Chapter 5 Pt. 2

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Chapter 5 Pt.

2 organization to compensation liabilities, loss of

business reputation, and other costs.
Business and Process Risk
Leadership risk – workers are not being led
This is the risk that the organization’s processes are
effectively resulting in lack of direction, motivation to
not effectively obtaining, managing, and disposing
perform, customer focus, management credibility,
their assets, that the organization is not performing
and trust.
effectively and efficiently in meeting customer
needs, is not creating value or is diluting value by Outsourcing risk – outsourcing activities to third
suffering the degradation of financial, physical, and parties could result in these third parties not
information assets. performing in a way that is consistent with the
organization’s strategies, objectives, values, and
Capacity risk – insufficient capacity limits the ability
behavioral standards and expectations.
to meet demand in the short and long term, or
excess capacity threatens the firm’s ability to Competitor risk – risk that actions by competitors
generate competitive profit margins. may threaten the organization’s competitive
advantage or survival.
Execution risk – inability to produce consistently
without compromising quality. Catastrophic loss risk – risk that a catastrophe
threatens the organization’s ability to continue
Supply chin risk – being unable to maintain a steady
operating and provide goods and services.
stream of supplies when needed.
Industry risk – changing conditions that affect the
Business interruption risk – this risk stems from the
attractiveness of the industry.
unavailability of raw materials, IT, skilled labor,
facilities or other resources that threaten the Planning risk – lack of, unrealistic, irrelevant, or
organization’s ability and capacity to continue unreliable planning information = poor conclusion
operations. and decisions. This risk is often triggered when plans
and budgets are unrealistic, not based on
Human resources risk – lack of knowledge, skills,
appropriate assumptions or performance metrics,
and experiences among the organization’s key
are not relevant to organization goals, or unaccepted
personnel that threatens the ability to achieve
by managers and workers.
business objectives.
Organization structure risk – the organization’s
Product or service failure risk – faulty or
structure does not support change, flexibility, or the
nonperforming products and services that do not
organization’s strategies. Ann ineffective
meet customer expectations = customer complaints,
organizational structure can threaten its ability to
warranty claims, returns, field repairs, product
liability claims, litigation causing lost revenues, lower
market share, and damage to business’ reputation. Integrity and fraud risk – risk of management or
employee fraud, illegal or unauthorized acts =
Product development risk – ineffective product
reputation loss. Management fraud is the intentional
development threatens the organization’s ability to
misstatement of financial and operational reports
meet or exceed customer’s expectations
that negatively affect external stakeholders’
consistently over the long term. EX: developing a
decisions. Fraud could also be perpetrated by
product that customers do not need or want,
suppliers, customers, agents, and brokers against
products and services that are priced at a level
the organization for personal gain. Illegal acts
customers are not willing to pay or while the goods
committed by managers and employees can result
or services meet a need, they are late to market and
in fines, penalties, sanctions, loss of licenses to
a competitor reached first.
operate, loss of customers, and reputation damage.
Cycle time risk – unnecessary activities threaten the
Trademark erosion risk – over time, this threatens
organization’s capacity to develop, produce, market,
the demand for the organization’s products and
and deliver goods and services in a timely manner.
services. It also limits its ability to develop and grow
Health and safety risk – failure to provide a safe revenue streams. Trademarks and brands usually
working environment for workers exposes the help the organization build and retain demand for its
goods and services. These include brand name, acquisition, maintenance, use, distribution, storage,
service, and certification marks/symbols. and destruction.
Reputation risk – risk of loss generally related to Data integrity risk – accuracy and consistency of
ethics, safety, security, quality, innovation, and data stored, processed, retrieved, and destroyed
sustainability causing lost revenue, higher capital when it reaches the end of its life-cycle.
and regulatory costs, lower stock price, or difficulties
System capacity risk – optimizing the amount of
raising capital due to potentially criminal event.
storage and computing ability systems possess.
Reputation risk may also cause loss of customers,
profits, and the ability to compete. Data integrity, infrastructure risk, commerce risk,
access risk, and availability risk
Data integrity – reliability and completeness of data
flows, inbound and outbound from/to customers, Personnel Risks
vendors, regulators, investors, and other
stakeholders. It also relates to the authorization, Relate to conditions that limit the organization’s
completeness, and accuracy of transactions as they ability to obtain, deploy, and retain sufficient
are input, processes, and reported. numbers of suitably qualified and motivated workers.
