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Last year on September 2019-2020, I entered my last year of Quebec high school

system. It was really a weird thought for me, as I had started 4 years prior after
quitting 6th grade or my last primary school year, I had seen the previous older
secondary five leave as years passed, in contrast me and my friends moving up in
grades. Time had flied, we were all little for most, skinny and more kids than men,
now we are all much taller, have various degrees of facial hair (moustaches,
beards, none...) and more men than kids.

My school was pretty big, we had three levels of floors excluding the level 0,
there was a huge library on the second floor, where I would go and sit in my
favourite space to read BDs and mangas during the 2 breaks or lunch time. Further
on the ground level were two gymnasiums, we had a particular school calendar of 9
days where we could do certain activities in the gyms, I only went there for
"soccer(football)" or else read in the library. On the ground level, was a great
hall, where the majority would go to eat or chat, I have never eaten there lol. On
the other floors were the different classes, the space outside the school was
enormous, a vast terrain to play, a basketball court, volleyball playground etc.

Usually I would start my English classes in the afternoon, after dining and playing
soccer in the gym, so usually me and my friends were tired and sleepy. Our teacher
was French (Mrs. Adéline Labrosse), a great teacher. We did various activities as
reading like Oscar Wilde or Animal Farm, we watched videos, divided the class and
started debates, we watched a serie in the Friday (one tree hill) and answered
questions on a paper during the episode (relaxing evaluations), whatever, it was
one of our favorite class.

I could go on, but this is starting to be long, otherwise, I never really liked the
idea of quitting high school (as most of my friends did), I wasn’t particularly
excited about going to cégep, why ? There are many reasons, I am not enthusiastic
in the idea of working from 8am-6pm being a salary man, marrying, picking up your
kids at school, giving a ring to your wife for your ten years marriage under the
Tour Eiffel, having tons and tons of problems, just to retire at 60 years and to
enjoy fully your life with a deteriorating health. I just want to open my business
and make money, today in 2021 I reminisce on my high school years, the friends I
made, those who are still here, those who faded away, those I will make and where
I’ll be in the next coming years. I’m 17 right now so we shall see.

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