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"Did you say a nude beach?", I asked incredulously. Looking at my mother's face,
I repeated, "a nude beach?" Here was my mother, a partner in a major law firm in
San Diego telling me that she was going to a nude beach with my aunt Peg,
mother's fraternal twin. As I repeated my question, mother stood in front of me
with her hands on her hips, defiantly staring back at me. Although she was only
5'2" tall, mother was an imposing figure to many people. She had several fortune
500 clients that she represented and had argued in the U.S. Supreme Court. She
was a pillar of the community, a major political player in our state, and an active
member of our church. Now, she was telling me that she was going to a nude
beach with her sister Peg.

In many ways, mother was the entire package. She was a smart, pretty, 45-year-old
blonde who had a very successful career. Although the years had added a few
pounds, she was witty and charming and could hold the attention of any man she
met, except of course, my father. Another attorney as well, he had left my mother
for his 20-something secretary and had moved to Los Angeles to open a practice
catering to the rich and famous. She had been devasted by his revelations and had
tried to move on, but she was still pining over his departure.

I was in a similar position, having just had my college girlfriend of three years
leave me for a married man. I was at mother's home licking my wounds as well as
I hadn't dated anyone since the breakup four months ago. As an only child, I had
always been close to my mother, and I could tell that my stay with her had helped
her get over her loneliness.

I was not the only person helping mother get over her breakup. My Aunt Peg was
working overtime in that regard. A free-spirit brunette to mother's blonde-haired,
traditional nature, Aunt Peg had come to mother's rescue in many ways by getting
her out of her house and trying to expand mother's social circle. She had tried to
introduce mother to several of her male friends, but nothing ever came of those
introductions. Mother poured herself into her work to the point that it was all that
she had. I had just recently graduated from college and was temporarily staying
with her as I searched for an apartment. Both Aunt Peg and I were committed to
helping mother overcome her divorce from my father. But Aunt Peg's latest
attempt now included a trip to a nude beach. Even for Aunt Peg, the family's wild
child, this idea seemed a little out of left field. After all, mother had a reputation to
consider. What if word leaked out or worse a picture appeared of mother at the
beach? She stood to lose her conservative corporate clients as well as her social
and political standing.

At the risk of incurring mother's verbal wrath, I again asked "you are planning to
go to a nude beach?" I unconsciously rolled my eyes which perfectly
complemented my sarcastic tone. Mother did not react well.

"Don't you dare roll your eyes at me, Mister. And why not? You don't believe I
would go to a nude beach?" She had tilted her head slightly and narrowed her
eyes. She was prepared to go into full jury mode in her defense.
"Mother, be reasonable. You have a reputation in the legal community to consider,
but more importantly, I cannot see you being naked in front of strangers at a
beach. For God's sake, mother, have you ever even walked around nude in your
own house." Despite her beauty, mother was certainly not an exhibitionist in any
form. As I grew up, the closest to public nudity a one-piece bathing suit along with
a matching cover-up. That was as revealing that mother had ever been in front of
me or anyone else. Somehow, I could not picture mother being nude in any public

"Bobby, just because you haven't seen me nude doesn't mean I haven't. Did me to
walk around nude in front of you, my own son?" mother asked skeptically.

I quickly shot back. "No but answer the question. Have you ever even walked
around your own house naked, even when there is no one else home?" I knew
mother well enough to know the answer.

"Well, no", mother paused for a second, "but that doesn't mean I wouldn't go to a
nude beach. Don't think you know me enough to predict everything about me."

"Sorry, mother, I just don't see you headed off to a public nude beach and being
naked in front of strangers, especially since you are not even comfortable to walk
around your own house naked." I paused and raised my hands as if to ask her to

"Okay, you're right. It's something that I haven't done before, but I think I could."
Mother paused again. "Have you ever been to a nude beach?"

I had been once, but I did not wish to confess to mother. I merely responded no.
"Well then, Mr. Inquisitor, who are you to lecture me about whether I would go to
a nude beach when you have never been? I need to do something different. I'm
tired of just being the same old me. For once, I want to be a little risqué, a little
dangerous. I have always been afraid of pushing my personal boundaries. I really
want to have the courage to simply go to a nude beach."

"So then, mother, you're just going to walk onto a nude beach?" I continued my
debate with her. "And you can't even walk around your own house naked?"

"Then what do you suggest?" mother asked.

I thought for a moment and then proposed the following. "Start by just walking
around here without your clothes. It's a start."

