Student Training Guide - RPL - VER 4

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RPL Quick Reference Cards

Effects of Controls
Primary Controls
Control Surface Primary Effect Secondary Effect Axis
Aileron Roll Yaw Longitudinal

Rudder Yaw Roll Normal

Elevator Pitch Airspeed lateral

Ancillary Controls
Trim: Relieves pressure on control column (roll wheel forward for
nose down, roll wheel back for nose up)

Throttle: Varies the power from the engine and therefore thrust

Mixture: Controls fuel flow to engine (rich to lean)

Carburettor Heat: Prevents Ice formation in the carburettor. (Turn on

whenever RPM below 2000, will notice further RPM drop)

Flaps: Allows flight at slower airspeed (refer to white arc on ASI for
flap extension speed *must be below)

©H Jones 2016 – Tristar Aviation Page 1

RPL Quick Reference Cards
Straight and Level
Air Exercise

1. Lookout (appropriate lookout technique)

2. Pick reference point (key feature straight ahead)

3. Enter Cruise: (PAST)

P- Power* (Throttle/RPM)

A- Attitude (nose of A/C in relation to horizon)

S- Speed (ASI stable)

T- Trim (appropriate trim to relieve pressure)

4. In Cruise: (ALAP) – keeps eyes outside

A- Attitude (check)

L- Lookout

A- Attitude (check)

P- Performance (check instruments)

Config (C152) Power (RPM) Attitude Airspeed

Normal 2350 3 Fingers 90* KIAS
High Speed 2450/2500 4 Fingers 95* KIAS
Slow Speed 2100/2000 1 Finger 75* KIAS
Prec* Flap 10 2100/2000 3 Fingers 70/75* KIAS



*Remember when adjusting power to use appropriate rudder and hold nose attitude (stop from

*Speeds may vary

©H Jones 2016 – Tristar Aviation Page 2

RPL Quick Reference Cards
Climbing Air Exercise

1. Lookout/Pick Reference point

2. Enter Climb: (PAST)
P- Power
A- Attitude
S- Speed
T- Trim
3. During Climb: (ALAP)
A- Attitude
L- Lookout (lower nose every 1000 Feet)
A- Attitude
P- Performance
4. Top of Climb: (ASPT)
A- Attitude (lower nose)
S- Speed (allow speed to increase back to normal cruise)
P- Power (reduce)
T- Trim (for new configuration)

Config (C152) Power (RPM) Airspeed

Normal Full 70 KIAS

Vy (Best Rate) Full 67 KIAS
Vx (Best Angle) Full 55 KIAS
Cruise Full 80 KIAS
Note: Attitude varies with eye height. Remember what works for you.

©H Jones 2016 – Tristar Aviation Page 3

RPL Quick Reference Cards
Descending Air Exercise

1. Lookout/Pick Reference point

2. Enter Descent: (PAST)
P- Power (remember carburettor heat for low power settings)
A- Attitude
S- Speed
T- Trim
3. During Descent: (ALAP)
A- Attitude
L- Lookout
A- Attitude
P- Performance (on Glide Descent warm engine every 500`)
4. Bottom of Descent: (PAST)
P- Power (turn off carburettor heat)
A- Attitude (raise nose as you add power)
S- Speed (back to cruise)
T- Trim (for new configuration)

Config (C152) Power (RPM) Airspeed/ROD

Cruise 2100 500 FPM

Glide IDLE 60 KIAS
Approach (2 Stage Flap) 1600/1700 70 KIAS
Note: Attitude varies with eye height. Remember what works for you.

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RPL Quick Reference Cards
Air Exercise

1. Lookout (start opposite to turn direction)

2. Pick reference point (significant feature on nose/check DI)
3. Entry: (BBB)
B - Bank (roll wings to desired angle of bank)
B- Balance (use appropriate rudder/check Turn Coordinator)
B- Backpressure (keep nose from dropping/maintain altitude)
4. During: (ALAP and BBB) – maintain angle of bank.
5. Exit: (BBB)

Normal (MLT)
 30° AoB

Climbing Turn
 Set up climb (Vy/Normal) = PAST
 15° AoB
 Rudder for slipstream
 Lower nose every 1000ft (lookout/check ref point)
 At top of climb = ASPT

Descending Turn
 Set up Cruise descent = PAST
 30° AoB
 At bottom of descent level out = PAST

