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Future Continuous Tense

Future continuous tense menunjukkan aksi yang terjadi pada waktu tertentu di masa yang
akan datang dan aksi yang pasti akan terjadi dalam waktu dekat.


Subject + “WILL/BE GOING TO” + “BE” + Verb (continuous form)

Kata Sinyal

tomorrow morning, in one year

Kalimat Positif

He will be delivering the speech to undergraduates at 3 p.m tomorrow afternoon.

Kalimat Negatif

He will not be doing the task in the office this afternoon because he is sick.

Kalimat Tanya

Will he be playing football next morning in the playground?

Yes, he will./ No, he will not.

1. Hary and susi …… in love each other.
a. Falling
b. Fall
c. Will falling
d. Will be falling

2. I together with my friend …on Carita beach tomorrow.

a. To walk
b. Walk
c. Walking
d. Will be walking

3. They will …running away the next week.

a. Keep
b. Be keeping

c. Keeping
d. Keep to

4. He … many books next day

a. Is bring
b. Bring
c. Will be bringing
d. Will be bring

5. I will …soto when my mom will come tomorrow.

a. Eat
b. Be eat
c. Eating
d. Be eating

6. You will be … this computer when I will come.

a. Repair to
b. Repairing
c. Have repair
d. Repair

7. She … the food for her husband next morning.

a. Will cooking
b. Cook
c. Cooking
d. Will be cooking

8. My parents will be . . . . . a movie tonight.

a. Watching
b. Watch
c. Watched
d. Watches

9. They . . . . . at nine tomorrow morning.

a. Are fishing
b. Will be fishing
c. Go fishing
d. Will fishing

10. Manda and Kiki will not . . . . . the meal when you arrive at home.
a. Cook
b. Cooking
c. Be cooking
d. Cooked

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