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Arts, Crafts and Calligraphy

Question No. 1: Explain how art is classified into different forms. Also explain the
importance of using different forms of art in education with logical justification.
Arts can be classified into five forms that are Fine art, performing art, Applied art, Decorative
art and Multimedia art.
Fine Art: It is the art that encompasses painting, Drawing, sculpture and print making. This
art is for intellectual atheistic intentions and purposes.
Performing Art: This art includes music, dance, film and related to theater. It is a kind of
performance-based skills where the massages are conveyed live by performing.
Applied Art: This is the art that used for the commercial purposes. It has large amount of
mass production used to print posters and also for building purposes.
Decorative Art: This type of art includes the calligraphy. Calligraphy is the beautification
words visually. This type is also used widely on buildings.
Multimedia Art: This art used the technology such as computer for 3D animations,
presentations and so on so forth. This art also includes the installation art which means one
can use multiple mediums.
Importance in education:
 Creativity and Innovation: Arts can be one of the easy and best ways to bring
creativity and innovation in the learning process. The learner can come up with
different ideas and can learn from one another.
 Easy way of learning and interesting: One of vital roles of such arts is the it can
easily transmit the ideas and the students can easily learn from them. Secondly, they
are the most interesting sources of learning. The learner can take part to perform and
feel things attractive.
 Cultural understanding and diversity: These Arts presents the cultural. The learner
will be keen to see the diversity of the cultural and understand the different cultures.
Diversity brings them close together.
 Multimodal Learning: Learners have different mood and styles of learning things.
Thus, educators can use diverse arts forms to engage the learners and this creates
inclusive learning experience.
Critical thinking and problem-solving: Arts can foster the critical thinking capability of the
learner and this leads to problem-solving.
Question No. 2: Define art as imitation by analyzing the ideas of Greek philosopher Plato
and relate it to one of your personnel experiences.
Arts as imitation refers to the presentation or mimicking of something that can be any object,
behavior or any concept and so on so forth.
Plato one of the Greek philosophers talks about imitation as mimesis in his book the “Ion”
which means the mimicking of physical world. Plato’s books representants his concerns
about the different Arts such as Poetry, Theater and oratory. Plato believed that Art if the
imitation of reality. His concerns were that all forms of Arts do not convey the truth. He
believed that poetry is the divine inspiration. Plato also talked about the theater and
concerned that they are not conveying the truth. Plato talk about Art that Art evokes emotions
and inspire the soul.
As per my personal experience, I have observed that Art surly evokes emotions and inspire
life. I have been to an Art exhibition event that was held to promote the Arts skills. It was a
great experience. The paintings were presenting the reality and the truth as the Plato has
discussed in his books. The Arts work presented over there were full of emotions and appeal
to the soul. The Arts represented the reality with truth that Plato emphasized most. I have
observed that the Art really aims to represent the truth and reality.
Question No. 3: Critically examine the significance of ‘Decorative arts’ for Pakistani society
by locating its roots in Muslim architecture.
Decorative Art is a visual type art. Decorative art is used to decorate something visually
appealing and attractive.
Decorative Arts have vital role in the Pakistani society. Calligraphy is the one of the
decorative arts that still have deep roots in Pakistani culture. Calligraphy was used in the
Islamic era for the Quranic texts to beautify them. Calligraphy can also be seen the building
in the Islamic architecture.
In Pakistani society its roots are found in the Muslim architecture. Pakistani society still has
been influenced by the Muslim architecture. It is multifaceted and plays crucial role in
shaping the cultural aesthetic and historical fabric of the country.
On one hand, such decorative serve as the country’s rich culture heritage. These arts
contribute to the cultural identity of the society. Islamic heritage and cultural tradition of
Pakistan, connecting the present with the past. Thus, they also serve as the artistic traditions
in the society.
On the other hand, such arts have practical usages and implications in the country and
society. Its significance can easily be observed from the practical uses of such arts in the
Pakistani society. The Pakistani society has used these arts in their building, writing and other
working places of the country which depicts the importance of such arts.
Moreover, such arts are the source of livelihood for the people in the country. These skills
are the source of bread and batter for the people in the country.
In short, It can be said that these arts have deep roots in the Pakistani society and are the part
of the country.

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