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4/14/23, 9:20 AM Social Media Campaign Proposal- Outline - BEHS 364 7381 Alcohol in U.S.

cohol in U.S. Society (2232) - UMGC Learning Management System

Outline Rubric
Course: BEHS 364 7381 Alcohol in U.S. Society (2232)

Missing or Not
Excellent Good Fair Poor Criterion
Criteria 10 points 8 points 6 points 4 points
0 points

Uses outline Uses outline Uses outline May or may No / 10

on format. format. format. not be in introduction
Outline Outline Outline does format. -OR-
clearly mostly a fair job
describes describes describing  Outline
the problem the problem the problem does a fair is not related
to the
or issue or issue or issue job
being being being describing
studied and studied and studied and the problem
the rationale the rationale the rationale or issue
for selecting for selecting for selecting being
the the the
studied and
population. population. population.
the rationale
for selecting
Citations and Citations and Citations and the
correspondin correspondin correspondin population.
g references g references g references
included as included as included as Missing
appropriate. appropriate. appropriate. citations and
population. correspondin
g references
appropriate. 1/6
4/14/23, 9:20 AM Social Media Campaign Proposal- Outline - BEHS 364 7381 Alcohol in U.S. Society (2232) - UMGC Learning Management System

Missing or Not
Excellent Good Fair Poor Criterion
Criteria Acceptable
10 points 8 points 6 points 4 points Score
0 points

/ 10
Rationale Clear Mostly clear Fair rationale Poor No rationale
for rationale for rationale for provided for rationale for selecting
selecting a selecting a selecting a selecting a provided for a social
social social media social media social media selecting a media
media platform, platform, platform, social media platform.
platform including an including a including a platform.
Does not
that works excellent good fair May or may
identify why
best with comparison comparison comparison not include a
the chosen and contrast and contrast and contrast comparison the selected
social media
population of social of social of social and contrast
media media media of social platform
and state.
makes the
platforms. platforms. platforms. media
platforms. most sense
Clearly Identifies Identifies with the
identifies why the why the May or may chosen
why the selected selected not identify population
selected social media social media why the of interest
social media platform platform selected and the state
platform makes the makes the social media where the
makes the most sense most sense platform campaign
most sense with the with the makes the will be
with the chosen chosen most sense offered.
chosen population population with the
population of interest of interest chosen
of interest and the state and the state population
and the state where the where the of interest
where the campaign campaign and the state
campaign will be will be where the
will be offered. May offered. May campaign
offered. be missing be missing a will be
some minor few major offered.
Citations and details. details. Missing
g references Citations and Citations and details.
included as correspondin correspondin
appropriate. g references g references Missing
included as included as citations and
appropriate. appropriate. correspondin 2/6
4/14/23, 9:20 AM Social Media Campaign Proposal- Outline - BEHS 364 7381 Alcohol in U.S. Society (2232) - UMGC Learning Management System

Missing or Not
Excellent Good Fair Poor Criterion
Criteria Acceptable
10 points 8 points 6 points 4 points Score
0 points

g references

/ 10
Model Clearly Identifies an Identifies an Identifies an Outline does
evidenced identifies an evidence- evidence- evidence- not clearly
-based evidence- based based based identify an
program based program that program that program that evidence-
program that will serve as will serve as will serve as based
will serve as a model for a model for a model for program that
a model for the final the final the final will serve as
the final social media social media social media a model for
social media campaign, campaign, campaign, the final
campaign. but some but 1 or 2 but many social media
details are major details major details campaign.
Provides at missing. are missing. are missing.
least 3-4
citations and  Provides at  Provides at Provides at
correspondin least 3-4 least 2 least 1
g reference citations and citations and citation and
list that will correspondin correspondin correspondin
be g reference g reference g reference
incorporated list that will list that will list that will
into the final be be be
campaign incorporated incorporated incorporated
into the final into the final into the final
campaign. campaign. campaign. 3/6
4/14/23, 9:20 AM Social Media Campaign Proposal- Outline - BEHS 364 7381 Alcohol in U.S. Society (2232) - UMGC Learning Management System

Missing or Not
Excellent Good Fair Poor Criterion
Criteria 10 points 8 points 6 points 4 points
0 points

/ 10
Type of Excellent Good Fair Poor No
messaging description description description description description
and of the major of the major of the major of the major of the major
componen message and message and message and message and message and
ts you will elements elements elements elements elements to
use for that will be that will be that will be that will be be included
your included in included in included in included in in the
campaign the the the the campaign.
campaign. campaign. campaign. campaign.

The reader Some minor Some major Most major

can envision details details details are
what your missing, but missing that missing. The
final product reader can make it reader is
will be.  mostly difficult for unable to
envision the reader to envision
what your envision what your
final product what your final product
will be. final product will be.
will be. 4/6
4/14/23, 9:20 AM Social Media Campaign Proposal- Outline - BEHS 364 7381 Alcohol in U.S. Society (2232) - UMGC Learning Management System

Missing or Not
Excellent Good Fair Poor Criterion
Criteria 10 points 8 points 6 points 4 points
0 points

/ 10
Plans for Includes a Includes a Includes a Includes a Does not
measuring detailed detailed section section include a
program section section regarding regarding section
success regarding regarding measuremen measuremen regarding
measuremen measuremen t of program t of program measuremen
t of program t of program success. success. t of program
success. success. success.
This includes This includes
This includes This includes high user high user -OR-
high user high user engagement engagement
There are no
engagement engagement (e.g., hits, (e.g., hits,
(e.g., hits, (e.g., hits, likes, shares, likes, shares, plans that
identify how
likes, shares, likes, shares, etc.) as well etc.) as well
etc.) as well etc.) as well as other as other you will
as other as other ways that ways that know if your
ways that ways that you will you will campaign is
you will you will know if your know if your successful
know if your know if your campaign is campaign is with your
campaign is campaign is successful successful target
successful successful with your with your population.
with your with your target target
target target population. population.
population. population.
A few major A number of
A few minor details may major details
details may be missing. may be
be missing. missing.

Total / 50

Overall Score

Excellent Good Fair Poor

45 points minimum 40 points minimum 35 points minimum 0 points minimum 5/6
4/14/23, 9:20 AM Social Media Campaign Proposal- Outline - BEHS 364 7381 Alcohol in U.S. Society (2232) - UMGC Learning Management System 6/6

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