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1. For the purposes of this policy, short-term absence is defined as absences of less than
two [or give other number] weeks.

2. An employee who is absent from work must contact their line manager by telephone,
within one hour of the employee’s usual work start time unless this is not possible.
Emails and text messages are not acceptable. Contacting a colleague is also not
acceptable, except in exceptional circumstances, such as an emergency. If it is not
possible the employee should contact their line manager as soon as possible, explaining
why s/he was not able to make contact earlier. The employee should contact their line
manager daily in accordance with this same reporting procedure.

3. Unless it is not possible, the employee should speak to the line manager directly. If the
line manager is not available, the line manager will return the phone call as soon as
possible so leave a clear message for them. Where someone else makes the call, the
employee should also contact the line manager as soon as possible, (e.g. once the initial
symptoms causing the inability to make personal contact have subsided), after a
message has been given to the line manager on their behalf.

4. The employee should explain the reason for the absence, the likely time that the
employee will be absent and explain whether s/he has sought medical assistance.

5. When the employee returns to work s/he should meet with his/her line manager to
discuss the absence at a return-to-work interview.

6. If the absence was for seven days or less the employee will be required to complete a
self-certification form on return to work.

7. An employee who has a poor attendance record [here you might want to specify a
certain number of days of absence in a certain period of time] might receive a
disciplinary warning. The company reserves the right to determine whether a
disciplinary warning is appropriate.

8. [Employees who are absent for more than [number] days in a [month/year] will not be
entitled to the company bonus unless the reason for the absence relates to a disability
or maternity/pregnancy].

© Agora Business Publications LLP. The information in this document is for general guidance only and is not intended to address the circumstances of any particular individual or
entity. The document may need to be tailored to suit individual circumstances and professional advice should be sought before any action is taken, or any decision is made to
refrain from action. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Agora Business Publications LLP and our contributors do not accept liability for any direct, indirect, special,
consequential or other losses or damages of whatsoever kind arising from any action or inaction of the user other than liability limited to the fee paid for the document.

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