"Right now?" she responded. "With you standing here?"

I shrugged my shoulders and said, "I wasn't talking about right this very moment
with me." Mother's adversarial nature came out. "SO, you so boldly proclaim that
I'm afraid, but so are you. You won't walk around here naked either."
"Well, mother, we were talking about you going to a nude beach, not me. But I
have no problems walking around here nude. It would be no big deal." I added a
smirk at the end for ultimate effect.

"Oh really", mother shot back, "you would be perfectly comfortable walking
around our home nude in front of your mother?" She narrowed her gaze as if to
force me to admit it.

"I would be perfectly comfortable. In fact, I could do that right now. Why not? If
you want to learn to be comfortable, why not around me? Your first time is either
in front of strangers or in front of your son. Pick your poison."

Mother thought for a second and said, "well, I'm not giving you a free strip show
here. If I'm going to walk around naked, you either must leave or get undressed as

For a microsecond, the realization hit me that mother was proposing that we both
undress and be naked in front of each other. That result wasn't really the direction
of my advice. Sure, mother was pretty, but I really hadn't intended this to happen.
After all, she was still my mother. But something pushed me forward down this

With a slight nodding of my head, I said, "sure, if that will help you. What if we
both undress in our rooms and come out in 5 minutes? You can even text me when
you are ready." She agreed and we retired to our rooms.

Just wearing some summer shorts and a shirt, I was undressed within a minute. I
must admit I felt a little anxious about what I was about to do. I looked briefly in
the mirror in my room trying the visualize the reaction that mother would have
when she saw me. At 22 and standing at 5'8", I was in shape and my circumcised
cock, although average, was nothing about which to be ashamed. Just before the 5
minutes expired, mother texted me "ready?" A simple "yes" was texted to her. I
walked out of my door and into the kitchen. Mother appeared within seconds. She
stopped about 5 feet in front of me.

I was not new to seeing naked female bodies, but I was stunned by seeing mother's
naked body for the first time. Standing in the kitchen in front of me was this older
but beautiful blonde. I had seen her pretty face all my life, but I had no idea that
mother's body would appeal to me so much. Her body was perfectly tapered from
her breasts to her slim waist, expanding again at her hips to frame her light blonde
bush. The extra pounds at her hips gave her a Rubenesque look. Mother's body
could have been the subject of several paintings by the masters I had seen over the
years. Without seeming too obvious, I tried to memorize every feature in my mind.

Mother was the first to speak. "So, what do we do now?"

"We just go about our business as usual", I responded. "It's just a matter of getting
comfortable being naked in front of each other." Even as I spoke those words, I
knew normalcy was not going to happen. Here was mother, her nude body on
display for me to see, and I was talking about getting comfortable. My mother or
not, here was a beautiful woman standing naked in front of me. I could feel that
familiar feeling rising within me and with it my cock beginning to harden. I had to
get my mind occupied elsewhere before I got an erection.

"It's about lunchtime, so why don't we set the table?", mother offered. I nodded
and went to the kitchen cabinet to get the plates and glasses. I forced myself to
look in every direction except mother as I set the table. Meanwhile, mother was
preparing a couple of salads from the refrigerator. We carried on with small talk as
we both prepared for lunch, but no matter how much I wanted to remain
nonchalant, the vision of mother's naked body kept playing over and over in my
mind. Fortunately, I was able to sit down opposite her at the small, 4-person
kitchen table before my slowly hardening cock became too obvious. I was grateful
that mother did not suggest that we eat outside on the glass-top table on the patio.

As lunch wore on, I tried my best to look at mother's face, but my libido kept my
attention on mother's breasts during the meal. I could not help but notice how her
breasts were topped with pink nipples and areolas. Even at 45, her breasts did not
sag in the least. They were certainly not large, one could say even smaller than
average, but their shape was perfectly matched to their size. How I carried on a
conversation at all was a miracle since my subconscious kept flashing images of
me as I licked those nipples in my mind. I found myself shifting from a son
repulsed by the idea of my mother as a sexual object to a son who was longing to
examine every inch of mother's body. With each passing moment, my cock
became harder and harder.

At last, we had both finished. Mother offered to clean up, giving me a reason to
remain seated so I could conceal my erection. As mother stood to retrieve my
plate, I was eye level with her pussy, which I consumed in my mind. Then she
leaned in to pick up my plate, her breasts swung slightly to me. With a slight lean
forward, I could have placed my lips on either tit, but I kept my composure. She
walked to the sink, giving me a clear view of her teardrop shaped ass. There was
no way now I could stand without revealing my erection to mother. So, I kept my
seat as mother and I continued to talk about everything, about nothing.

