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Let’s talk about quality management. As we discuss the topic, we have 3 key questions.

What is quality?

Steps lead towards….

Total quality management….

One of the significant parts of operations management is quality management. It plays a big role in the
improvement of operations, in a way of making changes to operations for the betterment of outcomes for
the customers. In most organizations, quality management is one of the main drivers of development.

First let us define quality on a point of view of the operation. In simple words, its defined as the
consistent conformance to customer’s expectation. It is a customer-oriented approach.

Let’s breakdown the definition of quality.

Compliance to a specific standard.

Consistent meaning there is accuracy and uniformity.

Customer’s expectation is involving their perspective in the product creation.

Next is the definition of quality in customer’s view.

Quality, based on customer’s perspective, depends on how they perceive it to be. It varies for every
customer, some bases it to what they need, to what they like or compare it to other products.

To sum it up, Quality can be defined as the degree of fit between customers’ expectations and customer
perception of the service or product.

There are two main reasons for the importance of quality management.

So, we have here a figure to see how quality affects other factors.

Product quality is for the physical capabilities or the appearance of a product.

Service quality is how they serve their customers

And Experience quality leans more on the evaluation of both service and product quality. This is more
about the measurement of the product and service qualities.

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