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Facultad de la Educación, el Arte y la

Carrera de Pedagogía de los Idiomas Nacionales
y Extranjeros


Xavier Rosillo

Bertha Ramón

July 4th, 2023

Job application

Dear Mr. Smith 1. Open the email.

2. Say why you are writing.
I am writing this application to apply for the
mentioned post at the Diamond Hotel.
I am a student at the university I have all the 3. Say what you are doing now.
desired requirements suitable for the job.
A job at your hotel will be a excelent
opportunity for earning some money. I can do
the tings very quick. I was working as a
receptionist at hotel William James for about
three months but that was a contract based 4. Say why you want the job.
job.I have a diploma in communication
studies from a reputed educational institution.
I have read the requirements, and I must say I
posses all the mentioned skills.I am a very
responsible, and efficient person which are the
key qualities that every employers look.
All the documents, and experience letters are 5. Describe documenta you are
attached to this application; however, I seek sending.
an interview before I can join.
I would like to know how much money I am 6. Ask for more information.
going to earn, could you send me infortmation
about it and also the hours for working?
Hope you find an interest in my application. I
look forward to your reply. 7. Close the email.
Xavier Rosillo

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