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From Boom to Bust: Analyzing Yahoo's Workforce ReductionStrategy During

Market Decline

Yahoo! Inc.

As part of the requirements in OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT AND TQM

(BUMA 20093)

Submitted by:

Tolentino, Karen J.

BSA 2 – 10

Submitted to:

Prof. Bonifacio P. Echauz



Yahoo! Inc. is an American multinational technology company that was founded in

January 1994 by Jerry Yang and David Filo. It is primarily known for its web portal, search
engine, and related services. Over the years, Yahoo! has evolved and expanded its
offerings, including email, news, finance, sports, and advertising. Yahoo! became one of
the pioneering companies during the early days of the internet and played a significant
role in shaping the online landscape.

Yahoo! initially relied on its own search engine technology to power its search
results. However, in 2009, it entered into a partnership with Microsoft, and Yahoo! Search
was powered by Bing, Microsoft's search engine. This partnership aimed to compete with
the dominant search engine, Google.


Foundation and Early Years (1994-1996): Yahoo! was founded by Jerry Yang
and David Filo in January 1994 while they were Ph.D. students at Stanford University.
Originally named "Jerry and David's Guide to the World Wide Web," it started as a
directory of websites organized in a hierarchical manner. As the directory grew, it
transformed into a web portal, and the company was officially incorporated as Yahoo! Inc.
in March 1995.

Rapid Growth and Expansion (1997-2000): Yahoo! experienced exponential

growth during the late 1990s, driven by its web portal and a wide range of services. It
went public in April 1996, raising substantial funds and becoming a prominent player in
the dot-com boom. Yahoo! expanded its services to include email (Yahoo! Mail), news,
finance, sports, and more. It also made strategic acquisitions like GeoCities (1999), an
early social networking and web hosting service.

Partnership with Microsoft and CEO Changes (2009-2012): In 2009, Yahoo!

entered into a partnership with Microsoft, where Bing, Microsoft's search engine, would

power Yahoo! Search. This move aimed to challenge Google's dominance in the search
engine market. Yahoo! went through several CEO changes during this period, including
Carol Bartz (2009-2011) and Scott Thompson (2012), as the company faced increasing
competition and financial challenges.

Acquisition by Verizon (2016): Yahoo! encountered significant struggles in the

2010s, dealing with declining revenue and security breaches. In 2016, Verizon
Communications acquired Yahoo!'s core internet business, including search, email, and
advertising assets, for approximately $4.83 billion. The acquisition was completed in June
2017, and Yahoo! Inc. became a part of Verizon's subsidiary, Oath Inc.

Transition to Altaba and Dissolution (2017-2019): After the acquisition, the

remaining assets of Yahoo! Inc. that were not acquired by Verizon, primarily consisting of
shares in Alibaba Group and Yahoo! Japan, were rebranded as Altaba Inc. in June 2017.
Altaba shifted its focus to managing these investments. However, in 2019, Altaba
announced its dissolution and the distribution of its assets to shareholders, marking the
end of Yahoo! Inc. as a separate entity



Porter’s Forces

Intensity of Competitive Rivalry

Yahoo! faces competition from well-established and dominant players in various

areas of its business. In search engines, Google has been the dominant player, with a
significant market share. Other competitors in search include Microsoft's Bing. In email
services, Gmail (Google) and Outlook (Microsoft) are prominent alternatives. Additionally,
there are numerous competitors in areas like news portals, content aggregation, and
online advertising platforms.

Yahoo! has experienced a decline in its market share and influence over the years.
It has faced difficulties in maintaining its user base, particularly in areas like search and
email services. The declining market share has diminished Yahoo!'s competitive position
and market power, reducing its ability to compete effectively.

Bargaining Power of Buyers

The availability of alternative services and platforms can increase the bargaining
power of buyers. In Yahoo!'s case, there are numerous competitors in various areas, such
as search engines (Google, Bing), email services (Gmail, Outlook), and news portals
(CNN, BBC). Users have the option to switch to alternative platforms if they find better
features, performance, or pricing.