Mother soon cleaned up and I excused myself as soon as her back was turned.
Walking to my room with my back to her, my hard cock bobbed up and down with
every step. Just before I turned the corner to my room, I could see mother looking
into a mirror on the wall at me. The reflection clearly showed my erection for her
to see. Her eyes were locked on my bobbing cock as I turned the corner. Entering
my room, I closed the door and caught my breath for a few moments before I
started stroking my cock with wild abandon. The experience of sitting in the same
room with my naked mother along with the mental images of her naked body
caused me to orgasm with a couple of minutes. Streams of cum shot from my cock
into my waiting hand, causing my knees to almost buckle as I stood in my room. I
stood there for several minutes, trying to process what had just happened. I had
never thought of my mother in a sexual way, and here I was masturbating to her
naked body. Cleaning up, I looked in the mirror to make sure no tell-tale signs of
my masturbation was not visible. I walked back out to the living room.
Mother was nowhere to be seen, but I noticed that her door was closed. Walking
into the kitchen, I grabbed a bottled water from the frig and walked out to the back
patio. A high fence prevented our neighbors from peering into our yard, so I had
completed privacy as I walked around totally nude. The feeling was totally

Mother soon joined me on the patio and stood next to me as we overlooked the
pool in our backyard. The day was unseasonable hot for San Diego, so I naturally
suggested that we go for a swim. Mother quickly agreed, and we both raced each
other as we dove into the pool. From the deep end, I swam underwater until I
reached shallower water. As I broke the surface and stood on the bottom with my
face just above the water, I saw mother coming up a couple of feet in front of me.
As she broke the surface, she attempted to comb her hair back with her hands, but
with her 5'2" height, she quickly began to sink. I instinctively reached out and
grabbed her arms to keep her from sinking. For a split second, I wanted to feel her
pressed against me, but I resisted the urge to pull her close. Nevertheless, her
proximity to me allowed her breasts to slide ever-so-slightly against my chest as I
raised her head above the surface. As they did, my cock began to expand once
more. I continued to hold mother up at eye level, her body now just a bare foot
away. Laughing at her unintentional dunking, we continued our conversation.

"Well, I have to say this is something entirely new", mother began. "I never knew
how great it would feel to be outside nude in my own back yard. I am wondering
now how it would be on the beach."

"Me too", I agreed. "Maybe I'll tag along with you and Aunt Peg." As I continued
to hold her by her arms, we managed to make small talk, but I kept easing mother
closer and closer to me until I felt her tits in constant contact with my chest.
Meanwhile, my cock continued to grow until I could feel the tip barely touching
mother's thigh. If mother was aware of my hard cock touching her, she made no
effort to push back away from me or to show any displeasure with the situation.
With my mother's naked body contacting my own, my previous lack of a sexual
interest in mother was replaced with an unmistakable desire to feel my cock
entering my mother's pussy. I wanted to impale mother on my now hard cock.
Nevertheless, I held back in fear of what would happen if made any further

We continued to talk for some time, barely inches from one another. With the sun
beginning to get low in the horizon, mother said, "I think it might be time for
dinner." And with that statement, she gently pushed back against my chest. I
released my grip on her arms, and she swam a few feet away. Suddenly, she
stopped, swam back to me, and pulled herself up by my shoulders to kiss me
softly, briefly on my lips. As she did, I felt her breasts pressed against my chest in
earnest. For that brief moment, I felt her breasts mashed against me, and as her
body floated closer to me, my cock pressed between her legs before she again
pushed off me and swam away.
As mother exited the pool, my eyes were locked on her sensuous ass as she
climbed the concrete steps. Walking over to a cabinet where we kept towels,
mother retrieved one and then began to dry herself. At first, her back was to me as
she wiped her face and upper body. Then, with a slow, deliberate move, she
slightly spread her legs and bent over at the waist. As she dried her legs, I could
see the unmistakable outline of her pussy, her pubic hair surrounding those
luscious lips of her vagina. After drying her legs, she slowly turned towards me.
Placing the towel on her head, she began to dry her hair as she looked in my
direction. She continued to dry herself in full view of me.