Management is confronted with the risk that
Infrastructure risk – risk that the organization’s IT personnel shortages limit their ability to deliver
infrastructure is obsolete, or lacks the IT consistently with high quality in the short and long
infrastructure, such as hardware, software, terms.
networks, and people it needs to effectively support
the information requirements of the organization to Availability risk – sufficient workers and subject
remain viable in the sort and long term. matter experts to support the organization’s present
and future needs.
Commerce risk – events that compromise B2B (a
type of e-commerce where exchange of products, Competence risk – worker’s ability to perform their
services, or information are between businesses), duties efficiently and successfully.
and B2C (business and consumers) financial and Judgment risk – worker’s capacity to make sensible
data flows, data integrity, and security. decisions based on relevant circumstances
Access risk – failure to adequately restrict access to Malfeasance risk – wrongdoing perpetrated by
information = result in unauthorized use of employees, contractors, suppliers, or customers.
confidential information. Conversely, overly
restrictive access to information could limit the ability Motivation risk – demotivated workers fail to apply
of personnel to perform their assigned creativity and discipline to their tasks resulting in
responsibilities. lower production, lower quality, poor service, and
higher turnover and absenteeism.
Availability risk – unavailability of information when
needed could threaten the continuity of the Financial Risks
organization’s operations and processes.
These can result in poor cash flows, currency and
Technological and Information Technology intrest rate fluctuations, and an inability to move
Risks funds quickly and without loss of value to where they
are needed.
These risks relate to conditions where IT is not
operating as intended, the integrity and reliability of Resources risk – availability of funds when needed
data is compromised, and significant assets are and their judicious use for business purposes.
exposed to potential loss or misuse. It also relates to
Commodity prices risk – fluctuations in prices
the inability to maintain critical systems and
expose the organization to lower margins or trading
processes. It includes:
Data and system availability risk – uptime of
Foreign currency risk – changes in foreign exchange
systems, machines, and other tools to support the
rates can result in the economic loss of some of the
needs of workers, customers, suppliers, and other
value of the asset.
stakeholders of the organization. This involves data
Liquidity risk – this is the loss exposure due to an Public policy risk – stakeholder demands affecting
inability to meet cash flow obligations, or the lack of the organization’s operations.
buyers and sellers in a market.
Instability risk – civil or military unrest that disrupts
Market – movements in prices, rates, and indices the organization’s activities.
affect the value of the organization’s financial assets
Social Risk
and stock price. This could also affect its cost of
capital and its ability to raise capital. Dynamics where an issue affects stakeholders who
can form negative perceptions that can cause some
Environmental Risks
form of damage to the organization. This can be
Relates to the actual or potential threat of negative influenced by strategic and operational decisions
effects on the environment by emissions, wastes, management makes that affect issues stakeholders
and resource depletion. This can be caused by an care about. Social risk is also influenced by societal
organization’s activities and it influences living dynamics affecting the workforce and target
organisms, land, air, and water. customers, such as their age, racial composition,
national origin, and family structure decisions.
Energy and other resources risk – inability to obtain
reliable suppliers at a reasonable price. Demographic risk – changes that affect purchasing
preferences, staff availability, or the cost to maintain
Natural disaster risk – events such as floods,
a healthy workforce.
earthquakes, fires, hurricanes, and tornadoes, also
the lack of portable water and other resources Privacy risk – preferences that curtail the capture,
needed in company facilities. storage, use, and dissemination of personal
Pollution risk – regulations and stakeholder
demands affecting the source of energy supplies, CSR – requirements for social involvement and
and the quantity and manner of wastes allowable. investment that diverts time and other resources
Excessive pollution that limit the organization’s from the organization’s primary activities.
employee’s health and safety. Harmful to
Mobility – dynamics that change the preferences of
environment and can expose the organization to
workers and customer to work, and live in ways that
liabilities for bodily injury, property damage, removal
support the organization’s needs and products.
costs, and punitive damages.
The SMARTER Model for Effective Goals
Transportation risk – ensuring the availability of
adequate means of transportation. Some depend on Specific – significant, simple, stretching, and
natural means such as navigable rivers, lakes, and sufficiently detailed.
coastlines, or are directly or indirectly affected by
natural or human actions, such as having Measurable – meaningful, motivational, and
unobstructed roads and working railroads. manageable.

