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Food is an essential source for human life activities, they contribute a

great part in providing energy for the body, improving human health and life.
Currently, the food market is extremely diverse, we are free to choose
what we like anywhere, anytime. Food is sold extremely much, extremely
eye-catching. Not only traditional food but also food imported from many
However, this makes it difficult for us to choose safe foods. Because of
the different purposes, food manufacturers and traders still use improper
storage and growth measures. If you are not careful, buying foods of unknown
origin, we will be very susceptible to food poisoning.
Due to the hustle and bustle of life today, for consumers, recognizing
and distinguishing safe and unsafe food is a very difficult problem, there are
many people with food poisoning and the government cannot control
everything. The situation of food safety is a painful issue in society, it takes
place not only in developing, underdeveloped countries but also in developed
countries with advanced scientific and technological qualifications. .
Therefore, we decided to choose this topic to raise awareness and protect
ourselves in eating.

Food safety is used as a scientific discipline describing handling,
preparation, and storage of food in ways that prevent food-borne illness. The
occurrence of two or more cases of a similar illnesses resulting from the
ingestion of a common food is known as a foodborne disease outbreak. This
includes a number of routines that should be followed to avoid potential health
hazards. In this way food safety often overlaps with food defense to prevent
harm to consumers. The tracks within this line of thought are safety between
industry and the market and then between the market and the consumer. In
considering industry to market practices, food safety considerations include the
origins of food including the practices relating to food labeling, food hygiene,
food additives and pesticide residues, as well as policies on biotechnology and
food and guidelines for the management of governmental import and export
inspection and certification systems for foods. In considering market to
consumer practices, the usual thought is that food ought to be safe in the market
and the concern is safe delivery and preparation of the food for the consumer.

I. Definition
1. What is food?
- Food is an essential need of every person, a very important factor
for the existence and development of mankind. Food is diverse in type and
quality. Currently there is a lot of research on food, from which many
concepts come up. Food can be understood as human food and beverages in
the form of: fresh or pre-processed or processed foods, including chewing
drinks and substances used in food production and processing.

⮚ Combining the above concepts, we can give a general concept for

food as follows: Food is all products in the state of fresh or pre-processed,
processed, preserved for people's need to eat and drink.

⮚ Food hygiene and safety are all necessary conditions and measures
from production, processing, preserve, distribute, transport and use to ensure
food is clean, safe, not damaged or contains substances harmful to human
2. What is food poisoning?
The illness resulting from eating food or drinking water containing poisonous
substances including bacteria, viruses, pesticides, or toxins. Symptoms
generally begin within 2 to 6 hours and include abdominal cramping, diarrhea,
fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, and weakness.
3. What is food safety and hygiene?
- Food safety and hygiene is a very important issue today, this is not
only a concern of state agencies but also a concern of every person in life,
ensuring food hygiene and safety is ensure the health of each person, ensure
the future race and resources of the whole country. Currently there are two
concepts that are widely used: food hygiene and food safety.
✦ Food hygiene
Food hygiene is a scientific concept to say that food does not contain
pathogenic microorganisms and does not contain toxins. In addition, the
concept of food hygiene also includes other contents such as hygiene
organization in transporting, processing and preserving food.
✦ Food safety
Food safety is a scientific concept with broader content than the concept
of food hygiene, food safety is understood as the ability not to cause food
poisoning to humans.