All the while, I just stood in the pool watching mother with no pretense of averting
my eyes or to otherwise conceal my desire to see every inch of her. As if some
scene in a movie, I watched her as she watched me. Having dried herself, mother
asked if I was going to get out of the pool. I knew that my cock was hard, but I
didn't care. As I came out of the water, my erect cock was plain to see. I walked
slowly towards mother, my cock bobbing as it had before. Mother's eyes darted
between my own and my bobbing cock. Reaching her, she took another towel and
began to dry me off. Working down from my shoulders, she gradually toweled me
off. As she reached my lower stomach, she paused.

"I think you can handle it from here", she said in almost a whisper. For several
seconds, we stood frozen in time as she and I looked into one another's eyes. I
could see her mouth slightly open, her breathing increasing with my own. I could
feel both of us leaning in just before our trance was broken by the ringing of her
cell phone. For a slight moment, I saw in her eyes the hint of disappointment,
possibly anger brought on by the interrupting phone. Handing me the towel, she
hurried to the kitchen to answer the call. I stood, mesmerized by the sight of my
naked mother's wiggling ass as she stepped up the three steps into our home. With
heavy disappointment of what could have been, I walked into the house and into
my room.

Once inside my room, I was tempted to masturbate once again, but I wanted to feel
not my hand, but mother's warm pussy surrounding my cock. I could hear her on
the phone talking to a client about an upcoming trial. I knew that whatever might
have occurred, the opportunity had come and past. I heard her saying goodbye. I
was walking to the door when I heard mother call out to me that she was skipping
dinner and going straight to bed. I yelled out goodnight to her and I heard her door
close. I wanted so much to go to her bedroom, grab her up in my arms, and to
force her onto her bed. But I chose to remain in my room for the rest of the night,
fearing that any advance on my part would be a disaster.

The next morning was a Saturday. I woke up about 7:30 with the smell of coffee
brewing in the kitchen. I quickly showered and headed out to the kitchen still
naked. I did not know if mother was going to be practicing her nudity, but I was
willing to continue my part. Walking from my bedroom to the kitchen, I was both
relieved and excited to see mother was nude as well. Apparently, she had chosen
to remain nude as well. She was pouring a cup of coffee as I entered.
"Good morning", I began. Looking briefly in my direction, she responded in kind
before handing me a coffee cup.

"I wasn't sure if you were going to continue with our little nudity game", mother
said. "I'm glad that I am not standing here as the only one naked in the room." She
smiled as she poured coffee into my cup.

"Me too", I said. "I was thinking how embarrassing it might have been to walk out
here to see you in your usual robe. I was afraid of what you might think."

"Bobby, I think that we need to talk about something. We are standing here in
front of each other naked. I know that you are my son and I'm your mother, but we
are both adults. Mother and son aside, biological urges might occur that", she
hesitated as she searched for the right words, "could complicate both of our lives. I
couldn't help but to notice that your", she again paused, "that, as Mae West would
have put it, you were 'glad to see me.' I'm flattered that you find your mother
attractive enough to have those feelings, but we simply cannot go any further than
we have. I would hate doing something that we would both regret. Don't you

I couldn't have disagreed more, but I knew better than to press the subject any
further at this point. At the very least, I was getting to see mother totally naked,
something that I didn't want to jeopardize. So, I nodded in agreement.

"I understand, and you're right. We need to watch ourselves." I said approvingly.
"We haven't crossed any lines yet. Agreed?"
"Agreed," mother responded. Then, in typical attorney fashion, she held out her
hand to seal the deal with a handshake. I likewise shook her hand, but after the
customary handshake, we continued to stand there holding each other's hand. Once
again, we seemed lost in the moment as we contemplated our individual thoughts.
The mere touch of her hand once again brought about the rising of my cock. I saw
her glance down.

"Uh oh. Looks like someone might be getting a little excited. Better put that thing
away." And with a playful slap, she gave my cock a slight push with her palm. We
both giggled, but the touch of her hand, however brief, just fueled me even more.

"Sorry, it has a mind of its own. Maybe I should excuse myself." I turned but
before I could leave, I felt mother's hand on my shoulder.

"That's silly. Don't go. It's perfectly natural that a young man gets excited. I'm just
flattered that I have brought that reaction out of you. Please stay, that is if you can
control yourself." She laughed at the last remark.

"Well," I replied, "I guess I can control myself, if you insist." I made a pouty face
to accompany my response.

