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Micro Teaching

By Himanshi Singh
• “Microteaching is a scaled down (अव#ेणीयन)
teaching encounter in class size and time.”
- D.W.Allen
• Microteaching is a technique used for the
development of skills in Pupil Teachers.
ू म &श(ण एक तकनीक है , िजसका इ6तेमाल छा:-
अ=यापक@ मA कौशल के Cवकास के &लए Eकया जाता है ।)
• Also called scaled down teaching
(इसे !यन
ू ता &श(ण उपागम भी कहा जाता है ।)
• The concept of micro-teaching was originated in
Stanford University in 1963 by Dwight Allen.
ू म &श(ण क: अवधारणा ?वेन एलन Cवारा 1963 मH
Iटै नफोडN OवPवOवCयालय मH उRपSन हुई थी।)
• In India micro teaching was introduced
by D.D. Tiwari in 1967 at CPI, Allahabad.
(भारत म, स.
ू म /श1ण क4 श6ु आत डी.डी.
;तवार= 1967 म, सीपीआई, इलाहाबाद म, ।)
• In micro-teaching we reduce:
• Class size 5-10 pupils.
• Time duration 5-10 minutes.
• Topic Size.
• Classroom complexities.
Teaching Skills as per Allen
1. Stimulus Variation 9. Divergent questions
2. Set induction 10. Recognizing and attending
3. Closure behaviour
4. Teacher silence and non-verbal 11. Illustrating and use of examples
cues 12. Lecturing
5. Reinforcing pupil participation 13. Planned repetition
6. Fluency in questioning 14. Completeness of
7. Probing questioning communication
8. Use of higher questions
Teaching Skills as per B.K Passi
1. Writing instructional objectives 8. Silence and non-verbal cues
2. Introducing a lesson 9. Reinforcement
3. Fluency in questioning 10. Increasing pupil participation
4. Probing questioning 11. Using black board
5. Explaining 12. Achieving Closure
6. Illustrating with examples 13. Recognizing attending behavior
7. Stimulus variation
Teaching Skills as per NCERT
1. writing instructional 7. Response 15. Achieving closure of
objectives management the lesson
2. Organizing the 8. Explaining 16. Giving assignments
content 9. Illustrating with 17. Evaluating the pupil’s
3. Creating set for examples progress
introducing the 10. Using teaching aids 18. Diagnosing pupil
lesson learning difficulties
4. Introducing a lesson 11. Stimulus variation and taking remedial
5. Structuring classroom12. Pacing of the lesson measures
questions 13. Promoting pupil 19. Management of the
6. Question delivery participation class
and its distribution 14. Use of blackboard
Core Skills to Practice

1. Skill of probing Questions

2. Skill of explaining
3. Skill of illustrating With Examples
4. Skill of stimulus Variation
5. Skill of reinforcement
6. Skill of questioning
7. Skill of using Blackboard
8. Skill of introducing a lesson
Steps of Micro Teaching

Step 1: Skill Defining.

Step 2: Demonstration by Experts.
Step 3: Preparing Micro Lesson Plan.
Step 4: Teaching in small Groups.
Step 5: Discussion
Step 6: Re-planning
Step 7: Re-teaching
Step 8: Re-evaluation
• Teach: 6 Minutes
• Feedback: 6 Minutes
• Re-Plan: 12 Minutes
• Re-Teach: 6 Minutes
• Re-Feedback: 6 Minutes
Q.1 Micro-teaching is: Q. स#
ू म &श(ण से अ&भHाय है :
A. teaching micro-concepts of the A. Cवषय कK स#
ू म अवधारणाओं को
subject. समझाना।
B. teaching at micro level. B. स#
ू म 6तर पर अ=यापन करना।
C. providing detailed explanation of C. अवधारणाओं तथा &सSधांत@ का
concepts and principles. Cव6तत
ृ Cववरण दे ना।
D. practicing different teaching skills D. Cव&भVन अ=यापन कौशल@ का
separately. पथ
ृ क Wप मA अXयास करना।
Q.1 Who developed Q. स#
ू म &श(ण CवYध का Cवकास

Micro Teaching initially? Eकसने Eकया था?

A. डब\य.ू एच. Eक\पै_`क
A. W H Kilpatrick
B. aवाइट डब\यू एलन
B. Dwight W Allen
C. एच. सी. मोरcसन
C. HC Morrison
D. एडमंड ए&मडन
D. Edmund Amidon
Team Teaching (समह
ू -श/ण)

• Team teaching involves a group of instructors working

purposefully, regularly, and cooperatively to help a group of
students of any age learn.
• (ट"म %श'ण म) *कसी भी उ0 के छा45 के समह ू को सीखने म) मदद करने के %लए
उ?दे @यपण
ू ,C Eनय%मत और सहकार" Hप से काम करने वाले J%श'क5 का एक समह ू
शा%मल है ।)
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Instagram: Himanshisinghofficial

Facebook Page: letslearnforctet

Telegram Channel: LETSLEARNSQUAD

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