Vocabulario y Tips LEGAL

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DUI penalties:

• in New Jersey, a person with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08% or

greater who operates a motor vehicle or a boat is considered to be driving
under the influence (DUI). The law also provides that operating a motor vehicle
while under the influence of intoxicating liquor, narcotic, or hallucinogenic or
habit-producing drug may be proven by other observational-type evidence with
or without a particular BAC test result.
• Additionally, if you permit another person who is "under the influence" pursuant
to the DUI statute to operate a motor vehicle or boat that you own or is in your
custody or control, you are also subject to the DUI law's mandatory penalties.
• Being convicted of a DUI is a serious offense, carrying heavy penalties
o Fines, fees and surcharges;
o License suspension;
o Ignition interlock device;
o Jail time;
o Community service; and
o Completion of Intoxicated Driver Program.

Failure to pay DUI surcharges will result in:

• Indefinite suspension of driving privileges.

• Action filed in State Superior Court by the MVC. This may include securing a
lien against your property, garnishing your wages, or other similar action.
• Mandatory fines and penalties for DUI.

Underage DUI

If you are under 21 years old and are convicted of driving or boating with a BAC
of .01% or higher, the following penalties apply:

• 30–90 day license suspension;

• Possible combination of the minimum sentences above and select DUI
Mandatory Fines and Penalties, depending on the situation (see above);
• 15–30 days mandatory community service; and
• Participation in alcohol education and highway safety programs at an
Intoxicated Driver Resource Center (see locations).
• If you are unlicensed and under 17 years of age at the time of the incident, you
are subject to a 30–90-day delay in processing your driver license.
• In New Jersey if you get arrested for a DUI, you must take an
Alcotest/Breathalyzer test. When you get your license in New Jersey, you
give consent for this test, known as "implied consent." If you refuse to
take an Alcotest/Breathalyzer test, you will be detained and brought to a
hospital where hospital staff may draw blood. If convicted of refusing to
submit to a test, the penalties are similar to a conviction for DUI.
If your license was suspended for a DUI offense, the court may require
you to install an ignition interlock device to prevent a vehicle from starting
if your BAC exceeds 0.05%. Residents of New Jersey must have the
device installed at an installation site within the State of New Jersey.

Ignition interlock device requirements:

• First DUI offense: Installation of interlock device for six months to one
year upon restoration (judge's discretion); BAC 0.15% or greater requires
mandatory installation of ignition interlock device during license
suspension and for six months to one year following restoration
• Second DUI offense: Mandatory installation of interlock device during
license suspension and for one to three years following restoration

If the court orders you to install an interlock device, you will receive a
notice of suspension from the MVC with instructions on how to obtain the
IMPORTANT NOTE: Failure to have an ignition interlock installed when
ordered by a judge could result in the denial of restoration and an
additional one year driving privilege suspension if convicted of driving
without an interlock device. For installation availability for motorcycles
and autocycles please contact the listed manufacturers directly.

View the list of manufacturers .

View the list of licensed installers. (Only an installer licensed by the New
Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission may be used. Before scheduling your
installation, confirm that the installer you select from the manufacturer’s
list is properly licensed.)

Any person convicted of an alcohol and/or drug related traffic/driving

offense, if court ordered, must participate in a program at an Intoxicated
Driver Resource Center (IDRC).

• New Jersey has an IDRC in each county for first and third-time offenders
and regional IDRC 48-hour centers for second-time offenders.
• During the program, offenders receive mandatory alcohol and highway
safety education training.
• IDRC also screens each offender for any possible addiction problems
and determines the need for a full addiction assessment.
• If the assessment determines that treatment is needed, the offender
must successfully complete treatment and be monitored by the IDRC
during the duration of the clinically determined length of treatment.
• IDRC reports non-compliance with education and/or treatment to the
courts and the Intoxicated Driving Program (IDP). IDP makes a
recommendation to the MVC for suspension or restoration based on the
offender’s successful completion of IDRC conviction requirements.
Satisfactory participation in IDRC is a step toward restoring your license.
Failure to comply will result in further license suspension and possible jail

The Municipal Court has original jurisdiction over:

Motor vehicle violations

o Local ordinance Offenses (Zoning, building, health violations)

o Petty disorderly person offenses
o Disorderly person offenses
o Fish and game violations
o Park Police - traffic and criminal offenses
o Weights and measure violations
o Citizen complaints - traffic and criminal

• Domestic violence matters and restraining orders often are initiated in the Municipal
Court, where the Judge is on call 24 hours a day

Municipal courts are the criminal justice system's lowest level. They usually have
limited jurisdiction over local misdemeanors and minor offenses. State laws,
which vary from state to state, tell how municipal courts work
An expungement is the removal and isolation of all records on file within any court, detention
or correctional facility, law enforcement, criminal justice agency or juvenile justice agency
concerning a person's apprehension, arrest, detention, trial or disposition of an offense within
the criminal or juvenile justice system. Unless otherwise provided by law, if an order for
expungement is granted, the adult arrest, the record of law enforcement taking you into
custody as a juvenile, conviction, adjudication of delinquency, disposition and any related
proceedings are considered not to have occurred. See the section on Comparison of Adult and
Juvenile Terms for a glossary of terms that are specific to juvenile court. The New Jersey
expungement law states in detail who is eligible for an expungement. You should review the
current applicable provisions of N.J.S.A. 2C:52-1 through N.J.S.A. 2C:52- 32 to determine if you
are eligible. An eligible person must prepare and file a Petition for Expungement. The Petition
for Expungement must be filed in the Superior Court in the county where you were arrested or
prosecuted as an adult or taken into custody or adjudicated as a juvenile. A judge then decides
whether the person should be granted an Expungement Order.
Arraignment is a formal reading of a criminal charging document in the
presence of the defendant, to inform them of the charges against them. In
response to arraignment, in some jurisdictions, the accused is expected to enter
a plea; in other jurisdictions, no plea is required.
Arraignment lectura de cargos
Arrangement acuerdo
Bail fianza
Acoso (Harassment)
Acoso o acecho (Stalking)
Agresión (Assault)
Agresión sexual (Sexual assault)
Allanamiento de morada (Burglary)
Asalto (Robbery)
Blanqueo de dinero (Money laundering)
Conducir bajo los efectos del alcohol o las drogas (Driving under the
Delito informático (Cybercrime)
Desfalco (Embezzlement)
Falsificación (Forgery)
Fraude (Fraud)
Homicidio (Homicide)
Intrusión (Trespassing)
Posesión de drogas (Drug possession)
Robo (Theft)
Secuestro (Kidnapping)
Violencia doméstica (Domestic violence)

