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America's welfare and how it impacts the society

By (student’s Name)



Professor’s Name

Date of substitution

Outline on How America's welfare hurts the people it's supposed to help


1. Topic sentence: Despite its good intentions, America's welfare system can hurt the

people it is designed to help.

2. Definitions: Welfare is a government-funded support system that provides assistance to

individuals and families who are struggling to meet their basic needs (Food, shelter, and

medical care) (Rochefort, 2019). It is meant to be a safety net for those struggling


3. Other issues presented in this topic area: The effectiveness of welfare programs in

reducing poverty, the impact of welfare on work incentives, and the potential for welfare

fraud and abuse (Leventi, Sutherland & Tasseva, 2019).


1. Case study: Mary is a single mother with two young children. She receives food stamps

and cash assistance through the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)

program. Despite receiving this assistance, Mary is still struggling to make ends meet.

She cannot afford a safe and stable home for her family (Boston, 2019). In her own

words, Mary states that her children often go without necessities like new clothes and

school supplies.

2. Analysis: Mary's situation highlights the limitations of America's welfare system. While

her assistance may provide temporary relief, it does not address the root causes of her

financial struggles (Miyamoto, 2020). In order for welfare to be truly effective, it must be

combined with other programs and policies that address issues such as low wages,

affordable housing, and access to education and training (Rambert, 2021)


3. Closing: Mary's story underscores the need for a comprehensive approach to addressing

poverty in America. While welfare can provide a temporary safety net, it is not a long-

term solution. Instead, we need to address the underlying issues that cause poverty and

work towards creating a more equitable and just society.


1. Connection to thesis statement: Mary's case illustrates how America's welfare system

can hurt the people it is meant to help. While she receives assistance, it is not enough to

lift her out of poverty and provide her family with a stable and secure future.

2. Summary of evidence: Through Mary's case, we can see the limitations of welfare and

the need for a more comprehensive approach to addressing poverty.

3. Personal Commentary: To address these issues, policies must be considered that work

towards eliminating poverty within American societies. Such policies include increasing

the minimum wage, providing affordable housing, and expanding access to education and

training. By taking a more holistic approach, we can be able to create a society that truly

supports and uplifts all of its members.



Boston, J. (2019). Redesigning the welfare state: rethinking the indexation of cash and non-cash

assistance. Policy Quarterly, 15(1).

Leventi, C., Sutherland, H., & Tasseva, I. V. (2019). Improving poverty reduction in Europe:

What works best where?. Journal of European Social Policy, 29(1), 29-43.

Miyamoto, M. (2020). Poverty reduction saves forests sustainably: Lessons for deforestation

policies. World Development, 127, 104746.

Rambert, O. (2021). The absent Black father: Race, the welfare-child support system, and the

cyclical nature of fatherlessness. UCLA L. Rev., 68, 324.

Rochefort, D. A. (2019). American social welfare policy: Dynamics of formulation and change.


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