Pandemic risk – bacteria or viruses that disrupt the Achievable – appropriate, assignable, ambitious,
organization’s supply chain or availability of its aspirational, attainable, agreed, actionable, and
workforce. aligned.

Political Relevant – realistic and resourced.

Type of risk faced by organizations, investors, and Time-bound – timed, timely, time-specific, trackable,
governments. It refers to the effects that political and tangible.
decisions, events, or conditions can cause when Evaluated – excitable, ethical, engaging, ecological,
they affect the profitability of business, or the ability and enjoyable.
to operate freely. The implications organizations
may encounter as a result of political decisions. Rewarding – revaluate, revisit, recordable, and
Regulations and legislation risk – new or changes to
existing regulations that limit the organization’s The SMARTER model is very useful when
ability to engage in its normal business activities. developing organizational and personal goals.
George Doran first mentioned SMART goals in - Are there adequate resources available to
November 1891. work on the necessary task?
- Is there a strategy and/or plan to get this goal
By being specific, goals become clearer and they - Is there enough motivation propelling this
avoid the ambiguity that can often impair goal- endeavor?
setting. Managers and employees know what they
are expected to do and can focus their energy,
resources, and priorities accordingly to accomplish Goals should also be aligned with the mission and
them. strategy of the organization, the process, and the
Specific goals are easier to quantify and monitor for
performance evaluations. Nonvalue adding activities constitute a waste and do
not add value to the process or customer.
- What has to be accomplished?
- Who is involved in getting this done? - How does this activity help to meet the needs
- What is its importance to me and the of the customer?
organization? - Is this activity essential?
- Where must this happen, if applicable? - Is this the best way to perform this activity in
- Which requirements or restrictions apply, if terms of time, effort, and related tools?
any? - What is the significance of this goal to my
career and those of my team?
When goals are measurable, it is easier to link their
completion to the performance monitoring and A goal without a deadline is nothing but a dream.
rewards mechanism. The lack of oversight and clear Goals should precipitate a plan to accomplish the
metrics to gauge performance is a common reason goal. The deadline should create a sense of urgency
goals are ineffective and individuals fail to achieve and time pressure. The combination of goals, plans,
them. and deadline brings out the talents in people with
proper management, synergies can be leveraged
- What must be done to demonstrate
among all involved.
- What is the quantitative and qualitative - Are the milestone dates that must be met in
evidence that will show we achieved the the interim to show we reached a significant
goal? change or stage of development in our work
- When must the goal be achieved and what
evidence is needed to prove it was done?
Impossible goals demotivate workers. When goals - What is the most efficient way of achieving
are viewed by workers as unrealistic and the goal so we can accomplish it as quickly
unachievable, they feel impotent because the goal as possible?
cannot be reached. Unachievable goals may also
lead to employees to fabricate financial and
operational results in their attempts to appear to Goals must be evaluated to determine if they meet
achieve their goals. the SMARTER elements, but also to determine if the
meet ethical and ecological considerations.
Goals can be deemed achievable when they are
aligned with the mission of the organization and the Excitable goals motivate workers and make
individual. By making them ambitious and stakeholders more willing to provide the needed
aspirational, they build confidence and serve to resources and approvals. Goals must also extend
motivate those involved to purse something great. the capabilities of those involved in working toward
its completion.
- Does the goal carry specific parameters so it
is tangible? - Are the metrics associated with this goal
evaluated? How frequently?
- Does the goal infringe on my values, the amount, PO number etc.) match across all 3
organization’s, and society’s? documents.
- Will there be negative environmental impacts
Detective: Detective controls identify errors or
while pursuing this goal?
anomalies after they have occurred and alert the
- Who has to evaluate the appropriateness,
need for corrective action.
timeliness, and other attributes of the goal?
Directive: Directive controls are temporary controls
that are implemented to redirect employee actions.
The rewards received should be commensurate with They are sometimes referred to as corrective
the effort exerted and the outcome achieved. If the controls, because they are put in place when an
amount of effort is greater than the reward, chances undesirable action has occurred, even when there
are that workers will eventually lower the amount of were preventive and detective controls in place.
sacrifice made.
Compensating: Compensating or mitigating
Goals should also be reviewed by those involved in controls are those that are put in place when a
their formulation and performance toward their control is not where it is expected as proper design
completion so everyone is clear about what the would stipulate. For example, if there is a lack of
goals mean, what the implications are, and the short- segregation of duties, and more employees cannot
and long-term benefits to the individual, be hired to address the weakness, then a
organization, and customers. supervisory review can be implemented to verify that
all transactions performed are business appropriate.
