c. Scroll to the second page and select the four paragraphs following the sentence Depth of
field is determined by several factors, beginning with Aperture/F-Stop and ending with
Point of View on the third page. Click the Bullets arrow and select the hollow round bullet.
Decrease the indent to move the selected text to the left margin. Deselect the text.
d. Scroll to the last page and select the six paragraphs above the last paragraph of text,
beginning with Where kids are involved, and ending with even greeting Santa. Click
Bullets to apply a hollow round bullet to the selected paragraphs. Decrease the indent so
the bullets begin at the left margin.
Clicking Bullets applies the most recently selected bullet style to selected text. You did not
have to click the Bullets arrow and select from the Bullet Library.
e. Save the document. Keep the document open if you plan to continue with the next Hands-
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On Exercise. If not, close the document, and exit Word.

Page 218: Objects Positioning 20%

After you format the document for easier reading, you want to insert objects into the
document to better describe its contents and give it a bit more visual appeal. A picture
brightens up a newsletter section, while a SmartArt object describes a list of common
photography mistakes. Finally, you will format the newsletter heading in an attractive
WordArt choice.

Step 1 Insert a Picture, Smartart, and Wordart

You place a picture in the winter break section, adding visual interest. A plain list is
livened up and formatted in a SmartArt object, while WordArt facilitates design of the
newsletter heading. Refer to Figure 2.40 as you complete Step 1.

a. Open w02h1Studio_LastFirst if you closed it at the end of Hands-On Exercise 1, and save
it as w02h2Studio_LastFirst, changing h1 to h2. Click Show/Hide in the Paragraph group
on the Home tab to display nonprinting characters, unless they are already shown.
b. Select all text from Courtesy of Phillips Studio Photography on page 1 through before even
greeting Santa on page 5. Click the Layout tab, click Columns, and select Two.
c. Click before the paragraph on page 4, beginning with Now for the fun part. Ensure that the
insertion point is on the same line as the paragraph beginning. Click the Insert tab, click
Pictures in the Illustrations group, select This Device, and then double-click
w02h2Winter.jpg from the data files.
The picture will most likely display at the bottom of the left column on page 4, but it is OK if
it shows at the top of the right column.
d. Ensure that the picture is selected. Click Layout Options beside the picture and select
Tight (row 1, column 2 under With Text Wrapping). (On a Mac, click Wrap Text in the
Arrange group on the Picture Format tab and select Tight.) Close Layout Options.
e. Click before the Dark Photos heading in the right column on page 3, on the same line as
the text. Press Enter. Click beside the newly inserted blank paragraph above Dark Photos.
Click the Insert tab and click SmartArt in the Illustrations group. Click Matrix in the left
pane of the Choose a SmartArt Graphic dialog box. Select Basic Matrix (column 1). Click
OK. Ensure that the Text pane displays beside the SmartArt diagram. If it does not, click
Text Pane in the Create Graphic group on the SmartArt Design tab.
f. Type The Missed Focus beside the first bullet in the Text pane. Click beside the next bullet
and type The Shaky Frame. Click beside the third bullet and type The Blown Exposure.
Click beside the fourth bullet and type The Awkward Pose. Close the Text pane.
g. Select the first paragraph in the document on page 1, Basics of Photography. Click the
Insert tab and select WordArt in the Text group. Click Fill: Blue, Accent color 1; Shadow
(row 1, column 2). Click Layout Options at the top right side of the WordArt object. (On a
Mac, click Wrap Text in the Arrange group on the Shape Format tab.) Select Top and
Bottom (row 2, column 1 under With Text Wrapping). Close Layout Options. Click
anywhere outside the WordArt object.
h. Save the document.