Glide Through 180°

 Set up Glide Descent: = CH On, PAST
 Up to 30°AOB
 Warm engine every 500ft
 At bottom of descent = CH Off, PAST

Config (C152) Power Airspeed/ROD

Normal (MLT) 2350 RPM 80 KIAS
Climbing Turn Full 70 KIAS
Descending Turn 2100/2000 RPM 500 FPM
Glide though 180° IDLE 60/65 KIAS

©H Jones 2016 – Tristar Aviation Page 5

RPL Quick Reference Cards
Air Exercise

1. Pre-Stalling Checks:
H- Height sufficient to recover by 3000’
A- Airframe configuration set (gear/flaps etc)
S- Security (hatches/harnesses/loose objects)
E- Engine (fuel on, mixture rich, rpm, CH, magnetos, fuel pump)
L- Location (suitable, not over built up area)
L- Lookout (360° turn, pick reference point)

2. Entry:
 CH on
 Power Idle (or reduced for power on stall)
 Hold height (increase backpressure as you reduce speed)
 Flaps as required (once in white arc)
 Observe symptoms of approaching stall (high nose, decreasing
airspeed, low cabin noise, sloppy controls, stall warning, control
 Just before stall CH Off (ready to apply power)

3. Recovery:
 Nose to horizon (relax backpressure)
 Full Power
 Wings level with *rudder
 Flaps up in stages [Go around Procedure] (positive rate of climb,
aircraft no longer in stall – flaps up one stage, positive rate of climb –
flaps up full.)
*Remember aileron use will increase likelihood of wing drop as well as secondary
Note: If nose drops significantly or wing drop – power idle, rudder for wings, raise
nose to nearest horizon, passing straight and level ease in full power and climb out.

Types of stall:
 Clean (Idle power, no flap)
 Power on (1800-2000RPM)
 Flaps (Idle power, flaps 20°)
 Approach Configuration (1600RPM, flaps 20°)
 Climbing/Descending Turn

©H Jones 2016 – Tristar Aviation Page 6

RPL Quick Reference Cards
The Circuit Patten:
900 ft 500 ft 15º AoB

Downwind Call 1000 ft AGL Upwind

Runway halfway up strut


Downwind Checks

Start Approach
500’ (minimum)

Line Up and T/O roll:

- Taxi straight out, allow max amount of runway
- Straighten wheels on centerline
- Feet off brakes
- Eyes at end of runway
- Full throttle over 3 seconds
- Keep rudder straight with rudder
- 55kts rotate

- Pick reference point, allow for drift, keep A/C on centerline, check behind to confirm.
- Climb @ Vy
- Trim
- Rudder for slipstream
- 300’ After Take Off Checks (Positive rate of climb, gear up, flaps up, climb power set, T’s and
P’s in the green)

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RPL Quick Reference Cards
- 500’ lower nose, scan for traffic
- Climbing turn onto Crosswind, 15° AoB maximum (slightly lower nose attitude for speed).

- Maintain Vy
- Around 900’ (45o To RWY) lower nose and scan for traffic
- Turn onto downwind, level off at 1000’ (ASPT)
- Radio Call: Call sign [XKL], Location [Turning Downwind], Intentions [Touch and Go/Full Stop]

- Pick reference point, set S&L and trim, identify preceding traffic.
- Downwind Checks (BUMFOH): brakes, undercarriage, mixture, mags, master, fuel, oil,
hatches and harnesses.
- @45° (threshold just behind shoulder)
o CH on
o Power back (1700RPM)
o Hold nose
o Clear traffic, onto Base
o Speed in white arc – flaps 2 stages
o Trim

- Trim for 70 Kts with flap (75 Kts flapless)
- Look for extended centerline to anticipate final turn (consider crosswind)
- Clear traffic
- 600` turn onto final

- Round out onto runway centerline (500`)
- Pick aim point (Piano Keys)
- Final stage of flap
- 300` CH off, Landing clearance received, runway clear
- Fly straight to aim point
- Over threshold (50`)
o Power reduce to idle
o Nose to straight and level
o Eyes at end of runway
o As A/C starts to sink, increase backpressure gradually (noise to trees)
o Maintain backpressure (don’t release), keep A/C straight with rudder

- T/O and Land into wind.
- Standard circuit is left turns, Moorabbin has contra circuits (Runway Left = left circuits and
Runway Right = right circuits).
- Counter slipstream with rudder on T/O run and climb out.
- Keep in mind crosswind when on climb out, and allow for drift turning onto final.