"Just watch where you point that thing", mother laughingly said as she looked at
my hardening cock. "I don't want it to go off. Someone might get hurt." We both
laughed, but I was thinking of how I much wanted it to go off with her help. I
briefly thought of how I would love to have her hand wrapped around my cock,
but it was a thought that I kept to myself and quickly dismissed.

So, with my semi-erect cock, mother and I continued to have coffee with one
another. As our conversation lingered, I was able to dismiss partially from my
mind the fact that mother was naked in front of me. Even so, I could not help but
to watch every turn of her body, every step with her sensuous legs, every slight
bounce of her breasts. After a while, we finished having coffee and we both
dressed to go out for separate errands that we had.

Late that afternoon, I drove back into our garage. As I entered the house from the
garage, I was wondering if mother had made it back home. That question was
answered as I stepped inside. Once again, I heard mother talking on her phone to a
client. I followed her voice to the kitchen. As I entered, I noticed mother with her
back to me. True to our experiment, she was once again totally naked. She did not
notice me, so I quietly and quickly went to my room to disrobe. Returning to the
kitchen, I saw that mother was bent slightly over the table as she took notes on a
legal pad. As before when she was drying herself at the pool, I had an
unobstructed view of her lovely ass, which in turn framed her pussy lips as they
protruded slightly from behind. I needed no other stimulus, and I felt my cock
beginning to grow once again. Within moments, my cock was fully engorged.

In my fertile imagination, I picture walking up behind her, I gently placed my

hands on her hips. Briefly turning around, mother would acknowledge my
presence with a slight nod and continued to take notes of her conversation. Taking
my cock into my hand, I place it at the entrance of her pussy. As it touches the
outside, mother stiffens and stops in mid-sentence. She tells the other person that
she will call them back and places the phone on the counter. As she grabs the
edges of the counter, she slightly parts her legs to allow me to push into her. With
small increments, I work my cock further and further into her until I am sliding the
entire length in and out. Mother begins to moan and urges me to fuck her.

My fantasy is interrupted when mother turns around and notices me. "Mr. Roland,
please let me call you back. Something has come up. Let me call you in about an
hour. That's right, I'll call you back in a bit." Mother pressed end on her phone and
leans back on the counter.

"Bobby, I did not hear you come in." Looking down at my erection, mother raises
her eyebrows briefly then looked back up at me. "Wow, again. Bobby, maybe we
better talk." Taking me by the hand, she leads me to the couch in our living room.
We sit down next to one another about a foot apart.

With a serious look, mother began the conversation. "Bobby, I am flattered that
you think that I am attractive enough to arouse your attention, but I am your
mother. I shouldn't be the object of your sexual desires. Let's not lose sight of why
we began to walk around our house nude. It was supposed to be about making me
comfortable enough with my own nudity to be able to sit on a nude beach.
Unfortunately, I seem to be causing you to be aroused constantly, and after all, we
are two adults with normal desires. Maybe we should stop this right now. I don't
want us to go any further with anything that we might regret."

Her last choice of words was curious to me. She chose to note that WE were two
adults with normal desires and that nothing should happen that WE might regret.
She did not point only at me. Was she saying that she was feeling some desires as

I began to edge out on the ice. "Mother, I don't want to make you uncomfortable. I
apologize that I keep getting an erection around you, but you must realize that are
very pretty, and even if you are my mother, your naked body does arouse me." I
paused to carefully craft my next words. "You are right, you are my mother, and I
should not have these desires for you, even if you are naked in front of me. I feel
like some pervert." I tossed the bait on the water to see her response.

Mother shook her head slightly. "Bobby, you are not a pervert. You are having
natural desires. And it is not just you. The truth is that I am feeling those same
desires. Ever since your father left, I have not... been with anyone else. I am a
woman in my sexual prime, and I have a handsome young man standing in front of
me with an erection. I guess that I am afraid that I might surrender to those desires.
I don't want us to make a mistake that we can't undo."

We sat in a silence permeated with unknowns and sexual cravings. I reached for
mother's hand and scooted closer to her. Looking into her eyes, I spoke to her in a
quiet voice. "Mother, I would never be ashamed of anything that I did with you."
With our eyes locked on each other's, I placed my left hand on mother's thigh. It
was now or never. I leaned in to kiss her.

"Bobby, we shouldn't be doing this." She finished the sentence just as our lips met.
At first, mother simply touched her lips to mine, in the same way as any mother
would kiss her child. Slowly but steadily, mother began to respond to my kisses.
Within short order, our tongues were intertwined as I pulled her close to me. As
we continued to kiss passionately, I slid my hand down to her breast and cupped it
gently. Mother took a deep breath and broke our kiss.