Step 2 Insert a Text Box and Insert a Shape

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You add a pull quote to a text box, drawing attention to a fact related to beginning
photography. The text box is formatted differently from surrounding text. The newsletter
title is enhanced with the addition of a shape. Refer to Figure 2.41 as you complete Step

a. Click the Insert tab and click Text Box in the Text group. Click Draw Text Box. Click
anywhere in the right column on page 1 to insert a text box. Change the height in the Size
group on the Shape Format tab to 1.5″. Change the width to 3″. Point to a border of the
text box and drag to position it approximately as shown in Figure 2.41.
A text box is placed in the right column, obscuring existing text. It will be better positioned
in Step 3.
b. Select the second sentence in the first body paragraph, The world of photography is open
to anyone with a slight creative talent and a relatively inexpensive digital camera. Click the
Home tab and click Copy in the Clipboard group. Click in the text box and click Paste (not
the arrow) in the Clipboard group. Drag to select the sentence in the text box, or click a
text box border to select all text (although it will not be shaded), and change the font size
to 16.
c. Click Layout Options beside the text box and choose Square text wrapping. Close Layout
d. Click the Insert tab and click Shapes in the Illustrations group. Select Explosion: 8 Points
in the Stars and Banners section. (On a Mac, select Explosion 2.) Click at the right of the
Basics of Photography heading, near the right margin, as shown in Figure 2.41.

Step 3 Format an Object, Resize and Position an Object

You format the inserted objects so that they fit well amid surrounding text, adding visual
appeal to newsletter text. Objects are resized and positioned to flow seamlessly. Refer to
Figures 2.42 and 2.43 as you complete Step 3.

a. Select the SmartArt object. Click near an outside border of the diagram to ensure that the
entire object is selected and not a single shape. Click the SmartArt Design Tab and select
Polished in the SmartArt styles group (sixth selection in the SmartArt styles group). Click
the Format tab. Click Size and change the height to 2 and the width to 2.5.
b. Click Layout Options beside the SmartArt object. Click Square (row 1, column 1 under
With Text Wrapping). Close Layout Options. Drag the SmartArt object up to position it
directly under the Common Photography Mistakes heading near the end of the right
column on page 3. Use an alignment guide to ensure that the object is aligned at the left
edge of the right column.
c. Scroll to the top of page 1 and click the WordArt object, Basics of Photography. Drag to
select the text in the object, or click an outside border of the WordArt. Change the font size
of the selection to 24. Drag the WordArt object to the right, using green alignment guides
to position it in the center of the top row. A green alignment guide should show at the top
and middle of the WordArt object, indicating that it is centered and aligned.
d. Click the explosion shape near the right side of the WordArt object. Click the Shape
Format tab and change the height and width to 0.75. Position the shape as shown in
Figure 2.42, aligning it along the right margin with the assistance of an alignment guide.
e. Ensure that the shape is selected. Press Ctrl+D to duplicate the shape (on a Mac,
command+d). Drag the copied shape to the left, positioning it as shown in Figure 2.42. An
alignment guide should assist with placing it at the left side of the page.
f. Click to select the text box near the top of page 1. Click the Shape Format tab, click Shape
Fill, and choose Blue, Accent 1, Lighter 80% (row 2, column 5). Click Shape Outline and
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choose Black, Text 1. Ensure that the text box is positioned approximately as that shown
in Figure 2.42, using an alignment guide to center the object.
The text box is shaded and outlined to differentiate it from surrounding text.
g. Click to select the winter picture on page 3 or 4. Click the Picture Format tab and change
the width in the Size group to 1.5. The height automatically adjusts. Drag the picture to
position it directly below the Winter Photography heading in the right column of page 4.
Position it at the left edge of the column, below the heading, and at the left side of the
paragraph, aligned with a green alignment guide at the top and left side of the picture, as
shown in Figure 2.43.
h. Save the document.

Step 4 Group, Layer, and Rotate Objects

The shapes and WordArt object at the top of page 1 are individual entities that should be
grouped so they can be managed as one item. Refer to Figure 2.44 as you complete
Step 4.

a. Scroll to the top of page 1. Select the explosion shape on the left side of the page. Press
and hold Shift as you click the WordArt banner and the explosion at the right side.

All three objects are selected.

b. Click the Shape Format tab. Click Group Objects in the Arrange group and select Group.
Click Layout Options beside the grouped object and select Top and Bottom (row 2, column
1 under With Text Wrapping). Close Layout Options.
All three shapes are grouped together so they can be managed as a unit.

c. Save and close the file. Exit Word. Submit: w02h2Studio_LastFirst

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