©H Jones 2016 – Tristar Aviation Page 8

RPL Quick Reference Cards
Glide Approaches (in circuit)

1. Set Glide Speed – convert speed to height/maintain height (60Kts in

2. Initial Actions (CFM):
C- Carburettor heat on
F- Fuel (check fuel pump on, selector on, sufficient on tanks,
fuel pressure ok)
M- Mixture rich, Mags cycle, Master cycle *simulate only
during practice
3. Select Landing Point (usually 1/3 into runway)
4. Radio (If Time Permits): “MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY, [Call Sign x 3],
[Aircraft Type], [location], [Status], [Intentions].”
5. Trouble Checks (FMOST):
F- Fuel (cycle tanks, pumps on, pressure checked, quantity)
M- Mixture (move through range, *simulate only during
O- Oil (check T’s and P’s)
S- Switches (cycle magnetos, *simulate only during practice)
T- Throttle (Move through range)
6. Passenger Brief (if time): Remove sunglasses/dentures/sharp objects,
secure harness, brace for landing (open door just before touchdown),
reassure passenger.
7. Gear/flaps when appropriate

*Increase speed in turns (about +5kts)

*Increase speed on Base leg of into wind)

©H Jones 2016 – Tristar Aviation Page 9

RPL Quick Reference Cards
Crosswind Technique (in circuit)

C172 = 15kts max
C152 = 15kts max

Gauging crosswind:
- 10° = 1/5 wind strength
- 20° = 1/3 wind strength
- 30° = ½ wind strength
Example: Wind 240/15, HDG 260°.
Therefore can expect a crosswind of 5kts from the left.

1. Take off Run

- Ailerons into wind
- Rudder to keep straight
- As speed up slowly return ailerons to neutral
- At rotate ailerons level, crab into wind
2. In Circuit
- Allow for drift (crab into wind, try to maintain rectangle pattern)
- Shorten/lengthen Crosswind/Base depending on wind direction.
3. Approach
- Crab to maintain centreline
- Aileron for position and rudder to keep straight
4. Flare
- Aileron into wind
- Rudder to straighten wheels on touchdown

©H Jones 2016 – Tristar Aviation
RPL Quick Reference Cards
Forced Landings

1.Set glide speed, convert speed to height/hold altitude (c152 = 60kts)

2.CFM checks
3.Glide descent (60kts or 65kts if into wind)
4.Turn Downwind (turn with wind) and select field (preferably on left)
5.Select 1000` location and 500` location (training area approx. 300`, so
set go around at 800`, final turn at 1200` and base at 1700`).
6. FMOST checks
7. MAYDAY call, squawk 7700
8. PAX brief
9. Maintain circuit pattern
10.Shutdown Checks BUSH:
B - Brakes
U - Undercarriage
S- Shutdown (best to leave mater on, in case you require flaps,
also if running on partial power better to leave engine on)
H - Hatches/Harnesses
11.500` AGL Go Around
*If too high on approach (applies to glide app as well)
- Flaps; or
- If no flaps, side slip (rudder into wind, aileron for position, lower
- If flaps and still too high:
i. Fly ‘S’ Bend; or if not an option;
ii. Force plane down, Lower nose, try to keep in white arc,
wash off speed in flare.
 C.F.M Lower flap and/or
 Best Glide Speed side-slip as required
 Determine Wind

 B.U.S.H.
 Carby
Heat off
 Judge
Downwind Mayday Call
F.M.O.S.T Brief

Page 1000’
©H Jones 2016 – Tristar Aviation
RPL Quick Reference Cards
Precautionary Search and Landing
- Set ground height, Eg 1000`, therefore laps @ 1500`, 1300` and 1100`
- Pre-landing checks (BUMFOH)
- PAN PAN call and Pax Brief
- Set up A/C in slow speed cruise (2100RPM, 10° Flaps)
- Determine wind direction and landing area
- *Join Downwind @ 1500` (*all turns are rate one turns)
2. 1500` Lap (500` AGL)
- Big feature check
- Major obstacles
- Start timing (@60kts = 30mps, @70kts = 35mps)
3. Just before Final turn;
- Descend to 1300` (300AGL) *CH on for descents
- Inspect undershoot
- Inspect Overshoot, go around (CH off for go arounds)
- Climb back to 1500` (500AGL)
4. Just before Final turn;
- Descend to 1100` (100 AGL)
- Inspect surface, go around
- Climb back to 1500` (500AGL)
5. On Downwind:
- Pre-landing Checks (BUMFOH)
- Short field landing (if real)
- Go around (if simulated)