"Bobby, we should stop this right now. I was afraid of this happening. We can't do
this." Yet, even as she spoke, I couldn't help to notice that she had placed her hand
on my thigh. Within moments, mother had my cock in her hand, gently gliding up
and down the shaft with her fingers. I allowed my hand to drop to her waist.
Mother responded by slightly parting her legs.

Placing my fingers at the top of her pussy, I slid my middle finger down until I felt
her moistened opening. With a slight crook of my finger, I pressed into mother's
pussy. Mother immediately reacted by arching her back and spreading her legs
further. Slowly, I worked my finger into mother's tight, wet hole as she began to
gyrate her hips in rhythm with the thrusts of my finger. Over and over, I pushed
my finger in mother as far as I could. I could feel mother's passion rising with my
own. Her hand was lightly stroking my cock, building my excitement higher and
higher. I knew that I would not be able to hold out much longer. I wanted to finish
with my cock inside mother.

With my body against hers, I pushed mother back on the couch. As I did, mother
continued to question our actions with a series of statements and questions. "We
shouldn't be doing this. I'm not on any birth control. What if I get pregnant? You
are my son. What if someone found out? We should stop this now before we go
any further." Even as she spoke, mother laid back and placed her left leg over the
back of the couch. I could see my mother lying naked before me, and despite her
words, her spread legs were an invitation for me to enter her.

Sliding on top of her, I positioned my cock at the opening of her pussy. I was
about to push forward when mother spoke with an air of concern. "Are you sure
you want to do this?" Looking into my eyes, I knew that she wanted some
affirmative approval from me. I simply nodded and began to press forward. As the
head of my cock split her vaginal lips, mother gasped. "Oh Bobby, I know we
shouldn't be doing this, but you feel so good. Push further in me, baby." With
those words, mother wrapped her legs around my waist and pulled me forward.

I began to work my cock in and out of mother, fighting back the urge to cum so
soon. Shortly, I was plunging deep into mother's pussy. With mother rotating her
hips, I could feel the urge coming sooner than I wanted.

In an urgent voice, I whispered, "mother, I am about to cum."

Mother clung to me tighter. "I don't care. Cum in me, baby. CUM IN ME!" She
practically shouted her words. She then kissed me deeply.

Her words were the final trigger. I could feel my balls contract for a second before
they began to spasm over and over. Driving deep into her, I felt the hot rush of
semen forced into mother's waiting pussy. Again and again, my cock spasmed as it
delivered my cum into her. Even after the spasms stopped, I continued to grind
into mother's pussy.

Afterwards, mother and I continued to lay there, her legs wrapped around my body
as we repeatedly kissed. The minutes went by and neither of us made a move to
uncoupled. In an almost playful gesture, mother squeezed the muscles of her
pussy, forcing my flaccid cock out of her.

"Was that an eviction notice?" I jokingly said. Mother laughed. "No, just a signal
that our first round is over. Let's take a dip in the pool." We got up, walked to the
back yard, and jumped into the pool. We immediately found each other and locked
once more in an embrace.

As I held mother in my arms, she kissed me. Then, she said with a look of passion
and love, "you know, I'm not on any type of birth control. We might have just
made a baby." Her statement contained no condemnation or regret. With a
pleading look, she continued to gaze into my eyes.
I looked over her shoulder for a moment. Looking back into her eyes, I said, "yes,
we might have. And to be honest, I hope that you are getting pregnant right now. I
hope that my sperm is impregnating you as we speak."

Mother leaned in to kiss me again. We held our kiss for a long time before we
broke our lips embrace. With silent looks of approval, we stared into each other's
eyes. Perhaps it was the moment, or maybe mother's body pressed against mine. In
any event, I felt my cock rising once more to the occasion.

Mother noticed my arousal as well. "Come on, let's go to my... let me correct that.
Our bedroom." And with that she led me by the hand from the pool to her bed.

As we toweled off one another, I could feel our sexual energy rising moment by
moment. As we finished, I picked mother up in my arms and laid her gently on the
bed. She scooted over to allow me to join her. As we embraced, there were no
questions of right or wrong. No hesitancy of the roles of mother and son. We knew
that we wanted to fulfill our sexual urges as long and often as possible.

It was not long before we were on the verge of coupling again. Once again, mother
questioned me. "Are you sure that you want to do this? You might make me
pregnant, if you haven't already."