Yahoo! historically had a large user base and was one of the most visited websites.
A significant user base can give buyers more bargaining power, as their collective
influence can impact the company's reputation and revenue. However, it's worth noting
that Yahoo!'s user base has diminished over the years, and its influence has decreased
as well.

Users' price sensitivity is another factor influencing their bargaining power. If

Yahoo!'s services have relatively low switching costs and users are highly price-sensitive,
they may have more leverage to demand lower prices or seek better deals. This is
particularly relevant for advertising services, where advertisers may negotiate pricing
based on the value they perceive.

Threat of Substitutes

One of Yahoo!'s primary services is its search engine. The dominant substitute in
this area is Google, which has a significant market share and is known for its search
capabilities. Other search engines like Bing and Microsoft Edge also provide alternatives
to Yahoo! Search. Users can easily switch to these substitutes if they find them to be
more efficient, accurate, or feature-rich.

Yahoo! offers various online services and apps, including weather, finance, and
sports. Substitute services and apps provided by other companies can fulfill similar needs,
often with their own unique features and advantages. Users may switch to substitutes
that offer a better user experience, more accurate information, or additional

Yahoo! Mail is also one of the main offerings from Yahoo!. There are numerous
substitute email services available, such as Gmail, Outlook (formerly Hotmail), and other
webmail providers. Users may switch to these alternatives based on factors like features,
user interface, storage capacity, and integration with other services.

Threat of New Entrants

Yahoo! has a long history and an established brand presence, particularly in the
early years of the internet. Its brand recognition and user base can act as a barrier to new
entrants, as it may be challenging for new players to gain the same level of trust,
reputation, and user loyalty.

Building and maintaining the technology infrastructure required to deliver services

at the scale of Yahoo! can be a significant barrier for new entrants. Developing robust
search engines, email systems, content platforms, and advertising networks requires
substantial investments in technology, data centers, and human resources.

The technological landscape is always changing, and new innovations have the
potential to displace established firms. While this offers an opportunity for new entrants,
it may also provide a challenge if they find it difficult to stay up with changing trends and
technologies. Yahoo! has struggled to keep up with the rapid changes in consumer
preferences and technical advancements, which could present openings for swift new
competitors.to substitutes. Overall, the threat of substitute products is assessed as

Bargaining Power of Suppliers

Yahoo! relies on suppliers for its technology infrastructure, including servers, data
centers, networking equipment, and software. The bargaining power of these suppliers
may be influenced by factors such as the availability of alternative suppliers, the
uniqueness of the technology or infrastructure, and the overall demand for their products.

Yahoo! may engage various service providers and outsourcing partners for
functions like customer support, data analysis, and technical operations. The bargaining
power of these suppliers can be influenced by factors such as the availability of alternative
service providers, the quality of their services, and the cost-effectiveness of outsourcing

As an advertising platform, Yahoo! works with advertising networks, agencies, and

partners to deliver targeted ads to its users. The bargaining power of these suppliers may
depend on factors such as their market share, the effectiveness of their advertising
solutions, and the availability of alternative advertising platforms.


Political Factors

a. Government Policies: Changes in policies, such as net neutrality or data

localization requirements, may require Yahoo! Inc. to adapt its strategies and
operations accordingly.

b. Government Surveillance & Data Requests: Internet companies like Yahoo!

Inc. may face requests from governments for user data or be subject to
surveillance programs.

c. International Relations: Yahoo! Inc. operates globally, and geopolitical

tensions, trade disputes, or sanctions between countries can impact its business.

Restrictions on cross-border data flows, trade tariffs, or diplomatic tensions can

affect Yahoo!'s ability to provide services and expand its operations.

d. Regulatory Environment: Regulations can cover areas such as data privacy,

consumer protection, intellectual property, content regulation, advertising
standards, and antitrust.

e. Corporate Taxes: Taxes on profits number is important for companies that

already have a sustainable business model, while taxes on operations is far more
significant if Yahoo! Inc. are looking to set up new operations.