- What are the benefits to my customers for
This could occur in a small office where an individual
achieving this goal?
makes purchases, receives the items, and performs
- What are the benefits to the organization for
bank reconciliations.
achieving this goal?
- What emotional, financial, and professional Examples of Internal Control
benefit will I enjoy?
Preventive – segregation of duties, authorizations,
Control Activities access passwords, security cameras, competent
Controls are actions established through policies
and procedures that mitigate the likelihood and/ or Detective – supervisory review, exception reports,
impact of risks. Controls are performed at all levels reconciliations, security cameras, confirmations.
of the organization, at various stages within
Directive – training programs, policies and
processes and over the technological infrastructure
procedures, required documentation.
of the organization.
Mitigating – supervisory review when there is a lack
Controls can be manual, which means they are
of segregation of duties.
performed by individuals and often using “hard,
tangible” items, such as paper and locks. Internal auditors are generally tasked with verifying
that processes, programs, and their related controls
Whereas automated controls are performed by
have been designed appropriately, and that those
computer and electronic systems often without direct
controls are operating as intended. When confronted
or exclusive human interaction.
with nonperforming controls, the natural question to
Control activities can be categorized as ask is “why?” Reasons vary, but the following are
some of the most common answers to that question:
Preventive: Preventive controls are those activities
that act before the error or omission can occur and Inadequate knowledge: Organizational
reduce the likelihood and/or impact of the event. effectiveness is the result of realistic goals, sound
process design, sufficient resource allocation, and
A 3 way match is an internal control process that
effective planning and execution. Another key
cross-references a supplier's invoice against its
element is appropriate knowledge by workers. If
corresponding purchase order (PO) and good
those individuals performing any activ-ity within the
received note (GRN). The goal here is to ensure that
organization, control-related or otherwise, lack
financial details (order quantity, order amount, total
sufficient knowledge regarding the way to perform issues, coordinating tasks, solving problems, and
those duties, the outcome will be less than ideal. gaining agreement through majority vote or
Employee competence is a key determinant of consensus.
control effectiveness and this cannot be over-
3. Organizational-level communications focus on
company vision and mission, policies, new initiatives
Sabotage: Disgruntled employees can act in ways such as strategic plans, and organizational
that are very negative to their organizations. Their knowledge and performance. These
actions are deliberately damaging and when they communications typically follow a cascading
involve control activities they may result in omission approach where leaders communicate with their
of key responsibility or dereliction of duty, fraud, and respective subordinates. Recently, however, social
intentional disregard for the protection of company media is changing communications at this level.
assets. Sometimes their unhappiness is triggered by
Communication is the lifeblood of organizations as it
poor management practices or the perception that
allows stakeholders to know what happened, what is
they have been disadvantaged in some way.
happening, and what is planned for the future. It also
Emotional and physical reasons: Apathy, defines or clarifies performance details and the
depression, inability to pay attention to detail, or challenges employees encounter during their work-
fatigue can hamper an individual’s ability to perform related activities that management should address.
the duties assigned to him. Under these
Note: data retention and storage for business
circumstances, the quality of the work done while
documentation should last for seven years.
performing the control activity will be inferior.
Information and Communication There are several benefits of third-party service
providers, including the proficiency that they have in
The fourth component in the COSO IC/IF model their service area, lower cost per transaction, and
refers to the flow of information in an organization. high quality. However, there are three broad types of
Ideally, there are clear, consistent, timely, and risks that outsourcing creates:
purposeful directions emanating from the top of the
Operational risks: Often manifested as slippages of
organization providing direction and establishing the
time, cost, and quality, usually due to break- downs
criteria to measure performance results.
in the transfer of work processes or repetitive
There should also be information flowing up in the processes likely to succumb to human error. This
organization, providing feedback about results and usually occurs because the service provider does
any issues or unaddressed challenges employees not fully understand the client’s requirements or has
are facing. There should also be lateral flows of the capability to achieve them.
information between individuals and operating units
Strategic risks: Generally caused by deliberate and
to ensure cooperation and coordination among
opportunistic behavior by service providers or their
them. Effective, timely, and clear lateral
employees. Examples include intellectual property
communication can prevent confusion, duplication of
theft, understaffing, and significant price increases
efforts, and the purchase of assets already in place
after some years of stable pricing because the client
in the organization.
is locked in and will find it difficult to switch suppliers.