I quickly responded. "I can't tell you why, but I want to give you a baby, mother. I
don't know why, I just do."

Mother raised her eyebrows to express her surprise. "Me too!! For some reason, I
just need to have a baby with you. I wasn't planning this three days ago, but
somehow this feels right. So, if you are sure...." I nodded in agreement. "Then",
mother replied, "let's make a baby." She immediately reached and grabbed my
cock, pulled me over onto her, and guided me into her.

As I entered her, mother pulled me close to whisper in my ear. "I need you to cum
in me, Bobby. Please give me a baby." As before, I gradually drove my cock into
mother. In and out, I pushed and pulled my cock until my entire length was inside
her. Having cum inside her in the last hour, I had the staying power that I needed.
Laying on top of her, I could feel mother as she hooked her legs behind my own.
Progressively building, our mutual orgasms were rising higher and higher.

"Roll over", mother commanded. Holding tight to her, I rolled over on my back,
my cock never leaving her pussy. Once on top, mother placed both of her hands on
my chest and started riding my cock up and down. With her breasts hanging down
and her pussy swallowing my cock over and over, my view of mother once again
made my passion rise. Mother continued to ride my cock as I cupped her breasts
with my hands. Looking at her face, I could tell that mother was getting close to
cumming. I reached to grab her ample ass with my hands. I spread her cheeks and
reached to touch her anus with my middle finger. I lightly touched the outside of
her asshole. Apparently, that was the signal to mother's brain. I felt her squeeze my
cock with her pussy as she began to cum. She pulled me close to her.
"Bobby, cum in me. I need your cum in me. GIVE ME A BABY!" Her begging
for a baby was as much as I needed. Once again, I felt my cock blast streams of
semen in mother's pussy as she repeatedly asked for me to give her a baby. As my
orgasm subsided, mother collapsed on top of me, panting in my ear to match my
own gasps for air. We soon fell asleep with mother lying on top of me. She was
still lying on top of me when I woke up in the morning.

The next morning, we grabbed a long hot shower together. Standing in the shower,
we took the opportunity of the hot water to embrace and enjoy long kisses in
between soaping and rinsing one another. Offering to wash her hair, I watched as
mother turned her back to me. I washed and rinsed her hair but standing close to
her gorgeous ass allowed me to playfully touch my cock to her ass. I soon pulled
her close and reached around her to massage her breasts as my cock pressed
against her ass. Mother leaned her head back on my shoulder as I kissed her neck.

Mother soon interrupted the moment. "Let's get back into bed." No other
encouragement was needed for me. Quickly drying off, we hurried to the side of
her bed. Once again, I picked mother up and placed her in the middle. As I looked
down on mother, I could not help but to stare at her naked, blonde pussy before
me. Slightly parted, I could see the opening just beyond the lips of her pussy. I
leaned forward and cupped mother's ass in my hands as I pressed my face to her
bush. Mother responded by gently stroking my hair as I started licking around her
clit. I gently touched her clit with slight brushes of my tongue, occasionally
forcing my tongue into her hole. As I worked over mother's pussy, she grabbed my
hair as her passions began to rise. Within minutes, mother arched her back and
cried out in delight. I continued to lick until she pulled my face up. Using her
hands, she wiped my face clean before telling me, "Put your baby maker into me,
my darling son."

As I pulled myself on top of mother, she guided my cock into her wet pussy and
wrapped her legs behind mine. At first, I teasingly allowed just the tip to enter her.
Resisting her pulling me forward with her legs, I kept easing just the tip of my
cock into her pussy. Little by little, I allowed the length of my shaft to push further
and further into her, only to withdraw to just the tip. My actions were driving
mother mad with passion. Finally, I felt her pull me with all her might as she
breathlessly whispered, "I need all of you in me now." Plunging forward, I felt my
cock explore the deepest regions of mother's receptive pussy. I continued to sink in
and out until I could hold out no longer. Mother sensed my coming orgasm and
with a determined scream shrieked "cum in me. Cum in me now!"

With jets of hot semen, I came over and over into mother's waiting womb. If my
determination alone could have made her pregnant, she was going to have a baby
now. As I grinded into her now tightened pussy, mother continued to implore me
to give her a child. I emptied as much of my cum as I could. Our sweating, panting
bodies continued to lie there for an hour as we sweetly kissed one another.