Economic Factors

a. Macroeconomic Conditions: Factors such as GDP growth, inflation rates,

interest rates, and unemployment levels can influence consumer spending,
advertising budgets, and investment decisions.

b. Labor Market Conditions: The demand and supply of labor determine the
wage rates and supply of skilled workforce. Yahoo Inc. must study and predict the
labor market conditions to understand how it can attract talented workers and
leverage their skills to improve business performance.

c. Investment and Capital Expenditure: During economic downturns, companies

may delay or reduce investments in technology and advertising, which could affect
Yahoo! Inc.'s revenue and growth prospects.

d. Consumer Behavior: During economic downturns, consumers may reduce

discretionary spending, which could affect Yahoo! Inc.'s revenue from services
such as premium subscriptions or online shopping platforms.

e. Market Competition: Economic conditions may influence the entry of new

competitors, consolidation within the industry, or changes in market share. Yahoo!
Inc. needs to adapt to changing economic conditions to remain competitive.

Sociocultural Factors

a. User Demographics and Behavior: The demographics and behavior of

internet users can affect Yahoo! Inc.'s user base, engagement levels, and
advertising targeting.

b. Social Media Influence: The popularity of social media and its influence on
news consumption and online interactions can impact Yahoo! Inc.'s position as a
provider of news, content, and communication services.

c. Online Communities and Content Moderation: Yahoo! Inc. needs to address

challenges related to user-generated content, community guidelines, and content
moderation policies.

d. Ethical Considerations: Socially responsible practices, such as sustainable

operations, diversity and inclusion efforts, and corporate social responsibility
initiatives, can impact Yahoo! Inc.'s brand perception and reputation.

e. Privacy and Data Protection: Concerns about data security, online privacy,
and the collection and use of personal information can impact user trust and
influence their willingness to use Yahoo! Inc.'s services.

Technological Factors

a. Rapid Technological Advancements: The internet industry is characterized

by rapid technological advancements, and Yahoo! has had to adapt to keep pace
with changing trends. Technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine
learning, cloud computing, and big data analytics have had an impact on Yahoo!'s
operations, including search algorithms, advertising targeting, content
personalization, and data management.

b. Mobile Technology and Mobile Internet: The company had to adapt its
services and platforms to be mobile-friendly and offer mobile apps to cater to users
accessing the internet through mobile devices.

c. User Experience and Interface Design: Yahoo! has had to invest in interface
design, usability testing, and user research to enhance its platforms, services, and
apps. The company has focused on providing responsive and user-friendly
interfaces to meet evolving user expectations and maintain competitiveness.

d. Search Engine Technology: As a search engine provider, Yahoo! has had to

continually invest in search engine technology to deliver relevant and accurate
search results to its users. Advancements in search algorithms, natural language
processing, and machine learning have influenced Yahoo!'s search capabilities
and its ability to compete with other search engines.

Legal Factors

a. Jurisdictional Compliance: Yahoo! Inc. operates globally, and it must comply

with the laws and regulations of the countries where it conducts business. This
includes local business registration, tax compliance, financial reporting, and other
legal requirements specific to each jurisdiction.

b. Intellectual Property Rights: Yahoo! Inc. must protect its own intellectual
property, such as patents, trademarks, and copyrights, and respecting the
intellectual property rights of others is crucial to avoid legal disputes and maintain
a competitive advantage.

c. Advertising and Marketing Regulations: Internet advertising is subject t

various regulations, including those related to deceptive advertising, consumer
protection, disclosure requirements, and advertising to children.

d. Content Regulation: Internet companies like Yahoo! Inc. may be subject to

regulations related to content moderation, hate speech, defamation, copyright
infringement, and illegal activities.

e. Employment and Labor Laws: Yahoo! Inc. must adhere to employment and
labor laws, including those related to wages, working hours, employee benefits,
discrimination, and workplace safety.