II. Causes of food poisoning

1. Microorganism:
- From soil, water, air, tools and other objects
- Due to lack of hygiene during processing
- Due to undercooked food
- Do not cover insects, pets, ...
- Due to contaminated food before processing
- Due to slaughter, transport, storage and handling of unsanitary
2. Chemicals :
- Pesticide residues on food (especially on fruits and vegetables), due to
improper use of techniques, insecurity during isolation, especially with
chemicals banned from decomposition time long, high toxicity.
- Heavy metals in soil, water infiltrate into trees, fruits, vegetables or
aquatic products, leaving food residues, poisoning people.
- Due to food processing and storage equipment containing detergents
contaminating food.
- Due to improper use of food additives: Preservatives, artificial
sweeteners, colorings,...
3. Food containing natural toxins:
- Toxic plants:
▪ Toxic mushrooms (containing Muscarine), sprouting potatoes
(containing Solamin), poisonous beans (containing cyanhydric
acid), some plant roots (containing Saponin), ...
- Poisonous animals:
▪ Puffer fish (Tetrodotoxin), blue octopus, some mollusks
(containing Mytilotoxin),…
4. Degraded food :
- In the process of preserving and storing food, if the hygiene process is
not ensured, the nutrients in the food will be broken down by
microorganisms and enzymes causing food to degrade and contain
substances poisoning.
- Under the influence of natural factors such as light, temperature, oxygen
in the air, metal traces, also cause food to be damaged, degenerated,
changing flavors, colors, structures , may contain toxic metabolites.
- Organic acids, Ammonia, Indol, Scatol, Phenol, amines often created by
denatured protein foods
- Glycerin, peroxides, aldehydes, ketones, etc. are usually created by
metamorphic fats.
- Mycotoxins, other acetic acids and other organic are generated by
damaged, moldy and degenerated cereals.
III. Reality
- In 2019, the country recorded 76 food poisoning cases, causing nearly
2,000 people to be poisoned, 1,918 people were hospitalized and 8 died.
- Compared to 2018, the number of cases decreased by 32
cases (29.6%), the number of poisoned people decreased by
1,478 people (42.6%), the number of hospitalized cases
decreased by 1,135 people (37.2%), the number of cases
deaths decreased by 9 people (52, 9%).

IV. Symptoms

1. Symptoms :
Food poisoning symptoms vary with the source of contamination.
Most types of food poisoning cause one or more of the following
signs and symptoms:

● Nausea
● Vomiting
● Watery or bloody diarrhea
● Abdominal pain and cramps
● Fever
Signs and symptoms may start within hours after eating the
contaminated food, or they may begin days or even weeks later.
Sickness caused by food poisoning generally lasts from a few
hours to several days.

2. Advice :
If you experience any of the following signs or symptoms, seek
medical attention.
● Frequent episodes of vomiting and inability to keep liquids
● Bloody vomit or stools
● Diarrhea for more than three days
● Extreme pain or severe abdominal cramping
● An oral temperature higher than 100.4 F (38 C)
● Signs or symptoms of dehydration — excessive thirst, dry
mouth, little or no urination, severe weakness, dizziness, or
● Neurological symptoms such as blurry vision, muscle
weakness and tingling in the arms

1) For the State:
- There are regulations related to Food Safety to suit the
country situation
- Overcoming overlap, pushing responsibility, reducing the
effectiveness of state management of legal documents related
to Food Safety.
- There are policies to prevent harmful external food products
from being imported into our country that adversely affect
the health of everyone.
- Relevant agencies should strengthen the inspection and
supervision of the operations of production and business
establishments (cultivation, husbandry, animal slaughter,
processing facilities, etc.) and strict sanctions against People
who violate food safety.
2) On the Producer side :
- Production and processing establishments need to take
measures to support development of clean production.
- Ensure food safety in accordance with standards evaluated
and certified by functional agencies.
- Manufacturers need to improve professional ethics in
business; avoid for profit purposes that adversely affect
consumers as well as affect the whole society.
All food production and trading establishments must have a
certificate of satisfaction of conditions for food safety when
operating, except for the case in Clause 1, Article 12 of Decree No.
15/2018 / ND-CP.
● On the farmer side:
- Use NPK fertilizer
- Choose a good environment for plants.
- Raising insects such as spiders, ants, stink bugs, ... to
minimize pests (using natural enemies)
3) On the consumer side :
- Improve knowledge about goods quality, especially food
- Be more cautious in choosing hygienic and clear foods, avoid
buying bad quality foods, causing bad effects on health.
- Responsible for reporting violations of food hygiene and
safety to competent state agencies for timely settlement.
I. Research design
There are two main of research design, including quantitative
research and qualitative research:
1. Quantitative research :
- To answer the question related how many, how much, when,
- The reporter must use the number, a chart types to show the
reader can understand.
- Data on people who have suffered from food poisoning can
be review numerically and statistically.
2. Qualitative research :
Maybe will help the government deliver accurate results and find the
most effective remedies.

II. Data of collection

1. Primary data :
The reporter made a questionnaire and sent to 20 people. In the
questionnaire have 15 question about a topic and each objects must answer
so that the reporter collect and find out solution for this topic.

2. Secondary data :
Food poisoning is bad for health, so I need to find some sources. I can
check out major food website facilities to gather useful information that can
help carry out surveys. Moreover, I can find in newspaper, government
media, etc.

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