401k four ou one key

Account # # de cuenta
Accrued ackrud acumulado
Additional child tax credit crédito tributario adicional por hijo.
Adjustable rate taza de interés ajustable
Adjustments ajustes
Afford podemos pagar comprarlo
Age (may be required in some cases)
Aid ayuda financiera
Alimony pensión alimentaria
Allegation a legación se hace mención a la persona
Appeal apelar no estar de acuerdo
Application solicitud
Arbitration arbitraje
Atm automatic teler machine
Atm cajero automático
Attorney abogado
Authorization: autorización:
Award premio
Back pay salario anterior solicita por fechas que no trabajó.
Balance balance monetario
Balance accrued balance acumulado
Banking information información bancaria
Benefits beneficios
Bill factura
Birth certificate
Bonds fianza para salir de la cárcel
Borrow tomar prestado
Breastfeeding lactancia materna
Business days días hábiles días laborables
Business taxes impuetos de trabajo.
Business tax id id fiscal commercial.
Business account cuenta de negocios
Case manager administrador de casos
Celling techo visto por dentro
Check stub talón de cheques
Checking account cta. Cte.
Chevrolet: silverado equinox malibu tahoe camaro
Child care cuidado infantil
Child development desarrollo infantil
Child tax credit crédito tributario por hijo.
Claim reclamo solicitud.
Claimant demandante
Closing day fecha de cierre
Co aplicant co solicitante (solicitante adicional)
Cooling systems sistema de enfriamiento para casas o autos
College universidad
Collection incautación recolección colección
Complaint queja
Compliance cumplimiento no compliance no cumplimiento
Comprenhensive ensure seguro completo
Confirmation number # de confirmacion
Consent reconocimiento consentimiento
Cooling sistema de aire acondicionado
Co pay: copago:
Court corte
Couseling asesoramiento sesiones ej sicologos
Coverage cobertura
Current actual al día en sus pagos
Current balance saldo actual
Date of birth
Date issued fecha de emisión
Deadline fecha límite
Debt deuda
Debt collection agency es la agencia de aduanas.
Deductible deducible
Deductions deduciones
Defendant demandado
Delincuent moroso criminal delincuente
Delivey entrega parto.
Demographic information si se considera latino chino etc raza
Dependents: dependientes
Disability discapacidad
Discharge alta o baja del hospital.
Disclaimer descargo de responsabilidad.
Discloure en una llamada piden permiso al lep para poder divulgar una
información a otras entidades.
Dispute disouta
Down payment anticipo (por un prestamo casa carro etc initial
payment on a loan)
Draft giro overdraft sobre giro
Due date fecha limite en medicina es la fecha de parto
E. Services account cta. Servicios electrónicos
Early childhood primera infancia
Earned income tax credit crédito tributario por el ingreso del trabajo.
Elderly ederly ancianos
Eligibility: elegibilidad:
Eligible expenses gastos elegibles.
Email address dirección de correo electrónico
Employment empleo
Ending on or after terminando en o después de ….
Enrollment inscripción
Espouse maintany
Evict desalojar they will evict me they gonna evict me
Eviction notice aviso de desalojo
Exemptions exenciones desgravación
Experation date fecha de expiración
Fafsa solicitud gratuita de ayuda federal para estudiantes
Family size
Family support apoyo familiar
Fees costos o cargos
Filing status estado civil en la declaración de impuestos.
Filing status (e.g. Single married filing jointly etc.)
Financial aid ayuda financiera
Financial need necesidad financiera
Fired despedido
First aid primeros auxilios
Ford: f 150 escape explorer fusion mustang focus
Fow slash backslash barra oblicua barra invertida
Front payment pago inicial pago x adelantado (upfront payment
por un servicio)
Full name
Funds para preguntar los fondos que tenemos en la cuenta.
Gmc: sierra acadia terrain yukon canyon
Grant beca
Heating calefacción
Higher education educación superior.
Honda: civic accord cr v pilot odyssey
Hotline línea directa que nos dan.
Household hogar
Housing vivienda
Hyundai: elantra sonata tucson santa fe kona
In network en red cobertura proveedores médicos que
perteneces a una red medica.
Income: ingresos.
Individual account cuenta individual.
Infant bebé
Injury lesión
Insurance seguro
Insurance premiun prima de seguro
Irs internal revenue service servicio de impuestos internos
Itin # número de contribuyente como el ruc en perú.
Jeep: wrangler grand cherokee cherokee compass renegade
Job training capacitación laboral.
Joint account cuenta mancomunada
Kia: optima sorento sportage soul forte rio
Late payment fee cargo por pago tardio
Landor arrendador
Lay off despido colectivo o individual
Lease arrendamiento
Legal aid asistencia legal
Lender prestamist
Liability responsabilidad
Loan prestamo
Loan term plazo del prestamo
Long term a largo plazo
Mail box buzón postal (físico) piel box
Mailing address dirección postal dirección de correo postal
Marital status
Medicaid card tarjeta medicaid.
Medical médico
Misconduct a type of warning un tipo de advertencia
Money order giro postal pero el lep va a decir money order
Mortage hipoteca
New york state (n.y.s en way es) department taxation and
finance departamento de impuestos y finanzas del estado de nueva york.
Nissan: rogue altima sentra pathfinder frontier
Notice aviso
Open day fecha de apertura
Out of network fuera de red fuera de cobertura.
Overdue vencido atrasado
Parent involvement participación de los padres
Parole any probaition or parole? Probatoria o libertad condicional?
Pay stub talón de pagos (ya mandé mi paystub)
Payment arregment plan = plan de pago
Payment plan plan de pagos
Pell grant beca pell
Penalty and % penalidades multas e intereses
Penalty of collection action penalidades multas acción de
colocaciones (incautación)
Perjury entrevista de beneficios (bajo penalidad de perjurio)
Personal account cuenta personal
Phishing fraude electrónico
Physical address dirección física
Pick up location recoger a sb en swh but en finanzas financiar fecha
de pago (point of payment)
Postal mail box
Proof of identity (e.g. Driver's license passport birth certificate)
Proof of income (e.g. Tax returns pay stubs bank statements)
Property propiedad
Prorate proratear formulacion de fechas o algo.
Provider rate tarifa del proveedor
Provider: proveedor:
Public housing vivienda pública
Quality calidad
Rate taza tarifa
Rate cap taza maxima rap floor taza mínima
Recurrent payment pago recurrente
Referral referencia de un dpt a otro recomendación
Refund reembolso
Renewal renovación
Rental alquiler
Representative payee representante beneficiario
Roof techo visto por fuera
Routing # # de ruta enrutamiento
Statement estado de cuenta (banco) extracto bancario
declaración (eventos formales)
Saving account cta. Ah.
Schedueled agendado
Scholarship beca de estudio
School meals comidas escolares
Senior adulto mayor
Settlement acuerdo
Snap programa de asistencia nutricional suplementaria.
Social security card or itin
Social security number or tax id number
Starting on or after empezando en o después de … staring on or after on
sep 15th
Statment banco estado de cuenta bancaria
Stocks or bonds acciones de una empresa títulos
Student loan préstamo estudiantil
Subaru: outback forester crosstrek impreza legacy
Sue su: demanda
Suplemental suplementario
Swift codigo transferencia internacional
Tax brackets escalas de impuestos
Tax declaration declaración de impuestos
Tax liability obligación tributaria
Tax payer id # de contribuyente.
Tax preparer preparador de impuestos
Tax return declaration declaración de impuestos
Taxes and fees impuestos y cargos
Tax credit crédito fiscal devolución de impuestos
Taxable income ingreso gravable
Tenant inquilino (a)
Toyota: camry corolla rav4 highlander tacoma
Tuition matrícula
Ui seguro de desempleo.
Unemployee desempleado
Unit unidad
Usda departamento de agricultura de los eeuu.
Utilities no confundir con utilidades es servicios públicos.
Utility servicio público.
Volunteer voluntario
Voucher cupón de ayuda
Voucher: vale:
Waiting list: lista de espera:
Waiver exepción de pago (no va a tener que pagar una penalidad o
Wic programa de mujeres infantes y niños
Withdraw retirar dinero
Withholding retención
Wond heridad
Work independenly trabajo de manera independiente
Work requirements requisitos de trabajo.
Workforce fuerza laboral.
In question en cuestión
Household members los miembros del hogar
Household size tamaño del hogar
Eligible immigration status estatus migratorio elegible
Household composition (composición del hogar)
Local housing authority. Autoridad local de vivienda.
Unemployment benefits statement) declaración de prestaciones por
Bank statements property deeds extractos bancarios títulos de
Medical records registros médicos
Employment status situación laboral
Billing street dirección de envio
Después de una revisión minuciosa = after a thorough review
To move more forward = para avanzar más.
para fortalecer su posición. = to strengthen your position