Environment Factors

a. Green Initiatives and Sustainability: Yahoo! has shown a commitment to

sustainability and environmental responsibility through initiatives such as
renewable energy usage, waste reduction, and carbon offset programs.
Demonstrating a proactive approach to sustainability can enhance Yahoo!'s
reputation, attract environmentally conscious users and partners, and align with
evolving consumer expectations.

b. Climate Change and Energy Consumption: Yahoo! Inc. may face pressure
to reduce its energy consumption, transition to renewable energy sources, and
implement energy-efficient practices in its data centers and operations.

c. Environmental Regulations: Excessive resource depletion by Yahoo Inc. can

draw the negative response from media, environment protection groups,
customers and the general public.

d. Energy Consumption and Carbon Footprint: The operation of data centers

and other technology infrastructure requires significant energy consumption.
Yahoo! has recognized the importance of reducing its carbon footprint and has
implemented measures to increase energy efficiency and utilize renewable energy
sources where possible. Environmental concerns related to energy consumption
and carbon emissions can influence Yahoo!'s sustainability efforts and reputation.

Entity’s Vision, Mission and Main Objective & Core Values

Vision Statement

To be the premier digital media company, by delivering engaging and personalized

experiences to users across the globe.

Mission Statement

“Want to connect people to their passion, communities and world’s knowledge”

(Baker, 2007). To provide personal digital experience to their customers so that they
remain happy doing things they like, especially in the web and to provide a unique way
for the advertiser to connect to the consumers and help to build their business (Yahoo
FAQ, 2012).

Main Objective

To provide a wide range of online products and services that catered to users'
needs, including search, email, news, finance, sports, entertainment, and more.

Core Values

Yahoo! Inc. has outlined six Core values that drive the company forward. These
are namely (Yahoo Values, 2004).

a. Excellence: The Company mentions of it always seeking quality and knowing

that success should never be taken for granted and hence learning from its own

b. Innovation: The Company believes in creativity and is ready to adapt to

changes in mark trends and respond with calculated and responsible steps.

c. Customer Fixation: The Company is always looking to maintain the trust of the
customers and respond to the customers’ needs and try to exceed them.

d. Teamwork: The Company believes in and tries to encourage the best of the
ideas from the entire organization and to foster collaboration and yet maintain
individual accountability.

e. Community: The Company seeks to serve both communities globally and the
Internet Community as a whole in general.

f. Fun: The Company also possesses a sense of humor and believes that the
same is essential to the success of the company and also does appreciate and
celebrate their achievement.

Estimated Time Setting of the Case Analysis

The initial signs of market decline for Yahoo! Inc. as a dominant player in the market
can be traced back to the early 2000s up to the present and most of the data were
collected from the market share, financial performance, user engagement, failed
acquisitions, and eventual acquisition recorded by Verizon Communications.

Current Situation of UPS

Yahoo! Inc. was still in operation as a subsidiary of Verizon Communications and

Yahoo, has currently been owned by private equity firm Apollo Global Management
since a $5bn buyout in 2021. The company maintained its own website and mobile
apps, where users could access Yahoo's various online services and content. It also
had partnerships with other companies and provided a platform for advertising and
monetization. However, as of February 2023, Yahoo! Inc. had cut off more than 20% of
its total 8,600 workforce as part of a major restructuring.

Statement of Problem

Problem Statement:

Yahoo! Inc., once a dominant player in the internet industry, has been continuously
facing significant challenges in maintaining its market position, and financial performance
of the company in the face of increasing competition and changing consumer preferences
in the digital industry. For years it has been cutting off its workforce due to the decline in
its financial performance, in hopes of restoring and restructuring its company. However,
workforce cuts can have long-term implications for innovation and growth. This hinders
the company's ability to innovate, develop new products or services, and stay competitive
in the market.

Research Question:

How can Yahoo! Inc. divert its Workforce Cut Strategy into a more efficient way to avoid
any future market declines?

