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Personal details Mario Vargas Llosa

. He was born in Arequipa

. He s Peruvian writer, politician and
.He’s humble

Life story . He started very young.

. He wrote a play “la huida del inca”
n 1952.
. He studied literature and law at
the national university of san
. In 1958, He got the “Javier Prado
“scholarship at the complutense
university of Madrid.
.In 1993,He got Spanish
nationality ,without renouncing the
Peruvian one.
Achievements . He has received Edna gene and
Jordan Davidson chair of Florida
literature curse.
. He has publicised his first novel
“the city and the dogs”.
. He has got the novel prize for
. He has prized critics award.

English IV
Participant: Giampierre anapan castro u20202272


TITLE Mario Vargas Llosa was born in
Arequipa in 1936. He studied Letters
Introduction and Law at the Universidad Nacional
Mayor de San Marcos and began to
collaborate professionally in
newspapers and magazines. He is a
Peruvian writer, politician and

Early life, family & other He has travelled to Paris, and there
he has worked in different media
details until he manages to get into the
France Press Agency and, later, in
the French Radio Television, where
he has met numerous Spanish-
American writers.

Achievement(s) + He has received the Edna Gene and

Jordan Davidson Professorship of
reason(s) the Florida Literature Course. He has
also published his first novel “The
City and the Dogs”.
wob the Literature Novel Prize.
Finally, it has received a prize from

Conclusion In conclusion, the writer of Mario

Vargas Llosa is a have written who
has been able to have
the country of Peru, and it is one
that has just been placed in the
top of the merits in heritage of
humanity. its obtaining
of the 2010 Nobel Prize in Literature
establishes him as a visible and
important in the languages of the
world and in the Spanish language.
universal as Cesar Vallejo, for his
achieved fame

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