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Name : Muhammad Givahri Aldiansyah

NIM : 2193220003

Class : English Literature B/19


20 Weird things ONLY British people do!

The first strange habit of the British is that they put the carpet in the bathroom. I think this
custom is done because of their traditional culture. But not all bathrooms are covered with
carpet, which is covered with carpet in the sink and toilet, while the shower is not covered with
carpet. In my opinion, this is intended so that when you finish taking a shower, dry your body
first, until it is completely dry before getting out of the shower. The second habit is shouting with
slogans like "Waheeeeey", maybe this style of shouting has been around for a long time so that
the next generation just follows what has been there before. The third habit is an exaggerated
response to fireworks such as screaming very loudly when they are lit. The next habit is that a
cup of tea can lighten the mood; I think this habit is done to talk while enjoying a cup of tea so
that you can talk more relaxed. The next habit is to say "Oh, Go on then!" This habit is meant if
you hear something naughty. Collin the Caterpillar Cake, this custom is to buy this cake for
birthday celebrations because it is easy to cut, unlike birthday cakes in general which are square
or round. 320s! is a drink that is usually enjoyed when entering the adult stage. The next habit is
to say "to pop", to pop in British society means round, over, in, out, down, up.... In terms of food,
British people usually provide mock tails or cocktails. The next habit is to watch tv shows but
inside it shows people who are watching tv shows. This custom may be strange but it is normal
in the UK. The next habit of the British is to carry an umbrella everywhere, whether it is cold or
sunny. The next habit is to put eggs outside the refrigerator, unlike other countries that put eggs
in the refrigerator like the people of Indonesia. British people are very obsessed with the
weather, maybe this habit carried over because British society was once a sailor who always
depended on the weather. Confused about how to end a conversation, this habit may seem
strange but it is a normal thing in British society. The next habit is to apologize excessively.
Most British people eat half-finished sandwiches; maybe this is so they can add toppings at will.
50 Weird & Confusing facts about British Life & Culture

Most puzzling facts about British life and culture are that the conversations are like laughs with
numbers, like awkwardly laughs at 38 degrees. On Fridays or Sundays it's normal to see people
who are drunk on the streets. The next one is awkward when they pass someone at the door, they
are awkward who will pass first. In British they don't want whites but blacks or a little bit of
black. The next fact is that they have breakfast between 7 or 8, lunch before 12, and dinner at 6. I
think breakfast and lunch times are normal for some people from other countries, but dinner time
is usually done on at 7 or 8 pm. At the time of the wedding the bride is made like a queen by
putting flowers on her dress and holding a bouquet of flowers as she walks into the wedding hall
or garden. The next fact is that almost all rooms have carpets, starting from the stairs, floors, and
bathrooms; this is done because it has been around for a long time or is old-fashioned. The plug
in British different from other like plug on Europe. British plugs have three straight irons but are
square in shape, in contrast to plugs in Europe which are generally round.

What is Modern British Identity? They live: In Britain

From the video about what is British identity, from the video initially everyone from all over the
world came to Britain, because there are various ethnicities, various problems arise such as
racism, racism about skin, that British people are white people, while for black people told to
leave. But in the end this problem can be solved, as every society must respect each other, be it
ethnicity, religion, and skin color. Complexity allows the government to run well, such as the
prohibition of LGBT, anyone who violates it must be punished.

British National Identity

Maybe for some of us think British identity is tea, queen, and fingerprints. But in reality British
identity is not like that, British identity is a set of communal beliefs behaviors and often
emotional attachments that connect individuals or groups as one nation. British identity can be
interpreted as ethnic and civic. Civic is self-identity, speaking style, and concerned with politics
in British. British identity can also be characterized by traditions that have been passed down
from generation to generation, such as wearing a dress. In this video it is also said that the British
are multicultural because the British have people of various races, ethnicities, religions, and skin
colors. So multicultural is very important in British to respect each other. Because their culture
and style of language contribute to the culture of the country. Most British people are white and
8% Asian, 3% black, 2% mixed, and 1% other. To overcome racism or something else, the
British create a multicultural and free market, I don't think there is a prohibition on selling for
other ethnicities.

Multicultural Britain

In this video it is also said that British people are multicultural because British people have
different races, ethnicities, religions and skin colors. 1930 was the beginning of the migration of
people to England. And in 1940 there were Caribbean people who migrated late. In 1950 there
was another migration coming from the Commonwealth. Until now there are still many people
who come to England from various countries.

So multiculturalism is very important in the UK to respect each other, because their culture and
style of language contribute to the culture of the country. Most Britons are white and 8% Asian,
3% black, 2% mixed, and 1% other. To overcome racism or something else, England created a
multicultural and free market; I don't think there is any prohibition against selling to other

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