Causes or Symptoms of the Problem

• Market Decline: Yahoo! Inc.'s market share in various segments, such as search
engines and online advertising, has significantly declined over the years.
According to StatCounter, Yahoo's search engine market share decreased from
around 12% in 2010 to 1.11% in 2023, while Google's market share continued to
• Cost Control: Yahoo! implemented workforce cuts as part of its cost-saving
measures to align its resources with the evolving market dynamics and improve
overall financial performance.
• Business Restructuring: Yahoo! underwent several strategic restructuring efforts
aimed at focusing on its core business and streamlining operations.
• Mergers & Acquisitions: Yahoo! engaged in various mergers and acquisitions
throughout its history, which often resulted in overlapping roles and redundant

positions. Workforce cuts were sometimes necessary to integrate acquired

companies and eliminate duplication of roles and functions.
• Technological Advancements: Yahoo! faced challenges in adapting to new
trends and user preferences the company had to reallocate resources, invest in
new technologies, and reposition its workforce, often resulting in workforce
reductions in certain areas.



1. Strong Brand Recognition: Yahoo! Inc. has a well-established and recognized

brand, particularly in the areas of email, search, and news.

2. Diverse Product Portfolio: Yahoo! Inc. offers a diverse range of online

products and services, including email, search, finance, sports, entertainment, and
more. This breadth of offerings provides the company with a wide user base and
revenue streams.

3. Large User Base: Yahoo! Inc. has a significant user base, with millions of users
worldwide accessing its various platforms and services.

4. Advertising Capabilities: Yahoo! Inc. has a robust advertising platform that

allows businesses to reach a broad audience through display advertising,
sponsored search, and native advertising.


1. Declining Market Share: Yahoo! Inc. has faced challenges in maintaining its
market share, particularly in the search engine and email sectors, where
competitors like Google and Microsoft have dominated.

2. Limited Differentiation: Yahoo! Inc. has struggled to differentiate itself from

competitors in terms of its core offerings, often being perceived as lagging behind
in innovation and user experience.

3. Dependency on Partnerships: Yahoo! Inc. has relied on partnerships for

certain services, such as search and advertising, which can limit its control and
ability to adapt to market changes.


1. Mobile and App Market Growth: The increasing usage of mobile devices
presents opportunities for Yahoo! Inc. to leverage its products and services in the
mobile and app market, targeting a growing user base.

2. Data-driven Advertising: Yahoo! Inc. can capitalize on its user data and
analytics capabilities to offer targeted and personalized advertising solutions,
catering to the growing demand for data-driven advertising.

3. Expansion into Emerging Markets: Yahoo! Inc. can explore opportunities to

expand its presence in emerging markets, where internet penetration and digital
adoption are growing rapidly.


1. Intense Competition: Yahoo! Inc. operates in a highly competitive industry,

facing intense competition from major internet companies, search engines, social
media platforms, and emerging technologies.

2. Changing User Behavior: Shifts in user preferences and behavior, such as

increased mobile usage and the rise of social media platforms, can pose a threat
to Yahoo! Inc.'s traditional services and user engagement.

3. Data Privacy and Regulatory Challenges: Increased scrutiny on data privacy

and regulations, such as the GDPR and CCPA, can present challenges for Yahoo!
Inc. in terms of compliance and potential reputational damage.

Alternative Formulation and Evaluation

I. Three (3) Alternative Formulations

a. Alternative 1: Invest in Upskilling & Reskilling Programs to enhance the

capabilities of its employees.

Instead of solely focusing on workforce reduction, the formulation suggests

investing in talent retention and development initiatives. This can involve
implementing programs to enhance employee engagement, training and upskilling
opportunities, and creating a positive work environment that fosters innovation and

b. Alternative 2: Assess the core competencies and strengths of Yahoo! and

streamline operations to focus on these areas.

By concentrating efforts on core products, services, or markets where

Yahoo! has a competitive advantage, the company can optimize its resources and
potentially minimize the impact of market decline on its workforce.

c. Alternative 3: Encourage a culture of innovation and diversification within

Yahoo! to identify and capitalize on new market opportunities.

Allocate dedicated resources, such as time, budget, and tools, to support

innovation initiatives. This could include innovation labs, prototyping facilities, and
access to emerging technologies.

