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AED Buyer’s Guide: 8 Things to Consider When Choosing an AED

First off, we would like to congratulate you for making the important commitment to look into the
idea of purchasing a life saving device.
The use of an automated external defibrillator, also known as AED, can be a lifesaving move in some
cases. It is par�cularly true when a pa�ent suffers an event such as sudden cardiac arrest. The device
u�lizes an electrical current to assist in restar�ng the heart’s beat in these situa�ons.

These devices are not simple items that one can buy off the street. It is recommended that training
should be provided to ensure an AED can be u�lized effec�vely.

If you are scratching your head trying to figure out which AED is best for you. Relax, we wrote this
ar�cle to take the stress out of buying an AED and help you make an informed decision to buy the
right AED for you.

Copyright 2022 © CERT Academy

What to Look for When Purchasing An AED
When looking at AED costs, look at the total cost and what is included with that, in the way of
accessories, long term replacement costs and replacement frequency of the accessories. The upfront
cost of the AED is important, but there are factors that turn a cheap AED expensive. Before
purchasing an AED, you should know the cost of the AED pads and ba�ery. You should also know
how o�en you have to buy both.


IP is basically how well an AED protects itself from dust and water ingress. The higher the IP, the
be�er protected a device is. Every business will want a pre�y high IP, par�cularly because AEDs tend
to be used pre�y infrequently and can easily gather dust. However, some businesses may need a
higher IP than others if their work environment is par�cularly harsh or extreme. For example, an AED
in a factory which works with wood and creates lots of sawdust is more likely to be exposed to dust
ingress than an AED in a nice, clean office.

Trying to deal with a sudden cardiac arrest is incredibly stressful, and it is very easy to get flustered
when rushing to save a life. An AED must be easy to use and intui�ve to help rescuers deal with the
situa�on as calmly as possible and deliver the treatment successfully.

AEDs are pre�y serious investments and lifesaving pieces of kit, so you will want peace of mind that
your device is protected under a warranty in case anything goes wrong. Warranty for portable
defibrillators tend to provide cover from anywhere between 2 and 8 years, and the longer the
warranty, the more reliable the AED is likely to be.

Copyright 2022 © CERT Academy

Some AEDs have a very beneficial feature of providing real �me feedback for the quality of CPR.
Even though you learned CPR in class, having this live feedback during a SCA can be very helpful,
a�er all having a li�le extra guidance can make the situa�on a li�le less stressful.


You do not want pads to expire while the ba�ery s�ll shows good. Some AEDs have different life
dura�on between pads and ba�eries. The problem here is that you will end up replacing pads while
the ba�ery is s�ll good.


Size may or may not be a factor when deciding which AED to purchase. If you intend on hanging your
AED in the AED cabinet in your office, then it does not ma�er. However, if your AED follows you
wherever your team travels, then maybe size is important.


Includes materials that can assist with AED use. A CPR pack containing a face shield or mask, alcohol
wipes, razor and scissors.

Copyright 2022 © CERT Academy


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The Wharf, Prima Biz Hub, No. 8-2, Jalan Tasik Prima 5/1,
Taman Tasik Prima, 47150 Puchong, Selangor.

Copyright 2022 © CERT Academy

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