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Original Data (Metric)

Manufacture :
Conductor / Groundwire Name : OPGW 125
Diameter of Conductor : 15.20 mm
Weight per unit length : 0.76 kgf/m
Cross section Area : 122.80 mm2
Initial Tension : 2200 kgf
Initial Temperature : 10 deg. Celsius
Modulus of elasticity : 14,694.11 kgf/mm2
Linear Expansion coef : 13.7E-06 1/deg celsius
Final Temperature : 80 deg. Celsius

Conversion data (SI)

1 kgf or 1 kg : 9.81 N

Conductor Area : 122.8 mm2

Every Day Temp.(EDT), Basic condition temperature : 10 deg. Celsius
Demanded condition temperature : 80 deg. Celsius
Linear Coef of Expansion : 0.0000137 1/deg celsius
Modulus elasticity of Cond. : 144100.0 N/mm2
Basic condition weight of conductor per unit volume : 0.06053 N/mm2.m
Every Day Stress : 175.69 N/mm2

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