II. Evaluation of Alternatives as to Advantages and Disadvantages

• Invest in Upskilling & Reskilling Programs:

Advantages: Upskilling and reskilling programs can help Yahoo! employees

acquire new skills and competencies necessary to keep pace with rapid
technological advancements. This will allow the company to stay relevant in a
dynamic digital landscape and leverage emerging technologies effectively. While
investing in upskilling and reskilling programs incurs upfront costs, it can result in
long-term cost savings. By developing existing employees rather than hiring
external candidates, companies can save on recruitment and onboarding

Disadvantage: Implementing comprehensive upskilling and reskilling programs

can involve significant financial investments for Yahoo! Inc. Budget constraints
may pose challenges in allocating resources to such programs. Yahoo! Inc. may
need to allocate budgets for training materials, instructors, technology, and
employee time away from regular work, which can be challenging during cost-
cutting periods.

• Assess the core competencies and strengths of Yahoo! and streamline

operations to focus on these areas:

Advantage: Streamlining operations based on core competencies enables Yahoo!

to allocate resources more efficiently. By streamlining operations around core
competencies, Yahoo! can gain a competitive advantage over rivals. The company
can differentiate itself by focusing on what it does best, offering unique value
propositions, and delivering superior products or services in those areas. This
competitive advantage can lead to increased market share and consumer loyalty.

Disadvantage: Focusing solely on core competencies makes Yahoo! more

vulnerable to market volatility or disruptions in specific sectors. Economic
downturns or industry changes related to the core areas of operation can have a

significant impact on the company's revenue and profitability. This risk emphasizes
the need for ongoing monitoring and adaptability to mitigate market-related
• Encourage a culture of innovation and diversification within Yahoo!:

Advantage: By fostering a culture of innovation and diversification, Yahoo! can

actively seek out new market opportunities. This can lead to the identification of
untapped customer needs, emerging trends, and potential growth areas. It can
also give Yahoo! a competitive edge. By continuously exploring and capitalizing
on new market opportunities, the company can differentiate itself from competitors.

Disadvantage: Pursuing innovation and diversification requires dedicated

resources, including financial investment, time, and talent. Allocating resources
across multiple initiatives can be challenging and may spread the company's
resources too thin. It is important for Yahoo! to carefully prioritize and manage
resource allocation to ensure sustainable growth.

Conclusion or Recommendation

In conclusion, to address the declining market and workforce reduction, Yahoo!

Inc. needs to undergo a comprehensive transformation. Embracing digital transformation,
focusing on core competencies, investing in upskilling, fostering innovation, exploring
strategic partnerships, and enhancing the user experience are essential strategies to
revitalize the company's growth and competitiveness. By implementing these
recommendations, Yahoo! may regain its market presence while positioning itself as a
dynamic and adaptable participant in the rapidly changing digital ecosystem.

Relevance to the Topic

This case shows that cutting off people in operations will not ensure the marketable
success and progress of a company but rather their expertise and commitment ensures
that the organization can adapt, optimize operations, and maintain a motivated and skilled
workforce, even in challenging market conditions. And, by proactively designing jobs that
meet the evolving needs of the market, organizations can position themselves for long-
term success and sustainability.

Two (2) Operation Management Principles Advocated in Your Case

1. Capacity Planning Principle:

It involves effectively managing the resources and capabilities of an

organization to meet the demand for its products or services. Instead of resorting
to workforce cuts, Yahoo! Inc. can focus on optimizing its capacity planning
processes. This principle emphasizes forecasting future demand accurately,
balancing resources to meet the demand, and identifying opportunities for
increasing efficiency and productivity.

2. Product & Service Development:

This principle emphasizes a proactive approach to product and service

development, enabling Yahoo! Inc. to differentiate itself and mitigate the impact of
market decline without solely relying on reducing its workforce. By leveraging
customer insights, market research, and emerging technologies, Yahoo! Inc. can
enhance its competitive advantage and capture new market opportunities.
• About Yahoo! Inc.: https://www.yahooinc.com/about/
• Brief History of Music While You Work:
• Verizon Communications, Inc. (Interactive Stock Chart - Yahoo Finance):
• Statcounter Global Stats: https://gs.statcounter.com/search-engine-market-share

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