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Computer Viruses

A computer virus is a type of program/malicious code that when implemented is designed to replicate itself by altering
and inserting its own code into other computer programs. Its job is to perform destructive activities to a device or local
network as well as to damage or steal data from households.

E- mail
Virus An E-mail virus is a malicious code sent in email communications with the intent of
infecting one or more devices. A malicious code can be activated by when the email
receiver either clicks an infected link, opens an infected attachment, or interacts with
the message in some other way. Setting up spam filters, anti-virus programs and
firewalls can minimalize the spread of email viruses.

Trojan Virus
Trojan viruses are a type of malware that is disguised as real operational programs.
Trojan virues perform destructive actions like killing background systems processes,
destroying data from hard drives and corrupting file allocation systems. Trojans are
activated when a recipient downloads attached files. A Trojan virus can be prevented by
not downloading or installing software systems from untrustworthy sources

Computer Worms
Computer worms can be transmitted through software vulnerabilities or arrive as
attachments in spam emails or instant messages (IMs). When opened, it can link the user it a malicious website or
automatically download a computer worm to the user’s device. After the device has been infected, the computer worms
will have the ability to delete, steal and modify files as well as replicate itself.

 Never click on a link from a untrusted Don’ts
source  Don’t click on links from untrusted sources
 Close pop-up ads or unexpected warnings  Never download attachments or software
 Avoid opening emails or email attachments updates from untrusted sources
from unknown senders  Never share your passwords online
 Never set your email settings to “auto-  Don’t open email attachments from
open” attachments unknown senders
 Use a secure web browser  Don’t ignoring security warnings
 Regularly update operating systems and  Avoid installing “free” software without
software checking the reviews or doing a background
 Use antivirus software check

Work Cited
Awati, Rahul, and Linda Rosencrance. “What Are Email Viruses and How Do You Protect from
Them?” SearchSecurity, TechTarget, 21 Sept. 2021,

Mike. “Malware Protection: It Starts with These Simple Do's and Don'ts.” Tethered Computer Services, 30 Jan.

Techopedia. “What Is an Email Virus? - Definition from Techopedia.”, Techopedia, 16 Dec.


What Is a Computer Worm and How Does It Work?,


“What Is a Worm Virus (Computer Worm)?” Fortinet,

“What Is Trojan? Definition of Trojan, Trojan Meaning.” The Economic Times,

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