Thank you for your patience. I wanted to provide you with an update on your case.
After thorough review, we have made significant progress and are now ready to
move more forward. The next step will be to gather additional evidence to
strengthen your position. We will keep you informed of any developments and
discuss the next steps in our upcoming meeting.

removal proceedings proceso de deportación

Curfew toque de queda/ horario limite

a misdemeanor un delito menor

Lawyer: It's important for us to address your alcohol consumption as we move

more forward with your case.
(Abogado: Es importante abordar tu consumo de alcohol a medida que
avanzamos más en tu caso.)
Accused: I understand the impact my alcohol use has had on my life, and I want
to take steps to move forward and leave it behind.
(Acusado: Entiendo el impacto que mi consumo de alcohol ha tenido en mi vida
y quiero tomar medidas para avanzar más y dejarlo atrás.)
Lawyer: Let's work together to develop a plan that will help you overcome your
alcohol addiction and demonstrate to the court that you're moving more
forward in a positive direction. (Abogado: Trabajemos juntos para desarrollar
un plan que te ayude a superar tu adicción al alcohol y demostrar al tribunal
que te estás moviendo más hacia adelante en una dirección positiva.)
Accused: I'm committed to seeking treatment and attending support groups to
ensure I can move more forward and break free from alcohol dependency.
(Acusado: Estoy comprometido a buscar tratamiento y asistir a grupos de apoyo
para asegurarme de poder avanzar más y liberarme de la dependencia al
Lawyer: We can present evidence of your efforts to address your alcohol
consumption, such as counseling sessions or enrolling in a rehabilitation
program. It will demonstrate to the court that you're actively moving more
forward in your journey to sobriety.
(Abogado: Podemos presentar pruebas de tus esfuerzos para abordar tu
consumo de alcohol, como sesiones de terapia o la inscripción en un programa
de rehabilitación. Esto demostrará al tribunal que estás avanzando activamente
hacia adelante en tu camino hacia la sobriedad.)