Bruce Berger states that internal communication
Composite risks: This occurs when the client loses
occurs on multiple levels.
its ability to implement the process for itself because
1. Interpersonal or face-to-face (F-T-F) it has outsourced the process for a long time. After a
communication occurs between individuals. For lengthy outsourcing arrangement, the client may not
many years organizations have worked diligently to have any back-office operational capabilities, either
develop the speaking, writing, and presenta- tion material or intellectual.
skills of their leaders, managers, supervisors, and
Monitoring Activities
even lower-level workers.
Monitoring activities consist of ongoing, separate or
2. Group-level communications occur within and
a combination of evaluations used to deter- mine
among teams, units, and interest groups. The focus
whether each of the five components of internal
at this level is information sharing, discussing
control is present and functioning. Ongoing become apathetic, driving operational performance
evaluations are built into business processes at down.
different levels of the organization and provide timely
information on how well or poorly these activities are
performing. 2013 COSO Framework, which refers directly to IT
Control environment: The control environment is General Computer Controls (GCCs) in Principle 11.
This principle states that the organization selects
concerned with ethics in the organization, but what
and develops general control activities over
is the state of ethics in the organization? How can
technology to support the achievement of objectives.
we find out and how can we monitor it? One
In this way, IT’s pivotal role as essential for long-term
approach is to conduct employee surveys. These
success is manifested and recognized. Furthermore,
are great tools to collect information and begin to
it recognizes that there is an inherent dependency
assess the condition of ethics in the workplace. This
and linkage among IT GCCs, processes, and
entails, among other things, asking employees.
automated control activities.
Themes of interest are
- Their opinions and impressions about the
tone at the top ISO is an independent, nongovernmental
- Management’s efforts to promote ethics organization. Through its 162 national standards
- Asking whether there is employee groups, it brings together experts to share
agreement that ethics are important and are knowledge and develop voluntary standards that
rewarded, while unethical behavior is sup- port innovation and provide solutions to global
punished promptly, fairly, consistently, and and business challenges. The organization is based
universally? in Geneva, Switzerland.
Risk assessment: The risk landscape is constantly International standards give world-class
changing, and as such, a risk assessment per- specifications for products, services and systems, to
formed at one point in time may be inaccurate a few ensure quality, safety, and efficiency. They are also
months, weeks, or even days later. This can be the instrumental in facilitating international trade by
case with inventory shrinkage. While cyclical counts providing standardized parameters and criteria and
are designed to compare the amount of inventory on establishing expectations. The organization has
accounting records to warehoused amounts, published more than 19,000 international standards
variances require monitoring as well. It is certainly and related documents, covering almost every
possible that warehouse personnel are performing industry, from technology, to food safety, to
cycle counts, but the management team is not agriculture and healthcare.
monitoring the size and frequency of deviations. By
monitoring variances and inventory write offs, Internal auditors should become familiar with ISO
management can intervene promptly when the standards as they drive the decisions, goals, and
pattern begins to emerge and the theft, damage, operational practices of the management team at
misplacement, or short-shipment of merchandise many organizations. It also provides structure to
begins to become evident. common business initiatives that some
organizations may be at various levels of
Information and communication: Information development.
flows are essential to keep employees and man-
agers aware of business dynamics. If employees are (refer to the book for the standards mentioned)
filing complaints with the Human Resources ITIL
department that a supervisor is unresponsive,
displays favoritism toward selected individuals, and ITIL defines the organizational structure and skill
is abusive in the treatment of staff, management requirements of an IT organization and standard
would be well served to research the matter right management procedures and practices to manage
away. Otherwise, employee turnover will likely start an IT operation. The operational procedures and
to increase, employees will vent their frustrations on practices apply to all aspects within the IT
customers, or they will take matters in their own Infrastructure. ITIL describes processes,
hands and either commit fraud or sabotage or procedures, tasks, and checklists which are not
organization-specific, but can be applied by an
organization for establishing integration with the
organization’s strategy, delivering value, and helping
to maintain a minimum level of competency.
The CMMI is a process improvement appraisal
program administered and marketed by Carnegie
Mellon University. It is widely used in project
management, software development, process
assessment, and performance improvement within a
project, division, or an entire organization. CMMI
states that it can improve the key capabilities within
project and work management, process
management, support infrastructure, people
management, product development, service delivery
and management, supplier management, and data

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