Our attempts at producing a child were not in vain. Several months later, I was
pursuing the same career path of my parents as I sat in semester finals at law
school. Having finished my first test, I checked my text messages. The one from
mother told me what I needed to know. She simply wrote "I have something for
you in the oven." There was no doubt in my mind about its meaning.

Once I finished my semester tests, mother treated Aunt Peg and me to a trip to
Sarasota, Florida, a trip to celebrate the completion of my first semester at law
school. Still looking to fulfill her goal, she had picked Sarasota for the nude beach
that happened to be nearby. With Aunt Peg in tow, we flew into Sarasota and
checked into three separate rooms at an upscale hotel. Later that afternoon, we
drove the beach and parked. Mother was still somewhat anxious but was
nevertheless determined to walk along a beach totally nude. We walked to an open
spot among the sparce crowd, laid out our blankets, and disrobed. The sun and
open air felt refreshing after the last few weeks of constant study.

I couldn't have felt luckier. Here I was sitting with two beautiful women totally
nude in front of me. One was blonde carrying my child and the second brunette.
Without being too obvious, I drank in every square inch of my aunt's body. Similar
in shape and size, the one noticeable difference was that Aunt Peg has completely
shaved her pubic hair. I had a clear view of her vaginal lips, along with the slight
hint of her clitoris as it protruded slightly out. My fantasies began to take hold as I
imagined pushing Peg down on her blanket and pressing my face to her shaved
pussy. Forcing myself to rejoin the present, I looked out to the gulf and took a
deep breath.

From the moment we sat down, mother and Aunt Peg were immediately engaged
in conversation. For an hour they talked about their current situations, which
included a healthy discussion of my father's young secretary. She had recently left
my father for someone closer to her age, but not before relieving him of fifty
thousand dollars from his bank account. Word of that situation had come to her
through the legal circles, the ultimate gossip machine.

After a thorough trashing of my father and his poor choice, mother stood to take a
quick dip in the warm waters of the gulf. As she stood, Aunt Peg noticed
something for the first time. "Paula", as she addressed mother, "do I see... a baby
bump?" Her face was full of surprise.

Mother smiled wryly. "I was saving that news for later, but yes you do." Placing
her hands on her stomach, she looked down at Peg. "I can't wait to see my new
bundle of joy."

Paula sat on the blanket with her mouth wide open. "Then, who's the father? Don't
leave me in suspense." Peg sat with her hands on her hips while she anticipated
mother's answer.

Mother coyly said, "a lady never kisses and tells. That is a secret that I have no
desire to reveal. You can refer to him as Mr. X."

That last statement led to a whole new conversation wherein Peg tried to pry as
much information about the mystery father as she could. Mother, the consummate
attorney, failed to give much information at all. She artfully dodged all of Peg's
questions, allowing only that she was glad that he is the father.
"And no", mother concluded, "I won't be marrying him. We are comfortable with
the current situation."

Peg interrupted, "Paula! He's married?" She asked the question with the tone of
discovery mixed with a quest to confirm her suspicions.

Mother shot back. "No, silly. He is not married. But he is in a long-term

relationship with someone who he truly loves and who loves him. That is all I am
allowing in the way of information.

Aunt Peg, seeing she was getting nowhere, changed the direction of the
conversation to ask more about the baby, the due date, and other topical questions
when a new baby was on the way. My attention waned as I slowly drifted to sleep
with the setting sun.

I had only slept a few minutes when mother shook me awake. "Time to go to the
room, sleepy head." I looked around to see Aunt Peg carrying her blanket, now
fully dressed and headed to the car. I stood and reached down for my clothes.
"Were you planning to sleep in my room tonight?" mother asked as she dressed as

Still nude, I answered, "why not?" Mother nodded and kissed me deeply. I was
concerned for a second about Aunt Peg, but I quickly fell into the moment
returning mother's kiss with enthusiasm. Immediately, I began to feel my cock

Mother noticed and gave it a quick pat. "Put that thing away for right now. I have
some uses for it later, however."

I quickly dressed, and we headed for the car. Before we reached the car, mother
informed me that I had missed the conversation between herself and Peg.
Apparently, Peg was lamenting that she had no children at all and that she wanted
to know if the mystery donor was available.

"What do you think, stud? Can you impregnate my sister as well?" I nodded and
looked up to see Aunt Peg up ahead looking directly at me with a smile on her
face. "And about sleeping in my room tonight", mother continued, "I need to ask
you for a favor." As I continued to walk towards Aunt Peg, I could feel my cock
hardening in anticipation. It was about to be a very interesting vacation.

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