that the defendant not unlawfully possess a controlled substance Que

el demandado no posee ilegalmente una sustancia controlada

embezzlement, or insurance fraud. desfalco o fraude de seguros.

White-collar crimes: Non-violent offenses typically committed in business or

professional settings, such as fraud, insider trading, or money laundering.
Delitos de cuello blanco: delitos no violentos que normalmente se cometen en
entornos comerciales o profesionales, como el fraude, el tráfico de
información privilegiada o el lavado de dinero.

The government has set up a legal facility to provide free legal aid to those who
cannot afford legal representation .

El gobierno ha establecido una instalación legal para brindar asistencia legal

gratuita a quienes no pueden pagar la representación legal.

Have you ever received a DUI (Driving Under the Influence) or DWI (Driving
While Intoxicated)?
¿Alguna vez recibió un DUI (Conducir bajo la influencia) o DWI (Conducir en
estado de ebriedad)?

Municipal courts typically handle a range of lower-level offenses and violations

that occur within their jurisdiction. The specific charges that municipal courts
see can vary depending on the location and jurisdiction. However, some of the
most common charges that municipal courts typically handle include:

1. Traffic Violations: This includes speeding tickets, reckless driving, driving

under the influence (DUI), running a red light, or driving without a valid
2. Disorderly Conduct: Charges related to public disturbances, public
intoxication, fighting in public, or creating a disturbance.
3. Petty Theft: Charges involving theft of items of relatively low value, such
as shoplifting or stealing small items.
4. Noise Violations: Charges related to excessive noise, including loud
parties, loud music, or disturbances that violate local noise ordinances.
5. Public Intoxication: Charges for being intoxicated in public places, such as
streets, parks, or public facilities.
6. Trespassing: Charges for entering or remaining on someone else's
property without permission.
7. Municipal Ordinance Violations: Violations of local ordinances that are
specific to the municipality, such as zoning violations, animal control
violations, or violations of local business regulations.
8. Minor Drug Offenses: Charges involving possession of small amounts of
controlled substances or drug paraphernalia.

It's important to note that the specific charges and their severity can vary
depending on the jurisdiction and local laws. The above list represents some
common charges but is not exhaustive.
Here are ten example sentences for each of the charges I mentioned, illustrating
how a representative might read the charges to a defendant in a municipal

1. Traffic Violations:
a) "You are charged with exceeding the posted speed limit on [specific
date and location]."
b) "The charge against you is driving under the influence of alcohol on
[specific date and location]."
C) "You are accused of running a red light at the intersection of [specific
intersection] on [specific date]."
2. Disorderly Conduct:
a) "You are facing charges of engaging in a physical altercation in a
public place on [specific date and location]."
b) "The charge against you is creating a disturbance and using abusive
language in a public setting on [specific date]."
c) "You are accused of being publicly intoxicated and causing a
disruption at [specific location] on [specific date]."
3. Petty Theft:
a) "You are charged with shoplifting items from [specific store] on
[specific date]."
b) "The charge against you is stealing [specific item] from [specific
location] on [specific date]."
c) "You are accused of taking money from someone's wallet without
permission on [specific date and location]."
4. Noise Violations:
a) "You are facing charges of hosting a loud party that disturbed the
peace in your neighborhood on [specific date]."
b) "The charge against you is playing excessively loud music past the
permitted hours on [specific date and location]."
c) "You are accused of causing a disturbance by shouting and making
loud noises in a public park on [specific date]."
5. Public Intoxication:
a) "You are charged with being intoxicated in a public place, specifically
[specific location], on [specific date]."
b) "The charge against you is public intoxication and disorderly behavior
on [specific date and location]."
c) "You are accused of consuming alcohol to the point of impairment and
causing a disturbance at [specific venue] on [specific date]."
6. Trespassing:
a) "You are facing charges of unlawfully entering and remaining on
private property at [specific address] on [specific date]."
b) "The charge against you is trespassing on [specific property] without
the owner's consent on [specific date]."
c) "You are accused of ignoring posted signs and unlawfully being on
[specific premises] on [specific date and location]."
7. Municipal Ordinance Violations:
a) "You are charged with violating the local zoning regulations by
[specific violation] on [specific date and location]."
b) "The charge against you is owning and harboring an unregistered pet
in violation of the municipal ordinance on [specific date]."
c) "You are accused of operating a business without the required permits
and licenses on [specific date and location]."
8. Minor Drug Offenses:
a) "You are facing charges of possessing [specific controlled substance]
without a valid prescription on [specific date]."
b) "The charge against you is possession of drug paraphernalia,
specifically [specific item], on [specific date and location]."
c) "You are accused of being in possession of a small quantity of
marijuana on [specific date and location]."