500’ AGL
300’ AGL

100’ AGL

Go Around

500’ AGL



Pre-Landing Checks

©H Jones 2016 – Tristar Aviation
RPL Quick Reference Cards
Short Field Landing
 On Final: 30° flaps
 Determine touchdown point (Piano Keys)
 Determine aim point
 In C152 – want 55kts on short final
 Ease back power slowly (can come in with power if at back of drag
 Straight an level
 Eyes at end of runway
 Continue to sink down to touchdown point reducing power as required
 Hard braking, don’t lock up, backpressure to keep weight off front

Short Field Take Off

 Line up
 Feet on brakes
 Flaps 10°
 Full power
 Release brakes
 Keep straight with rudder
 50kts rotate
 Climb at 55kts (Vx) to 200` or obstacle clear
 200` lower nose to Vy, flaps up

©H Jones 2016 – Tristar Aviation
RPL Quick Reference Cards

(Should engine fail or suffer loss in power once airborne)

 Lower nose to best glide speed (C152 – 60KIAS)
 Select most suitable landing area + 30° of heading, if nothing suitable
expand to + 45° (limit AoB to 20° as turning increases RoD)
 CFM checks
 Use flap as required (only when certain of making selected landing
 If sufficient height/time – FMOST and MAYDAY call.


Go Around

 Full Power (rudder to counter slipstream)

 Nose to horizon
 Flaps 20°
 Best RoC (Vy)
 Positive rate of climb
 Flap up one stage

©H Jones 2016 – Tristar Aviation
RPL Quick Reference Cards
Basic Instrument Flying (BIF)
Application: IFR, NVFR, inadvertent entry into cloud and conditions of
reduced visibility.

Pilot Limitations: Balance and Orientation depends on 3 things: Sight, Inner

ear and postural.

Standard Instrument Cluster:



Instrument Scan:
Climb: AH, ASI, AH, DG (check ALT every 2-3 scans)
Turn: AH, TC, AH, ALT (check DG every 2-3 scans)
Climbing: AH, ASI, AH, TC, AH, ALT, AH, DG

General Rules:
1. All turns to be conducted at rate 1 (3o/sec).
2. On AH: max nose up 10o, max nose down -5o.
3. Small adjustments only.
4. Trust your instruments.
5. NEVER enter cloud.
6. Cross check instruments for conformity.
7. Include engine and vacuum instrument check sporadically in your
8. Compass rotates the opposite to the DG.

*If you look after the little aeroplane…the big one will be ok!

©H Jones 2016 – Tristar Aviation
RPL Quick Reference Cards
Compass limitations (SAND and ONUS):

SAND: South Accelerate; North Decelerate. (Sothern Hemisphere)

The compass will initially swing to the south when you accelerate and
will swing to the north when you decelerate.

ONUS: Overshoot North, Undershoot South.

When turning to the north the compass will lag, so aim to overshoot by
about 30o. When turning to the South the compass will lead, so aim to
undershoot by about 30o)

©H Jones 2016 – Tristar Aviation
RPL Quick Reference Cards

Passenger Brief
While Taxiing:

No Smoking Throughout The Whole Flight

Our Aircraft Has ……Emergency Exits And They Are Located ……………
(Location Of Life Jackets, ELB, Fire Extinguisher)
If You Feel Sick, Sick Bags Are Located …………
Please Do Not Touch Any Of The Aircraft Controls Or Instruments
And Feel Free To Have A Chat With Me Except When I Am Communicating On The Radio Or When
Please Let Me Know If There Is Any way I Can Assist You And Sit Back And Enjoy Your Flight While I Try
And Make It As Smooth As Possible.

Take-Off Safety Brief

The Take-Off Safety Speed For My Aircraft Is ……… Kts (1.3 x Vs)

If I Have An Engine Failure Prior to Rotation I Will Close The Throttle, Apply Brakes And Notify The

If I Have an Engine Failure After Rotation I will close the throttle, apply full flap and land on any
remaining runway,

If there is insufficient runway remaining, I will The Best Glide Speed For The Aircraft, Select A
Area 30 degrees either side of the nose, Complete CFM Checks and land in the selected area.

I will only attempt to turn back onto the aerodrome once we’re above 700 feet.



©H Jones 2016 – Tristar Aviation

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