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Moorabbin Radio Procedures

Moorabbin Frequencies:

SMC - Surface Movement Control (Ground) 119.9

ATS - Air Traffic Services (Tower) 123.0 West
118.1 East
ATIS – Automatic Terminal Information Service 120.9 NDB 398

On Start-up
Monitor ATIS Frequency 120.9
Gives Runways in use, Wind Direction and Speed, Cloud Base and Amount, Temperature, QNH, any special
requirements and ATIS Code.

Before Taxi
Change to Ground Frequency 119.9.
If for circuits, you will need to request a clearance to START prior to taxi from Surface Movement Control
(SMC) - Moorabbin Ground.

P: Moorabbin Ground, Cessna 172 Tango Uniform Sierra request start up for circuits
SMC: Tango Uniform Sierra, start approved (Runway Left/Right)
P: Runway Left/Right; Tango Uniform Sierra

You may now taxi to the run-up bay without further clearance.
If taxiing for the area in front of the terminal building, tower of Royal Vic Aero club, you require a taxi clearance
to taxi there.

After Run-Ups Completed

Once you have completed run-ups, you must request and be given a clearance to taxi to the runway. You
must advise SMC of your intended first tracking point, the runway you would like to taxi to and confirm
received ATIS.

P: Moorabbin Ground,
[Cessna 172] Tango Uniform Sierra
In the Southern/Northern Run Up Bay
- the training area
- departure to the north/east
- circuits
Runway 35L/17R
Received ATIS CODE
Request taxi clearance

SMC: Tango Uniform Sierra taxi holding point G2 runway 17R

P: taxi holding point G2 runway 17R Tango Uniform Sierra
On Approach to Runway Holding Point
Change to Tower Frequency: 118.1 Departures East & Circuits
123.0 Departures West

Ready Call
Moorabbin Tower, Tango Uniform Sierra, Ready for Circuits, Runway 17R

Response From Tower Your Reply

Tango Uniform Sierra, Hold Position Holding, Tango Uniform Sierra
Tango Uniform Sierra, Line Up Line Up, Tango Uniform Sierra
Tango Uniform Sierra, Cleared for Takeoff Cleared for Takeoff, Tango Uniform

Downwind Call for Circuit Operations

P: Tango Uniform Sierra, (Turning) Downwind, Touch & Go/Full Stop

Tower may respond with traffic information.

ATS: Tango Uniform Sierra
ATS: Tango Uniform Sierra, number one
ATS: Tango Uniform Sierra follow Cessna/Cherokee base/late downwind/etc

P: Tango Uniform Sierra

Inbound Call to Moorabbin Tower

Squawk 3000 on Transponder
Moorabbin Tower, Cessna 172 Tango Uniform Sierra, GMH/Carrum 1500, Inbound, Received Oscar.

Response From Tower Your Reply

Station calling GMH/Carrum standby Tango Uniform Sierra (you must
remain OCTA until you receive
a clearance)
Tango Uniform Sierra Nil – you are now cleared to
enter the zone and join the cct
as per normal procedures for
runway in use
Tango Uniform Sierra, Join Base, Runway 35R, 35 Right, Tango Uniform Sierra
Report Parkmore
Tango Uniform Sierra, Make Straight in approach 35 Left, Tango Uniform Sierra
Runway 35L, Report three miles
Tango Uniform Sierra, Join Downwind 17R 17 Right, Tango Uniform Sierra
Tango Uniform Sierra, Maintain 1500, overfly the Maintain 1500, overfly the field,
field, call again overhead call again overhead, Tango
Uniform Sierra
Tango Uniform Sierra, Overfly the field, Maintain 1500, 123.0, Tango Uniform
1500, contact tower overhead on 123.0 Sierra
When overhead the field while making overhead or overfly join:

P: Tango Uniform Sierra Overhead

ATS: Tango Uniform Sierra Cleared visual approach runway 17R/35L/31L/13R
P: Cleared visual approach runway 17R/35L/31L/13R Tango Uniform Sierra

You may now descend and join the CCT. You still must receive a clearance to land before you cross the

Call From Tower on Approach to Land:

ATS: Tango Uniform Sierra, Cleared Touch and Go / to Land
P: Cleared Touch and Go / to Land, Tango Uniform Sierra

After Landing
You require a clearance to enter, cross or taxi along ANY runway, active or inactive

After Landing and intend to vacate on another runway

On TOWER frequency,
P: Tango Uniform Sierra request vacate 22/13/17 L/R (whichever is appropriate)
ATS: Tango Uniform Sierra vacate 22/13/17 L/R
P: vacate 22/13/17 L/R (whichever is appropriate) Tango Uniform Sierra

After Landing and not clear of all runways (Eastern Runways)

Once clear of your landing runway, contact SMC (GROUND) frequency 119.9,

P: Moorabbin Ground, Tango Uniform Sierra on (Taxiway name) request taxi clearance to the apron

You will be given an instruction to cross or hold short of any other runways. You must read this instruction
You may receive a clearance to cross active/inactive runway/s via specific taxiways, this clearance must be
read back in it’s entirety.
You MUST receive a clearance to CROSS/ENTER the runway before passing the holding point of any runway.

SMC: Tango Uniform Sierra hold short Runway 35L/17R

P: holding short Runway 35L/17R Tango Uniform Sierra

SMC: Tango Uniform Sierra on taxiway B cross Runway 35L/17R and taxi to apron
P: On taxiway B cross Runway 35L/17R and taxi to apron Tango Uniform Sierra

After Landing and Clear of all the Runways (Western Runways)

Once clear of your landing runway, contact SMC (GROUND) frequency 119.9,

P: Moorabbin Ground, Tango Uniform Sierra on (Taxiway name) for the apron
SMC: Tango Uniform Sierra taxi to the apron
P: taxi to the apron Tango Uniform Sierra
CTAF Procedures
The Moorabbin tower does not operate 24 hours. After hours the Moorabbin Class D reverts to
CTAF(R) procedures.

All broadcasts are to be on frequency 118.1.

After hours, parallel runway operations are not permitted. Use runway 17L/35R or 13L/31R and do
not refer to runway Left or Right. Right hand circuits required on runways 31 and 35. There is a
maximum of five aircraft permitted in the circuit.

Taxi Call
Moorabbin Traffic, Cessna Tango Uniform Sierra, For Circuits/Destination, Taxi runway 17.

Entering the Runway

Moorabbin Traffic, Cessna Tango Uniform Sierra, Entering Runway 17.

Departure Call
Moorabbin Traffic, Cessna Tango Uniform Sierra, Departing Runway 17 For Circuits/Destination.

Inbound Call
Moorabbin Traffic, Cessna Tango Uniform Sierra, 10 miles to the South, Inbound at 1,500.

Joining Circuit Call

Moorabbin Traffic, Cessna Tango Uniform Sierra, Overhead 1,500, Joining cross wind Runway 17.

Turning Downwind Call

Moorabbin Traffic, Cessna Tango Uniform Sierra, Turning Downwind.

Turning Base Call

Moorabbin Traffic, Cessna Tango Uniform Sierra, Turning Base.

Turning Final Call

Moorabbin Traffic, Cessna Tango Uniform Sierra, Turning Final, Touch & Go / Full Stop.

Clear of Runways
Moorabbin Traffic, Cessna Tango Uniform Sierra, Clear Runway 17 (or “Clear all Runways”).

Crossing Runways
Moorabbin Traffic, Cessna Tango Uniform Sierra, Crossing Runway 17.

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