Case Records

Judicial Records

What are the Differences Between Municipal, District, and Federal Courts?
A person accused of a crime may wind up in many courts.

Which court you will go to depends on what law the government says you

If the government claims you breached a federal law, you go to federal

court; if they presume you broke state law, you go to district court; if they
say you violated local law, you go to municipal court. In addition, each of
these courts has limited jurisdiction. In some instances, their jurisdiction
overlaps, allowing your case hearings to be in several courts.

Municipal Court

Every city has a municipal court. In municipal or city court, a judge hears
cases when the city prosecutor finds a violation of municipal law.

Note that what is lawful in one city may be illegal in another. A person
accused of breaching a municipal law can always hire counsel.

A municipal court can address crimes punishable by up to a year in prison.

You can always appeal a municipal court judge's decision as long as you do
it quickly.
A defendant has 14 days to appeal a case's sentence. If the defendant
appeals, the case goes to the district court.

District Court

The district court, sometimes known as the county court, is the county's
most prominent and influential court. It handles both civil and criminal

There are two categories of criminal cases presented in district court:

• Cases involving state law breach: This generally includes drug

felonies, non-drug crimes, off-grid felonies, infractions, and all
misdemeanors. Violations of state laws can result in fines, probation,
or imprisonment.

• Appealed criminal cases from a municipal court: If a defendant

wants to appeal a decision made by a municipal court, the dispute
will go to the district court. Even if the case is in the district court for
a second look, the municipal prosecutor will still bring charges,
including infractions and misdemeanors.

The district court is not like most municipal courts. It is more formal,
requires more court appearances, has more procedural protections, and
can hold jury trials. Having your case tried in district court has benefits and
drawbacks depending on who is the fact finder.

Federal Court

If the government suspects you breached a federal law, your case will
move to federal court. However, there are a few exceptions in unusual
situations, such as committing a felony on Tribal property.

The federal court has a reasonably modest caseload than municipal and
state district courts. It is more official among the three. Your federal
criminal defense attorney should know this court system if you face a
federal crime.
What are the Cases Handled by Municipal Courts?
Generally, the municipal court hears cases involving ordinance violations,
divided into criminal and civil categories. Typical cases heard in municipal
court consist of the following:
• Small claims cases

• Traffic violations

• Nuisance charges

• Certain criminal offenses, including shoplifting and trespassing

• Housing law cases, such as landlord-tenant disputes

• Protection orders

• Tax cases and controversies

• Arbitration of commercial conflicts

• Disputes with zoning and permits

• Contract disputes

• Preliminary felony hearings

• Civil disputes

While the most-charged offenses in municipal court typically include:

• Possession of marijuana

• Trespassing

• Possession of drug paraphernalia

• Patronizing a prostitute


• Battery

• Theft

• Interference with law enforcement

• Driving on a suspended license

• Traffic charges

There is a specific division in the municipal court system for each case.
Even if you have worked with other courts before, navigating the municipal
court system can be difficult. Experienced attorneys can assist you
through the municipal court system and secure a fair trial.

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