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 Humans can make quick decisions in response to changing

conditions or new discoveries, rather than waiting instructions
from earth. The human mind is capable of analyzing situations
and adapting to unexpected conditions, if necessary

The Apollo 17 astronauts covered more than 22 miles in three

days, a distance that has taken the Mars Opportunity rover
eight years to match.

 They are more mobile and have more agility than current

On the plus side, humans in space provide operational

flexibility, inspiration and native intelligence.
University of central florida
Summer 2014, Joshua Colwell, His research interests are the
origin and evolution of the solar system.
 Robots can be programmed to do amazing things, but they can
only do what they have been programmed or ordered to do.

Robotic spacecraft still need human direction, of course, from

scientists and engineers in control rooms on Earth. Unlike
astronauts, mission controllers are usually not celebrated in the
press. But if explorers Lewis and Clark were alive today, that's
where they would be sitting.
Scientific America. 2008

 An unmanned probe on a distant planet cannot be redesigned

to observe unexpected phenomena. While robots can collect
significant amounts of data, doing science in space requires

According to NASA
 has placed three wheeled robotic explorers on Mars. They have done
their missions very well. They took amazing photos and important
information surface the movement of these tree rovers on the surface
but was too slow.

astronauts could go further in their investigations, paying special

attention to the most useful and interesting discoveries.

 Observing space through the eyes of a robot is very different

from seeing it through human eyes.

Grainy black-and-white photos of the lunar surface taken

during the Apollo missions didn't give us all the information.
The words of the astronauts made us feel as if we were present
where they were.

 It is true that robotic missions are much less expensive than

human ones; they are also much less capable.

Unmanned spacecraft are often known for returning soil

samples from the Moon at low cost. But the results of those
missions are practically incomprehensible without the
paradigm provided by the results of the manned Apollo
program. During the Apollo missions, geologically trained
astronauts were able to select the most representative samples
from a given locality and recognize interesting or exotic rocks
and act on such discoveries.

No se puede comparar el análisis de un ser humano que posee

todas sus habilidades neurológicas a un robot que está
diseñado para seguir una serie de instrucciones

You cannot compare the analysis of a human being who

possesses all of his neurological abilities to a robot that is
designed to follow a series of instructions.

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