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Unit 8 Work Name:

Lesson B I was a teacher. ✓

A Read the questions. Look at the chart. Circle the answers.

Job in 2014 Job now

Maria cashier cook

Tom nurse student

Angelo and Juan servers managers

1. Was Maria a cashier? Yes, she was.

2. Was Tom a nurse?
3. Is Maria a cook now?
4. Is Tom a nurse now?
5. Were Angelo and Juan managers?
6. Are Angelo and Juan servers now?

B Complete the sentences. Use the information from Exercise A.

1. Maria was a cashier.
(was / wasn’t)

2. Tom a student in 2014.

(was / wasn’t)

3. Tom a nurse.
(was / wasn’t)

4. Angelo and Juan servers in 2014.

(were / weren’t)

5. Angelo and Juan managers now.

(are / aren’t)

C Complete the chart. Use your own information.

What was your job before? What is your job now?

D Complete the conversation.

Your friend What do you do?
Your friend What was your job before?

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Unit 8 Work Name:

Lesson C Can you cook? ✓

A Look at the pictures. Write the words.

build things cook drive fix a car paint sell things

1 2 3

sell things
4 5 6

B Read the charts. Complete the sentences.

Joe Luis Joe Luis

cook paint

drive build things

fix a car sell things

1. Joe can’t cook. 5. Joe and Luis sell things.

2. Joe drive. 6. Joe and Luis drive.
3. can’t fix a car. 7. can paint.
4. Luis build things. 8. Joe and Luis cook.

C Write three sentences about you.

1. I can .
2. I can .
3. I can’t .

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Unit 8 Work Name:

Lesson D Reading ✓
A Match the questions with the answers.
1. Where does a pharmacy technician work? a. in a factory
2. Where does a custodian work? b. in a beauty salon
3. Where does a hairstylist work? c. in a dental office

4. Where does a factory worker work? d. in a pharmacy

5. Where does a dental assistant work? e. in an office building

B Read about Manny. Write the answers.

My name is Manny. In Guatemala,

I was a taxi driver. Now I am a server.
I work in a restaurant every day from
2:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. I can’t cook, so
I serve food. I am very good at my job.

1. Where does Manny work? He works in a restaurant.

2. What was his job in Guatemala?
3. What is his job now?
4. Can he serve food?
5. Can he cook?
6. How many hours does he work?

C Complete the conversation. Use the information from Exercise B.

You What is your job now?
Manny I am a server.
You Where do you work?
Manny I .
You What can you do?
Manny I .

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Unit 8 Work Name:

Lesson E Writing ✓
A Complete the sentences.

cook drive pay read speak use

1. Jack is a truck driver. He works at a factory. He can drive a truck.

He can read a map and fix a car.
2. Nancy is a cashier. She can a cash register. She can
3. Len is an office worker. He can two languages. He can

B Complete the paragraph. Use the information from Exercise A.

My name is Jack . I am a .
I work at a . I have good work skills. I can
, and I can , too.

C What can you do? Write yes or no.

pay bills read a schedule read to children

buy groceries drive a car use a computer

cook food speak three languages fix a car

D Complete the paragraph. Use your own information.

My name is . I am a .
I work in a . I have good work skills. I can
, and I can , too.

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140 3rd Edition 1 © Cambridge University Press 2018 Photocopiable

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